
Contents of this article

  • 1. Principles for site selection of public welfare cemeteries
  • 2. How to choose a cemetery based on Feng Shui? Good or bad Feng Shui for the cemetery?
  • 3. What kind of tomb is considered a geomantic treasure?
  • 4. What are the characteristics of the shape of grave Feng Shui treasures?

Principles for location selection of public welfare cemeteries

  The ancients paid great attention to the location of the yang house, the yin house or the yin house. They all felt that people were often the same after death, so they were more concerned about the choice of cemetery. So in Feng Shui study, what are the principles for choosing the location of Feng Shui cemetery? Let’s take a look with us below.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 1

  The principle of wind and water
  Cemeteries also pay attention to wind and water. The direction of wind and water in Beijing is northwest, so the Ming Tombs of the Ming Dynasty are located in Changping District, northwest of Beijing. The northwest is determined based on the central axis of Beijing. This central axis starts from the Drum Tower in the north, passes through the Palace Museum, goes to the South Gate in the front, and ends in Yongding Gate in the south. The center point is the Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City.

  The principle of wide surroundings
  When choosing the location of a tomb, you should find an area with a relatively wide surrounding environment. In particular, there must be a bright hall directly in front of the tomb for the tomb to hide the wind and absorb the energy. . On the contrary, if the surrounding environment is small or crowded, it will lead to poor feng shui of the tomb, blocked luck, and the amount of feng shui aura is relatively small. It is difficult for future generations of such tombs to achieve great achievements.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 2

  The principle of relying on mountains and rivers
   The owner of the mountain, Ding Shui, controls wealth. Choosing mountains can make future generations prosperous, and choosing water can make money roll in. Stone is the bone of the mountain, and water is the blood of the mountain. A mountain is related to life only if it has water. A mountain without water seems to have no soul. Therefore, the ancients said: If there is a mountain but no water, don't look for land. When looking at the mountain, look at the water first. It can be seen that the master of the mountain, Ding Shui, the master of wealth, is a brief and insightful summary of the investigation of the feng shui of the cemetery.

  The principle of facing Zhuque in front, leaning against Xuanwu behind, and holding acupoints on the left and right
   "Green dragon on the left and white tiger on the right, Suzaku in front and Xuanwu behind" is the first choice for site selection. This is Feng Shui's summary of the surrounding terrain of the cemetery. It is actually surrounded by mountains on all sides, with a spacious basin in the middle. The "hole" mentioned in Feng Shui is in this basin. The mountains and water sources on all sides are called peaks, water of good and bad luck, and sand hands. This also reflects the ancient people's Feng Shui view of funerals.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 3

  The principle of adapting measures to local conditions
   "Book of Changes" said: "Adapt to the situation." Jiang Taigong in the pre-Qin Dynasty advocated adapting measures to local conditions. "Historical Records·Biography of Huozhi" records: "Tai Gong Wang was granted a seal in Yingqiu, and the ground purged brine. , the people were few, so Taigong persuaded his daughter to practice martial arts, be extremely skilled, and be good at fishing and salt. "This is actually a manifestation of our ancient ancestors adopting a lifestyle that is suitable for nature based on the objective nature of the environment. According to the actual situation, practical and effective methods are adopted to make people and buildings suitable for nature, return to nature, return to nature, and unite nature and man. This is the true meaning of Feng Shui.

How to look at Feng Shui when choosing a cemetery. Good or bad Feng Shui for a cemetery.

  Cemetery Feng Shui was very important to the ancients. They all felt that the Feng Shui of the cemetery at home has a great relationship with the future fortune of the family, so they would choose good Feng Shui when choosing a cemetery. So how to choose a cemetery and a geomantic treasure land in Feng Shui? Let’s take a look with us below.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 4

  Find the best location
   If you want to find a Feng Shui treasure land, you must first find the dragon's acupoints and find the best location. It is mentioned in the art of Feng Shui that the "acupoints" in the Feng Shui of the cemetery are very important. link. Finding a good tomb and achieving long-term good Feng Shui will protect the future and wealth of future generations. The so-called treasure land must have a good environment, be surrounded by mountains and rivers, and have a wide view in front. It must be an auspicious place to be used as the tomb of the ancestors.

  Feng shui bridges around the cemetery
   If the bridge does not appear within the entrance to the front water, it is considered auspicious if it is harmless and is 100 meters away. On the contrary, if it is within 15 meters, there is a bridge opening forming a straight line towards the grave. , if it is on the left, it is unlucky for a dragon to swallow a person, and if it is on the right, it is not auspicious for a tiger to eat it, and so on in the four directions. If the above situation occurs in the southwest corner of the Yangzhai, the incident will be more serious.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 5

  Cemetery Geology
  The quality of the soil in the cemetery affects whether future generations will prosper. Therefore, we can often see on TV that if there is a master who selects the feng shui of the cemetery, he will usually take a little bit of soil to look at the feng shui of the cemetery to identify the soil quality. The soil must be clean where the ancestors are buried. , cannot be polluted by the environment, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the deceased. As for a good Feng Shui land, the criteria for determining it are not only the environment, water quality, but also soil quality.

  Look at the Mingtang
   The Mingtang of the cemetery is a vital part. The Feng Shui environment of the Mingtang is closely related to the Feng Shui aura of the Yin House, and whether the Yin House can become what Feng Shui calls a "Feng Shui treasure place" "The feng shui of the bright hall is very important. In traditional Yin House Feng Shui, it is believed that a good bright hall must be open and bright, have a broad field of vision, and must store wind and gather energy. Only in this way can the bright hall bring a good Feng Shui aura to the Yin House and make the Yin House a treasured Feng Shui land to protect and protect the Yin House. The fortune of future generations.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 6

  Plants should not be too lush and cannot be used as cemetery feng shui
  It is feasible to plant trees and flowers around the cemetery, because plants can bring strong vitality, so as to resolve the yin energy of the cemetery itself and achieve a balance between yin and yang. Effect. However, although plants can exist around the cemetery, they must not grow too densely, otherwise they will cover up the entire cemetery and even make the entire cemetery look like a wilderness. Especially when there are many trees, it is easy to form a trapping pattern and bring bad feng shui.

What kind of tomb is considered a geomantic treasure?

  Good cemetery feng shui can help future generations become rich and prosperous. And good cemetery Feng Shui is called the "Feng Shui treasure land" of the grave. A grave Feng Shui treasure not only expresses deep respect and love for the deceased, but also provides blessings and blessings to future generations.
  So, below, I have compiled six principles for you to understand the feng shui of tombs and teach you how to view the feng shui of tombs. Come and take a look.

   Six principles teach you how to view the feng shui treasures of graves

   1. The principle of relying on mountains and rivers
   The owner of the mountain, Ding Shui, controls wealth. Choosing mountains can make future generations prosperous, and choosing water can make money roll in. Stone is the bone of the mountain, and water is the blood of the mountain. A mountain is related to life only if it has water. A mountain without water seems to have no soul. Therefore, the ancients said: If there is a mountain but no water, don't look for land. When looking at the mountain, look at the water first. It can be seen that "the owner of the mountain and the small amount of water control the wealth" is a brief and incisive summary of the investigation of cemetery Feng Shui.

   2. The principle of facing Zhuque in front, Xuanwu behind, and holding acupoints on the left and right
   "Green dragon on the left and white tiger on the right, Suzaku in front and Xuanwu behind" is the first choice for site selection. This is Feng Shui's summary of the surrounding terrain of the cemetery. It is actually surrounded by mountains on all sides, with a spacious basin in the middle. The "hole" mentioned in Feng Shui is in this basin. The mountains and water sources on all sides are called peaks, water of good and bad luck, and sand hands. This also reflects the ancient people's Feng Shui view of funerals.

   3. The principle of bending and meandering
  Straight means rushing, and curve means smoothness. The roads should be curved, the mountains and rivers should be meandering, that is, winding and winding, and winding paths leading to seclusion are a good pattern.

   4. The principle of openness of the bright hall
   Climb the mountain to see the water entrance, and enter the hole to see the bright hall. The bright hall is open and full of vitality, and the future is boundless. On the contrary, the cemetery should not be located in a narrow and limited valley.

   5. The principle of returning to nature
  The feng shui of a Yin house is exactly the opposite of that of a Yang house. Urbanites advocate the integration of personnel and computers, the integration of people and computers, and the environment and efficiency first. The cemetery emphasizes the importance of nature first and the unity of nature and man.

   6. The principle of "wind and water"
  Cemeteries also pay attention to "wind and water". The direction of wind and water in Beijing is northwest, so the Ming Tombs of the Ming Dynasty are located in the northwest of Beijing. Changping District. The northwest is determined based on the central axis of Beijing. This central axis starts from the Drum Tower in the north, passes through the Palace Museum, goes to the South Gate in the front, and ends in Yongding Gate in the south. The center point is the Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 7

What are the characteristics of the shapes of tombs and geomantic treasures?

  Good Cemetery Feng Shui can make future generations rich and prosperous. Good cemetery Feng Shui is called the treasure of Feng Shui in the cemetery. What is considered good Feng Shui in a cemetery? What kind of feng shui shape of a cemetery can be called a treasure feng shui shape of a cemetery? Let’s take a look!

  Yinzhai Cemetery is a treasure of Feng Shui
  Look at the water first before looking at the mountains. There are mountains but no water for the burial ground. The mountains manage the people but the water manages the wealth. Water is the blood of the dragon, sand and water meet, yin and yang meet, water is very important.

  Water outlet: It is best for the outlet water to be deep and rounded, with Luo star, Youyu, Beichen, Huabiao, Hanmen, turtle, snake, lion and elephant and other animal stars. It is most auspicious for the water to be protected by overlapping barriers. There are many water methods, including the three-in-one water method, the nine-star water method, the twelve-branch water method, the Ligangendui hexagram water means good luck, the Kankun Zhenxun hexagram water means bad luck, the crossing yin and yang water method, etc. There are many kinds of water methods. The public says the public is right, and the mother-in-law says the mother-in-law is right. It is extremely confusing and difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Once used, it will bring immeasurable disaster to the owner. In the mild case, it will cause loss of wealth, illness, and serious injuries, and the family will be destroyed. Therefore, Feng Shui Rely on real skills and learn without any hypocrisy, otherwise it will harm others, harm yourself, harm society, and cause serious consequences that cannot be rescued. In short, the above-mentioned water laws have a very low degree of compliance.

  The water in Longzhen Cave is misplaced, and the rich sand does not touch the head. The rich sand and precious sand come in clusters, and the water mouth is completely turned into ashes. This shows the importance of the water method. This illustrates the importance of draining water from the acupoint. Longzhen Cave is rich in ground.

  When conducting Feng Shui inspections and key points in the cemetery, because there are hundreds of tombs arranged in rows and rows in an orderly manner, many Feng Shui masters have no way of analyzing the good or bad luck of a tomb after entering the cemetery.

  Choosing the Feng Shui Treasure Site in the Cemetery
  When conducting the Feng Shui inspection and key points in the cemetery, because there are hundreds of tombs in the cemetery arranged in rows and rows in an orderly manner, many Feng Shui masters enter the cemetery. , there is simply no way to analyze the good or bad fortune of a tomb.

  In fact, the principle of checking the good and bad luck of a grave in a cemetery and checking the holes in a non-cemetery cemetery are the same as checking the graves in a non-cemetery cemetery. It is just that when checking the graves in the cemetery and checking the graves, the "points" must be in front, back, left and right. Those graves with the same "point" format are treated as flat ground. And those extraordinarily high buildings, hills or tombs must be regarded as sand; those low pits or small valleys must be regarded as water. In a word: any unusual things that are conspicuous in the cemetery must be regarded as water. Sand can be treated as water, while those graves without any energy can be treated as nothing.

  That is to say: take the "point" as the original center, and if there is no special thing nearby, then it will extend outward from the original center until something with a special shape appears. All graves in the interval before the special shape appeared are treated as flat ground. After this treatment, the judgment of cemetery feng shui is completely different from that of ordinary graves.

  Next, talking about sand and water, we know that the energy contained in anything has a certain limit. In the same way, the good and bad energy contained in the local sand and water in the cemetery is not unlimited. In this cemetery with limited energy, the meaning of "grabbing Feng Shui" is very important.

Feng Shui Treasure Cemetery, Principles of Site Selection for Public Welfare Cemetery Figure 8

The above is all the content about Feng Shui treasure land cemeteries, the site selection principles for public welfare cemeteries, and the related content of Feng Shui treasure land pictures. I hope it can help you.

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