
Contents of this article

  • 1.What does the four elements mean?
  • 2. The meaning and sentence creation of the four elements are empty
  • 3.What does it mean to have all four elements empty?
  • 4.What does it mean that all four elements are empty?

What does "the four elements are all empty" mean?

"The four elements are all empty". People often misunderstand the "four elements" as alcohol, sex, wealth and energy. In fact, the "four elements" mentioned in Buddhism refer to the four major material factors of "earth, water, fire and wind". That is, the earth element (with hardness as its nature, can support all things and prevent them from falling), the water element (with moisture as its nature, can absorb all things without causing them to overflow), the fire element (with warm nature, can mature all things without causing them to overflow). Causes rottenness), wind element (which is characterized by flow, can grow all things, and regulate smooth flow).

The "four majors" in Buddhism differ between Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism. Generally speaking, the "four majors" mentioned in Theravada Buddhism refer to the basic causes and conditions that cause material phenomena, which are called the four major types.

This means that earth, water, fire, and wind are the seeds that form all material phenomena. All objects are completed due to the coordination and distribution of the four elements. The four elements of harmony will prosper, and the four elements of contradiction will be destroyed. Physical phenomena are This is true of physiological phenomena, so Buddhists call the illness of patients the "four major violations."

The meaning of "all four elements are empty", what does "all four elements are empty" mean? Figure 1

The "four elements" mentioned in Mahayana Buddhism refer to physical phenomena:

Not the fundamental element. What is true and false is not real, what is illusion is not real. For the formation of objects, they only add to the conditions rather than the fundamental law. Although the "four elements" are recognized as the seeds of objects, they do not think that the "four elements" are the true appearance of objects.

And "the four elements are empty" also refers to the four ways of destroying the world: earth, fire, wind, and water. To make it empty is to tell the world very intuitively that the existing matter will also be emptied by the "four elements", which means that everything in the universe has no substance.

The meaning and sentence creation of "the four elements are all empty"

  What does the four elements are empty mean? How to use it to make a sentence? Below I have compiled the meaning and sentences of the four elements are empty for you. I hope you like it.

The meaning of "all four elements are empty", what does "all four elements are empty" mean? Figure 2

  The meaning of all four elements is empty:

  【pinyin】sì dà jiē kōng

  [Explanation] The four elements: earth, fire, water and wind, both empty, empty but not empty, not empty but empty, empty both earth, fire, water and wind. All: everything is one, and one is everything. Don’t take the form of Dharma, don’t take the form of illegality. Neither take nor leave. The four elements are empty also refers to the four ways of destroying the world: earth, fire, feng shui. Make it empty.

  [Source] The language of the birth is chaotic, ~, and there is no name (after becoming a monk, the surname is not the surname at home, the surname is Shi). (Chapter 31 of "Water Margin" by Chen Chen of the Qing Dynasty)

  [Usage] Subject-predicate form; used as predicate or object; has a derogatory meaning.

  The four elements are all empty in a sentence:

  1. After being unemployed for several years, I have lost everything and am completely destitute.

  2. Nowadays, men are deprived of all four things: their heads are depleted by work, their stomachs are depleted by tobacco and alcohol, their time is depleted by friends, and their bodies are depleted by male hormones. Men's Health Day, as a man, you should be kind to yourself.

  3. Even the monks and nuns who have nothing to lose and the pure and ethereal Taoist priests are not willing to be trend-watchers. They put Maitreya Guanyin behind their minds, temporarily shut down the fire of Laojun's alchemy furnace, and also climbed up to the flower bed to become fans.

  4. The four elements of a monk are empty, and the title is also empty. You and I are destined to meet each other in the future, so why not just follow the fate.

  5. As a poor monk and outsiders, if all the four elements are empty, how can there be any unfulfilled wish? Well, if the fourth prince has a wish, I would be willing to give my little effort.

  6. Damn it, didn’t you tell me that all the members of your family are in vain? Why are you so aggressive now? Moreover, this old monk is mysterious and unpredictable. What if you get killed if you take action! “Donor, don’t worry, I’ll stop here!”.

  7. True Buddhists do not mess with the world, have no distracting thoughts, and are empty of the four elements. They light incense and make money, and recite sutras and make calculations.

  8. I packed up the earth, mountains and rivers, and all four elements were empty. I went through the vast journey, the desert and the flat forests, the fortresses of the mountains, and the rolling Yangtze River. However, I saw the cold clouds and mist like a woven fabric of sorrow, and the endless bitter rain and bitter wind brought resentment.

  9. If I don’t kill you, I will make your six sense organs pure and your four elements empty. If I annihilate your butcher’s knife, you will be able to turn back and find peace!

  10. A monk has nothing in all four elements, so how can he want these extraneous things?

  11. All the clear rules and precepts are empty. They are all fake monks’ self-discipline theories based on unstable minds. It seems to the young monk that they are all fake.

  12. I can't hide the original desire in my heart, just as I love your beauty in my heart, how can I pretend that everything is empty?

  13. Some people have suffered setbacks in some aspects, so all their thoughts are destroyed, resulting in a negative thought that all four elements are empty. This is very wrong.

  14. On January 14th, I send you my love diary, which records the four seasons of the year, the second spring and autumn, the blessings in three lives, the loss of all four things, the five winters and six summers, the seven ups and eight downs, the ninety-nine and ninety-nine. I love you very much. Sweet journey! Every sentence is heartfelt. Please reply with your thoughts after reading it. Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear!

  15. The Dream Bamboo Forest is relatively safe. Those who go in can come out alive, but after coming out, their cultivation is greatly reduced, and they become apathetic, empty of all four elements, and lose enthusiasm for everything. Most of their wives and children are separated and escape. Empty door.

  16. Chen Xiaochuan made some polite remarks and then got down to business. Now is not the time to be polite. Buddhist disciples don’t need to be too polite even if they have nothing to offer.

  17. Leeds United, which originally stated before the season that it would strive for the quadruple crown, ended up losing all four titles due to injuries. Although there were many objective factors, this also made chairman Jonathan very unhappy.

  18. Amidst the applause, Lei Ming was caught in a dilemma for a period of time. For a character like Hong Hong, Lei Ming's heart was complicated. It could be said that he loved and hated it, but he could not do what Buddhism said. All four elements are empty.

What does the four elements are empty mean?

Four Elements: Ancient India believed that earth, water, fire, and wind were the four elements that made up the universe. Buddhism refers to the four properties of firmness, moisture, warmth and movement, and believes that the human body is composed of these "four elements". According to Buddhism, everything in the world is nothingness. Often used to express seeing through the world of mortals.

The meaning of "all four elements are empty", what does "all four elements are empty" mean? Figure 3

What does the four elements are empty mean?

The four elements are empty, a Buddhist term whose pinyin is sìdàjiēkōng, which means that everything in the world is empty. (In ancient India, earth, water, fire, and wind were the four elements that made up the universe, and Buddhism called them the four elements.)
Source: Ming Dynasty Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng's "Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua": "One mind has no worries; the four elements are empty. ”
Example sentence: Some people are frustrated in some aspects, so all their thoughts are destroyed, resulting in a kind of negative thinking, which is very wrong.
Synonyms: no distracting thoughts, see through the world of mortals.
Antonyms: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, seven emotions and six desires.

The meaning of "all four elements are empty", what does "all four elements are empty" mean? Figure 4

The above is all about the meaning of the four elements are empty, what the four elements are empty, and the related content of the meaning of the four elements are empty. I hope it can help you.

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