
Contents of this article

  • 1. A short inspirational signature sentence for yourself
  • 2. How to write a domineering one-sentence signature to yourself in 2020
  • 3. An 8-character sentence to express your feelings
  • 4. A WeChat signature to your 2020 self and a message to your future self

Motivational signature phrases for yourself

  1. A drop of water can penetrate a stone, not because of great strength, but because of deep skill.

  2. Without rocks, there would be no beautiful waves; without setbacks, there would be no magnificent life.

  3. A lazy young man will become a ragged old man in the future.

  4. Cowards hold difficulties above their heads, while heroes trample them under their feet.

  5. The so-called lack of time is because it is not used well.

  6. Life is a one-way journey. Even if we have some regrets, we do not have the chance to start over again. Instead of dwelling on the unchangeable past, it is better to smile and cherish the future.

  7. A narrow mind will lead to many troubles, but a broad mind will lead to abundant wisdom.

  8. Hope is a kind of sweet waiting; missing is a warm mood; friends are a blessing cultivated in a lifetime; love is an inextricable fate. .

  9. Understand yourself according to your own meaning, do not underestimate yourself and be led astray by other people's opinions.

  10. When encountering good times, remain calm; when encountering adversity, remain calm.

  11. Conquering the world is not great. A person who can conquer himself is the greatest person in the world.

  12. When you hate others, you are the one who suffers.

  13. The reason why people are ordinary is that they cannot surpass themselves.

  14. What tastes bitter is good medicine, but what is unpleasant to the ear must be true advice. If you correct your mistakes, you will be wise, and if you protect your shortcomings, you will not be a virtuous person.

  15. If you endure for a while, the sea will be calm, and if you take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter.

  16. Like to do things that others don’t want to do.

  17. The establishment of great achievements in life is not about knowing, but about being able to do it.

  18. Birds living in cages think flying is a disease.

  19. Although the world is full of lies, the road you have traveled will not lie to you.

  20. Every lost soul now has a carefree past. All your pain is deserved.

  21. Life has its own ups and downs, and everyone should learn to tolerate their own share of sadness in life.

  22. Morality is the most beautiful flower and the most holy heart, which makes people have a clear conscience and an open mind.

  23. When you decide not to care anymore, life will get better!

  24. Sometimes, there is no next time, no chance to start over, no pause to continue. Sometimes, if you miss the present, you will never have the chance.

  25. People will not suffer for a lifetime, but they will always suffer for a while; many people suffer for a lifetime in order to escape suffering for a while.

  26. Don’t blame others for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much.

  27. It doesn’t matter whether some people or some words are justified or not; because once you see them clearly, you will look down upon them.

  28. Everyone has some unacceptable parts in their character, no matter how beautiful a person is. So don't be harsh on others, and don't blame yourself.

  29. Happiness does not require luxury and luxury. Sometimes the more you want, the harder it is to be happy. Little people, small desires and small satisfactions are the great happiness.

  30. If the heart is simple, the world will be simple, and happiness will grow; if the heart is free, life will be free, and there will be happiness wherever you go.

  31. When you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense; when you understand, don’t talk too much; when you are upset, speak slowly; when you have nothing to say, don’t talk.

  32. Don’t worry too much. People who are willing to suffer losses will not be able to suffer losses after all. If they suffer too much, there will always be generous rewards; those who love to take advantage will definitely not be able to take advantage and win. I made a small profit, but lost a lot of money.

  33. If you can't find a reason to persist, you must find a reason to start over.

  34. Life is like fireworks, they cannot hang in the sky forever; as long as they have been brilliant once, this life is not in vain.

  35. Misfortune is like a stone. The weak regard it as a stumbling block, and the strong regard it as a stepping stone.

  36. In life, you should do two things less: interfering with other people's lives with your own words; thinking about your own life by relying on other people's brains.

  37. Everyone gets tired, and no one can bear all the sorrow and fatigue for you, so there is always a period of time when people have to learn to grow up on their own.

  38. The world has left me covered with wounds, but what grew out of the wounds were wings.

  39. If someone throws a stone at you, don’t throw it back. Keep it as the cornerstone for building a tall building. You hate me, I don't mind, I don't live to please you.

  40. Please take good care of your past passions and ideals. In this age of doubt, we still need faith.

  41. When we remove stumbling blocks from others, we may be paving the way for ourselves.

  42. Many times I dig a hole for myself and then jump in without hesitation. You dug the pit by yourself, you jumped out of it by yourself, and you are the one who cannot climb out in the end.

  43. Life is not easy. There is no need to crave for the understanding and recognition of others in everything, and live your own life quietly. If the heart does not move, the wind will not do anything. If you are not injured, the years will be fine.

  44. Four things in life: coming is accidental, going is inevitable, take it for granted and let it take its course.

  45. Life is like a roller coaster, with peaks and troughs, which means that no matter whether it is good or bad at the moment, it is only temporary.

  46. Do things when you are awake, read when you are confused, sleep when you are angry, and think when you are alone.

  47. You choose your own path, so even if you fall or get injured in the future, you must learn to endure it and heal yourself. We all learn to grow up like this.

  48. Flowers use all their strength to bloom only once a year. They are beautiful and short-lived, just like youth. The difference is that flowers bloom many times a year. We But there is only one life.

  49. Our strongest opponent may not be others, but may be ourselves! Before surpassing others, you must first surpass yourself!

  50. True tenacity should be thorough when crying, cheerful when laughing, vivid when speaking, and not hesitating when doing.

  51. A person who knows why he lives can endure any life.

  52. We always regard the small favors given by strangers as great kindness, but we take the people around us who are wholeheartedly good to you as a matter of course.

  53. If nothing happens, it turns out to be the best revenge. Why bother to prove anything to people who don't deserve it? Live a better life for yourself.

  54. No matter where you go, no matter what greets you in the future, please set off with a sunny mood.

  55. Because you don’t have it, you never worry about losing it; because you want it, you worry about gains and losses.

  56. The two most difficult tests in life: the patience to wait for the opportunity to come, and the courage to face all encounters.

   57. The seeds kept in mind Yudrop’s advice of sacrifice and strengthened their courage to stand out.

  58. The mountain road twists and turns, but after all, it extends towards the top.

  59. There are many people who like running, but not many people run every day. There are many people who have dreams, but not many people stick to their dreams.

  60. What determines your destiny is not a big opportunity falling from the sky, but a small choice you make every minute. All the difference is in that minute.

  61. If you don’t regret something, do three things well: first, know how to choose; second, know how to persevere; third, know how to cherish.

   62. The turning point of fate starts from this second now, and the most terrifying situation is to miss the past, fantasize about the future, and waste the present.

  63. Time tells you what aging is, and memories tell you what childishness is. Don’t always linger in the memories of the past. Yesterday’s sun cannot dry today’s clothes.

  64. If you do what others are unwilling to do today, you will be able to do what others cannot do tomorrow.

  65. When you reach a certain age, you must learn to be reticent, and every word must be useful and weighty. He is indifferent to emotions and anger, takes major matters lightly, and has his own bottom line.

  66. Don’t be afraid of suffering more while you are young. Only through these adversities and trials can you truly learn to be humble. Otherwise, your self-righteous intelligence and contempt for everything will destroy you sooner or later.

   67. No matter what state you are in now, it is time to say to yourself: Don’t worry about the vague future, just work hard for the clear present.

  68. Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the least laborious.

  69. Noble ideals are like flowers growing on high mountains. If you want to get rid of it, diligence is the rope to climb.

  70. Action is the cure for fear, while hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear.

   71. The character of the waves is that they are broken by the rocks countless times and dive towards the rocks countless times.

  72. People are contradictory, eager to be understood but afraid of being seen through.

  73. After being tempered by the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

   74. Life can be sweet or bitter, but it cannot be tasteless. You can win or you can fail, but you cannot surrender.

  75. The simpler a person looks, the richer he is on the inside.

  76. Bonsai Hideki’s dream of becoming a pillar was shattered just because he was doted on.

  77. If a sapling refuses to be pruned because it is afraid of pain, it will never become useful.

   78. The torrent of life has surged to the cliff. As long as you take another step forward, it will turn into a magnificent waterfall.

  79. Life is cruel. Use sadness to let you know what happiness is, use noise to teach you how to appreciate silence, and use detours to remind you that there is a smooth road ahead.

  80. The spring water in the mountain stream sang a beautiful song after twists and turns.

  81. The road through the clouds only kisses the footsteps of climbers.

  82. Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light.

  83. Pride is like a kite with its lead string broken, fleeting; inferiority complex is like a bird with its wings clipped, unable to reach the sky. Both of these are taboos for success.

  84. Leave the Internet cafe to your beautiful hopes and pursuits. Nine hundred and ninety-nine times it has failed, and there are still a thousand times to go.

  85. Only creation is the real enjoyment, and only hard work is the fulfilling life.

  86. Only those who brave the rapids can appreciate the wonders and scenery at the source of the river.

  87. Bees are busy collecting and have no time to talk in front of others.

  88. There is one person who will never abandon you at any time, and that person is yourself. No one is hypocritical, no one is fickle, and no one belongs to anyone. Why should some people and some things be so important?

  89. The reason why some wounds always hurt is because you always touch them.

  90. There is a kind of woman who is like a shell, hard on the outside but soft on the inside. There is a beautiful pearl in my heart, but it is never easily seen.

  91. There is no absolute fairness in life, but relative fairness. On a scale, the more you get, the more you must bear. Every seemingly low starting point is the only way to a higher peak.

  92. You must learn to cover your ears and not listen to the bustling sounds; there is no hard-working person in this world. The only one who can truly heal yourself is yourself. .

  93. Time will tell you the truth. For some things, you have to wait until you gradually wake up to understand that it was a mistake; for some things, you have to wait until you really let go of it before you realize how heavy it is.

  94. Time will not really help us solve any problems. It just makes the problems that we could not figure out no longer important.

  95. Life is not for you to compromise. The more you withdraw, the less room you have to breathe.

  96. The past time will flow into the infinite black hole forever and never come back, so cherish every second of the present.

  97. There is no destined ending, only the process of not working hard enough.

  98. Your potential is much stronger than what you show.

  99. Diligence means today’s passion, not tomorrow’s determination and the day after tomorrow’s guarantee.

  100. Tell others with a smile that I am stronger today than yesterday.

How to write a domineering one-sentence signature to yourself in 2020

1: No matter what you do, always think of the next person.

2: You must be the star I wish for the most at night.

3: Grow up well and live up to expectations.

4: Don’t touch things you don’t want to have.

5: Don’t argue with people who have different visions

6:9981 Difficult love is full of regrets

7: I advise you to see clearly who I am as a person as soon as possible and stay away from me.

8:You are so great, you can’t let it be ruined by love.

9: Possessiveness is a common problem among girls and I can’t change it.

10: Reason says I should let go of my feelings and advises me to wait.

11: If I want to kill all the girls around you, don’t be afraid that I will take it seriously.

12: If success comes too easily, the cost of failure will be greater in the future.

13: To what extent should you be optimistic to be happy?

14: The feeling of liking you is like opening your eyes suddenly when you are about to fall asleep

15: The broken tables in the tavern must have heard too many passionate dreams.

16: Who can live up to his original intention when he knows that no one will look back?

17: I spend my winter, it doesn’t matter who you are with

18: The hardest thing about living is that no one takes care of your emotions.

19: I still want to travel a long distance to see someone I love very much.

20: I believe in love but I don’t believe it will happen to me.

21: Let you talk and think about the ocean behind me

22: So no matter how long I will wait for you

23: The reason why you hate privilege is because it is not in your hands

24: People who are interested in living with you are always willing to put in effort to make you happy.

25: Walk the road you have to take beautifully before you can take the road you want to take.

26: Low-quality social interaction is not as good as high-quality alone time

27: Don’t stay with someone who always dislikes you. He doesn’t know what is good or bad.

28: Defective products are defective products and you will never be able to get on the market.

29: It’s my fault that I don’t want to speak ill of the world.

30: It’s ridiculous to think about the super membership upgrades that I spent several years in the past.

31: The sudden grievance makes even the smile stiff.

32: I’ve accumulated enough disappointment and don’t want to hurt you. Just leave me alone.

33: There is always someone who makes your eyes red and still smiles.

34: When I was only a teenager, I already understood the warmth and warmth of human relationships.

35: Do you dare to say with confidence that there is someone who can’t live without you?

36: I don’t like fighting by nature, but I have to get what’s mine.

37: After all, you took the initiative first, so you have to swallow a lot of grievances yourself.

38: I also want to ask why, but why should I?

39: I failed to be the big brother and failed to build a hillside for you.

An inspirational signature for myself in 2020

1: Don’t just say that not everyone can feel the same way.

2: May everything you expect will become what you have

3: Gradually regain your confidence even if you are in the mud

4: Work harder and harder, and things will get better and better. All living beings will suffer, but you can’t admit defeat.

5: This world will not favor anyone who gets something for nothing.

6:Hide your weakness and suffering is coming

7: Enjoy this life with sincerity and kindness

8: What we have is the present and the future. Let the past pass.

9: I am happy today and will be happy tomorrow too

10: Work hard to be the person you want to be and take the path you want to take.

11: I hope that kind people will always receive gifts from fate at some point.

12: You are the star that falls into dreams and comes to life

13: Since I met you, the stars have been shining brightly in the cold winter.

14: Who doesn’t want to just talk about Feng Yue, but Feng Yue is also doomed?

15: Don’t rush time, I won’t push back what is coming. Don't rush the years, I won't chase them when they go far away.

16: Walk your own path and take your own steps. Don’t pay attention to those trash talkers behind your back.

17: Every day without dancing is a failure of life.

18: The transition in life was very difficult at the time, but one day I suddenly looked back and realized that I had flown across thousands of mountains.

19: The world is not worth it, but you are worth it

20: I hope that no matter how much misfortune you experience in the future, you can still maintain your original kindness.

21: The most amazing and insignificant thing in the world

22: July starts smoothly

23: I will never do anything that makes you sad again.

24: Don’t let me see you otherwise I will like you once I see you

25: I think you must be very busy, so just read the first three words.

26: The person who stays with you the most is yourself, so just be the person you like.

27: If you feel sad, just die. If you don’t die, it’s okay.

28: Why don’t you save me while you’re watching the fire from the other side?

29: Where is your god? Ask him to save you.

30: I am a disaster to you, right?

31: The person who made you look forward to tomorrow simply failed to appear in your tomorrow.

32: The mature side is for outsiders to see, and the childish side is for lovers to see.

33: My biggest regret is that your regret has to do with me.

34: You have to know that the purpose of reading so many sentences in Paradise is to make yourself better, not purely to share with others.

35: You are a star falling in my heart

36: There is no need for everyone to understand, I just want to be myself

37: You are the person I love deeply and want to spend the rest of my life with.

38: What makes people emboldened is not respect and love but preference.

39: You must be excellent, so that you can block the mouths of those youyou

40: As long as I am bitter, I will give you whatever is sweet.

41: I don’t want a 50-50 number, I want a sure win.

42: Born in a good city, I hope you meet a good person and give you a happy city. The long song warms the life. One is separated and the other is wide. Everyone is happy.

43: Crossing others does not cross oneself. I'll take you across the river, but I'll stay overnight

44: The moon under the sea is the moon in the sky, and the people in front of you are in your heart.

45: When oranges grow in Huainan, they become oranges; when they grow in northern Huaibei, they become oranges. The leaves are similar, but the actual taste is different, so that’s why

46: I am truly lucky to be liked by you.

47: In the rest of my life, the wind and snow will be yours, the plainness will be yours, and my memories will be yours.

48: Time tells us that the age of ignorance has passed and it’s time to learn to grow up.

A sad signature sentence written to myself in 2020

1: I have cut off my hair, cut off my worries, and cut off all the unloved splits.

2: I hope to make a ① piece of の玡掵 in 20 years old. When I think of Laidu at the age of 10, I will make a 噙嶶笶の亊.

3: I should be born romantic, win the charming smiles of brothel beauties, be favored by ladies in the boudoir, and live up to my misfortune in this world of mortals.

4: How can I tolerate your betrayal again and again.

5: It's a pity that I understood it too late, so that if I took a step back, I would be in the abyss of eternal destruction.

6: Friends always protect you from wind and rain. If you are suffering from the wind and snow far away, and I can't do anything about it, I will also pray to let those wind and snow fall on me.

7:**I am willing to say goodbye to such sad feelings.

8: My pain will one day be diluted, and my thoughts will one day change their names.

9: ╰ァ imitate abandoned 忲駃迏駩駈瀈袈糦Huanwunuojian歭迿ai. ﹎

10: The moment the tears flow out, I always feel that the siltation in my heart has completely disappeared.

11: When there is a road, we walk together; when there is food, we eat together; when there is sweetness, we enjoy it together; when there is bitterness, we bear it together; when there is difficulty, we bear it together.

12: With or without me, you don’t panic but smile brightly.

13: To the one I love deeply, if you are well, it will be a sunny day

14: The hardest thing to let go of is what you once had!

15:No one can take away my right to love you.

16: The promise made when we were passionately in love is now a joke

17: Such an unrealistically beautiful agreement makes people feel warm when they think about it.

18:〆丶The more lonely a person feels, the more he knows how to cherish.

19: The meaning of love is that two people come together to change their destiny.

20: There is an emotion called Xiaobei. There is a kind of betrayal called seaweed.

21: Find a place to cry, and then be strong in death after crying.

22: How many long-lasting stays can only be broken up happily. . .

23: Forgive me for being uninhibited and having a low sense of humor in this life.

24: Sometimes we choose not to regret it but to endure it even if it hurts.

25: Do you think my heart is made of titanium alloy, stainless steel, waterproof, fireproof and lightning-proof?

26:-My favorite thing about taking pictures is scissorhands.

27: This little girl is so spoiled that it makes countless gay men bend their backs.

28: It takes one second for Russia to turn the world into a symphony. turn you into a pillar

29:Maybe, I shouldn’t continue to stand there waiting for you,

30:Nevermind, I will find someone like you. It doesn’t matter, I will find someone like you.

31: Some things just don’t deserve to be forgiven. It has nothing to do with generosity. Everyone has his own bottom line.

32: Even though time has blurred my memory, will you still be clearly engraved in my heart?

33: The descendants of Korea are used to flirt with girls, and the Chinese Hou Yi is used to shoot the sun.

34: Like is shallow love, love is deep liking. If you really don’t love you, why should you promise to cherish it? Why should you care?

35: I really want to stand in the heavy rain and cry, crying out all the pain and grievances

36: A good man is not allowed to act cool to his wife, and is not allowed to make her jealous. He must give in when quarreling, and he must hold on even when he is beaten!

37:※Experience some things and see through some people

38:The one whos good in taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them. The one who likes to take care of others actually also needs the care of others.

39: I will be very happy with you by my side, and we will never be separated.

40:Believe that we will never be apart. Believe that we will never be apart.

41: The road to success is not crowded because there are not many people who persist.

42: How to hold on to the world without you the moment you leave

43: I don’t want you to walk alone in the wind, hold my hand, at least you have it. 

44: It’s so annoying. I feel aggrieved for you when I think that I am so much more handsome than you.

45: If you do good things, I will leave your name, if you do bad things, I will run away.

46: I originally wanted to make a splash in this midterm exam, but when the test papers were handed out, I decided to hide my strength.

47: There is no one who is willing to protect you and cut off the thorns on your body.

48: Best friend, listen to me, let’s hold hands until the end. You are the woman I deserve to love.

49: You are my greatest happiness. If you are well, the sky will be sunny.

50: £щo will leave Wuwu alone. He is traveling here, but he is waiting for you. £

51: From the beginning to the future, I just slept with Wang Junkai.

52: My request is not too excessive, but when I grow old, I want a pair of hands to hold me through the steps.

53: If your love is a game, please let go, don’t miss it, don’t be sad

54: Don’t think too much of yourself, you are a human being not a god

55:◇◆╰╮゛...⒉o⒈5. Please be kind to me.

56: Count to 1314 and comfort yourself that you will come back to stay with me forever.

57: Wu Yifan, how can I face the world without you!

58: Time is not used to dilute everything, but to allow us to find the answer.

59: 訡连忞涐扪剪倗吐①嗰仴の记淰ㄖ, 乜忞涐扪桯手dit①迗.

60: At that moment, I realized that happiness is just a false alarm and love is nothing at all.

61: I don’t know if it’s because I’m becoming more independent or because I’m becoming more guilty. After walking for so long, I found that the only person I can rely on is myself.

62: The tears I shed may burst your stomach if you swallow them

63: I forgot the time, but I can’t forget your face.

64: Four stupid things men do: go home after get off work, spend the money you earn, order lobster for dinner, and leave your phone number for the lady.

65:I charge you, you spoil me, this is the life I want. I charge you, you spoil me, this is the life I want.

66: Love is just a pronoun, no one knows how much sadness it contains

67: The sweet bits and pieces at the beginning are finally pieced together into all the bitter memories.

68: You must have opened the things you wrote down in your notebook, and they made you feel childish and ridiculous, but more distressed.

69: Is it me or money that you want to get? Is it you or it that I want to get?

2020 a sentence of domineering personality signature for yourself

1: To go out and mess around, you must have a mouth that can confuse right and wrong.

2: This life is short, let’s just make mistakes.

3: Nothing can stop my happiness

4: Don’t tell me about the past, it’s all over, why bother?

5: If you want to compete with me, be careful of being tricked.

6: I don’t live to let you dictate what you do.

7: The days are long, I will always find out whether you are a human or a dog.

8: What does my life have to do with you?

9: The sun is scorching, but I still want to bask in it.

10: There is only one me and you can love me however you want.

11: The purpose of making yourself strong is not to be trampled on by others.

12: Kindness will only allow you to bully yourself at will.

13: Just do whatever you want to do, anything else is nonsense.

14: Tattoos are standard equipment for gangsters. Poor people only dream of driving fast.

15: Drink the strongest alcohol and go to the best hospital for rescue.

16: If there is fire on that day that burns the clouds, I will be the one who burns the sky.

17: When the sky is scorching and the sun is scorching for a long time, those who obey me will become kings.

18: Women and men who stand on the bloody and beautiful side are just decorations.

19: I loved you so much yesterday and who you are today will be a lot tomorrow.

20: Don’t ask me why I like you, I’m just blind.

21: Don’t be pretentious and pretend to be pitiful. Who doesn’t know how to pretend?

22: If you just meet and can't stay, it would be better to never meet.

23: All the chattering that used to be in my mouth was thrown into the ashtray without any pain or itching.

24: I can wait for you if I am in a good mood to live my own life.

25: How can I stand out if I don’t intend to be the best?

26: If you delete me, don’t ask me to add you back.

27: Our childhood is no longer the past.

28: I’m not your toy, don’t think I’m easy to knead.

29: Not everyone scares me, except my dad of course

30: Sincerity cannot be wasted. I don’t care about your love.

31: Since I can’t satisfy everyone, then I will just be myself.

32: The road is so long, why should I give up anything for you?

33: If I like you, you are the king; if I don’t like you, you are just a dog’s tail grass.

34: Please love me as firmly as you love RMB.

35: You can keep talking nonsense, but I will soon render you speechless.

36: I hold the battle flag and conquer half of the country, just to let you take the back seat.

37: Being fearless is the motivation to fight. Having nothing is the reason to fight.

38: I hope everything goes wrong for you and you rely on me forever.

39: Don’t wait until I slap you in the face to realize that you need to shut up.

40: Hypocritical people say sorry. Getting out is the best apology.

41: If you leave me, I will wash the sky with blood as a bride price to remarry you.

42: Those who obey me are naturally the ones I want to protect.

43: Slap your infatuation and delusion to death and then get out of here

44: Let’s go through the world together, it doesn’t matter whether we win or lose.

45: The sky is very high, but you still have to stand on tiptoes to touch the sun

46: I am strong and naturally not afraid of disappointment.

47: Continue to be your own sunshine and illuminate the letting go of life.

48: What’s mine can only be mine, don’t think you can go away

An 8-character sentence to express your feelings

A sentence to express your feelings

A sentence to express your own mood. In real life, we can express our inner thoughts through sentences. Writing sentences is also based on our personal mood. So let’s take a look at a sentence that expresses your own mood.

A sentence to express your feelings 1

1. Any farewell without saying goodbye is a long-planned relief.

2. Don’t care too much about other people’s feelings, don’t get nervous when others are disappointed, don’t be soft-hearted when others apologize, don’t be wronged just to make others happy, don’t let yourself be so tired that you can’t breathe, don’t be stupidly kind, don’t always let yourself be Suffer.

3. There is moonlight everywhere, but there is only one moon.

4. Being single makes people look good-looking, cute, interesting, and charming.

5. If you don’t cherish it, someone will naturally treasure it.

6. Remember that love is temporary and useless, but money, studies, and future are forever.

7. It is vulgar to put your thoughts in words, just understand it by yourself.

8. Don’t be sad too early, you just have experienced too little.

9. Don’t let life ravage your beauty and affection.

10. No matter how many blessings you sweep away, you will never be happy with me.

11. When I grow up, I wish I was just a child, laughing when I was given a candy and crying when I fell down. No need to pretend beyond recognition, no need to suppress your feelings.

12. Life is a constant experience. Only by experiencing pain can you know happiness, and only by experiencing loss can you know how to cherish.

13. No toast to the past, but a toast to the brave self who, despite all the disappointments and betrayals, is still ambitious and dares to love and hate.

14. Don’t think about others. You are precious and you are also important.

15. Believe that the tears you shed today and the betrayed heart will one day be repaid in another way.

A sentence to express your feelings 2

1. Don’t swear. Most oaths turn into lies. Don't make promises, they turn into burdens in the end. If you don't want results, the results may not be what you want. As long as now, love is as gorgeous as summer flowers.

2. There is always that one person whose words can make you feel worse than death.

3. If memories had a smell, it would be the scent of camphor, sweet and steady, like clearly remembered happiness, sweet and melancholy, like forgotten sorrow.

4. Meeting you in the vast sea of ​​people is a kind of fate. I only hope to exchange my sincerity for your true love. Open my eyes, I only have you in my eyes. Close my eyes, I only have you in my eyes. Wearing glasses, all I have in my four eyes are you.

5. Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year. No matter how much I modify it, I can't hide the wrinkles at the corners of my eyes and forehead, and I can't bring back that young and charming face.

6. I put down the pen and gently closed my diary. The whole year ended like this in one afternoon.

7. I am not good at words and indifferent in everything. I don’t deliberately cater to or please anyone. I have a very arrogant temper and can’t change it. I hate the heat but prefer summer. I miss you even after three minutes of heat. Time is like water and I am always speechless. In fact, it’s nothing. I wasn’t sad or happy.

8. Wait until the buds of spring can climb around the trees again, wait until the sunshine can become as tepid as April; wait until you feel that you can't wait any longer.

9. When he no longer loves you, it is better to find someone who loves you more. Even if you love him less, it will not be so tiring and painful.

10. If people search for him thousands of times and there is no sound from that person, then love has withered. Some love is like a bird flying across the blue sky. There is no trace, but it has already flown. Some fates are like butterflies that cannot fly across the sea and can only watch. When passing by, there are always some people who will miss it, and those misses often become the eternal beauty in the golden years.

11. When we are no longer so young, we realize that our hearts are connected. What we lacked back then was just one opportunity. Is it just to be cautious? Time will never come back again and fate will never be arranged again. The mistakes of the past have now become the confession of regret, "I like you."

12. The crowds are cold and the oranges and pomeloes are in the cold, and the mist locks the autumn. The lingering past is soft like yellow flowers on the ground. Who is singing and dancing? Singing loudly, the departure song of life.

13. No matter whether I think about it or not, whether I want it or not, I can't stop you from leaving. As I walked along, I frowned; as I walked along, I lost time.

14. Somehow, looking at such a snow scene, looking at the tears falling from the clouds, I don’t know where my heart is flying. The rolling thoughts, in an instant, the longing begins to stretch, like thousands of vines wrapped around my heart.

15. No more staying up late thinking about what topic to bother you tomorrow.

16. He is diligent, that is because he has just fallen in love with you. He is clumsy, that is because he loves you deeply. If he is calm, that means he is tired of you.

17. If, one day, I miss you and smile silly, it is a sincere smile from the heart.

18. Good love is allowing the other person to continue to be themselves, while you long to be a better person; good love is evenly matched, you do what I do, and I do what you do. And I said good feelings can make a hard man soft, enable each other to put down their guard, and make each other family members. And bad feelings will make a warm man hard.

19. Don’t ask how long the shooting stars will shine, is it worth pursuing? Don’t ask when the cherry blossoms will wither, is it worth waiting for? At the moment we met, I might have been destined to forget myself for you.

20. Sometimes, we change our signatures so frequently just to let others know how we feel. But we forget that maybe others don't care about you at all.

A sentence to express your feelings 3

1. In fact, the ending of many things has been foreseen from the beginning, and all the troubles in the future are just to delay the ending time.

2. The person who often annoys you may be the one who loves you more deeply, but he just doesn’t know how to express it.

3. Deep in the courtyard, looking up silently, maybe there is a ray of wind, maybe a ray of warmth, maybe a wisp of memories, maybe a little bit of lovesickness, and finally the inadvertent possession given by the years! Immerse yourself in such a state of mind as if no one else is watching. , I think, quietness is also one of the best ways to cultivate the mind in life! The years are quiet and the world is stable! What do you want in this life?

4. Bright words can only embellish feelings. If I am silent, it is because I really love you. Maybe I am not your favorite, but I know you are the favorite of my life! After a thousand lifetimes of love, the person I love in this life is still you.

5. My small world cannot hold much, it can only hold the people who care about me and me.

6. When the weather clears up, maybe I will love you again.

7. Let me go back to my life before I met you. It couldn’t be said to be easy or happy, but it seemed good when I think about it. At least I wouldn’t be sad because of you.

8. Fireworks are cool because they are beautiful. Once they are beautiful, they turn into ashes in an instant. Silk is cool because they are beautiful in years. If they are beautiful, they turn into old people in a blink of an eye. No matter the past, no matter the appearance, after all, the time is about to end, three parts are flowing water and two parts are dust.

9. Thinking that if you forget the pain, you will see a rainbow. You really don’t understand, those beautiful hazes are nothing but nothing. You blame time for rushing by and being too cruel to you. You often want to find a tree hole to hide your fear, but the lost smile makes your memory lose control and makes you continuously weightless, like falling into outer space. Although you don't mean what you say, you will understand sooner or later: the current highness and the past poverty are all your pain, and they will end with your glory.

10. Life is a wandering journey. Every place you go and every person you meet may become a stop and a passer-by.

11. You have your happiness, I have my loneliness, and your happiness has nothing to do with me, my loneliness is equally gorgeous. I am willing to do stupid things and am used to expressing myself silently, but this does not mean that I am a fool, nor does it mean that I will always be stupid.

12. We often say: you don’t know how to cherish what you get easily, but that’s not true: you will be afraid of losing what you get easily, because we earn it ourselves, and what’s more valuable is your ability to obtain it from others. When it comes, you will be afraid of losing it and want to hold it firmly in your hands.

13. Some songs are deeply rooted in people's hearts. Is it the song or ourselves that we are listening to?

14. It just rained and the air became clear. I stood in front of the window and thought about you quietly, thinking about your beauty and thinking about your naughtyness. Just thinking about it, I hope you can fight. Sneeze, you know I'm thinking of you!

15. Everyone has his own destiny. You have no choice. If you can choose, I will not stay alone here.

16. Those years that we are about to forget are like fleeting meteors, which only shine for a moment and then disappear.

17. I don’t know where to start. If you like someone, you have to be the standard.

18. When you fall in love at first sight, it’s not the love but the face that matters; you don’t look at the time to get up, but to see how long you can sleep; you send the woman you like home, and you go wherever you go; in the world of love, a woman’s silence is the greatest Crying is also a sign of the end; Only when you are drunk can you know who you love most, and when you are sick, you can know who loves you the most; Don't use a person's past to doubt a person's essence.

19. Some people are destined to lose, just like no matter how long the day is, the night is destined to fall.

20. Stars are like eyes, hair is flying, candles are whispering in the west window, and thoughts are without thoughts. The dusty thoughts, along with the nocturne, shed a trail of sadness.

A WeChat signature to my 2020 self and a message to my future self

  A WeChat signature to my 2020 self and a message to my future self

  The road to success is always lonely. It is also the time when people are most tested. Only if you can endure all the hardships, endure all the temptations and persevere to the end can you win the final victory. Below are the WeChat signatures I carefully collected and compiled for myself in 2020 and a message for my future self. Welcome to learn from them!

  To my own WeChat signature in 2020

  1. When the sun rises over the East China Sea and sets over the Western Mountains, there will be a day of sorrow and a day of joy. If you don’t get into trouble, you will be comfortable and your heart will be at ease.

  2. The eye is a ruler, measure others first; the heart is a steelyard, weigh others first.

  3. People who are not afraid of anything are the scariest.

  4. Never regret anything because it was exactly what you wanted at one time. But there is no use regretting, either forget it or work hard.

  5. Life is not easy, so let’s coax and lie to each other.

  6. Proposal and begging are only a knee apart.

  7. What you think is your limit might just be someone else’s starting point.

  8. Every time you stand up again after falling, you will become stronger. Life is half memories and half continuation.

  9. When encountering problems, deal with emotions first and then deal with things. If emotions are not handled well, things will get worse.

  10. You may not see results for the time being in what you do, but don’t be discouraged or anxious. It’s not that you’re not growing, you’re taking root.

  11. Don’t be afraid, don’t worry. Ten years from now, everything will be just a side dish.

  12. On the road of struggle, you are destined to be accompanied by loneliness.

  13. As long as the mood is happy, the things you see will become beautiful.

  14. Be a healthy person, don’t smoke, drink or stay up late.

  15. Growth is bound to be filled with the pain of life. It is enough that we can still find happiness side by side.

  16. Life is not a kind of making things difficult, but a kind of carving.

  17. No matter how strong I become, you are still my weakness.

  18. Probably all likes are similar: greed that cannot be concealed, but sweet contentment.

  19. Love cannot be hidden. If you close your mouth, your eyes will tell it.

  20. I yearn for a clean circle, a regular life, simple love, and the person I like.

  21. Life is a long road, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

  22. I only want two things in my life, one is you and the other is your happiness.

  23. There will always be rainy days and sunny days in life, but there will always be sunny days after rain.

  24. Don’t care about everyone, just live your life.

  25. When someone leaves, someone will come. There is no need to stay or wait.

  26. I hope you can be happy, and I hope I can live a good life.

  27. Ripples are not necessarily the dragonfly’s fault, especially on a windy lake.

  28. I have lost, but I have never been afraid; I have been defeated, but I have never given up.

  29. The human heart usually does not die from big events, but it is fatally wounded by small disappointments time and time again.

  30. Close your eyes, clean your heart, let the past go, live a life of peace and contentment with a willing attitude.

  31. Treat every day as if it is the last day of your life, and you will be relaxed and at ease.

  32. Look at people with your time and heart, not with your eyes.

  33. Close your eyes to the old past and open your mind to new beginnings.

  34. The sun always appears after a cloudy day, it is so warm and dazzling.

  35. From now on, when I talk about you, there will be no wind, rain or shine.

  36. The process of shaping yourself is painful, but in the end you will gain a better self.

  37. When you have the courage to cut your long hair short, you have the courage to let go of the past.

  38. Don’t spend your best and youngest years being a fat guy who can only play with mobile phones!

  39. Growth may be about becoming more and more silent, it is the process of silencing your crying, sending your emotions to places where others cannot see them, and a person learns to be strong.

  40. There is no such thing as "not being able to do something" in this world. When you lose all your support, you will naturally know everything.

  41. Complaining is a kind of negative energy. It is like shooting oneself in the foot. It is of no benefit to others, is not good for oneself, and does not help anything.

  42. You need to be cautious about the warmth and coldness of human relationships; you also need to have the skills to guard against others when the world is hot and cold.

  43. If you don’t work hard at 20, you won’t stand up at 30. Don’t pretend to work hard, because the result will not be with you.

  44. Life is a show that never ends, and each of us is an actor. However, some people obey themselves, and some people please the audience.

  45. When reality smashes all your egos into powder. All the advice that was offensive to you will become more pleasant to your ears.

  46. ​​What qualifications do you have to say that I have changed? What have you been through with me?

  47. I have been acting like a ghost these past few years, and I don’t open my affectionate mouth at all times.

  48. There are many things that you can just understand without worrying about them at all.

  49. Don’t regret the past; don’t worry about the future; cherish the present.

  50. Trust is very fragile, you must take good care of it once you have it. Once it is broken, hundreds of smiles cannot repair it.

  A word to my future self

  1. Doing things you have never done before is called growth, doing things you are unwilling to do is called change, and doing things you dare not do is called breakthrough.

  2. No matter how you feel right now, get up, get dressed and go for your dreams.

  3. If you have a dream, go for it. Anyway, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, you have a lot of time to explore.

  4. It’s not your wallet that determines what clothes you wear, but your body. What determines your temper is not your character, but your position. What determines your taste is not your academic qualifications, but your experience.

  5. Perseverance in dreams is destined to lead to loneliness and hesitation, because there is indispensable doubt and ridicule from others, but so what, even if you are bruised and bruised, you must live a beautiful life!

  6. Exchange your own efforts for success, and then success will be like a big slap on the face of those who once looked down on you. It will be as loud as possible and as refreshing as you want.

  7. Only if you are strong enough can you have a useful voice.

  8. There is nothing that can’t be overcome, it’s just that you can never come back.

  9. If you don’t want to do something, you can’t get anywhere in the world.

  10. No pearl’s sparkle is applied by others.

  11. If hateful setbacks make you taste the bitter fruit, rising up will surely make you taste the joy of life.

  12. In order to rush towards the rivers, lakes and seas, even if it faces an abyss of hundreds of feet, the waterfall still roars forward and never shrinks back.

  13. Life requires not only length, but also width.

  14. As long as I want to win, you are a scumbag.

  15. One day you will suddenly realize that your parents are the people you spend the least time on, but they love you the most.

  16. When you get it, you destroy it; when you lose it, you regret it.

  17. I expose all my temper and bad emotions to you with the confidence that you will not leave.

  18. I know they are in the sky in the shining stars. I know they are protecting me in the dark.

  19. If someone throws a stone at you, don’t throw it back. Keep it as the cornerstone for building a tall building.

  20. Some things, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t go back. Youth is like a dream, we are all right, but we are not suitable.

  21. If you think about it a thousand times, it is better to do it once. Even if you fail, you have tried hard.

  22. The most important things in life are character and health. If you have these two, you will be rich.

  23. In the end, whatever you believe in, you can become. Because the two most terrifying words in the world are persistence and seriousness. Serious people change themselves, and persistent people change their destiny. As long as you're on the road, there's no place you can't reach.

  24. Now that you have chosen a distant place for your dream, there is no turning back. Therefore, it is either to die on the battlefield or to return home in embarrassment.

  25. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but in which direction we are going.

  26. There is no natural success, and there is no unreasonable mediocrity.

  27. Life can be wandering and lonely, but the soul must have a refuge.

  28. The tears I shed now are the water in my head when I fell in love with you.

  29. Some words are suitable for rotting in the heart, and some painful words are suitable for being forgotten silently.

  30. Some people only do two things in their lives, dissatisfaction and fighting, so they get better and better. There are also people who only do two things in their lives, waiting and regretting, so the more they mess around, the worse they get.

  31. You have to remember that you have to bully others and support yourself.

  32. I can’t grasp the beauty of this world, so I can only pretend that everything is going well.

  33. Those beautiful memories and vows you once had are no longer remembered by you.

  34. I won’t wait any longer, just pretend that the wind has never blown, you have never been here, and I have never loved you.

  35. Youth is like a heavy rain, running in the rain without looking back, but there will never be the same raindrops again.

  36. Those who are unavailable are always in turmoil; those who are favored are confident.

  37. When you learn to reject others and learn to retaliate in kind, they will respect you and even fear you. I finally believed that sentence: There is nothing wrong with being ruthless.

  38. There is no need to explain things like disappointment and grievance.

  39. I hope you will experience the deep malice of this world as soon as possible.

  40. The farthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but when familiar people gradually become strangers.

  People who are too sensitive always have random thoughts because of other people's casual words, not because they are scheming, but because they are too kind.

  41. Don’t lose today just because of a little bit of trouble.

  42. Being scheming and having a brain are two different concepts. I hope everyone knows this.

  43. It would be a loss if you haven’t grown up after you have suffered.

  44. Don’t pay too much attention to what people say about you behind your back, because those who are better than you don’t even bother to mention you. Defamation is itself a kind of looking up to others.

  45. No matter how well you do, there will still be people pointing fingers; even if you are a mess, there will still be people singing praises. So don't fall into other people's eyes. What you need to please is just yourself.

  46. ​​Only by looking backward can you understand life; but to live well, you must look forward.

  47. I work hard now, but I don’t want my future self to despise my present self.

  48. Don’t always miss the past. Yesterday’s sun will never dry today’s clothes.

  49. Some things are not about not caring, but what can you do if you care about them. There is no hypothesis in life, there is only consequence and result. Maturity means facing all the little things with a smile.

  50. There is no absolute fairness in the world, nor is there absolute hopelessness.

The above is all about the one-sentence mood signature to yourself, the short inspirational signature sentence to yourself, and the related content of the one-sentence mood signature to yourself. I hope it can help you.

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