
Contents of this article

  • 1. What does "Untitled" directed by Luo Zihan mean?
  • 2. How to write Luo Zihan’s English name?
  • 3.battle to the end
  • 4. Shuttlecock kicking composition

What does "Untitled" directed by Luo Zihan mean?

The significance of Untitled directed by Luo Zihan is to let us understand the main theme of this movie. He made me understand the essence of everything in the world, and also allowed us to see the different characteristics and different natures of various characters in society. So I recommend everyone to watch the movie directed by Luo Zihan.Luo Zihan, how to write Luo Zihan in traditional Chinese Picture 1

How to write Luo Zihan's English name

Written in Chinese Pinyin and English. Luo Zihan

Luo Zihan, how to write Luo Zihan in traditional Chinese Picture 2

battle to the end


Time: October 2, 2017

Location: The world's most sophisticated scientific laboratory

Weapons used: chemical nuclear bombs

Destruction purpose : Purify all living things in the world and destroy them

Executive: Unknown? : Frank Shawn. Known: 5418ly

Target of destruction: Earth

Character introduction

Protagonist: Qian Junhan

Supporting characters: Xia Qiaozhe, Luo Zihan, Jim, Colette

Heroines: aling, Murong Keke, Luoer

Introduction: Qian Junhan’s sigh

“Oh, it’s been seven years. The war between humans and the undead has been going on for seven years. Although all countries have united to fight against the undead and formed this final front, humans are still losing ground. I really don’t know where these undead people came from, and I don’t know how many years it has been since my vacation. And my comrades-in-arms seemed to be following this trend, dying one after another. We all hope that the war will end soon, but at that time, will we still be standing on the land?

(Attention, the plot begins. )

At night, inside the 17th Infantry Regiment. Qian Junhan and Luo Zihan were sleeping in the barracks. Suddenly, a harsh ringtone woke Luo Zihan and Qian Junhan. “Urgent, urgent! Invite all A-level special forces to the MDS headquarters! immediately! There are important things. "Qian Junhan and Luo Zihan looked at each other, sighed, and walked towards the helicopter.

Luo Zihan and Qian Junhan boarded Murong Keke's plane. The helicopter slowly took off and flew towards the MDS headquarters. Suddenly a flash of light flashed over, and the plane suddenly crashed. The three special forces soldiers were unexpected and rushed to the surrounding areas for support. “Apollo formation! Please drive the plane below to respond before Knight 1 is crashed. The three special forces of Knight 1 need to make an emergency parachute! "Murong Keke issued a warning to the Apollo formation. "Roger" the Apollo formation responded. But before the Apollo formation approached, the white shadow quickly turned into blood red, and a man holding two nameless knives rushed over. The blood light rushed over, and an unusually terrifying sound appeared in the sky...

The man holding the Nameless Sword and Bloody Light is named 5418ly. He is the boss among the undead. His favorite sword is nothing but the Nameless Sword and Bloody Light.

I mentioned in the preface that 5418ly was the person who executed the chemical nuclear bomb, but in the end the person who executed it was the man named Frank Shawn.

It’s really strange that Frank and Murong Keke are still old friends.

After the plane was shot down, the three of them fell to the ground, while 5418ly rushed over with two swords. 5418ly opened his blood-red eyes and glanced at the three of them. Qian Junhan wanted to stand up and beat him, but his legs weakened and he collapsed on the ground.

"Hahahaha, poor humans, you still want to resist? I already know that your headquarters has discovered Shenma, so I used this method to stop you and prevent you from going to the headquarters! "5418ly said with a ferocious smile. "Our headquarters will come to rescue us soon, don't be arrogant! Luo Zihan said angrily, "But, pathetic human beings." 5418ly lowered Luo Zihan with his sword, "The undead medicine was injected into your bodies 30 minutes ago!" I know that your antidote has made little progress, so I will wait quietly and let your teammates die under your sword! Hahahahaha! "

But 5418ly misunderstood. The headquarters came to them this time not because they had any secrets. In fact, they just wanted to tell them that the antidote has been developed. 5418ly must have been deceived after finding out. (Hehehe)

5418ly glanced at his watch and said: "It's getting late, you are all going to become undead anyway, so I won't care about you. Luo'er, remove their weakening effects!

A girl walked out from somewhere, she must be his sister.

Luo Er recited the spell silently in his hand, and everyone was suddenly filled with power.

"Your helicopter is over there, I've fixed it for you, haha, I'm just waiting for your teammates to die under your sword!" Hahahahahaha..." 5418ly's terrifying voice rang in everyone's ears, it was creepy...

Luo Zihan, how to write Luo Zihan in traditional Chinese Figure 3

Shuttlecock composition

   6 essays on shuttlecock kicking

  Kick  key  sub

  This time, I came to the Little Bee Composition Paradise again.

  The game this time is called shuttlecock. The teacher's shuttlecock is different from the ordinary shuttlecock. The ordinary shuttlecock has feathers, but now it has a tassel. Usually it is a piece of iron, but this time it is an iron block like a copper coin.

  The game started, and I was very panicked. Will our team win? I saw those students in our team who were able to kick far and took courage. After some time, it was finally my turn. I kicked it, but before I could kick it far, the shuttlecock fell to the ground and looked at me blankly, as if to say: "I'm sorry." I guess I didn't know how. When it comes to kicking, I'd better watch those classmates who can kick far. The second time, I kicked again and it went further, but my opponent was farther than me.

  In the end, my opponent's team won. Although I lost, I was very happy.

  (Hu Chenyuan, Grade 3)

  Comment: Observant carefully, especially good at learning from others, and can learn it instantly. Compositions and games are the same.

  Kick  key  sub

  Today I played an interesting game called "Shuttlecock Kicking" in the Little Bee Composition Paradise.

  The teacher took out two round and large hula hoops and four shuttlecocks, and placed two colorful shuttlecocks in each hula hoop. The copper-like thing on the shuttlecock was like a small hat on the shuttlecock. At this time, the teacher said: "We will play a game today - "Shuttlecock Kicking"."

  Before the teacher could explain the rules of the game, some students jumped out of the team and jumped up and down. The teacher glared at him and was very angry.

  The game started, and I watched people kicking the shuttlecock into the distance one by one. Seeing that it was about to reach me, my heart was pounding.

  When it was my turn, I calmed down, looked at everyone, and then at the shuttlecock in my hand, and kicked it hard, but I didn't surpass the person next to me.

  Although I failed, I also understood that I should do things seriously and carefully.

  (Luo Zihan, Grade 3)

  Comment: The observation is very careful and the situation of playing the game is very vivid.

  Kick  key  sub

  Today, we came to the Little Bee Composition Paradise, and soon the class started. We listened to Teacher Chen's lecture seriously. Most of our classmates were sitting upright, and a few students were talking quietly.

  After we listened, Teacher Chen was talking about a good thing about playing games. After we listened to Teacher Chen’s lecture seriously, we went outside to play shuttlecock. The rules of the game are like this, whoever kicks the shuttlecock farther will get 1 point.

  When the game started, we were very active and our hands and feet were very agile. I was a little scared, so I tried my best to be brave and kicked the shuttlecock high and far away.

  In the end, our first group won and the second group lost. Our group is so excited!

  (He Yang, Grade 3)

  Comment: You are very good at kicking shuttlecock, and your composition has also improved today.

  Kick  key  sub

  This is something that can make people happy. There is a bunch of blue, yellow, green and purple tassels on the copper coin-like iron piece. It is the shuttlecock, which impressed me very deeply.

  Today our game class happens to be about the game of shuttlecock - kicking the shuttlecock.

  The teacher asked us to sit in the group on the right and the group on the left.

  I was the first one to kick, and I was very nervous because I didn't hit the shuttlecock and lost. I seemed to be overcome by "fear" and slowly moved to the back.

  The second time, I created a "miracle". My opponent kicked the shuttlecock to about three meters away, and my shuttlecock drew an arc and hit the opponent's team, further than the opponent. Created the first "miracle" in the "history" of the composition class.

  I understand a truth - as long as you give yourself courage and have confidence in yourself, you can defeat the strong!

  (Guo Yue, Grade 3)

  Comment: It’s so clever. Look, you made a simple game so interesting.

  Kick  key  sub

  At break time, I asked Teacher Chen what game to play in Little Bee Composition Paradise today. The teacher said: "It should be your favorite game!" I thought for a while: "It should be about playing football, right?"

  Unexpectedly, the result was a shuttlecock kick. The rules of the game were: the female students lined up in a line and the male students lined up in a line. They stood in the hula hoop and kicked the shuttlecock out. Whoever kicked the farthest would get one point.

  I quickly lined up the team without crossing the line. Whenever we won, we would cheer and if we lost, we would remain silent. When it was my turn, I confidently walked to the hula hoop, picked up a shuttlecock, and looked at it. There were three things like copper coins, with a bunch of tassels fixed on them. At the teacher's whistle, I kicked hard. The shuttlecock flew in the air for a while, then fell to the ground and scratched it, and I won. It just kept going like this, our team won.

  This time is really a "ball" game!

  (Guo Linfeng, Grade 3)

  Comment: Because I remember that you are good at football, I know that you will win and write well.

  Kick  key  sub

  Children, do you know what color the shuttlecock is?

  Don’t know! let me tell you!

  There are so many colors of shuttlecocks, as countless as the stars in the sky, including red, yellow, purple, and green... They are so colorful, just like the skirts worn by girls. Many shuttlecocks are gathered together, like a beautiful and beautiful rainbow.

  In the impression of kicking a shuttlecock, you use your feet as a "racquet", then throw the shuttlecock into the air, and then use your feet to kick the shuttlecock higher. When the shuttlecock is about to land, quickly kick the shuttlecock higher than the original one. high. How difficult it is! You need a very good waist and flexible feet.

  Looking forward, looking forward, looking forward, finally the day has come to kick the shuttlecock! Teacher Chen divided the boys into one group and the girls into another group. Gradually, the game begins! We quickly lined up, and then Teacher Chen whistled, and the boys and girls couldn't wait to get on the stage. In the first few games, it was the girls who won, but in the last few games, it was all the boys who won. When I was about to come, I saw a classmate kicking the shuttlecock to Teacher Chen's head, and it hit two meters away. Teacher Chen was frightened and uneasy. After a while, Teacher Chen gave him a thumbs up. .

  When I came, my heart was pounding, and I clenched my fists, thinking: I must surpass him! Then, I kicked it. Although it didn't go as far as him, I was still very happy.

  In a blink of an eye, the game was over and we won, so we cheered and danced with joy. Suddenly, the classroom became excited.

  The little game made me understand a truth: As long as you are not afraid when playing games, you can succeed!

  (Zhang Yongquan, Grade 3)

  Comment: Starting from the introduction of game tools, and then writing about how to play the game, the content is rich and the connection is natural. A vivid and interesting comprehensive introduction to playing games.

Luo Zihan, how to write Luo Zihan in traditional Chinese Figure 4

The above is all about Luo Zihan, how to write Luo Zihan in traditional Chinese, and related content about Luo Zihan. I hope it can help you.

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