
Contents of this article

  • 1. Who designed the wheat shoes?
  • 2. What are the main causes of human aging?
  • 3. Why do people age and die? Video
  • 4. Roger Vivier official website

Who designed the Wheat Shoes?

Wheat shoes are designed by Bruno Frisoni, creative director of Roger Vivier. Vivian women express their unparalleled unique charm through dazzling stilettos or neutral flats.

Frisoni, who designed the wheat shoes? Picture 1

What are the main causes of human aging?

Scientists have confirmed for the first time through experiments on mice -
Aging, illness and death are considered a natural law, but how do people age? It is still an unsolved mystery that fascinates scientists. However, the latest research has found that some mice age three times faster than others. Scientists say the discovery could help explain how humans age.
Aging is inevitable, but why do some mice age quickly while others age slowly?
Researchers have discovered that genetic mutations in mitochondria, which provide cellular energy, induce cell death or accelerate cell aging, causing some mice to age prematurely and live only half as long as normal mice.
Geneticist Tom Bonner and his team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison created prematurely aged mice by changing 2,000 bases in their DNA. The altered genes, called gamma polymerases, are found in energy-producing mitochondria.
"The basic function of these genes is to check for spelling errors in mitochondrial DNA replication," Bonner explained. When we change the base order of these genes, we cause them to become defective, so their ability to detect spelling errors is not long-lasting, leading to an increase in mitochondrial gene mutations and accelerated aging. "
These prematurely aged mice looked normal when they were born, no different from ordinary mice, but when they grew to 8 to 9 months old, the researchers discovered something different. "We're starting to see a lot of symptoms of old age in them, such as hair loss, osteoporosis, curvature of the spine," Bonner said. Rats of the same size should not have these symptoms. Therefore, they age really quickly. ”
Humans also suffer from progeria, and usually only live between 7 and 20 years old.
In fact, people also suffer from progeria, and it is closely related to genetic mutations. The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong discovered for the first time that childhood progeria is related to a gene mutation called lamin A. If lamin A gene mutations occur in children, it will cause problems with the DNA damage repair function, causing genome instability and accelerating the aging process of children. It is reported that currently, there are no drugs in the world that can treat progeria in children.
Since 1886, more than 100 cases of childhood progeria have been recorded around the world. Cases have been recorded in mainland China, Taiwan, and Japan. Children with progeria generally age 5 to 10 times faster than normal people. They look like old people and generally only live to be 7 to 20 years old. Most of them will die from cardiovascular diseases and other age-related diseases.
This discovery confirms for the first time that cell death is the main cause of aging.
Since mitochondria also control the natural process of cell death in our bodies, a mistake in checking for a misspelled gene could lead to cell suicide. When mitochondrial mutations increase, they accelerate aging in many species, including humans. The researchers observed an increase in cell death, and as a result they saw the onset of aging.
Research has found that genetic mutations are constantly occurring during cell development, partly due to harmful substances in the oxygen we breathe. But the body's repair mechanism is constantly repairing DNA damage, so cells can maintain their functions, but this repair function will gradually weaken as cells age. This is why DNA damage in mitochondria in the elderly cannot be repaired by itself.
Especially for stem cells, this cell death, or aging, is critical because it cannot be easily renewed. Once they lose their mobility, they cannot regenerate and recover for a long time. But that doesn't mean normal aging in mice or humans is caused by a defect in the gene that checks for misspellings, Bonner said. That is, even if checking for spelling errors works normally, we still get genetic mutations from time to time and age.
From this point of view, cell death is an important cause of our aging. Of course, human aging is also related to the increase in free radicals in the body. Decreased immunity and other factors such as stress, environment, nutrition, lifestyle and immune function are also among the causes of aging. But this discovery confirms for the first time that cell death mechanism is the main cause of aging.
Some studies have found that dieting can make animals live longer.
Therefore, researchers believe that they may be able to find a way to help human aging cells self-repair damaged DNA, and may be able to find ways to prevent aging or treat cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's syndrome and other genetic defects. methods of disease.
Bona said that their next step will also be to study methods and mechanisms to interrupt or delay aging in these mice. Now, restricting caloric intake has been proven to be the only way to make animals live longer, so they want to use a diet to slow down aging in these mice.
Although it is not yet known how dieting allows animals to live longer, studies have found that animals on a diet have fewer genetic mutations in their mitochondria and less cell death in some tissues. Therefore, Bona believes that this may be one of the main mechanisms by which dieting delays aging.
For most people, dieting is not an easy thing to do, Bona said. “Few people can diet more than 10%, and most people don’t want to diet at all! So if we understand how genes play a role in how dieting slows down aging, we can develop drugs or supplements to do this. ”
No single gene is responsible for aging. Aging is a complex regulatory process of multiple genes.
However, scientists say no single gene is responsible for aging. By inhibiting aging genes and promoting longevity genes through gene regulation, humans may be able to live 150 years or more. This is just an inference. In reality, genes cannot completely determine human aging and longevity.
Scholars Frisoni and Luciga, who studied 100 centenarians in Finland, believe that human lifespan is mainly achieved through two major factors, internal and external. Intrinsic factors are genes, and extrinsic factors are the environment, including natural and social factors. Genes are only part of the reason for longevity, and they do not even play a half-determining role. The other half or most of the factors lie in the environment. Environment and living habits may play a role in longevity of up to 66%.
Even from a genetic perspective, scientists believe that aging is a complex regulatory process of multiple genes, manifested by changes in chromosome telomere length, DNA damage (including single-strand and double-strand breaks), and DNA methylation. and oxidative damage to cells. The combined effect of these factors results in a long or short life span.
In fact, we all fear aging, disease, and even more so, death. Not only when people are living happily now, but also when people in the old society are struggling in pain, there is still a saying: It is better to die than to live in vain. So people began to study the causes of human aging, disease, and death.
The first reason: the impact of free radicals on the human body: this term only appeared in the late 1970s and early 1980s. What are free radicals? Human beings are composed of cells, and the waste products (garbage) produced by cell metabolism are called free radicals. Human cells die and survive in large quantities every day. To survive, they need a lot of nutrients and also excrete a large amount of waste (garbage). These wastes (garbage), what we call freedom, are in our bodies. If it cannot be removed immediately, it will cause serious harm to the human body.
The first hazard: oxidation of the body. We humans cannot live without oxygen. We all know that humans must be intubated to inhale oxygen during the rescue process, and humans need a large amount of oxygen at the most critical time. However, oxygen is divided into two, which causes harm to the human body and oxidizes our body. The oxidation of a substance can cause damage to the substance. For example, after iron is oxidized, it peels off layer by layer and becomes bad. For example, a plastic pipe is soft and soft when it is first bought. As it is exposed to the air, it becomes hardened and deteriorates due to oxidation. For example, the food we eat, such as apples, will oxidize when it comes into contact with oxygen in the air after being peeled. rust, deteriorate.
If potatoes are peeled and placed in water to isolate them from the oxygen in the air, they can avoid oxidation. We humans cannot live without oxygen, but it can also oxidize our bodies, causing them to age, become fragile, stiff, sick, and die. The second hazard: it can damage our nutritional system.
The third hazard is to destroy our enzyme system. We humans cannot live without enzymes. For example, our body needs amylase to digest starch, pepsin to digest and absorb protein, and pancreatin to break down fat. etc. There are various enzymes in the human body. Every chemical reaction in the body must be completed successfully with the participation of enzymes. Therefore, as the human body ages, the storage of free radicals increases, causing great harm to the body. In order to deal with free radicals, scientists have developed substances to remove them, which are called "free radical scavengers". agent".
Free radical scavengers: can be divided into: enzymatic system free radical scavengers and non-enzymatic system scavengers.
1. The enzyme system free radical scavengers include superoxide dismutase (Dabao SOD can scavenge free radicals on the face), glutathione, and superoxide (ACT).
2. Non-enzyme system scavenger, the red color in vitamin C, vitamin E, and plant pigments is called anthocyanin oligosaccharide (OPC for short). It can scavenge free radicals and resist aging, especially in grape skins, seeds, and pine seeds. It has the highest content and the strongest effect. It is 20 times that of vitamin C and 50 times that of vitamin E.
2. The impact of the transport capacity of cell membranes on the human body:
Since our human body is composed of countless cells (it is said to be simple, but it is actually very complex. Its structure is surrounded by a membrane on the outside, with mitochondria, proteins, and nuclei inside. ), the stronger the permeability of the cell membrane and its ability to transport nutrients and free radicals, the richer the nutrients obtained, the faster the elimination of waste (free radicals), and the healthier the human body will naturally be.
On the contrary, the body is in poor health. Although the cell membrane is very thin, its structure is also quite complex. There are four modes of transport: 1. Filtration mode: We often encounter it in our daily lives. For example, in the process of making tofu, the bean bag cloth is equivalent to the cell membrane. The largest filtering organ in our body: the kidneys. The blood used in the body must be filtered to retain useful substances, such as proteins, red blood cells, white blood cells, etc., and to filter out harmful substances, such as uric acid, urinary alkali, and urinary bile salts. If our kidneys are continuously subjected to free damage and become rough, that is, the filtration becomes loose, then nutrients will continue to be lost, causing malnutrition in people. For example, in patients with advanced diabetes, a large amount of protein and red blood cells can be detected in the urine. , white blood cells, etc.
If it becomes dense and filtered, harmful substances such as uric acid, urinary alkali, and urinary bile salts will be retained in the body, leading to pyelonephritis, urinary system infection, more serious kidney failure and other diseases. At this time, the patient needs to undergo blood dialysis. Therefore, everyone's cell membrane permeability must be just right to ensure normal filtration and achieve effective filtration. The OPC in the free radical scavenger has the function of maintaining the isotonic, isotonic, and isobaric cell membrane.
2. The ability of a single layer of molecules to diffuse (physical movement). Just like the white walls will turn black after stacking black coal in the house, then the delicate membrane also has such a function and has the ability to diffuse in a single layer. For example, when taking anti-inflammatory drugs, knowledgeable doctors will take acid or alkali tablets at the same time to make the effect better, which is taking advantage of this principle.
3. The cell membrane has the function of pump transport. There are less substances outside and more substances inside. This is called uphill movement. There are few potassium ions outside the heart cells and more potassium ions inside. To move from less to more, the tool it needs is a pump, but this pump requires energy. We must find ways to give him a substance: ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
4. It has the function of carrier transport. It is called ferry transfer or self-transfer. Like a boat used to cross a river. Since free radicals are relatively active substances, they often get on board first and cannot allow nutrients and garbage to get on board properly. Therefore, free radicals on the ship must be removed first. If the transport is unhealthy, the body is unhealthy.
3. The impact of genes on human health
What is a gene and how to understand it. We can imagine it like a "mold" to make biscuits and mooncakes, all of which are poured out of the mold. Then people are selected based on family genetics, that is, people in the same family have the same genes. For example, if someone resembles someone's father or mother, they are modeled after the same person.
People will get sick if their genes change. For example, high blood pressure is caused by a change in a certain gene. After a person is born, he must not only be affected by nature and bad habits, but also change. It is also affected by genetic factors. For example, if a parent has hypertension, the possibility of his or her children developing hypertension is greatly increased. If there is a substance that can keep genes unchanged, prevent diseases, and at the same time repair cells, then after research and research, scientists have discovered the substance OPC. People's nasal mucosa has a good memory, but eye mucosa has a poorer memory. Very few people have a photographic memory.
Human cells have a certain lifespan and will die after a certain period of time. For example, exfoliation, which we often hear in beauty treatments, is the dead cells on the skin. If you want your skin to look good, of course you must remove it first. it. There is death and life, and countless cells are regenerated every day. There is only one kind of cell that is immortal and very tenacious: cancer cells. Therefore, people have to constantly fight against cancer cells throughout their lives.
4. The impact of nutrition on the human body
Recall, is your nutritional status good? In fact, everyone sitting here is malnourished, because the food we eat smells good in the mouth and smells bad in the buttocks. Let’s take a look.
1. Starch (under the influence of salivary enzymes) is the food we eat. Do you eat it scientifically?
1. Have you eaten enough? Especially the girls who talk about losing weight and being beautiful every day. Some lose weight and lose anorexia, and some lose weight to the point where their liver cells have shrunk. In the old society, people would starve to death without having to eat.
2. Have you eaten too much? Like high blood pressure, fatty liver, diabetes, etc. eating too much in one meal. Especially since there are more and more people with type 2 diabetes, I have a piece of advice: watch your mouth, move your legs, be 30% hungry, 30% cold, drink soup first, then eat. 3. Food requires the participation of B vitamins in order to be converted into glucose and enter the blood. We now eat less coarse grains and eat too finely. If the intake of B vitamins is not enough, more and more people are nervous, unable to sleep, lose their temper, and commit crimes. Lack of B vitamins can lead to many neurological diseases.
2. Protein: Protein is one of the important substances that make up our human body. If it is severely lacking, people will die.
Collagen is an important component of various enzymes. Calcium supplementation is ineffective without the participation of collagen.
Ginger. Everyone is familiar with it, but many people don't know that it contains a large amount of protein-degrading enzymes. After we eat protein-rich foods, we need it to break down the protein into amino acids for our blood. Potato-roasted beef, potatoes contain a large amount of protein-degrading enzymes. It's also available in Kiwi and OPC.
3. Fat: Both animal and plant foods contain fat, but the content is different. Animal fat contains a lot of saturated fatty acids and is insoluble in water. It is stored in the body in a solid state, such as blood vessel walls, etc. ; Vegetable fats contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which are soluble in water and do not persist in the human body but can flow out. Fat is mainly used to supply energy to the body.
4. Vitamins are both nutrients and medicine, because eating too much of fat-soluble vitamins can lead to poisoning. A lack of certain vitamins can lead to illness. Therefore, we must pay attention to our intake every day.
5. It has certain effects on human enzyme system and growth. 7. Dietary fiber is not absorbed by the human body and enters the bloodstream, but it can cleanse our gastrointestinal tract, treat constipation, and treat colorectal cancer. Chitin can remove waste from the blood. All will have a good effect with the participation of OPC.
5. Impact on human immune function:
1. Defense function: Our human body has a defense function system. We usually eat toxic and germ-carrying food (germs, bacteria) every day. Why are there Some people get hepatitis, and some people don't. If the white blood cells in our body engulf it, our body will be less susceptible to disease. Then OPC can enhance human immune function.
2. Exclusion function. If you eat unnecessary things, you need to eliminate them. If your body is injured, it will rot, but it will heal slowly.

Frisoni, who designed the wheat shoes? Picture 2

Why do people age and die? Video

Scientists have confirmed for the first time through experiments on mice -
Aging, illness and death are considered a natural law, but how do people age? It is still an unsolved mystery that fascinates scientists. However, the latest research has found that some mice age three times faster than others. Scientists say the discovery could help explain how humans age.
Aging is inevitable, but why do some mice age quickly while others age slowly?
Researchers have discovered that genetic mutations in mitochondria, which provide cellular energy, induce cell death or accelerate cell aging, causing some mice to age prematurely and live only half as long as normal mice.
Geneticist Tom Bonner and his team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison created prematurely aged mice by changing 2,000 bases in their DNA. The altered genes, called gamma polymerases, are found in energy-producing mitochondria.
"The basic function of these genes is to check for spelling errors in mitochondrial DNA replication," Bonner explained. When we change the base order of these genes, we cause them to become defective, so their ability to detect spelling errors is not long-lasting, leading to an increase in mitochondrial gene mutations and accelerated aging. "
These prematurely aged mice looked normal when they were born, no different from ordinary mice, but when they grew to 8 to 9 months old, the researchers discovered something different. "We're starting to see a lot of symptoms of old age in them, such as hair loss, osteoporosis, curvature of the spine," Bonner said. Rats of the same size should not have these symptoms. Therefore, they age really quickly. ”
Humans also suffer from progeria and usually only live to be 7 to 20 years old.
In fact, people also suffer from progeria, and it is closely related to genetic mutations. The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong discovered for the first time that childhood progeria is related to a gene mutation called lamin A. If lamin A gene mutations occur in children, it will cause problems with the DNA damage repair function, causing genome instability and accelerating the aging process of children. It is reported that currently, there are no drugs in the world that can treat progeria in children.
Since 1886, more than 100 cases of childhood progeria have been recorded around the world. Cases have been recorded in mainland China, Taiwan, and Japan. Children with progeria generally age 5 to 10 times faster than normal people. They look like old people and generally only live to be 7 to 20 years old. Most of them will die from cardiovascular diseases and other age-related diseases.
This discovery confirms for the first time that cell death is the main cause of aging.
Since mitochondria also control the natural process of cell death in our bodies, a mistake in checking for a misspelled gene could lead to cell suicide. When mitochondrial mutations increase, they accelerate aging in many species, including humans. The researchers observed an increase in cell death, and as a result they saw the onset of aging.
Research has found that genetic mutations are constantly occurring during cell development, partly due to harmful substances in the oxygen we breathe. But the body's repair mechanism is constantly repairing DNA damage, so cells can maintain their functions, but this repair function will gradually weaken as cells age. This is why DNA damage in mitochondria in the elderly cannot be repaired by itself.
Especially for stem cells, this cell death, or aging, is critical because it cannot be easily renewed. Once they lose their mobility, they cannot regenerate and recover for a long time. But that doesn't mean normal aging in mice or humans is caused by a defect in the gene that checks for misspellings, Bonner said. That is, even if checking for spelling errors works normally, we still get genetic mutations from time to time and age.
From this point of view, cell death is an important cause of our aging. Of course, human aging is also related to the increase in free radicals in the body. Decreased immunity and other factors such as stress, environment, nutrition, lifestyle and immune function are also among the causes of aging. But this discovery confirms for the first time that cell death mechanism is the main cause of aging.
Some studies have found that dieting can make animals live longer.
Therefore, researchers believe that they may be able to find a way to help human aging cells self-repair damaged DNA, and may be able to find ways to prevent aging or treat cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's syndrome and other genetic defects. methods of disease.
Bona said that their next step will also be to study methods and mechanisms to interrupt or delay aging in these mice. Now, restricting caloric intake has been proven to be the only way to make animals live longer, so they want to use a diet to slow down aging in these mice.
Although it is not yet known how dieting allows animals to live longer, studies have found that animals on a diet have fewer genetic mutations in their mitochondria and less cell death in some tissues. Therefore, Bona believes that this may be one of the main mechanisms by which dieting delays aging.
For most people, dieting is not an easy thing to do, Bona said. “Few people can diet more than 10%, and most people don’t want to diet at all! So if we understand how genes play a role in how dieting slows down aging, we can develop drugs or supplements to do this. ”
No single gene is responsible for aging. Aging is a complex regulatory process of multiple genes.
However, scientists say no single gene is responsible for aging. By inhibiting aging genes and promoting longevity genes through gene regulation, humans may be able to live 150 years or more. This is just an inference. In reality, genes cannot completely determine human aging and longevity.
Scholars Frisoni and Luciga, who studied 100 centenarians in Finland, believe that human lifespan is mainly achieved through two major factors, internal and external. Intrinsic factors are genes, and extrinsic factors are the environment, including natural and social factors. Genes are only part of the reason for longevity, and they do not even play a half-determining role. The other half or most of the factors lie in the environment. Environment and living habits may play a role in longevity of up to 66%.
Even from a genetic perspective, scientists believe that aging is a complex regulatory process of multiple genes, manifested by changes in chromosome telomere length, DNA damage (including single-strand and double-strand breaks), and DNA methylation. and oxidative damage to cells. The combined effect of these factors results in a long or short life span.

Frisoni, who designed the Wheat Shoes? Picture 3

Roger Vivier official website

Chinese: Roger Vivier
English: Roger Vivier
Country: Paris, France
Year of creation: 1950s
Founder: Roger Vivier
Current Creative Director: Bruno Frisoni
Product Line: Premium Shoes
Roger Vivier Official Website: http://www.rogervivier

Frisoni, who designed the Wheat Shoes? Picture 4

The above is all the content about Frisoni, who designed the wheat ear shoes, and the related content of Frisoni. I hope it can help you.

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