
Contents of this article

  • 1. A short story about Michael Jackson in English

A short story about Michael Jackson in English

MJ's mother Catherine's 1990 autobiography "The Jacksons, MY family"----from the painstaking translation of ilmj1314
(paste a large paragraph for now)
MJ Mom Tells Story
First, Joe said he wanted a kid, which I didn't understand. He was one of five children, and his father was one of 20. "Okay, I want three. "I answered him. Because when I was growing up, I always wanted to have a brother, and I pictured that if we had three children in the future, the chances of me having a son would be very high. But when our third child, Toriano (Tito), was born on October 15, 1953, at Mercy Hospital in Gary, Joe and I were enjoying being parents so much that we wanted a bigger family.
At the same time, I also found that I could get pregnant easily. Nothing makes me feel better than being pregnant and I never have morning sickness. I never knew I was pregnant until I found out I had missed my period. Sometimes, if I don't look at my calendar, I don't even feel like I'm a month or more pregnant.
Jermaine was our fourth child, born on December 11, 1954.
LaToya was born on May 28, 1956. The day she was born was the sixth anniversary of Rebbie's arrival into the world. At 7 pounds, 12 ounces, she is my heaviest child.
Less than a year later I was back in the hospital. This time it was twins: Marlon and Brandon, born on March 12, 1957.
They were born two months premature. My water broke while I was dragging a bucket of space heater oil into the room. Joe wasn't home at the time. It was one of his cousins ​​who took me to the hospital. Marlon was born 45 minutes after I went in, weighing 4 pounds, 5 ounces.
As the doctor was leaving the room, the nurse called, "Wait a minute, there's another baby!" "The doctor listened to my stomach with a stethoscope for a while. “I was so negligent, there must be another one! he exclaimed. This was the same doctor who examined me during my pregnancy, and he didn’t even realize I was pregnant with twins!
“She’s so tired. "The doctor said. He began to use the vaginal instrument to pull Brandon out. I was sedated, but I recall thinking that he was going to hurt my baby.
After Brandon was born, I remember him crying very faintly and 8 hours later he was gone.
It was Joe's mother who told me the bad news. They feel bad. They felt even worse when Chrystal mentioned that I cried. "We have another child. Rebbie whimpered, "Mom shouldn't cry." ”
Because I was in the hospital for 5 days, I couldn’t attend the funeral. Chrystal found a professional photographer to take photos of Brandon, but the photographer lost the film. I have never met this son of mine.
After enduring the pain of losing a baby and Marlon's premature birth, being able to bring Marlon home 4 weeks later brought joy to our lives.
The traumatic experience Marlon and Brandon put me through did not stop me from getting pregnant again. On August 29th of the following year, my other son was born.
I remember that day very clearly because my waters broke as my neighbor Mildred White and I were driving to see the new, unbuilt, all-boys school, Garnett Elementary.
“Oh God, Mildred, I can’t sit in your car like this! "I screamed.
“Girl, don’t worry. Mildred said and turned the car around.
I asked Mildred to take me home. I called my mother, and she and my stepfather sent me to Mercy Hospital.
Shortly after arriving, I started having contractions. At midnight that day, my son was born.
“I’ll name the child. "My mother said. I hated her first suggestion: Ronald.
“Oh God, Mom, no. "She thought for a while. "I got it - Michael".
“That’s it. "I said.
I'm used to seeing my little babies born with weird head shapes. So I'm not at all alarmed by Michael's. When I first held him in my arms, what struck me most were his big brown eyes and long hands, which reminded me of my father-in-law.
“I bet I was an accident! "Michael teased. He wasn't, but after he was born, I decided not to have kids for a while - after eight kids in eight years I decided to get a job as a salesperson at Sears. Randy, our next child, was not born until 3 years later on October 31, 1961. It wasn't until almost five years later, on August 16, 1966, that I gave birth to Janet.
One reason why Joe and I had Randy and Janet again was because when the older kids were grown, we had a little one to worry about.
“We already have a lot of kids, why do we have more? ” I asked my older children. I think most children won't mind if others take away their parents' love. “We love babies. ” they always reply.
They certainly proved this when Janet was born.
“I have a little sister! I have a little sister! "Michael ran through one house after another on Jackson Street.
Michael and Janet seemed destined to be best friends, and they remained close to each other even to the end. But when Janet was born. All her brothers and sisters doted on her. For example, Rebbie often takes Janet out to play so that her classmates think Janet is her child.
Another joy of being a mother is watching my children develop their own unique personalities.
The responsible Rebbie is my first assistant, and "little mom" is what her brother Jackie calls her.
When she was 6 years old, she was able to change diapers and feed her younger siblings. By the time she was 12 years old, she could iron and wash clothes, tidy up the room, and cook meals.
“I feel like this is what I should do as the biggest. "she says. Jackie is the naughtiest one.
REBBIE: He loves to tease his little brothers. When I came to watch the house while Mom was out, he would shoot or bang their heads, then rush into the bathroom and lock the door before I could catch him. Making cookies is a difficult task when he's around. I only had to go back to the kitchen for a minute and he had already managed to grab a piece.
On the contrary, outside, he is the most shy. I remember one time he was at a party and snuck away across the street behind my house just because I made him wear a suit and he was afraid the neighbor kids would see it.
Jermaine is mama's baby. When he was 5 years old, he started to resemble my shadow.
This is also understandable. When he was 4 years old, he suffered from a serious kidney disease. He stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks.
The day we took him to the hospital, when Joe and I left the room, he was screaming, screaming. Suddenly the shouting stopped. As we were about to enter the elevator, we were surprised to see him standing in front of us. He escaped from his crib, ran into the hall, and was right in front of us. Leaving him also broke my heart
Jermaine is also a snitch.
JACKIE: If we do something that we don’t want dad to know about, we have to bribe Jermaine with a cookie and he promises not to tell. Then he would say, “I won’t tell. "But as soon as his father walked in, he rushed over; "Dad...! "Tell them all at once, sometimes even making up the facts!
REBBIE: If Jermaine is wrong, he blames it on everyone else. This way you know who is at fault. Another thing I noticed was that even though he stuttered: he never stuttered when he was trying to escape a spanking.
When he gets a toy, he always takes it apart and puts it back together. By the time he was 10, he was repairing irons, toasters and radios. He saved us a lot of repair costs.
He and Jermaine are best friends and love going to the local junkyard to find bicycle parts to build their own bicycles.
JERMAINE: Our bike was like a mountain bike today, but without fenders. We're proud to say it will outlast the beautiful bikes you buy in the store.
Tito even likes my Maytag washing machine. If he's around me while I'm doing laundry, he always asks if he can help. His favorite job is putting clothes in the dryer.
LaToya is a quiet child.
She was the kind of little girl my grandmother would love, and indeed, my mother's heart. In the summer she always spent a lot of time with her grandmother. When you finish bathing her, she sits on the edge of the bed like a little lady. If a person sneezes at the dinner table, she immediately has her hands covering the plate. I was like that when I was a kid.
In comparison, Janet looks like a tomboy. She was nicknamed "Squirrel" when she was two years old because of her tendency to climb on furniture and boys' beds.
Mike is just like other kids. She also likes to sleep with us, but Joe doesn't like that. This smart little girl always waits for her daddy to be asleep, then quietly sneaks into our room and climbs up from my side.
While my sisters were getting their hair done and their nails painted, I was climbing trees, swimming, and playing baseball with my brothers.
Getting Janet to wear skirts to kindergarten was a difficult task; she always had to wear jeans. To this day, she still likes to dress like a boy. She would show us her combat boots at home, her patched jeans, her big T-shirt, and her hair always wrapped in a hat.
"Janet" I would say. "Put on some earrings and some lipstick so people don't think you're a boy. ”
Randy is the most argumentative kid. His nickname was "Little Professor" because he always loved to debate. If one of his friends says the ball is red, he will definitely say the ball is blue to make things difficult for him.
Marlon is my most determined and winning kid. He and Michael played typical kid games: checkers, poker, catch. Basically Michael wins. But Marlon came out and kept yelling until he beat Michael.
Finally, a word about Michael, an amazing kid.
The first time I discovered that Michael was no ordinary kid was in 1960. I was standing next to the washing machine, checking the load, and when I turned around, I saw that my one-and-a-half-year-old son, who was only as tall as my skirt, was dancing with a baby bottle, dancing to the same rhythm as the squeaking sound of the washing machine. .
In addition to his precocious dancing talent, those were also Michael's happiest and most naughty days.
REBBIE: When Michael was less than two years old, when my dad was pacing in the living room, Michael aimed his baby bottle at my dad's head, hit it, and hit his target. I think my dad was not hurt as much as he was in shock, as his two-year-old son was already throwing things at him.
When he was 3 years old, Michael's pranks intensified. After one time Michael made a mistake and Joe spanked him, Michael threw a shoe at him. Joe saw it and dodged, but Michael threw another one at him.
REBBIE: He grumbles when my mom asks him to do chores and he doesn't want to do them. "What did you say? Mom asked, raising her eyebrows. Michael didn't answer. “Come here, little one! ” she ordered.
Then the show begins. Michael returned to the bedroom crying, with his mother chasing after him. He just crawled under the mattress. Mom tried to pull him out, but she couldn't. Neither can other brothers. She had to wait for him to come out on his own
Half an hour or more passed. Finally, Michael crawled out from under the bed. He got himself dirty and continued to wander around the living room. Sometimes my mother has forgotten that he made a mistake; sometimes other brothers have to pounce on him so that my mother can deal with him.
JACKIE: Michael is also good at hiding from my dad. One second my dad was holding him down and ready to spank him, and the next he was five feet away. Michael couldn't hold it down at all. He was like an earthworm, moving without listening. He moves too much.
Sometimes, Joe is just too angry that Michael managed to escape from him, and more often than not, we just can’t stop laughing. "What can you do to a child like this? "we say.
When I think about other aspects of Michael's personality growing up. I can always think of another point, that is, he is too generous, sometimes it is too much.
One time when he was in 2nd grade, I couldn't find one of my jewelry. “Have you seen my bracelet? ” I finally asked my children.
Looking around, Michael said calmly: "I took it to give to my teacher. ”
I didn’t punish him because I thought it was good to know how to give. But I told him not to do it again. But Michael didn't obey, so more of my jewelry disappeared. He was also looking for my mom’s jewelry and memorabilia. You know how important those things are to an old grandmother. They have their own plans and don't want their grandchildren to get involved. When she captures Michael alive, the two of them always fight.
I also get his inquisitive tidbits from his brothers.
“Mom, when we’re at other people’s houses, Michael always wants to know what’s in their drawers. "One of them told me: "When we left the room, Michael would look through the drawers.
MARLON: He hasn't changed. When we were backstage together on the Victory Tour, Michael walked into someone's office and rummaged around: "Get out of those drawers. "We told him.
He is also known for rummaging through his brother's things. Once he went to Randy's place. Randy isn't here. Michael started rummaging through his drawers. Michael saw a note in a drawer that said, "Michael, you guy who loves to rummage through other people's things, don't look at it. "Michael couldn't stop laughing after seeing it.
I also don’t want to give the impression that little Michael is a daredevil who keeps making mistakes. He also has a cute side. When Rebbie graduated from high school, he bought her a bottle of nail polish at the corner store. He also often buys small gifts to give to neighbor children.
His number one goal in life is to own a candy store because he loves being a store owner. When Joe started giving him a fixed weekly allowance, he spent all the money on candy and bubble gum. He took them all home. Find a board and two bricks in the boy's bedroom as a counter, spread a piece of cloth on it, put all the candies on it, and then resell them to his siblings and friends at the same price.
Michael also enjoys eating candy and chewing bubble gum. Before he opened his "store," he would always save some change to buy bubble gum at the concession counter at Little League Park in the back. One night, however, he couldn't find his change. He cried and asked, "Mom, do you know where my change went?" "When I saw Marlon happily chewing bubble gum not far away, I knew the answer:)
Michael and Marlon were playing together.
MARLON: People always think we are twins because we are the same height. In addition to playing games together, we rollerbladed up and down the driveway, played basketball, and rode our mini bikes.
JACKIE: They also used to get up in the middle of the night, get a pair of broomsticks and act as "soldiers". They would throw the broomsticks out of the window to see if they could hit passing vehicles.
Michael also enjoyed running races around the block with his brothers and neighborhood kids, running under the sprinklers in the summer, and playing hockey. All of these are things that normal children should play.
But his singing and dancing are not things that belong to a normal child.
The first time I heard Michael sing was in 1963. While Jackie, Tito and Jermaine were singing a Mill City Records song together in their bedroom, suddenly I heard a fourth voice join in the conversation. That was the voice of 4-year-old Michael - the part he sang was as clear as a bell.
“You know what? Michael's voice is good enough to be a lead singer. "I told Joe that night.
Two years later, Michael performed "Climb Every Mountain" for the first time in public at an assembly at Garnett Elementary. Joe's father and I were sitting in the audience. When Michael began to sing with his sweet and pure voice, the always stubborn Samuel Jackson shed tears. I watched him burst into tears. Michael was very calm and not nervous at all when he stood on stage. It could even be said that he felt natural.
^Michael's dancing talent also developed rapidly. He is a smaller version of James Brown. He watched "The First Soul Brother" perform on TV, learned his trademark spins and twists, and then imitated them perfectly in his living room.
When the Jackson Five began performing in Gary's talent competition in 1965, Michael began choreographing dance routines for the group. During rehearsal, when one of the older brothers said, "We don't need to do this part of "My Girl." ” Michael would then say, “Okay, let’s do this. "Then he did a dance move that was so fresh and stylish that his brothers looked at each other and shook their heads in disbelief.
Michael, you're still a kid, and I always think about you, but you're the one giving us orders.
Michael still daydreams all day long. "One day I will live in a castle. ” he declared to his 2nd grade teacher.

The above is all the English content about Latoya's biography, a short story about Michael Jackson, and Latoya's related content. I hope it can help you.

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