
Contents of this article

  • 1. What are the four meanings of the four marriages?
  • 2. The meaning of four marriages and nine relatives
  • 3. Idioms about wanting to help but being unable to do anything
  • 4. Ten words each in idioms with animals, numbers, and plants.

What do the four marriages mean?

The fourth marriage describes many relatives, but there is no specific fourth marriage.

Four marriages comes from the idiom four marriages and nine relatives, which means there are many relatives. Among them, "four" and "nine" are words that describe many, not specifically only four kinds of marriage and nine kinds of relatives. For example, "three times and five times" means that they describe a lot of times, not the specific three times and five times.

Its synonyms include ten relatives and nine relatives, three relatives and six dependents, nine relatives and ten relatives, etc., which are all words used to describe many relatives and friends.

Its antonyms include lonely, without relatives, solitary, etc., which are all words used to describe having few relatives and friends.

Four marriages and nine relatives beat one animal. What are the meanings of the four marriages? Picture 1

Definition of the word "marriage"

Original meaning: the meaning of marriage (for men and women), such as marriage, marriage, etc.

Extension: Extended meaning refers to "relatives formed by marriage relationships", such as in-laws, alliances, marriages, etc.

Extension: Extended meaning refers to "more indirect relatives", such as marriage, old marriage, etc.

Meaning: also used as a surname.

Definition of the word "Qi"

Original meaning: relationship formed by marriage: relatives, relatives, relatives, relatives and friends.

Meaning: sorrow or sadness: sad, sad, sad, sad.

Explanation: Ancient weapons such as axes are the nickname of Qi.

Meaning: also used as a surname.

For the above content, please refer to   Baidu Encyclopedia - Relatives

The meaning of four marriages and nine relatives

Guess the numbers of the four in-laws and nine relatives

Idioms about wanting to help but being unable to do anything

One word:
Settle in a corner and look proudly at the eight characters of the whole life. Not a word is lost, but a hundred words are not lost. Losing nothing means nothing is useless
A hundred stars are not as good as a month of backing the city, borrowing one to back the city, and fighting against the odds
That moment, this one... All the efforts are accomplished in one battle, and the appearance and appearance are unique
Unique and frozen three feet , non... and don’t dare to go too far just for the sake of a discussion...
No matter who is three, seven or twenty... I don’t care about anything, no... I don’t stick to one pattern and I am vulnerable
I can’t live without fame and money, I can’t praise or know anything. Ding
Disdain, indifference, but not enough to cover up the big picture... Not easy to say a word
A word of disapproval is not worth a thought, not worth a penny, in step with each other
A drop in the ocean is rampant, a taste is a big success, and a family is formed. Words
Punish a warning to a hundred, eat a chasm, grow a... An earthworm goes through a dike, can... pass it down for a while
Collude with one breath to wrinkle a pool of spring water, spring breeze for a spring night for a moment
This moment, that one... from one to the end The smart ones are united together
A stick in the head is a foot high, the devil... knock down a rake to climb high and call out
Ding one mao two Ding one sure two are determined to see everything in one person
Dounan alone dominates one party and one step alone, one is alone for a while, don't...
Single-handed, unique, unique There is no more than one move
Two tigers with new eyes and ears fighting against each other, must... Two plus one, five punishments, one persuasion
Rebellion, one strike, popular for a while, one sarcasm, one persuasion
Follow a big white, burn one, sigh, and laugh
ph21>One step higher, one step higher, one step higher, one step higher, each holding his own opinion
One step further, one step higher, attack one point, but fall short of success
Gou An, one corner, all bets, one failure, one failure, ten thousand crowns, one moment, all at once
Guilin, one branch, one branch, one gang, one qi combined. For a moment
A tiger gives birth to three sons, and they must... be united and joyfully gather together to take on a new look
Huang Liang Yimeng looks back and smiles, praise and praise are not destroyed in one day. A word from Bu Yi Nuo Ji Lu
Add a person, the same value, add a sword head, a river and a sky with one color
Teach one to recognize a hundred wrens, one branch, a lonely body, ninety-nine returns to one
Nine oxen, one hair, nine deaths, one life, the whole country unanimously draws inferences from one example
A fight to the death, a fight to the death, a fight between a male and a female
A gentleman’s words, quickly... you can use a trick to see a leopard, a spot, a sharp hole,
Be prepared and win, a phoenix, a feather, an idea
ph35>Slightly higher, slightly better, slightly better, slightly inferior
Luo Juyukong Eyebrows and beard... frown, plan... a new look
Famous for a while, wipe the nose, feel arrogant
Nan Ke Yimeng pinched a handful of sweat, and looked down at everything
A thunder broke out of the ground, the problem was solved for the first time in darkness A ball measures clothes seven times and once...
A high chess piece, a tie... A lead knife cuts a hair and moves the whole... Thousands of parts, a tune, a thousand...
Thousands of gold, a thousand junctures, a thousand miles, a thousand miles, a thousand miles of marriage, a thread...
A thousand thoughts, a gain, a thousand thoughts, a loss, a thousand times, a thousand years, a thousand years
A green mountain spreads across the country, a game of chess advises hundreds of people, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one person, one hundred days, one line, day after day, day after day
One day, one day The sun's appearance and knees are safe, one... is the same as a mouthful
The trinity kills one, warns a hundred, rewards a hundred, and persuades a hundred, up and down with one heart
A little better, a little worse, willing to be killed,... It was very prosperous for a while
Ten days, one water, five... Ten deaths, always the best in life
Count one, two, water, sky, one color, say one, say one, say one, say...
One evil, one clear, one drop in Taicang, one drop in the pan, one short-lived flower, one appearance in the hall, one call, one step...
Each side of the sky is the first in the world, the world is like a crow... the world A family
The number one piece of iron in the sky has the same energy and the same origin
The same power and the same body, thousands of people can talk about it, and there will be nothing in this life. Once lost
Thousands of people work together to open up the way of civil and military affairs, one... Hear one and know two A sweet smile
Words and deeds are not consistent, words and deeds are not consistent, dying, raising an army for a thousand days, using...
Raising an army for a thousand days, using..., suddenly transformed, a handful of dead ones, a defeat like water
A complete defeat, seeing a glimpse of a leopard, and a precise and three-eyed view
A serious look, a fragrant heart, a stick, a mark, and a lot of profit
A serious look, a breath out of one nostril, a write-off, a wipe-out
A helping hand, a sign of extraordinary, a sign of talent, and impartiality
One illness, one twist, one twist, one... one not. Convert the crowd
If you don't suppress the crowd, you will... If you don't do it, you won't... Reach the sky one step at a time
One step, one ghost, one grass, one tree, one mistake, two mistakes, one long, two short
One long, one short, one step A spring dream advocates a hundred harmonies and sings three sighs
One sings a harmonious song and the emperor and his dynasty...spotless and unchangeable
One hundred and one brigade, one foot of water and ten feet of waves, helpless and ready to explode
One touch and collapse. One pass to ten, ten passes...a string of Li beads. A bed of brocade is covered
A bed of two good things and a hammer The final word is a hammer, a deal, a word of praise
One step, one inch of loyalty, one inch of time, one inch of time... a dual purpose
One generation of romantics, one generation of role models, one generation of people talking about the family, one basket and one ladle
One cut in two, one cut, one gain, one gain.
It is certainly not easy to be ignorant and ignorant
It is better to be still and quiet again and again when there is a certain rule, and then... it is broken
It is a critical moment, everything is smooth sailing, it is abnormal and it is worth a thousand dollars
Any one of them soars into the sky and splits into two when the wind blows
One Buddha is born, two... One man is in charge, ten thousand... One Buddha changes his ways
Generally speaking, all the people are guilty, one slap can't be slapped...
One carrot and one... One brain, one vigorous effort, one official and one half-job
One track, one track, one stick, one country, three public servants, one cold, like this
Scattered in a cacophony, one call, one hundred promises, one call, one hundred responses, one pot of thousands of gold
One fox The axillary one springs and two tongues have a wave of waves, and
A person who keeps his own self -privical family
The family's words of the family at first sight
At first sight, love, one arrow, one arrow, double carving
A stone's throw away, a stone's throw away, a meal, ten cakes, and nothing to take away
A scholar becomes famous in one fell swoop, kills two birds with one stone, and achieves a thousand miles in one fell swoop
One lift of a finger, one move, one fall, one fight, one male or another
One guest, two masters, one moment, a thousand pieces of gold, one hole, one mouthful, one mouthful, two spoons
Three tongues in one mouthful, sucking up all the Xijiang river... one bite, one stone falling to the ground
One kuang, the world, one kui has already One feed, ten rises, one come and two go
A clear view, once and for all, one thunder, two flashes, one effort
One hundred, one hundred, one scale and half armor, one scale and half claw
One scale, one claw, one smoke, one dragon, one snake, one dragon and one pig
Blessings all the way, safe journey, smooth sailing, everything goes down
One horse leads the way, one horse runs flat, one line passes on the other line
One side remains the same, one side remains the same, one side meets the other
One glance ignores, one blockbuster, one life screams exactly the same
One glance, one glance, ten lines, one tree, it is difficult to hold on for a year and a half
Bitten by a snake in one year,... The plan for the year lies in... One thought, one cow and nine locks
One promise, one thousand gold, one shot, one plate of loose sand, one spray, one wake up
A heart of ice, a palace businessman, a scorched earth, a vast ocean
Poverty, a frown, a smile, a scratch of loess, and exposure Ten Colds
One breath, one humility, four benefits, one penny, not worthless...
One penny, like life, one clueless, all sentient beings, one harp, one crane
one Two pure, one as clear as water, one poor, two white, one hill and one ravine
The raccoon dog on the hill is gone and never comes back. The shape of a barking dog, a hundred... one person spreads the truth, ten thousand...
One person attains enlightenment, chicken... One person is good at shooting, one hundred... One person is happy, one person is a friend
Under one person, ten thousand... One is still missing in one day, just like... nine moves in one day
Thousands of miles in one day, three autumns in one day, three provinces in one day, and thousands of opportunities in one day
Thousands of miles in one day, one day is long, one day is long The elegance of a day
As always, it is swept away, one drink, one chant, one snake and two heads
One body is full of courage, one body, two heads, one body, two battles
One body is courage, one body, five hearts, one life, one mistake, and the eternity ...
One stone, two birds in a moment, treating everyone equally, accomplishing nothing
One room of spring, one generation, one dragon gate, one hero, everything is done with one hand
One hand shoots alone, although... one hand holds the sky, one hand, one foot, one hand covers the sky
One tree can gain a hundred, a pair of two is good, a grain and a half Meticulous
Naked and meticulous, every breath and breath
One year old and nine years old, a man is in a mess.
One push, two pushes, one retreat, six two five, a bowl of water. Ping Yi is deeply in love
Going ahead, sweeping everything as far as the eye can see, penniless
Ask three questions, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing to gain
Nothing, nothing to gain, nothing to gain, nothing to do
Nothing to gain, nothing to own, nothing to gain 1510
One thing is unknown, one thing is lost, one thing is lost, one mistake is made again, one breath is still alive
One wish, a smile, a thousand pieces of gold, a smile, a crab is not as good as a crab
A thousand miles, one heart, one virtue, one heart, one plan, one heart and one mind
One star, half a point, one line is an official One word, one word, one word and a half
Once a word is spoken, Si... One word, nine tripods, one word, one word is difficult to say. Walking alone with a consistent purpose
One chant, one chant, one drink, one peck, everything is ready, one swarm up
One corner, three contradictions, one corner, one corner, one sight, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word. ...
A piece of relaxation and a careless move, full of... Once the power is in hand,... day and night
One day of anger, one hit the nail on the head, one needle and one thread, one pillow on Huai'an
one pillow on the yellow beam, one half-knowledge, one is called a branch of knowledge Qi
A blank piece of paper is the same as a hundred Think about spending millions and thousands of gold
One word to support the sky, one word to praise and blame, one word to be meticulous, one word to be difficult
One word, long snake array, one word to connect the city, one word, thousands of gold, one word, one board
One word, one word, one word, one word for master Everyone is shocked to try to succeed
With one, ten thousand, one, ten, one, one hundred, one warning, one hundred
With one, know trillions of trillions, one heart, one water, there is one, no one,
If there is a benefit, there must be one... there is a gain. One day, one thing, no two, one day
And a weak fool, with thousands of considerations, must... The wonderful use of it, there is... In one move
Raise your arms and call out to know one of them, I don't know... I know ten thousand, only this one, don't...
Only know one, not... A wise man will think a lot, and he will... Lost his boat in the river, one... Everyone agrees
A dwarf is dedicated to his own family, and his crime will be increased to one level.
Being a monk for a day, and bumping into...
Two words:
The best method does not matter three, seven or twenty... Do not capture two hairs, one ding, one mao and two.
Ding one, two is unique, two eight beauties, two knives.
When two tigers and two moons fight against each other, they must... Two benefits compete with each other. Two dragons playing with pearls
Two people are of the same mind, and... two and three are virtues, two and three are their intentions, and two are for abuse
Two peaches kill three men, two minds and two surnames are good, two and one add to make five
The widowed, the two young, the noble and the humble No two countries, no two countries You are the same
One, no two, no two, no two masters, one after another, three golden hairpins, twelve
The power of nine oxen and two tigers, your destiny is no two, two faces, two tongues, seventy-two lines
Two are not lacking, three are flat, two are full, three are down, five are divided, two, three, and have a double mind.
Sanzhan knows two and five but does not know... Twelve gold medals promise to die
Count one, count two, say one is not two, say one is one, say... There are no two days in the sky
Hear one, know two hearts, use words, and have no two prices. One is not done, the other is not...
One mistake, two mistakes, one is divided into two, one Buddha is born, two... all clean
One guest, two masters, one coming, two going, one thunder, two flashes, one clear and two white
One poor and two white. Two, one stone, two birds, one retreat, six, two, five
There is no two, there is no two, there is no two. I know one, I don’t know... I only know one, no...
Three words:
Three hats, five ba, three glances, four midnight, three watches, frozen Three feet, not...
If you can't make three tiles, don't care about three, seven or twenty... Not three, not four, look at the thatched cottage three times
Three mistakes, four salivating feet, there is no silver three hundred here... Among them, Samadhi
Save three gatherings Five upside down, three upside down, four upside down, three down, three down, four down
Upside down, upside down, four down, three inches tongue, three tripods, three tripods, three tripods. A man with a red sun and a three-pole tiger will give birth to three sons. He must...
The beak is three feet long and the fire is three feet long. Three hairs on the cheeks are three times.
Profitable city three times in a row, three yuan, two sides, three swords, six streets and three cities
Six Tao and three strategies have repeatedly attacked Meng's mother, moved three times, moved three times and moved four places
Deceive three and conceal the disease for forty-seven years, please... Three poles in the sun and three points in the wood
Three hundred and sixty lines, three classes, six rooms, three cao, three mistakes and two mistakes
Three tea, six meals, three long and two short, three dynasties, three elders, three obediences and four virtues
Three-inch tongue, three-inch bird, seven-inch...three-inch tongue, three stacks Yangguan
Three pairs of six sides, three times, five times, three times, four times, three times, three tripod feet
Three tombs, five scriptures, three complex words, three outlines and five constants, three cobblers...
In the middle of the night, three aunts and six women visited the thatched cottage three times without...
Three households died in the Qin Dynasty, three emperors, five emperors, three souls, seven souls, and three souls remained silent
Three religions, nine streams, three streets, six lanes, three old men, five watchers, three orders and five applications
Three, six, nine, etc., three horses in the same slot, three matchmakers, six certificates, and three lives and surrendered
Three years Three Years After Transforming into Bi OK, there must be... three, three, two, two, three, three, five, five, three, snakes and seven rats
Three animals, five cauldrons, three lives, lucky ones, three corpses jumping violently, standing at thirty
Thirty-six strategies, go... Thirty-six strategies, go... Thirty-six lines Thirty-three days
Three pigs wading in the river, think twice before walking, three days fishing, two...
Three days, two heads, three heads, three heads, two faces, three heads, two threads
Three heads, six arms, three pushes, six questions, three tiles, two houses, trinity
Three in a group, three under, five apart, two, three half-hearted, three provocations, three baths
Three stars at home, three stars in the sky, three days, nine days, three words, three words The moon does not know the taste of meat
Three calamities, eight difficulties, three possessions, from two, three, three north, three folds, for good...
Three chastity, nine martyrdoms, three papers without donkeys, three edicts, three wisdoms, five guesses
Three-legged tripods stand apart from each other. On that day, when... Talking about four years old and three friends
Pick three picks, four adjustments, three nests, four pushes, three blocks, four retreats
Open three sides, Wei Bian, three musts, three bets, no wind, three feet of waves
Everything is not allowed. Three treasures... Five big ones, three rough words, three words, four Yangguan and three folds
Three eyes, one twist and turn, one song, three sighs, and again...
One country, three men, one mouth, three tongues, one day disappearing, like... one day, three autumns
Three provinces in one day, one question and three unknowns Three rebels in one corner bravely champion three armies
Three chapters of the game's samadhi contract have been exhausted over and over again
Zhang San Li Si has been around for many years, three old men, three old men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men, three men and women, three men and women, three men and women, three men and women, three men and women, three men and women. No three, no four, three mistakes, four
Upside down, four low, three down, four upturned, down, four lost, three dropped, four dropped
All over the world... The flames of war are rising everywhere, but the family is struggling one after another
Nine continents and four seas are pulling three and four, and the smoke is rising
ph221>Including all the parallels, four couples, six deceptions, three concealments, four three obediences and four virtues
Three overturns, four complexes, three friends, four friends, three wives, four concubines, three punches, four concubines, three punches, four defeats
Talking about irresponsible manners, four and four, all are in vain and fall apart
The four seas are calm, the four seas are carrying the wind, the four seas are turbulent, and the four seas are at peace.
The four seas are home, and we are brothers within the four seas... There are many forts in the suburbs, with all four legs in the air
Four horses are hoofed on all sides, besieged on all sides, all is stable
Four cleans, six lives, four thoroughfares, eight streets, four seasons Eight sections, four books and five classics
Four bodies are not diligent, five...four pavilions, eight affairs, four connections, four marriages and nine relatives
Four battles, pick three, four tunes, three nests, four throws, four descendants
Wu004 scattered words, three words, four eyes, four directions, ears...the eyes are all over the world<ph2 32>Yi Qian Si Yi again and again four Zhang three Li four morning three dusk four
Aiming in all directions
Five words:
Suffer three tops, five pulls out ten, get five, don’t fold for five buckets of rice... save three and gather five
Two and one add Make five belly, carry five carts through five passes, cut six... The Nine-Five Lord
Although the sparrow is small, five... The five inner eyes are confused by the five colors, as if falling into the five-mile fog
Three tombs, five scriptures, three outlines, five constants, three emperors and five emperors
Three The old five watch three orders five Shen three three five five three animals five tripods
three and five in a group three and five divide two and three wisdom and five guesses and can’t see five fingers
know two and five but don’t know... Ten winds and five rains, ten days and one water, five …Ten sieges and five attacks
Split into pieces, four books, five classics, four bodies, and five... Wu rat’s five skills
Colorful, five big, three thick, five buckets bent, all five poisons
Five short stature, five directions and miscellaneous places, five winds, ten rains, and five grains, indistinguishable
Five grains If there is no harvest, there will be a good harvest, and the doctor will be colorful.
Five ghosts, five elements, eight, five elements, and five elements together.
Wuling is young, five pieces are scattered, five horses are cut into pieces, and the five parts are in flames
The five parts are destroyed, the five birds and six swallows are scattered, and the five colors of the capital are colorful
Five colors without master, fifty steps, laughter, hundred steps, five generations, prosperity, five bodies and prostrate
Five hearts, six thoughts, five elements and five emptiness, six consumption, five words, the Great Wall
Colorful colors, five tones and six rhythms, five months of fur coat, five months of new valleys
Five internal organs, five sons, Dengke, Xia Wuguo Gongxue, and five cars.
One body, five hearts, one retreat, six, two, five, one, five, ten.
Six words:
Version sixty-four, pass five levels, cut six... Huyao drink six Six Dynasties Golden Powder
Six feet of solitary, six flying, six animals restless, six surprising plans
Six ears not conspired, six roots quiet, six streets and three cities within the six unions
Six horses admiring, six relatives disowning, six relatives helpless, six gods and no masters
Six Tao Sanlue, Feishuang in June, Four Couples, Six Seven Emotions and Six Desires
Three hundred and sixty lines, three classes, six rooms, three tea and six meals, three pairs and six faces
Three aunts, six women, three streets, six lanes, three sixty-nine, etc., three matchmakers and six certificates
Thirty-six strategies, go... Thirty-six strategies, go... Thirty-six lines, three heads and six arms
Three push, six questions, body, six armor, four unyielding, six four, clear and six live
Five combinations, six gatherings, five yellows, six months, five spines Six beasts, five corners and six pictures
Five birds, six swallows, five hearts, six minds, five voids and six consumptions, colorful
Five tones, six rhythms, five viscera and six bowels, one retreat, six two and five
Seven words:
Hang Zang Qi Chi No matter three, seven or twenty... hit the snake, hit the seven inches horizontally, seven vertically, and eight times
Clamp seven inches, open the door, seven things, a mess
Seven steps, seven lengths, eight shorts, seven measurements, one measurement... all kinds of confusion
ph273>Seven highs, eight lows, seven elements, seven edges, eight petals, all falling apart
Seven years of illness, please... Seven twists and turns, seven twists and turns, seven orifices producing smoke
Seven captures, seven verticals, seven greens, eight yellows, seven emotions, six desires, seven The day comes again
Seven up, eight down, seventy-two lines, seven things, eight things, seven hands and eight feet
Seven dead, eight alive, seven pushed, eight blocked, seven folded, eight buckled, seven talked and eight talked
Three-inch bird, seven-inch... Three souls, seven souls, three snakes, seven rats, and a mess
A messy house is like seven stars, five labors, seven injuries, and seven papers leaning on a horse
Miscellaneous things
Eight characters:
Eight hundred lonely people, eight worshipers, eight fights, eight talents, echoing in all directions
On Bagong Mountain, the grass... Beyond the eight wastelands, eight streets and nine roads are inseparable from each other
Eight sides are illuminated, eight sides are exquisite, eight sides are majestic, and eight sides are clear
Eight sides are round, eight sides are open, and eight sides invite the Eight Immortals to cross the sea, each... Eight tones play in succession
Eight delicacies, jade, food, eight characters, open the eight characters, not a single word
Talent, eight ears, listen to all directions, two or eight beauties, all kinds of things
Bullshit, denounce the eight poles, seven clamps, eight nines, and eight crotches
A messy girl has become seven long and eight short
Topsy-turvy, seven high, eight low, seven edges and eight petals, all in pieces
Seven twisted, eight crooked, seven patchwork, seven green, eight yellow, seven up Eight times
Seven things, eight things, seven hands, eight feet, seven dead, eight alive, seven pushed and eight blocked
70% off, 70% off, 7 talkative, 3 disasters, 108,000 miles, 108,000 miles
9 out of 10, all directions, all directions, four smooth, eight stable, four Quba Street
Four o'clock and eight festivals, four pavilions and eight dangdangs, extending in all directions, a mess
The eyes are looking at the four roads, and the ears are...
The eight chapters of the right biography are miscellaneous
Nine characters:
Eight Streets and Nine Roads Eight-nine inseparable, ten sorrowful intestines, nine turns and smiles, nine springs
He Ming Jiugao ileum, nine turns, nine tripods are not enough to weigh, Jiuding Dalu
Nine Gai, eight bows, nine ileums broken, nine nine returns to one, nine strong spirits and three chastity
Nine-class people Nine sects, three religions, nine sects, and ten families’ accumulation of nine years
The power of nine oxen and two tigers, nine oxen and two tigers, can’t turn nine oxen and one hair, nine twisted ileum
Under the nine springs, nine Confucians, ten beggars, nine generations of enemies, nine deaths without regrets
Nine deaths, nine days and nine The nine heavens on the earth embrace the ninety-five-year-old statue of the moon
The nine plains beyond the nine skies can make nine continents, four seas and nine transformations
Ten knowledge, nine dragons give birth to nine sons, Qi Yan, nine points, three, teach and nine streams
Three Sixty-nine, etc., thirty-years, nine-eating, three-destiny, nine-strong, ten-sickness, nine-pain
Nine times out of ten, nine times out of ten, nine out of ten, nine out of ten, nine out of ten relatives, nine out of ten, nine out of ten, nine deaths >The heavenly protection is as good as the flute and the flute, nine percent of which can travel a hundred miles, and half of it... The words are heavy and the nine tripods
One cow, nine locks, one day, nine movements, one year, nine movements, one word, nine tripods
Yi shoots for nine days
Eighty-nine inseparable Ten drawings, ten, five editions, sixty-four, regardless of three, seven or twenty...
The golden hairpin, the twelve streams, the ten schools, the nine scholars, the ten beggars, the ten knowledgeable nines
The horse, the ten, the girl, the eighteen, become seventy-two lines Soft red ten feet
Three hundred and sixty lines, thirty days and thirty-six strategies, go... Thirty-six strategies, go...
Thirty-six lines, thirty-three days, full of air, worth ten times the price
Know Twenty-five and I don’t know... Ten diseases, nine pains, ten steps of fragrant grass, ten steps of vanilla
The tenth twelfth lunar month, the ten evils, the twelve gold medals, the ten winds and the five rains
Ten lines descend from the ten-mile long pavilion, ambushed from ten sides, and ten...
Ten years of certainty, ten years of being under the window, ten years of cold windows, nine years of encounters
Ten years of sharpening the sword, ten years of life gatherings, ten... ten years of trees, a hundred... ten relatives and nine old friends
Perfect and perfect, ten days and one water, five... ten days Drink ten times and nine will die
Ten rooms, nine empty spaces and ten rats in the same cave will lead to ten deaths and one death Born a thousand miles away
A hundred thousand urgent, ten sieges, five attacks, ten sheep, nine shepherds, ten years of cold windows
Nine times out of ten, fingers connected to hearts, cross streets, crossroads
Have heard, known, fifteen winds, ten rains, five colors, fifty steps, smiles One hundred steps
A hundred miles is half a mile... One foot of water, ten feet of water, one wave spreads ten times, ten waves... One oatmeal, ten cakes
One feed, ten rises, one eye, ten lines, one year, bitten by a snake,... one exposure, ten cold
One, five, eleven, should be counted as ten
Hundred words:
Through all kinds of difficulties, a hundred steps will pierce the Yang
All kinds of flattery, a hundred disadvantages, a hundred will not be lost, a hundred will not survive. A hundred generations of passers-by
A hundred generations of literary masters never tire of hundreds of readings and hundreds of obstacles, all making hundreds of tricks waiting to be done
Every shot is a hundred hits, a hundred wastes are waiting to be done, a hundred failures are all prosperous, and hundreds of feelings are mixed
A hundred flowers bloom, a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend
A hundred years of success, a hundred holes, a thousand holes, a thousand mouths, no excuses to pick one out of a hundred
A hundred years of steel, a hundred years, a hundred years of wisdom, a hundred years of age
A hundred years of nothing, a hundred years of great plans, a hundred years of a hundred years of trees,
A hundred years of living together, a hundred years of strength, a hundred years of good things, a hundred years of time
Hundreds of thoughts are ashes, a hundred birds are paying homage to the phoenix, a hundred clever tricks, a thousand poor tongues
How can a hundred homes, a hundred cocoons, and a hundred bodies be redeemed?
A master of hundreds of generations leads a hundred beasts to dance, a hundred thoughts and a hundred years of eternity
A million dollars to buy a house, a thousand... A million warriors have heard nothing as much as seeing everything has no taboos
Being bored and incompetent, nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong
One hundred useless and one hundred stars is not as good as one hundred obedient and hundred obedient in one hundred industries
A hundred clothes, a hundred followers, a hundred battles, a hundred battles, a hundred battles, a hundred battles, a hundred battles, a hundred perils, no return
A hundred perseverance, a hundred-footed worm, death... A long life, a hundred years, a warning to a hundred
A hundred knots of worry, a hundred ugly appearances, a hundred mistakes, a hundred mistakes, and a hundred examples to set for generations
A hundred knots of quail clothes, there is no silver three hundred here... A hundred articles of wine fighting, a punishment of a hundred, and a persuasion
Satire, a persuasion, a hundred riches, a hundred cities, a hundred cities, a hundred rivers, a hundred rivers, a hundred knowledge
A hundred refining of fine gold, a hundred scholars in history, one waste, a hundred years of immortality
A hundred cities in the south are full of loopholes, a hundred holes, full of flaws
Thousands of hard work, hundreds of tricks, thousands of twists and turns, thousands of beauties and charms
Thousands of miles away, different winds,... Thousands of successes. All kinds of strange things, advice and ridicule
One hundred people, one person, one hundred tender intestines, one hundred knots, three hundred and sixty lines
One kill, one hundred rewards, one persuasion, one hundred worth, one hundred times worth, one hundred times the experience, one hundred battles
Ten years of trees, one hundred... There was a shout in the hall, Steps... Fifty steps, a hundred steps, a hundred miles of walking, half nine...
A hanging quail, a hundred knots, one does not overwhelm the crowd, a hundred... One advocates a hundred and one spreads ten, ten spreads...
One call, one hundred promises, one call, one hundred answers, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred, all
One barking dog, one hundred... One person is good at shooting, one hundred... One tree, one hundred gains, one hundred concerns, one hundred million, one hundred, one hundred, one warning, one hundred support, one hundred books The city
Only the state officials are allowed to set fire to it... Hundreds of schools of thought sit in hundreds of cities
Thousand words:
White hair, thousands of flowers, hundreds of flowers, hundreds of holes, thousands of scars
A hundred tricks, a hundred years, a hundred years, a hundred years. Buy a house with ten thousand, and sweep away thousands of armies with a pen
A thousand gold on a broomstick stands on a wall, and it shines brightly through the ages, and a lame turtle is thousands of miles away
Thousands of miles are not far away. ph372> Thousands of sizes, thousands of miles, thousands of miles of red land, thousands of steps, thousands of miles
An inch of heart, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of rides in the east
Unique for thousands of years, evil deeds, thousands of miles, triggering thousands of emotions
Each has its own merits and good deeds. If you don't go out,... The bright moon is thousands of miles away
Sweeping thousands of armies and accumulating tens of millions of wealth, no... I have a bad broom at home, enjoy... Don't take what you see, think about...
Raise your eyes for thousands of miles and reject others for thousands of miles... Victory over thousands of miles and steps for thousands of miles
Thousands of enemies are famous throughout the ages, and the weather is ever-changing
Thousands of changes, thousands of parts, thousands of things, thousands of warehouses, thousands of boxes, thousands of different things
Thousands of holes, thousands of hammers, thousands of cuts, thousands of instructions<p h381> Thousands of thoughts, thousands of thanks, thousands of tricks, thousands of suggestions
Thousands of calls, thousands of twists and turns, thousands of turns, thousands of beauties and charms
Thousands of gold broomsticks, thousands of gold buy laughs, thousands of gold, a thousand gold bones, a thousand gold throws,
The son of a thousand gold. Thousands of troops and horses are at risk, a heavy burden is at stake
Thousands of miles are different, the wind is different... A thousand miles of water shield soup is a thousand miles away, a goose feather is sent thousands of miles away
Thousands of miles are in the same wind, a thousand miles is a song, a thousand miles is a marriage, a thin thread... A thousand miles away is still a face
Thousands of miles of embankment, destroy... Thousands of miles The journey begins... A journey of a thousand miles leads to a thousand successes
Thousands of thoughts and one gain, a thousand thoughts and one loss, thousands of families are the same
Thousands of strange things, thousands of thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, and thousands of lives
Thousands of people point to thousands of people. No branches, thousands of mountains, thousands of valleys, thousands of mountains and rivers
Thousands of threads, thousands of threads, thousands of neighbors, thousands of hardships
Thousands of rocks competing for beauty, thousands of rocks and valleys, thousands of words, thousands of words, once in a thousand years
Thousands of truths come once in a thousand years It is true that the sun turns a thousand steps and misses even the slightest, it is absurd...
A hundred and eighty thousand miles, an eternity, a thousand valleys, a thousand rocks, a thousand threads
Thousands of rivers, thousands of mountains, thousands of purples, thousands of reds, fertile fields, thousands of miles to write a thousand words, away from...
Raise an army for a thousand days, use... To raise an army for a thousand days, use... A thousand gold can make a fortune
A thousand gold can make a thousand miles in a moment, a thousand gold can fall a thousand miles in a moment
A thousand gold can make a thousand miles in a day One misstep can lead to eternity... A smile can make a thousand gold
A thousand miles of water can make a fortune. A boat, a... Fighting thousands of miles
1. [Rat-proof weapon] Hitting a mouse for fear of damaging the tool, it is a metaphor for being cautious in doing things.
2. [Catch your head and run away] describes the situation of escaping in embarrassment.
3. [The Wu Rat has no skills] It is a metaphor that although there are many skills, it cannot be specialized.
4. [Mouse tooth and bird horn] is a metaphor for arguing with others.
5. [Rat liverworm arm] refers to an extremely humble and tiny thing.
6. [Mole drinking from the river] It is a metaphor for a small amount, not much, or nothing significant.
7. [Deer head and rat eyes] is used to describe a person's evil appearance, such as the head of a deer and the eyes of a rat. It has a similar meaning to "sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked", but "sharp-billed monkey-cheeked" only describes the ugly appearance, while "deer-headed and rat-eyed" emphasizes the evil and cunning of the person.
2. Idioms about "cow":
1. [Nine cows and a drop of a feather] The metaphorical value is extremely small and insignificant.
2. [Nine Oxen and Two Tigers] means great power.
【A little test】Describes a talented person, showing some talent.
3. 【Original Alliance】An alliance based on blood in ancient times.
4. [Crying in cow clothes] It is a metaphor for the poor and humble couple living in poverty.
5. 【Niu Shan Zhuo Zhuo】(1) Describes that the forests in the mountainous area have been cut down. (2) Transform its meaning to describe a person's bald head.
6. [Book hanging on horns] describes diligent study. It is the same as "hanging beam to stab the stock", "Nang Ying night reading", "chisel the wall to borrow light".
7. [Ox ghosts and snake gods] (1) Describes a person’s ugly and scary appearance. (2) A metaphor for a person who behaves absurdly and viciously.
8. [Nuo-headed and horse-faced] (1) Describes a person’s ugly and scary appearance. (2) A metaphor for a person who behaves absurdly and viciously.
9. 【牛马风风】 describes people who are traveling on the road, covered in dust, and very tired.
10. [Ox and Puffball] is a metaphor for lowly people or things.
11. [Cooking Chicken with Niu Ding] is a metaphor for overkill.
12. [A bull's head is wrong and a horse's mouth is wrong] It is a metaphor for two things that cannot be put together at all. It is usually used to describe a person who answers a question that is wrong.
13. [There are many books] There are many metaphorical books.
14. [The mud cow enters the sea] It means that it is gone and never returns, leaving no trace.
15. [Scar Ding Jie Niu] It is a metaphor for having a clear understanding of things, being able to do things with ease and using them freely.
16. [Playing the piano to a cow] Yu cannot understand the style.
17. [Drilling into the dead end] It is a metaphor for being stubborn and trapped in a desperate situation.
18. [Newborn calf] A newborn calf is not afraid of anything to describe a person who is new to society and is not afraid of difficulties or evil forces.
19. 【licking the calf deeply】describes the love of parents for their children.
20. [The son of Li Niu] is a metaphor for an evil father and a virtuous son.
21. [Wind, horse and cow are irrelevant] Metaphor is irrelevant.
3. Idioms about "tiger":
1. [Nine Oxen and Two Tigers] means great power.
2. [Three people become a tiger] It is a metaphor that if there are many people, even if the rumor is wrong, they will believe it to be true.
3. [A lively dragon and a lively tiger] A lively and courageous posture.
4. [Like a tiger with added power] It means that a strong person needs help to become stronger and more frightening.
5. [The sheep entering the tiger's mouth] means that the danger is so great that death is inevitable.
6. [Let the tiger return to the mountain] Indulge the evil person and let him return to his own sphere of influence or territory to harm others again.
7. [Fox pretends to be a tiger's power] It means using the pretense of momentum to frighten others.
8. [Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon] means many and outstanding talents.
9. [Tiger among the flock of sheep] The metaphor is so powerful that the opponent has no resistance at all and can do whatever he wants.
10. [Escape from a tiger's mouth] is a metaphor for a life that survived great danger but was lucky enough to survive.
11. [Tiger's gaze] refers to staring greedily, waiting for the right time to make a move.
12. 【Anticlimactic】It means that things have a beginning but no end, and there is no perseverance.
13. [Accomplice for the tiger] is a metaphor for an accomplice who does bad things.
14. [Gobble] to describe eating something vigorously and urgently, which is rude and ugly.
15. [Position to Riding a Tiger] It means that after a person does something, it is too late to stop even if he wants to, which means he is in a dilemma.
16. [Riding a tiger with difficulty] It means that an action cannot be stopped due to the general trend.
17. [Seeking skin from a tiger] is a metaphor for something that is impossible to succeed.
18. [Baohu Fenghe] Fighting tigers with bare hands and crossing the river without borrowing a boat symbolizes the courage of an ordinary man with courage.
19. [Talking about a tiger's color changes] The original meaning is that one must experience it personally to have true knowledge; later it was extended to mean being afraid of something, and one's color changes with panic when talking about it.
20. [Tiaohu Lishan] A strategy to trick people into leaving the base area in order to achieve a certain goal.
21. 【Raising tigers will cause trouble】It means indulging enemies or evil people, which will bring troubles to oneself.
22. [A hungry tiger pounces on a sheep] means very greedy.
23. [Dragon Roar and Tiger Roar] refers to the roar of dragons and tigers, describing the sound of human roars that are very loud and loud.
24. [Dragon and Tiger Fight] describes the battle between two powerful forces, equally matched.
25. [Dragon Pond and Tiger Den] means a dangerous place.
26. [Dragon, Pan, and Tiger] describes a place where the situation is majestic and dangerous.
27. [Let the tiger return to the mountain] It means letting the evil person go and letting him harm society again.
4. Idioms about "Rabbit":
1. [The Jade Rabbit rises in the east] means that it is already night.
2. [Sit back and wait for the rabbit] to express stubbornness and ignorance of change.
3. [Uncle Rabbit Hair] was generally called the old man in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
4. [Rabbits die and dogs cook] It means that they are reused when something happens, but they are destroyed after the thing is done.
5. [The rabbit dies and the fox grieves] It is a metaphor for the death and defeat of the same kind, and one becomes sad.
6. [Rabbit walks and black flies] It is a metaphor for the movement of the sun and the moon, and the passage of time quickly.
7. [Rabbit rises and falcon falls] (1) Describes quick movements. (2) Metaphor of vigorous calligraphy.
5. Idioms about "dragon":
1. [Dragon and Tiger] Lively and brave posture.
2. [Business and busy traffic] describe the bustling and bustling scene.
3. [Ins and outs] Metaphor of the whole process of things.
4. [Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon] means many and outstanding talents.
5. [Lively and vividly] describes paintings, sculptures or written narratives that are extremely lifelike.
6. [Chenglong Kuaishu] describes a satisfactory and good son-in-law.
7. [Hope your son will become a great person] I hope my son will become a great person in the future.
8. [The finishing touch] It is a metaphor for adding a stroke to an important place in a painting to make the work more profound.
9. [The dragon gets water] It means that talents are appreciated and put into use.
10. [Leaderless] It means that the masses have lost their leader.
11. [Ye Gong loves dragons] It is a metaphor for liking something on the surface, but not really liking it; by extension, it means being flashy and untrue.
12. [Nine Sons Born from a Dragon] According to ancient legend, nine little dragons born from a dragon have different appearances and temperaments. It is a metaphor that people have their own preferences and are not all the same.
13. [Dragon Roar and Tiger Roar] refers to the roar of dragons and tigers, describing the sound of human roars that are very loud and loud.
14. [Dragon and Tiger Fight] describes the fight between two strong men.

Idioms with animals, numbers, and plants include ten words each

Dogs are close to people
Dogs catch mice
Dog gangs and foxes
Dog gangs and foxes
Dogs steal and chickens crow
Dogs steal and chickens crow
Dogs steal rats and mice
Dogs bark Non-owner
Surprise of barking dogs
Warning of barking dogs
Wolf heart and dog lungs
Dog dog fly camp
A dog jumps over the wall in a hurry
The sound of a dog and a horse
The dog takes a mouse
Dog skin plaster
A dog steals and a rat steals
A dog-headed strategist
A dog-headed and rat-brained
A dog-tailed mink continues
A dog's heart and a dog's actions
A dog's actions and a wolf's heart
A dog's tail continues with a mink
The dog succeeds the Hou Guan
The dog succeeds the golden mink
The dog's head is dripping with blood
The dog's blood sprinkler
The dog fights for official power
The dog fights for human power
A dog is not as good as a pig
A dog is not as good as a pig
Dogs go lewd
Rabbits die and dogs cook
Animal idioms
Rats are short-sighted, cows, ghosts, snakes, gods, and tigers stare at rabbits. Foxes are sad, dragons fly, phoenixes dance, snakes and scorpions are heart-warming, horses come to success, and monkeys are born in the year of horses and moons. Smell the chicken and dance
The rat with its head scurrying around to try its best, the dragon and the tiger Flying black rabbits walk around, old-fashioned, dragons in their arms, snakes and shadows in their arms, dragons and tigers enter the flock of sheep, sharp-mouthed monkeys with cheeks stand out from the flock of chickens
As timid as a rat, strong as an ox, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, waiting for rabbits to look forward to their children becoming dragons, striking grass, frightening snakes, thousands of troops, leading sheep and killing chickens, frightening monkeys as dumb as chickens
Dogs jumping over walls, pigs suddenly swarming bravely And the eyes of fish are mixed with pearls, feathers and horns, and they are devoured voraciously
Pigs and dogs are not as good as sealing pigs, long halls, worms, and small tricks like fishes, and rare birds and exotic beasts refer to deer as horses
Wolf-hearted, dog-lunged, crested, and pig-belly are the best, warblers sing, swallows dance, tigers back, and bears waist
Stealing chickens, touching dogs, and being as stupid as pigs, as silent as cicadas, frogs at the bottom of the well are frightened, and birds and beasts
Pig slaves Drama
People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong
One dragon and one pig
Pigs are humble and dogs are in danger
Pigs are bold and courageous
Love gifts and save sheep
Sheeps are in conflict with feudal clans
Difficult sheep die
Hungry tiger pounces on sheep
Tell Shuo to eat sheep
Hang sheep heads and sell dog meat
Tiger enters the flock
Antelope hangs horns
Sheep die on the wrong road
Lead sheep to carry wine
Driving sheep to attack tigers
Leading sheep with naked flesh
Like wolves herding sheep
Ten sheep and nine shepherds
Making the sheep beat the wolves
Hold the sheep easily
Silk lamb
Slaughterhouse cattle and sheep
Mending trouble after a lost sheep
Getting an ox after a lost sheep
Ask the sheep to know the horse
The bird path in the sheep's intestines
The small path in the sheep's intestines
Sheep are ruthless and wolves are greedy
The wool comes from the sheep
Sheep enter the tiger herd
Sheep and tiger skin
Trading sheep for cattle
Fighting for chickens, rabbits, and crows
Moving like a shed rabbit
Turtle hair and rabbit horns
The fox dies and the rabbit cries
The sorrow of the fox and rabbit
Release an eagle when you see a rabbit
Watch a dog when you see a rabbit
A cunning rabbit has three burrows
Startle an ape and escape from a rabbit
Be as quiet as a virgin, move like a escaped rabbit
Both dogs and rabbits will die
Stay like a virgin, and escape like a rabbit Take off the rabbit
Sit back and wait for the rabbit
The rabbit rises and the falcon lifts
The rabbit rises and the falcon falls
Rabbit silk oats
Rabbit dies and the dog cooks
The rabbit dies and the fox is sad
The rabbit goes and the black fly
The black fly and the rabbit goes
Plant idioms: Refers to mulberry and locust tree, paradise, iron tree blooming, harvesting mulberry elm, confident mind, water hibiscus, lotus roots broken, plum blossoms to quench thirst, swallowing jujubes, childhood sweethearts, dark willows and bright flowers, green pines and cypresses, pink willows and greens, reciprocating love, walking through poplars, meeting by chance, flowers are blooming, the moon is full, grass is full of life, the tree of life is strong, the wind has become a boat, the leaves are deep-rooted Zhiqiu
The wind, flowers, snow and moon are frightening the snakes, the fire trees, silver flowers and grass are all exhausted, the bamboos are hard to read and the ears are clear. Green pines and green cypresses bloom in the pure flowers and branches
Dark willows, bright flowers, wind blowing, grass moving, dumb as a wooden chicken, green plums and bamboo horses, big roots, deep and horizontal branches, cold pines and cypresses, green pines and green cypresses
Fire trees, silver flowers, exotic flowers, exotic grasses, earthworms, shaking trees, transplanting flowers and grafting, mature bamboo leaves falling back to their roots, golden branches and jade leaves, strong stems and weak branches, sleeping, pines and cold pines and cypresses
Number idioms:
Number idioms> Idioms starting with one word
I don’t know a word, I am devoted to the public, I am a glimmer of hope
I have no worries, I am boundless and I am a mess
Idioms that start with one word, once a year, a family Lord
One meal, three arrows, one bad water, one master
One word master, one son enlightenment, nine tribes are born in heaven, one son becomes a monk, the seventh ancestor ascends to heaven
One son becomes a monk, the seventh ancestor ascends to heaven, one son becomes a monk, the nine ancestors ascend to heaven Throwing the universe
One is one, two is two, one is not the same, two dragons are swarming in
One leaf falls, knowing the world is autumn, one word is nothing, one wishful thinking
Nothing is heard, one penny is stumping the heroic man one Eighteen levels of hell
Eighteen martial arts and eighteen weapons One person is in the corner, everyone is unhappy
One person is ascending, immortals, chickens and dogs are all enemies, one is picking up earth
One cow is croaking, and a stone is falling to the ground A decisive battle
One Buddha is born, two Buddhas are born in heaven, one Buddha is born, two Buddhas ascend to heaven, one eats and three spits out food
One And light is one and two, two is one and one is two, two is three
One generation is not as good as one blowing and singing. A foot of water tumbling makes a wave of 10 feet.
One foot of water churns and makes a wave of 100 feet. One whip leaves a mark
One whip strikes one hundred and twenty lines, one is bitten by a snake, three years I am afraid of the well rope
One year I am bitten by a snake, three years I am afraid of the straw rope, one sitting together and one sitting all the time
I was shocked when I sat down, I was shocked when I sat down, and I walked away
One word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word
One word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, thousands of gold
One word, both gold, one word, Great Wall, one word Praise and Criticism
One pillar supports the sky, one weight and one cover, it is as good as this
As far as this one is, one branch and one perch
One limb, one branch, one branch, one section, one is so much
A piece of paper is worth a thousand pieces of gold. A throw to the universe
One limb, half a joint, a half joint, a half-knowledge
A needle, a thread, a stitch, a thread, a pillow of Nanke
A pillow of yellow beams, a pillow of Handan, a blink of an eye
One fate, one meeting, one word, one word, one word, one word
A word in a corner, a pun, a greeting and a harmony
A drink, a peck, one for eleven, one for one hundred
A choke to stop the meal, a leaf of confusion A leaf on the mountain announces autumn
One word, one deed, one word
One word A word to rejuvenate a country, a word to ruin a country, a word to make a fortune
A word or two, a half-sentence, a half-sentence
One word, one word, one word, one word, one word A smile can make you smile
A smile can make you smile.
A smile can bring you all the beauty. One smile can only bring you love. One offer, three rewards, one place
One night, one day, one breath, one thing, one thing, one thing, one thing.
Know nothing, gain nothing, accomplish nothing
Have nothing to offer, cannot afford to sleep, nothing is as good as life
One hears a thousand Understand that a reed can be sailed and move forward
Boundless as far as the eye can see, deep in love
Scan everything in one glance and know in one glance, go deep
One push, two shoves, one vomit is fast, one pass, one pass
One day, one place A complete mess, a mess on the bed
One year old, one year old, and one year old, pardoned again
One year old, three moves, one death, one lifetime, every trace Identical
One arrow penetrates twice, one moment, three moments, one thousand years
I don’t know one thing, one moment is equal, one moment and a half<p h159>A lifetime, a lifetime, a generation
A lifetime of nine deaths, one body, two heads, one body and two jobs
A single shot sweeps away tens of thousands in a day
One day, three months, one day, three provinces, one day, three years old
Three times a day, three times a day, a thousand feet
Under one person, above ten thousand people, there is the shape of a barking dog, and the barking of hundreds of dogs is like a song in Yangguan
A raccoon dog on a Qiu, a hill, a ravine, a poor and two whites
Everything is clear All things are worthless
One is Chu, one is squatting, two heroes are one.
One is violent, one is cold, one is frowning, one is laughing, one is shouting and one is smiling
One white shirt, one biased opinion, one biased opinion
One piece The scattered sand is a piece of loyal heart and a promise is wordless
One cow croaks, one cow roars, one thought is mistaken
The plan for a year lies in the difference between spring and one thought, once a year
A man and a half woman, a man with one eye, one eye and five elements
One eye Several lines are exactly the same, the honor of one life
One life calls, one life returns to the underworld, one life returns to the west
One blindly ignores the same people and common customs, one side of the fate
One side of elegance, one side of knowledge, one side of style
ph178>One word, one dream, Hua Xu, one mind
One family with the same spirit, one line of cigarettes, one lineage
One lineage, one lineage, one lineage, one lineage of the same spirit<ph18 1>A horse, a saddle, a mess, a god all the way
Goods all the way, wind and dust all the way
One dragon, one pig, one scaly claw, one scaly armor
One is as cheap as water, one is labor and one is easy, everything is visible
ph185>See everything at a glance, take it all in, come and go
One piece of merit, one kui, one deed, one gift and ten gifts
One piece of gold, one kuang, nine words in one word
One fell swoop, one fell swoop, one fell swoop, one fell swoop, three reverses with one fell swoop
One kills two birds with one stone, one man is good, one man is good
One man is talented, one man is as good as ever, one man is meticulous
One level, half-job, one foot, one foot, one sight. Love
One sword makes everything clear, one family's work
One family's words, one family's learning, one family's words
One family, one plan, one fire, one family, no two
One family, old and young, one person, one person, one hungry and two full
One dark, one bright, one wave of nine systems, one army out to guard
One piece of cloth, one painting, the sky opens, one flower blooms alone
One fox tucks, one calls again, one tiger stops the river
One coax And the previous one broke up and the other one rose up
One ruth, two ruth and one hit, and it was a thousand miles
Not stained, meticulous, and flawless
One repayment, one drum, one slap. Gu Qingcheng
One man’s wealth, one man’s wealth, one man’s fortune, one man’s worth, one man’s responsibility
One Buddha is born, and two Buddhas reach nirvana. A Buddha is born for a penny
A penny for hard work, a penny for a harvest, a penny for a hundred barks
A meal of virtue, a smooth sailing, and a fortune
Going against the grain of the past, going against the rules of the past
I must never move, I don’t know, I don’t know, I carve two rabbits
Little by little, little by little, little by little
One sword, two sections, once, overnight, a generation of ministers
A generation of Wenzong, a generation of romantics, a generation of ministers
One match One step, one inch of heart, one move can make a difference
One move can make the final decision
One pass to ten, ten passes to a hundred and one hundred percent is not easy, not one dust is intact
One dust is less than one thoroughness, everything is integrated in one day. Suffering from
A thousand miles, one advocate, one advocate and three sighs
One long, two short, one long and half short, one sings a hundred harmony
One difference, two mistakes, one difference, two mistakes, one difference, two mistakes
One difference Half a mistake, one step, one step, one step at a time
One step does not overwhelm the crowd, one hundred does not follow, one step reaches the sky, one step brings waves
One is pious, one is righteous, one is dignified
One is a character, one is talented One expression is extraordinary
One whip first, one nose is gray, one stroke wipes it out
One stroke strokes one nostril to vent the breath, one stroke cancels it out
One stroke cuts off, one stroke is meticulous, one stroke is sad, one stroke is happy
One stroke is repaid One report, one class, one generation is the same
One spot and half a point, one class and half a point, dominate the world
One is relaxed, one is sluggish, one is half a level
One level and half level, one class, one level is worthless
A vast expanse of blue, one mind, one heart, one mind for the same goal
One heart, one word, one word, one word, one word, nothing to praise
One arrow away, two birds with one stone, one bird in the air, leaning on each other
One star and the smallest bit of agreement, hundreds of worries are scattered thousands of miles away
One careless move, Everyone loses everything and everyone is shocked.
Not seeing each other for one day is like being penniless for three autumns.
A harmonious group of people with one mind and one plan can be seen at a glance. ph242> A swarm of people, an arrow on the stack, a casual acquaintance
One yuan, one piece, one piece, one piece, one piece, one piece of string to get the man
A smooth journey, one pillar to lift the sky, one insight
One shot and one hundred, one hundred should be beaten to death with a stick
One hammer Buying and selling is an erotic dream, and you can't afford it until you get sick
One day, one word, one word Half a language
It must be difficult to be meticulous and meticulous
Everything is available, a line of work is endless
A bird of a feather, everything is meticulous and orderly
A dual purpose, a board, three eyes, and a smattering of clothes
A mess, a hole in the eye, and nothing good.
One year I was bitten by a snake, ten years I was afraid of well ropes. I smiled and spent a million dollars.
A spotless tree, a hundred harvests, a lot of people.
Once the power is in hand, the order will be fulfilled every day. Siyi
One mistake after another, everyone is happy and laughs at it
A year and a half later, a year and a half goes by without a trace
A model of a generation, one glance, one spray, one wake up
One is happy, the other is fear, and they are all caught in one fell swoop
One hand, one foot, one bed is covered with brocade, and he knows nothing
One word tells the truth, one call makes a hundred responses, and he changes his old ways
One day, one night, he is unable to recover, and one word
One thunder, two flashes, one hit the nail on the head, one slip up, which leads to eternal hatred
One clean, one trace. Anger is as good as life
Lucky stars along the way are one hundred, one bucket and one scoop
One wish, one knife in two, one pillow in Huai'an
One slap can't make a difference, one night, one bed and two good things
One leaf knows autumn without plucking a dime and one word is broken
One scale Half a claw, one effort, a moment and a half
A bowl of water is even, so it is said to be the same
One arrow in the land, one will go one's own way, the folly of success
One crab is not as good as one crab, one is as clear as water, one is a scholar
Nothing is accomplished, one knows only a little As always
One word teacher, one day star fights for one's own selfishness
One word, one word, one hundred promises, one word, still consistent
One inch of time, one inch of gold, one corner, three reverses and one achievement
One word, long snake formation one The sun sucks all the water from the Xijiang River in one gulp
A thousand gold and a blockbuster in a moment, a pair of good things
One horse is level and the wind is blowing, one person is good at shooting, a hundred men can pick it up
One branch perches and nothing grows, once and for all
In one breath, it becomes a pulp of ten The power of a cake
A harp, a crane, a string of pearls, and a pot of gold
It’s hard to say a word, and one hand holds the sky, and it feels like the same person at the first sight
At the same time, one person can make two friends
The scorched earth is helpless, and the emperor and the courtiers
Nothing to gain, one long, one short, nothing to know
Nothing to gain, only one body, five minds and one skill
A stone falling to the ground, singing and doing everything with one hand
One tree is difficult to support again and again, and again and again, one moves forward indomitably
Thousands a day One day, three autumns, one year and nine moves<p h291>A solemn person with an inch of loyalty and a strong sense of strength
One word is worthless and the same is the same as before
Everyone is full of courage that will collapse at the touch of a button. If you don’t do anything, you will never stop. Han Yi retreated six or two five
Falling in love at first sight, spending a lot of money
Falling in ruins, a thousand miles in a day, working with one heart and one mind
One breath remaining, one life, a dragon gate, a couch lying across the bed
One glance, all sentient beings, one day's anger
One eye, ten lines, one lift, one move, one stroke, one cut
A hero with nothing but courage
One virtue, one heart, two spoons, nothing A ball of darkness
A room full of spring, a spot of leopard, a cow and nine locks
One stick of a hundred and one scale and half armor, one word and one board
It is not easy to cover the sky with one grass, one tree, one hand and one word
One Buddha is born, two Buddhas are nirvana. A trace of the stick is gone forever
A piece of palace merchant and a piece of kui is enough for a fox's armpit
One word connects the city to a pool of stagnant water with a flick of the finger
A promise of a thousand gold and a wave of a heart's fragrance<ph31 3>One introduction, one appearance, one appearance, one glimpse of talent
One penny, one mistake, one mistake, two mistakes, one pillow and one pillow One chant and one chant
One wave is not calmed down, another wave rises. One person conveys the illusion, and thousands of people convey the truth
A critical moment, a handful of loess, an act of justice
A dragon, a snake, a move The family plan to become famous
It’s about to happen, but you won’t get anything if you don’t see Mount Taishan
A showdown between male and female, an extraordinary performance, and a huge profit
Twists and turns, a spring and a tongue, a grab to the death
One life, one step, one step, one step, one step, one stroke to wipe it out
One family, one snake, two heads, one foot, water ten feet long, wave
One cold, one movement, not as good as one quietness, swept away everything
One person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven as one body, words of one heart and one side
Kill two birds with one stone, love at first sight, long and two short
One heart, one heart Virtue, one drink, one chant, and a swarm of bees
A group of people committed an uncharacteristic one-in-one brigade
One track with the same wind, smooth sailing, and a broken one
A single shot with one hand, silent and silent Sing and sigh three times to help the world
Thousands of miles in one day and a plate of loose sand written off in one stroke
Exactly the same, one brain, one day's elegance
A vast ocean, one does not confuse the crowd, one official and a half-job
One man is in charge, and ten thousand men cannot make the final decision
Idiom starting with two characters
Both crimes will be punished. The one who chooses one or two of them must be one of the two
Two minds, three hearts, twenty ten years, nine foods, two immortals preaching
Two, five couples, two peaches, three scholars, two erects are disasters
Two, three, knots, two, three, two people Tongxin
Er-egg abandoned Gancheng, the second-rate man without saying a word
Two poles, two and one, two emperors and three kings
Er-travel businessman, two times, three, two hundred and five
Eight-year-old girl, you cannot have both and have two minds and three minds
Don’t say anything, two fou bells confuse two boys and one horse
Two three gentlemen, two full, three flat, two fou Zhongs puzzled
Two and one add to five and two surnames are good and double-minded
Two peaches kill three scholars and two erects are to torture two Three meanings
Two three virtues Two people work together, their sharpness can break gold. Two dragons play with pearls
Two benefits compete with each other and two tigers fight. One will be injured and two will separate the bright moon
Two knives and two eight beauties
Idioms starting with three characters
Love triangle, three inches of golden lotus, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi
Three days of fishing, two days of surfing the Internet, three punches, two feet, three smokes and three baths
Three Mu, three Xun's three sentences stick to the original Practice three sentences without departing from the line
Three husbands become a city, a tiger is three parts like a human, seven points is like a ghost, three parts are like a human, seven points is like a ghost
Three parts are like a human, seven points are like a ghost, and three parts stand in the Three Diyang Pass
Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hedong, three trues, five martyrs, three folds, and become a good doctor
Three disasters, six difficulties, three complaints, three overflows and three deficiencies
Three Yang Jiaotai, three words, two sentences, three words of falsehood Tiger
Three smokes, three baths, three tiles, two lanes, three vomits and three grips
Three heads and six Three heads, six faces, three heads and two days
Three heads, eight arms, three soups, five cuts, three soups and two cuts
Three platforms, eight seats, think twice before acting, three heads, six arms Body
Three mountains, five mountains, three, three, four, four, three-day bride
Three punches, two kicks, three supplications, four complaints, three innocence and four whiteness
Three relatives, four dependents, three relatives, six dependents, three relatives and six reasons
The teachings of the three moves Three periods of virtuous men, three wives and two sisters-in-law
Three years, five years, three buds, eight tea leaves, three mu, and three smokes
Three hairs, seven holes, three olds, four youngs, three streets and six cities
Three festivals, two lives, three streets, two cities, three feet and two Step
The meaning of three rivers, five lakes, three rivers, seven rivers and three admonitions
Three hungers, two fullness, three meats and five disgusts in Sanjia Village
Three souls leave the body three times, five times, three times and nine turns
Three rings, five buckles, three locust trees, nine thorns, three good and two sorry
Three good, two bad, three good, two timid, three kneeling and nine knocking
Three visits to the thatched cottage, three palaces, six courtyards and three Tell the truth
Three husbands' words, three husbands' pairs, three times, Bai Gui
Three winds, ten mistakes, three turns, four turns, three turns, four turns
Three times, two times, three times, two times, three winters, two summers, three times, nine grids
Three Wait for nine things, three mornings, five days, three long and four short
Three mistakes, five mistakes, three teas, six etiquettes, three no-compromises
Three steps, two feet, three diseases, four pains, three rankings, finalized
Three things, two things, three hundred jars and three Neighbors
Three cardinal principles, five constants, three stars, three stars in the house, three emperors and five emperors
If three people are walking together, three of them will become tigers and become green in three years
Thirty-six lines, three papers, no donkeys, thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy
Three snakes, seven rats, three complexes, three yangs, kaitai
Three heads, two faces, three old men, five men, three hundred and sixty lines
Three provocations, three baths, three animals, five cauldrons, three-inch birds, seven-inch mouths
Three Zhenjiu Lie made three mistakes, three mistakes, three words and a few words
Three teachings, nine streams, thirty-three days, three disasters and eight disasters
Three days of fishing, two days of surfing the net, three points of tripod, three points of wisdom and five guesses
Three decrees, three orders and three fates. An impeccable tongue
Three graves, five codes, three horses in the same trough, three dynasties of veterans<p h400> Three-inch tongue, three legs, three times and five times
Three heads against case, three against six faces, three times at midnight
Three folded arm, half-hearted for a good doctor, three months without knowing the taste of meat
Three watts, two sacrifices, three punches, four defeats Hands in twos and threes
Three heads, six arms, three long and two short
Three aunts and six wives, think twice before acting, three wars, three norths
Three cobblers, better than Zhuge Liang, three sixty-nine, etc. Three corpses jump
Three days, two heads, three three, five, five, three Wife and four concubines
Three times, five times, two times, three times, Cao's case, three classes and six rooms
Three times he passed the door without entering. Three lives, three souls and seven souls were lucky.
Three heads, two threads, three streets and six lanes, three people keep silent
Three visits to thatched cottage, three flats, two people, three friends and four friends
Thirty-six strategies in one, three obediences and four virtues are the best strategies
Three people in groups, three people in groups, three households, and the Qin Dynasty was overthrown
Three mediums, six certificates, three predictions, six questions, three orders and five applications
Three turns, four repetitions, three teas, six meals, three years of mugwort
Three baths, three provocations, three sieges, Yangguan, three stars in the sky
Three pigs crossing the river
Idioms starting with four characters
The land of four wars converged in all directions and the peace was at peace in the four seas
The four seas are scattered and we are all brothers with limbs and bones
limbs and bones Four to eight paths extend in all directions
Extend in all directions, four stop and eight, when the four bodies are not diligent, the five grains are not divided
The four bodies are not diligent, the four bodies are hundreds of skeletons, the four books and the five classics
The energy of the four seasons is complete in the four mountains, five mountains and four corners
Four suburbs, four barrens, eight poles, four seas and one family
Four seas are home, four seas, others are four seas and nine states
Four points and five parts, four parts and five parts, four parts and five parts, and five places; Four attacks and eight attacks, four hundred and four illnesses, enemies on all sides
Attacks on all sides, besieged on all sides, four pavilions and eight enemies
All brothers in the four seas, four horses and hoofs gathered in all directions
Four feet in the air, four clear, six living, four stable Four Marriages and Nine Relatives
The four seas are peaceful, the four roads and eight streets are peaceful, the waves are quiet in the four seas
The four great things are all empty, the four places of war are the four seasons and the eight festivals
The four seasons are full of beauty, the four seas are carrying the wind, and the four are not able to resist the six
Idioms starting with five characters
The five yin are empty, the five flavors are complete, and the five colors are declared
Colorful, five continents and four seas, flying frost in May
Five elements are all present, five hearts and six minds, five bodies surrender
Five stones, six owls, fifty steps, laughter, one hundred steps, five declarations and three Order
Five relatives, six dependents, five robs, six snatches, five men and two women
Wuling Yingshao Wuling heroic spirit fell into pieces<ph 445>Five miles of fog, five labors, seven injuries, five accumulations and six sufferings
Five flowers kill horses, five flowers tie up five princes and seven nobles
Five princes candles, five grains are ripe, five directions are miscellaneous
five short bodies, five winters, six summers, five tripods and ten thousand bells
Five Codes, Three Graves, Five-foot Children, Five-Child Children
Five-foot Boy, Five-foot Upright Son, Five Chariots and Belts
Five Tibetans and Six Houses, Five Steps into a Poem, Five Lines Together
In May, the five bodies are covered with fur, the five bodies are bowed to the ground, and the five internal organs are all together. Collapse
The five grains are indistinguishable, colorful and multifarious
The five elements come together in five days, and the harvest is good. Colorful in the square, five horses dismembered
Five corners, six pictures, five lights, five colors, no owner
Colorful, five viscera, six internal organs, five tombs, young man
Five internal organs, five lives, five prosperous, five spines and six beasts
Five birds, six swallows, five zeros, four scattered five sons Dengke
Five winds, ten rains, five majors, three coarse, five-character Great Wall
Five yellows, six months, five tones, six rhythms, five voids and six consumptions
Five elements, eight works, five fights, all over the world
Five classics swept away, five ghosts made trouble, and sentenced
Six characters begin Idioms
Six Questions, Three Pushes, Six Links, Four Pivots, Six Links and Four Expressions
The Six Gods Are Not An Liuqu reincarnation, six streets and three streets
Six feet of trust, six relatives and no support within Liuhe
Six surprises, six ears and no conspiracy, six relatives and no recognition
Six gods without masters, six Taoists, three strategies, six horses and horses
Six feet of Solitary Liu Dynasty, golden powder, six roots, quiet
Six animals are restless, six months are flying, frost is flying, six are flying
Six animals are prosperous, six streets, three cities, six roots are pure
Six paths of reincarnation, six spots, six arms and three heads
Idiom starting with seven characters
Seventy-two changes to seven but eight hands, seven feet and eight hands
Seven return elixirs, seven mouths, eight mouths, seven legs and eight hands
Seven verticals, seven captures, seven verticals, seven birds, seven verticals and eight horizontals
Seven sons, eight son-in-laws and seven Zhi Ba Da Qi Zhen Jiu Lie
Seven mouths, seven words and eight words, seven faces and five men
Seven nests and eight generations, seven bays and eight twists, seven bays and eight crooks
Seven bends, eight crooks, seven twists, seven twists and seven losses. Benefit
Seven losses, eight injuries, seven deaths, seven lives, seven heads and eight legs
Seven lives, seven deaths, seven tongues, eight mouths, seven ups and eight downs
Seven chests, eight hands, seven orifices on fire, seven exquisite orifices
Seven seven, eight, eight, seven broken eight Make up for seven men and eight sons-in-law
Seven full, eight flat, seven bits and pieces, seven pieces and eight pieces. 7 out of 100 Seven panic, eight chaos, seven horizontal and eight vertical
Seven return pills, seven breaks, eight continuations, seven burdens and eight moves
Seven big, eight small, seven builds, eight builds, seven builds, eight pulls, seven builds, eight pulls Eight holes
Seven steps to make a chapter, Seven steps to make a poem, Seven steps to make a poem
Seven diseases, eight inversions, seven arches, eight warps, seven tongues and eight tongues
Seven oddities, seven orifices, smoke, seven edges and eight petals
Seven highs and eight lows Seven years of disease, seven years of pushing away, eight years of resistance, seeking three years of moxa
Seven ups, eight downs, seven twists, eight crooked steps, seven steps
Seven long, eight short, seven dead, eight alive, seven days to recover
Seven times of measurement Clothes are cut at one time, seven are caught, seven are vertical, and seven are all arranged together
Seven greens, eight yellows, seven topsy-turvy, seven topsy-turvy pieces, pieced together
Seventy-two rows, seven hands and eight feet
Seven things, eight things, seven emotions, six desires, seven diseases Eight pains
Idioms starting with eight characters
Eight bricks, eight poles, and eight poles cannot defeat eight difficulties and three disasters
Eighty-four thousand enemies from all sides, eight Hongs are in the same track
Eight mansions patrol and eight directions support eight exquisite windows
Without a stroke of the eight characters, the eight treasures and jade delicacies are opened
The eight tones are played in succession and the eight immortals cross the sea, each showing his magical powers. Bu Li Shi
Eight Streets, Nine Roads and Eight Wildernesses Beyond the Eight Gongs On the mountain, the grass and trees are all soldiers
Eight directions echo the Eight Dou talents and the eight worshipers
Eight hundred solitary and cold eight characters are not seen, and the eight tones are sealed
Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his ability.
Idioms starting with nine characters
Nine ileum, nine sects, seven ancestors, nine states and four seas
Nine steams, three seals, nine folded arms, ninety-five honors
Nine heavens and nine earths, nine deaths without regrets, nine deaths without regrets
The hatred of nine generations, nine Ren One block, nine thoroughfares, three cities
Nine years of storage, nine streams, ten families, nine streams of guests
Nine streams of hundreds of families, ninety-nine returns to the original Jiujiang and eight rivers
Nine halls, nine halls, nine palaces, tigers and leopards
Nine-in-one Kuang, Nine Passes, Tigers and Leopards, Nine Pasts and Ten Relatives
Nine Heavens Holding the Moon, Nine Cauldrons, Da Lu and Nine Cauldrons are not important enough
Nine Confucians, Ten Beggars, Nine Oxen, One Hair, Nine Clouds Beyond
Nine Bends, Nine Oxen and Two Tigers, Nine Deaths and a Lifetime
Nine Liu The character has accumulated nine years of broken hearts
Nine originals can be used to turn nine nines into one and nine transformations
Nine cows can’t turn nine continents, four seas, nine lie, three chastity Fairy
Under the nine springs, nine cattle, one millimeter, nine streams and three religions
Idiom starting with nine tripods, nine changes, ten transformations and cross
Eighteen Eighteen kinds of martial arts and eighteen kinds of weapons in hell
At the crossroads, there are nine out of ten to catch
Ten turns and nine in vain, ten battles, ten battles, ten years of cold windows
Ten rains and five winds, eighty to nine hundred thousand speed
Ten deaths, nine lives, ten deaths, ten hands fighting for fingers
Fifteen houses, fifty houses, ten rooms and nine rooms
Ten generations of single biography, ten days, and ten people and nine admirers
Ten relatives and nine Ten years of family life and ten years of study
Ten years of sight, ten grasps, nine stability, ten sleeps and nine sittings
Ten meters, nine chaff, ten miles of foreign land, ten mouths to pass on
Ten copies, nine sticks, ten pulps, five feeds, ten colds and one storm
Ten lights, five colors, ten husbands, ten husbands, ten husbands, ten husbands and radial vertebrae
Ten shots, ten hits, 120,000 points, twelve gold hairpins
Ten evils, five inverses, nine out of ten, steady steps, ten steps, fragrant chariot
Ten out of ten, ten out of ten Five transformations and ten steps of grass
Ten winds, five rains, ten days and one water, five days and one stone
Ten years of sharpening the sword, ten years of perfection, ten lives and nine deaths Nianhanchuang
Twelve gold medals, ten steps and vanilla, nine out of ten years, nine out of ten
Ten eyes can see, ten hands can point to ten years of trees, and a hundred years will cultivate people nine times out of ten
Ten miles of pavilions, ten sieges, five attacks, and ten elements are all Next
Ten Diseases and Nine Pains: Ten Days of Drinking on the Cross Streets
Ten thousand houses, nine empty houses, ten rats in the same cave
Ten rooms, nine empty houses, ten deaths, and a life of heinous crimes
Ten winter months at the crossroads, ten fingers connected to the heart
Ten relatives, nine old friends, ten years under the window, ten sheep and nine animals, the beginning of a hundred words
A hundred-footed insect with a hundred claws that scratches the heart, a hundred-footed insect that will not freeze until death, a hundred-footed insect that will not collapse until it is broken
A hundred-legged insect, a hundred-footed insect that will not collapse until it is broken, a hundred-legged insect that will not become stiff, a hundred purples and a thousand colors
a hundred clumsiness and a thousand ugliness A hundred warbles, a thousand sounds, a hundred hits, a hundred hits
Hundreds of twists and turns, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, a hundred hits, never yielding
A hundred years of nothingness, a million heroes
A hundred-year-old alliance, a hundred years of life, a hundred deaths and a lifetime
One hundred years of obedience and hundred obedience, nothing can be achieved
One person has good luck in everything A hundred generations of fragrance
A hundred generations of fragrance, a hundred generations of hard work
One hundred forbearance turns into gold and one hundred ingenuity makes a hundred-year promise
One hundred years of harmony, one hundred years of good deeds and one hundred years of great cause
A hundred tricks, a hundred secrets, a hundred charms Qianjiao
A hundred thoughts are unanimous, a hundred voices are unanimous, a hundred words are indistinguishable
A hundred holes, a thousand creations, a hundred successes, a hundred knots and quails
A hundred knots, a hundred worries, a hundred plans, a thousand hearts, a hundred plans, a hundred plans
A hundred plans Thousands of words A hundred beaks are like the same
A hundred beaks are hard to say, a hundred beaks are hard to argue, a hundred beaks are hard to argue
A hundred ghosts, a hundred monsters, a hundred strange things, a hundred blessings and perfections
A hundred things can be done, a hundred mountains and rivers, a hundred gold pots
Hundreds Erguanhe has hundreds of falls and hundreds of ends meet
A hundred movements are not as good as a stillness, a hundred rivers facing the sea, a hundred feet without branches
The wealth of a hundred cities is not a hundred, and a hundred is not a loan
One hundred is not too much, one is not enough A hundred treasures, a thousand goods, torture in every possible way
Soothing a hundred dense and sparse insects in every possible way
Hundreds of verticals and thousands of benefits, a hundred years of work
Hundreds of years of good cooperation, hundreds of thoughts, hundreds of hearts, hundreds of refinements, and hundreds of rivers Go to the sea to make hundreds of products, hundreds of wastes and salty tools
Lift up hundreds of wastes to build hundreds of wastes to make new things
Hundreds of wastes and tools to lift up hundreds of worms, die without stiffness and persevere in spite of hardships
No return from a hundred defeats and a hundred battles without peril
Hundreds of clothes, hundreds of industries, one hundred stars, one hundred stars are not as good as one month
Nothing is useless, nothing is lost, nothing is incompetent
Nothing is boring, nothing is taboo, millions of troops
Buy a house with millions, buy it with tens of millions Neighbors live for hundreds of years and are puzzled by hundreds of thoughts
Hundreds of beasts dance with hundreds of generations of teachers, and hundreds of bodies cannot be redeemed Handle for a hundred years It takes a hundred years to grow people together
A hundred years of planning and a hundred years of planning can never happen in a hundred years
A hundred years of age and a hundred years of age and a hundred years of intelligence and a hundred talents can be used for a thousand times
A hundred forged steel can be picked from a hundred miles, and there is no way to argue
A hundred holes, a hundred tricks, a hundred schools of thought contend
A hundred flowers, a thousand flowers, a hundred flowers A hundred flowers bloom on your birthday
A mixture of feelings, a hundred wastes, a hundred wastes, a hundred wastes waiting to be done
A hundred hits, a hundred tricks, a hundred tricks, and a hundred obstacles are ready to be accomplished
I will never tire of reading a hundred times, a hundred generations of emperors, a hundred generations of passers-by Head, take a step further
A hundred steps to cross Yang, a hundred differences, a hundred disadvantages and a lot of disadvantages
All kinds of flattery, all kinds of difficulties, a hundred obediences
A hundred nothings are a hundred nothings, a hundred hearings are not as good as seeing them
A hundred years old is a hundred years old I can't understand it but I can't understand it
A teacher of a hundred generations can't redeem himself if he doesn't grind his body for a hundred years
After a hundred years, a hundred miles of talent will bloom and a hundred flowers will bloom
A hundred flowers will bloom and a hundred schools of thought will bloom.
One hundred people will follow you. One hundred obedience, one hundred obedience, one hundred wastes waiting for prosperity
One hundred and two mountains and rivers, one hundred and two rivers and one hundred feet of pole
One hundred nothing lost, one hundred nothing gained, one hundred inappropriate idioms starting with a thousand words
Thousands of years of injustice, thousands of days of chopping firewood Burning a thousand firewood in one day and gathering firewood in one day The sound of the hammer is thousands of ways
A thousand years of unity and thousands of obedience are not as good as the armpits of a fox. , It is easy to get a hungry scholar by sending goose feathers and thousands of troops thousands of miles away, but it is hard to find a general
A fur coat of a thousand gold is not as good as a fox's armpit. Thousands of hammers strike the gong, and one stroke makes the final decision.
Thousands of postures, thousands of states, thousands of chapters, thousands of sentences.
Once in a thousand years, one saint comes once in a thousand years.
Once in a thousand years, once in a thousand years. A bullet in a thousand years
A thousand years of adventure, a thousand years of difficulty, a thousand disasters and hundreds of disasters
Thousands of words, thousands of instructions, thousands of words, thousands of words
Thousands of threads, shapes, shapes, pushbacks, and obstacles
Thousands of orders, thousands Thousands of threads Thousands of threads
Thousands of threads Thousands of ends Thousands of shapes Thousands of years old
Thousands of years old crane returns Thousands of thoughts Thousands of thoughts
Thousands of rivers Thousands of mountains Thousands of lives Thousands of deaths Thousands of lives and thousands of calamities
Thousands of people have the same face, thousands of generations, thousands of years and thousands of years
Thousands of people are the same for thousands of years, thousands of difficulties and dangers
Thousands of difficulties and hardships, thousands of hardships, thousands of hardships and hardships
Thousands of generations, thousands of wisdom and wisdom, thousands of miles of ambition
Thousands of miles of ambition Travel begins with a step of a thousand miles and ends with a journey of a thousand miles. Collapse in an ant nest
A thousand-mile marriage is tied by a thin thread, a thousand-mile smokeless and a thousand-mile divine friendship
A thousand-mile horse’s bone and a thousand-mile conclusion, a thousand-mile goose feather
Thousands of dollars, a thousand dollars, a thousand dollars, a thousand dollars, a thousand-gold home
A thousand gold, a coin, a thousand gold, a smile, a thousand gold A promise
A thousand gold in a moment, a thousand gold in a gourd, a thousand gold broom
Thousands of households, thousands of exchanges, thousands of ways, thousands of twists and turns
Thousands of reds, thousands of purples, eternal sinners, eternally the same
Thousands of reds and purples, eternal sinners, the same thing through the ages
Thousands of people, one moment, one thousand gold, one thousand gold, one broomstick
The perfect tune of the ages, the masterpiece of the ages, the unique song of the ages
Eternal immortality, the indestructibility of the ages, thousands of ravines
Thousands of peaks, thousands of ravines, thousands of peaks, hundreds of peaks, thousands of cuts, thousands of chops
Thousands of villages, thousands of villages, thousands of devastations, thousands of sorrows
Thousands of sorrows, thousands of hates, thousands of rides, thousands of mistakes, thousands of mistakes
Thousands of supplements, hundreds of secrets, thousands of soldiers, thousands of horses, thousands of changes
Thousands of gold, thousands of houses, thousands of beauties, thousands of warehouses, thousands of boxes
Thousands of changes, thousands of calls, thousands of calls
Send goose feathers thousands of miles away with the same wind thousands of miles away, different customs a hundred miles away
It is absolutely true that thousands of people have pointed out that millions of people buy their neighbors
A thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest, ever-changing and ever-changing advice
ph662>Thousands of mountains, rivers and rocks compete for a thousand years
A thousand holes and a thousand gold sons, thousands of troops and horses
Thousands of problems The same thing
Thousands of people have the same tune and face each other
Thousands of mountains and ravines, thousands of miles and thousands of hardships
Thousands of families, thousands of generations, thousands of twists and turns
Thousands of ways and means, thousands of considerations, one loss
Thousands of words, thousands of threads, thousands of miles of watermelon soup
Thousands of gold's bones, thousands of gold's shortcomings, thousands of people's faults
Thousands of thanks, thousands of cuts, thousands of differences
Thousands of miles, thousands of threads Thousands of thoughts and one success
Once in a thousand years, thousands of rocks, thousands of valleys, thousands of miles, a song
A heavy burden, a thousand gold throws, a thousand feet without branches
Thousands of strange things, a thousand gold buys laughter, a thousand tempers and hard work
An idiom starting with thousands of miles and thousands of words
Everything goes well and everything goes well with the panacea and everything goes well
It will never be easy and the enemy of all people will be silent.

The above is all about the four marriages and nine relatives beating one animal, the meaning of the four marriages, and the related content of the four marriages and nine relatives. I hope it can help you.

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