How to pronounce Yi, how to pronounce Yi

Contents of this article

  • 1.How to pronounce Yi
  • 2.How to pronounce Yi
  • 3. Try to pronounce the pinyin as much as possible
  • 4.What is the pronunciation of the character Sheng?

How to pronounce Yi

The pronunciation of the character "濇" is (yì), with the initial consonant y and the final consonant ì.

How far is it from Huang Kejing Bridge from Jiangmen to Huangpu District in Guangzhou?

Contents of this article

  • 1. How many kilometers is it from Jiangmen to Huangpu District, Guangzhou?
  • 2. Where is this bridge in English?
  • 3.Huang Xuanchong Memorial Bridge
  • 4. How far is it from Jiangmen to Xinhui Gudou Hot Spring?

How far is it from Jiangmen to Huangpu District, Guangzhou?

Driving route: The total distance is about 119.3 kilometers

Starting point: Huang Kejing Bridge

1. Jiangmen city driving plan