
Contents of this article

  • 1. What are the idioms that start with word
  • 2. Solitaire of idioms starting with characters
  • 3. Idioms starting with the word include
  • 4. What are the idioms starting with the word

What are the idioms that start with word

There are many idioms starting with [].
The national valid invention patent "Multiple Chinese Characters and Graphic Symbols Input Method" (Multiple Code) comes with 90,000 vocabulary words. Enter a and type the word [Yi], and you will see a large number of words starting with the word "Yi", four of which Idioms include:
Use a thorn to measure the sea; be on the safe side; be on the safe side; retreat in order to advance; use leisure to wait for work; pass on false accusations; treat each other with courtesy; make friends with words; judge people by appearance; repay evil with kindness; tooth for tooth; ears for eyes; one for ten; Use one to warn a hundred; use one as a beggar for one's neighbor; use as a warning to others; use falsehood to confuse the true; use partiality to generalize; use an eye for an eye; use violence for violence; use small things to see big things; use fire to put out fire; use one's own body to test the law; die one's life in the line of duty; use one's own example; use eggs to throw stones; use eggs to hit stones; use attack To defend; to convince others with reason; to reason by analogy; to use point to influence others; to use power for personal gain; to repay kindness with grievance; to repay grievance with straightness; to use the past to change the present; to use poison to fight poison; to use regulations to be fine; to peer into the sky; to use the strong to bully the weak; to use oneself to save others; to observe. Aftereffect; overcome hardness with softness;….

Idioms starting with word Solitaire

  Idioms with the word ":"

  Help each other,

  Conquer people with virtue,




  Go all out,

  To serve as a warning,

  Summer insects cannot speak of ice,

  dream of,

  Beggar your neighbor,

  Repay evil with kindness,

  Apply what you learn,

  People regard food as their first priority,

  Lead by example,


  Talk about masturbating,

  Don't take it seriously,


  Use people as mirrors,

  Waiting for work with ease,

  To spread lies,

  Wait and see,

  There is no more to add,

  Birds of a feather flock together,

  learn a lesson,

  Seeing the big from the small,

  Holding the emperor hostage to command the princes,

  Good time to relax,

  From point to area

  Idioms starting with word Solitaire:

  Using white as black → Black sky and black earth → North and south → South Ruan and north Ruan → Ruan is shy → Astringent in speech →

  On Dao Jingbang

  Idioms starting with characters and their explanations:

  Using white to denigrate green: Using white to denigrate cyan. It is a metaphor for using self-righteous prejudice to deny others.

  To use white as black means to confuse right and wrong.

  Double the attack with half: Use half of your troops to defeat an enemy twice your size. Describe the ease of winning.

  To use violence to change violence: to: use; Yi: change, replace; violence: cruelty. Replace brutal force with brutal force. It means that the ruler has changed, but the tyrannical rule has not changed.

  Use ice to attract flies: to attract. Use ice cubes to attract flies. Metaphor that things must be difficult to achieve.

  To help the monarch on the road to success is to deny wrong opinions. No, same as "no". Ji, Cheng.

  Using words to harm meaning: Misunderstanding or misinterpreting the author's original meaning due to rigidity in the meaning of words.

  Using words to harm meaning: Misunderstanding or misinterpreting the author's original meaning due to being rigidly attached to the meaning of words.

  To judge people by their words: To judge a person’s intelligence based on his or her eloquence. Same as "to win people by words".

  By analogy: based on the principle of this thing, we can deduce the principle of other things similar to this.

  Use big crimes to accuse people of small mistakes.

  Selection of officials based on party affiliation: selecting officials based on crony relationships.

  Repay kindness with kindness: virtue: favor. Repay a favor with a favor.

  Repay kindness with kindness: virtue: favor. Resentment: hatred. Don't bear grudges against others, but give them benefits instead.

  Convince people with virtue: Use good virtue to make people obey and obey the ruler.

  Chasing misfortune with virtue: refers to inappropriate kindness from superiors to subordinates, which can lead to disaster.

  Leading from one point to another: using the successful experience of one unit or place to drive the work of many units or areas.

  Fight poison with poison: attack: cure. A term used in traditional Chinese medicine to refer to the use of toxic drugs to treat malignant diseases such as malignant sores. It is a metaphor for using the contradiction of bad things to oppose bad things, or using evil people to deal with evil people.

  Throw eggs with 竫: 竫: whetstone. Use the whetstone to break the egg. It is a metaphor that if the strong attacks the weak, the victory will be certain.

  To pass on falsehood: to: take, to hold; to falsely: fallacy. It refers to spreading out incorrect words again and again, making them more and more wrong.

  Contains idioms and explanations with the following characters:

  Love others with virtue: love others: love and care for others; virtue: virtue. Love and care for people according to moral standards. It generally refers to showing no partiality to others and no tolerance or accommodation.

  The state is people-oriented: a reflection of the ancient Confucian people-oriented thought, which believes that the people are the foundation of the country. Governing the country should be based on ensuring and winning the people.

  Baoyi Laoquan: Bao: full; Yi: use. Beat him up, beat him as hard as he can.

  Humble to self-shepherd: refers to self-preservation with humility.

  Don’t stop by following others: Don’t follow others and stop halfway.

  Don't harm ambition with words: Ci: literary words; ambition: the ideological content of the work. The original intention is not to compromise the understanding of the content by focusing solely on words. Hou also means that when writing an article, don't just pursue rhetoric and ignore the purpose of the article.

  Without rules, there is no square or circle: rule: compass; moment: curved ruler. It is a metaphor for following certain rules when doing things.

  Without rules, you cannot make a circle: it means that you must follow certain rules when doing things.

  Don't waste words based on others: waste: abandoned. Don't refuse to adopt his correct opinions just because he has shortcomings.

  Not to be ashamed of: Not to be ashamed of. Refers to being shameless.

  Not surprised: Not surprised. Said it was something he was used to.

  Disagree: Ran: Yes, right. Don't think it's right. Express disagreement or denial.

  Disregard: do not take it to heart. Shows contempt for people and things.

  Not to cover up great virtue with a single 眚: to: cause; 皚: fault, mistake; to cover: to cover, to cover; 德: virtue. Don't deny a person's great achievements just because of his individual mistakes.

  I don’t know why: to: the reason. Don't understand why this is the case. Refers to not knowing the reason.

  To kill the people is to succeed: to kill: to harm; to succeed: to fulfill a wish, to fulfill a certain wish. Killing people to realize a certain wish and make yourself satisfied.

  A slight difference can make a huge mistake: although the difference may be small at first, it will lead to big mistakes in the end.

  The difference is measured by a millimeter, and the error is measured by a thousand miles: difference means difference; millimeter: a very small unit of measurement; error means the same as "miao". What starts out as a small difference can end up being a big mistake.

  A slight difference can lead to a huge mistake: although the difference may be small at first, it will lead to big mistakes in the end.

  A slight difference can make a huge mistake: a small difference at first can lead to big mistakes.

  If things go on like this: It will continue like this for a long time.

  Beyond Yixiang: Yi: Usage is equivalent to "yu". Detached from objects. Describe the artistic conception of poetry as powerful and transcendent. It also refers to the fantasy of being outside the world and breaking away from reality.

  sneer: sneer: ridicule. He sneered through his nose. express contempt.

  Persistence: perseverance; perseverance: perseverance. Stick with it for the long haul.

  Being public-minded: refers to considering things with the interests of the country and the collective as the starting point.

  Carts capable of carrying heavy loads: Large carts are made of strong materials and can carry heavy loads. It is a metaphor that a person has great talents and can handle important tasks.

  Tao Yi Zhongli: Tao: eat, lure; Zhong: big, thick; Li: benefit, benefit. Lure or bribe people with generous benefits and benefits.

  Indifferent means clearing one's ambition, and tranquility reaches far: Indifferent means tranquility and few desires; Tranquility means tranquility and tranquility; Zhi means attainment. Do not pursue fame and fortune, live a simple life to express your noble taste; only when you are in a stable and calm mood can you make a difference.

  Guidance to get bail: induce the prisoner to find a guarantor and pay a deposit.

  The road follows the eyes: I don’t dare to talk to people I meet on the road, but just use my eyes to signal. Describe the people's hatred and fear of brutal rule.

  To take things lightly: to drop: to swing; to take lightly: to be careless. Adopting a flippant and nonchalant attitude towards things.

  Move him with emotion: Move his heart with emotion.

  To measure oneself with a rope: rope: correction, restraint. Refers to certain moral standards required of oneself to make one's behavior conform to the law.

  To spread falsehoods: to spread something that is wrong in the first place, and the more it spreads, the more wrong it becomes.

  Falsehood feeds falsehood: Spreading something that is originally wrong makes it more and more wrong.

  E E E Yichang: E ​​E E: The appearance of speaking out and arguing. If officials dare to speak out and argue, the country will prosper

  Similar things gather together: refers to similar things gathering together in one place. Fang: method, practice, technique.

  Prescriptions are grouped together, and things are divided into groups: Prescription: Fangshu, the method of treating Tao; Wu: things. It originally means that all kinds of alchemy are gathered together because of the same type, and various things are distinguished because of their different types. The latter refers to the classification of people or things according to their nature.

  Hao Zheng Yi Lei: Zheng: strict and tidy; Lei: not urgent. The description is both strict and calm. It also means that although there are many things to do, you are still calm and unhurried.

  Cultivate as a matter of course: refers to a habit becoming natural. Same as "get used to it".

Idioms starting with the word include

1. [Idiom]: treat each other with courtesy

【Pinyin】: yǐ  lǐ  xiāng  dài

[Explanation]: Receive with due etiquette.

[Source]: Chapter 89 of "Water Margin" by Shi Naian of the Ming Dynasty: "Privy Minister Zhao retained Chu Jian and treated him with courtesy."

[Example sentence]: Since he is a scholar, he needs to be treated with courtesy. ★Chapter 73 of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" by Shi Yukun of Qing Dynasty

2. [Idiom]: Using white as black

【Pinyin】: yǐ  bái  wéi  hēi

[Explanation]: Refers to confusing right and wrong.

[Source]: "Lu Shi Chun Qiu Ying Tong": "Therefore, although the king is respectful, he regards white as black, but the minister cannot listen."

[Example sentence]: Wang Feng is good at power, Gu Yong is better than Shen Bo; Wang Shang is loyal, Zhang Kuang calls him a leftist: These are all people who regard white as black and deceive the heaven and ignore the emperor. ★"Three Kingdoms·Wei Zhi·Wudi Chronicle" 

3. [Idiom]: To prepare for the unexpected

【Pinyin】: yǐ  bèi  bù  yú

[Explanation]: Yu: guess, predict. To prepare for the unexpected.

[Source]: "Wu Zi·Tu Guo" by Wu Qi during the Warring States Period: "The ancient kings of Ming Dynasty must respect the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers, decorate the etiquette of superiors and subordinates, gather the officials and the people, follow the customs and teach them, and simply recruit good materials to prepare for any danger."

[Example sentence]: Let’s go to Shimen Valley after dinner. Okay, let’s get ahead of the army! It’s just that I have two humble opinions for you to listen to, just in case anything goes wrong. ★Yao Xueyin's "Li Zicheng" Volume 2 Chapter 8

[Idiom]: Meet each other with sincerity

【Pinyin】: yǐ  chéng  xiāng  jiàn

[Explanation]: Treat each other sincerely.

[Example sentence]: Now in Yuan Fu's book, although he wants to gather troops and settle his grievances, he is afraid that he is not sincere, so he invites the lama to return and advises him to treat each other with sincerity. ★The fifth chapter of "The Romance of Qing History" by Cai Dongfan 

5. [Idiom]: repay evil with kindness

【Pinyin】: yǐ  dé  bào  yuàn

[Explanation]: Virtue: favor. Resentment: hatred. Don't bear grudges against others, but give them benefits instead.

[Source]: "The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen": "It may be said: 'How to repay evil with kindness?' Confucius said: 'How to repay kindness? Repay evil with straightness, repay kindness with kindness.'"

[Example sentence]: A gentleman does not dwell on past evils and repays evil with kindness. ★Song Dynasty Cui Wei's "On Yang Sifu" 

6. [Idiom]: Fight fire with fire

【Pinyin】: yǐ  dú  gōng  dú

[Explanation]: Attack: cure. A term used in traditional Chinese medicine to refer to the use of toxic drugs to treat malignant diseases such as malignant sores. It is a metaphor for using the contradiction of bad things to oppose bad things, or using evil people to deal with evil people.

[Source]: Volume 29 of "Zhuogenglu" written by Tao Zongyi of the Ming Dynasty: "The bones are rhinoceros-like and the horns of snakes are extremely poisonous in nature and can detoxify, so they can be used to fight poison with poison."

[Example sentence]: Fighting fire with fire proves that those who oppose the vernacular are illiterate and illiterate. ★Lu Xun's "Second Collection of Qie Jie Ting's Essays·Starting from "Other Characters""

7. [Idiom]: Use the past to describe the present

【Pinyin】: yǐ  gǔ  yù  jīn

[Explanation]: Metaphor: explanation. Use ancient events to illustrate today's events or principles.

[Source]: "Northern History·Changsun Song Biography": "In the past, my uncle and his grandson left the fertile land, and Xiao He went to a remote hometown. From ancient times to the present, there is no gradual decline in philosophy." 

8. [Idiom]: hitting an egg against a stone

【Pinyin】: yǐ  luǎn  jī  shí

[Explanation]: Touch an egg against a stone. It is a metaphor for not estimating one's own strength and bringing about one's own destruction.

[Source]: "Xunzi·Yi Bing": "Jie Jie acted as Yao, just like using an egg to throw a stone, and using a finger to circle a boil."

[Example sentence]: Liu Yuzhou does not know the time of the day, and he is eager to fight, just like hitting an egg against a stone, how can he be undefeated? ★Chapter 43 of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" by Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty

9. [Idiom]: To cover the whole by partiality

【Pinyin】: yǐ  piān  gài  quán

[Explanation]: Partial: one-sided,  on the one hand. Use one side to cover up the whole. Describes a one-sided and narrow view of a problem.

10. [Idiom]: To overcome strength with softness

【Pinyin】: yǐ  róu  kè  gāng

【Explanation】: Use the soft to restrain the strong.

[Source]: "General Garden" by Zhuge Liang of Shu in the Three Kingdoms: "A good general is one whose strength cannot be broken and whose softness cannot be rolled. Therefore, weakness can be used to control the strong, and softness can be used to control the hardness."

[Example sentence]: He wants to risk his life and make a desperate move, but we must be patient, avoid direct confrontation with the enemy, use softness to overcome hardness, and hit the enemy hard in the rear. ★Li Lianqing's "The Storm" 

What are the idioms starting with the word

To serve as a warning, to beg one's neighbor, to be biased, to wait for work, to set an example, to humiliate each other, to bend and seek extension, to sacrifice one's life in the line of duty, to spread falsehoods, to make one equal to ten, to repay evil with kindness, to be violent for violence, to bully the weak with the strong, to see the leopard with the tube, to see the big from the small. , pledge yourself to the country, use one to hold ten thousand, use a point to guide your face, use an egg to hit a stone, use yourself to save others, use tooth for tooth, use softness to overcome hardness, use 镒 to weigh baht, treat each other with courtesy, use a lithium to measure the sea, use to observe the effects, just in case, use the body to test the law. , Conquer people with virtue, use soup to subdue snow, use poison to fight poison, use retreat to advance, use falsehood to distinguish true, judge people by appearance, use simplicity to control complexity, use literature to harm words, and so on, use crickets to knock on the bell, use direct reporting of grievances, use people as a lesson, One who knows everything, uses his ears to replace his eyes, trades his old age for his old age, uses his teeth to drain his teeth, repays kindness with hatred, repays kindness with kindness, uses wine to dissolve the pot, uses a bamboo trap to make a fish, sells his adultery, uses ice to kill flies, uses crickets to strike a bell, Use words to harm the mind, use the tube to peer into the sky, use the tube to measure the stone, use the sheep to exchange the oxen, use the hand to add the forehead, use the stick to clasp the bell, use the will to oppose the will, use the ancients as a mirror, use literature to make friends, use reason to convince people, and use the pursuit of wisdom. To succeed, use words to harm meaning, use the past as a lesson, use day and night, use white words to slander youth, use palace laughter, use words to lift people, use water to save water, use worms to fish, use straightforward complaints, use simplicity to control complexity , use one as a warning to hundreds, use jade to fight crows, use jade to fight magpies, use raccoons to fight rats, use meat to eat tigers, use ancient metaphors for the present, use deers as horses, use lotus to analyze fuel, use purple to mix vermilion, use small knowledge to write , use caution as the key, use offense as defense, use black as white, use power for personal gain, use Qie to view literature, use people as a mirror, use people's nonsense, and use benefits to favor each other.

The above is all about the idioms that start with words, what are the idioms that start with words, and the related content of idioms that start with words. I hope it can help you.

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