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  • 1. How to improve students’ ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems

How to improve students' ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems

"China Sports and Health Arts Education" Issue 09, 2011 Add to favorites to get the latest How to cultivate students' ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems Li Jingke [Abstract]: Cultivating students' innovative spirit and ability to solve practical problems is one of the main goals of teaching reform , is an important issue before each of our educators. In our daily teaching process, teachers must play a "guiding" role in a true sense. Students must be allowed to practice the topics that should be practiced by students, and let students become the masters of learning. Students trained in this way will They are practical, application-oriented and innovative talents.
[Author's unit]: Guxian Middle School, Guxian Town, Pingdu City, Shandong Province;
[Keywords]: Application of knowledge to solve problems, innovative spirit
[Category number]: G633.6
[Text Snapshot]:
I have been teaching for more than 20 years and have gone through many teaching reforms. I always believe that cultivating students' innovative spirit and the ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems should be one of the main goals of mathematics teaching reform and it is our priority. An important question facing every educator. Our current educators are also constantly exploring the issue of classroom teaching reform, but many teachers are worried that the reform will lead to a decline in teaching quality, so download the full text on the platform
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