
Contents of this article

  • 1. In what year and month did the Battle of Harbin take place?
  • 2. Who were the representative figures of the Anti-Japanese War during the September 18th Incident?
  • 3. What TV series is Feng Hai a character in?
  • 4. Northeast Anti-Japanese Heroes and Deeds Zhao Shangzhi

In what year and month did the Battle of Harbin take place?

Harbin is the gateway to Northeast China and the political, economic and cultural center of Northern Manchuria. This is not only the hub of the Middle East Railway jointly managed by China and the Soviet Union, but also an international market where China and foreign countries are mixed. The city is the seat of the Special Administrative Regions of the three northeastern provinces (Daoli belongs to the special administrative regions of the three northeastern provinces, and Daowei belongs to Jilin Province). After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese army once wanted to attack Harbin, but the Japanese government was worried about Soviet interference and was blocked by Prime Minister Nanjiro. After the Japanese army invaded Qiqihar, they approached the Soviet Union. Litvinov, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, reiterated to Japan the policy of non-interference, thus fueling Japan's aggressive arrogance. Zhang Jinghui, the chief executive of the Harbin Special Administrative Region, announced the establishment of the "Eastern Special Administrative Region Security Council" on September 27. He appointed himself as president, committed treason and surrendered to the enemy, and used a large amount of arms supplied by the Japanese army to recruit the puppet special zone police force and expand its armed forces. In November of the same year, the Jilin Provincial Anti-Japanese Government with Chengyun as its chairman set up offices in Binxian and the Heilongjiang Anti-Japanese Government with Ma Zhanshan as its chairman in Hailun. Feng Zhanhai, head of the guard regiment of the Deputy Commander-in-Chief's Office of the Northeast Frontier Defense Force stationed in Jilin, refused to surrender to the Japanese army. , led the entire regiment of more than 3,000 people to declare resistance against Japan and marched from Yongji County, Jilin Province to Shulan County, and then joined forces with Gong Changhai and Yao Bingqian, two National Salvation Army units based on the Green Forest Armed Forces, to form the Jilin Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, with Feng as commander. . On November 12, the Provisional Government of Jilin Province was established in Bin County (now part of Heilongjiang Province). Feng Zhanhai was appointed as the garrison commander and commander of the 1st Brigade. The Gong and Yao brigades were also organized into cavalry brigades respectively, under the command of Feng Zhanhai. This series of anti-Japanese actions greatly inspired the anti-Japanese fighting spirit of the people in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. In order to attack Harbin, the Japanese Kwantung Army first had to use force to "cruel" the anti-Japanese armed forces.

Feng Zhanhai, what year, month and day did the Battle of Harbin take place? Figure 1

Who were the representative figures of the Anti-Japanese War during the September 18th Incident?

1. Xing Zhanqing, courtesy name Kuijiu, was from Fengtian Province (now Liaoning Province). When he came of age, he joined Zhang Zuo as a soldier and was highly regarded. When Zhang Zuoxiang was appointed commander of the 27th Regiment of the 27th Division of the Fengjun Army, he appointed Xing Zhanqing as the company commander. When Zhang Zuoxiang was appointed commander of the 20th Regiment of the 27th Division Artillery, he brought Xing Zhanqing to the artillery regiment and appointed him as the commander of the 3rd Battalion.

When Guo Songling rebelled in 1925, Xing Zhanqing was promoted to the commander of the 39th Regiment of the 10th Brigade of Zhang Zuoxiang's Army and was stationed at Shanhaiguan. In the Battle of Wanjiatun, Xing Zhanqing fought bravely and led his troops to break through the Guo Army's defense line. At the same time, following the strategy of focusing on attacking the heart of the brigade commander Li Du, he forced the Guo Army to surrender, avoiding a large number of casualties on both sides.

After the war, Zhang Zuoxiang's army withdrew to Lianshan. Guo Jun took advantage of the sudden change in weather and the freezing of the Bohai Sea to cross the sea and attack Feng Jun from the flank. The attack was successful and they occupied the railway line from Lianshan to Yingpan. Zhang Zuoxiang's army had to withdraw to Xinmin. The Xing Zhanqing Regiment accompanied the 10th Brigade to cover the retreat of the entire army, ensuring the easy transfer of the army.

Finally, in the Battle of Xinmin, Xing Zhanqing's regiment fought hard to capture the strategic military base of Xigaotaizi, and cooperated with friendly forces to defeat Guo's army across the board, forcing Guo Songling to abandon the camp and flee. He was later captured and executed in Laodafang, Xinmin.

2. Su Bingwen

After the September 18th Incident in 1931, Ma Zhanshan acted as chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government. Su Bingwen supported General Ma Zhanshan in resisting Japan. At that time, its infantry regiment stationed in Manchuria was transferred to Nenjiang Bridge to assist Mazhanshan in fighting the Japanese army.

Su actively carried out anti-Japanese activities in the Maritime and Manchuria areas. First, he established a student company to accommodate more than a hundred aspiring young students for military training. He then established the Ninth Infantry Regiment to expand the anti-Japanese team. He also appointed Liu Shaofu, who studied military engineering in Germany, as his Leaders, more than a hundred exiled technicians and young people from the Shenyang Arsenal were established to build an arsenal for manufacturing grenades, landmines, etc.

All patriots who escaped from occupied areas were welcomed and placed in the National Salvation Support Association, which was popular but deeply hated by the Japanese and puppets. The Japanese and puppets repeatedly invited Su to attend meetings in Qiqihar, the capital of Heilongjiang Province, but he refused to go. All threats and inducements by the Japanese and puppets failed.

On March 31, 1932, Su Bingwen was electrified in Hailar and took office as the commander-in-chief of the Heilongjiang Self-Defense Army. On October 1, 1932, he was officially announced as the commander-in-chief of the Northeast People's National Salvation Army. Japanese and puppet troops made repeated attacks but were repelled. The enemy then used several times its troops to launch a massive attack coordinated by land and air.

The commander of the first infantry regiment, Gao Junling, led his troops to attack the invading Japanese army head-on. The Japanese army suffered dozens of casualties before retreating. The next day, the Japanese army increased its troops by more than 1,000, and the infantry and artillery jointly attacked our position. Enemy planes bombed our position. Commander Gao was seriously injured in the back and right arm. Tang Zhongxin, deputy lieutenant colonel, and Kong Qinglin, deputy major, were both injured at the same time. Battalion Commander Yang Chuanxu died in battle and martyred his country. Hundreds of soldiers suffered casualties, but their morale was high and they regarded death as home.

Su Bingwen also personally went to the front line to command operations, condolences to the wounded, boosted morale, and shared the same hatred with the enemy.

In mid-November, the Nenjiang River froze. The Japanese army, with the 10th Division of Songmu Naoliang as the main force and the cavalry brigade as the vanguard, accompanied by armored vehicles, tanks, and aircraft, launched a massive attack on our positions on the west bank of the Nenjiang River. Our troops fought fiercely for several days in the Fularji area and suffered heavy casualties. They even moved to the second-line positions in Zhujiakan and Yaokule and destroyed the railway in front.

3. Feng Zhanhai (1899-September 14, 1963), courtesy name Shoushan, was born in Jin County, Liaoning Province. After the "September 18th" Incident, he raised troops to resist Japan and was known as "the first person in Jilin to resist Japan." In 1921, he served as the adjutant of the 108th Captain of the 27th Army Division. Later he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel Chengqi Guan and Senior Principal. After the "September 18th" Incident, he raised his troops to fight against the rebellion and incorporated Green Forest and the people's anti-Japanese armed forces.

4. Yang Jingyu (February 26, 1905 - February 23, 1940), formerly known as Ma Shangde, courtesy name Jisheng, Han nationality, native of Queshan County, Henan Province, outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, proletarian revolutionist, military strategist, famous The anti-Japanese national hero, one of the founders of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area and its Red Army, and one of the main founders and leaders of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. 

In 1932, he was entrusted by the Party Central Committee to organize the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces in Northeast China, and served successively as the general commander and political commissar of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. He led the soldiers and civilians of Northeast China to fight the Japanese invaders in a bloody battle between white mountains and black waters. Under the emergency situation of ice and snow, with no ammunition and food, he finally died heroically after fighting alone with a large number of Japanese invaders for several days and nights. General Yang Jingyu was named one of the 100 heroic models who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China.

Feng Zhanhai, what year, month and day did the Battle of Harbin take place? Figure 2

5. Huang Xiansheng (1896-1949), Manchu, native of Xiuyan, Liaoning Province. He fired the first anti-Japanese shot in Shenyang and was one of the founders of the Northeast Volunteer Army.

Huang Xiansheng was the first among the senior generals of the Northeast Army to accept the leadership of the party, and secretly joined the Communist Party of China in August 1936. After the Xi'an Incident, he was detained by the Nationalist Government and killed in Baigongguan Prison, Chongqing on November 27, 1949. On the eve of the September 18th Incident in 1931, he worked hard to collect intelligence, report it to superiors, and ask for countermeasures. However, due to Zhang Xueliang's irresistible order, he could not do anything.

After the September 18th Incident broke out, he led all branches and teams of the Public Security Bureau to fight tenaciously against the Japanese army. He did not order the withdrawal from Shenyang until he was truly unable to continue resisting. Later, he used the province's police force as the backbone to organize a volunteer army to fight against Japan: he moved to southern Liaoning and western Liaoning to combat the arrogance of the Japanese and puppet troops.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-September 18th Incident

What TV series is Feng Hai a character in?

In 1917, Feng Zhanhai defected to his uncle Zhang Zuoxiang, joined the army as an orderly, and later entered the Northeast Military Academy for further study.
In 1921, he served as the adjutant of the 108th captain of the 27th Army Division. Later he was promoted to lieutenant colonel Chengqiguan and senior principal. After the "September 18th" incident, he raised his troops to fight against the rebellion and incorporated the green forest and civilian anti-Japanese armed forces.
On January 27, 1932, when he learned that Yu Chencheng's puppet troops had invaded Harbin, he resolutely led his troops to meet the enemy, and together with Li Du and others smashed the puppet troops' invasion of Harbin. After the establishment of the Jilin Self-Defense Force, he was promoted to deputy commander-in-chief He was also the commander-in-chief of the left wing. After the fall of Harbin, he led his troops to the Fangzheng area. During this period, they organized a counterattack and annihilated thousands of enemies. The troops entered the outskirts of Harbin, and then evacuated Fangzheng and moved to Xiajiang. In April of the same year, the Jilin Self-Defense Army organized a counterattack and led its troops into the Xiangfang area of ​​Harbin. The Japanese army made a sneak attack on Yilan, causing Contact between the front and rear of the Self-Defense Forces was interrupted, and he immediately led his troops south. Later, the team grew, with more than 10,000 people, and was renamed the Jilin National Salvation Army. He appointed himself the commander-in-chief and launched a counterattack against Jilin City, the puppet provincial capital of Jilin. Because he was fighting alone, counterattacks failed, and the attack failed, he moved to Jehol to participate in the defense of Jehol. After the fall of Rehe, Feng's troops entered the pass and were reorganized into the 91st Division, which was affiliated with Wan Fulin's 53rd Army.
After the July 7th Incident in 1937, the 91st Division defended the city on the south bank of the Yongding River and fought fierce battles with the Japanese army. The entire division suffered heavy casualties.
In July 1938, the 91st Division was divided into Tang Enbo's 31st Group Army. In the Battle of Wuhan, the officers and soldiers fought in a bloody battle, with almost half of the casualties. Later, they lamented the attrition of the troops, and were even more heartbroken because of Tang Enbo's domineering behavior and discrimination against other factions. Frustrated, he led two of his trusted lieutenants to run away, sneaking into Guangxi, Hong Kong and other places, and left the military to engage in business. After the liberation of the country, he was invited by Zhou Enlai to return to Jilin Province and serve as director of the Provincial Sports Committee.
Died on September 14, 1963. General Feng is now buried at the highest peak on the west side of Beishan Park, Chuanying District, Jilin City, Jilin Province.

Feng Zhanhai, what year, month and day did the Battle of Harbin take place? Figure 3

Northeast Anti-Japanese Heroes and Deeds Zhao Shangzhi

1. Yang Jingyu

Yang Jingyu (February 26, 1905 - February 23, 1940), formerly known as Ma Shangde, courtesy name Jisheng, Han nationality, an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a proletarian revolutionist, strategist, and a famous anti-Japanese national hero, was a member of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area and One of the founders of the Red Army and one of the main founders and leaders of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

In 1932, he was entrusted by the Party Central Committee to organize the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces in Northeast China, and served successively as the general commander and political commissar of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. He led the soldiers and civilians of Northeast China to fight the Japanese invaders in a bloody battle between white mountains and black waters. Under the emergency situation of ice and snow, with no ammunition and food, he finally died heroically after fighting alone with a large number of Japanese invaders for several days and nights. General Yang Jingyu was named one of the 100 heroic models who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China.

Feng Zhanhai, what year, month and day did the Battle of Harbin take place? Figure 4

2. Zhao Shangzhi

Zhao Shangzhi (1908-February 12, 1942), Han nationality, one of the founders and leaders of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, and one of the earliest communist members in Northeast China.

After 1925, Zhao Shangzhi led the establishment of the Bayan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force of the Communist Party of China and was the captain of the North Manchurian Zhuhe Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force. He later served as the commander of the Hadong Detachment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force, the commander of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, and the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army. Chang, commander-in-chief of the North Manchurian Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, commander-in-chief of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, and deputy commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

Zhao Shangzhi, Li Zhaolin and others established the Zhuhe and Tangyuan anti-Japanese guerrilla base areas. On February 12, 1942, Zhao Shangzhi died after being seriously injured in battle.

3. Zhou Baozhong

In April 1932, he went to the Mudanjiang area of ​​Northeast China to launch an anti-Japanese armed struggle. In August, Wang Delin, the commander-in-chief of the National Salvation Army, was hired as the general counselor of the National Salvation Army and the staff director of the forward headquarters. He united around himself some of the generals and troops of the National Salvation Army who were willing to persevere in the anti-Japanese struggle, and cooperated with the local people directly led by the Communist Party of China. The anti-Japanese guerrillas formed the Suining Anti-Japanese Allied Army.

On January 9, 1933, Zhou Baozhong and Wang Delin commanded the National Salvation Army to guard Dongning to prevent the Japanese Eighth Brigade from invading. In April, he was sent to Ning'an by the Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to create an anti-Japanese armed force. On September 6, we coordinated the remnants of the National Salvation Army and the East Manchu guerrillas to jointly attack Sanchakou in Dongning County.

4. Li Zhaolin

Li Zhaolin, male, Han nationality, is from Xiaorongguantun, Huazi Town, Dengta City, Liaoning Province. One of the main leaders of the North Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the founder of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, and one of the 100 heroic models who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China.

He once served as head of the Military Commission of the Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, deputy captain of the Zhuhe Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force, political commissar of the Hadong Detachment, acting director of the Political Department of the Sixth Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, director of the Political Department of the Third Army, director of the General Political Department of the North Manchuria Anti-Japanese Allied Army and Commander-in-Chief of the Third Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

5. Feng Zhongyun

Feng Zhongyun joined the Communist Party of China in 1927. Graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University in 1930. He once served as secretary of the Northeast Anti-Japanese General League of the Communist Party of China, inspector and secretary-general of the Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, director of the Political Department of the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army and director of the Propaganda Department of the Zhuhe Central County Committee, secretary of the North Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Sixth Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army. Director of the Military Political Department and political commissar of the Third Route Army.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhao Shangzhi

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Yang Jingyu 

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhou Baozhong 

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Li Zhaolin 

Reference source:   Baidu Encyclopedia-Feng Zhongyun   

The above is all the content about Feng Zhanhai, the year and month on which the Battle of Harbin took place, and the related content about Feng Zhanhai. I hope it can help you.

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