
Contents of this article

  • 1. Excellent composition of 800 words on Rain and Dew
  • 2. Excellent composition of 800 words on Rain and Dew
  • 3. What song is it about when I cry and when I laugh?
  • 4. Where did Yang Jinze learn electronic keyboard from Zhejiang Road Primary School in Tanggu, Tianjin?

Excellent composition of 800 words on Rain and Dew

  In our ordinary daily life, many of us have written compositions. Compositions must focus on the theme and make in-depth explanations around the same theme. Avoid rambling, scattered themes or even no theme. Have no clue when it comes to writing an essay? The following is the excellent Yulu composition I have compiled for you. You are welcome to learn from and refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 1

  After studying the text "Love Like Jasmine", our hearts were cleansed. This is the first time we have learned about articles about love, to be precise, the relationship between husband and wife. After studying this text, when doing exercises, we have to think over and over again: Apart from jasmine, what else can true love be compared to? What is the purest thing to compare true love to? What is the most selfless thing to compare true love to? Now I have the right answer! That is - rain and dew.

  What is rain and dew? To put it bluntly, it is just a drop of water, an ordinary drop of water. How can it be compared to true love? People usually give things that symbolize true love to their lovers. Most of them are red roses. But how to give each other rain and dew? Yes, it is because of the incomprehensible gift that shows the preciousness of love.

  Rain and dew are an ordinary drop of water, but it is also a drop of water falling from the sky! She is the tears of an angel. I think one day, the angel saw the dry land, with no grass growing. At this time, the earth is like a weather-beaten old man, whose skin has become chapped. Seeing the condition of the earth, it still needs to support humans. She couldn't help but shed sad tears. The more she cried, the more heartbroken she became, and all her tears spilled on the dry earth. From then on, the earth was nourished by angels, and plants grew, with green grass. He can feed all living creatures again! When the following spring came, the angel saw that the earth was ablaze with life, and she was moved to tears. If you want to ask why it is like this every year, it is because the earth has new changes every year!

  Isn't rain and dew the gift given to the earth by angels? Rain and dew are crystal clear, like crystals, but when they fall, they blend into the soil...·Perhaps, she lives for dedication, giving up her life to contribute to others, angel Sprinkle them down, what is sprinkled is love, what is sprinkled is moisture, but what is sprinkled is faith! It is priceless love!

Excellent composition on rain and dew 2

  "Sneaked into the night wind, moisten things silently". The rain nourishes the flowers and plants, the well water nourishes the seedlings, and the rain and dew of friendship nourishes the dry heart.

  In an unknown street, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, strong winds and heavy rain. My good friend Yang Jinze and I were hiding under a palm-sized umbrella, talking and laughing, as if the violent storm around us had nothing to do with us.

  Just when we were immersed in the joy of chatting, a filthy ditch stretched across in front of us like a giant python falling from the sky. I quickly observed carefully and found that there were only two narrow passages around that could pass through the ditch, but there was still a certain distance between the two passages, which separated us. At this time, there is only one umbrella. We didn't speak to each other, there was no expression on our faces, and we didn't even look at each other, so we had to move on.

  At this critical moment, whose head should the umbrella be held on? The two hands of the two of us holding the umbrella subconsciously relaxed and used our strength on the umbrella at the same time without any thought. Naturally, we wanted to protect each other from the rain. At that moment, our thoughts were surprisingly consistent. The two of them released their hands with different hands on the umbrella handle at the same time. A crisp sound of "bah" disturbed our thoughts, and crystal clear water splashed on us, and the water surface There are ripples filled with the power of friendship. We looked up in panic and looked at each other's eyes that were soaked by the rain. The rain and dew of friendship instantly flooded each other's hearts.

  Friendship is like fire, taking away the biting chill; friendship is like a lamp, dispelling the dark clouds in the heart. But at this moment, friendship is more like rain and dew, nourishing the young man's heart. At that moment, I seemed to taste the taste of rain and dew, sweet and meaningful...

Excellent composition on rain and dew 3

  Hey, dear friend, I think you will like this vibrant strawberry. Unexpectedly, you would say to me: "The fruits are plump and bright red. I really like them. But the rain and dew on the green leaves catch people's attention first."

  I smiled softly and stared thoughtfully at those crystal clear "little things". I could only hear you saying in my ears: "Everyone loves strawberries, but maybe I just want to be a drop of clean rain and dew." ”

  After you finished speaking, you walked away. Looking at your back, I couldn't help but think in my heart: "If you want to drop rain and dew, can you afford a life of rain and dew?"

  If you want to make a drop of rain and dew, you must be selfless and don't like to show off. The color of the night slowly faded, the newborn sun revealed its young face bit by bit, and the little rain and dew nourished all living things. All living things began to grow up slowly, and people's eyes were attracted by it, ignoring the beautiful scenery under the leaves. Transparent and clean figure. I only heard people praising the red flowers and green leaves, praising the fruitful fruits, but never heard anyone praising the little rain and dew. They were just forgotten, but there was no complaint.

  If you want to make a drop of rain and dew, your time in this world will be extremely short. The sun is rising higher and higher, and the rain and dew will slowly disappear. The rain and dew are no longer forgotten, but have disappeared into the heaven and earth, and no one can find them. But the life of rain and dew continues on all living things. The green leaves and bright red fruits are the continuation of the life of rain and dew. It devotes its life to all living things, and its life continues on all living things. Flowers bloom and fall, and it never goes far.

  If you want to make drops of rain and dew, you need to endure the endless darkness. The sun sets, stars fill the sky, and the rain and dew lie quietly among the flowers and leaves, counting the stars calmly. The night time can only be endured quietly, endured, and endured, waiting for the day to come, then nourishing all things, and then gradually disappearing.

  My friend, do you still think you are willing to be a raindrop? Rain and dew will disappear from the earth, but they will exist in all things in the form of nothingness. Are you still willing to be a drop of crystal clear rain and dew?

Excellent composition on rain and dew 4

  The pitter-pattering raindrops fell and sprinkled densely on everything, moistening everything silently, as if floating into my heart, dripping and dripping, condensing into crystal clear rain and dew.

  That autumn, the fallen leaves were flying. When I gingerly put the report card into your hands, I clenched my hands and shook my head, not daring to look at you. Like the calm before the storm, you were silent for a while, but the situation that worried me did not happen. You gently placed your broad palm on my head and looked at me kindly. Instead of scolding or cursing, you gave me encouragement and care. Some cracks appeared in my frozen heart.

  You always put me first, just like the earth cannot be separated from the sun, and flowers and plants cannot be separated from the land. When I was a child, I always liked to ride on your head, and you would lead me around, exhausted but still smiling. You also had great ambitions, saying that you would take me all over the country and eat all the delicacies from the mountains and seas. As you enter middle age, you always look like you won't admit defeat. You always strive for the best in everything you do, and you have the spirit of "what can the passing years do to me".

  Later, you fell ill, lying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling in trance. Your hair is gradually thinning, and I have to pick out the few hidden gray hairs that I don’t want to see. I finally hope that you will recover from your illness, but your energy is not as good as before, and your legs and feet are inconvenient. You never complain, but just endure it all silently.

  Until one day, it rained heavily, but I was stuck in school because I didn't bring an umbrella. When I was at a loss, I saw you holding a big dark green umbrella and walking slowly towards me. The wind and rain couldn't stop you, so my eyes became moist, and my frozen heart was instantly broken. I rushed towards you, and the rain washed away my face and body, and also washed away my dusty heart. I hugged you tightly, and two lines of tears fell from your eyes, fell on my shoulders, and also fell in my heart.

  When I was a child, I was like a seedling, needing the shelter of your tall green shade to condense the rainwater into rain and dew, nourishing me. And I was like you at that time, looking at your dry branches. I used my green shade to block the heavy rain for you, leaving only the rain and dew, nourishing your soul, and being the one who accompanies you to the end, father. !

Excellent composition on rain and dew 5

  The bell that rings the passage of time is full of passion and hope for the future.

  Lying in bed, the house is so quiet that I feel lonely. Sometimes I feel confused, sometimes I giggle, sometimes I feel so lonely that I hug my head and cry... It is dark all around, and I look at the stars in the sky. , smiled at me kindly. "I wonder if these stars are shining so that everyone can find their own one one day." Yes, on the other side of the Pacific, there is a person who is missing me in front of the computer and reading my Words are secretly crying for me. "If you are not happy, when you miss me, look at the sky. One day, you will find the star that belongs to you and me!" Light the candle, let its light surround me, lift the candle, and put it to my mouth, Take a deep breath, blow it out... ...and tell yourself: Happy birthday!

  Candles, yearnings, ignorance... accompanied me as I grew up.

  Walking on the crowded streets, strangers come one after another... In the years when I was growing up, it was you who told me that "people can live without hope." The flying feathers carry the sweat of generations. They all have a common hope and a common goal - that is to win the championship. Na sweats profusely every day and works as hard as the "boss" Lin Dan, but he gets the title of "the second best in a thousand years." How worthless was that moment? But Bao Chunlai never complained or felt helpless. Keep training, training...

  And when I couldn't hit some balls, I would just throw my racket there and cry helplessly. And have I ever summarized why?

  It's you who make me regain my confidence and hope. Every day is a new beginning. In the past it was just the scattered fallen leaves. As for us, living in this world, only by living today with our heart can we be worthy of our efforts yesterday.

  Confused again and again, failed again and again, and regained hope again and again...

  Don't be confused

  don't linger

  Don't let the clouds cover your eyes

  Don't let weakness defeat strength

  Let your heart fly


  Not far away!

Excellent composition on rain and dew 6

  Plant a seed, the rain and dew will wake it up, the rain and dew will accompany it to grow, and the rain and dew will accompany it to grow old. The moment it disappears, it will turn into millions of rain and dew to nourish all things.

  When I was a child, every night, I would pick up a chair and hurried out with my grandparents who also carried chairs. What to do? Go to the theater! Every year from March to September, different troupes come to the town to perform. Even though I didn't understand the content of the play very well when I was young, I still found it very interesting to watch the characters with painted faces jumping around on the stage. Last year, after many years, I went to listen to a play with my grandma again. This time I understood the content of the play. The play was called "Qin Xianglian" and it told the story of a heartless man who abandoned his wife and children for the sake of glory and wealth. The characters on the stage cried and laughed, and I couldn't help but clap my hands when the performance reached its climax. When the plot reached its lowest point, I couldn't help but feel sad.

  Grandma told me that when they were very young, a troupe came to perform here. The content of the play is the stories that have been passed down through the ages formed by the common people in the long and hard-working years of the sun and moon. Most of the stories are about punishing rape and eradicating evil or pursuing beautiful love stories, and the contents are all optimistic. At that time, drama was of great significance to my grandma's generation, leading their generation to grow healthily and inspiring them to work hard.

  Although my passion for drama is not as great as that of my grandma’s generation, I still love it extremely much. To me, drama is like rain and dew, which has always been nourishing my tree of life. When I am frustrated, a little opera cheers me up; when I am sad, a little opera relieves all my worries; when I am confused, a little opera is like a lighthouse, guiding me home.

  I think that when I have children, I will definitely tell them the story of my father and the play. If I have the opportunity, I will also take them to listen to a play myself. Let them reminisce about the life in this play, and let the rain and dew nourish their hearts. This can be regarded as a kind of inheritance of the play.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 7

  Who was pregnant in ten months and gave birth to our lives? Who takes care of us meticulously and carefully protects our growth? And who is always by our side when we are most helpless and in need of help? The answer is undoubtedly mother.

  Hu Xiaonao signed up for summer camp in order to escape from his mother's constraints. During this period, Hu Xiaonao met a "strange" mother and daughter. The daughter was named Xiaoxiao, who was extremely thin. She suffered from cirrhosis and needed a liver transplant. She could only sit in a wheelchair every day. In order to transplant a liver for Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao’s mother, who suffered from severe fatty liver disease, decided to lose weight. She only ate fist-sized rice every day and walked 10 kilometers, rain or shine... The affection between mother and daughter moved me deeply. It made me feel the sacredness and greatness of maternal love. Because of love, she can walk 10 kilometers a day without fear of the scorching sun, sweating like rain but not caring; because of love, she can still insist on "running wild" even when she is not feeling well; because of love, she is no longer ordinary.

  The little transplant was a huge success. The first thing Xiaoxiao's mother did when she woke up was to beg the nurse to take her to see Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao's mother was lying on the hospital bed, turning her head and pressing her hands tightly against the window, as if she could get closer to Xiaoxiao. , being able to touch her... Time seemed to stop, the air became stagnant, and only a string of crystal tears fell down the little mother's face!

  At this moment, Hu Xiaonao woke up. Mother's love is not a restriction, but the "rain and dew of love" that nourishes the heart and warms the life. It merges in the mother's tears and becomes the strongest, bravest and fearless force in the world!

Excellent composition on rain and dew 8

  The rain in early summer comes at any time, covering the vast land...

  It was getting dark, and the people seemed to be out of breath. "Wow... Wow..." The heavy rain poured down without warning. There were gradually more people in the classroom corridors. Parents rushed to their children at a speed of 100 meters. The quiet campus suddenly boiled. The students were picked up by their parents one by one, and there were fewer and fewer people on campus.

  I looked for my mother in the crowd. Ten minutes passed, but my mother still didn't appear. I was disappointed. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, with no intention of stopping. Twenty minutes, thirty minutes passed, and my mother was still missing. At this time, I was extremely anxious, uneasy and at the same time, anger began to burn in my heart: "Huh, if you don't come to pick me up, I will go back in the rain by myself." I thought bitterly, then rushed into the heavy rain and ran towards home. .

  I finally returned to the door of my house, soaked all over, only to realize that I didn't have the key. I knocked on the door quickly and violently, but no one came to open the door! "My mother! Where have you been?" My anger has reached its limit. "It's enough if you don't pick me up. Now you won't open the door for me..."

  "Jiao! Why did you come back? Why didn't I see you at the school gate?" Mom's anxious voice came from behind, and she was heard. Mom was running in the rain, and even though she was wearing an umbrella, her trouser legs were already half wet. "Mom, you..." The words came to my lips but I couldn't say them out. I couldn't help but feel my heart tremble. I ran towards my mother quickly. The previous complaints melted into the rain. I held my mother's arm tightly, tightly...

Excellent composition on rain and dew 9

  Grass needs the watering of rain and dew to grow taller; flowers need the nourishment of rain and dew to bloom more beautifully; we need the nourishment of rain and dew to grow more healthily.

  Rain and dew are great

  Parents use their great love to nourish our growth. Every word or sentence in their mouths turns into rain and dew and grows with us. Parents’ nagging before going to school, parents’ teachings after exams, these are all so annoying to us. But without these, will your world be empty? Will our beautiful flowers wither?

  So parents' love is like rain and dew, it is great.

  Rain and dew are selfless

  Teachers use their hard work and sweat to nourish our growth. Every drop of their sweat turns into rain and dew, allowing us to grow healthily. When you make a mistake, the teacher's earnest teachings; when you lose concentration, the teacher's reminder, these all play an important role in our growth. Without these, the little tree would grow crooked; without the teachers working overtime and working day and night, we would not have heard such a perfect lesson.

  So the teacher's sweat is like rain and dew, and it is selfless.

  Rain and dew are small

  Friends nourish us with their words. When you are sad, a friend's words of comfort; when you hit rock bottom, a friend's words of encouragement. These are nourishing us all the time. Although friends are not as great as parents, nor are they as selfless as teachers. However, they will be happy with you when you are happy; they will give you comfort when you are sad; their mood changes with your mood and will make you happier.

  So the words of friends are like rain and dew, and they are insignificant.

  Flowers will wither without the nourishment of rain and dew; grass will wither and turn yellow without the nourishment of rain and dew; without the love of parents, the hard sweat of teachers, and the words of comfort from friends, we will not grow up happily and healthily.

  Let us grow up healthily and happily under the nourishment of rain and dew!

Excellent composition on rain and dew 10

  One day, the father and son went for a walk in Daming Lake. The weather was gloomy and the air was dull. They were walking and chatting on the road. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind was blowing, and there was a muffled thunder from time to time. The father and son did not notice that a heavy downpour was coming! Suddenly, silver dragons appeared in the sky. Accompanied by a loud thunder, it began to rain heavily. There was no choice but to pay attention to the weather before going out. Neither father nor son took an umbrella.

  They first arrived at the door of a house and took shelter from the rain, but the rain was too heavy. The ground was covered with water, and the rain seemed endless. After half an hour, the father and son had no choice but to rush home. However, not long after they ran, the son was soaked all over and started sneezing. , can a father continue to run? So, the father hugged his son and ran under the eaves of that house. Anxiously waiting for the rain to stop...

  At this time, my father suddenly saw someone passing by holding an umbrella in front of him. My father quickly ran over and explained what happened to the person holding the umbrella. The man nodded and said, "Okay." Then he walked to the eaves with his father and picked up his son. The man said: "Where is your home? I will take you back."

  After the father and son got into the umbrella, they started walking home. It's a pity that God didn't do his best. The rain not only didn't stop, but got heavier and heavier, endless. The father and son felt uncomfortable, so they discussed it with the man. The father hugged his son and asked him to hold an umbrella. The two of them walked underneath, and their colleagues could also cover the person holding the umbrella. My son will not get caught in the rain, so the problem is solved smoothly. Best of both worlds.

  They wandered back home all the way. The father and son said thank you to the man holding the umbrella and wanted him to stay for dinner. But the person holding the umbrella said: "No, no, helping others is the foundation of happiness!" Hearing this. All three of them had bright smiles on their faces. It was also sunny by this time. The sun came out, and its brightness shone on the three of them.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 11

  In the summer, the downpour had just stopped. I had been taking a walk and closed the umbrella covered with rain and dew. I shook off the crystal rain and dew on the umbrella and let them return to the embrace of nature.

  I stood quietly in the wet grass, enjoying the fresh air after the rain. The sun shines on the earth through the clouds floating in the sky. The sunlight also shines through the gaps in the leaves and shines onto the grass. Squatting down, the grass that had just been washed by the rain was glowing new and brightly green. At this time, I discovered that there were large and transparent drops of rain and dew hanging on the tips of the grass blades, on the leaves, and on the stems. Some of the rain and dew hung on the leaf tips for a long time and refused to leave, while some slowly slid into the center of the leaves along the curved leaves.

  As the sky gets brighter and brighter, the sunlight makes the rain and dew appear particularly clear and transparent. No, the rain and dew seem to be slowly shrinking. No, the rain and dew seem to be smiling at the sunshine, enjoying the sunshine, as if the sunshine is its mother. Let's immerse ourselves in the warmth of love together, and do our best to make a contribution to the world before leaving. This can be considered the best reward for my mother!

  There was a time when the rain and dew disappeared for unknown reasons. The sun hangs anxiously in the sky, emitting strong light, waiting for the return of rain and dew. All things are also looking forward to the reunion of their mother and daughter, looking at the sun with dejected and sympathetic eyes. I stood on the river embankment and looked south. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, wind and rain, lightning and thunder, and rain fell from the sky. Pour it out. The rain seemed to be the tears of joy when the sun and rain came together, and the thunder was like the cry of joy when they came together. I stood in the rain with tears in my eyes, moved by their reunion.

  Sunshine, rain and dew, if there is no sunshine, how can there be the light of rain and dew; Sunshine, rain and dew, if there is no sunshine, how can there be the crystal clearness of rain and dew; Sunshine, rain and dew, if there is no sunshine, how can Yulu's life be valuable? Sunshine, rain and dew, if Without sunshine and selfless love, how could there be rain and dew? Then, the love of sunshine needs the return of rain and dew, but the love of sunshine can only be repaid by rain and dew! Yulu can only repay with his best efforts.

  Sunshine, rain and dew are an inseparable whole.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 12

  The spring rain fell all over the ground. At night, change clothes in the city bath. Everything happened quietly.

  Leaning against the window, listening to the sound of traffic, the second hand is ticking. One lap, two laps, three laps...

  The night becomes dark. The passing lights cut the two into an endless arc, stretching. The driver was steering the wheel and the street lights were jumping rapidly - "Home is ahead." He should be looking forward to his wife at home! The shining lights in that room, the "bleached walls" reflect the pale face, the wife is lingering in front of the door, and the door of the house is open for you.

  The moon ran out.

  Scattered moonlight falls frequently, illuminating the raindrops splashing on the white window after the rain. The wind swayed the swing playfully. Suddenly, Yuzhu's son was knocked to the ground. Like a rain curtain, no, more like a crystal clear lake, with small rocks not far away hitting scattered waves, followed by slightly undulating ripples. Picked by a passing child. The child was given to Grandpa. The trembling light in Grandpa's eyes was gathered into a pearl chain. It lasted for a long time and was soaked in fifty years. After a while, the gray temples shone like the nine-curved chain of Jiuzhaigou. The halo was hung around grandma's neck...

  The bus stopped, caught up with the passengers, and let go of the hard work along the way. The laughter and laughter left behind lingered on the way of the car. Look at the moon, hanging on the treetops, the bright moonlight, there are a few limericks.

  "The shadow is in front, the shadow is behind. The shadow always follows me."

  The shadows under the big trees and the lights evoke the dawn and dawn to wash away the dust in the soul. They are the thin shadows standing upright on guard. Looking back under the trees, there are straight tree poles.

  Late at night.

  On this peaceful night, I wish you and me a sweet dream.

  That morning, the trees on both sides of the avenue sprouted new branches.

  This is Dongguan, this is the city where I live. I would like to hold hands with you, embrace the rain again, and feel the blessings of heaven and earth.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 13

  She can guess my little thoughts every time and understand what I am thinking. She is soothing my inner world from beginning to end. So who is she?

  After school, I walked out of school dejectedly. I ran while holding the test paper that I failed in. I felt lost, as if I couldn't find north and south and couldn't judge the direction. I forgot that it was June and the white clouds seemed to have turned black. The dark clouds, the birds also chirped, their eyes squinted at me who had lost my direction, as if laughing and laughing at me.

  The big tree straightened its back, but under the blowing of the wind, the grass was shaking its head and tail. Hua'er reluctantly raised her head. This scenery made me feel more irritable and sad.

  I hurried home, not wanting to see these scenery, slowly opened the door, ran to the sofa, sat down and threw my schoolbag away. After a while, my mother came down the stairs, looking into my eyes with her kind eyes, as if she could see through my inner world. After a while, he turned his gaze to my angry face, and seemed to see through everything about me. "What made my little baby unhappy?" The mother smiled softly. I looked at her and said, "It's nothing, I just can't think about it." "I heard that the test scores for the class have come out. My child, did you do poorly on the test?" I said softly and uncomfortably: "Um!"

  She looked at me again and said, "It's okay. It doesn't matter if your grades are not good. Don't be discouraged. We just have to go all out." After that, my mother walked out.

  Really, my mother is like this. I thought about her words and ran out. She could always see through my inner world, and I felt immediately relieved.

  The sun is shining and the clouds are clear. The little bird smiled at me slightly, and then sang a song to me. The big tree waved to me again under the blowing of the wind. The grass and flowers then raised their heads, as if waving to me, and like Smile at me.

  Yes, you guessed it right, she is my mother, she cares about me every time I am sad. Soothing my heart with her gentle hands. It's like rain and dew nourishing my wounded heart.

Excellent composition of 800 words on Rain and Dew

  Whether in school or in society, everyone is familiar with compositions. Compositions require a complete chapter structure, and compositions without endings must be avoided. Do you always have trouble starting a sentence when writing an essay? Below are the excellent essays on rain and dew that I have compiled. They are for reference only. I hope it can help everyone.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 1

  "Sneaked into the night wind, moisten things silently". The rain nourishes the flowers and plants, the well water nourishes the seedlings, and the rain and dew of friendship nourishes the dry heart.

  In an unknown street, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, strong winds and heavy rain. My good friend Yang Jinze and I were hiding under a palm-sized umbrella, talking and laughing, as if the violent storm around us had nothing to do with us.

  Just when we were immersed in the joy of chatting, a filthy ditch stretched across in front of us like a giant python falling from the sky. I quickly observed carefully and found that there were only two narrow passages around that could pass through the ditch, but there was still a certain distance between the two passages, which separated us. At this time, there is only one umbrella. We didn't speak to each other, there was no expression on our faces, and we didn't even look at each other, so we had to move on.

  At this critical moment, whose head should the umbrella be held on? The two hands of the two of us holding the umbrella subconsciously relaxed and used our strength on the umbrella at the same time without any thought. Naturally, we wanted to protect each other from the rain. At that moment, our thoughts were surprisingly consistent. The two of them released their hands with different hands on the umbrella handle at the same time. A crisp sound of "bah" disturbed our thoughts, and crystal clear water splashed on us, and the water surface There are ripples filled with the power of friendship. We looked up in panic and looked at each other's eyes that were soaked by the rain. The rain and dew of friendship instantly flooded each other's hearts.

  Friendship is like fire, taking away the biting chill; friendship is like a lamp, dispelling the dark clouds in the heart. But at this moment, friendship is more like rain and dew, nourishing the young man's heart. At that moment, I seemed to taste the taste of rain and dew, sweet and meaningful...

Excellent composition on rain and dew 2

  The rain in early summer comes at any time, covering the vast land...

  It was getting dark, and the people seemed to be out of breath. "Wow... Wow..." The heavy rain poured down without warning. There were gradually more people in the classroom corridors. Parents rushed to their children at a speed of 100 meters. The quiet campus suddenly boiled. The students were picked up by their parents one by one, and there were fewer and fewer people on campus.

  I looked for my mother in the crowd. Ten minutes passed, but my mother still didn't appear. I was disappointed. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, with no intention of stopping. Twenty minutes, thirty minutes passed, and my mother was still missing. At this time, I was extremely anxious, uneasy and at the same time, anger began to burn in my heart: "Huh, if you don't come to pick me up, I will go back in the rain by myself." I thought bitterly, then rushed into the heavy rain and ran towards home. .

  I finally returned to the door of my house, soaked all over, only to realize that I didn't have the key. I knocked on the door quickly and violently, but no one came to open the door! "My mother! Where have you been?" My anger has reached its limit. "It's enough if you don't pick me up. Now you won't open the door for me..."

  "Jiao! Why did you come back? Why didn't I see you at the school gate?" Mom's anxious voice came from behind, and she was heard. Mom was running in the rain, and even though she was wearing an umbrella, her trouser legs were already half wet. "Mom, you..." The words came to my lips but I couldn't say them out. I couldn't help but feel my heart tremble. I ran towards my mother quickly. The previous complaints melted into the rain. I held my mother's arm tightly, tightly...

Excellent composition on rain and dew 3

  Plant a seed, the rain and dew will wake it up, the rain and dew will accompany it to grow, and the rain and dew will accompany it to grow old. The moment it disappears, it will turn into millions of rain and dew to nourish all things.

  When I was a child, every night, I would pick up a chair and hurried out with my grandparents who also carried chairs. What to do? Go to the theater! Every year from March to September, different troupes come to the town to perform. Even though I didn't understand the content of the play very well when I was young, I still found it very interesting to watch the characters with painted faces jumping around on the stage. Last year, after many years, I went to listen to a play with my grandma again. This time I understood the content of the play. The play was called "Qin Xianglian" and it told the story of a heartless man who abandoned his wife and children for the sake of glory and wealth. The characters on the stage cried and laughed, and I couldn't help but clap my hands when the performance reached its climax. When the plot reached its lowest point, I couldn't help but feel sad.

  Grandma told me that when they were very young, a troupe came to perform here. The content of the play is the stories that have been passed down through the ages formed by the common people in the long and hard-working years of the sun and moon. Most of the stories are about punishing rape and eradicating evil or pursuing beautiful love stories, and the contents are all optimistic. At that time, drama was of great significance to my grandma's generation, leading their generation to grow healthily and inspiring them to work hard.

  Although my passion for drama is not as great as that of my grandma’s generation, I still love it extremely much. To me, drama is like rain and dew, which has always been nourishing my tree of life. When I am frustrated, a little opera cheers me up; when I am sad, a little opera relieves all my worries; when I am confused, a little opera is like a lighthouse, guiding me home.

  I think that when I have children, I will definitely tell them the story of my father and the play. If I have the opportunity, I will also take them to listen to a play myself. Let them reminisce about the life in this play, and let the rain and dew nourish their hearts. This can be regarded as a kind of inheritance of the play.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 4

  The pitter-pattering raindrops fell and sprinkled densely on everything, moistening everything silently, as if floating into my heart, dripping and dripping, condensing into crystal clear rain and dew.

  That autumn, the fallen leaves were flying. When I gingerly put the report card into your hands, I clenched my hands and shook my head, not daring to look at you. Like the calm before the storm, you were silent for a while, but the situation that worried me did not happen. You gently placed your broad palm on my head and looked at me kindly. Instead of scolding or cursing, you gave me encouragement and care. Some cracks appeared in my frozen heart.

  You always put me first, just like the earth cannot be separated from the sun, and flowers and plants cannot be separated from the land. When I was a child, I always liked to ride on your head, and you would lead me around, exhausted but still smiling. You also had great ambitions, saying that you would take me all over the country and eat all the delicacies from the mountains and seas. As you enter middle age, you always look like you won't admit defeat. You always strive for the best in everything you do, and you have the spirit of "what can the passing years do to me".

  Later, you fell ill, lying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling in trance. Your hair is gradually thinning, and I have to pick out the few hidden gray hairs that I don’t want to see. I finally hope that you will recover from your illness, but your energy is not as good as before, and your legs and feet are inconvenient. You never complain, but just endure it all silently.

  Until one day, it rained heavily, but I was stuck in school because I didn't bring an umbrella. When I was at a loss, I saw you holding a big dark green umbrella and walking slowly towards me. The wind and rain couldn't stop you, so my eyes became moist, and my frozen heart was instantly broken. I rushed towards you, and the rain washed away my face and body, and also washed away my dusty heart. I hugged you tightly, and two lines of tears fell from your eyes, fell on my shoulders, and also fell in my heart.

  When I was a child, I was like a seedling, needing the shelter of your tall green shade to condense the rainwater into rain and dew, nourishing me. And I was like you at that time, looking at your dry branches. I used my green shade to block the heavy rain for you, leaving only the rain and dew, nourishing your soul, and being the one who accompanies you to the end, father. !

Excellent composition on rain and dew 5

  I am just a drop of dew in the morning.

  The heavy rain last night took away the scorching heat of the past few days and made the world in front of us exceptionally clear. The heavy rain has stopped, and as the incarnation of rain, I lie quietly on a green leaf, waiting for the arrival of dawn.

  A bird song broke the silence of dawn, and more and more birds began to fly in this small forest. A ray of sunlight shined through the gap in the leaves and shone on the leaf where I was lying. My whole body suddenly felt warm and comfortable. The sunshine has put a colorful coat on me. I think from a distance, I must be shining like a diamond. A little sparrow was attracted by the sudden brilliance. It flew over and landed on the branch next to me. It tilted its head to examine it and chirped softly twice from time to time. Only when I got up close did I realize that this little creature, which usually looked inconspicuous, was actually very handsome. It leaned down and pecked me gently with its mouth, and I rolled over with itch, not wanting to slip off the leaf.

  An unknown grass under the tree noticed my mistake, and stretched out its not-so-wide leaves to catch me, and I rushed forward, following its stems and leaves all the way down. "Bang", I hit the bottom, and the caterpillar that had been sleeping in was submerged by me. It woke up from its dream, stretched out its legs in a panic and struggled. I could see its anger at this sudden cold shower. My body was squeezed into a slender body by the gap at the bottom of the leaf, like a silver thread left along the trunk. At the last moment I saw the poor caterpillar still looking around in shock. I'm deeply sorry, and I sincerely hope that it will spend this day happily.

  The earth caught me firmly, and I lay stretched out on its thick chest, strands soaking into the completely negligible fingernail-sized place under my body. I don’t know when there were many more brothers and sisters around me. They were as insignificant as me and infiltrated this land.

  I finished my day's journey before the sun had fully risen. The flowers I wash are more beautiful, the leaves are greener, and the air I take away the dust is fresher. For the beauty of this world, I do my best.

  I am just a drop of dew in the morning.

Excellent composition on rain and dew 6

  Hey, dear friend, I think you will like this vibrant strawberry. Unexpectedly, you would say to me: "The fruits are plump and bright red. I really like them. But the rain and dew on the green leaves catch people's attention first."

  I smiled softly and stared thoughtfully at those crystal clear "little things". I could only hear you saying in my ears: "Everyone loves strawberries, but maybe I just want to be a drop of clean rain and dew." ”

  After you finished speaking, you walked away. Looking at your back, I couldn't help but think in my heart: "If you want to drop rain and dew, can you afford a life of rain and dew?"

  If you want to make a drop of rain and dew, you must be selfless and don't like to show off. The color of the night slowly faded, the newborn sun revealed its young face bit by bit, and the little rain and dew nourished all living things. All living things began to grow up slowly, and people's eyes were attracted by it, ignoring the beautiful scenery under the leaves. Transparent and clean figure. I only heard people praising the red flowers and green leaves, praising the fruitful fruits, but never heard anyone praising the little rain and dew. They were just forgotten, but there was no complaint.

  If you want to make a drop of rain and dew, your time in this world will be extremely short. The sun is rising higher and higher, and the rain and dew will slowly disappear. The rain and dew are no longer forgotten, but have disappeared into the heaven and earth, and no one can find them. But the life of rain and dew continues on all living things. The green leaves and bright red fruits are the continuation of the life of rain and dew. It devotes its life to all living things, and its life continues on all living things. Flowers bloom and fall, and it never goes far.

  If you want to make drops of rain and dew, you need to endure the endless darkness. The sun sets, stars fill the sky, and the rain and dew lie quietly among the flowers and leaves, counting the stars calmly. The night time can only be endured quietly, endured, and endured, waiting for the day to come, then nourishing all things, and then gradually disappearing.

  My friend, do you still think you are willing to be a raindrop? Rain and dew will disappear from the earth, but they will exist in all things in the form of nothingness. Are you still willing to be a drop of crystal clear rain and dew?

Excellent composition on rain and dew 7

  The bell that rings the passage of time is full of passion and hope for the future.

  Lying in bed, the house is so quiet that I feel lonely. Sometimes I feel confused, sometimes I giggle, sometimes I feel so lonely that I hug my head and cry... It is dark all around, and I look at the stars in the sky. , smiled at me kindly. "I wonder if these stars are shining so that everyone can find their own one one day." Yes, on the other side of the Pacific, there is a person who is missing me in front of the computer and reading my Words are secretly crying for me. "If you are not happy, when you miss me, look at the sky. One day, you will find the star that belongs to you and me!" Light the candle, let its light surround me, lift the candle, and put it to my mouth, Take a deep breath, blow it out... ...and tell yourself: Happy birthday!

  Candles, yearnings, ignorance... accompanied me as I grew up.

  Walking on the crowded streets, strangers come one after another... In the years when I was growing up, it was you who told me that "people can live without hope." The flying feathers carry the sweat of generations. They all have a common hope and a common goal - that is to win the championship. Na sweats profusely every day and works as hard as the "boss" Lin Dan, but he gets the title of "the second best in a thousand years." How worthless was that moment? But Bao Chunlai never complained or felt helpless. Keep training, training...

  And when I couldn't hit some balls, I would just throw my racket there and cry helplessly. And have I ever summarized why?

  It's you who make me regain my confidence and hope. Every day is a new beginning. In the past it was just the scattered fallen leaves. As for us, living in this world, only by living today with our heart can we be worthy of our efforts yesterday.

  Confused again and again, failed again and again, and regained hope again and again...

  Don't be confused

  don't linger

  Don't let the clouds cover your eyes

  Don't let weakness defeat strength

  Let your heart fly


  Not far away!

Excellent composition on rain and dew 8

  Who was pregnant in ten months and gave birth to our lives? Who takes care of us meticulously and carefully protects our growth? And who is always by our side when we are most helpless and in need of help? The answer is undoubtedly mother.

  Hu Xiaonao signed up for summer camp in order to escape from his mother's constraints. During this period, Hu Xiaonao met a "strange" mother and daughter. The daughter was named Xiaoxiao, who was extremely thin. She suffered from cirrhosis and needed a liver transplant. She could only sit in a wheelchair every day. In order to transplant a liver for Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao’s mother, who suffered from severe fatty liver disease, decided to lose weight. She only ate fist-sized rice every day and walked 10 kilometers, rain or shine... The affection between mother and daughter moved me deeply. It made me feel the sacredness and greatness of maternal love. Because of love, she can walk 10 kilometers a day without fear of the scorching sun, sweating like rain but not caring; because of love, she can still insist on "running wild" even when she is not feeling well; because of love, she is no longer ordinary.

  The little transplant was a huge success. The first thing Xiaoxiao's mother did when she woke up was to beg the nurse to take her to see Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao's mother was lying on the hospital bed, turning her head and pressing her hands tightly against the window, as if she could get closer to Xiaoxiao. , being able to touch her... Time seemed to stop, the air became stagnant, and only a string of crystal tears fell down the little mother's face!

  At this moment, Hu Xiaonao woke up. Mother's love is not a restriction, but the "rain and dew of love" that nourishes the heart and warms the life. It merges in the mother's tears and becomes the strongest, bravest and fearless force in the world!

I cried and I laughed. What song is it?

Song: I Wake Up Singer: Li Jie Album: "Everyone Sees Hope"
Suddenly I cried
Suddenly I smiled
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Song: I cried Who knows Singer: Yang Jinze
I cried, I laughed, I shed tears Who knows
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Song: I will never miss you Singer: mc hot dog
You make me cry you You made me laugh
You made me impulsive before everything became clear
Maybe it’s one of the songs

Where did Yang Jinze learn electronic piano from Zhejiang Road Primary School in Tanggu, Tianjin?

Tianjin Tanggu Children’s Palace, where you can learn electronic keyboard.

The above is the entire content of Where is Yang Jinze, Yulu’s excellent 800-word composition, as well as Yang Jinze’s related content. I hope it can help you.

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