
Contents of this article

  • 1. A 400-word composition about people
  • 2. Why does Jia Mu scold Lin Daiyu as a ghost?
  • 3. A 400-word essay about the little ones in our class
  • 4.Eighth grade composition

A 400-word composition about people

Composition about people and things
【Composition about my little sister】
I have a five-year-old sister, she is the "pistachio" of our family.
My sister is very cute. Her round face is set with a pair of black pearl-like eyes, and a pair of curved eyebrows grow above the eyes. Under the small and delicate nose, there is a mouth like a small cherry class. My younger sister has long hair and often wears a pair of "upward braids." She is wearing a "baby dress" and a short skirt, very beautiful!
My sister likes to run around. As soon as she started running, her "upturned braids" swayed.
I like playing with my sister very much, and sometimes I quarrel with her for many reasons. She is sometimes very unreasonable; sometimes she does silly things or says things that our family cannot understand.
I remember one time, we went to the horse farm to ride horses. When we were leaving, my sister suddenly bowed to the horse. We felt strange. Later I figured out that the horse's head was swinging up and down, but my younger sister didn't understand and thought the horse was bowing to her! My sister is also very sensible and returns the favor to the horse.
I really like this innocent sister.
【Thank you teacher】
"Teachers are hard-working gardeners." "Teachers are engineers of the soul." "Spring silkworms die when they die, and wax torches turn to ashes before tears dry up." How many people have written in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. Are there any words to praise the teacher? And these words remind me of my fourth-grade teacher, Teacher Pan.
Teacher Pan is like Teacher Tian in "Unforgettable Teacher". Every time he teaches a lesson, he tells a story. But the stories told by Teacher Pan are always true and always so fascinating.
That day, we were studying "Birds". Teacher Pan introduced us to various birds, and when it came to magpies, Teacher Pan said, When she was a child, there was a big tree in front of her house, with many birds perching on the tree. She would run home excitedly after school every day to listen to the sound of magpies in the tree. One classmate asked: "Why? ?" Teacher Pan paused and said intoxicatedly: "Because at that time, I thought that as soon as the magpies arrived, guests would come to the house. When guests came, there would naturally be sweets to eat."
There seemed to be something appearing in front of my eyes. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Teacher Pan's excited face.
Teacher Pan was not only witty, but also very popular.
There was a radio exercise competition in the fourth grade, and Teacher Pan began to train us to do exercises. Although Teacher Pan We worked very hard to train and teach us. But there was always one person who was deliberately causing trouble, which made the kind teacher Pan feel helpless. Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was approaching the Broadcasting Exercise Competition, and the classmate’s movements were still very clumsy. The classmates all suggested Teacher Pan did not let him participate in the competition , that classmate was also nonchalant. Moments before taking the stage, Teacher Pan solemnly announced: "I believe that the most important thing in the competition is participation, followed by honor. Broadcasting is about unity, not fame. So, we The whole class must participate." Teacher Pan said "the whole class" very seriously. As soon as she finished her words, the students' admiration for Teacher Pan arose spontaneously. Our class did not win the prize in that competition, but we Very satisfied. Because we "understood" two words - unity.
Looking back at the time in the fourth grade, Teacher Pan carried everything in our class with her thin shoulders. Every time I think of this, Teacher Pan's words The kind smile often appears in front of my eyes, and Teacher Pan’s gentle words often ring in my ears...
Thank you, teacher!

Wang Ji’s Grandma Xiangmao, a 400-word composition about people Picture 1

Why does Jia Mu scold Lin Daiyu as a ghost?

During a drinking party, Jia's mother ordered Jia Baoyu to toast one by one. When they arrived at Lin Daiyu's place, Lin Daiyu handed the wine to Jia Baoyu's mouth, and Jia Baoyu drank it for her. Therefore, Jia's mother scolded Lin Daiyu, "A ghost can't be a ghost and a thief can't be a thief." I feel that Jia Mu may not be really scolding her.

Wang Ji Grandma's Fragrance, a 400-word composition about people Picture 2

As Jia Mu's most beloved granddaughter, it was impossible for Jia Mu to scold Lin Daiyu for such a trivial matter. It might just be a joke. And this matter is not something immoral. As cousins ​​who grew up together, this little thing is nothing. Even if everyone sees that they are very close to each other, Jia's mother still supports them to be together, so she will not scold Lin Daiyu for such a trivial matter, maybe to tease their relationship. It is impossible to discipline Lin Daiyu in this matter, because usually many things are more obvious than this matter, and they are not taken care of.

A 400-word essay on the little ones in our class

  In life, work and study, many people have written compositions. Composition is a narrative method that expresses the meaning of a theme through words. So how to write a good composition? Below is a 450-word essay on little ones that I carefully compiled. You are welcome to share it.

Composition of Little One 450 words 1

  There is a "little one" in our class who has almost graduated from elementary school, but is still 140 centimeters tall. But don't look at others as small. In fact, they are not "small" at all.

  The "little one" is named Jin Taiyang, and he lives up to his name, and he makes others feel like the sun, warming people's hearts. When his classmates didn't come to school, "Little One" would help him copy homework questions and send them home, and sometimes he would also make phone calls. Usually, when classmates borrowed stationery from "Little One", he would generously agree; some classmates asked him for advice. Whenever there is a problem, he will patiently help others solve their doubts. The time that impressed me most was when the "little one" learned that a classmate's hands had frostbite (chuānɡ), so he went to buy a pair of gloves for him. How touching it is to be given a pair of gloves in winter!

  "Little One" is famous throughout the school for his title of "Golden Voice". Whenever there are activities such as "Top Ten Young Singers on Campus", "Poetry Recital", "Theme Class Performance", etc., he is the best candidate in the minds of the students. And he has never let his classmates down. He comes home with a full load every time, which is really the envy of others! Even Teacher Zhong praised him: "I think the spokesperson for 'Golden Throat' should be changed!"

  Of course, the "little one" also has troubles. Sometimes he would be bullied by the "big guy", but he was not angry, he just smiled, which made the "big guy" blush immediately and quickly apologized to him in a low voice. Eventually, they became good friends.

  "Tiny", oh no! We can't call him "little one" anymore! He is not "little" at all...

Composition of Little One 450 words 2

  Grandpa bought more than 20 chickens for the family, some are black, some are gray, and some are yellow. These chickens are very cute. Grandpa asked me to let the chickens out of the house after school every day. At the beginning, they were like little girls, a little afraid of people, and did not run around. It is not easy to get close contact with them. There is only one way, and that is to feed them.

  A week or two have passed, and the little guys have gradually recognized their owners and are no longer afraid of people. Sometimes, when I am doing my homework, they jump up on the table, peck at my notebook, and walk around twice, as if to show their power. Sometimes, when they see that I am ignoring them, they even use them. The pointed beak came to peck my hand. When I got angry, I yelled at them: "Get down quickly." They seemed to know that I was angry, so they ran away in despair. I have to feed them a lot of feed every day. When I feed them, just say "cluck, cluck, cluck" and they will understand that I have to feed them again, so I feed them from the garden, the hillside, and the rice fields. Come. If any of the chickens catches any bug, they will fight to eat it. One time, a chicken had an earthworm in its mouth. When these overbearing little guys saw it, they went to grab the food. The chicken didn't want to give it to it, so they started fighting. Finally, the other chickens took it. The chicken that had been deprived of food seemed to be crying to me. I said to it, who do you blame? You put it out yourself to show off!

  These cute little ones add a lot of fun to me.

Composition of Little One 450 words 3

  The three words "little one" are nothing but a nickname for our classmates. Today I will write a story about our relationship this semester.

  He is not tall, a little chubby, has small eyes, a small nose, a small mouth, very light eyebrows, short hair, and there is a mark of broken smile muscle on his face. His appearance is not very unusual, but he has a child who is always thinking about things and being funny.

  He is very serious in every Chinese class, but under the mask of seriousness, his hands will occasionally do some "shady" things under the table, sometimes peeling oranges, sometimes peeling sugar. But we have an "interesting" Chinese teacher. Although there were only five people in the class, she never noticed the "little tricks" of the little one. She still spoke with concentration and impassionedness. Every time, she only realized it after a long time.

  The little one's magical powers don't stop there. Whenever I pour cold water on our dear Chinese teacher, the little one can always return the favor with hot water. Every time the teacher couldn't get down the steps, the little one could always help the teacher find the way down. At that moment, it seemed that the little one was the "spiritual sustenance" of our Chinese teacher.

  His interesting campus life doesn't end there. I won’t say much about the rest. If you talk too much, the little one will come to settle accounts with me.

  Characters such as wit, timidity, and single-mindedness make up our vivid little person. This semester he brought us stories, joy, and jokes... all of which added variety to our campus life!

Composition of Little One 450 words 4

  I remember that on July 20, I was doing my homework at home, and suddenly I heard my father's voice, which shocked me because he kept saying: "Be good, little one, be obedient, little one." I thought my father had brought back a child. When I opened the door, I realized that it was a naughty and cute puppy.

  "Little One" is all white and snow-white, with a pair of big black and bright eyes on its round little head. If you stand under the lamp and look at its eyes, its eyes will shine like gems. Its nose is dark and wet, which shows that it is very healthy and happy. The red tongue often hangs under its mouth, looking at you mischievously. If you touch it, it will lie down and play with you, and sometimes it will let you scratch it! The most interesting thing is its four legs: the front legs are short and the back legs are long, just like a rabbit. If it runs, you may not be able to catch up with it on a bicycle.

  "Little One" is not only cute, but he can also act like a baby to you!

  Every day when I come home from school, I can see its coquettish figure. As soon as you go upstairs, you can hear the sound of it opening the door. When I open the door, the "little one" will happily run up to me with its tail wagging, pounce on me, and let me hug it. If I pretend to ignore it, it will come over with its ball in its mouth and let me play with it. Then, it would stretch out its soft tongue to lick me, ending its plan of acting like a baby. If I stroke it gently, it will lie down and roll around. If I ignore it, it will bark twice to get my attention. sometimes. I jumped twice accidentally, and it thought I was playing with it, so it went crazy and ran around.

  In fact, this is not the only happiness that "little one" has left for our family, it has brought us endless happiness. When you are angry, "Little One" comforts you, and when you are happy, it makes you happier.

  "Little one", our whole family likes you very much, you are our happy partner.

Composition of Little One 450 words 5

  This morning, Kate's father picked up her mother from the hospital and brought a little one. Her father told Kate: "This is Katie, your sister." But the kitten Kate didn't like her arrival.

  Throughout the morning, the whole family circled around little Katie, making milk powder for her and changing her diapers. Her mother kept holding her. There were more guests at home than usual, but they were all here to see my sister Katie. They surrounded little Katie, their eyes full of love and joy.

  "Look, how beautiful she is! She's so pink, she will definitely be a beauty when she grows up!"

  "Well, she looks like mom. Her eyes are really bright. She must be a smart little girl!"

  "Let me hug you, you are so chubby, so cute!"


  Kate sat in her little chair. No one cared about him or talked to him. Everyone only saw Katie, and no one even wanted to take a look at what he was doing. This made him sad. He felt that his parents no longer liked him, and he felt empty in his heart.

  He ran to the yard and lay on the grass. The sun was shining so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. He felt very uncomfortable. He didn't like his sister sleeping in his crib, and he didn't want to give up his stroller to her. He has no use for these. What scares him most is whether his parents will only love his sister and never love him again. After thinking about it, I fell asleep.

  When he woke up again, he found himself lying on the bed in the bedroom, next to his parents. Seeing that he woke up, his mother kissed his forehead, and his father brought his favorite dumplings. All the guests at home had left.

  Before going to bed at night, his father played with his toys for a while, and his mother still told him bedtime stories. Everything was the same as before, except for the occasional crying of little Katie. However, he thought it was all quite beautiful. .

  He looked at Katie lying on the small bed and said softly: "Listen, Katie, I'm the brother."

Composition of Little One 450 words 6

  Her name is Tan Shixuan, and "Little One" is the nickname our English teacher gave her because she is small and exquisite and very cute. Every time when the little one passes by the group of first-grade children, those first-grade children will point at her. I think she must be feeling helpless at this moment!

  There is one thing I can learn from my little one—patience. In class, whenever someone touched a hair on my head, I would frown and say impatiently: "What are you doing? You're annoying." If that person continues to provoke me, I will not be polite and will definitely let him eat "fried chestnuts". I will not stop until he is convinced. But "Little One" is exactly the opposite of me. Sitting behind "Little One" was Gu Hanyu. Gu Hanyu likes to play with "little one's" hair, because "little one's" hair is pricked and tied very delicately every day, which attracts him, so he can't help but play with her hair. If Gu Hanyu's movements were gentle, the "little one" would pretend to be nonchalant and still listen to the teacher's lectures seriously. If Gu Hanyu fiddles too much, the "little one" won't show off his power, but just frowns and turns to glare at him, probably to tell him to stop making small moves. After class, the "little one" was not angry. Instead, he patiently tutored Gu Hanyu on questions that he didn't know how to do.

  "Little One" said that in terms of study, I was her role model, but I thought that "Little One" was the role model that I should learn from.

Composition of Little One 450 words 7

  On my birthday, my parents gave me a special birthday gift - a cute puppy.

  Its eyes were black and its ears were erect, like a mighty general, very proud. Its tail is short and its fur is short. It likes to bark and always wants to jump on me and play with me. Because it is very small, I call it Little Point.

  Every time I come home from school, the little one always barks, runs up to me, smells at me, and jumps on me, as if to say: "Dear little master, welcome home!"

  Every time it eats, it devours it voraciously. You see, it always swallows food directly into its stomach without chewing it, as if it is afraid that someone will snatch its food. In fact, no one will snatch it at all. It is too impatient. I always tell it to eat slowly. , I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. But the world is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. It can never change. It still eats very quickly. There is really nothing that can be done about it.

  It eats and drinks enough and likes to sleep. I fiddled with it with a small wooden stick, but it still didn't wake up and slept soundly. I saw it sleeping so soundly that I couldn't bear to wake it up and let it go back to sleep and have sweet dreams. He and I are inseparable and play together every day. He is my best friend and I cherish every moment I spend with him. However, one time, he went for a walk in the park with his grandma. When he was crossing the road, he lost his way and never came back. After knowing this, I burst into tears.

  Since then, I have lost my little one and my best friend. Now, every night when there are stars, I will make a wish to the stars: I hope that the little one can meet a little master who is better than me and live a happy life forever.

Composition of Little One 450 words 8

  My name is Wang Ziyue, and I like reading. People who know me call me "little bookworm". I also particularly enjoy catching insects. As long as I pass by grass or flower beds, I will always walk over to see if there are any small insects. If I find them, I will definitely take them home. Now many members have "joined" here. There are dragonflies, white butterflies, locusts, cicadas, ladybugs and stink bugs flying in the air; rice elephants, cockroaches, silverfish, spiders and locusts running on the ground; tadpoles, goldfish swimming in the water, and those burrowing in the soil. Scarabs, earthworms, rat worms... Due to changes in seasons and life cycles, the members of my "little nature" change almost every week. I am very grateful for these little things, they have given me insights and filled my home with joy.

  A small "sesame seed" flew over the table, and then fell to the table with a "clack". At this moment, the little "sesame seed" stretched out six short legs, turned over all of a sudden, and landed on the table. Climbed up quickly.

  This little thing is called the tobacco bug. Whenever summer comes, the army of tobacco bugs gathers from the kitchen and balcony to the dining table in the living room. Its body is divided into three obvious parts: head, chest and abdomen. The brown elytra make it look like a small "sesame seed" from a distance. I wonder if the child will regard the tobacco bug as a sesame seed and eat it together when eating sesame cake. Although its six legs are very short, it climbs up very, very quickly. When it flew up, although it was a little slow, it was very small and couldn't be seen at all.

  Tobacco beetles don't like sunlight and like to hide in dark, moist places. They like to eat rice and mung beans.

  When I was resting just now, I caught a total of six tobacco bugs. At this moment, my mother suddenly shouted. Looking in the direction of her finger, I saw another tobacco bug resting on the headlight of our living room. !

  Now, I can’t tell you how many tobacco bugs there are in my house, but they are probably a lot!

Composition of Little One 450 words 9

  There is a "little boy" in our class. He is only 1.30 meters tall. He looks like a little brother in the first grade rather than a big brother in the sixth grade. Therefore, classmates in our class will call him "brother." But despite his short stature and wearing a pair of myopic glasses all day long, he is a famous little person in our class. Let me tell you about his "History of Wei Shui"!

  The knowledge in his mind is very rich, not only in-class knowledge, but also extra-curricular knowledge. His composition level is also very high, because he often holds composition books to read. Therefore, the Chinese teacher often asks him to participate in competitions. Once, he participated in a fifth-grade knowledge competition in Shizhen and lived up to expectations and won the first prize. When the Chinese teacher found out, he was very happy and told other Chinese teachers the good news. When he knew the good news, he turned into a happy bird and used his beautiful singing voice to deliver the good news that he had won the first prize to his classmates.

  He also participated in math competitions and English competitions. Since math is his strong point, math competitions are no problem for him. But English is his weakness. At first, the English teacher asked him to participate in the competition, but he could only get second or third place, and even came away empty-handed. The English teacher sighed when he saw such results, but he was not discouraged. He insisted on taking half an hour every night to review English. Finally one time, he participated in the fourth-grade English proficiency competition in Shizhen and won the first prize. When the English teacher found out, he smiled brightly. When he found out, he turned into a cute little bee. He shared the nectar he had worked so hard to collect with other bees.

  How about it? After listening to my introduction, you should believe the saying "You can't judge a person by his appearance".

Composition of Little One 450 words 10

  After reading the story, I felt that there was a deep friendship between Tiny Dot and Anton.

  I never knew, let alone seen, that someone would quietly help a friend. This may be joyful. You can also try to do this, that way you will get more happiness. However, Anton actually forgot his mother's birthday, and her mother was very disappointed. So, he wanted to run away from home. No! This is wrong! We should have the courage to face the facts and not lose courage just because of a little setback. Finally, Anton came back and she bought a gift for her mother. Her mother was very happy. Anton said that he would always remember this day. This book actually tells us a lot of truths. Every story has a truth, as long as you look for it with your heart. The baby's nanny Andat is very weird. She even takes the baby out to sell matches, which is too much. The little one's father, Mr. Park, saw it and was very angry. He hopes that the little one will become a decent person, and I also think that I hope that everyone will become a decent person, so that there will be no bad people in society, and people's lives will be more peaceful. Berta, the maid of the Park family, was very brave. She learned from Anton's phone call that Andat's fiancé Robert was going to enter the Park family to steal, so she prepared a wooden stick and knocked him out. . Mrs. Park found out and said nothing. Mr. Park thanked her and gave her another twenty marks. He did a fantastic job and his manners were impeccable. The gatekeeper's son Gevli is a scoundrel, and we must not imitate him.

  Finally, the story has a happy ending, everyone is where they should be, which is very good and exactly the ending we wanted. I am very happy.

Little one composition 450 words 11

  My sister is only one and a half years old this year. She is very cute. She has a round head, a very white face, smooth to the touch, a pair of thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a small cherry mouth. She is absolutely "little." "one. However, don't be "confused" by her superficial appearance. She is very naughty and often makes us dumbfounded.

  When I returned to my hometown during the holidays, I carefully selected them in the supermarket and finally selected two small rubber balls to give to my sister as a surprise.

  When I got home, my sister was playing in the yard. As soon as she saw me, she ran and jumped to greet me, calling me "Sister, sister". Although the shouting was not standard. I took out the ball hidden behind my back. , my sister's eyes were shining with golden light, and she stretched out her hand to snatch it from my hand, "You are so cute", I smiled in my heart, handed the ball to her, and was about to hug her, but I didn't expect my sister to hold the ball. Leaving me behind, I went to play with her ball alone.

  There was a "hole" as big as a bowl in the yard. My sister kicked the ball into the hole and couldn't get it out. She immediately asked me for help, and I couldn't help but ask with her big watery eyes. He reached out and took out the ball from the hole. The little boy broke down in tears and rolled it somewhere else.

  What made me dumbfounded was that after a while, my sister dropped the ball into the hole again. When I picked it up, I sadly discovered that the new ball I just bought had teeth marks on it.

  The most naughty time for my sister was when she was taking a bath. During the bath, my sister sat comfortably in the bathtub with a smile on her face, but her aunt and grandma looked sad because her favorite game was taking pictures. Water, raised his hand high and slapped it hard, causing water to splash everywhere. It was like a goddess scattering flowers, and grandma was furious. She picked up her hand and slapped it several times, making her sister burst into tears. With an innocent look on her face, grandma felt distressed and hurriedly coaxed her sister, who started playing the water-slapping game happily again.

  Now, you know how naughty my sister is!

Composition of Little One 450 words 12

  Dogs are man’s good friends. Many people keep dogs. There are also many touching stories about dogs’ loyalty. Those stories say that dogs are honest and obedient. I believe it, or I firmly believe it, because my grandma’s family The little one is like this.

  The little one has yellow and white hair, the whole body is furry, has a pair of eyes as big as beads, two small erect ears, and two rows of neatly arranged small teeth in the small mouth. The teeth are not very sharp, but they can bite. It will hurt a lot. Last time, my cousin's hand was bitten by it like meat. The paws are small and the tail is thick, like a feather duster, wagging all day long. It is sometimes very obedient. As long as I go to my grandma's house and call it "de", it will immediately run out and wag its tail in front of me. Therefore, some people also call it "de". This is only done when it is obedient. . When it is disobedient, it will bite you to pieces as long as it can bite anything. It will bite you even if you are not allowed to bite it, and it will keep biting. My sandals were almost bitten by it last time.

  If it is happy, it will go crazy. It will bite anything it sees. It will bite a wicker, a shoelace, a piece of grass, and its teeth marks are everywhere in the house. When it is happy, it will run so fast that no one can catch up. It will only rest for a while when it is tired from running. If it is unhappy, it will bark, sit there and get angry, and even use its fangs to scare others.

  It is sometimes timid. If it sees a bigger dog, it will hide behind us or hide in our clothes until it is safe before coming out. It is also very brave sometimes. As long as it is locked in the room, it will find ways to come out. If it is not allowed to come out, it will not rest for a while.

  Sometimes it likes to be clean and will eat no bones left. As long as it can eat, it is not picky. It is also very unhygienic at times. If you want convenience, you have to get rid of it no matter where it is. It often makes the fur dirty and looks like a little mud ball. It's so innocent and fun.

Little one composition 450 words 13

  Today, we went to class, the teacher taught us, and the little one listened carefully.

  But a fat man didn't listen carefully. When he saw the little one, he wanted to beat him. When get out of class was over, the fat man came to see the little one. The fat man said to the little one: "Let's compare our fists." The little one said, "Why are we competing with our fists? Let's study together!" The fat man concentrated in class.

  In this class, the teacher praised the little one, and the fat man thought: "Why didn't the teacher praise me?" As soon as he thought of this, the teacher praised the fat man. The fat man felt: "The teacher praised me, I am so happy. If I continue to study, I will be even more happy." Are you happy?"

  During class, the fat boy performed as well as the little ones. The teacher secretly said to the fat boy's mother: "Why is the fat boy replaced by someone else? He performed just as well as the little ones in our class." The teacher wanted to replace the fat boy with the deputy captain. The little one is right.

  When get out of class was over, Fatty thanked Little Dot very much and invited Little Dot to his house for dinner several times. Every day Fatty helps his mother clean the house. Mom said to Fatty, "Why did you change someone?" Fatty said, "I didn't change him. He just helped me." Mom got angry and said, "Is he?" Help you learn?" The fat man said: "No, you just teach me how to do it. Otherwise, how can I rush to help you clean the house?"

  Fatty and Little Dot became a pair of good friends. When they grew up, they became the first and second best learners in the country. After their deaths, Little Dot was awarded 3 million yuan and Fatty was awarded 2 million yuan. They were awarded to the best learners in the world.

Composition of Little One 450 words 14

  Friday came, and my beloved father and strict mother finally brought their "little one" to Anwen. When I think of "little one", the joy in my heart is self-evident. As soon as we finished dinner, our family went shopping together.

  At first, the "little one" was held by his father. I stretched out my hands and wanted to hug the "little one", but the little one pushed my hand away mercilessly, "babbling" as if to say: " Brother, brother, don't touch me, don't touch me, I want daddy to hold me, I want daddy to hold me." I really wanted to hug the "little one" over, but the "little one" held on to his father's clothes. I tried every means to coax the little one. One moment I coaxed the "little one" to go play with her little brother, another moment I coaxed her to look at the cars on the road, and another moment I made all kinds of funny faces to tease her... But the "little one" didn't do anything. Accept. I looked through the "little one"'s eyes, and it turned out that the "little one" saw the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind on the street.

  At this time, I thought about it, ran up quickly, and waved the five-star red flag. The five-star red flag fluttered in the wind, and the "little one" laughed happily. I took the opportunity to hug him, but unexpectedly, the "little one" actually pounced on me. I hugged the "little one" and touched the five-star red flag for a while, played with my little brother for a while, and looked at the colorful cars... Just like this, I hugged him for a long time, and my hands became sore. Dad seemed to see through my thoughts and came to hold the "little one". But the "little one" just didn't want him to hold me, so I became my sister's only pet, and my heart was as sweet as honey.

  I used to think how happy it was to hold a "little one", but now I know how hard it is to hold a "little one". Thinking back to when I was a child, my parents held hands and helped me grow up like this. It turns out how hard it is for our parents to raise us!

Composition of Little One 450 words 15

  This afternoon, my father and I came to Qicheng Park to play. Today we are not here for an outing, but to go to the amusement facilities for a while.

  After arriving at the amusement park, we first played darts. At first, I was full of confidence and tried my best to throw, but the dart went astray and missed a balloon. Then I tried again. This time I squinted my eyes, aimed at the target, and threw it forward. I heard a "thumping" sound and a balloon was hit by me. I was very happy! I threw two more times and all of them hit. Finally, I gave the remaining darts to my father and asked him to help me throw a few times. After the last box of darts was thrown, we hit fourteen shots and won a small prize.

  After playing darts, we played roping. There were many things that could be roped, including rag dolls, hamsters, rabbits and turtles. Ring roping is my strong point. After I got the ring, my target was a small turtle, and then I kept roping the little turtle. Several times I was about to succeed, but the ring popped open again like a spring. Then I tried again. I don’t know if it was a coincidence this time or something, but it had already reached the side. I thought there was no hope. , but the hoop actually fit perfectly on the little turtle. I jumped three feet high with excitement, and I was so happy.

  After I got home, I looked at the little turtle through the transparent box and named it Little Bit. It is very lively and crawls around in the small box. When it is tired, it will curl up in the turtle shell and sleep for a while. It is very cute.

  What a relaxing afternoon today! I also got a little turtle, I was so happy!

Wang Ji Grandma's Fragrance, a 400-word composition about people Picture 3

Eighth grade composition

  In daily study, work or life, many people have written compositions. Compositions can be divided into narrative essays, expository essays, practical essays and argumentative essays according to different genres. Do you know how to write a good composition? Below are 10 eighth-grade essays that I collected for you. You are welcome to read them. I hope you will like them.

Eighth Grade Composition Part 1

  "I know that I have always had a pair of invisible wings that take me through despair. Don't think about it, they have a beautiful sun..." Everyone should be familiar with this song! This song was sung by my idol Angela Chang. There is a line in her song that touched me deeply, that is, "I know I have always had a pair of invisible wings." These words are very simple but they give me a profound feeling. It also helped me a lot.

  When I was in the second grade of elementary school, my father enrolled me in a calligraphy class and asked me to practice my calligraphy. He also asked me to take the grade exam. At that time, I didn’t know anything. I only knew how to take the test. Who was afraid of whom? come on! Gradually, I suddenly felt that this exam was not easy! So many words know me but I don't know them. How sad! What should I do during the exams? Have no idea! I continued to practice calligraphy. Alas, I wanted to give up in the middle of the practice. My mother came over and brought me a glass of water. She told me not to be anxious and take my time. How can I know anything from the beginning? Tell me not to be discouraged and keep working hard. With the comfort of my mother, I finally calmed down, picked up the pen and started practicing again. I don’t know why I never feel discouraged again after this practice. Looking at my neat handwriting, I feel so happy! Now you don’t have to worry about not being able to get up in the exam room.

  I walked into the examination room calmly, convinced myself not to be nervous and to face everything calmly. In order to perform better in the examination, I still practiced calligraphy. "Ding ding ding, ding ding, please prepare for the exam." Seeing the teacher hand out the test papers one by one, I picked up the pen and started writing quickly. After a while, a neat handwriting was displayed in front of me . I handed the test paper to the teacher with confidence and walked out of the examination room. Wow, I feel that the sky is so blue and my mood is so good. I am waiting for the test results in 4 days.

  Oh my gosh! These four days have been like a year! I feel nervous and scared every day, for fear that I will fail the exam! But we will see the result today. The teacher was on the podium announcing the students who had passed the exam, and he was waiting for his name to appear. ah! It really happened, so happy! After returning home, I quickly told my mother the news and sang the song again: "I know that there are always a pair of invisible wings that take me to fly. I live in despair and don't think about it. They have a beautiful sun..." Suddenly I thought that the person who created the wings was my mother. She gave me invisible encouragement from behind. I want to thank my mother!

  I believe that as long as you pay, you will always get something. As the saying goes: Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing can do it! come on!

Eighth Grade Composition Part 2

  Science is everywhere. Nowadays, every aspect of our lives is inseparable from science. Science is amazing and fun. For example, dry ice is not ice, but solid carbon dioxide; ginkgo is not an apricot, but a gymnosperm seed; thrips are not a horse, but an insect; seahorses are not horses, but aquatic animals; lead balls are not made of lead, but iron. ·····All of this makes me extremely fascinated.

  I own a magazine called Future Scientists. Every time I get this book, I feel indescribably happy. The book is small, but the knowledge contained in it is as vast as the ocean. Swimming in the "ocean", colorful starfish slowly moved on the gray rocks, sea anemone gently shook its tentacles, saying hello to me, and unknown schools of fish blew bubbles from Swimming by. Looking up, the dazzling sunlight penetrates from the sea. A dolphin jumps out of the sea lightly, splashing white water, and falls into the sea like a graceful dancer...

  In my spare time, I also like to do some small scientific experiments. I like to do these interesting little experiments because of an unintentional behavior in the past. When I was in elementary school, after getting up in the morning, I wanted to tie my hair up with a comb. When I took off the comb, I found that some hair was tangled on it. I wanted to rinse it away with water, but when I put the comb close to the water stream, I was surprised to find that the originally straight water column became curved as the comb moved. I moved a few more times, and the water flow slowly changed from its original bend back to its original shape. Desperately suppressing the indescribable joy and excitement in my heart, not caring whether I would be late for school, I hurriedly turned on the computer to search for the reason for everything. Finally I found it. It turned out that it was like this because of static electricity. The final bending disappeared because of the disappearance of static electricity. From then on, I fell in love with scientific experiments, and the surprising results always opened my eyes.

  Science is as vital as air and exists around us. We cannot do without science. I love science!

Eighth Grade Composition Part 3

  Everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. My dream is very simple - freedom.

  My classmates would go out to play on weekends, but every weekend I could only stay at home and not be allowed to go anywhere. Almost every week, some of my classmates asked me to go out, but I just found an excuse to avoid it. , after a long time, almost no one in the class was willing to make friends with me. They all said that I was very narcissistic. They called me so many times, but I didn’t go. I was in the class and I knew I was alone. , no one wants to make friends with me, but I don’t want to. I also want to play, but my mother doesn’t allow it. I told my mother many times, but she doesn’t allow it, saying that I am still young. You are not allowed to go, and the current society is so chaotic, where can you go? But I am already in the second grade of junior high school, and I am not young anymore! Why can't you let me play? I told my mother many times that I wanted to play, but she still didn't allow it. If I said too much, she would only get scolded.

  Because my mother was too worried, I had no friends in the class, and no one wanted to play with me. Now, my mother asked me to go shopping with her, but I didn't dare to go. My mother asked me, "Do you want to go shopping?" I could only answer, no. In fact, it's not that I won't go, but that I don't dare to go at all, because I'm afraid, very afraid, very afraid. If my mother and I go and are seen by my classmates, I will only be teased. Once upon a time, my mother and I went shopping, and a classmate saw me. After we returned, she started talking nonsense, saying that I was so old and still went out with my mother. This incident almost made me laugh all the time. I still dare not tell this to my family.

  I just want to be free, why not? Could it be that I really did a lot of things wrong?

Eighth Grade Composition Part 4

  When the evening wind blows the last ripples on the river and the sunset puts away its last ray of light, the moon and stars begin to lift their veils little by little.

  I still remember that night, I was walking in the garden. His eyes began to turn to the sky. The sky at this time was much darker than usual, like the face of "Bao Qingtian". If he looked carefully, the stars in the sky were much brighter than the moon. On weekdays, all we see is a round and big moon and a group of small and inconspicuous stars, but today the stars are so bright. They were blinking a pair of crystal clear eyes, as if they were also watching me. The air around me seemed to have stopped, and there was no noise. Just when I was deep in thought, suddenly, a tiny meteor in the sky slowly fell from my eyes. The white light it fell seemed to tear through the "package". "Blue sky" on my cheeks, I immediately raised my hands, clasped my hands on my chest and made a wish and blessing for my life. After a few seconds, it disappeared into the corner of the horizon.

  Although the shooting star is small, it can bring me happiness. Our lives are like this shooting star. Although it is short, there are also glorious moments. We should take good control of our lives, seize the opportunity, work hard, and make our lives better. The most beautiful flowers bloom.

Eighth Grade Composition Part 5

  "Master, have you decided?" "Really?" Yi Xiaozi and the Shen family looked at him seriously.

  He was silent for more than ten seconds, which seemed quite long to the people around him. Then he nodded, and there was an emotion stuck there in his pupils - reluctance.

  "Don't make it look like we really can't meet each other! The sad time is over, I believe Brother Mingying will come back often." Shen Qingpu said with a sweet smile that would not pay for his life.

  The atmosphere relaxed a little, and everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief. Only Shen Yuan puffed up his face into a meat bun. Looking at Lin Xiaomo angrily, Lin Xiaomo shrank back and shouted angrily in his heart: Shen Yin, you are a child who will not grow up!

  "The child will eventually pursue his own part of the sky when he grows up! It is also a blessing for Pluto to be with his biological sister!" Pluto's wife sighed.

  "I'm sorry, Mom." Shen Mingying said, and then lowered her head, unable to bear to meet her eyes.

  "Okay! You can leave the Dark Castle and be with your sister. But Shen Yun is always ready to take over the position of the 'King of Darkness'." Pluto turned his attention to Shen Yin and laughed loudly, "Father is old. You can’t hold onto your position for the rest of your life!”

  Shen Yin suddenly turned to stone, and when she was the king of evil, she was so angry that she almost suffered internal injuries!

  He was frothing at the mouth, collapsed, and said something that made everyone have slashes on their foreheads: How could anyone take over the unworthy title of the King of Darkness!

  Then, Pluto's head burst into flames and he angrily yelled: "Shen Yin, you will not be allowed to go out for two months and violate the laws of the black family!" Everyone around them laughed softly, but Shen Yuan fell to the ground and was petrified...

  On a sunny day, Shen Mingying was finally able to take off his mask, take off his handsome robe, and put on a brown T-shirt and jeans. He turned out to be a handsome guy. Lin Xiaomo was secretly happy, everyone would be envious of him. He and Lin Xiaomo carried their luggage, and traveling with them were Yi Xiaozi and Shen Qingpu. The breeze blew gently, messing up the hair on the forehead. Also floating slightly were the silk belt, skirt and T-shirt.

  Next to them, Shen Yin and her parents bid them farewell.

  "Xiaoyin, I will come back often." Mingying said softly.

  "Yes." Shen Yin showed a bright smile, "You are welcome at any time. Thank you for your tolerance and care for so many years."

  Mingying patted his back gently, showed a smile and said, "I'm really not used to you looking so serious."

  Shen Yin responded with an innocent smile, then winked at Lin Xiaomo and motioned for her to come over. He took Lin Xiaomo aside, blinked his eyes, and said softly in her ear: "Be good to Brother Mingying!" "I know!" Lin Xiaomo stepped on Shen Yin's toes, causing him to scream in pain. , "Do you still need to say this?"

  "Okay, the other thing is to consider being my fiancée. As a king, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth." Shen Yin's face was filled with a bad smile, and the pointed little tiger teeth were cute. They stood out suddenly, and they looked like a vampire. FEEL.

  "Uh... I'll think about it. If you think so highly of me, I'll be merciful and give you a gift as a souvenir." Lin Xiaomo showed her classic harmless eight-tooth smile. Shen Yuan was in a state of elation, fluttering his Changchun eyelashes with pride, and in an instant there were five red fingerprints on his face. Lin Xiaomo clapped her hands proudly, smiled and walked away.

  Shen Yin froze, and it took him a long time to utter a few words: "I didn't expect you to be so violent. I have to carefully consider whether I want such a manly girl." As he said that, he rolled his eyes in return and turned his face to the side stubbornly.

  "He will come back often. This child is very emotional." Pluto said as he looked at their leaving figures. The wife beside her nodded. They had always believed that the son they had raised was close to perfect.

  Shen Yin stood aside with a smile on his face and said, "I am really happy to have such a brother."

Eighth Grade Composition Part 6

  Behind every chance there is a necessity.


  He was alone, isolated on the top of the mountain, just to see the splendor of the sun rising from the horizon. At dawn, he was wrong, he thought he could defeat fate. Unexpectedly...

  He is a college student from School A. The four years of college life are coming to an end, and it is also an important moment that determines life. He was a very good student, but he lost to a little memorandum. That memorandum is the one he carries with him at all times. It is filled with knowledge for the past four years and is his amiable and respectable "teacher".

  An accident that day, a simple forgetfulness, an unintentional little action, the memo popped out between the fingers and fell to the ground. That clear "beat" almost negated his achievements, his abilities, and his life.

  He left the school with the contempt of others. The door that had been with him for four years had the heart to abandon him and wander on the streets! He was heartbroken that a book had ruined four years of hard work! The frustration in his eyes, the indifference on his face, and the pain in his heart burst out in an instant. The whole city was empty to him.

  It's misty and rainy, and there are too many grievances and hatreds in the world! Day by day, it’s just that when you wake up, it’s hard to share your grievances! He muttered goodbye and knocked on his lonely heart, only to feel the desolation soaked in the rain and mist. The pretended indifference is just the indifference of the breeze; the wet promises are just a prank of the rain; the tears of the fish are just a trick of God?

  He lost his mind, like a mad beast. Yellow leaves danced wildly, hovering around him, and everything became blurry. In his eyes, everything is ridiculous. Gray world, cold heart.

  Time was torturing him every second.

  He had the idea of ​​ending his life. "As long as you jump down from here, everything will be over!" He smiled disdainfully. In the silence, a sad cry came from the valley under the cliff. Immediately afterwards, a weak figure slid across the sky. It is a young eagle, and it uses its wings to hold up a sky of its own. He sneered and said, isn't that just the shadow of his past?

  Suddenly, he was stunned and looked up at the sky for a long time, silent. Finally, he murmured: "Oh, I understand." He realized, didn't those people just want to see what would happen to him? Why should I give them this opportunity? Why do I have to do this? A series of question marks cheered him up!

  He wanted to repeat the course for a year and then take the exam again. This time, his eyes were no longer on the country, but on foreign countries. He set his sights on a world-famous university abroad. He studied hard with his perseverance. Finally, Huangtian paid off and he successfully entered the school with a score fifty points higher than the school's admission score. He escaped the clutches of fate.

  He returned to the valley again, silently paying tribute to his young and ignorant youth.

  He seemed to see the sun rising from the horizon in a flash of splendor, and he smiled.

Eighth Grade Composition Part 7

  Suddenly a beggar appeared at the corner of the street.

  The beggar sat down by the wall slowly and laboriously with his staggering steps. Under the beggar's dirty hair like weeds was a face like a withered manuscript. His eyelids were slightly closed. The chapped lips parted one after another. A tattered garment was wrapped tightly around the frame. The whole person looks like a ball of rags from a distance.

  "Thum—thum—" Accompanied by the sound of high heels hitting the ground, a fashionable girl walked from a distance. The beggar heard someone coming. Open your heavy eyelids slightly. The thin hand stretched forward feebly: "Give me something to eat..." "Go away! I hate it!" The girl glanced at the beggar with a look of disdain on her face. Then, just like when he came, he disappeared into the street without looking back. All that was left was a string of curses. The beggar looked blankly at the girl going away and sighed helplessly.

  Finally, someone else came. in a series of whistles. The face of a beggar…. A young man wearing toad glasses and smoking a cigarette appeared in front of him. The beggar raised his head slightly, raised his weak hand again, and wriggled his lips slightly: "Have mercy on me..." "Humph! Where did the toad dare to block my way..." The young man said and raised his leg to kick cruelly. Kicked the beggar. "Ah..." In a burst of cramping pain. The beggar fainted...

  When the beggar wakes up, the night life of the city has already begun. "We are selling steamed buns - delicious and smooth steamed buns -" a shout came faintly across the noisy road. The beggar glanced at the road opposite with his dull eyes, licked his lips lightly with his tongue, and his eyes showed desire. I saw him struggling to stand up with his hands on the ground. At this time, a burst of pain surged into his heart, and with a "bang" sound, he collapsed on the ground. The beggar did not give up. Try again. This time he succeeded. He stood up shakily, gritted his teeth and moved his body to the opposite road. "I'm selling steamed buns -" the bun vendor shouted. The beggar walked to the stall and sniffed it vigorously. Swallowed deeply again. While the vendor was not paying attention, the beggar quickly grabbed two buns and wolfed them down while running. When the hawker saw it, he immediately chased after the beggar and threw the beggar to the ground hard.

  "I told you to be a freeloader! Let me see if I don't kill you today..." The hawker raised his iron fist fiercely and beat him hard. The beggar fell to the ground and rolled in pain. Pain like a knife surrounded him. At this time, a circle of people watching the excitement gathered around him. They were talking, and there was a string of smiles on their numb faces. They were laughing at the beggar. The beggar closed his eyes in despair. His heart was intertwined and entangled with complex emotions, and a line of muddy old tears rolled out.

  "Hmph! You are lucky today. Next time you let me see you, be careful about your legs..." The vendor cursed and walked away with his sleeves raised. The crowd dispersed, leaving only the dying beggar.

  Early the next morning, the two cleaners found a person sitting in the corner: a pair of dull eyes under the messy hair, looking straight ahead, a string of turbid tears frozen into frost hanging on his face, clothes like rags Swaying with the wind...

Eighth Grade Composition Part 8

  I have never seen people struggling on the edge of death, nor have I personally experienced the pain after the death of a loved one. As for death, I have never met it.

  However, after reading the article "Understanding Life", I seemed to vaguely see the shadow of death. From the visit to the hospital to see his aunt and the conversation with his father after leaving the ward, the author realized the true meaning and meaning of life, and explored the connotation of life.

  Looking at the author's description of my great-aunt in the hospital bed, I couldn't help but think of my grandfather.

  When my grandfather was young, he worked in the fireworks factory in his hometown, and he was the fastest at work. The system at that time allocated wages according to the workload, and my grandfather always received the highest salary. Because he was dexterous in doing things and often used his brain, he lived a very prosperous life when he was young.

  In middle age, due to system changes, those who work quickly and those who work slowly earn exactly the same wages. The family's finances gradually declined and the family became poorer and poorer. As a result, the burden on my grandfather became even heavier. Unfortunately, "the house leaked and it rained continuously." The tiring work every day made him breathless, and he contracted tuberculosis. But because he cooperated with the doctor, he escaped the disaster.

  On my grandpa's 70th birthday, I wrote the character "福" and gave it to him. Grandpa stared at this calligraphy, as if he was recalling himself when he was young and strong. I heard from my mother that my grandfather was very successful in calligraphy and painting at that time.

  On my birthday, my grandpa gave me a hand-knitted shrimp. I watched a few branches of bamboo swaying in his hands. Although he was a little strenuous in his old age, he was still very flexible. I saw him shaking his head constantly, maybe sighing that "time is not forgiving"! After a while, a shrimp made of bamboo appeared in front of me. I took it with both hands. It looked delicate and felt solid. The two long shrimp tentacles are still swaying.

  In recent years, my grandpa seems to have become a different person. Not only is his body getting worse and worse and he needs to sit in a wheelchair, but his psychological flaws are even more shocking. After finishing the meal, he poured the leftovers on the ground, ignoring his elderly grandmother who bent down to pick them up. His family has told him many times that he has nothing to do, but he still goes his own way. He went to the hospital almost five times a week, saying he wanted treatment, but in fact he didn't have any disease at all. It's just that as people get older, the functions of various parts of the body decline.

  Looking at the increasingly stubborn grandfather in the wheelchair, I can't help but feel the shortness of young life. Only when people are young can they make some contributions and achieve something. But when they get old, they become a burden to those around them. But it is a necessary experience in life.

  Life is a kind of freedom, happiness, and sometimes a burden. It is a burden to oneself and others. But living is happiness, and we should cherish every minute and second while breathing.

  In the wind, the shrimp tentacles of the shrimp that grandpa had braided were gently swaying again...

Eighth Grade Composition Chapter 9

  My grandfather is over seventy years old this year. He is an engineer, a research engineer!

  Like many old people, my grandfather’s hair has turned gray. Grandpa is bald from his forehead to the top of his head, without hair. Grandpa often touched his head and said to me with a smile: "This is called a smart head that does not grow hair. It is extremely smart!"

  Grandpa lost all his teeth twenty years ago!

  Maybe you will ask: "Why did your grandpa's teeth fall out twenty years ago?" That's because the research place is on a plateau, where the air is thin and there is long-term lack of oxygen, so grandpa's teeth have long been loose. In order not to affect my ability to eat, I had all my teeth extracted and had a pair of dentures installed.

  Grandpa often told me about his research on China’s first satellite. One man took uranium, a necessary metal for manufacturing, and hid it as gold. As a result, the company went bankrupt!

  why? Because everything in his house was contaminated with radiation and thrown out and burned!

  My grandfather also told me that the hydrogen bomb is more powerful, but the hydrogen bomb will not explode by itself, and can only be detonated by the power of the hydrogen bomb.

  Some students still don’t believe that my grandpa made it, and they say it’s chocolate!

  I really wanted to show them my grandpa’s gold medal, but I was afraid of losing it, so forget it, I won’t fight with them!

  Grandpa is so amazing!

  I hope he is in good health and happy forever!

Eighth Grade Composition Chapter 10

  With the gray sky above our heads and crossing the dusty road, we can finally stop and gaze at the roots of Songjiang.


  Because of the roots, the trees appear lush and lush; because of the roots, the flowers survive the wind, frost, rain and snow, and the flowers fall and bloom; because of the roots, the grass breaks through the layers of darkness and the rocky earth. Under the Songjiang ancient city where we live, there are also deep roots buried, that is, the Guangfulin site. It spans centuries, travels through autumn and winter, and quietly meditates on a corner of the Chinese land.

  In the early spring, my classmates and I took a bus to Guangfulin in Songjiang New Town. I walked into this site full of cultural accumulation with a few novel and mysterious desires. While walking around with my classmates, I listened to the tour guide's introduction to Guangfulin. Guangfulin was originally called Huangfulin, and Guangfulin belonged to the Huating Valley in ancient times. After a period of archaeological discovery, it has been confirmed that this is a holy land with a great leap in history. For thousands of years, the Guangfulin area has been uninterrupted. A long time ago, the ancestors thrived in today's Guangfulin area and relied on fishing for fish and shrimp and farming. In the Neolithic Age more than 4,000 years ago, the ancestors living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River moved to the area south of Sheshan in Songjiang as their final habitat due to floods, so this pastoral water town became their place of growth. The discovery of this cultural relic surpasses other cultures scattered in the area. It is a very rare cultural treasure and has become the pride of Songjiang!

  Want to know the discovery process of Guangfulin Site? let me tell you--

  In 1958, local farmers discovered a large number of ancient relics while digging the river channel. An archaeological excavation was conducted in September 1961, and it was found that the ruins had two floors. The upper floor covers an area of ​​10,000 square meters. A large number of pottery fragments, pottery spinning wheels, pottery cakes, patterned pottery, hard pottery and glazed pottery were unearthed, which are cultural relics of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The lower floor covers an area of ​​7,000 square meters, with one ash pit and two tombs. Through archeology and excavation, it has been initially confirmed that the Guangfulin area is a valuable archaeological treasure site, laying the foundation for diagnosing Songjiang's long history.

  From 1999 to 20xx, the archaeological team of the Shanghai Cultural Relics Management Committee conducted a relatively comprehensive exploration and small-scale excavation of the site, and discovered for the first time a type of late Neolithic cultural relics. It was inferred that Guangfulin is the oldest and earliest cultural relic in Songjiang. Ancient town silhouette.

  In 20xx, with the planning and construction of this area, rescue archaeological excavation began at the Guangfulin site. The on-site excavation area was more than 5,000 square meters and 196 exploratory areas were opened. It is currently the largest field archaeological site in Shanghai. A large number of remains of great archaeological value were excavated from the site. Among them, the remains of a bronze tripod from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were discovered for the first time by archaeological work in Shanghai. They filled the gap in the archaeological cultural spectrum of the late Neolithic Age in the Taihu Lake area and provided information for the study of the Taihu Lake area. Produce new material.

  I accidentally glanced at my watch and found that half the time had passed. My classmates and I came to the tomb of Chen Zilong, a famous writer and poet in the late Ming Dynasty. It was announced as a cultural relic protection unit in Shanghai in September 1987. The cemetery is more than 1,300 square meters. Surrounded by pines and cypresses, it is lush; the stele pavilion and tomb chamber are solemn and solemn. There is a 3-meter-wide corridor at the entrance, and a stone archway serves as the tomb gate, with a height of 6.7 meters. In the middle of the archway, the famous calligrapher Li Yimeng wrote "Ming Chen Zilong's Tomb". After passing the archway and walking slowly for three steps, there is a small platform. On the north side, a new 3.3-meter-high and 2.7-meter-wide stele wall is embedded with the "A Brief Story of Chen Zilong" written by the famous calligrapher and scholar Mr. Gu Tinglong. Chen Zilong's portrait is on a stone side, simple and dignified. After passing the small platform, take another four steps to reach the large platform in front of the tomb. The tomb has a three-hole brick roof, facing east and west.

  Facing the tombstone of this historical celebrity, I can't help but feel filled with emotion. There are not only admirations for Guangfulin culture, but also admiration for martyr Chen Zilong!

  Before I knew it, there was not much time left for sightseeing with my classmates. My classmates and I walked north towards the small courtyards and enjoyed various styles of decorations. Further forward are the newly built stone bridges that extend the park. Most of them are retro Huanlong Bridges. Most of the stone bridges are round arches with stone slabs paved on them, reshaping the style of the ancient town back then. There are also many crossing buildings on the spacious road, which highlight the significance and extraordinaryness of Guangfulin. These span-buildings are very majestic. They seem to have the characteristics of a covered bridge building, but also have a natural transcendence; they seem to have the gracefulness of a bamboo gate tower, but have a touch of fortitude... Yes, Guangfulin is the representative of Songjiang. An area that created Songjiang’s longest-standing myth.

  What makes Populus euphratica "live for three hundred years without falling, and die for three hundred years without immortality"? What makes the pines on Huangshan Mountain "fly over the walls"? It is a root that stretches out countless arms in the ground and lies in the soil; it is a root that uses tiny channels to suck in the dew.

  The roots of Songjiang are our roots. China’s stubs take root in the Chinese people!

Wang Ji’s Grandma Xiangmao, a 400-word composition about people, Picture 4

The above is the entire content of the 400-word essay about Wang Ji Grandma's Fragrance, and the related content of Wang Ji Grandma's Fragrance. I hope it can help you.

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