
Contents of this article

  • 1. A football cost 38 yuan. Yangyang took 7 5 yuan RMB and he could buy a football.
  • 2. Fourth grade football essay of 400 words
  • 3. A football cost 38 yuan. Yangyang took 7 5 yuan RMB and he could buy a football.
  • 4. Composition on playing football

A football cost 38 yuan. Yangyang took 7 5 yuan RMB and he could buy a football.

He couldn't buy a football. Seven five-yuan cards add up to 35 yuan, and a football is 38 yuan, so you can't buy a football. To buy a football, you need eight five-yuan tickets.

400-word essay on football for fourth grade

  No matter in study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing essays, and they are very familiar with them. Compositions require a complete chapter structure, and you must avoid compositions without endings. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? Below are 10 fourth-grade football essays that I compiled for you. You are welcome to share them.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 1

  This time, the school football team wants to select a "football star". Everyone puts the competition on the "scoring pioneer" Jack and the "goalkeeper" Tom. Both of them are the "backbone" of the football team. Indispensable! Who should I choose this time? Everyone decided to let them compete. As long as Jack can kick in Tom's goal, Jack will be the "football star". If he can't kick in, it will be Tom! Let this game go

  Let's do it on the grass behind the campus after school!

  Soon, word of the game spread inside and outside the campus, and the audience gathered around the wooden chairs on the lawn, anxiously waiting for the game!

  Tom and Jack finally made it to the end of school and ran to the grass behind the campus. They placed their schoolbags on both sides of the grass to form a goal. Tom rubbed his hands, twisted his neck, and stood between the two schoolbags. Jack was holding a football and stood ready!

  Little John and his mother were sitting on the wooden chairs. Little John was a little fan, staring at the football motionlessly, with his heart in his throat. Although his mother didn't show any obvious expression, she was extremely nervous! A gentleman was wearing a suit and tie. He couldn't help but lean forward, put his hands on his thighs, and watched Jack's every move. The members of the football team also arrived, holding hands nervously. Some opened their mouths, trying to shout something, but some couldn't. There was also a young man with a red bow on his head, his hands on his hips, as if he wanted to "Teacher of Justice"!

  William admired Tom, sneaked up behind him, and imitated his behavior, putting his hands behind his back, spreading his feet, frowning, and pushing his belly upwards. It looked so funny and cute! A snow-white puppy lay lazily on the ground, enjoying the comfort of colorful petals floating gently on its body and the comfort of the evening breeze!

  And Tom had already squatted in the horse stance, bent over, put on the black gloves issued by the team, and pressed his legs to cover the wound he injured from playing football a few days ago. His brows were knitted together and he was staring at the football. Even if the football moved slightly, his eyes would follow the football in a circle. His nose twitched cautiously. A gust of wind lifted up some blond hair, which sparkled in the sunset and was particularly dazzling! The white collar also swayed slightly, making it look a bit more confident! But after all, Jack is not easy to deal with, so Tom's heart is beating like a deer again! He moved his position again, tried his best to calm down, swallowed, moved his fingers slightly, but still kept his eyes from the football.

  Jack raised his feet, clenched his fists, smiled confidently, found a position with the best shooting angle, waited for the opportunity, and thought to himself: I must not lose to Tom, I want to prove that I am a "little football star" "!

  The setting sun seemed to want to join in the fun, getting out of the clouds and casting a few rays of sunshine. Despite the glare, Tom tried to keep his eyes on the football. Jack was secretly delighted, thinking that the time had come. He turned to one side and kicked the ball hard with his right foot! Everyone exclaimed, and Little John jumped up: "Come on! Catch it!" The audience quickly moved their eyes along with the football, and the puppy jumped up and barked "woof!" Tom thought, took a step to the right, and pounced forward with all his strength. Oops, he missed the ball! The moment the ball was about to fly into the goal, Tom suddenly realized what he was doing. He jumped up with his feet on an upside-down golden hook and kicked the ball out of the door at the same time!

  Everyone jumped up and clapped and praised: "Good shot!" Amidst the applause, Jack shook his head and sighed helplessly: "Tom, I am really impressed by you!" Tom helped Jack lift his schoolbag and handed it to him. He said, "You're not bad either!" The two of them held hands tightly together, and Jack pulled him with tears in his eyes.

  Tom walked briskly, hummed a tune, and disappeared at the end of the road. Under the sunset, only a string of joyful laughter and the song of friendship were left behind!

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 2

  Today is my first football class. I have been looking forward to this class for a long time because I can play with the ball and the class is taught by a foreign teacher.

  The foreign teacher, Mr. Ma, might be afraid that we would not understand English, so he introduced himself to everyone in half English and half Chinese. We all welcomed this new teacher Ma. But Teacher Ma gave everyone a warning and asked us to run around the playground twice. After two laps, the students were a little out of breath.

  Afterwards, the teacher asked us to line up and run against each other. The enthusiasm of the students was rekindled. Some were warming up seriously and wanted to show off on the track; some were trying their best to rush forward, like wild horses running wild. ; Some shouted cheers on the sidelines to encourage their teammates. In the end, our team had flying star Xie Xinrong in it, and we achieved good results immediately.

  Then Teacher Ma asked us to arrest people in the designated area. I grabbed Wu Mengting first. We ran around, hiding here and there, and finally blocked her in a blind corner. Then it was her turn to catch me. I waited for her to come over and suddenly turned around and ran away, thinking that I would be caught soon! I won't give up! Don’t you know who will win until the end? After a while, I was caught.

  Finally, Teacher Ma gave a demonstration and asked us to dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other. When it was my turn to play, I kicked it lightly and the ball rolled forward. I quickly ran to catch up. I continued to stretch my feet and kicked easily. The ball seemed to understand my thoughts and followed my feet closely. Suddenly the teacher whistled and asked me to stop the ball. I wanted to brake urgently, but the ball still rolled towards the boundary and the school wall... I could only watch.

  Teacher Ma's football class came to an end unconsciously, and we all look forward to the next football class coming soon.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 3

  Today, Sunday, my classmates Wang Yan, Zhao Yanbo, Wang Yizhe, Xu Chuanwei... these people and I went to the stadium to play football.

  When we first arrived at the stadium, it was packed with people. A few of us made an appointment to go there at four o'clock. I saw my classmates, and ran to them at lightning speed, panting and saying: "I finally found you!" Xu Chuanwei said: "Let's climb here to warm up!" "Okay!" How many of us are there? They all said in unison. I just did what I said, and I climbed five floors leisurely. But when I climbed to the sixth floor, I couldn't help but glance down, God! If it falls, won't it be shattered to pieces? But I had this idea, and I was trembling with fear every step I took. When I reached the top, I looked down and almost fainted. I jumped down and my feet were numb. Look at them, they are all laughing.

  "Okay, let's play football!"

  "Oh, got it!"

  We divided the teams and Wang Yizhe became the goalkeeper. He has become "Brother Fei". I saw his fly ball "flying" more than 5 meters high, and the opponent's player was about to head it. Unexpectedly, the ball flew to Lao Xu (Xu Chuanwei)'s head, and he became dizzy. Zhao Yanbo made a tackle. Just scored one goal. yeah! The first goal was scored so easily! We are ecstatic. Not to be outdone, the opponent counterattacked with a goal while we were not paying attention. I was so angry that I sat down on the ground and stared. This shows that extreme happiness leads to sorrow, but will peace be the best!

  I was almost exhausted. My father saw it and hurriedly came over and said, "Son, stop kicking and let's go." I had no choice but to go home reluctantly.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 4

  I started to like football during the summer vacation last year. I simply practiced football in my physical education class last year. I convinced my dad that I wanted to practice football during the summer vacation, and after some hard work, my dad agreed. Bought me football and equipment online.

  The football class training started, and I was the first to come to the training ground, waiting for the coach to arrive. Because of my age, I was assigned to a small class, and I was lucky enough to be the monitor of the small class. The coach said that to be a good monitor, you must first be a good example for others. My fellow golfers and I braved the 35-degree heat every day and went to the training ground on time at 5 p.m. to practice hard. We were not afraid of the heat or sweat. We all made great progress in our skills. But when I hear the ball, I feel a sense of fear. The coach asked us to bump five balls at a time, but we could only bump three balls at a time. Under the careful guidance of the coach, we trained seriously and finally hit five balls at once. We were so excited that we almost cried, hugged each other and jumped up.

  At the end of our training, we would play the ant moving game, which is to put the balls together and see whoever grabs the most balls is the winner.

  The football training class is over soon. It is a hundred times better than staying at home. I am happy when I exercise! I still miss my football training career.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 5

  On the beautiful and modern football field of our school, you will often see a handsome little boy who is sweating profusely and panting, as if he has just taken a shower. Let me tell you, that is me, the self-proclaimed "football boy" .

  Whenever I played football in physical education class, I became a little football madman, jumping and shouting on the court.

  ah! It's time for me to show off my skills again. This time we broke the number limit, combined freely, and played freely. We formed the Lions team and the Leopard team.

  The game started. The players from both sides were brave and tenacious and fought hard. Everyone was sweating profusely, but no one ended up. The more we play, the more nervous we become, and the more we play, the more intense we become.

  In the middle of the game, two generals on our side had already left the field due to injuries. I was so anxious that I ran desperately, grabbed the ball desperately, and broke the ball from the opponent's feet. Hey! Look how proud I am, and I’m thinking: Humph, you dare to rob me? Don’t you even look at who I am? =

  At this moment, the brave Jaguar-Zhang Bin snatched my ball away.

  I became "angry" and chased desperately, fought hard, and finally got the ball back again. I was running towards the opponent's goal with the ball like a hare.

  The other party was not to be outdone, they were like hunting dogs, chasing after them. A left hook and a right shove forced me to not be able to dribble the ball.

  Just when I was struggling to deal with the opponent's players, my teammates ran over to help. They struggled with the opponent's players for several rounds and helped me kick the ball to my teammates.

  Teammates rush towards the opponent's goal with the ball.

  I quickly inserted it from the side and prepared the response. ah! The ball came to my feet again, and I kicked it without hesitation. The ball flew towards the opponent's goal like a spinning Frisbee——

  That moment, I will never forget - scored!

  Wow, I'm so proud.

  Be proud of me as a "football boy"!

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 6

  The small village is always so peaceful, with only a few intermittent chirpings of birds heard far and near. White clouds floated slowly back and forth in the blue sky, and everything was so quiet. Suddenly, the tranquility was broken by a burst of laughter. Who was doing what? Oh, it turns out that the children have come to play football after school?

  It was an excellent venue, square and square, quite like a football field, with a fallen dead tree serving as spectator seats.

  The children laughed and put their schoolbags on both sides, leaving a section in the middle to serve as a "goal". Just like that, a small football match started... I saw one player grab the ball, aim at the "goal", and kick it hard. But unexpectedly, the ball was snatched away by a player from the other side a little away from the goal. One goalkeeper immediately perked up. His knees were slightly bent, and his hands were placed on his knees, as if he were wearing black gloves. He leaned forward a little, his eyes fixed on the ball. At this time, the players on the other side launched an attack. The football flew towards the goal as if off the string. Of course the goalkeeper was not to be outdone. He jumped up, pounced on the ball, and rolled it on the ground. He lowered his head and looked at his hand, which was empty. He raised his head and looked at the other players, all of them dancing and cheering. Then he looked behind him, where the ball was lying quietly in the "goal". At this time, a little boy in red clothes walked up behind the goalkeeper with a look of disdain on his face, as if he was thinking: "It's so bad, I might as well play." The goalkeeper seemed to have guessed his mind and said: "In Let’s have a round.”

  The second round began, and the fierce competition attracted many people. A big uncle sat down, opened his mouth very big, and shouted: "Shoot, shoot!" A little girl wearing a red hat bent down and looked at the football carefully. The fierce competition also attracted an unknown big white dog, which was lying down watching the competition!

  The small village is still so peaceful; birds are still flying in the sky; white clouds are still floating in the blue sky. But my childhood is gone forever, but the laughter still remains in my heart.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 7

  Today, our class played a thrilling football match with Class 4 (8).

  I am a goalkeeper, so I can only sit in front of the goal and watch the fight, and cheer for them secretly in the backcourt. In the first few minutes, we took the lead and scored a goal. The audience burst into thunderous cheers, and the originally steady coach also jumped up and cheered for us!

  But the other party was unwilling to admit defeat and launched a fierce counterattack. This game is very crucial, related to whether we can advance to the quarterfinals of our grade! So we attacked fiercely and our defense was empty. Their forwards frequently formed one-on-one shots, and although I blocked their shots one after another time and time again, our back line was weak and I was at a psychological disadvantage. My hands began to shake and old wounds ached. I kept asking myself if I could hold on and if I could keep playing? But if I get substituted, there will be no more suitable person to guard the goal. "Concentrate, concentrate, and judge the ball's route in advance!" The coach seemed to be sternly telling me in my ear. I cheered up and persisted! Qiang Yuzong used his strengths of speed and endurance to resolve one opponent's attacks after another; Wu Mingsheng and Ni Xiang also constantly threatened the opponent's goal; the cheerleading team led by Teacher Jiang worked hard to cheer us on. I felt that I was not alone. Everyone in our fourth (15) class is doing their best to compete!

  Finally, the game ended. We defeated Class 8 with a score of 1:0, but unexpectedly: Class 4 (5) defeated Class 4 (13) 3:1. Although we won the game, we Still missed the top eight in the grade.

  But it’s not that bad, it’s just a comeback next year! The fifth grade gold medal is reserved for our (15) class!

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 8

  As soon as you walk into our Class 6 (4), you can see that the boys in our class are "wild" and the girls are "wild". Even the gentle and quiet Chinese teacher you usually see has become a "wild" one. It's "wild".

  But who is the wildest, it is the "wild" boy on our football field.

  I remember one time in a physical education class, the physical education teacher asked our class to run three laps together. We were all out of breath from exhaustion, and we were still saying: "This damn teacher He actually made us run in such a big field." We were asked to run three laps in the sun. Teacher He heard this and said slowly: "You are so wild, then go play on the football field again!" "Wow!" , The teacher is not bad at all!" After saying that, everyone ran towards the football field like an arrow.

  You see, a classmate wanted to pass the ball to another classmate, but they never expected that the ball was grabbed by a football boy from our team. He approached the opponent's goal. Several people came up in succession, but none of them could grab it. He came to the goal with the ball, used all his strength to kick it, and the ball flew towards the goal, bang! The ball was unexpectedly blocked by the opponent's gold medal goalkeeper. When the football boy saw that the ball missed, he kicked it again. The ball hit the gold medal goalkeeper's foot and bounced out again. This time the football boy used the strength of the savage before. , kicked it hard, and not only did the ball go in, it even broke the net! Seeing that the ball was scored, people from our team "flew" in front of him and said, "You are really a descendant of a savage! You are really too 'wild'!" It's not just me, the gold medal goalkeeper He also defended my two big goals in a row! But I think his legs must have been red from my kick!

  This is the wildness of the boys in our class on the football field. I think you also have very "wild" and "wild" moments. You might as well talk about it and listen to it.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 9

  I am a football fan, and every moment I want to finish things quickly and go to an open place to play football.

  One day, I was idle at home and had nothing to do. I felt very bored, so I went to tell my mother: "Mom, I want to go play football. I am bored to death at home." My mother said: "No, playing football is too dangerous. It's easy to get hurt." "No, I'm going!" "No!" After arguing for a long time, I still couldn't fight my mother, so I had to stay at home. Suddenly, there was no sound at home. As soon as I entered the room, I saw my mother asleep, so I quietly went out to play football. Later, I was sweating profusely from playing and returned home. After returning home, my mother locked me in the house and refused to let me go out to play football again.

  Suddenly, I came up with an idea in my mind. Although I was locked at home and not allowed to go out to play football, it could not lock my love for football. So, I played football at home. I picked up the ball and He kicked the ball excitedly and kept hitting the water dispenser, sofa, etc., knocking the house upside down.

  Once, I went to my brother's house to play and saw a football in his house. I couldn't wait to go downstairs to play, but it was time to have lunch. My brother and I devoured the food and ran downstairs to play. We had a great time playing. It was afternoon all of a sudden, and my mother kept urging us to have dinner. In order to avoid it, my brother and I hid in the lawn and played football. We ignored the growling stomach and played football enthusiastically until we had no energy left. Go upstairs to eat.

  Look, I am a football fan. Whenever football appears, it will attract my attention.

Fourth Grade Football Composition Part 10

  Our after-school life is always so colorful. look! On the playground, some of the students were playing jumping rubber bands, some were playing hide-and-seek, some were playing grab the throne, and we were playing football.

  We are a non-professional football team, so we do not play according to the rules of football. First of all, we divided the players into two groups equally. Liu Wenkai, Zhang Wenze and I were the goalkeepers; Yang Kang, Liang Pengfei and Chen Yu were the kickers. Composition: Playing Football Composition: Playing Football. The three kickers scrambled to say they wanted to kick first, and in the end it was only rock-paper-scissors that decided. Chen Yu won, so he was going to kick first. Chen Yu kicked the ball with great energy. The ball actually went out a few centimeters, but the shoe flew far away. We all burst into laughter. Chen Yu kicked again angrily, ah! The ball went in. Composition: Playing Football

  Ding ding ding, class is on. We had so much fun after class! Especially the scene just now was really exciting. When I went upstairs, I was still happy! After-school life is indeed rich and happy, and it also makes us realize that playing football requires unity and concentration.

A football cost 38 yuan. Yangyang took 7 5 yuan RMB and he could buy a football.

A football costs 38 yuan, and Yangyang has 7 5-yuan footballs. That means Yangyang has 35 yuan in cash. Obviously, 35 yuan < 38 yuan, so it should not be possible to buy according to normal operations.
But Yangyang can bargain with the boss, and children can use their characteristics as children to seize people's goodwill towards children. The boss has the right to discount, so it is possible for Yangyang to buy what he likes for 35 yuan. A football originally worth 38 yuan.
Everything is possible!

Playing football composition

  Whether in school or in society, everyone must be exposed to composition. Composition is a literary style that is composed of words and expresses the meaning of a theme through language organization after human thought. Have no clue when it comes to writing an essay? Below is a football composition I compiled for you, I hope it can help you.

Playing football essay 1

  Jingle Dog, Strawberry Rabbit, Snorting Pig

  Spring is here, and Ding Dong Dog and Snorting Pig come out to play football together. Strawberry Rabbit is bored at home. Hearing the laughter of dogs jingling and pigs snoring, he immediately took out the butterfly net he just bought and went out to catch butterflies.

  When Jingle Dog and Snoring Pig saw Strawberry Rabbit, they happily said to it: "Good morning, Strawberry Rabbit, long time no see! Come play football with us!" Strawberry Rabbit was also very happy, holding hands and saying: "Hello , I'm so happy to see you! But today I want to play catching butterflies. "Okay, you catch butterflies over there, and we play football here." That's it, they all had a good time.

  Suddenly, Snorting Pig accidentally kicked the ball away. The ball flew into Strawberry Rabbit's butterfly net, and the butterfly flew away in fright. The Strawberry Rabbit was very angry, and cried and said to the snoring pig: "I was caught very hard, and you scared me away. You pay me the butterfly! You pay me the butterfly!" The snoring pig was very sorry, scratched his head, and said Strawberry Rabbit said: "I'm sorry, Strawberry Rabbit, I didn't mean it. Let's catch butterflies together." After a while, they caught a few butterflies, and Strawberry Rabbit laughed again.

  In the blink of an eye, it got dark and they went home.

Playing football essay 2

  On a sunny afternoon, Xiao Ming and his good friend Xiao Gang were happily playing football in the yard. They accidentally kicked the football into a pot of flowers on the balcony of Grandma Wang's house. At this time, the flower pot fell to the ground and broke. . Xiao Ming looked worried and didn't know what to do. Xiao Gang thought for a while and said, "Let's go to Grandma Wang to admit our mistake and apologize!"

  Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang took the initiative to find Grandma Wang. Xiao Ming and Grandma Wang explained what happened and sincerely apologized to Grandma Wang for their mistakes. The kind Grandma Wang smiled and said: "It's okay, kids, you are all honest." "Child, it's great to be able to correct your mistakes after you realize them!" Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang were very happy that Grandma Wang forgave them.

  When they were about to leave, Xiao Ming said let’s change this potted flower into a new “house” together!

Playing football essay 3

  I have long wanted to learn to play football, but I have never had the chance to do so. This afternoon, I finally had a good opportunity to learn to play football with a professional football coach together with a campus reporter.

  At the beginning, the coach asked us to line up and run three laps so that we could move our bodies first, and then teach us how to bounce the ball. I listened carefully to the coach explaining to us the movements and principles of bumping the ball. I thought it was quite simple. But when I tried to bump the ball, I always couldn't catch it. I really didn't want to learn. I asked the coach and it turned out that I had to touch the ball with my feet. Try it again, it seems to be much better.

  The second action the coach taught us was dribbling. When I started practicing, I was running after the ball instead of dribbling. When I was anxious, I remembered the coach's words: "Toes pointed to the ground, knees bent, arms clamped around the waist." I followed this method to learn dribbling movements again, and I didn't expect that I really made progress.

  Wow, it turns out that playing football is so fun!

Playing football essay 4

  On Saturday, I went to my mother’s workplace to play with my friends there. At Uncle Meng’s suggestion, we held a vigorous spring football meeting.

  Uncle Meng was the referee, Shuanghao and I were in a team, and Yangyang and Gao Shenghao were in a team. Both sides were full of confidence. The game started. I passed the ball to Shuanghao, and Shuanghao passed the ball to me. The opponent was not to be outdone. During the fierce attack, Gao Shenghao snatched the ball away and kicked the ball towards our goal. I quickly caught up and grabbed the ball from Gao Shenghao's feet. I kicked the ball towards Gao Shenghao's goal. After several rounds of maneuvers, with my efforts, In the end, Shuanghao and I won. Uncle Meng clapped his hands and said, I announced that Li Ang's team won this game. I jumped up with joy.

  Although our venue is small and we are sweating profusely, exercise brings us immense happiness. I feel that this Saturday is very meaningful. I exercise, I am healthy, I exercise, and I am happy.

Playing football essay 5

  Sunday morning was sunny and cloudless, perfect time to play football!

  Xiao Ming, Xiao Li and Xiao Fang came to play football on the big lawn downstairs. Xiaofang's mother took the whistle and said, "Get ready, start!" As soon as she finished speaking, the whistle blew with a "wow---", and they started the football match.

  As soon as Xiao Ming heard the whistle, he rushed over and grabbed the ball. At this time, Xiao Fang, who was ambushing next to him, suddenly appeared. Xiao Ming had an idea and dodged left and right, but Xiao Fang still didn't give up and kept guarding. Xiao Ming thought: "It won't work if this goes on. I'd better kick the ball to Xiao Li!" So, Xiao Ming shouted: "Xiao Li, catch the ball!" After saying that, he immediately passed the ball to Xiao Li. As soon as Xiao Li caught the ball, he shouted to Xiao Fang: "Come on, Luo Luo Luo!" Xiao Fang was furious and rushed over. Just when Xiao Fang was about to run to Xiao Li, Xiao Li came "Strength works wonders", the ball was kicked in, and Xiao Ming gave Xiao Li a thumbs up.

  Xiao Li said breathlessly: "It seems that we must unite to win!" After Xiao Li said this, everyone reluctantly left.

Playing football essay 6

  I like playing football very much because it is a sport that can make my body stronger. I like watching TV about football stars. I admire their skills and sportsmanship. My father taught me the basic moves of football when I was very young.

  I often play football with my friends downstairs. We play football in the open spaces in the square in our yard. On Sunday afternoon, my friends and I played football in the yard. We were divided into groups. Liangliang and I were in a group. We all shouted start together, and the ball was kicked away first. I said to Haohao: You grab his ball from the left, and I grab his ball from the right. Do you understand? Haohao said: I understand. We started planning, and sure enough, Haohao stole the ball and kicked it into the opponent's goal. Now we have 9 points and they have 6 points. They are only 3 points behind us. Let’s play the final game again. If we add 3 points, we win. If they add 3 points, we will have another game. As a result we won.

Playing football essay 7

  On a sunny day, Xiaogang and Xiaohu were playing football in the yard of the community. When I was having fun, I accidentally kicked the football onto the window sill on the second floor and knocked down the flowerpot.

  The old woman heard a bang, and when she walked to the balcony, she saw that the flower pot had been kicked down. The old woman said angrily: "Which naughty child did this?" When Xiao Gang was frowning and not knowing what to do, Xiao Hu said: " How about we buy a new flower pot for the old lady? Then apologize to the old lady. "Xiao Gang said, "Okay."

  So, Xiaogang and Xiaohu went to the flower shop to buy a new pot of flowers for the old lady, and gave it to the old lady. They sincerely apologized to the old lady. After hearing what they said, the old lady said kindly: "Xiaogang and Xiaohu are really two people." A good boy who knows his mistakes and can correct them." Xiaogang and Xiaohu went home peacefully after hearing the grandmother's words of forgiveness.

Playing football essay 8

  My after-school life is not in a quiet classroom or in a deserted forest, but in a lively playground.

  You know what I like to do on the playground? Let me tell you – play football. I always remember the exciting scenes of playing football every time. I remember that time I invited several friends to play football together. As the whistle blew, the game began. The opponent rushed towards the middle like a hungry wolf and successfully grabbed the ball. At this time, we were already gritting our teeth because we started half a beat too late. "We must win! We hate the enemy to the core!" I shouted loudly to my partner across from us.

  Our group changed positions and struggled to catch up with the football. I kept kicking the ball toward the goal, but it was still blocked by the opponent's goalkeeper. The ball was thrown by the goalkeeper and then to our back forward. We were still not discouraged and made a fake move this time. The other team was suddenly distracted and caught them off guard. Watching the ball roll and roll, it rolled into the goal. We hugged each other and shouted loudly: "Unity is victory!"

Playing football essay 9

  In the morning, Yu Doudou took us to the playground. After completing the lap, the cheerleaders danced and the football players officially played football on the football field. As for us, we had to play football by ourselves.

  We first divided into groups. Chen Dou and I were goalkeepers, and Xing Dou, Li Dou, Zhang Dou, Wang Dou, and Zhao Dou were in a group. When the kick started, Zhang Dou snatched the football from Xing Dou's feet like lightning and kicked it hard. Seeing that it was about to reach the goal, I kicked it back with my foot. At this time, I felt my feet were numb. , I have no feeling in my feet. Zhang Dou kicked too hard, and Chen Dou asked me to go aside and rest, but I felt that he couldn't stand it alone, so I stood up and continued to "fight". This time it was different. They kicked the ball a little higher and I had to push it with my chest. The ball went back with a bang. I felt like my heart was about to beat out.

  The ball was rolling under our feet, and after a while I guarded more than a dozen balls, while Chen Dou didn't guard a single ball, but was fascinated by watching other classes running. Chen Dou, Chen Dou, you are the only one who doesn't guard a single ball!

  When we were having a great time playing, Teacher Yu said: "Gather, gather." We had to go back to the classroom reluctantly.

Playing football essay 10

  On Sunday, the school organized a football match. I saw that both sides of the playground were filled with spectators early, and the members of the red team and the blue team on the football field were doing pre-game preparations. As soon as the whistle blew, the game officially started, and the players of both teams worked very hard. At this time, player No. 6 of the red team dribbled the ball around the players of the blue team and passed the ball to player No. 10. Player No. 10 volleyed the ball towards the blue team's goal. The blue team's goalie quickly dives for the ball. Unfortunately, the ball flew past him and into the goal.

  The audience cheered and congratulated the red team with warm applause. The members of the red team hugged a ball and jumped up happily. The competition continued fiercely. This is really a wonderful football game!

Playing football essay 11

  I like playing football very much because it is a sport that can make your body strong and strong. When I was a kid, I watched some TV shows about football stars and I admired their skills and sportsmanship. At a very young age, I could play football.

  Unknowingly, I was already in the fourth grade, and my study became more and more intense. It’s finally the National Day holiday, and I’m ready to fight with those fans.

  The game started. I received a pass from my teammate and made a "straight-forward" move. I rushed forward with the ball, but the opponent did not react in time and failed to intercept. Great! Goal! This made the opponent more vigilant. So I changed my approach and made a "curve ball", which flew into their goal and scored another goal! Great! Our side won the game, and I am very proud.

  Through the football game, I understood: I am a boy who likes football, and I can play well and beat the opponent. Football has strengthened my body, cultivated and exercised our team spirit, exercised my will, and allowed me to grow healthier and stronger. I also have a wish, which is to grow up to be a football player and contribute to the revitalization of Chinese football!

Playing football essay 12

  On Sunday, the weather was sunny and cloudless, and Sensen took his favorite football to the stadium to play. The stadium was very wide, and Sensen thought to himself: "This is really a good place to play football."

  So Sensen played football happily. Sensen chased the football while kicking it, and then another scud kicked the football into the middle of the road. Sensen chased and shouted: "Stop, don't run!" Suddenly, a car came speeding over and kept shouting. There was a shrill trumpet sound, but he was so absorbed in kicking that he didn't hear the trumpet sound. Sensen was about to rush over, but he happened to be seen by Lin Lin who was out for a walk. Lin Lin hurriedly ran over and grabbed Sensen, and only then did Sensen react. Lin Lin said to Sensen: "Next time a football is played on the road, don't rush to pick it up. You must wait until it is safe to pick it up." Sensen stammered: "Okay, okay..." They looked left and right. , and then crossed the road to pick up the ball after confirming it was safe.

  Sensen got the ball and was about to thank Lin Lin, but saw that Lin Lin had already walked away.

Playing football essay 13

  I like playing football because my friends Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu also like playing football very much. I am determined to learn to play football too.

  I have an indescribable fondness for football. When I first learned it, it was very painful and I didn’t want to learn it anymore. One day, I ran home during class, and my mother asked: Why did you come back before get out of class was over? I told my mother: It’s too hard and I don’t want to study anymore. After that I went back to my room. After a while, my mother came to my room and told me many stories about football stars when they were young, which made me think about it.

  The next morning, I got up early, came to my mother, and said to her: Mom, I still want to continue practicing in the football team. I can't run home when I encounter any difficulties. I will work hard to complete the practice! My mother smiled happily after hearing what I said.

  A year later, my friends and I participated in many competitions and achieved some results, but my friends and I still have a common dream, which is to participate in the World Cup when we grow up. We have been effort.

Playing football essay 14

  I like playing football, basketball, badminton, playing in water, playing in the snow...etc. Among them, I like playing football the most.

  Football is a very physical sport, but I still like playing football. One day, my friends Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua, Xiao Guang and Xiao Yong and I were playing football in the small park behind our house. Xiao Hua was the referee, Xiao Guang and I were on the same team, and Xiao Ming and Xiao Yong were on the other team. When Xiaoyong served, Xiaoming grabbed the ball and kicked it toward our goal. Fortunately, I was quick and blocked the ball. Then I kicked it hard. Xiaoyong and Xiaoming didn't block it, and the ball went in, so we won. . I jumped up and down. Xiaohua said: "It's halftime now." Soon the next game came. We played for several rounds, and we couldn't decide the outcome. In the end, it was a pity that we lost. But I still had a lot of fun playing it.

  No matter what we do, as long as we persevere and work together, victory is right in front of us.

Playing football essay 15

  Today, the sun is shining brightly, and Duan Lei and I have made an appointment to play football on the football field of Qi Xiao Xiao.

  I arrived first, and after waiting for a while, Duan Lei also came. When he saw me, he slowly kicked the football over, and I quickly blocked it with my feet. I raised my head, and in the sunlight, I saw many people following Duan Lei. When I looked carefully, it was Mei Zijun and the others.

  We are all divided into groups freely, with Duan Lei as their forward, Wang Jinhao as the goalkeeper, and me? Hehe, I will be the referee. I pretended to say: "The game begins!" The two sides started a fierce competition. Duan Lei grabbed the ball first, but he made a fake move, then passed through the wall, and finally came to the goal. Duan Lei shot hard, but the ball was blocked by Mei Zijun. Mei Zijun used all his strength to kick the ball towards the opponent's goal. Unfortunately, the ball flew sideways and flew straight towards me. It hurt so much that I quickly raised the red card and said: "Mei Zijun fouled, you're off!" Mei Zijun's teammates were very dissatisfied with Mei Zijun, pointing at him, sometimes saying he was an undercover sent by the opposite team, sometimes saying he couldn't play. During this period, Lei secretly dribbled the ball over, shot hard, and the ball went in. There was a burst of cheers from Duan Lei's team, "Yeah! We won!" Mei Zijun's teammates were shocked and regretted it.

  I'm really happy today.

The above is all about Ma Yangyang's football and football composition, as well as Ma Yangyang's related content. I hope it can help you.

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