
Contents of this article

  • What is the name of the 1.0 spy thriller TV series that cannot be surpassed?
  • 2. Four female characters in the popular CCTV drama "The Eternal Wave": Lu Mengyao, He Lanfang, Bai Liyao, Feng Xiaokun
  • 3. Plot introduction to the TV series The Wave That Never Dies
  • 4. Plot introduction to the TV series The Wave That Never Disappears

What is the name of 0 unsurpassed spy movie and TV series?

1. "Tracking without Regrets"

Sneak into the enemy, imitate the enemy, become the enemy, become the enemy.

The 40-year history of blood and tears in the Republic has been characterized by people attacking others and fighting against others. In just 20 episodes, such huge energy has been unleashed, and every word is precise and precise. These two brothers have been tormenting each other in the street for half their lives. Basic human kindness means treating each other well.

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2. "Kite"

When I saw the kite, I thought of the plot back then. Now I have finished watching it. The 51-episode version, after 20 episodes, is so exciting!

Add a level every 5 episodes! Liu Yunlong is so awesome that he is going to explode. It is true that he was banned for 4 years. Even now, he may not be able to accept it. In the end, he will blame his sins on someone, but there is no one who can control his mind. , control behavior.

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3. "Latent"

The script is textbook-level and wonderful. The foreshadowing and climax are well-proportioned. 30 episodes are not enough to watch. The photography, scenery and costumes prove to the audience that the cost of making a good drama is not a constraint at all.

Just as military themes became popular after Show of the Sword, Hidden also started the trend of spy dramas!

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4. "Before Dawn"

Different from the latent IQ crushing on the one hand, the showdown between the CCP and the Kuomintang in Before Dawn is evenly matched, with a battle of wits and courage, and an equal match.

Tan Zhongshu and the sailor hero sympathized with each other, but due to different camps, the two had to be at war with each other. As the sailor said, Tan Zhongshu is a soldier, not a politician. The nature of a soldier is to obey, while the nature of a politician is to adapt to the situation. I believe that in the end, the military salute Tan Zhongshu paid him in front of the sailor's grave came entirely from his true heart.

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5. "Conspiracy"

Wonderful! An Zaitian and Qian Zhijiang possess wisdom, perseverance, courage, and depth, as well as romance, subtlety, elegance, and affection. Liu Yunlong's performance of the temperament and connotation of highly educated revolutionaries is so charming.

What also left a deep impression on me was Yang Yiyi, who dared to love, hate, run rampant, and lived a real life but was covered in bruises. The whole TV series is deep but delicate, tense but still full of literary and artistic feelings. It is a good film worthy of careful viewing.

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6. "Red"

A series of supporting characters in the play are all very good. I personally like the Tongfuli Little Theater that often performs. It is funny and natural.

The male protagonist's mental and physical strength are set to be at full level, but the male protagonist's usual passionate and heroic setting is given to the second male protagonist. The emotional lines between the male and female protagonists are delicate and subtle, and there is no embarrassment of forcing them to go online, which makes the audience feel the same.

I have seen some people say that the plot is dragging. I personally feel that the last few episodes are a bit sensational and dragging to prepare for the final explosion, but the overall plot is fascinating and the narrative is smooth. Except for the two actors in the army, the setting is too low. The growth and changes of the main characters are well portrayed and full of flesh and blood. Although there are many bugs in the plot, the superb acting skills and the suspenseful plot still make people unable to stop.

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7. "Cliff"

The ending ends abruptly, coldly and sadly, which is good! Mu Xin said that Chinese people have a "happy reunion complex". They will not be reunited and will not be separated. They will beg for reunion, otherwise the audience will curse the author to death.

After watching the tragedy, the Greeks felt heavy-hearted and purified their souls. After watching Happy Reunion, Chinese people eat late-night snacks and forget everything for a moment.

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8. "The Pretender"

Looking back, there are too many unreasonable parts of the plot and countless flaws. But this does not prevent me from being fascinated by the four siblings of the Ming family.

Wang Ou and Song Yi suppressed Cheng Jinyun countless times. This Cheng Jinyun was afraid that he would be scolded for bringing in money to join the cast and add extra scenes. In addition, the editing is really messy and the dubbing design has minor issues.

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9. "The Radio Wave That Never Dies"

The characters are played more realistically, but the script has many flaws.

Li Xia's smart and rigorous character, Zhao Ziqi's dandy and stupid character, Feng Xiaokun's cautious character, and Ouyang Shan's cunning character were all performed well; only He Lanfen was too idiotic. With the support of powerful actors, the plot is exciting, the characters are vivid, and the rhythm is tight. It is composed of small stories against the background of the big era. It is neither long-winded nor exaggerated. Although the protagonist died in the end, he still lamented the greatness of faith and ideals.

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10. "The Informer"

This drama revolves around the "Universal Latent Plan", but the logic is full of loopholes. It's quite similar to what's said in the drama. In order to conceal a person's identity, you kill and replace seven people around him. It's so unrealistic. The plot is ridiculous, but the characterization is very successful.

The pigeon's kindness and strength, the peacock's wisdom and rationality, the kestrel's greed for life and fear of death, and Zheng Tuo's grief and indignation are quite touching. The character of Baobao is very unrealistic. He is obviously a child but talks like an adult. But this little girl is lovable. Although she is blind and has a hard life, she is so eager to survive. When Zheng Tuo asked her to poison the kestrel.

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Four female characters in the popular CCTV drama "The Eternal Wave": Lu Mengyao, He Lanfang, Bai Liyao, Feng Xiaokun

Feng Xiaokun.
A woman with a bit of tragedy. She had no faith. She was just looking for a relatively stable place that could give her a sense of security in the war-torn times. So she was on No. 76. She defected to the military and married Zhao Ziqi. . But she liked Li Xia and the temperament in Li Xia that the Kuomintang officers called "gentlemanly demeanor". She collected things that Li Xia used when working with her. If it weren't for the revolutionary love between He Lanfen and Li Xia, and if it weren't for her own vague understanding of current affairs that puts her on the opposite side of Li Xia, I feel that Li Xia would still have a good impression of her. At the last moment of her life, she knew that Li Xia's identity was exposed because of her "collection", but she still mustered up a glimmer of hope and prayed to Zhao Ziqi to let Li Xia go and let Zhao Ziqi quit smoking. All in all, Feng Xiaokun is still a kind woman, and of course a beautiful woman!

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Plot introduction to the TV series The Wave That Never Dies

In 1939, the Japanese Special High School trialed a radio positioning vehicle in Shanghai. With the cooperation of a traitor, the secret radio station of the CCP's Shanghai Intelligence Station was completely destroyed. At the same time, Yan'an killed "Poison Arrow" Shen Siping, a latent member of the "Purple Secret Squad" of the Japanese special organization, and strictly blocked the news of Zhao Lixin's version of Li Xia
. Wu Yue, head of the Ministry of Social Affairs, decided to send a new face in the intelligence field - Li Xia, a radio instructor at the Central Military Commission School - to Shanghai to complete the "double act" to identify traitors. Li Xia pretended to be Sun Mingren, the head of the Shanghai Intelligence Station. With the cooperation of the anti-rape team member He Lanfen, he successively contacted Jin Da, Bai Liyao, and Lu Daowei, the only three remaining intelligence stations, and took the risk of using the radio to pretend to "send a report to Yan'an". " to identify traitors. In accordance with the time agreed with Li Xia, the Yan'an side first made a pretense to search for people related to Shen Siping to alert the Japanese side. When Li Xia falsely reported again, the Yan'an border security department created a false impression of "killing" Shen Siping in public. . Japanese spy "Broom" Lu Daowei, who was lurking in the Shanghai Intelligence Station, revealed his identity in order to rescue the "poison arrow" and was shot dead by Li Xia, Sun Mingren and He Lanfen. But the accident happened the next day. Sun Mingren was suddenly captured by the agents in the hotel and died heroically. Li Xia became a suspect in betraying Sun Mingren. To prove his innocence, he stayed in Shanghai. Inspired by a coded picture given to him by his girlfriend Lu Menghui in Yan'an, Li Xia discovered top-secret information from Sun Mingren's curtains. After struggling to gain He Lanfen's trust, he finally found the real Sun Mingren - who was the previously sacrificed Sun Mingren? substitute. Li Xia and others jointly devised a clever plan, notifying the participants in the intelligence meeting to go to different locations for the meeting, and then observing from a distance, they discovered and killed Jinda, a Japanese latent agent code-named "Kyushu Eagle". Jinda's apartment has the online contact information of the Purple Secret Class. In order to uncover the Purple Secret Class, Li Xia forged the identity of a rebel member of the military command and entered No. 76. Li Shiqun, the head of the No. 76 agent headquarters, and Imai Kazuo, the head of the special high school department, learned that among the people who surrendered were undercover military commanders, they conducted a strict screening of Li Xia and other five military commanders who had surrendered, and they did not hesitate to shoot the two who had truly surrendered. personnel. In the end, a comrade named Zeng Yousheng revealed his identity to protect Li Xia, and Li Xia was able to gain trust and stay at the Telecommunications Office No. 76. After discovering the news of Li Xia's arrest from the newspaper, the impulsive He Lanfen pretended to be Mrs. Li Xia and broke into No. 76 alone to argue with Zhao Ziqi, the deputy captain of the action team. As a result, Li Xia, who had just gained trust, was suspected again. Fortunately, the two cooperated well. , allowing Zhao Ziqi to dispel his suspicion. However, Zhao Dayuan, Director of the Electrical Affairs Department, once again tested Li Xia. At the critical moment, Zhao Ziqi, an undercover military officer, helped Li Xia out of danger. Zhao Dayuan made another vicious move, not only asking Li Xia to personally monitor the CCP's Ear Radio to test him, but also forced Li Xia and He Lanfen to hold a wedding and live in the same room. Li Xia and He Lanfen continued to deal with Zhao Dayuan, and finally gained the other party's trust. Zhao Dayuan is the veteran of the Purple Secret Class, and he has the list and passwords of the Purple Secret Class members lurking in the military. Li Shiqun, Imai Yi and Xiong Jing of the Japanese Consulate all want to get the book "The Tale of Genji" that contains these secrets, and use Zhao Dayuan's The life of his son Zhao Zhipeng was threatened. Zhao Dayuan had no choice but to help the Japanese do a lot of bad things, but he never handed over "The Tale of Genji". After Li Xia learned about this, he used the power of our party to rescue Zhao Zhipeng, and asked Zhao Zhipeng to write a letter to Zhao Dayuan in his own hand, urging him to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. Zhao Dayuan suddenly came to his senses and handed "The Tale of Genji" to Li Xia. He died while fighting the lurking agents around him. After Li Xia got all the secrets in "The Tale of Genji", he handed the useless book to Imai Kazu. He was appreciated by the Japanese and was appointed deputy director of the Electrical Affairs Department No. 76, in charge of all Shanghai's Radio monitoring and deciphering work. The Japanese Kwantung Army was about to launch an attack on the Far East of the Soviet Union. Yan'an sent Lu Menghui, who had a superb memory, to Peking to memorize all the code books, and arrived in Shanghai accompanied by Guo Shoucheng, the leader of the North Manchuria Intelligence Station Operation Team of the Northeast Office of the Military Unification Liaise with the Communist International. Due to Guo Shoucheng's rebellion, Lu Menghui was captured by No. 76, and Li Xia was assigned to interrogate her personally. The lovers were extremely excited to meet each other, but the two had to suppress their passion and deal with it hard. Li Xia had to protect himself in public and not let Lu Menghui be insulted. He also had to find a way to get the secret in Lu Menghui's mind. Intelligence - The red lovers defeated the enemy with their incomparable wisdom and courage in a pack of tigers and wolves. Lu Menghui died to pass on to Li Xia valuable information about the direction of the Kwantung Army's attack. The death of Lu Menghui made Li Xia almost collapse. He Lanfen tried every means to comfort Li Xia. When Li Xia assassinated the traitor Guo Shoucheng who betrayed Lu Menghui, He Lanfen blocked the bullet for Li Xia with her own body. The two of them The feelings were sublimated. When the Soviet Red Army successfully defeated the Kwantung Army and achieved a strategic victory in the War of Resistance, Li Xia and He Lanfen followed Lu Menghui's last wish and got married at her grave. Something terrible could happen at any time in No. 76. Zhao Ziqi was suddenly arrested as a spy who assassinated Shan Linmao, the founder of the Purple Secret Class. Li Xia discovered that Zhao Ziqi was seduced into a scapegoat by Feng Xiaokun, the confidential office. He tried his best to rescue Zhao Ziqi, but found that Zhao Ziqi took the initiative to be a scapegoat because one of the two prime minister's envoys who came to investigate the assassination of Shan Linmao was a member of the CCP The sleeper Mr. Blowfish. Imai asked Zhao Ziqi to pretend to be the Communist Party and prepare to contact Mr. Fugu and screen him. After Li Xia learned of this, he used the name of rescuing Zhao Ziqi to cleverly provoke a conflict between Imaiichi and Xiong Jing, the special agent of the Iwai Mansion. As a result, Imaiichi had to reveal the plan to screen Mr. Fugu to Li Xia, because Li Xia With his cleverness, he took Zhao Ziqi's place. During the screening process, Li Xia saved the real Mr. Fugu, killed another real envoy of the Prime Minister, obtained all the names of the Purple Secret Class, and used this list to detonate the Communist Party identity of the Prime Minister's Secretary Ozaki, causing the Konoe Cabinet to The resignation of the Tojo cabinet and the coming of the Tojo cabinet directly led to Japan's southward attack on the United States, which was the prelude to Japan's defeat. However, Zhao Ziqi's legs were seriously injured in this incident, and his position was replaced. After Li Xia asked the military commander for instructions, he asked Zhao Ziqi to leave No. 76 and go home to recuperate. After the Pacific War, Japan was in decline, and the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai prepared to carry out "humane destruction" of political prisoners in prison. Dai Li's special commissioner Ouyang Shan joined forces with Zhao Ziqi and Li Xia, the leaders of the special operations team of the military command, to prepare to rescue the top ten military commanders in Tilanqiao Prison. Li Xia brought together Zhao Ziqi and his neighbor Ye Xingcheng, a traitor to our party, to rescue the top ten military leaders. However, even Zhao Ziqi didn't know that nine of the so-called top ten military leaders were subcontracted by Li Xia and became important personnel of the Communist Party. . Zhao Ziqi was convicted by the military commander and was unable to recover. It was not until Feng Xiaokun surrendered to Li Xia in 1945 that Zhao Ziqi regained his energy and began to cooperate with Li Xia and Feng Xiaokun to rescue the military commanders in prison. The two got married. After Japan's defeat and surrender, Zhao Ziqi plundered Shanghai's floating wealth and became the deputy chief of the Shanghai Military Reunion Station. At this time, a civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was inevitable, and Li Xia and Zhao Ziqi had no choice but to turn from brothers to enemies. After Dai Li's death, the military command was reorganized into the Secrecy Bureau, and Zhao Ziqi took advantage of the situation to seize power and became a powerful figure in the Shanghai Secrecy Bureau. Li Xia is still lurking in the Secrecy Bureau and continues to be neighbors with Zhao Ziqi. Zhao Ziqi became more and more jealous because of his wife Feng Xiaokun's respect for Li Xia. In addition, his previous failure to rescue the top ten military leaders made him addicted to drugs, unable to perform conjugal rituals, and his temperament changed drastically. By chance, Zhao Ziqi discovered that among the documents kept by Feng Xiaokun, there was evidence that Li Xia had secretly recruited the top ten elites of the army. Zhao Ziqi hated the Communist Party very much. At this time, he found out that his eldest brother Li Xia was a Communist and had mixed feelings. Li Xia could have fled Shanghai, but this was the time of the Battle of Crossing the River. In order to obtain the Shanghai city defense map, Li Xia, He Lanfen, and Xiaokouzi's family resolutely defected to Ouyang Shan, the head of the Shanghai Station of the Secrecy Bureau, and took their whole family as hostages. Come fight for Ouyang Shan. Ouyang Shan was at a disadvantage in the fight with Zhao Ziqi, and Zhao Ziqi had already designed a plan to get rid of him. Li Xia informed Ouyang Shan of this plan. Ouyang Shan lamented the irreparable factional struggles and corruption within the Kuomintang, and finally agreed to help the Communist Party and provided information on the city defense map. Zhao Ziqi completely blockaded Shanghai. Li Xia took advantage of Zhao Ziqi's emotional weakness and finally let Zhao Ziqi let go of Little Button. As everyone knows, Xiao Butouzi has brought intelligence to the liberated areas in a very special way without knowing it. Zhao Ziqi collapsed completely after learning about this, and eventually died together with Li Xia. On his deathbed, Li Xia sent out his last radio wave: Farewell, comrades, I miss you!

Feng Xiaokun’s true identity, what are the names of 0 spy films and TV series that cannot be surpassed? Picture 12

Plot introduction to the TV series The Wave That Never Disappears

After the Pacific War, Japan was in decline, and the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai prepared to carry out "humane destruction" of political prisoners in prison. Dai Li's special commissioner Ouyang Shan joined forces with Zhao Ziqi and Li Xia, the leaders of the special operations team of the military command, to prepare to rescue the top ten military commanders in Tilanqiao Prison.

Li Xia brought together Zhao Ziqi and his neighbor Ye Xingcheng, a traitor to our party, to rescue the top ten military leaders. However, even Zhao Ziqi didn't know that nine of the so-called top ten military leaders were subcontracted by Li Xia and became important personnel of the Communist Party. .

Zhao Ziqi was convicted by the military commander and was unable to recover. It was not until Feng Xiaokun surrendered to Li Xia in 1945 that Zhao Ziqi regained his energy and began to cooperate with Li Xia and Feng Xiaokun to rescue the military commanders in prison. The two got married.

After Japan's defeat and surrender, Zhao Ziqi plundered Shanghai's floating wealth and became the deputy chief of the Shanghai Military Reunion Station. At this time, a civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was inevitable, and Li Xia and Zhao Ziqi had no choice but to turn from brothers to enemies. After Dai Li's death, the military command was reorganized into the Secrecy Bureau, and Zhao Ziqi took advantage of the situation to seize power and became a powerful figure in the Shanghai Secrecy Bureau. Li Xia is still lurking in the Secrecy Bureau and continues to be neighbors with Zhao Ziqi.

Zhao Ziqi became more and more jealous because of his wife Feng Xiaokun's respect for Li Xia. In addition, his previous failure to rescue the top ten military leaders made him addicted to drugs, unable to perform conjugal rituals, and his temperament changed drastically. By chance, Zhao Ziqi discovered that the documents kept by Feng Xiaokun actually contained evidence that Li Xia transferred the top ten elites of Bao Juntong.

Zhao Ziqi hated the Communist Party very much. At this time, he found out that his eldest brother Li Xia was a Communist and had mixed feelings. Li Xia could have fled Shanghai, but this was the time of the Battle of Crossing the River. In order to obtain the Shanghai city defense map, Li Xia, He Lanfen, and Xiaokouzi's family resolutely defected to Ouyang Shan, the head of the Shanghai Station of the Secrecy Bureau, and took their whole family as hostages. Come fight for Ouyang Shan.

Ouyang Shan was at a disadvantage in the fight with Zhao Ziqi, and Zhao Ziqi had already designed a plan to get rid of him. Li Xia informed Ouyang Shan of this plan. Ouyang Shan lamented the irreparable factional struggles and corruption within the Kuomintang, and finally agreed to help the Communist Party and provided information on the city defense map.

Zhao Ziqi completely blockaded Shanghai. Li Xia took advantage of Zhao Ziqi's emotional weakness and finally let Zhao Ziqi let go of Little Button. As everyone knows, Xiao Butouzi has brought intelligence to the liberated areas in a very special way without knowing it. Zhao Ziqi collapsed completely after learning about this, and eventually died together with Li Xia. On his deathbed, Li Xia sent out his last radio wave: Farewell, comrades, I miss you!

Feng Xiaokun’s true identity, what are the names of 0 spy films and TV series that cannot be surpassed? Picture 13

Extended information:

"The Eternal Wave" Character Introduction

1. Li Xia

A telegraph expert from the Eighth Route Army who was sent to Shanghai by his superiors to engage in underground work. Facing an unfamiliar struggle environment, he trusted and obeyed the leadership's instructions, quickly adapted to the environment, actively started work, and worked without sleep or food. Rich in emotion, soft on the outside but strong on the inside, loyal to the revolutionary cause, friendly and approachable to his comrades, but calm, calm and unyielding in the face of the enemy's torture.

2. He Lanfen

An unpretentious female worker in a silk reeling factory and a member of the Communist Party. Li Xia was ordered to pretend to be a couple. At first, she had insufficient understanding of the significance of her work. Under Li Xia's patient guidance, she understood the importance of underground work, devoted herself to her work enthusiastically, and became Li Xia's good assistant and like-minded life partner.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia—The Eternal Wave

The above is all about Feng Xiaokun’s true identity, what are the names of the 0 unsurpassed spy movies and TV series, and Feng Xiaokun’s related content. I hope it can help you.

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