
Contents of this article

  • 1. Current mayor of Shijiazhuang
  • 2. A total of 354 people tested positive in Shijiazhuang
  • 3. Yuxi Municipal Government’s latest appointment and dismissal list
  • 4. Why did Shijiazhuang implement 7-day stay-at-home prevention and control measures?

Current mayor of Shijiazhuang

Ma Yujun, the current mayor of Shijiazhuang City

Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun and Ruiteng development have entered a new realm. Shijiazhuang’s industrial upgrading has added new impetus. Figure 1

A total of 354 people tested positive in Shijiazhuang

At the press conference, Duan Yunbo, deputy director of the Hebei Provincial Health Commission, said that from 0 to 10 o'clock on January 9, there were two new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Hebei. From January 2 to 10:00 on January 9, there were 139 locally confirmed cases in the province and 197 asymptomatic infections still under medical observation.

Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun and Ruiteng’s development have entered a new realm. Shijiazhuang’s industrial upgrading has added new impetus. Figure 2

In addition, the relevant person in charge said that the epidemic has not yet seen an obvious turning point. Although the number of newly confirmed positive cases has declined in the past two days, according to the judgment of experts, it is not yet certain that an turning point has occurred. . In addition, the traceability work is still in progress, and the spread of the disease has no tendency to shrink, and the risk of spread still exists. Let’s take a look at the highlights of the press conference:

There are currently 7 severe cases, the oldest is 89 years old

Duan Yunbo, deputy director of the Hebei Provincial Health Commission, said that from the first local case reported on January 2 to 10 a.m. today, there have been 139 confirmed cases, including 7 severe cases. All severe cases are older, with the oldest being 89 years old. , and all of them have basic diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and diabetes; there are 5 cases of children, the youngest is 3 years old. There are a total of 197 asymptomatic infections, with the oldest being 91 years old, including 40 children, with the youngest being 1 year old.

354 people tested positive in Shijiazhuang, distributed in 12 counties and cities in Shijiazhuang City

At the press conference, the relevant person in charge stated that from the early morning of January 6, Shijiazhuang City conducted nucleic acid tests on all citizens, and by 12 o'clock last night, all tests were completed and the results were available. A total of 10,251,875 people were tested, and a total of 354 people tested positive. From preliminary analysis, this test has the following characteristics:

First, the concentration is high. The positive people detected in the test are distributed in 12 counties and cities in Shijiazhuang City, but they are mainly concentrated in Gaocheng District. There are 298 people in Gaocheng District, accounting for 87% of the positive people. New Lego New District, Zhengding, There are 46 people in 11 districts including Qiaoxi District, Wuji County, Yuhua District, Chang'an District, Xinhua District, Luquan District, Xingtang County and Zhao County, accounting for 13% of the total.

The second feature is that the correlation is extremely strong. Except for one positive case in Xingtang County, the positive cases in the other 10 counties are all related to Gaocheng District, especially Zengcun Town in Gaocheng District. We need to confirm the nucleic acid test results in the next step. Organize experts to conduct analysis and research, and strive to discover more regular information.

Shijiazhuang: All residents are encouraged to continue home control for 7 days   Traceability work is still in progress

Ma Yujun, acting mayor of Shijiazhuang City, said that after all nucleic acid tests were carried out, all residents were encouraged to continue to stay at home for seven days to prevent and control the virus. This is a decision made by the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government from the perspective of scientifically preventing and controlling the new coronavirus epidemic, ensuring the safety of people's lives, and ensuring that the epidemic in Shijiazhuang does not spread. We ask the general public and news media to understand and support us.

First, we have not yet seen a clear turning point in this epidemic. Although there has been a decline in new positive cases and confirmed cases in the past two days, according to expert judgment, it is not certain that a turning point has occurred now. In addition, the traceability work is still in progress, the spread of the disease has no tendency to shrink, and the risk of spread still exists. To prevent and control the epidemic, we are racing against the virus. The most direct and effective way is to reduce person-to-person contact. Based on expert advice and combined with the characteristics of the epidemic, Shijiazhuang has made requirements to encourage all residents to stay at home for prevention and control.

Second, because the COVID-19 epidemic has emerged since last year, the country has summarized many prevention and control experiences and practices. According to requirements and regulations, a nucleic acid test cannot accurately determine whether a person is infected. The virus still has a long incubation period, usually about two weeks. Nucleic acid testing is also needed to make an accurate and scientific judgment. Home prevention and control is to prepare for the second nucleic acid test.

Third, home-based prevention and control will cause inconvenience, but please don’t panic. Shijiazhuang will go all out to improve the supply network system of various materials.

The epidemic in Hebei has community transmission and multi-generational transmission, and 85.5% of the infected people are from rural areas

At present, the cluster epidemic in Hebei is developing rapidly. 85.5% of the infected people are from rural areas. They are generally older, with a median age of 46.5 years old. Community transmission and multi-generational transmission have occurred. Nearly 140,000 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in Hebei, and progress must be accelerated to complete vaccination of key groups as soon as possible.

Shijiazhuang Supermarket has suspended offline operations

Ma Yujun, acting mayor of Shijiazhuang, said that in terms of daily necessities, there are 537 communities in the main urban area of ​​Shijiazhuang City, 3,089 residential areas, 90 agricultural product wholesale markets and convenient vegetable markets, 59 large and medium-sized supermarkets, and 359 chain convenience stores. All 1,200 convenience stores and supermarkets in Shijiazhuang City have suspended offline operations and switched to online sales, implementing online ordering and contactless delivery to ensure that people's daily necessities are not in stock while they are at home.

Shijiazhuang will start and complete the second round of nucleic acid testing for all employees as soon as possible

Ma Yujun, acting mayor of Shijiazhuang City, said that in the next step, Shijiazhuang City will prepare for the second round of nucleic acid testing, strictly regulate various procedures, and start and complete the second round of nucleic acid testing for all employees as soon as possible to ensure that the spread of the epidemic is completely blocked.

As of 8:00 on the 9th, 11,708 people have been quarantined in Shijiazhuang, and 120 quarantine places have been opened.

As of 8 a.m. this morning, nearly 40,000 isolation rooms have been prepared in all counties and districts in the city. 11,708 people have been quarantined and 120 isolation places have been opened. At the same time, we have effectively done a good job in catering, temperature measurement, testing, daily services and other guarantees. , dispose of medical waste and fecal sewage in strict accordance with regulations to avoid cross-infection.

The first confirmed case is not patient zero and is being investigated

Experts said that at present, the first confirmed case is not Patient Zero, and hundreds of influenza investigation teams across the province are currently investigating.

Lessons from the Director of the Emergency Office of the Hebei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention: It is not yet clear that Patient Zero has a target, but we must have discovered it earlier than the first case we discovered. According to all the relevant information we have now, this aspect is Time has to move forward.

Health Commission: Encourage employees to celebrate the New Year in place and guide online consumption

Just this morning, the deputy director of the National Health Commission pointed out that this winter and next winter are still critical periods for epidemic prevention. The task is still very serious and we cannot relax our vigilance. There are also guidance on off-peak travel to avoid large-scale travel. Once a case occurs, it will cause serious consequences. Guide online consumption, minimize the flow of people, and encourage people who go out to work to celebrate the New Year at their workplaces to reduce "human flow" and for their own safety.

The spokesperson of the National Health Commission also stated that judging from various signs, the epidemic situation this winter and next spring will still be very serious, especially with the arrival of the Spring Festival, the number of people returning home and abroad will increase, and the flow of people within the country will be very large. Gathering activities will increase, which will have a great impact on epidemic prevention and control, and the risk of infection will further expand.

A large number of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines arrive in Hebei

According to the latest news from Sinopharm China Biotech, the epidemic in Hebei has affected people's hearts in recent days. Sinopharm China Biotechnology responded quickly and made every effort to ensure the supply of the new coronavirus vaccine under the orderly coordination of the Hebei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

So far, nearly 740,000 doses of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines have been supplied to Hebei Province. Since the outbreak in Hebei, Sinopharm China Biotech has paid close attention to it, held multiple special meetings, deployed vaccine supply work, overcome transportation, logistics and other difficulties, and urgently supplied the new coronavirus inactivated vaccine in three batches. At around 22:30 on January 8, the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Hebei.

Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun, Ruiteng development enters a new realm Shijiazhuang’s industrial upgrading adds new impetus Figure 3

Zhong Nanshan: The possibility of an outbreak is very small

According to Academician Zhong Nanshan, our country is unlikely to see another situation as serious as last year's epidemic prevention and control, but we must strictly guard against it! Because our country already has enough experience in prevention and treatment, and we also have injectable vaccines, we have the ability to quickly isolate and treat patients.

There is no doubt that the speed of our country's epidemic control is world-class. Once a region has epidemic control measures, all residents will be tested for nucleic acid, and more than 1 million people can be tested in one day.

On the one hand, after a year of struggle, we have rich experience and can respond quickly if the epidemic situation is slightly abnormal; on the other hand, once the new coronavirus vaccine is launched, it will also play a powerful role in the prevention of new coronavirus pneumonia. Once again, , after a year of baptism, the awareness of prevention among Chinese people has been greatly improved. They consciously wear masks, wash hands frequently, do more exercise, and always pay attention to prevention. Academician Zhong Nanshan also affirmed this: the possibility of an outbreak is very small.

Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun and Ruiteng’s development have entered a new realm. Shijiazhuang’s industrial upgrading has added new impetus. Figure 4

We also need to take personal protection so as not to cause chaos

The latest appointment and dismissal list of Yuxi Municipal Government

Shijiazhuang Provincial People's Government (Shijiazhuang Provincial People's Government) is the national administrative agency of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the People's Republic of China. It is the executive agency of the Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Congress and serves the Standing Committee of the Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Congress and the People's Republic of China. The State Council of the People's Republic of China is responsible for and reports on its work; when the Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Congress is not in session, it is responsible for and reports on its work to the Standing Committee of the Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Congress, and exercises administrative powers in accordance with the law.  [1] 

The Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Government is composed of the mayor, deputy mayor, secretary-general, director, committee director, etc. It implements the mayor's responsibility system and is under the leadership of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Each term is five years.  [1] 

Current Deputy Secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mayor of Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Government: Ma Yujun

There are a thousand Hamlet among a thousand people. No two identical leaves can be found in the world. Everyone has different opinions and views, and everyone will have different criteria for judging the same thing. . My answer may not be the most standard or correct, but I hope it can be of some help to you and get your approval. Thank you!

Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun, Ruiteng development has entered a new realm. Shijiazhuang’s industrial upgrading has added new impetus. Figure 5

Why Shijiazhuang implements 7-day stay-at-home prevention and control measures

As for why Shijiazhuang implements 7-day stay-at-home prevention and control, Shijiazhuang Acting Mayor Ma Yujun said that after all nucleic acid tests were conducted, all residents were encouraged to continue 7-day stay-at-home prevention and control. This is a decision made by the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government from the perspective of scientifically preventing and controlling the new coronavirus epidemic, ensuring the safety of people's lives, and ensuring that the epidemic in Shijiazhuang does not spread .

First, we have not seen an obvious turning point in this epidemic . Although there has been a decline in new positive cases and confirmed cases in the past two days, according to expert judgment, it is not certain that a turning point has occurred now. In addition, the traceability work is still in progress, the spread of the disease has no tendency to shrink, and the risk of spread still exists. To prevent and control the epidemic, we are racing against the virus. The most direct and effective way is to reduce the basis of people. Based on expert advice and combined with the characteristics of the epidemic, Shijiazhuang has made requirements to encourage all residents to stay at home for prevention and control.

Second, because the COVID-19 epidemic has emerged since last year, the country has summarized many prevention and control experiences and practices. According to requirements and regulations, a nucleic acid test cannot accurately determine whether a person is infected. The virus still has a long incubation period, usually within two Weekly . Nucleic acid testing is also needed to make an accurate and scientific judgment. Home prevention and control is to prepare for the second nucleic acid test.

Third, at-home prevention and control will bring inconvenience, but please don’t panic. Shijiazhuang will go all out to improve the supply network system of various materials.

Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun and Ruiteng’s development have entered a new realm. Shijiazhuang’s industrial upgrading has added new impetus. Figure 6

Extended information:

Shijiazhuang City’s nucleic acid testing found two characteristics:

First, the concentration is high . 354 positive people are distributed in 12 counties (cities, districts) in Shijiazhuang, of which 298 people are in Gaocheng District, accounting for about 87% of the positive people;

Second, is extremely relevant .   Except for one positive case in Xingtang County, the positive cases in 10 counties (cities, districts) including Xinle are all related to Gaocheng District, especially Gaocheng District. It is related to Zengcun Town in the urban area.

The above is all about Shijiazhuang Ma Yujun, Ruiteng development has entered a new realm and Shijiazhuang's industrial upgrading has added new impetus, as well as Ma Yujun's related content. I hope it can help you.

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