
Contents of this article

  • 1. Why does the back of my head hurt?
  • 2. What’s the reason for the pain in the back of the head?
  • 3. What’s the reason for the reverse bone on the back of the head?
  • 4. I have a bone on the back of my head. It hurts when I press it a little hard. My whole head feels heavy and my head hurts when I shake my head. Please ask a professional to help me find out what is the reason.

Why does the back of my head hurt?

Why does the back of my head hurt?

1. Why does the back of my head hurt?

Pain in the back of the head is usually due to cervical spondylosis. Care must be taken to exclude the possibility of cervical spondylosis. For those with cervical bone hyperplasia, pain in the back of the head and neck may be caused by proliferative cervical spondylitis or bone spurs that compress and stimulate the cervical nerve roots. Choosing the right pillow is important for preventing and treating cervical spondylosis. Generally, the pillow should be one fist high for supine sleepers and one and a half fists high for side sleepers, about 10 centimeters. The elasticity should not be too high. Pillows that are too elastic can easily cause fatigue and damage to the neck muscles. People who are accustomed to lying on their backs should place a small pillow under their neck to maintain the physiological curvature of the cervical spine. People who sleep on their sides should stuff pillows into the space between their face and shoulders to reduce the burden on their necks.

2. Why is a blow to the back of the head life-threatening?

There is the respiratory and heartbeat center brainstem in the back of the head. It is responsible for maintaining important physiological functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion, body temperature, and sleep. It can be said to be the life center. The skull at the back of the head is relatively weak, and if it is severely injured, it can cause fatal intracranial hematoma. Commonly seen in car accident injuries, beating injuries, falling injuries, smashing injuries, falling injuries, etc. The brain is an extremely important organ in the human body. A lack of oxygen in just 4 minutes can cause brain cell death. Therefore, when going out for walks, activities, or play, you should try to stay away from high-rise buildings and avoid walking or staying under steep mountain walls to prevent being injured by falling objects or rolling stones. The protective posture is the same as above. If you unfortunately suffer a head injury, you must go to the hospital for a head CT as soon as possible to rule out intracranial hematoma. Some patients with head trauma will wake up after a brief coma, and then fall into coma again. This may be a precursor to intracranial hemorrhage. Some patients with head trauma do not have superficial injuries, but they cannot be taken lightly. They should seek medical treatment in time. Otherwise, if intracranial hemorrhage occurs, they will not go to the hospital again. It's too late.

3. What are the symptoms of pain in the back of the head?

Currently, headaches are the main symptoms, and they are more common in infectious febrile diseases, hypertension, rhinitis, trigeminal neuralgia, intracranial diseases, neurosis, concussion, migraine and other diseases. The reasons are mostly due to the feeling of external evils, disharmony of will and will, chronic illness, physical weakness and improper diet, which affects the collaterals of the head or the brain and spinal cord. The main symptoms of cervical spondylosis are soreness in the head, neck, shoulders, back, and arms, stiff neck, and limited movement. Neck and shoulder pain can radiate to the headrest and upper limbs, and some may be accompanied by dizziness and house rotation. In severe cases, nausea and vomiting may occur and the patient may be bedridden. A few may experience dizziness and cataplexy.

Cervical spine self-care

1. Appropriately increase breaks between work: People who have been engaged in desk work for a long time should increase breaks and activity time between work.

2. Choose the right pillow: The right pillow is of great significance to the prevention and treatment of cervical spondylosis.

3. Prevent trauma and stiff neck: Neck trauma and stiff neck should be avoided at ordinary times to avoid cervical ligament damage, which will damage the stability of the cervical spine, thereby inducing or aggravating cervical spondylosis.

4. Strengthen neck exercises: Strengthening neck exercises can prevent and delay the occurrence and development of cervical spondylosis.

5. Rubbing the soles of the feet is helpful in curing diseases: the end of the inner horizontal stripes at the base of the big toes of both feet is the human cervical spine reflex area.

Diagnosis of headache

1. Ask about the medical history; general information, past history, symptoms, location of headache, duration of headache, degree of headache, speed of headache occurrence, headache factors, and accompanying symptoms of headache.

3. Auxiliary inspection. Through the above two steps, understanding the history and physical signs of headache patients should lead to a general diagnosis direction, whether it is intracranial disease (common in those with positive neurological signs) or extracranial disease (common in those with negative neurological signs). If intracranial disease is considered, a head CT or head MRT examination should be performed immediately. When considering extracranial diseases, first of all, if it is acute poisoning, it should be determined by combining the medical history and physical examination with a toxicological examination. If there is a systemic infection, routine blood tests and related antibody tests should be performed. If white blood cells and neutrophils increase significantly, infection should be considered.

4. Preliminary diagnosis. Combined with the above medical history, physical signs and auxiliary examinations. First determine whether it is an intracranial disease or an extracranial disease. To determine whether it is an intracranial disease, you need to determine which disease it is; to determine whether it is an extracranial disease, you need to consider whether it is poisoning or systemic infection.

Bone pain in the back of the head, why does the back of the head hurt? Picture 1

Why does the back of my head hurt?

  Many people sometimes feel pain in the back of their heads. So what causes pain in the back of their heads? What's going on with the pain in the back of your head? Below I recommend some analysis of the causes of pain in the back of the head. I hope it will be useful to you.
  Pain in the back of the head is usually caused by cervical spondylosis. Care must be taken to rule out the possibility of cervical spondylosis. For those with cervical bone hyperplasia, proliferative cervical spondylitis or bone spurs may compress and stimulate the cervical nerve roots, causing problems in the back of the head and neck. Pain in the head. Choose the right pillow: The right pillow is important for preventing and treating cervical spondylosis. Generally, the pillow should be one fist high for supine sleepers and one and a half fists high for side sleepers, about 10 centimeters. The elasticity should not be too high. Pillows that are too elastic can easily cause fatigue and damage to the neck muscles. People who are accustomed to lying on their backs should place a small pillow under their neck to maintain the physiological curvature of the cervical spine. People who sleep on their sides should stuff pillows into the space between their face and shoulders to reduce the burden on their necks.
  The main cause of pain in the back of the head
  It is usually caused by cervical spondylosis. Pay attention to exclude the possibility of cervical spondylosis. People with cervical bone hyperplasia may suffer from proliferative cervical spondylitis. Or bone spurs may compress or irritate the cervical nerve roots, causing pain in the back of the head and neck.

  1. Muscle contraction headache:

   Also known as tension headache, it is often caused by work stress, fatigue, writing, reading, and long-term engagement. Computer work, incorrect posture and other factors can cause the head, face or neck muscles to continue to contract, resulting in headaches. Pain in the head and pillow is also the result of muscle spasm in the back of the neck.

  2. Cervical spondylosis headache:

  The most common locations of headache are at the back of the neck and occiput. It is caused by proliferative cervical spondylitis or bone spurs that compress and stimulate the cervical nerve roots. Cervical spine films may show bone hyperplasia.

  3. Occipital neuralgia:

   It can be caused by infection, local irritation or local muscle tension. The headache is mainly located in the occiput and neck, and there may be local tenderness at Fengchi point behind the pillow. Occipital neuralgia can be secondary to cervical spine diseases or tumors.


  The main symptoms of cervical spondylosis are soreness in the head, neck, shoulders, back, and arms, neck stiffness, and limited movement. Neck and shoulder pain can radiate to the headrest and upper limbs. Some are accompanied by dizziness and house rotation. In severe cases, nausea and vomiting are accompanied by bedridden. A few may have dizziness and cataplexy.

  Do brain and cervical spine related examinations, such as cervical spine X-rays, CT, etc., to rule out headaches caused by organic lesions.

   Differential diagnosis:

  Occipital pain: Frequent occipital pain is mostly related to insufficient blood supply of the vertebrobasilar artery, and its main cause is It's cervical spondylosis.
  Methods to relieve pain in the back of the head
  1. Appropriately increase breaks between work. People who have been engaged in desk work for a long time should increase breaks between work and activity time to enhance the body's overall strength. Improve blood circulation, eliminate local muscle fatigue, and prevent and relieve cervical spine strain.

  2. Strengthening cervical spine muscles with daily cervical spondylosis auxiliary tools and strengthening neck muscle exercises can prevent and delay the occurrence and development of cervical spondylosis. According to surveys, among people with well-developed neck muscles and strong strength, the chance of cervical spondylosis is reduced by 80%. Therefore, strong neck muscle exercise is of great significance for maintaining cervical vertebra bone and spinal canal stability.

  3. Prevent trauma and stiff neck. Neck trauma and stiff neck should be avoided at ordinary times to avoid cervical ligament damage, which may damage the stability of the cervical spine and induce or aggravate cervical spondylosis.

  4. Strengthen neck exercises. Strengthening neck exercises can prevent and delay the occurrence and development of cervical spondylosis. The method is: put your hands on your hips, slow down your breathing, slowly lower your head so that your chin touches the first collar button as much as possible; then raise your head, tilt your head as far back as possible; then tilt your head left and right, and try to reach the left and right acromions of your earlobes; Turn your neck so that your chin touches your acromion as much as possible.

  The above actions can be repeated 6 times according to the rhythm (count silently to 6). In addition, regular chest expansion, elbow rotation, and shoulder tapping exercises are also beneficial. The method is: stretch both arms to the left and right, stretch back with force, and lift the chest; then flex the elbow joints, put the fingers on the shoulders on the same side, and make circular motions with the tips of the elbows, alternating forward and backward; finally, use the right palm Tap your left shoulder, then tap your right shoulder with your left palm, alternating. About 100 times.

  5. Rubbing the soles of feet is helpful in curing diseases. The end of the inner transverse stripe at the base of the big toe of both feet is the human cervical spine reflex area. Rubbing this area with your hands every day can effectively treat cervical spondylosis.

  6. Insist on cervical traction.

  7. Manual muscle management, acupuncture, medicine, hot compress, etc. all have good effects, especially muscle management and physical therapy. Patients can apply pressure on the painful points. It is better not to cause pain or soreness when applying pressure. You can also pinch the painful muscles to relieve pain and muscle spasms. If conditions permit, further manual treatment can be performed in the hospital. It can also be taken orally with drugs for promoting blood circulation, relaxing muscles, dispelling wind and activating collaterals. Or external application of blood-activating and analgesic plasters. Acupuncture or auricular acupuncture can also be performed. Acupuncture can be used for Fengchi, Dadu, Fengmen, Qukuhuan, Waiguan, pain points, etc. Auricular acupuncture can be performed on Shenmen, lower part of the body, and tender points. The effect will be better if combined with hot compress.

  After symptoms are relieved, neck function exercises can be done to enhance neck strength and reduce the chance of recurrence. Here's how to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips. Raise your head to look at the moon, lower your head to look at the ground, turn your head and neck to the left or back, look to the right, turn your head and neck to the left, look to the left, bend your head and neck to the left, turn your head and neck to the left, look to the left and bend your head and neck to the left , bend the head and neck to the right, extend the head and neck forward and turn sideways to the left front and downwards, extend the head and neck forward and turn sideways to the left front and downwards, turn the head and neck to the right rear and upwards, turn the head and neck to the left and rear, and circle the head and neck once on each side. The above movements should be done slowly and as far as possible.
  Causes and solutions for pain in the back of the head
  Cause 1: It may be that you are caught in the cold and frozen

  Back of the head Pain is easy to occur in winter, and the main reason is exogenous wind and cold. When wind and cold attack the surface, the bladder meridian of the Yangtze River is the first to be affected by pathogenic factors, causing tightness and pain in the tendons and veins, causing tightness and pain in the back of the head. The patient also has no sweat, aversion to cold, and cold sensitivity, showing the characteristics of wind-cold and cold.

  Solution: Prepare 5 green onions and 50 grams of ginger (with skin). Cut the scallion greens, slice the ginger, add appropriate amount of water and simmer for about 15 minutes, pour out the soup and set aside. Smoke it while hot for 10 to 20 minutes each time, then wash your hair twice a day to dispel cold and relieve pain.

  Cause 2: Wind, cold, and dampness invade the human body

  If the pain in the back of the head worsens or recurs in rainy or windy weather, and is accompanied by physical fatigue and heaviness , chest tightness, loss of appetite, loose stools, white tongue coating, pain in the back of the head with a bloating and dull feeling, as if being wrapped by something, it is necessary to consider the three pathogenic factors of wind, cold and dampness entering the body.

  Solution: 40 grams of Qiang Huo and 20 grams of Chuanxiong. Soak these medicines in cold water for about half an hour, add appropriate amount of water and boil for 30 minutes. Pour out the soup and set aside. You can boil it for 2 times. Smoke the affected area while it is hot for 20 minutes each time, then wash your hair twice a day. This method is effective in improving headaches caused by rheumatism and wind-cold.

  Reason 3: Insufficient kidney essence causes headaches

  The pain in the back of the head is also related to the common deficiency of kidney essence in middle-aged people. . The pain in the back of the head of these patients is often dull, and the mind is empty, accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, insomnia and dreaminess, and soreness and weakness in the waist and legs. At this time, it is necessary to replenish kidney essence.

  Solution: 30 grams of black sesame seeds, 50 grams of black rice, and 100 grams of japonica rice. Wash the black rice and japonica rice, add black sesame seeds and water to simmer, and cook porridge. 1 bowl a day, 2 to 3 times a day.

  Reason 4: Hypertension of liver yang, that is, high blood pressure causes headaches

   Pain in the back of the head caused by high blood pressure is the most common clinically. . Such people are generally diagnosed with hyperactivity of liver yang. Along with headaches, patients often experience symptoms such as dizziness, losing temper, abnormal blood pressure, lightheadedness, weak waist and knees, ringing in the ears, and irritable and irritable personality.

  Solution: 300 grams of raw oysters, 1 crucian carp, 200 grams of tofu. Wash the raw oysters and crucian carp, remove the scales and internal organs of the crucian carp, cut the tofu into pieces, put the shelled oysters and crucian carp into the pot, add ginger, onion, soy sauce, cooking wine and other seasonings, bring to a boil over high heat, add the tofu, and simmer over low heat Cook for 30 minutes. Drink soup and fish, one bowl at a time.

  Cause 5: Insufficient kidney yang causes headaches

  The Governor Vessel runs through the back of the head. The governor channel is full of yang energy. When kidney yang is insufficient, the governor meridian is empty, which can easily cause pain in the back of the head. Symptoms include pain in the back of the head, accompanied by backache and leg pain, weakness in the limbs, intolerance to cold, cold limbs, frequent urination, and in women, delayed menstruation and light color. Men may experience sexual dysfunction.

  Solution: 500 grams of sheep bone (sheep’s spine), 20 grams of cordyceps, and 30 grams of longan. Blanch the mutton cavity bone, remove the foam, put it into the pot together with the cordyceps and longan, add a little onion, ginger, cooking wine and other seasonings, and simmer it for 2 hours. One bowl at a time, 2 times a day.

Back bone pain in the back of the head, why does the back of the head hurt? Picture 2

What's the matter with the back bone on the back of the head?

Condition analysis:
It is considered to be caused by inflammation and hyperplasia. Currently, you can take some anti-inflammatory and
If you take painkillers, you should pay attention to rest and avoid overexertion.

Bone pain in the back of the head, why does the pain in the back of the head occur? Picture 3

I have a bone on the back of my head and it hurts when I press it a little hard. My whole head feels heavy and my head hurts when I shake my head. Please let a professional help me find out what is the reason.

Hello, rebel? I have never heard of it. It is recommended to complete the brain CT examination and see a neurosurgery to see whether surgical treatment is needed.

Bone pain in the back of the head, why does the back of the head hurt? Picture 4

The above is all about the pain in the back of the head, what causes the pain in the back of the head, and the related content about the pain in the back of the head. I hope it can help you.

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