
Contents of this article

  • 1.How to pronounce gangrene
  • 2. How to pronounce anthrax?
  • 3. How to pronounce the word gangrene?
  • 4.How to pronounce gangrene

How to pronounce gangrene

jū. Radical: 疒. Strokes: 10. Stroke order: dot, horizontal, left, dot, lift, vertical, horizontal fold, horizontal, horizontal, horizontal. Gangrene is a sore that occurs locally under the skin. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to a malignant sore where the local skin is swollen and hard but the skin color remains unchanged. According to traditional Chinese medicine, gangrene is divided into two categories: headless and headless gangrene in the early stage.
Basic definition: Traditional Chinese medicine refers to a malignant sore where the local skin is swollen and hard but the skin color remains unchanged.
Detailed explanation: <name> (phonetic. From 疒 (chuáng, meaning related to disease), and sound. Original meaning: poisonous sore) has the same original meaning. It's called gangrene when it's deep inside the skin. Such as: warts (venomous sores and warts); warts (sores eroding muscles. Metaphor for the spread of disaster); warts (like a vicious heart); warts (venomous sores where local skin is swollen and hard).
Group of words: anthrax, gangrene, carbuncle, glanders, gangrene, whitlow, bullet gangrene, gangrene, gangrene sac, acne, brain gangrene, wind gangrene, gangrene, nail gangrene, cochlear gangrene, gangrene , gangrenous food, internal gangrene, bleaching gangrene, and fistula.

How to pronounce gangrene, how to pronounce gangrene picture 1

How to pronounce anthrax?

Gangrene: jū

1. Definition: gangrene (jū), a sore or swelling under the skin locally. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to a malignant sore where the local skin is swollen and hard but the skin color remains unchanged. According to traditional Chinese medicine, gangrene is divided into two categories: headless and headless gangrene in the early stage.

2. Radical: 疒 

3. External strokes: 5, total strokes: 10.

Group words: carbuncle, anthrax, glanders, brain gangrene, acne, sucking gangrene, bleaching gangrene, mastitis, wind gangrene, gangrene, nail gangrene, cochlear gangrene, gangrene wart.

Cutaneous anthrax: It is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. Cattle, sheep, camels, mules and other herbivorous animals are its main source of infection. It mainly occurs among herdsmen and workers related to fur, meat, livestock and other occupations. Its clinical features are typical dark red blood blisters with significant redness and swelling of the surrounding soft tissues, accompanied by severe systemic symptoms.                                                    

Extended information:

Similar words for "grene":

1. sniper


(1) Peep and wait; wait.

(2) Cunning. Such as: sniping (cunning like a monkey); sniping (cunning); sniping (cunning and treacherous); sniping crazy (cunning and arrogant).

(3) 狯 (a beast like an ape); snipe (a wooden stake to which a monkey is tied; called a monkey rafter); snipe (an ape).

2. chew

Interpretation: The word "Zui" is composed of "口" and "Qie". "And" means "to add strength" or "to give strength". The combination of "口" and "Qie" means "to bite the food hard with your teeth". Original meaning: to bite into pieces of food.

(1) zuǐ, used in place names, such as Tsim Sha Tsui (in Hong Kong).

(2) jǔ, chew carefully; play with.

How to pronounce gangrene, how to pronounce gangrene picture 2

What is the pronunciation of the word gangrene?

How to pronounce the word gangrene


How to pronounce gangrene

Pronunciation: jū, original meaning: in traditional Chinese medicine, it refers to a malignant sore in which the local skin is swollen and hard but the skin color remains unchanged.

What does gangrene mean?

1.Phonetic sound. From 疒, it means it is related to the disease, and the sound is loud. Original meaning: malignant sores, deep in the skin are called gangrene. Metaphor for the spread of disaster; gangrene (also referring to a vicious heart)

2. Gangrene (localized skin swelling, hard malignant sore)

3. A type of malignant sore referred to in traditional Chinese medicine: carbuncle~.

4. Disease name. It refers to sores and swellings that occur between muscles and bones due to qi and blood being blocked by poisonous evil. See "Fifty-Two Prescriptions for Diseases". "Lingshu Carbuncle" states: When the heat is strong, the skin sinks, the tendons and marrow are withered, the five internal organs are connected, and the blood and qi are exhausted. When the carbuncle is under the carbuncle, all the muscles, bones, and flesh are gone, so it is called gangrene. In cases of gangrene, the upper skin becomes firmer than before and is like the skin of a cow's collar. It is characterized by deep and heavy sores. Before the Song Dynasty, gangrene only referred to headless gangrene. Since the "Wei Ji Baoshu" of the Song Dynasty, descriptions of head gangrene began to appear. According to traditional Chinese medicine, gangrene is divided into two categories: headless and headless gangrene in the early stage.

What is gangrene?

There is gangrene, the name of the disease. It refers to an acute suppurative disease that grows between the skin and is characterized by the initial appearance of miliary pus heads on the skin locally, which causes redness, swelling, heat and pain, and easily spreads to the depths and surrounding areas. The number of pus heads also increases one after another, and the ulcers look like lotus pods and honeycombs. This disease is equivalent to carbuncle in Western medicine. It is necessary to pay attention to the difference between carbuncle and traditional Chinese medicine. Head gangrene such as cerebral gangrene, hair on the back, hands, etc. In the early stage, the crown is like a chestnut, the roots and legs are hard, itchy and painful. Later, the root disk gradually becomes larger, and there are more and more pus heads, which are red and hot in color. After ulceration, the appearance is as follows Beehive, generally a Yang syndrome. If systemic symptoms such as confusion and shortness of breath are also seen, it is a carbuncle poison invagination, which is a crisis, including sepsis and septicemia.

What is anthrax

Anocephaly is a general term for a variety of suppurative diseases that occur between bones and joints. It is characterized by diffuse swelling, white color, and bone-piercing pain. It is difficult to eliminate, ulcerate, and converge, and can form fistulas. If it occurs in long bones, it will cause more bone damage; if it occurs in joints, it is easy to cause deformity. "Surgical Syndrome and Treatment Complete Book" says: The shape of gangrene is broad, the root plate is hard, the skin color remains unchanged, and it may be painful or not painful. , the most dangerous disease in surgery. Common clinical anthrax and annular gangrene are representative diseases of acephalic gangrene, which will be introduced in this section. Equivalent to purulent osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in Western medicine.

Acephalic gangrene occurs deep in the skeletal muscles. It is diffusely swollen and headless, the skin color remains unchanged, the pain is bone-piercing, difficult to disappear, difficult to ulcerate, and difficult to converge. After ulceration, it is easy to damage the muscles and bones, similar to acute and chronic suppurative osteomyelitis.

What is carbuncle

Carbuncle is an acute suppurative disease that occurs on the body surface, limbs, and internal organs. It is a kind of malignant sore.


The last chapter of "Huangdi Neijing Lingshu" specifically discusses "carbuncle". When Qi Bo analyzed its cause and pathogenesis, he said: When cold evil invades the meridians, blood will weep, and blood weeping will lead to blockage, and the blockage will lead to the return of Wei Qi. , must not recur, so the cold air of the carbuncle turns into heat. If the heat prevails, the flesh will rot, and the rot will turn into pus. If the pus does not have diarrhea, the tendons will rot, if the tendons rot, the bones will be injured, and if the bones are injured, the marrow will disappear. If the bones are not empty, there will be no diarrhea. , the blood is dry and empty, the muscles, bones and muscles are not in harmony with each other, the meridians are damaged and drained, and the five Tibetans are smoked, and the Tibetans are injured and die.

When explaining the difference between carbuncle and gangrene, Qi Bo said: If the heat persists and the heat prevails, the flesh will rot, and the flesh rot will turn into pus, but it cannot sink into the bone marrow and it will not become withered, and the five Tibetans will not be injured, so it is called carbuncle. However, when the heat is strong, the skin sinks, the tendons and marrow are withered, the five organs are connected, and the blood and qi are exhausted. When the carbuncle is under the carbuncle, all the muscles, bones, and flesh are gone, so it is called gangrene. In the case of gangrene, the skin on the skin is thin but glossy, which is the condition of the disease. In contrast, carbuncles are yang symptoms and usually develop in areas with thick muscles. It starts with chills and high fever, then local redness and swelling appear on the body surface, and you feel hot and painful; then one or more pus heads appear in the redness and swelling area, and there is a fluctuating sensation under the skin, indicating the formation of pus; then the pustule ruptures and discharges yellowish consistency. , smelly pus, and deep carbuncles will form fistulas and pus; when the pus is gone, the surface of the wound will be covered with a membrane, and granulations will grow underneath. The patient will feel the pain turn to itching, and eventually the wound will heal as before, without even scars.

Kangxi Dictionary

【Tang Yun】Qiyuqie

[Jiyun] More than a thousand cuts

【Yunhui】Qiyuqie, 𠀤Yinju.

[Shuowen] Long carbuncle.

[Medical Book] Carbuncle is caused by the disharmony of the six fu organs. Gangrene is caused by the imbalance of the five Tibetans. If yang stagnates in yin, carbuncle will occur, and if yin lags in yang, gangrene will occur.

[Zuo Chuanxiang's 19th year] Xun Yan suffered from gangrene

【Note】Anthrax, malignant wound.

[Sparse] Gangrene and carbuncle.

[Historical Records of Sun Wu] Those who die with gangrene should be sucked.

[Zhengzitong] Those with deep carbuncles are called gangrene. The gangrene is deep and vicious, while the carbuncle is superficial and large.

【Collection of Rhymes】Zi Yuqie

[Main rhyme] Then Lu Qie, 𠀤 Ju ascends the tone.

[Jiyun] 㾛 gangrene, scrapie.

How to pronounce gangrene, how to pronounce gangrene picture 3

How to pronounce gangrene

Pronounced: jū.

Pinyin: jū, the initial consonant is j and the final rhyme is ū, pronounced as the 1st sound.

Definition: Traditional Chinese medicine refers to a malignant sore where the local skin is swollen and hard but the skin color remains unchanged.


How to pronounce gangrene, how to pronounce gangrene picture 4

Extended information:

Related phrases:

1. Carbuncle [yōng jū] 

Vicious sores. Gangrene (jū).

2. Anthrax [tàn jū] 

An acute infectious disease, the pathogen is Bacillus anthracis, and both humans and domestic animals can be infected.

3. Carbuncle [jū yōng] 

Carbuncle, malignant sore.

4. Wheat ulcer [biāo jū] 

In traditional Chinese medicine, it refers to the inflammation and suppuration of the fingers or toes. The symptoms are local redness and swelling, severe pain, and fever.

5. Wind gangrene [fēng jū] 

Disease name. Refers to eczema.

The above is all the content about how to pronounce and pronounce "anthrax", as well as the related content about how to pronounce and pronounce "anthrax". I hope it can help you.

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