
Contents of this article

  • 1. What should I do if my family tree is lost?
  • 2. What are the issues regarding genealogy compilation?
  • 3. Where is the national professional genealogy printing factory located?
  • 4. Printing and Sentence Making for Grade 1

What should I do if my family tree is lost?

Genealogy is a part of traditional Chinese culture. It not only has functions such as "explaining family history and distinguishing lineage", but it is also an important source of historical materials for studying history.

The history of Chinese genealogy has a long history. Before the Republic of China, the compilation of family trees continued continuously. From the Republic of China to the present day, the compilation of family trees has also gone through several important periods. The first is the Republic of China period. During this period, due to the initiative of the Kuomintang, there was a climax of genealogy revision. Many important officials of the Kuomintang also revised their genealogies at this time. Second, the 1980s and 1990s after the founding of the People's Republic of China also ushered in a climax of genealogy revision. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, genealogy was regarded as a symbol of feudalism and was severely damaged. However, after the reform and opening up, people gained a new understanding of genealogy and began to continuously compile genealogy. After entering the new century, genealogy revision became even more frequent.

Chiang Kai-shek's inscription when compiling the family genealogy of high-ranking officials in the Republic of China

However, the revision of genealogies in the new century is very different from the revision of family genealogies in the past, and there are many problems that need to be solved. The first is the issue of funding. Unlike clans in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the funds for genealogy revision were deducted from the family property. Now the first thing to solve when revising genealogies is the funding issue. Then there is the compilation of lineage, how many new people have been added, and what is the specific lineage, especially as the questioner said, if the old genealogy is lost, the compilation of the new genealogy will be more difficult. So how to solve these two problems?

A proposal for the revision of genealogy in modern times (to protect privacy, only part of it is cut out here)

First, the funding issue . Today's main sources of funds for genealogy revision are donations and equal sharing , and these two methods are usually combined.

Donations are mainly made by people in the family who have sufficient funds or have a relatively high social status. This is also an important source of funds for genealogy repair today. Of course, in order to encourage members of the clan to donate, the amount of donation by someone is often stated in the family tree. If the donation is relatively large, photos of the family and the glorious deeds of the family members will also be recorded in the family tree in detail.

Equal sharing is relatively simple, that is, each household has to pay a certain amount of money. Different clans adopt different methods. Some make donations based on families, some make donations based on headcount, and usually adopt the second method. The specific amount of payment varies in different regions, some are 10 yuan per capita, some are 20 yuan per capita, etc. Of course, whether to pay is voluntary, but if you don’t pay, it will not be included in the family tree, so it is still an indirect mandatory measure.

Second, the issue of lineage arrangement .

Interviews are inevitable. The genealogy editor needs to interview each household to determine the specific population of the family. This is an extremely complicated job, so clan members with a certain reputation are usually chosen to do it. And if possible, it needs to span different counties, cities, and even different provinces.

But here comes the problem mentioned by the questioner. If the family has an old genealogy, then everything is easy to talk about. Just arrange it according to the previous lineage interviews. But what should I do if the old genealogy is lost?

Interviews must be necessary, and they must be conducted very carefully, including several generations above the male head of the family, and they must be sorted out as clearly as possible. Moreover, you can also conduct interviews with the older members of the clan and compile a summary based on their oral history materials.

It is also necessary to search for literature . The documents here include many kinds, including local chronicles, anthologies, old newspapers, etc. But two kinds of literature require special attention. First, the ink genealogy . The so-called ink genealogy is different from the traditional genealogy. Traditional genealogy is published or has been printed, but the ink genealogy has not been published. Generally, the ink genealogy is very It is difficult to preserve, but some clans will retain it. The second is the inscriptions . In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the inscriptions would relatively completely record the family lineage. This is also a very important historical material.

In addition, verification can also be carried out through other methods. For example, joint genealogy . Generally speaking, every family will have a migration source. By visiting the migration place, there is a certain chance of finding the previous family tree. Based on this basis, interviews and summaries can be conducted to form a new family tree.

Of course, if you really can't find relevant records, when you compile a new family tree, you should first compile the existing lineage data that can be verified, and the unclear parts can be verified later.

Of course, revising a new genealogy is a complicated process. A genealogy revision committee is usually formed to coordinate and distribute the genealogy, such as the chief revisionist, accountants, interviewers, etc.

quite complicated. It depends on whether the age of discontinuity is long. You can push up from modern times to see if you can connect with the old records (the details recorded in the old records are better). Which branch do you belong to, which village do you live in, how many brothers are there in each generation (this information is recorded in the old tree), and communicate more with older people and elders. Nowadays, the population is very mobile, migration is frequent, and it is more difficult to continue the family lineage. In the biography, you can clearly state the village where you originally lived and where you currently live (the address must be clearly stated). Nowadays, many young people don’t pay much attention to genealogy revision, but they still need to do it once every twenty or thirty years. This requires people in the family who are enthusiastic about public welfare. Where there is a will, there is a way. My uncle, a retired teacher, traveled alone for four years to dozens of villages, perfected the genealogy, wrote biographies and documents, and compiled branch trees, making contributions to the 5,000 people in his branch and the Chang family in Bengbu, Anhui. In September 2017, I made up my mind and used various methods to find a group of Nanjing people who moved to Gulou District in Nanjing in 1871 (recorded in 1992 old records). The last two or three generations have lost contact with their hometown for decades. , participated in the revision of the genealogy in 2017, fulfilling their dream of reuniting with their relatives in their hometown!

The Chinese people attach great importance to the compilation of family trees, pay attention to careful pursuit of the past, and orderly inheritance. The phenomenon of loss of family trees is also very common. The remote causes are wars and disasters, and the proximate causes are the destruction of the four olds and the acceleration of population migration.

My family's family tree was also burned during the Cultural Revolution. After my father retired in 2000, he spent seven or eight years reorganizing it. His main methods include the following:

1. Memories. My grandfather passed away in 1978. Around 1976, my father asked him to recall his family tree. After our branch settled in the local area, it was passed down to my grandfather for the seventh generation. Before my grandfather, it has been the eldest house. The genealogy and tablets (sacred pillars) have always been placed in my house. Although they were regarded as the four old and broken, My grandfather had an excellent memory, and what he dictated was recorded by my father, which was basically complete (partial dates of birth and death and the surname of his female spouse were missing). My father went back to the village many times to consult with the elderly and fully revised some contents. This is the most important way to restore your family tree.

2. Visit. There are nearly a thousand natural villages in the county, and there are probably more than 200 villages with the surname Lu. My father rode an electric bicycle and visited each of them one by one for seven or eight years (some villages were visited four or five times). On the one hand, he sorted out the natural villages. The origin and sequence of the county's Lu surname, its transfer and transfer, on the other hand, also fully revised our family tree (because in some recent branches, we can get quite a bit of help). Based on the research data of several years, my father wrote a tens of thousands of words "An Examination of the Origin and Origin of the Surname Lu in ** City", which provided convenience for later generations to conduct in-depth research. This is the second important means.

3. Consult local historical records. This method can provide some help on large nodes, but not much on details.

4. You can find the clan association of your surname on the Internet, and you can also gain something.

The most difficult thing is that the surname Li does not have a unified generation. I am 47 years old this year, and my surname is Li, according to old records. Starting in 2015 and ending in 2017. Finally, all the people in the village and clan were unified to write the sequel. Laopu survived by being put under the window sill and stuck in the wall with soil during the Qing and Fourth Old Dynasties. Later, one of my great-grandfathers kept it. The great grandfather passed away in 2001, and has basically continued his career for more than sixty years. I am a rural doctor who manages the records of rural people participating in cooperative medical insurance. I continued the genealogy through the computer! I feel so relieved. It’s really hard to keep writing the genealogy. I didn't ask the clan members to spend a penny. ! ! ! By the way, my family migrated from Donghai, Jiangsu to Juyi, Shandong in the third year of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty!

This question is very suitable for me to answer, because our Tang family is also preparing to rebuild the genealogy. As the questioner described, our family's genealogy has also been lost.

First of all, why do we need to revise and continue the score?

Towering trees must have their roots, and thousands of miles of rivers must have their sources. The descendants of Yan and Huang all over the world follow the same line, talk about lineage, talk about clans, and argue about kinship and sparseness in order to extend the line of kinship. The state has its history, the county has its ambitions, and the family has its genealogy. It is the same principle.

This is the original intention of revising and continuing the genealogy.

In the past, every family would have a genealogy, which had been revised, completely standardized, passed down from generation to generation, and preserved for a long time.

However, after that period, the four olds were destroyed, the genealogy was destroyed, the ancestral hall was destroyed, and the ancestral tablets were damaged, resulting in confusion among the family generations.

In this era of peace, everyone has realized the importance of revising and continuing genealogies, and many families have begun to revise their genealogies.

However, the genealogy has been lost and lost, so where should we start?

Let me talk about our approach, and the questioner can use it as a reference.

1. Interview the elders in the clan and go from house to house to collect lineage information of the main branch. 2. Collect physical evidence, such as finding the address of the old ancestral hall and seeing if there is a stone tablet. It was at the ruins of the old ancestral hall that we found a commemorative stone tablet from a hundred years ago, and the writing on it is still legible. We copied the words on the stone tablet and sorted them out. 3. Although the family genealogy is destroyed, some families of various branches of the family must still have preserved tablets of the gods. We also collected some divine cards during family visits.

Through these methods, we sort out the generation-based calligraphy schools and compare them with the calligraphy schools of families with the same surname in other places to see if we can find the same or close calligraphy schools to find the source of this branch.

After these inspections and visits, we verified and sorted out the character generations that initially entered Sichuan, and then renewed the new character generations.

The renewal of the genealogy is still in progress and requires a large investment of manpower, material and financial resources.

Generally speaking, it requires the joint efforts of the entire clan, with the rich contributing money and the powerful contributing efforts.

In order to trace our origins, carry forward the virtues of our ancestors, and inherit the traditions of our ancestors, we should all do this well.

I am Langzhong Feishui. I look forward to your leaving a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

Looking for ancestors, asking for help: The Wu family in Hubei has lost contact with their ancestors. The ancestors came to Xinjian County in Nanchang, Jiangxi. Before 1890, each generation returned to Xinjian to worship their ancestors. After that, no one went back for more than 120 years. The ancestral genealogy and ancestral hall are in New original borrowing, in which the genealogy characters are: Jun.Qi.Ji.Wen.zhou, Zhen.Han.Zhong.Guo.Dao, Poetry.Book.Li.Ke.Chuan... Some netizens know the above genealogy If you have the address, please reply, thank you! I wish you and your family happiness!

Many sets will be printed for each revision of the genealogy, unless they all disappear. As long as one set exists, the score can be continued.

Regardless of whether there was a family tree in the past, the main thing now is to record it in detail among each family and spread it in an orderly manner. Once there are traceable clues, they will be rigorously researched and people with the same surname can refer to each other to establish a complete blood inheritance file. A hundred years later, the bones and achievements are gone, and the only thing left is the name. If we can't even record the name, our life will disappear and be wiped out.

Generally it's ok

It's just more difficult

Some may be difficult to continue

But Pu has the skills to handle this

It’s a hundred times better to do something than just regret it. If you really don’t have a legacy, ask an old man to recall your family lineage and try to figure it out as clearly as possible. You can go to whichever generation you can. Even if there are some mistakes, it doesn’t matter. As long as you don’t get the wrong generation, it’s a merit. . Now that you are starting to complete your family tree, you will become a hero of the family.

What are some issues regarding genealogy compilation?

1. The basic concept of genealogy

1. What is genealogy

Genealogy is also called family tree, genealogy, family tree, genealogy, etc. The names are different in different places, but they all record the inheritance of the family lineage. and historical maps of related content. Genealogy can be divided into official family genealogy revised by specialized agencies and private family genealogy revised by private individuals. The meaning of "Cihai" is: an ancient book describing clan lineage. It is the interpersonal relationship of blood clans arranged by generation in the form of words. It is a record of the blood relationship and mutual help of the Chinese ancestors. It is an atlas that records the origin and reproduction of the family with the paternal line as the main body. It is a collection of family history and clan important carrier of culture.

Genealogy was produced very early, and it can be said that it has a long history and a long history. The oracle bone fragments unearthed from the Yin Ruins that record the lineage of surnames are called "oracle bone family trees" by historians. In the Shang Dynasty, there were officials in charge of genealogies and genealogical archives were established. During the Warring States Period, the "Shiben" compiled by historians was a collection of genealogies of clans, lineages, and residences of princes from the Yellow Emperor to the Spring and Autumn Period. It was called by historians the first monograph on genealogies in my country. The initial records of genealogy documents began in Liu Xiang's "Bie Lu" and Ban Gu's "Han Shu" in the Western Han Dynasty. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, due to political, social, and marriage needs, great emphasis was placed on family status and the hierarchy of blood relationships, so the practice of revising genealogies was very popular. In the Song Dynasty, great writers such as Ouyang Xiu and Su Xun wrote genealogies themselves, which were respected as models and followed by later generations. Before the Tang Dynasty, official genealogy compilation was the main practice. After the Five Dynasties, the practice of genealogy compilation became increasingly popular and moved from the official to the private sector. After the Song Dynasty, it was gradually common for each surname and clan to compile their own genealogy, and the requirement to continue the genealogy was generally no more than thirty years. By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, there were so many family trees that they were regarded as family heirlooms.

Genealogy belongs to the category of historiography and is an important part of my country's historical classics and cultural heritage. Together with local chronicles and official history, it constitutes the building of Chinese history. The three complement each other and are inseparable. "Official history" is the history of the country, which specifically records national events. "Local Chronicles" are local historical records, which only record the water, soil, humanities and economic data of a place. "Genealogy" focuses on recording the history of a family. It is extremely difficult for official history to include content that is unique to a place, and it is impossible for local chronicles to cover the specific circumstances of a family. Only when official history is insufficient can local chronicles be compiled. Some information on genealogy can also make up for the shortcomings of official history and local chronicles. From the perspective of historical materials, "genealogy is like the history of the country." Due to the extremely rich information content of genealogy, its value has attracted more and more attention and attention from people from all walks of life.

2. The style of genealogy

The style of family genealogy has been divided into European style and Soviet style since the Song Dynasty. The European style was created by Ouyang Xiu, which focused on the vertical connection between the upper and lower parts. Its origins are clearly traceable, but its deeds are difficult to verify. The Soviet style was created by Su Xun, which focused on the horizontal connections between the left and right. The deeds are clear, but the whole story is difficult to trace, and each has its own merits. The Zhang family tree is used for both. First use the European style to list the lineage, and then use the Soviet style to detail personal information. By the time the genealogy was compiled in the Ming and Qing dynasties, its structure had basically been finalized.

3. The main contents of genealogy

Family trees vary in traditional and simplified versions, and the volumes are of different order. However, judging from their table of contents, they contain roughly the same content, generally with a preface and title. It is composed of words, regulations, ancestral properties, ancestors' tombs, and some are composed of official records, imperial examination lists, filial piety, edicts, portraits, plaques, biographies, postscripts, etc. The relatively simple ones include preface, lineage and lineage.

Most of the Chinese genealogies preserved to this day are from the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, accounting for about 90% of the total number. As far as this part of the existing genealogy is concerned, although the compilation forms are different, the compilation style is detailed or brief, the recording scope is large or small, the recorded content is more or less, and the editing emphasis is different, the format is basically as follows They are the same, they are unified, and there are rules to follow. A complete family tree should roughly include the following items:

(1) Genealogy name. Generally, they are called genealogy, genealogy, genealogy, family tree, family tree, unified genealogy, branch genealogy, ancestral genealogy, combined genealogy, joint genealogy, Dacheng genealogy, family genealogy, etc. Some are also called genealogy, true genealogy, etc. Yuanyuanlu, Yuanliukao, Qingfenlu, Shidian, Shiyi, Shienlu, old genealogy, genealogy map, family lineage, family story, stone genealogy, aristocratic family, private genealogy, this book, Datong genealogy, Xiangxian Lu, There are many titles such as Fang Fang Collection, family heirlooms, biography of ancestors, genealogy, genealogy summary, family tree compilation, family model compilation, etc. Among them, those called family tree, branch tree, family tree, genealogy and general tree are more common.

(2) Spectral sequence. There are two types of order: self-order and other order. The preface records the development of factions and migrations since the ancestors, so that descendants can understand the lineage of their ancestors. Some indicate the past revisions of the genealogy, so that descendants can know the history of the genealogy. Most of the narratives focus on the reasons, purposes, and hardships of revising genealogy. Other prefaces are usually written by famous writers or local chief executives at the time. In addition to the above items, the content is mainly about praise and hope for the genealogist and the family. A relatively large-scale family tree will definitely have a preface ranging from one to dozens of articles at the beginning of the volume. It is one of the indispensable contents of every family tree. The preface of the genealogy is also divided into new preface, old preface, guest preface by outsiders, postscript, etc.

(3) Musical examples. Also known as Fanli, revising genealogy, and examples. It provides a detailed outline of the structure and content of the genealogy, an explanation of the objects to be included in the genealogy and special terms, and regulations on the writing format and application of charts. It is a legal document for the revision of genealogy. It can reflect the complexity and quality of a genealogy, including some explanations and definitions of special terms for heirs, wives and concubines. Generally speaking, some family trees will formulate a number of rules that keep pace with the times every time they are revised, as the principles to be followed when revising the genealogy.

(4) Spectrum theory. Many genealogies have a special chapter on genealogy, which collects chapters about genealogy, genealogy theory, and genealogy discussions by sages and related discussions in ancient classics, and invents the role, function, significance, history, principles, and methods of genealogy revision. and elaboration, which are valuable information for the study of genealogy.

(5) Enrong Record. The main content is the imperial edicts, edicts, bestowals, plaques, poems, couplets, imperial posthumous inscriptions, imperial inscriptions, and local government edicts on family officials and their family trees. Show off the court's awards and commendations to the family and its members, while reflecting the family's status and identity.

(6) Like and portrait. Image materials of ancestors and sages and important figures in the family, usually with portraits on the front and portraits on the back.

(7) Origin of surname. Chinese genealogy has always had the tradition of "narrating the original lineage and describing the beginning of the feudal family". Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, most genealogies have also included a chapter describing the origin of the surname, or the origin of the surname or the origin of the clan. It is mainly used to describe the origin of the surname, the historical origins of the clan, ancestors, sects, migrations, relationships between tribes, and even the reasons for changing the surname. The genealogy traces the origin of the surname, highlights the founder of the surname, explores the evolution of the clan, and records the line of inheritance. It is also a manifestation of Chinese culture's respect for life, respect for history, and respect for tradition. The Zhang family tree records the lineage inheritance chart of the Zhang family for more than 5,000 years from the founder, Hui Gong, the fifth son of Emperor Xuanyuan, to the present day. It uses a short and concise language chart to depict a picture of the five thousand years of China. years of family history. As a necessary part of every genealogy. The historical knowledge contained in the origin test has brought us a lot of legends about the origin and culture of ancient surnames, which can be used as a basis for us to understand that period of civilization.

(8) Clan rules and family laws. It is a clan law jointly formulated by clan and family members to restrain and educate clan members. It is an important part of the family tree. They have different names and many types, such as family rules, family covenants, family precepts, family laws, family rituals, family rituals, family rituals, family rules, family rules, family covenants, ancestral rules, ancestral covenants, norms, regulations, and rules. , regulations, precepts, etc. Family law is a general term for the rules and regulations that have "legal effect" on a family and are used to bind all members of the family. Family law is the accumulation of experience of ancestors. It is a spiritual style that is different from others and is continuously improved and passed down from generation to generation. This fine tradition is a kind of family tradition and a family culture that regulates the family.

(9) Ancestral hall. It records the history of the construction of clan and family ancestral halls, introduces the architectural scale and geographical location of the ancestral hall, includes inscriptions, poems, ancestral couplets, ancestral plaques, ancestral hall pictures, the name of the donor who built the ancestral hall, and records the number of generations of gods and goddesses in the ancestral hall. Sharing benefits, supplementary benefits, sacrificial conditions, etc.

Ancestral hall, also called family temple or ancestral hall, houses the shrines of ancestors and is the resting place of ancestors and spirits. Because of this, it becomes very sacred. It not only serves as a memorial to the spirits of ancestors in heaven. The palace is also the court where the family exercises its power. Tribes gather to worship ancestors in ancestral halls, usually twice a year, with spring and autumn offerings, or the autumn offering is changed to winter offering. There are also people who only offer sacrifices once a year. The specific time varies from place to place and tribe, but generally They all adhere to the principle of not violating the farming season and being convenient for the family. Before the sacrifice, it is necessary to set up a chief priest (the chief of the clan) and "deacons" to correct the rituals, Tongzan (introduction of praise), classification, and read blessings. Colored lanterns should be hung in the ancestral hall, sacrificial vessels and sacrifices should be arranged, and incense should be burned and kowtows should be burned during the sacrifice. , the golden drums sounded together, and the "small music" played slowly, warmly, solemnly and solemnly. There are many sacrificial rituals, the main ones are ancestor worship and ancestor worship. To tell the ancestors is to hold a certain ceremony to tell the ancestors that the descendants will gather together to start the sacrifice and invite their gods to come and enjoy the sacrifice. When informing ancestors and offering sacrifices to ancestors, the sacrificial text must be read out and then burned to show that the ancestors have accepted it.

"County name" and "Tanghao" are important contents in surname culture, and are important symbols showing the regional distribution and cultural characteristics of surnames. It is the main basis for distinguishing different regions with the same surname and identifying kinship and distance. It is also the basic clue for tracing roots and origins. "Junwang" refers to the prominent families in each county from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty. It means that one who has lived in a certain county for a long time is looked up to by the local people. With the emergence of "junwang", a symbol to indicate family status, and for people with the same surname in the same county, the county's "tanghao", which indicates the name of a certain family or house, came into being. "Tanghao" is also the name of the ancestral hall. It is a symbol that explains the origin of a family and distinguishes clan tribes. It is something that shows the characteristics of the ethnic group such as the area where they live, thoughts, culture, achievements and spiritual pursuits. It is not only a high-level summary of the characteristics of a certain surname family, but also a reflection of the social situation at that time. It also has the social function of distinguishing clan branches and blood kinship. Its deeper connotation is a symbol in Chinese family culture that is used to be careful about the future, carry forward the virtues of ancestors, and uphold the clan and the family. It is the embodiment of root-seeking consciousness and ancestor worship. It has a strong kinship color and spiritual bonding effect. The clan number is often written on the cover of the genealogy. Common hall names with the surname Zhang include "Qinghe Hall", "Xiaoyou Hall", "Bairen Hall", "Jinjiantang" and so on.

Five server pictures. Also called service drawing. The so-called five clothes refer to the five colors of clothes in the ancient mourning dress system, namely zhansei, qixai, dagong, xiaogong, and hemp. Mourning clothes are a kind of clothing worn according to the distance and distance between the living and the deceased. Because the five clothes themselves indicate the close relationship between the living and the deceased, and at the same time indicate the close and close relationship between the living and the living who have the same relationship with the deceased, they must be involved not only when performing funeral rites, but also when performing clan rituals. , family affairs and the enforcement of laws must also be involved, so family trees generally contain five service maps.

(11) Lineage. This is the main part of the family tree, also known as lineage chart, lineage test, lineage record, etc. This part of the content is common to all Chinese genealogies, and thus becomes the most obvious sign that genealogies are different from official histories and local chronicles. In addition to the European-style diagram and the Soviet-style diagram invented by Ouyang Xiu and Su Xun, there are two more common types of genealogy tables: (1) Pagoda-type diagram: Who created this diagram form and when it was created is still unclear, but It had appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty at the latest, so it was probably the result of the Northern Song Dynasty people. (2) Chronicle-type atlas: The characteristic of this atlas is that the deeds of the ancestors are described in words according to generations, without using lines or charts.

(12) Biography. Biographies in family trees are also called deeds, deeds, deeds, events, annals, etc. The genres include biographies, deeds, longevity essays, congratulatory prefaces, epitaphs, memorial inscriptions, and materials extracted from official history. They mainly record the records of family members. The deeds and biographical information of "loyal ministers and filial sons" and "honest wives and righteous husbands". Biography is for all those in the family who have a record of morality, chastity, articles and learning, and for all those who have contributed to society and the family, so as to record their deeds and encourage future generations. Many famous people in history have their deeds, epitaphs, Shinto tablets, chronology, etc. included in the genealogy.

(13) Genealogy Notes. It is also called the order of generations, the record of generations, the examination of ancestors, etc. The main content is roughly the same as the lineage part. Record the brief information of the members of the clan, that is, personal name, father's name, ranking, trade name, date of birth and death, longevity, etc.

(14) Family property. Record the collective property of the family and clan, such as sacrificial fields, cemeteries, righteous villages, school fields, villas, forests, houses, etc.

(15) Deed document. It specially publishes and records deeds, management systems related to clan property, as well as documents and contracts regarding inheritance, marriage, family division, etc. within the clan and family.

(16) Tomb. Record the situation of public cemeteries in the clan, including cemetery maps, grave directions, ancestral graves and the distribution of cemeteries of various tribes.

(17) Famous records. Record the landscapes, bridges, pavilions, temples, academies, etc. related to the tribe or members of the tribe.

(18) Ren Huanji. It records the deeds of officials and celebrities of the clan members in past dynasties. Its content is roughly the same as the biography part, including resumes, subjects, political achievements, meritorious deeds, writings, doctrines, etc.

(19) Chronology. It is a genre that records a person's life story according to year, month and day.

(20) Arts and literature. It collects the writings of family and clan members, including memorials, palace examination essays, Wanyan strategies, poems and various articles.

(21) Character genealogy. Also known as Paiyu, Paixingshi, Xingdi, Paiyin, Ranking, etc., they are specially used to record the ranking of members of the clan.

(22) Lead the score font size. After the ancient Chinese family tree was compiled, each genealogy was numbered before being distributed to family members.

(23) Continuation. It is also called Yu Qinglu, which means that after the family tree is compiled, a few blank pages are reserved for future generations to continue recording, to show that it is continuous.

(24) Compile and list of donors. The compilation or continuation of a family tree is a major event in a family or clan, involving many members of the clan, and all clan members must be mobilized to donate money to assist in the compilation.

The above is the basic format of a family tree. It may not be possible for a family tree to use all the above basic formats, but the main parts of the format, such as genealogy preface, rules, genealogy charts, biographies, family rules, art, character genealogy, etc., will definitely be included. The family tree is also based on The above content preserves the family's historical origins, migration situation, heroes of the past generations, etc., and passes them on to future generations.

In fact, a complete family tree is the history of a clan or a family encyclopedia. Through a genealogy, we can learn about the family's historical evolution, lineage reproduction, population changes, residence changes, marital status, the status, role and deeds of the family members in political life such as division and official positions, the family's Economic conditions and regulations and systems such as funerals, rituals, family rules, and family laws. Genealogy also records these contents in the form of books, pictures, annals, tables, and histories, becoming another literary and historical treasure house that can be compared with official history and local chronicles.

4. Why compile genealogy?

(1) The compilation of genealogy is the need to trace and preserve the roots. The ancients said: "Spying is the foundation of the body. "It means that spectrum can tell you who you are and where you come from. People often say: "We are all descendants of Yan and Huang", but you don't know the origin. By tracing your roots through genealogy, you will know where you come from.

A person is born in ten months from his mother's womb, lives in the world for only a few decades, and finally passes away quietly. The ancients said: "The passing geese leave their voices, and the passing people leave their names." "Name" is the essence of a person. After a person passes away, not even a name is left in the world. After a few years, his descendants will forget that it was not a life in vain. In other words, your descendants The fundamentals have been lost.

In the past and now, many people build monuments for their parents and grandparents. One shows the filial piety of future generations, and the other means not forgetting their ancestors. But how long can it be preserved? Generations of changes, man-made damage, and weathering over time have lost the role of tree monuments. And the tradition of genealogy has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. From ancient times to all dynasties, and even to this day, the names of ancestors have been passed down to this day. Isn't this the role of genealogy revision?

The tree is thousands of feet tall and the leaves fall back to their roots. Where is your root? Thousands of miles of river water, where does it originate? If a person doesn't even understand his own roots, wouldn't he be letting his ancestors support him? Therefore, compilation of genealogy is of great significance. One can help you find out who your ancestors are, so that your name can be immortalized with your ancestors through the ages. The other is to record your ancestors and fathers with you, so that your descendants can From generation to generation, people will always know that you are their ancestors and will be with them forever.

(2) The compilation of genealogy is necessary for future reference. The ancients said: "The descendants who do not know the origin of their surnames and who follow the unclear order are worse than animals." It means that the surname is a symbol of blood relationship. The difference between humans and animals is that they have an endless sense of root-seeking for blood relationships, which makes the family have strong cohesion and vitality. No matter how far a person wanders, they can never forget their hometown, because their ancestors are buried there. For five thousand years, the Chinese nation has had the habit of recording the deeds of its ancestors and passing them on to future generations. This is the function of family trees. As long as there is a genealogy book, the people and things of the clan will be recorded.

(3) Compilation of genealogy is a need to increase knowledge and educate people. The ancients said: "If the son fails to teach, it is the father's fault." In recent years, due to the lack of proper family concept education for children, many people today have no family concept and human ethics. The king is not the king, the minister is not the minister, the father is not the father, the son is not the son, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and there is no filial piety. They live in old age but do not take care of them, they have children but do not teach them, they eat, drink, gamble and enjoy themselves excessively. When an official does not care about the people, he is extravagant; when he serves the people, he does not respect his teachers and is barbaric and rebellious. What should we use to educate them? Book of genealogy is a good teaching material, and there are ready-made norms in family training and family rules. The genealogy book contains classics from all dynasties. How to make a determination? How to be dedicated? How to study? How to run a household? How to behave, etc., there are many things that cannot be learned in school. She can cultivate our sentiments very well, encourage us to love life, work hard, contribute to the country, and bring glory to the nation.

(4) Compilation of genealogy is a need of flesh and blood. As the saying goes: "Friends or not, people from my hometown are the same." "Many friends mean many paths." In today's society, due to reasons such as study, work, marriage, etc., the mobility of people is high. Especially the highly developed modern transportation, communication and information have made international integration and the "global village" a reality. It is impossible for people to be closed and closed. , it is commonplace to leave home, go abroad, and travel across the ocean. These descendants of the same clan who are scattered all over the world can only strengthen the mutual connection and in-depth understanding of the compatriots through the joint clan and genealogy. As we all know, when a person makes a living and works in another place, a passerby is not as good as a villager. How can a villager compare with the love of blood? With the book of genealogy, even if you go to the ends of the world, even if we meet by chance, our blood and family ties will definitely be stronger and deeper.

(5) Compilation of genealogy is a need to connect the past and the future. There is a double meaning here: one is for ancestors from above, and the other is for descendants from below. Our ancestors, in the long history of history, have worked hard to open up wasteland and start businesses, creating great achievements for society and future generations. All these cannot be discarded in our generation. Only by revising genealogies, setting up biographies for them, and passing on their glorious achievements and spiritual wealth from generation to generation as a permanent memorial, this is the historical mission of our generation. Only in this way can we be worthy of our ancestors and our descendants.

2. Basic methods of compiling genealogy

A genealogy is a comprehensive and detailed record of a family and a clan. It can be called a family and clan history or a family and clan encyclopedia. At the same time, the family tree also plays an important role in The compilation of family trees can be said to be a major event in the life of ancient Chinese families. It can be said that the ancients were cautious and solemn about the compilation of genealogy, and regarded the compilation of genealogy as the top priority in the clan. When compiling a family tree, some families ask celebrities and scholars from their own family or foreign families to write prefaces. The main purpose is to make themselves famous and show off, but on the other hand, it also ensures the seriousness and authority of the family tree.

There are many processes involved in a family tree from the time it is planned to be re-edited or continued, to the completion of the new genealogy, which are introduced here respectively according to the continued revision and the new creation.

(1) Continue to revise the genealogy. In other words, it is supplemented and improved on the basis of the original score.

(1) Record the situation of the clan members in items in daily life. For example, for family members, every birth, crown ceremony, and marriage must be registered in advance so that new children can be added in the future. Every year before the winter solstice sacrifice, each clan member must report the status of the male to the clan, as well as marriage, marriage, death, burial, etc., as a basis for future genealogy revisions.

(2) Each room or branch will separately record and control the basic information of family members on a regular basis. Each room or branch will also take the initiative to report changes to the room chief. For example, after the birth date, the following information must be reported: a certain house, a certain ancestor, a certain father, a certain son of a certain person, and a certain year, a certain month, a certain day and a certain time. At the winter solstice every year, the head of each house will make a table and register the changes throughout the year and send it to the clan. Then a special person will enter the general register and send it to the clan temple or send a special person to keep it. It will be used in the year when the genealogy is revised and renewed.

(3) Each household should report the changes on time. For example, the descendants of Zeng Shen in Shandong have a "Annual Book" in the ancestral hall. It is stipulated that members of the clan will report to the clan leader three days after the birth of a child and name it, and the name will be recorded in the book. Date of birth; for those who pass away, the family members must report and register the life span and burial place of the deceased within half a year; that is, the daughter-in-law is required to record the woman's birthday and her natal family's situation in the book; those who have moved to another place must report the situation once a year, indicating their place of residence, etc. item for the clan leader to record.

(4) When compiling the genealogy, fill in the census form and then summarize the compilation format as follows: which household, which generation, name, age, current residence in a village in a county, and where What is the occupation, great-grandfather’s name, number, where he refers to, where he is, father’s name, number, where he refers, where he is, how many children he has, and his name.

(5) Send people out for on-the-spot investigation. This is one of the most commonly used methods of collecting information when revising or continuing family genealogies. Some genealogies refer to the people who edited the genealogy as "interviewing" when recording the work. The main objects of out-of-field field surveys are the basic conditions of members of the ethnic group who have moved to other places.

(6) Each branch provides some family regulations: two years before compiling the genealogy, each branch must compile their respective situations and send them to be summarized. Each branch should "compile in advance, pass on the inheritance early, and compile the genealogy together." .

(7) Use old genealogy data. This is also one of the most important sources of information for general family genealogy revisions and continuations. Almost all continued genealogy revisions are based on the old genealogy for reference and textual research, and omissions are filled in. It was built by adding new materials.

(8) Use documents such as imperial poems and various contract documents. The "Jiu Mu Lin Family Clan" in Putian, Fujian Province contains eight poems given to the clan members by five emperors in the Song and Ming dynasties, as well as tax-free household stickers issued to the Lin family in the Tang Dynasty.

(9) Copy information from official histories, local chronicles, anthologies and other books and materials. The genealogies of some large families contain many characters. These characters are either biographies in official histories, anthologies, or local chronicles. There are reports that they may have exchanged songs and exchanged letters with their contemporary non-ethnic friends. These tributes, letters, etc. may be included in other people's collections. All the above situations will be encountered in the process of revising and continuing the genealogy. Therefore, official history, local chronicles, anthologies and other books and materials have become one of the important treasure troves that cannot be missed when revising the genealogy.

(10) Compilation of poems and other manuscripts written by tribesmen.

(2) Create new scores. For some families, the old genealogy has been destroyed, or the old genealogy is seriously damaged, so it needs to be re-edited. In this way, the workload of compiling genealogy is very large, and the methods and continuation of the genealogy are also different, which needs to be introduced in detail.

Revising music scores is a systematic project. To complete a genealogy, there are three important tasks: organization, funding, and editing.

Step One: Organization

is actually the collective name for organizers and organizational implementation. In layman's terms, it means who will initiate the revision of the genealogy, who will organize the revision, and what measures will be taken to ensure that the revision can be completed smoothly.

There is usually an initiative to revise genealogy. Those who advocate the practice or are clan leaders are mostly outstanding people who have a certain say in politics and economy, and there are also people who are very enthusiastic about clan affairs. Once someone initiated it, the family started organizing: nothing more than holding a meeting of representatives of each house, raising funds, determining the editorial team, etc., and then investigating, editing, summarizing, drafting, and printing. After the composition is completed, it is usually celebrated. It should be pointed out that in the old days, the cost of repairing a music score was very high.

So how to organize the revision of genealogy? There still has to be advocacy. The origin of every matter must be suggested by an enthusiastic person. Nowadays, most of the people who advocate religious practice are firstly those who are enthusiastic about clan affairs, secondly, they are the respected elders of their own clan, and then they are the more prosperous clansmen and clansmen who have certain influence in the political circles. Someone suggested that a preparatory meeting should be held, with representatives from each house, representatives from various places, and celebrities. The main tasks of the preparatory meeting are two: first, unify the thinking and determine the general ideas and plans for compilation of genealogy; second, establish a genealogy compilation organization and elect the person in charge. This organization is the organizer of genealogy revision, and its person in charge, either the major or the chairman, plays a very important role. He should be a respected elder with high seniority and a relatively influential voice. If the person's physical condition, work ability, and knowledge level do not seem to be qualified for the job, then you can consider electing an executive major (chairman) with strong work ability and let him do the actual work. After the score revision team is determined, meetings must be held regularly or irregularly: first, to determine the editorial team; second, to raise funds and determine the scope and standards of expenditures; third, to organize and coordinate the interview (score adjustment) work; fourth, to organize Review the draft genealogy; the fifth is printing; the sixth is the celebration of genealogy distribution.

In daily organizational management, organizers will encounter many difficulties and many unexpected situations, such as insufficient funds, failure to interview and adjust scores, and members of the tribe who are unwilling to participate in the revision of scores... and so on. , requires the organizer to solve it with enthusiasm, carefulness, patience, superb work art, and good coordination skills.

Coordination is very important in the organization of genealogy revision. Because the members of the genealogy editing agency (council) come from different regions and have differences in status, identity, ability, character, aesthetics, education, enthusiasm, etc., and the understanding level of the tribe members is also different, this requires the person in charge to first It is necessary to unite and coordinate the genealogy repair team, rely on all clan members, and drive the enthusiasm of the entire team and all clan members with their own enthusiasm, so that genealogy revision can start well and end well.

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Printing in a sentence for first grade

1. Wax paper mimeograph (transcription printing): It is one of the hollow printing methods. Traditionally, a typewriter or stylus is used to press the wax layer through the wax paper to create the impression.

2. You can effortlessly apply any foil, printing paper, silk screen poster, fabric and digital printing on cardboard.

3. Chinese movable type printing: one of the oldest printing technologies in the world, it is inherited and preserved in Ruian, Zhejiang Province, and is mainly used for printing genealogies.

4. Micro-printing, reflective ink, and printed codes on the front and back of the banknotes. The anti-counterfeiting features of Disney dollars make them difficult to be copied.

5. Henghui Special Printing Products Company is a special printing enterprise established in Dongguan in 1990 by a senior Hong Kong special printing company;

Genealogy printing franchise, what to do if the family tree is lost Figure 1

6. The present invention relates to a gravure printing method, including: providing a printing substrate, on which a plurality of recessed units are formed adjacent to each other;

7. In printing technology, the processing method of a letterpress printing plate made by printing a photographic image on a plate and etching it into a convex printing surface.

8. Although movable type printing had already appeared in the mid-15th century, some printers in Europe still used woodblock printing to print books page by page.

9. Thermal transfer machine is a new printing machine that transfers pre-printed foil to various substrates by heating and pressurizing it with a hot stamping head.

10. Glass decoration is one of the rapidly developing fields in the screen printing industry in recent years. However, the physical properties of glass make it a relatively difficult printing material.

Genealogy printing franchise, what to do if the family tree is lost Figure 2

The above is all about genealogy printing franchise, what to do if the family tree is lost, and related content about genealogy printing. I hope it can help you.

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