
Contents of this article

  • 1. Three D Nine Palaces Bagua Diagram Formula
  • 2. Explain in detail how to use the 3D Bagua chart
  • 3. How to read the winning number from the 3D Bagua chart
  • 4.How to see the winning number from the 3D Bagua chart

Three D Nine Palaces Bagua Diagram Formula

In the 3D Bagua chart, look at the position of the four pillars in the Bagua chart. The hour pillar is the winning number in the lottery program controller. Look at the placement of the hour pillar, day pillar, month pillar and year pillar to get three numbers.

Detailed explanation of how to use 3D Bagua chart

Laozi tried to establish a theory that encompassed everything in the universe. Laozi believes that all things follow this law (Tao): The interior of things themselves is not single and static, but relatively complex and changing. The thing itself is the unity of yin and yang. Things that are opposite to each other will transform into each other, which is the transformation of yin and yang. Method (virtue) comes from the law of things (Tao). Laozi's "inaction" does not take "inaction" as the goal, but "doing" as the goal. Because according to the "Tao" mentioned before, "inaction" will be transformed into "action". The brilliance of this kind of thinking is that although it is not subjectively aimed at obtaining benefits, it can objectively achieve better benefits. From "The sky and the earth move on their own without being pushed, the sun and the moon shine by themselves without being burned, the stars sequence themselves without being arranged, the animals and animals arise by themselves without being made by man, this is what nature does, so why bother with man?" ” (See paragraph 4 of Laozi’s story Confucius asked about rituals below) It can be seen that the “nature” mentioned by Laozi is not a concept similar to God. The law of all things (Tao) is specified by nature, that is, “Tao follows nature.” Some people have misunderstood the meaning of nature here. It should be noted that: In fact, human life is like the existence of the universe, and no one can rationally point out its purpose. Therefore, irrationally choosing a certain goal(s) becomes the only option. I look at the problem from the infinitely high position of Tao. Therefore, Lao Tzu only mentioned the "method" but did not point out the "purpose". This gives us a revelation: Why should people suffer so much to deliberately achieve their goals? Doing nothing and being carefree is also a way to live in the world. Regarding Laozi's cosmology, according to the previous Tao, "nothing" and "being" (the existence of all things means "being") will transform into each other. Therefore, Laozi believes that all things in the universe come from nothingness and move toward nothingness. For example: human life and death (see the story below about Laozi's story about the death of a saint: "The life of Lao Dan in the past was from nothing to something" and "The death of Lao Dan today is from something to nothing").

How to read the winning number from the 3D Bagua chart

Welfare Lottery 3D Number Selection Bagua Chart [Enlarged Image]
Fusheng wht
Read 325069 Repost 312017-05-04 Share and Collect
A set of 3 digits for the winning number.
If any area of ​​consecutive three horizontal and vertical three numbers in the Bagua chart contains these three numbers
, use these 9 numbers to form the winning number
Note. Of course, the group of numbers that have already appeared must be excluded.
2. Put the trial number of the day in three rows and three vertical ones
in a row. If this area contains these three numbers, you can
use the courage code boldly. Even the three-digit
code that appears.
3. When the three winning numbers of the current lottery and the trial numbers of
for the day appear at the same time around the red 1 and
8 in the picture, it may be a group of three on that day. The winning number
4. 90% of the numbers that appear at the intersection of the 3 digits of the day's trial number and the 3 digits of the previous winning number
can be used as bold codes
. 5. Use this bold code as the center point to extend and find out the numbers associated with the day
came, and it will be easier to win.
6. If you have 3D software or can use trend chart analysis
to use this chart to make judgments, it will be a perfect
courage-grabbing combination.
For example: 2007181 Welfare Lottery 3D
Trial machine number: 2 machines 1 ball [400]
Lottery number: [417] The lottery number of 2007180 phase is 701. We first find the position where the number combination 701 appears, and then find the number position around the 701 number of the 2007181 trial number: [400].
The location where these numbers appear today is in the third and fourth rows of the picture, where the combination of numbers 701 and 400 appears (as shown in the picture above). The 4 in the trial number [400] that appears between the two 701 combination numbers can be considered a bold code. Taking this
4 as the center point and looking for the surrounding numbers, several combinations of 474, 414, 454, 545, 418, 467, 248, 149, 347 and two 417s appeared. Combined with the trend chart, it is easier to analyze. Today's number is more likely to be 417. Here, because 5 is the number between two 417, we can consider whether this [5] can be used as a bold code in tomorrow's 2007182 Welfare Lottery 3D. Of course, this also needs to be determined based on tomorrow's test machine number to be more accurate. Remember! ! ! It is very critical to find the correct location of the lottery data in this Bagua chart! This is related to the numbers that appear around these data, which will directly affect the accurate judgment of the current number. Then match the trial numbers of the day with the number graphics you found for yesterday's lottery.
A little trick is: try to find the associated lottery numbers from previous draws around this number. This kind of positioning is generally not easy to deviate too much. I personally think that if you can find a pattern with a V-shaped number combination, it is an ideal positioning pattern.
All of the above little rules are my little insights from using this Bagua chart. Please correct me. I also hope it can be of some help to friends who come to my blog to see and use this picture. Friends who have different opinions are welcome to leave a message and leave your valuable opinions here, so that we can improve the function of this chart together.

How to read the winning number from the 3D Bagua chart

Combine the current trial number and the last lottery number to see the number: for example, the trial number is 756. Use a pencil to connect the numbers with 756, and then connect the numbers of the last lottery number and look for them in a triangle or a straight line. Generally, there are more triangles.

The above is all the content about the 3D Number Bagua Chart, the Three D Nine Palaces Bagua Chart and the related content of the 3D Number Bagua Chart. I hope it can help you.

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