
Contents of this article

  • 1.Why do pigeons be regarded as a symbol of peace internationally?
  • 2. The origin of the invincible pigeon
  • 3. Animal encyclopedia pigeon
  • 4.Why are the animals transformed by magicians all pigeons?

Why is the dove regarded as a symbol of peace internationally?

It originates from an ancient myth: In ancient times, God, who controls the destiny of mankind, thought that the morality of the world was corrupt and was very angry. He decided to send a flood to destroy them all. However, after examination, Noah and his wife were proved to be the only good people and could be preserved. . To this end, God sent a messenger to inform Noah and his wife to prepare a large square wooden boat, and select a pair from various birds and beasts to bring on board to avoid disaster. This is the well-known story of the flood and Noah's Ark. Later, when the flood that devoured everything gradually subsided, Noah sent a dove out of the ship to find out whether the flood had receded. The dove flew back to the Ark with a green olive branch in its mouth to announce the good news: the floods have receded, days of peace are coming, and life in the world has begun a new turn!
This legend is recorded in the Bible, but it has gone through a process of continuous improvement from the publication of this book before the Christian era until the birth of the dove image with an olive branch in its mouth in the 17th century. In the European religious reform movement that arose in Germany in the 16th century, the dove became the incarnation of the Holy Spirit. Lucas, a Protestant, said: “While Jesus was praying, suddenly the gate of heaven opened and the Holy Spirit turned into a dove and flew down towards him. "In one of the works of Dürer, the most important German oil painter and printmaker during the Renaissance, there is also a white dove as the incarnation of the Holy Spirit on the head of the Virgin Mary. This is the work of Dürer and the leader of the religious reform Martin Luther. There are close connections with the people around you. In his paintings of the same period, the dove symbolizing destiny often appeared on Martin Luther's head. In the 1620s, an international war broke out in Europe with Germany as the main battlefield. The 30-year war caused unprecedented serious damage to Germany's social economy. The disaster-stricken people yearned for a peaceful life and discovered that the so-called Protestantism, The old religious war was just an excuse for the rulers to launch war. Thus, the dove, the carrier of the Holy Spirit, began to act as a messenger of peace. At that time, various free cities in the German Empire issued a set of commemorative coins. The pattern is a dove with an olive branch in its mouth, and the inscription "Holy Dove Blesses Peace" is engraved underneath. Since then, the olive branch and the dove have become a world-recognized symbol of peace. Of course, this is only in a religious sense. In the late 18th century, the famous German playwright and poet Schiller further introduced this symbol from religion to politics. In the prologue of his masterpiece "The Girl of Orleans", he asked France's national heroine Joan of Arc to solemnly declare: "A miracle will occur - the white dove will take off, and she will go to the hundreds of hundreds of people who are ravaging our motherland with the courage of an eagle. The vulture! "This is a dove that adds a new meaning that peace needs to be fought for and maintained through struggle, and is no longer a holy dove without resistance.

The Origin of the Invincible Pigeon

A common bird. Widely raised around the world, pigeons are a collective name for hundreds of species of birds in the family Columbiformes. The pigeon we usually call is only one species in the genus Pigeon, and it is a domestic pigeon. Pigeons have been living with humans for thousands of years. The first image of a pigeon discovered by archaeologists comes from Mesopotamia, now Iraq, in 3000 BC.

Animal encyclopedia pigeon

Caring for life   Caring for the earth
Pigeon, a very common bird, is widely raised around the world. Pigeon is the collective name for hundreds of species of birds in the family Doveidae. The pigeons we usually talk about are just one type of pigeon, and they are domestic pigeons. The most common domestic pigeon is the homing pigeon, which is mainly used for communication and racing. Pigeons have been living with humans for thousands of years.
Latin scientific name: Columba, binomial name: Aplopelia Bonaparte.
Pigeon is a kind of bird that is good at flying. It is small and exquisite, comes in many varieties, and has many colors of feathers. It mainly feeds on cereals. Also called pigeon. Pigeons have the most colorful coats among birds. There are many varieties, and its feather colors include tile gray, blue, white, black, green, red, flower and other colors.

      ~Pigeon morphological characteristics:

The head is broad and flat, the body is large and wide and deep, 53-56 cm long from beak to tail, chest circumference 38- 40 cm, long and slightly curved beak. The eye rings of adult pigeons are red or flesh-red, while those of young pigeons are pink. The Lundi pigeon has a long and thick neck, a long and open back, a long tail with a rounded end, plump thighs, short tarsus and toes, and two types: no foot hair and foot hair. The one without foot hair is the best, and the foot color is dark. red. The colors of its feathers are mixed, including white, black, crimson, gray second-line, etc. The white Luan pigeon is the best.

        ~The Mystery of the Dove's Head:

Pigeons do not have eyes like humans or owls, but one on each side. In this way, what the pigeon sees is the image of two single eyes, rather than the image formed by two eyes. So they have to keep moving their heads to get information about the depth of field.
      ~Crying characteristics:
Pigeons like to make cheerful "coo, coo, coo" calls.

In spring, pigeons are at the peak of their estrus, and their calls are louder at this time, especially in the morning on a sunny day. In addition, even if paired with the right male pigeon, he will call and chase other female pigeons. He will only be quieter when he stays in the nest with his mate.

      ~Navigation ability

Pigeons have organs that sense magnetic fields and rely on geomagnetic navigation to know their way around.

There are thousands of answers to the question of why pigeons can come "home" from far away. A racing champion pigeon can return home from 400 to 600 miles away in one day. And this amazing ability is not limited to racing or domestic pigeons, all pigeons have the ability to return to their habitat.

A ten-year research report from Oxford University suggests that pigeons use roads, highways, etc. to navigate. Other theories suggest that pigeons navigate through the earth's magnetic field, landmarks, the sun, and even infrasound. Whatever the truth is, it makes pigeons special birds.
        ~Life habits:
Male and female pigeons build nests, incubate eggs and raise chicks together. After the pigeons have mated, they will go out to find nesting materials and build a nest. Male pigeons with good production performance also have the behavior of "chasing their wives". If the female pigeon leaves the nest, the male pigeon will chase the female pigeon back to the nest to lay eggs. After the female pigeon lays the egg, the male and female pigeons take turns incubating the eggs. The male pigeon enters the nest at 9 a.m. every day to hatch, and the female pigeon leaves the nest to look for food and activities. The female pigeon enters the nest at 5 pm and hatches until 9 am the next day. In this way, the male and female pigeons alternate, day after day, until the young pigeons are hatched. After the young pigeons hatch, the male and female pigeons secrete pigeon milk together to nourish the young pigeons. The incubation period of pigeon eggs is generally about 17 days. After this time, before the young pigeons hatch, the male and female pigeons will abandon the old nest and find a new nest to lay eggs and then hatch them. Therefore, during production, if it is found that the chicks have not hatched beyond the incubation period, the unhatched eggs should be taken out in time to allow the pigeons to lay eggs in time. Pigeons are late adult birds. Unlike other birds, when young pigeons first emerge from their shells, their eyes cannot open, their body surface feathers are sparse, and they cannot walk to feed. They need to be fed by their own pigeons and can live independently for about 40 days.

Pigeons are very responsive. In daily life, pigeons are highly alert and very sensitive to surrounding stimuli. Flashes of light, strange sounds, moving objects, abnormal colors, etc. can cause the pigeons to commotion and fly. Therefore, during feeding and management, attention should be paid to keeping the environment around the pigeons quiet, especially at night to prevent intrusion by rats, snakes, cats, dogs, etc., so as not to cause confusion among the pigeons and affect the normal life of the pigeons. Pigeons have a strong homing tendency. Both domestic and wild pigeons have a strong tendency to return home. Generally speaking, their birthplace is the place where they have lived all their lives. Any unfamiliar place is not an ideal place for pigeons. They do not feel at ease to stay and want to return to their "hometown" all the time, especially when they encounter This desire to "love home" is stronger when there is danger and terror. If a pigeon is taken hundreds or thousands of miles away from its "home" and released, it will try its best to return as quickly as possible and will not want to stay or perch in any unfamiliar place along the way.
Compared with other poultry or birds, pigeons have unique living habits. First of all, pigeons are monogamous birds. After pigeons become sexually mature, they are selective in their mates. Once paired, they are devoted and inseparable. They are not as promiscuous as other poultry. In the same pigeon flock, if the number of male and female pigeons is not equal, there may also be same-sex couples of two males or two females. After the pigeons are paired, both male and female pigeons participate in nest building, incubation and raising young pigeons. Pigeons take a long time to re-pair after being widowed. In production, in order to cultivate excellent varieties, improve the quality of pigeon varieties, and avoid breed degradation caused by inbreeding, artificial selection can be carried out in a planned manner. If the male and female pigeons are freely paired, they can be separated and matched again, but this is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, when breeding, it is necessary to master this characteristic of pigeons and formulate an artificial selection plan as early as possible to prevent free pairing. In addition, after adult pigeons lose their spouses, they may have promiscuous mating due to strong sexual desire during the estrus season, which may disturb the pigeon flock. In order to keep the pigeon flock quiet, the estrus pigeons can be paired in time, or temporarily Its isolation.
Under favorable conditions, wild pigeons can breed up to eight times a year, with two babies born each time. The frequency of pigeon breeding depends on the abundance of food. It takes about 18 to 19 days for a baby pigeon to hatch and hatch. The parents will feed the baby with a special kind of pigeon milk. A newly hatched pigeon will double its weight in one day, but it will take four days before it can open its eyes. After about two months, the young pigeons can leave the nest.

Pigeons’ food is mainly plant-based, whether wild or domestic, mainly corn, wheat, beans, grains, etc. They generally do not eat insects and other meat. Pigeons are accustomed to eating raw food, and artificial feeding can also adapt to cooked food. Pelleted mixed feed can also be fed in artificial breeding farms.

Pigeons are active during the day and return to roost at night. Pigeons are very active during the day and eat and drink frequently. At night, they rest quietly in the shed nest. However, trained pigeons can fly in the dark or even at night if they do not return to their habitat before evening.

Pigeons have strong memories and even strong conditioned reflexes. People who often take care of it will quickly become close to it and will never forget it. If you treat them roughly, it will often be detrimental to their feeding and management. Pigeons are still animals with strong habits. To change their original living habits, they need to gradually adjust over a period of time. Therefore, in the feeding and management of pigeons, daily feeding and management procedures and environmental conditions should be fixed. To ensure higher production efficiency.
      ~Physiological characteristics:
They have long wings and powerful flight muscles, so they fly quickly and powerfully. Male and female pigeons mate for life, and if one of them dies, it takes a long time for the other to accept a new mate. Pigeons perch on tall buildings or on rocky cliffs. They often move in groups of dozens, flying at high speeds and at low altitudes. Forage for seeds and fruits on the ground or in trees. Build a nest with dry grass and twigs in the crevices of the cliffs. The nest is flat and disc-shaped, with a slightly concave center. Generally, 2 eggs are laid in each nest, and the eggs are white. Domestic pigeons were domesticated from rock pigeons. Its kind, the wild pigeon, is distributed in Europe, northern Africa and Central Asia. In China, it is found in the northern, western and central Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The body length is 295-360 mm. The head, neck, chest and upper back are slate gray. The upper back and front chest have metallic green and purple flashes. The rest of the back is light gray. There is a black horizontal spot on each wing. The tail feathers are slate gray. , the end of which is a wide black horizontal spot, similar to both sexes. Pigeons are all plump in body, small in beak, and docile in nature. The walking posture seems to be strutting, with a characteristic nodding movement.

People take advantage of pigeons' strong flying ability and homing ability to cultivate different varieties of homing pigeons. The homing ability of pigeons means that after a young pigeon grows up in one place and takes the pigeon to a far away place, it can still find its original nest. Humans have been raising pigeons for more than 5,000 years, forming many varieties with different traits. There is still no conclusion on how pigeons rely on to identify the direction of homing. The magnetic field theory, solar theory, smell theory, etc. all have their own basis. Perhaps the pigeons are using a combination of these abilities.

      ~Wild Pigeon:

There are two main types of wild pigeons: rock-dwelling and arboreal. After long-term breeding and selection, domestic pigeons include food pigeons, toy pigeons, racing pigeons, military pigeons and experimental pigeons. In 3000 BC, there were records of pigeon raising in the fifth generation of the Egyptian dynasty. China also has a long history of raising pigeons. According to the dovecote on the pottery carving room unearthed from a Han tomb in Lushan County, Sichuan, it is inferred that pigeons were raised as late as 206 AD. Today, every continent in the world has its own wild pigeons and domestic pigeons. People have different statistics on pigeon species. According to Japan's "Big World Encyclopedia of Animals", there are 5 groups and 250 species of pigeons on the earth; and Japan's "All-In-One" records that there are as many as 550 species of birds in the family Doveidae. The evolution from numerous wild rock pigeons with their own characteristics to a variety of domestic pigeons shows that domestic pigeons are a product of multiple origins. Regardless of whether they are wild pigeons or domestic pigeons, pigeons have no webs. The lingo of some illegal game restaurants refers to seagulls caught from the wild as "pigeons", which is unacceptable under the law.

Untamed wild pigeon. Mainly divided into two categories: rock-dwelling and arboreal. Distributed all over the world, there are wood pigeons, rock pigeons, North American traveling pigeons, snow pigeons, turtle doves, etc. Our country is also one of the origins of pigeons in the world. The Book of Pigeons written by Zhang Wanchong in the Ming Dynasty said: "Wild pigeons form groups in groups, and this is true across the world." In vast areas such as the northern and northwest plateaus of our country, there are not only rock pigeons perching on rocks, but also wood pigeons perching on branches. There is a kind of wild wood pigeon commonly known as "water cuckoo" in the Yangtze River Basin. In Nantou County, Taiwan, there is a place called "Wild Pigeon Valley" by locals. There are flocks of wild pigeons, including piebald pigeons, wild rock pigeons, Nicobar pigeons and wood pigeons. Wild pigeons, such as spotted pigeons, wood pigeons and European pigeons, can be crossed with domestic pigeons to create new varieties. Wild pigeons are adaptable in many aspects and fully demonstrate their ability to fly and settle. They rely on the sun, moon and stars, and use vision, hearing and smell to identify directions.

      ~Rock Pigeon:

Also known as "Mountain Rock Pigeon". A type of wild pigeon. They live on rock cliffs along the coast, holding branches in the rock gaps to build nests and breed their offspring. They live near the seaside and drink seawater when thirsty to replenish salt in their bodies. This habit has been continued in domestic pigeons. Slightly larger than the rock pigeon, the male pigeon can reach 35 cm in length. Easy to train. The feather color is raindrop, and the background color of the compound feathers is dark with white spots. Produced in southern Europe to the Mediterranean coast, the Middle and Near East, India, Korea and other places. In my country, it is mainly distributed throughout Northeast China, eastern and central Inner Mongolia and other areas. The British scientist Darwin believed it to be the ancestor of the domestic pigeon. He said in "The Origin of Species": "A variety of domestic pigeon breeds originated from a common ancestor: the rock pigeon. "Ornithologists can't distinguish any biological differences between rock pigeons and rock pigeons. The English name for rock dove is Rock Dove, which was previously translated as rock pigeon. Therefore, the wild rock pigeon that Darwin referred to is probably the rock dove.

        ~Rock pigeon:

A type of wild pigeon. It is the original species of domestic pigeon, and its body shape is roughly similar to that of domestic pigeon. Most of them inhabit the rocky cliffs at the seaside. They are not good at building nests and only carry some dead branches and leaves as bedding. The feather color is generally tile gray, with two black stripes on the wings. The feathers on the neck and chest are darker in color, with red and green metallic luster. Eat cereals and vegetable seeds. There are many subspecies. Distributed in Europe, Asia, Iran, India and other places, it is also produced in my country.

      ~Spot-tailed wood pigeon:

A national second-level protected animal, a type of wild pigeon. Larger and heavier than domestic pigeons. Build a nest in a tree. The feather color is black, with white feathers on the edges of the wings, and white feathers on the neck. The beak is yellow and the eyes are light yellow. It is widely distributed in Europe and is not easy to domesticate. It can be hybridized with domestic pigeons.

      ~Snow pigeon:

A type of wild pigeon. Produced in Tibet, my country. It got this name because it grows under the snow-capped mountains. Mostly all white, but also tile gray. [5]

      ~European pigeon:

A type of wild pigeon. Lives in forests and builds nests in tree cavities. The body size is slightly smaller than that of ordinary domestic pigeons. The plumage color is dark gray, and there are two inconspicuous black horizontal lines on the wings. The eyes are black. It can be crossed with domestic pigeons, but most of the young pigeons die when they are two weeks old. Among the surviving hybrid offspring, the male pigeons can recross with domestic pigeons, while the female pigeons are infertile.

      ~Spotted Pigeon:

A type of wild pigeon. Produced in western and northeastern Africa. The feather color is iron oxide color, with pale triangular spots on the wings. Neck feathers bifurcated. It can be crossed with ordinary domestic pigeons, and the offspring produced will be wild, intolerant to cold, and sterile.

      ~Turtle dove:

Also known as "bodove" and "bird", it is an animal protected by the country's "Three Certainties". Body size and plumage color vary among species. They mostly live in shrubs on plains and mountains and eat fruits and seeds. The brown-backed turtle dove, also known as the "gold-backed turtle dove" or "mountain turtle dove", is widely distributed in my country. In addition, there are: Xinjiang subspecies, distributed in northern, western and central Xinjiang; Yunnan subspecies, distributed in western Yunnan and even Xishuangbanna; Taiwan subspecies, only distributed in Taiwan Province. Another kind of pearl-necked dove, also known as "pearl dove" or "pial dove", mostly lives in plains and forages for weeds, grains and other seeds. Mainly distributed in eastern and southern my country, and as far west as eastern Tibet.

      ~Bird pigeon:

A type of wild pigeon. It is named because it looks like a sparrow. Produced in Mexico and Peru. The body is small, with gray-brown feathers on the back, gray-brown from the face to the chest, and small dark-brown spots on the back and wings.

      ~ Domestic pigeon:

Birds, pigeon family poultry. Domesticated from rock pigeons. The descendants of wild pigeons from different regions of the world have formed various domestic pigeon varieties through continuous domestication, selection and breeding. According to the purpose, it can be divided into three categories: racing, edible and entertainment. Racing pigeons have a strong desire to return home and fast flying power. They are "athletes" in people's organized sports competitions. Edible pigeons are large in size, have beautiful meat quality, high nutritional value, are easy to raise, and reproduce quickly. They are nutritious food for human meals. Toy pigeons are famous for their beautiful feathers, feather colors and various performance skills. They are pets for entertainment. Domestic pigeons vary widely in size, with the smallest toy pigeon weighing about 300 grams and the largest food pigeon weighing about 1,500 grams. Feather colors vary, mainly red, yellow, blue, white, black, as well as raindrops and flowers. There are fast pigeons that are good at flying, and there are ground pigeons that cannot fly.

      ~Carrier pigeon:

Also known as "communication pigeon". Pigeons used for communication. Including maritime communications, commercial communications, news communications, military communications, civil communications, etc. The ancient Romans had known for a long time that pigeons had a homing instinct. During or at the end of sporting competitions, pigeons are usually released to celebrate and declare victory. Ancient Egyptian fishermen often brought pigeons with them every time they went fishing in order to convey distress signals and fishing flood news. Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD) described in a work that a man named Taurosthenes dyed a dove purple and released it, so that it flew back to the house of Zenna and prayed to the emperor. There his father reported that he had won the Olympic Games. In ancient times, there was a ruler in Baghdad in the Middle East, Sultan Noreddin Muhammad, who established a carrier pigeon communication network between Baghdad and cities in his empire, forming a famous carrier pigeon post office. 13 African commercial fleets also put pigeons on ships as shipping assistants, and release pigeons from time to time to notify the arrival of ships on shore, etc. It is said that during the conflict between Chu and Han in our country, Liu Bang, who was being chased by Xiang Yu and hiding in an abandoned well, released a pigeon to ask for help and was rescued. After the Five Dynasties, Wang Renyu of Zhou Dynasty (880-956 AD) included a chapter on "Passenger Pigeons" in his book "The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao". The book said: "When Zhang Jiuling was a boy, his family raised a flock of pigeons. Whenever he corresponded with relatives and friends, he only With the calligraphy tied to the feet of the pigeon, it flew to the place where it was taught, and its nine-year-old eyes became flying slaves. Everyone at that time was amazed. "It can be seen that pigeons were used to deliver letters in the Tang Dynasty of my country. By the beginning of the 19th century, humans were using pigeons more extensively. In the history of human military conflicts, they were the earliest and most powerful against their owners. The results of the famous Battle of Waterloo were conveyed to Rothershields by carrier pigeons. Humans use it for covert communication, sea voyages use it to communicate with land, forest protection patrols effectively use carrier pigeons to communicate with headquarters, and so on.

Why do people use carrier pigeons to deliver letters instead of other birds? That's because homing pigeons have a unique ability that allows them to find their way home accurately. There is a raised place between the pigeon's eyes. This place has a special function and can measure changes in the earth's magnetic field to determine the direction home.

Homing pigeons can fly very long distances. They fly very fast and have very good memory and eyesight. Homing pigeons also have a very home-loving habit called nest love. No matter how far they fly, they always want to return to their nest. It is precisely because of its fast speed, strong sense of direction, and habit of loving its nest that the homing pigeon has become people's first choice messenger for delivering messages. [5]

However, not all pigeons can deliver messages, only trained pigeons can do it. A homing pigeon, even if you take it to a strange place thousands of miles away, it can still find its way home. But it doesn’t mean that any pigeon can do it just because of talent. It is a skill that is man-made and trained. The ancestor of all domestic pigeons is the wild pigeon, which was bred when people discovered that it had the ability to be a messenger. The reason why domestic pigeons can know the way home is because they can use their talents such as fast flying, good memory, and strong sense of direction to observe the height of their location at different time periods and the height of the sun where their nest is located, and then judge The direction it should fly. It can be said that every qualified homing pigeon is a geographical prospector.

Since pigeons need to be trained to be able to deliver letters, how do you train pigeons to deliver letters? It is impossible for a carrier pigeon to deliver letters, just like in the TV series. It will fly wherever you want it to go; it will send a letter to whomever you want it to send. That is a myth. Stories are not true. In fact, if you want a carrier pigeon to deliver letters from Shanghai to Beijing, you must first raise it in Beijing since childhood, and then temporarily bring it to Shanghai when you need it to deliver letters. Let it fly after arriving in Shanghai, and it will use its talents to fly back to its home in Beijing.

Training a homing pigeon needs to start from a young age. There are two common methods. The first is to raise the homing pigeon in the same place since childhood, take it to another place to release it on a certain day, and let it fly back to the nest by itself. The flying location of training is from near to far, and the distance is slowly increased, and the ability of the homing pigeon will become stronger and stronger. The second is to feed the homing pigeon in place A, but when it wants to rest at night, put it in place B. In this way, after long-term training, the homing pigeon will be able to send messages back and forth between the two places easily.

Moreover, pigeons have always been regarded as messengers of peace, and people have also placed good hopes on them, hoping that they will bring good news to people. Therefore, even if there are other options, in ancient times when communications were not developed, people were still willing to rely on carrier pigeons to deliver messages.

A homing pigeon serving in the army and on the battlefield. Humans have long been aware of the military significance of pigeons. As a military assistant to mankind, it has been recorded as early as 2,000 years ago in the ancient Roman era. Julius Caesar used pigeons many times to convey military information during his conquest of Gaul. In 43 BC, Hetius and Brutus also used pigeon communication when they besieged Mutina (Modena). In subsequent wars, military pigeons played an important role, and many "pigeon heroes" with outstanding military exploits emerged. The scope of application of military pigeons has become wider. In addition to transmitting information and conducting communication, military pigeons are also used for reconnaissance, helping radar duty and collecting data. Some missile bases even use them to participate in duty. In addition, the military is also used to search the sea surface to find victims and lost objects.

      ~Racing pigeon:

Also known as "racing pigeon". Pigeons specially used for racing competitions. In the process from being kept in a cage to being freed, people discovered that pigeons have the ability to recognize their nests, and then consciously brought the pigeons to place B and made them fly back to place A. This gave rise to the communication pigeon. When people saw the pigeons returning home first and last, they began to desire to race pigeons for fun, thus developing into the noble sport of racing. In order to win the competition, people devoted themselves to research and exploration in breeding, raising and training, and constantly tried to improve, and finally formed a new breed of racing pigeons. As early as the beginning of the 18th century, Ulien, a breeder in Antwerp, Belgium, combined the Yanbo pigeon with the Persian carrier pigeon, tumbler pigeon and Schmidt pigeon to develop an excellent breed in the world, known as the originator of racing pigeons. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty in my country, people started racing pigeons for fun and organized corresponding "pigeon flying meetings" groups. "Guangdong News": "In the fifth and sixth months of the year, people in Guangzhou have a gathering of pigeons... Choose the one that returns first, and tie the pigeon's neck with red flowers. "Racing pigeons are generally small in size, with adult male pigeons weighing about 500 grams and female pigeons weighing about 450 grams. The bones are hard, the muscles are plump, the eyes are bright, the feathers are thin and tight, and the feather colors mainly include raindrops, black, crimson, gray, white, flower and so on. Traditional racing pigeon breeds include Dai Li pigeons, Chinese blue pigeons, Chinese pink gray pigeons, red-blooded blue-eyed pigeons, Chinese owls, competing Herm pigeons, Antwerp pigeons, blazing sun pigeons, American flying pigeons, etc. According to the racing distance, it can be divided into short and medium distance pigeons, long distance pigeons and super long distance pigeons. In order to improve the homing performance and flying performance of racing pigeons, it is necessary to select good breeding pigeons and carry out scientific feeding, management and training. The criteria for selecting racing pigeons are well-developed and powerful bones, tight, strong and shiny feathers, and strong and elastic skin. The wings are wide, the eyes are brightly colored, and more importantly, the bloodline is excellent. The short- and medium-distance speed pigeons and the ultra-long-distance endurance pigeons have their own characteristics.

    ~Short and medium distance pigeons:

Racing pigeons that are good at medium and short distance racing. The flying distance is generally about 300 kilometers for short distance; the distance between 500 and 700 kilometers is medium distance. The primary requirements for short- and medium-distance pigeons are strong explosive power and fast flight, but lack of endurance, which pales in comparison in long-distance and ultra-long-distance competitions.

    ~Long-distance pigeons:

Racing pigeons that are good at long-distance racing. The flying distance is generally around 1,000 kilometers. The primary requirement for long-distance pigeons is strong endurance when flying, but due to poor explosive power, they pale in comparison in short- and medium-distance competitions.

    ~Ultra long distance pigeons:

Racing pigeons that are good at ultra long distance racing. The flying distance is generally about 1,500 kilometers or more. The primary requirements for ultra-long-distance pigeons are strong endurance during flight and strong self-reliance ability to forage for food and stay overnight in the wild. However, due to poor explosive power, they are not suitable for participating in medium- and short-distance competitions.

    ~Chicken-type pigeon:

That is, "food pigeon", also known as "ornamental pigeon". Pigeons designed for people to enjoy. There are more than 600 species in the world. There are many varieties of ornamental pigeons in our country, which have their own system and are recognized by the world. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 200 species, which are precious cultural assets of the motherland.

Toy pigeons can be roughly divided into the following categories:

(1) Feathered category. With its wonderful feathers, feather colors and peculiar posture, it is for people to watch. Such as fan-tailed pigeons, fur-collared pigeons, ball-breasted pigeons, hairy-footed pigeons, loaded-breasted pigeons, Wushan snow, twelve jade railings, Kun stars, Hexiu, jade belts, bisected spring colors, etc.

(2) Body type. To please people with the special appearance of a certain part. Like a big-nosed pigeon, it looks like a multi-petaled lily flower attached to its nose. Palm-toed pigeons have connected toe webs between their toes and can both fly and swim. The five red pigeons, with bright red eyelids, eyelids, beaks, feet and toes, are inlaid on the edge of the snow-white feathers, which is breathtaking.

(3) Performance category. Captivating performances with various unique skills. For example, jumping pigeon, also known as "somersault pigeon", includes high flip, waist flip, canopy flip, floor flip, and flat flip from left to right. There is also a little green cat, which soars into the sky and flies in circles during the performance. The spectators use a copper plate to fill the water and watch its vigorous figure from the water, spinning continuously in circles and never crossing the thunder pond.

(4) Tweet category. There are various interesting sounds for people to listen to. Some are as thick as bells, and some are as thin as broken words. Although they are not as tactful as Thrush and Bailing, they still have a special interest. In Russia and Germany there is a species of trumpeter pigeon, whose cry is as loud as that of a trumpeter. There is also a kind of laughing pigeon in Arabia and Egypt. The cry they make when courting is almost like laughter. There is another kind, people do not appreciate its own ornamental value, but put a dove whistle on it, and the central sound is heard from the air, sometimes loud and sometimes thin, sometimes near and sometimes far away, also low and high, as if Juntian's wonderful music makes people relaxed and happy.

(5) Embellishment category. It embellishes the scenery and adds a peaceful atmosphere for tourists to enjoy. Such as square pigeons, street pigeons and hall pigeons.

    ~Tang pigeon:

A kind of pigeon raised in religious temples or teaching. Mainly used as decoration of scenery. Some religious believers regard it as a sacred and inviolable "magic bird", while tourists and pilgrims regard it as a kind of landscape. They were once raised in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty in my country, as well as in the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou and the Chenghuang Temple in Shanghai. The "god pigeons" raised in the forbidden palaces of ancient Indian dynasties also fall into this category.

    ~Square pigeons:

Pigeons that roam freely in the square. Mainly used as decoration of scenery. Pigeons are regarded by people as a symbol of peace, beauty and happiness. Many famous cities around the world, such as Paris in France, Moscow in Russia, London in the UK, and Warsaw in Poland, have large flocks of pigeons in some famous squares, adding to the peaceful atmosphere of the attractions and entertaining tourists from all over.

    ~Basic breeding pigeon:

Also known as the "basic pigeon". Pigeon breeders breed original pigeons of this strain. Every pigeon breeder always introduces breeding pigeons at the beginning of raising pigeons. Some are successful once, and some are replaced several times, and the pigeon flock is stabilized only after success. Successful breeding and breeding of a line will constitute the main bloodline of this line. For example, when Li Meiling started raising pigeons, she used Songjiang gray and other pigeons as breeding pigeons, but failed. Later, she introduced the Belgian Weiqi and Gunai lines from Germany and achieved great success, and the Li Meiling line was bred. Therefore, the basic breeding pigeons of the Li series are the Weiqi series and Gunai series that were later introduced.

    ~Famous pigeons:

Pigeons from famous families. There are many world-famous pigeon strains, such as my country's Li Meiling strain, Belgium's Janssen strain, and the Netherlands' Jan Aarden strain; as well as world-famous pigeons bred from these famous strains, such as Li Meiling's "759", Janssen's "Old Mike" "Si", Yang Ateng's "Laoxiong No. 1", etc. The descendants of these famous pigeons are called "genotypic breeding pigeons" if they are used as breeding pigeons because of their high status.

    ~The lost pigeon:

Also known as the "lost pigeon". Pigeons that do not return home from training or racing. One is due to poor homing ability or poor physical fitness. The other is being lured, shot or snagged by others. It is an unethical act to capture a stray pigeon and use it as your own. Therefore, when many people catch it, they often tie a piece of paper around its feet, indicating the time, place and circumstances of its loss, and then release it.

    ~Tian Luo Pigeon:

The pigeon formerly known as Luo Pigeon was raised by others who returned to our shed. There are fan pigeons that are training or competing, and there are also loft pigeons that are starting a home or flying at home. It is an immoral act to take someone else's dove as your own and use the excuse that it "fell from the sky."

    ~Leader Pigeon:

The naturally formed leading pigeon in the flock. When training at home or out for training, it always flies in front of the pigeons. A good lead pigeon will lead the whole flock, but a bad lead pigeon will have the opposite effect. For example, the pigeon owner does not like the pigeons to go hunting for wild food, but the leader pigeon leads the pigeons out to hunt for wild food. Bad leading pigeons must be dealt with promptly in order to change the bad habits of the pigeons.

    ~Bridge pigeon:

Also known as "transition pigeon". Pigeons that maintain their original characteristics or change their characteristics and are specially used for pairing. Some ornamental pigeons must be paired with pigeons of another breed to breed pigeons, and then use their offspring to breed parent pigeons in order to maintain their original characteristics. The principle is similar to the mating of a female horse and a male donkey to produce a mule. at. Some racing pigeons must also be paired in this way to breed outstanding individuals.

    ~Match pigeon:

A pigeon that induces racing pigeons to quickly enter the shed after returning home from competition. Some returning birds are accustomed to lingering on the landing platform and are reluctant to enter the trap door, which will delay the check-in time. In order to avoid this kind of situation, you can place the mate pigeon in the shed to induce it to enter the shed quickly. In addition, in the combined pigeon loft competition, all pigeons should come out. There is no pigeon in the loft. When the first pigeon returns home and cannot see the same kind of pigeon, it is easy to feel timid and hesitate. For this reason, it must be in the loft in advance. Put 2 to 3 pigeons in the loft and wait for the victorious ones to return.

    ~Noisy pigeon:

A pigeon with a bad temper that makes the loft restless. Mostly male pigeons. When entering the shed at night, he does not rest in his own nest room. He always goes to various nest rooms to make trouble, causing the pigeons to fly and beat their eggs, trample the young pigeons to death, peck the young pigeons, and interfere with the mating of other pigeons. This kind of pigeon should generally be eliminated and should be dealt with very early. If it is indeed a pigeon with good pedigree and good racing performance, and has breeding value, it should be raised separately.

      ~Night Flying Pigeon:

A racing pigeon that has been specially trained to fly at night. The living habits of birds are to fly during the day and rest at night, and the same is true for pigeons. However, if trained, racing pigeons can extend their flight time and continue flying at night. In this way, it will be easier to get a good ranking in long-distance and ultra-long-distance races. …

Why are the little animals transformed by magicians all pigeons?

Not everyone likes to change into a pigeon, but changing into a pigeon is an important type of stage magic, just like when we learn Chinese characters, we must first learn Pinyin! Besides, it is not very difficult to transform into a pigeon, and the effect is also very good. The pigeons used for magic tricks are easy to raise and very obedient. Generally, they can be brought to the stage for performances in about 9 months. They do not They can bite people and are not picky eaters, so most magicians like to use pigeons to perform stage magic!
Let you relive the following history! The origin of pigeons was introduced by a legendary magician named Channing Pollock. One day, for the needs of his performance, he went to a pet store to buy the magician’s good friend, a white rabbit (all of them used to like to use white rabbits). Unexpectedly, the clerk said: The little white rabbit is sold out. If you want a cute and beautiful little animal, the little white pigeon is cheaper.
At this moment, the clerk changed the history of the magic world. After Brooke bought the white dove home, he created an unprecedented dove magic trick. His performance in the movie "European Nights" became a hit among magicians around the world. In the fifty years since then, countless magicians have been influenced by him and began to imitate him to conjure pigeons. Therefore Brooke is known as the most imitated magician in the 20th century.

The above is all about the origin of Fantoni’s pigeons, why pigeons are regarded as a symbol of peace internationally, and Fantoni’s related content. I hope it can help you.

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