
Contents of this article

  • 1. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry or fear.
  • 2. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry or fear.
  • 3. Where does freedom from fear and worry come from?
  • 4. There are many fears in this life, and life is in danger from the morning dew.

From love arises sorrow, from love arises fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no sorrow or fear.

Sadness (questioning, distrust, sadness about love) arises in love, and as time goes by, it turns into an unforgettable pain, so hatred arises. If you can see through love (the worldly affairs of the world), there will be no more pain and sorrow.

It comes from the Buddhist work "King of Wonderful Color Seeking Dharma".

"From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear." Appreciation:

Original content: "All love encounters are impermanent and rarely last long. There are many fears in this life, and life is in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry and no fear."

Love is always difficult to last due to various reasons, just like most people are afraid when they are born, and life is as short as morning dew. What we need is to view love with a heart that faces impermanence, so that we will not be resentful or fearful when facing love.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. Picture 1

Extended information

The full text of "King of Wonderful Color Seeking Dharma" is as follows:

Buddha said: From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from love, there will be no worry and no fear.

Gaye: How can one be separated from love?

The Buddha said: No sign of self, no sign of no one, no sign of sentient beings, no sign of lifespan, that is, one who is separated from love.

Kayapa: Shakyamuni, there are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, illness, death, travel, separation from love, not being able to get what you want, and the meeting of resentment and hatred. How to have no self, no form, no desires and no pursuits?

Buddha said: separation of love, meeting of resentment and hatred, letting go and returning to the west, there is no such thing. it's just what you see, but nothing deep.

Kasyapa: Buddha, the world's karma is inactive, how can it be so easy?

Buddha said: Sow the cause, reap the fruit, everything is created by the mind.

Gaye: How can people in the world reach this level?

Buddha said: Zen while sitting, Zen while walking, one flower and one world, one leaf and one Tathagata. When spring comes, the flowers turn green, and when autumn leaves fall, the mind is at ease with infinite prajna, and the movement of the body is natural in silence.

Kaye: If there is a karma, there must be a phase. How about the phase confusing people's hearts?

Buddha said: Destiny is created by oneself, appearance is generated by the heart, everything in the world is transformed into appearance, if the heart does not move, everything will not move, if the heart does not change, everything will not change.

From love arises sorrow, from love arises fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no sorrow or fear.

"From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry or fear." The meaning of this sentence is: because the heart has love, sorrow will arise; because the heart has love, So there will be feelings of fear and fear. If people can love nothing, there will be no sorrow and fear.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. Picture 2

1. The origin of this sentence:

"King of Wonderful Color Seeking Dharma"

All loving encounters are impermanent and hard to last. There are many fears in this life, and life is in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry or fear.

Translation: All love and affection are impermanent and cannot last forever. There are many things to be afraid of in this world, and life is short like dew in the morning. Because the heart has love, it will produce sorrow; because the heart has love, it will have the emotion of fear. If people can love nothing, there will be no sorrow and fear.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. Picture 3

2. Analysis of this sentence:

This is a saying from Buddhist scriptures. It talks about Buddhist practice, human emotions, greed, anger and delusion. All our fears, all our sorrows, all our terrors originate from love, because love is a desire.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. Picture 4

Human happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy all arise from desire. If you give up desire, the four elements will be empty, and your body and mind will be clear. The reason why all kinds of sorrow and terror continue to occur is that the culprit is the word love. As long as they are emotionally attached, many people will be involuntarily controlled by others. In fact, they are controlled by their own thoughts and attachments.

3. Allusion translation:

Buddha said: Because there is love, there is concern, so there is worry and panic. When there is no love in the heart, one can come and go without worries, and there will be no worries or panic.

Mo Kejiaoye asked: How can you do it without love in your heart?

The Buddha said: If you are not attached to your own body, you are not attached to all opposite phenomena, you are not attached to the truth and falsehood of the space you are in, and you are not attached to the length of time, the Bodhisattva is still the same, that is, he has no love in his heart.

Moko Jiaoye asked: There are many evil fates in the world, how can we overcome them?

The Buddha said: Life is created by oneself, and appearance comes from the heart. Everything in the world is a transformation. If the mind does not change, then everything will not change. If the mind does not move, then everything will not move.

Mo Kejiao Ye Wen: This is not an easy task.

The Buddha said: separation of love, meeting of resentment and hatred, leaving behind and returning to the west, are nothing like this. They are nothing but empty flowers and illusion.

4. My insights:

We are all ordinary people with seven emotions and six desires. The many loves, hates and hatreds in the world are shackles that we cannot throw away at will. If we really want to be worry-free and fearless, then how do we practice and what kind of experiences do we have to go through? Only after the joys and sorrows of separation and separation between life and death can we have an epiphany.

The world is vast and the years are long. But we only live once, so why don’t we live for ourselves? Because of love, there is worry and fear. Then we are simply worried that the thing we love will not be ours for a long time, worried that the person we love will not be with us forever, and afraid that we will lose the one we love. However, the world is constantly changing, and we can never To predict the future, it is better to cherish the present, live in the present, love vigorously, love him with all his strength while you have it, and don’t worry about future gains and losses. Even if the future is lost, it is inevitable that we will have such a happy time. , there will be no regrets.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. 5

The future is unpredictable. There is no need to worry and fear for those illusory things, but to cherish the present. The happiness at this moment is the most important.

Where does fearlessness and worrylessness come from?

Source: "King of Wonderful Color Seeking Dharma"


Buddha said: From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from love, there will be no worry and no fear.

Gaye: How can one be separated from love?

The Buddha said: No sign of self, no sign of no one, no sign of sentient beings, no sign of lifespan, that is, one who is separated from love.

Kayapa: Shakyamuni, there are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, illness, death, travel, separation from love, not being able to get what you want, and the meeting of resentment and hatred. How to have no self, no form, no desires and no pursuits?

Buddha said: separation of love, meeting of resentment and hatred, letting go and returning to the west, there is no such thing. it's just what you see, but nothing deep.

Kasyapa: Buddha, the world's karma is inactive, how can it be so easy?

Buddha said: Sow the cause, reap the fruit, everything is created by the mind.

Gaye: How can people in the world reach this level?

Buddha said: Zen while sitting, Zen while walking, one flower and one world, one leaf and one Tathagata. When spring comes, the flowers turn green, and when autumn leaves fall, the mind is at ease with infinite prajna, and the movement of the body is natural in silence.

Kaye: If there is a karma, there must be a phase. How about the phase confusing people's hearts?

Buddha said: Destiny is created by oneself, appearance is generated by the heart, everything in the world is transformed into appearance, if the heart does not move, everything will not move, if the heart does not change, everything will not change.

Full text translation:

From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry or fear. Neither turn back, why did not forget. Since there is no fate, why make an oath? Today, all kinds of things are like water without trace. Tomorrow and evening, you are no longer a stranger.

Out of love comes anger, out of love comes hate, out of love comes delusion, out of love comes thought. Since then, all the anger, hatred and obsession have turned into longing for each other. Acacia loves each other but does not love each other. Being indifferent turns into sentimental and tiring, and the twists and turns are heartbreaking.

From joy comes sorrow, from joy comes fear, without joy there is no sorrow, where is the fear? From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear, from love there is no sorrow, where is the fear? So don't love, Love and separation are suffering. If there is no love and hatred, there is no bondage.

No self, no one, no sentient beings, no lifespan, but the appearance of the Dharma is one that is free from love. Destiny is created by oneself, appearance is born by the heart. Everything in the world is transformed. If the mind does not change, everything will not change. If the mind does not move, everything will not change.

Parting of love, meeting of resentment and resentment, leaving behind and returning to the west are all nothing but nothing but empty flowers and illusion.

In the Buddhist view of love, love is divided into two categories:

One type is tainted love, which corresponds to the troubles of ignorance, has attachment and possessiveness, and is called "greed". This kind of love is classified as the fundamental trouble "greed" in the mental states;

One type is unpolluted love, which is often translated as respect and love. It is written as preman and priya in Sanskrit, which refers to the love for the Buddha, teachers, truth, etc. This type is classified as "faith" in the dharma of wholeheartedness.

Similarly, there is a similar classification in the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra, which is divided into "evil ghost love" and "dharma love" (Deharma-premau). In Buddhist scriptures, the love between husband and wife is often classified as greed, because the love between husband and wife is always based on possessiveness and so on.

One of the important criteria for distinguishing greed and Dharma love is possessiveness, that is, being self-centered. The essence of loving others is to love yourself. Loving each other is all about wanting the other person's love in return, so as to get rid of your own loneliness. Vent your love.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. Picture 6

Extended information

Related stories about worry-free and fearless:

In the ancient Kingdom of Boluosi, there was a king named King Miaose. King Miaose managed the country well and made the country rich and prosperous. He himself was even richer, with a beautiful wife and a lovely son.

Although this King of Wonderful Colors is rich and powerful, he is not addicted to wealth, but is full of longing for the wonderful method of how to obtain the transcendence of life. In order to hear the wonderful method, King Muse hung a box full of gold treasures on a wooden pole, and then sounded a drum and called all around, "If anyone can explain the wonderful method to me, I will give him the gold box."

When the Emperor of Heaven knew about it, he transformed into a ferocious Yaksha and went to see King Miaose and said, "I can tell you the wonderful method, but I am hungry and thirsty now. I need to eat something first." King Miause asked the cook to bring food. But Yaksha said, "I don't eat ordinary food, I only eat human flesh and blood."

"The King of Wonderful Colors said, "Where can I find human flesh and blood for you to eat?" Yaksha said, "Then give me your son to eat. "

After hearing this, King Mose was embarrassed, but he admired the Dharma so much that he gave his son to Yaksha and devoured it on the spot. After Yaksha finished eating, he said, "I'm still hungry. Give me your wife to eat."

So he ate the wife of King Miaise again. But Yaksha still didn't explain immediately. He said to King Mise, "I'm still not full. Now please give me your own body to eat."

King Wonderful Color replied calmly: "I am willing to give myself to you to eat, but if I die, how can I hear you preach the Dharma? You let me listen to the Dharma first, and I will let you eat it immediately after listening." "So after they agreed, Yaksha preached to King Miaise: "From love comes sorrow, and from love comes fear. If you are separated from the recipient, there will be no worry and no fear."

When the Wonderful King heard this wonderful method, he was extremely happy and said to Yaksha happily: "I have awakened, please eat me." At this time, the Emperor of Heaven saw that the Wonderful King was determined and knew that he would gain great wisdom, so he restored his original shape and His wife and children were returned to him.

He praised him and said: "Your belief in pursuing the transcendence of life is very firm, which has enabled you to get rid of worries, get rid of ignorance, transcend life and death, and you will soon achieve positive results."

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Worry-free and fearless

There are many fears in this life, life is in danger from the morning dew

The wish text is: All love will be reunited, impermanence is hard to come by, there will be many fears in this life, life will be in danger by morning dew, from love comes sorrow, from love comes fear, if you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear
This Of the eight sentences, the first four are from "The Buddha Speaks of the Deer Mother Sutra", and the last four sentences are from "The Buddha Speaks of the Wonderful Color King Sutra" and the "Diamond Sutra" respectively. The meaning of the text: All love and affection are impermanent and cannot last forever. There are many things to be afraid of in this world, and life is short like dew in the morning. Because the heart has love, it will produce sorrow (worry that the thing you love will not be yours for a long time); because the heart has love, it will have the emotion of fear (fear of losing what you love). If people can love nothing, there will be no sorrow, fear or fear.

Many people in this life are afraid that their lives will be in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. 7

The above is the entire content about fearing that one’s life is in danger from the morning dew in this life, about how worry arises out of love, and fear arises out of love. If one is separated from the one he loves, there is no worry or fear, as well as the related content about morning dew. I hope it can Help you.

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