
Contents of this article

  • 1. Reveal who is the founder of Islam
  • 2. The founding time of the three major religions
  • 3.The founder of Islam
  • 4. Who is the founder of Islam?

Revealing who the founder of Islam is

Speaking of the founder of Islam, there is actually a lot to say about this issue. After all, if you don’t know it very well, you will have some doubts about this issue. If you know it well, you will find that this issue is not actually a problem, so this The question is for those netizens who need it. Let’s take a look at this question in detail!

The founder of Islam is actually "Muhammad".

Muhammad (570-632) is the founder of Islam. Muhammad was born into a declining aristocratic family among the Quraysi tribe of Mecca. His father died before he was born, and his mother also died of illness when he was six years old. He was raised by his grandfather and uncle.

He had a hard childhood and had to fend for himself since he was a child. He worked as a shepherd, and later went into business with his uncle, traveling to Palestine, Syria and many other areas. During his time in business, Muhammad increased his knowledge and gained a deep understanding of the various sufferings of the Arab people. While doing business in Palestine with his uncle, he also studied the teachings of Christianity and Judaism, learned many myths and legends, and also learned about the customs and customs of these areas. In addition, he also learned the skills of observing the weather, predicting sandstorms and treating diseases. All this laid the foundation for his later creation of Islam. But he was too poor, and his ambitions could not be realized without the guarantee of money and status.

At the age of 25, Muhammad married the widow of a much older Mecca merchant named Khadijah. From then on, he suddenly became financially secure and began to enter the upper class society. Muhammad's talents gradually became apparent.

Once, the Kaaba temple collapsed due to disrepair. After the ancient temple was restored, a dispute arose over who should put the black meteorite back to its original place. Some of the great nobles in Mecca are vying to put the meteorite back to its original place to improve their status. No one was willing to give in, so they started to quarrel in the temple. At this time Muhammad came out. He took off his shirt and spread it on the ground, then placed the meteorite on it. Then he asked the disputants to send a representative to lift up a corner of their shirt and put the meteorite back together. The dispute subsided and everyone said that Muhammad was a really smart and knowledgeable man. Since then, Muhammad's reputation and status have also increased. Outside Mecca, there is a quiet hill, which the locals call Mount Hira.

Muhammad often went alone to a small cave in the mountains to meditate. He had been thinking about creating a religion that could be accepted by the majority of Arabs and bring relief to those compatriots who were in pain all day long. He referred to the Christian and Jewish classics and tried to combine the teachings he believed the Arabs could accept with some teachings from the original Arab religion. But the work was so difficult that Muhammad often spent many days in the mountains. Finally, one day in 610, he suddenly understood and figured out the most critical truth. Soon, he came down from the mountain and began to preach. This was what later became Islam.

The word "Islam" originally means "submission" in Arabic. Muhammad declared that there is only one God in the world—Allah. He is the creator of the world and the creator of man. All things in the world are arranged according to the will of Allah. Everything a human has is given by Allah. Only by obeying Allah during life can one enter heaven after death. Otherwise, one will be sent to hell after death. Muhammad calls himself the messenger of Allah. Since he is the first believer of Allah, he is the prophet of believers and the messenger sent by Allah to the world to convey the will of Allah. People who believe in Allah are called Muslims, which means believing in Allah and obeying the Prophet.

Islam has strict rules and regulations. The core of the teachings is to obey Allah and obey the Prophet. Therefore, at the beginning of his mission, Muhammad's status was supreme, which is also a distinctive feature of Islam. Muhammad emphasized that believers absolutely obey the teachings, mainly to unify people's beliefs and thoughts and use this method to solve various contradictions existing in society. Muhammad taught believers to be obedient and to behave themselves no matter what situation they are in, because everything is arranged by Allah and they cannot change it. Another distinctive feature of Islam is polygamy.

In Islamic teachings, the status of men and women is extremely unequal. Although Islamic teachings require people to adopt a negative attitude in solving social conflicts. But on the other hand, it also provides believers with basic principles for being a human being, such as doing good things, being fair in transactions, relieving the poor, taking care of the lonely and elderly, etc. In addition, Islamic teachings stipulate extremely severe punishment for crimes such as theft and fraud. These teachings were supported by the working people of the lower classes of Arabs. Islamic teachings have also been enshrined as laws in some countries that believe in Islam for a long time.

In the early days of Muhammad's founding of Islam, he did not receive a response from many people. Instead, he was opposed by some wealthy merchants and slave-owning nobles in Mecca. Because Islam is a monotheistic religion, it is extremely incompatible with the traditional polytheism of the Quraishi tribe. At the same time, the idea of ​​giving alms to the poor put forward in the teachings also harmed the economic interests of the great nobles and wealthy businessmen. Some nobles and wealthy businessmen were always ready to murder him. In this dangerous situation, late at night on July 16, 622, Muhammad led his followers to leave Mecca and immigrate to Yatrib. This was the "migration" of Islam. Islam designated this year as It is the first year of the Islamic calendar.

Yatrib was later changed to Medina, meaning City of the Prophet. Yatrib is different from Mecca in that it is not the center of rule by the stubborn Quraisi tribal aristocracy. Handicrafts and commerce are also very developed, and there are many poor people. Here, Islam was quickly accepted. On this basis, Muhammad promulgated the charter of the Islamic community, established a theocratic state, and established his own authority. Soon, the Mecca nobles launched an attack on Yatrib in an attempt to eliminate Muhammad's power. Muhammad organized the Yatrib believers, established his own army, fought many battles with the Mecca nobles, and defeated the attacks of the Mecca nobles.

In 628, Muhammad and the nobles of Mecca signed an armistice treaty, which temporarily stopped the war between the two sides. In 630, Muhammad led an army to attack the city of Mecca. Under the pressure of the army, the Mecca nobles were forced to accept Islam and recognized the authority and supreme status of Muhammad. In order to ease the hostilities at that time, Muhammad also recognized the special status and vested interests of the Mecca nobles. Soon, Muhammad established a theocratic state in Mecca with military, political, and religious power concentrated in him. After Muhammad entered Mecca, he cleared out all the tribal gods in the Kaaba Temple, retaining only the meteorite as a sacred object for all Muslims. He also changed the Kaaba Temple into a mosque and stipulated that every day A Muslim must make a pilgrimage here once in his life. Seeing how powerful the city of Mecca was, some tribes on the Arabian Peninsula sent envoys to express their willingness to convert to Islam and recognize Muhammad's status as a religious leader.

In 632, Muhammad died of illness in Yatrib. By this time much of the peninsula had converted to Islam. After that, Islam spread to most parts of North Africa and Central Asia. By the 16th century, Muslims had spread all over the world. The emergence of Islam promoted the development of the Arab region, and also played a positive role in the unified development of the Arab region and in resisting foreign aggression. However, the doctrine in Islam that allows believers to engage in "holy war" makes it extremely aggressive in the process of preaching. It was in the name of "holy war", under the banner of the crescent moon, and waving the Arabian scimitar, the Islamists carried out violent expansion and established a huge Arab empire.

Who is the founder of Islam?, Revealing who the founder of Islam is Figure 1

The founding dates of the three major religions

1. Christianity

The founder is Jesus, who began preaching in Palestine when he was about 30 years old (in the 1930s AD).


It first emerged in the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century AD by Muhammad from Mecca. Its original meaning is "obedience" and "peace", and is also translated as Yislimu. It refers to obedience and belief in Allah, the unique Lord who created the universe, and his will, in order to seek Gain peace and tranquility in both lives. People who believe in Islam are collectively called "Muslims" (Muslim, which means "submissive" and is the same root as Islam).

3. Buddhism

Buddhism originated in ancient India in the 10th century BC. The founder's name is Sakyamuni. At the age of 20, he left home and became a Taoist. He was later honored as "Buddha", which means the enlightened one, or "Buddha" for short, and the religion he preached was called "Buddhism".

Who is the founder of Islam?, Revealing who the founder of Islam is Figure 2

Extended information:

1. The spread of Christianity

In 1054, Christianity divided into Catholicism (called Catholicism in China) and Orthodox Christianity (called Orthodox Christianity in China). The Catholic Church is centered in the Vatican in Rome, and power is concentrated in the Pope; the Orthodox Church is centered in Constantinople, and the highest power of the church belongs to the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.

From 1096 to 1291, the Catholic Church launched eight religious wars (Crusades) in the name of safeguarding Christianity. After the 16th century, religious reform movements took place in various European countries and many sects were divided. The subsequent geographical discoveries and colonial expansion spread Christianity to all parts of the world.

2. The spread of Islam

Countries in the Islamic world are spread across the two continents of Asia and Africa, and there are about fifty countries in total. In addition, there are people (Muslims) who believe in Islam in many countries on all continents.

These countries include some Western countries such as Britain, the United States, Russia, France, Germany and other countries. According to statistics, the total number of people who believe in Islam in the world is about 1.2 billion. There are signs that the number of Muslims will exceed the number of Christians within a few decades.

3. The spread of Buddhism

Since its founding, Buddhism has been widely spread in ancient India. Generally speaking, the development of Buddhism in India can be divided into four periods. These four periods are the primitive Buddhism period, the sectarian Buddhism period, the Mahayana Buddhism period, and the Tantric Buddhism period. period.

Buddhism has spread widely in India since its inception. Compared with the difficult teachings of Brahmanism, Sakyamuni's teachings are simple and easy to understand without any text. Moreover, he always advocated the equality of all living beings and treated women and slaves equally. Therefore, Buddhism was welcomed by the people at the bottom of society.

In addition, because many monasteries are close to the city, some businessmen and nobles have a lot of contact with Buddhism. Although they cannot become full-time monks, they have also supported Buddhism in terms of money and land, and even the kings of some kingdoms have become Buddhist disciples. believer.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - The three major religions in the world

founder of islam

Muhammad Muhammad (570-632) is the founder of Islam. Muhammad was born into a declining aristocratic family among the Quraysi tribe of Mecca. His father died before he was born, and his mother also died of illness when he was six years old. He was raised by his grandfather and uncle. He had a difficult childhood and had to fend for himself since he was a child. He worked as a herdsman, and later went into business with his uncle, traveling to Palestine, Syria and many other areas. During his time in business, Muhammad increased his knowledge and gained a deep understanding of the various sufferings of the Arab people. While doing business in Palestine with his uncle, he also studied the teachings of Christianity and Judaism, learned many myths and legends, and also learned about the customs and customs of these areas. In addition, he also learned the skills of observing the weather, predicting sandstorms and treating diseases. All this laid the foundation for his later creation of Islam. But he was too poor, and his ambitions could not be realized without the guarantee of money and status. At the age of 25, Muhammad married the widow of a wealthy Mecca merchant named Khadijah, who was much older than him. From then on, he suddenly became financially secure and began to enter the upper class society. Muhammad's talents gradually became apparent. Once, the Kaaba Temple collapsed due to disrepair. After the ancient temple was restored, a dispute arose over who should put the black meteorite back to its original place. Some of the great nobles in Mecca were vying to put the meteorite back to its original place to improve their status. No one was willing to give in, so they started to quarrel in the temple. At this time, Muhammad came out. He took off his shirt and spread it on the ground, then placed the meteorite on it. Then he asked the disputants to send a representative to lift up a corner of their shirt and put the meteorite back together. The dispute subsided and everyone said that Muhammad was a really smart and knowledgeable man. Since then, Muhammad's reputation and status have also increased. Outside Mecca, there is a quiet hill, which the locals call Mount Hira. Muhammad often went alone to a small cave in the mountains to meditate. He has been thinking about creating a religion that can be accepted by the majority of Arabs, so that those compatriots who are in pain all day long can be relieved. He referred to the Christian and Jewish classics and tried to combine the teachings that he believed the Arabs could accept with some teachings in the original Arab religion. But the work was so difficult that Muhammad often spent many days in the mountains. Finally, one day in 610, he suddenly understood and figured out the most critical truth. Soon, he came down from the mountain and began to preach. This was what later became Islam. The word "Islam" originally means "submission" in Arabic. Muhammad declared that there is only one God in the world - Allah. He is the creator of the world and the creator of man. All things in the world are arranged according to the will of Allah. Everything a human has is given by Allah. Only by obeying Allah during life can one enter heaven after death. Otherwise, one will be sent to hell after death. Muhammad calls himself the messenger of Allah. Since he is the first believer of Allah, he is the prophet of believers and the messenger sent by Allah to the world to convey the will of Allah. People who believe in Allah are called Muslims, which means believing in Allah and obeying the Prophet. Islam has strict rules, and the core of its teachings is to obey Allah and the Prophet. Therefore, at the beginning of the mission, Muhammad's status was supreme, which is also a distinctive feature of Islam. Muhammad emphasized that believers must absolutely obey the teachings, mainly to unify people's beliefs and thoughts and use this method to solve various contradictions existing in society. Muhammad taught believers to be obedient and to behave themselves no matter what situation they are in, because everything is arranged by Allah and they cannot change it. Another distinctive feature of Islam is polygamy. In Islamic teachings, the status of men and women is extremely unequal. Although Islamic teachings require people to adopt a negative attitude in solving social conflicts. But on the other hand, it also provides believers with basic principles for being a human being, such as doing good deeds, fair dealings, relieving the poor, taking care of the lonely and elderly, etc. In addition, Islamic teachings stipulate extremely severe punishment for crimes such as theft and fraud. These teachings were supported by the working people of the lower class Arabs. Islamic teachings have also been enshrined as laws in some countries that believe in Islam for a long time. In the early days of Muhammad's founding of Islam, he did not receive a response from many people. Instead, he was opposed by some wealthy merchants and slave-owning nobles in Mecca. Because Islam is a monotheistic religion, it is extremely incompatible with the traditional polytheism of the Quraishi tribe. At the same time, the idea of ​​giving alms to the poor put forward in the teachings also harmed the economic interests of the great nobles and wealthy businessmen. Some nobles and wealthy businessmen were always ready to murder him. In this dangerous situation, late at night on July 16, 622, Muhammad led his followers to leave Mecca and immigrate to Yatrib. This was the "migration" of Islam. Islam designated this year as It is the first year of the Islamic calendar. Yatrib was later changed to Medina, meaning City of the Prophet. Yatrib is different from Mecca in that it is not the center of rule by the stubborn Quraisi tribal aristocracy. Handicrafts and commerce are also very developed, and there are many poor people. Here, Islam was quickly accepted. On this basis, Muhammad promulgated the charter of the Islamic community, established a theocratic state, and established his own authority. Soon, the Mecca nobles launched an attack on Yatrib in an attempt to eliminate Muhammad's power. Muhammad organized the Yatrib believers, established his own army, fought many battles with the Mecca nobles, and defeated the attacks of the Mecca nobles. In 628, Muhammad and the nobles of Mecca signed an armistice treaty, which temporarily stopped the war between the two sides. In 630, Muhammad led an army to attack the city of Mecca. Under the pressure of the army, the Mecca nobles were forced to accept Islam and recognized the authority and supreme status of Muhammad. In order to ease the hostilities at that time, Muhammad also recognized the special status and vested interests of the Mecca nobles. Soon, Muhammad established a theocratic state in Mecca with military, political, and religious power concentrated in him. After Muhammad entered Mecca, he cleared out all the tribal gods in the Kaaba Temple, retaining only the meteorite as a sacred object for all Muslims. He also changed the Kaaba Temple into a mosque and stipulated that every day A Muslim must make a pilgrimage here once in his life. Seeing how powerful the city of Mecca was, some tribes on the Arabian Peninsula sent envoys to express their willingness to convert to Islam and recognize Muhammad's status as a religious leader. In 632, Muhammad died of illness in Yatrib. By this time much of the peninsula had converted to Islam. Since then, Islam has spread to most parts of North Africa and Central Asia. By the 16th century, Muslims had spread all over the world. The emergence of Islam promoted the development of the Arab region, and also played a positive role in the unified development of the Arab region and in resisting foreign aggression. However, the doctrine in Islam that allows believers to engage in "holy war" makes it extremely aggressive in the process of preaching. It was in the name of "holy war", under the flag of the crescent moon, and waving their Arabian scimitars, the Islamists carried out violent expansion and established a huge Arab empire.

Who is the founder of Islam?, Revealing who the founder of Islam is Figure 3

Who is the founder of Islam

The founder of Islam is Muhammad. Muhammad is the founder of Islam. He is the messenger of Allah and the prophet revered by Muslims. He made outstanding contributions to the development of Islam and had a profound impact on the world.

Muhammad is recognized by Muslims as a great prophet. At the beginning of the founding of Islam, Muhammad's preaching became public as the number of believers increased. With the openness of preaching, more and more believers are embracing Islam. So many people in the upper class began to convert to Islam. So the founder of Islam is Muhammad.

Who is the founder of Islam?, Revealing who the founder of Islam is Figure 4

Making history

From the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 7th century, the Arabian Peninsula was in a period of great change when primitive clans and tribes were disintegrating and class society was forming. Due to differences in the natural environment, the socio-economic and political development of the peninsula is extremely uneven.

The residents of the peninsula are mainly Bedouins who live a nomadic life. They are divided into many clans and tribes. Each clan and tribe lives in one area and lives for water and grass. There are often wars among each other over the competition for pasture, water sources and land. Years of war have caused social turmoil, stagnated production, and intensified class differentiation within clans. Tribal aristocrats came into being. They occupied a large number of oases and grasslands, and owned many slaves and livestock.

The Hijaz Hejaz region along the Red Sea coast of the peninsula has been an important commercial route for East-West trade since ancient times. Mecca, located in the north-south transportation center of the ancient trade route, developed into a prosperous commercial town due to the benefits of cross-border trade. The business aristocrats of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca were in charge of the management of the Kaaba Temple, the center of Arab worship at that time, and earned huge income from the market trade of the Kaaba Temple every year.

Monopolized the commercial trade in Mecca. The commercial aristocrats in the towns collaborated with the aristocrats of the nomadic tribes to make huge profits by operating caravans, selling slaves, and lending usury. They exploited the urban poor and farmers and herdsmen with usury. A large number of small and medium-sized businessmen went bankrupt and became debtors of the commercial aristocrats. This has resulted in intensified class antagonisms and widespread social and economic crises.

The above is all about who is the founder of Islam?, who is the founder of Islam, and the content related to Islam. I hope it can help you.

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