
Contents of this article

  • 1. What does Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong do?
  • 2. What minister was Qin Hui called?
  • 3. How did Zhao Wei marry her current husband?
  • 4.Why did Zhao Wei marry Huang Youlong?

What does Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong do?

Taiwan media broke the news that Huang Youlong was the driver of the former mayor of Shenzhen! Most of the assets in his hands are held by the former mayor, and Huang Youlong is just a puppet ~ So this person landed on the rich list, you know!

Huang Youlong, what does Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong do? Picture 1

What minister was Qin Hui called?

Personal profile:

  1. Qin Hui belonged to the peace-promoting faction in the Southern Song Dynasty court and pursued a peace policy of ceding territory, claiming vassal status, and paying tribute. During his second visit to the prime minister, he tried his best to denigrate the anti-Jin soldiers and prevent the restoration; at the same time, he formed a secret party, expelled dissidents, and repeatedly caused jails. He was one of the famous treacherous ministers in Chinese history. The main contents are as follows:

  2. Jin State betrays alliance

    In the first month of the ninth year of Shaoxing (1139), the peace agreement was concluded and the world was granted amnesty. Although Emperor Gaozong listened to Qin Hui's peace proposal, he also suspected that the Jin people were deceitful, so he never relaxed his border preparations. In March, the Jin people returned to their old lands in Henan and Shaanxi. Zhang Jun submitted a memorial and wanted to take Shi Jin and Liu Yu as warnings; Xu Fu, Lian Nanfu, and Yue Fei also used congratulations to make sarcastic remarks. Wang Yingchen, Fan Guangyuan, Han Heng, Mao Shuqing, Zhang Xingcheng, etc. all said that the Jin people had ulterior motives and that the peace talks would not last long, and they were all deposed by Qin Hui.

    In July, Wu Shu executed Jin generals Zongpan and Talan for treason, and detained Wang Lun in Zhongshan Mansion. Han Shizhong requested to seize the opportunity to attack the Jin Dynasty, but Qin Hui objected on the pretext of not attacking in the Spring and Autumn Annals. Gaozong also did not agree, so he gave up on sending troops.

    In May of the tenth year of Shaoxing (1140), the Jin people betrayed their alliance and invaded in four groups. Henan, Shaanxi and other places fell one after another. Emperor Gaozong issued an edict to list the crimes of Wushu. The imperial censor Zhongcheng Wang Ci Weng reported: "In the past, no one took charge of state affairs; if the situation changes slightly, it may not be appropriate to change the prime minister." Gaozong was convinced, and Qin Hui's position became more stable.

  3. Shaoxing Peace Conference

    In June of the 10th year of Shaoxing (1140), Qin Hui reported that the peace agreement had changed and he supported the crusade against the Jin Kingdom, but it was not implemented in the end. In leap six months, Qin Hui ordered Wang Ciweng to spread rumors, and Zhao Ding was demoted to the Xinghua Army, and soon he was exiled to Chaozhou. In July, the Song army reported constant successes on all fronts: Zhang Jun captured Bozhou, Wang Sheng captured Haizhou, and Yue Fei defeated Wushu in Yancheng. In August, Qin Hui advocated for the peace negotiation and deposed seven people, Yu Chuan and Chen Gangzhong, who opposed the peace negotiation. In September, Li Yixiao, the daily servant of the Gaozong sect, ordered Han Shizhong to stop his troops, and all the generals were recalled. Caizhou, Zhengzhou, Huaining Prefecture and other places fell into the hands of the Jin people again.

    In February of the eleventh year of Shaoxing (1141), Wu Shu went south again. Song generals Shao Long and Wang De won consecutive battles and recovered Shangzhou, Luzhou and other places. In March, Qin Hui sent an order to Zhang Jun, Yang Yizhong, and Liu Qi to lead the troops. Haozhou fell and the Jin soldiers returned to the north. In April, Qin Hui secretly reported to Gaozong "Rewards based on merit" and took back the military power of the generals. Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, and Yue Fei returned to the court one after another and were appointed as privy envoys and deputy envoys respectively. Gaozong dismissed the three Xuanfu departments.

    In June, Qin Hui was granted the title of Duke of Qing. In July, the "Records of Huizong" was completed, and he was promoted to Shaobao and granted the title of Duke of Ji. In September, Wu Shu wanted to seek peace. Qin Hui reported to the Song Dynasty and sent Liu Guangyuan and Cao Xun as envoys to the Jin Kingdom to discuss using the Huaihe River as the boundary and the Song Dynasty to separate the Tang and Deng states. Later, He Zhu was sent to pay a return visit and agreed to Jin's conditions. In October, Qin Hui asked the admonisher Wan Qixi to impeach Yue Fei. Zhang Jun falsely accused Yue Fei's general Zhang Xian of treason. Yue Fei and his son were escorted to Dali Temple.

    In November, Xiao Yi, the Shuai Wushu sect of the Jin Dynasty, waited in Lin'an, and the Shaoxing peace treaty was signed between the Song and Jin Dynasties. In December, because Yue Fei had conflicts with him on issues such as peace negotiation and heir establishment, Qin Hui falsely accused Yue Fei of saying that he and Song Taizu were both thirty-year-old Jiedushi, insulting the late emperor, intending to rebel, and refusing to save him because of the imperial edict. Huaixi and other crimes sentenced Yue Fei to death in prison.

  4. whitewash peace

    In August of the twelfth year of Shaoxing (1142), the coffins of Huizong, Queen Xiansu and Queen Xianjie were transported to Xingdu, and the Queen Mother returned them to Cining Palace. In September, Qin Hui was appointed as Grand Master and granted the title of Duke of Wei. In October, he was granted the title of Duke of Qin and Wei, and Qin Hui's stepson Qin Xi became a Jinshi. Because the peace agreement had been concluded, Qin Hui hated those who had opposed him even more, so he demoted Zhao Ding to Chaozhou, Wang Shu to Daozhou, and Hu Quan to Xinzhou, and never hired them; Zeng Kai, Li Mixun, Zhang Jun, etc. were also dismissed from office. .

    In the thirteenth year of Shaoxing (1143), Qin Hui celebrated the auspicious snowfall and the absence of a solar eclipse, and also asked Chuzhou to celebrate the clear sea water in Yancheng County, but Emperor Gaozong did not allow it. Xue Bi, the magistrate of Qianzhou, reported that the words "Tianxia Taiping Year" were found in the wood, and Emperor Gaozong issued an edict to deliver it to the History Museum. So Qin Hui began to whitewash peace, auspicious reports continued every day, and rituals continued everywhere. Hong Hao was criticized because he knew about the old relationship between Qin Hui and Jin Shuai, and Hu Shunzhi, Zhang Jiucheng, and Zhang Shao were also demoted because they offended Qin Hui with their words.

    In the fourteenth year of Shaoxing (1144), Qin Huixin established the Literary Prison. Among those convicted for speaking out were Huang Guinian, Bai E, Zhang Bolin, Xie Qian, Xin Yongzong, etc. Zhao Ding and Li Guang were once again exiled to the island. Wu Biaochen, Su Fu and other seven people were dismissed because of the issue of heirship. [88]  Zeng Dun from Taizhou presented a poem and called Qin Hui the "Holy Prime Minister". Qin Hui ordered a ban on unofficial history, and appointed Qin Xi as secretary and supervisor, responsible for compiling the history of the country; and burned all edicts and memorials involving Qin Hui since his resignation as prime minister. In October, Neo-Confucianism was attacked and the works of Cheng Yi and Zhang Zai were prohibited from being disseminated in society.

  5. power

    In April of the fifteenth year of Shaoxing (1145), Emperor Gaozong rewarded Qin Hui with the mansion. In June, Emperor Gaozong went to Qin Hui's house and granted official positions to his family members. In the seventh month, Qin Hui wanted to ban private history and said that private history would harm the right path. In October, Emperor Gaozong gave Qin Hui the plaque "One Virtue Getian" written by himself. [91]  In the first month of the sixteenth year (1146), Qin Hui built his family temple. In March, Emperor Gaozong gave sacrificial vessels, and the emperor gave sacrificial vessels to generals and ministers. This started in Qin Hui. In May, a comet appeared. Emperor Gaozong ordered all officials to speak out and remonstrate. Zhang Jun went to the throne to advise the court that the situation was serious and that preparations should be made early. Qin Hui was furious, reduced his military power, and demoted him to Lianzhou.

    In the seventeenth year of Shaoxing (1147), Qin Hui was renamed Duke of Yiguo. In December, Jinshi Shi E wrote an article praising the current affairs, which will never be interpreted. From then on, more and more people sang and flattered him. [94]  In the eighteenth year (1148), Li Xianzhong petitioned to restore the Central Plains and was stripped of his military position. [95]  In the nineteenth year (1149), Emperor Gaozong ordered a portrait of Qin Hui to be made and praised it himself; all counties reported that the prison was empty. In December, Qin Hui once again banned private writing of unofficial histories and allowed private reporting.

    In the first month of the 20th year of Shaoxing (1150), Qin Hui went to court. Shi Quan, the primary school commander of the palace, failed to stab Qin Hui and was beheaded in the city. From then on, Qin Hui always brought guards with him when he went out; Li Guang's son Li Mengjian was reported to have written Li Guang's book. In his private history, he was demoted to Xiazhou, where he served eight people. In May, Tang Si withdrew from the memorial and requested that the story of Qin Hui's loyalty to Zhao be handed over to the History Museum. In June, Wang Dagui, Huijun, and Liu Jizhong were convicted of slandering Qin Hui. Qin Hui was seriously ill, so Emperor Gaozong allowed him to ride in a sedan to go to court without paying homage.

    In the 22nd year of Shaoxing (1152), Qin Hui imprisoned the second son of the king's concubine, Ye Sansheng, Yang Wei, and Yuan Minqiu for slandering the government. [98]  In the 23rd year, Qin Hui asked Emperor Gaozong to take back the imperial edict that Qi Guili received from the Xie Ji family in Taizhou (that is, the imperial edict that Qin Hui was dismissed from the prime minister for the first time), in order to eliminate the evidence against him; Jinshi Huang Youlong slandered Qin Hui and was sentenced to tattoos and sent to Lingnan; Pei Yong, the chamberlain, criticized Qin Hui and was put in charge of Qiongzhou.

    In March of the 24th year of Shaoxing (1154), Qin Hui's grandson Qin Xun participated in the palace examination as the first in the lock hall examination and the provincial examination. Qin Hui asked his close confidants Tang Situi and Wei Shixun to serve as the examiners. Emperor Gaozong read Qin Xun's article and found that the tone of his writing was exactly the same as Qin Hui's, so he promoted Zhang Xiaoxiang to first place and demoted Qin Xun to third place. Soon, Qin Xun was appointed as the editor of Shilu Academy, and the descendants of the prime ministers also held the historical position, which was unprecedented.

Huang Youlong, what does Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong do? Picture 2

How did Zhao Wei marry her current husband?

Since Zhao Wei got married, she has rarely appeared in the entertainment industry and her works have become less and less. She followed her husband Huang Youlong into business together, joining forces to expand in the capital market. With her strong connections and high emotional intelligence, she made friends with many businessmen in China, especially maintaining a very friendly relationship with Jack Ma. In 2014 At that time, she and her husband invested in Alibaba Pictures and became the second largest shareholder of Alibaba Pictures. In addition, she and her husband Huang Youlong invested in many industries, including finance, culture and entertainment, catering, film and television, liquor trade, 4S stores, etc. , Zhao Wei is also known as the "female version of Buffett".

Huang Youlong, what does Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong do? Picture 3

Zhao Wei's emotional experience

Zhao Wei actually had many relationships before this. When she was at the Beijing Film Academy, Zhao Wei was already in a relationship with Ye Maoqing, the second generation of rich people. It is said that Ye Maoqing also had a lot of resources at the time. Zhao Wei received a lot of help from Ye Maoqing. The TV series "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was Ye Maoqing helped Zhao Wei spend money to buy it. However, after Zhao Wei became popular with this TV series, she became busier and busier. The two often spent less time together and more time apart, which eventually led to their breakup. Later, he fell in love with Wang Yu, one of the four young ladies in Beijing. However, Wang Yu was a playboy. He often had scandals with other actresses and was very concerned about face. It is said that he once beat Zhao Wei in front of his friends because he refused to drink. He slapped Zhao Wei, which led to their breakup. After that, Zhao Wei and Wang Liqin fell in love for a long time. At that time, they even reached the point of discussing marriage. However, Wang Liqin's parents strongly opposed it, which eventually led to the two breaking up.

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Meet Huang Youlong on a blind date

Zhao Wei was able to recognize Huang Youlong because Faye Wong was the one pulling the strings. Zhao Wei and Faye Wong have known each other for a long time, so Faye Wong knows Zhao Wei's criteria for choosing a spouse very well. In 2008, Faye Wong introduced Huang Youlong to Zhao Wei at a banquet. When the two met Huang Youlong for the first time, they asked Zhao Wei for her phone number very directly and domineeringly. In the end, Zhao Wei gave her contact information to Huang Youlong. That's how the two got to know each other.

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The reason for marrying Huang Youlong

At that time, Huang Youlong was divorced and had a 7-year-old child, but Zhao Wei still chose to marry Huang Youlong. Someone once asked Zhao Wei why she chose Huang Youlong? Zhao Wei once said that because Huang Youlong was very persistent when pursuing her, he was even willing to pay for her, and Huang Youlong was also a man who dated her for the purpose of getting married. After so many years, it turns out that Zhao Wei has chosen the right person. Huang Youlong can tolerate her and let her go. After so many years, the relationship between the two has been very stable.

Why did Zhao Wei marry Huang Youlong

Zhao Wei is a well-known beauty. Huang Xiaoming has revealed that he likes Zhao Wei before. Some netizens took out Zhao Wei’s old photos. The editor really likes Zhao Wei’s appearance. Her eyes are big and watery, which makes her very charming. Amazing feeling. Later, Zhao Wei married businessman Huang Youlong. Many female celebrities would choose to marry some wealthy businessmen and live a life of a rich wife. Why did Zhao Wei choose not to marry Huang Xiaoming? It's because Zhao Wei may not really have that kind of liking for Huang Xiaoming. Because if two people want to be together, they must be in love with each other. One-sided love is not enough, and you cannot force someone to be together.

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Zhao Wei was indeed very beautiful when she was young, especially when she became famous after starring in Princess Huanzhu. I really like his appearance, especially his eyes. At that time, Huang Xiaoming was also very popular and appeared in many TV series. He gave people the impression that he was particularly handsome. Maybe many friends would think that they were a match made in heaven and that they would be together. But things in the world are not what we think they are. Many things depend on your own thoughts. If you think you are suitable for a certain person, then it depends on whether the other person has such intentions for you.

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I believe that many friends particularly like this kind of thing about talented men and beautiful women. This is really good. Sometimes two people have more things to consider when it comes to marriage. I will think about my future and some of the trivial matters in my life. When I grow up, many loves are not so simple. In fact, the editor's words will make many friends feel a little bit unhappy. But the editor can only tell the truth, because most of the love now is based on mutual interests. Although the editor particularly does not want this to happen, there are still many pure loves in this society. .

 Huang Youlong, what does Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong do? Picture 8

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The above is all about Huang Youlong, what Zhao Wei’s husband Huang Youlong is, and Huang Youlong related content. I hope it can help you.

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