
Contents of this article

  • 1. Are fetal gender test strips accurate?
  • 2.
  • 3. How to check pregnancy using pregnancy test paper
  • 4. How to read the results of male and female test strips

Are fetal gender test strips accurate?

Fetal gender test strips are a testing tool that claims to be able to test the gender of the fetus. This gender test strip is used to detect the content of male hormones contained in hCG to determine whether you are having a boy or a girl.

What are fetal gender test strips

Fetal gender test strips consist of a test cup for holding urine and a piece of test paper.

The dealer of this product claims that as long as pregnant women are more than 6 weeks pregnant, they can know the gender of their fetus by simply using this test strip to test their urine. If the test result is blue, it means that the pregnant woman is having a boy; if the test result is pink, it means that the pregnant woman will give birth to a girl.

This fetal gender test strip was produced in the United States and became popular on the Internet in July 2012. Currently, it cannot be purchased directly in China. It can only be purchased through some foreign shopping websites or through purchasing agents. Moreover, such test strips are expensive, costing about 300 yuan each.

Because the method introduced by this kind of test paper is fast and simple, many pregnant women can't restrain their curiosity and want to buy one and test it. Many people say that buying this product to test the gender of the fetus is not based on whether they like boys or girls. The test is just out of curiosity, and many people are skeptical about this gender identification product.

How to use fetal gender test strips

On the Internet, this fetal gender prediction paper cup called "intelligender BOY or GIRL" is hot-selling. According to the seller, the sales volume of this product is very impressive.

According to the seller's product introduction, the method of use of this fetal gender test paper is very simple, similar to the pregnancy test paper, just use morning urine test. Pregnant women who are more than 6 weeks pregnant can use this test paper to test. Take the first urine in the morning, pour it into the test cup, tear off the test paper, and observe after five minutes. If the color of the bottom of the cup is bluish, the baby is a boy, and if the bottom of the cup is red, the baby is a girl.

Accuracy rate of fetal gender test paper

Since this fetal gender test strip became popular, many obstetrics and gynecology experts have conducted research on it and found that the test results of this test strip are not as "magical" as advertised.

Experts believe that the principle of this kind of test strip to detect gender is to identify the difference in hormones secreted by the fetus in the mother's body. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can be measured in urine. Pregnancy test sticks and early pregnancy test strips determine whether a pregnant woman is pregnant by detecting the hCG content in her urine. The detection principle of this fetal gender test strip is to determine the gender of the fetus by detecting the secretion of the male hormone (testosterone) contained in hCG.

However, due to the extremely subtle difference in hormones secreted by male and female fetuses in the mother's body, and the interference of the mother's own hormones, hormones in urine alone are not enough to determine the gender of the fetus. There is no scientific basis for testing fetal gender through urine.

The birth of a boy or a girl is already determined at the moment the egg is fertilized. Under normal circumstances, the chances of having a boy or a girl are 50% each. Therefore, no matter what the results displayed by this test paper, its accuracy is also 50%. In fact, the principle of this test is not scientific. Currently, the gender of the fetus can only be confirmed through medical methods such as B-ultrasound. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to believe in these so-called gender testing methods.

Are fetal gender test strips legal?

my country's "Population and Family Planning Law" stipulates that it is prohibited to use ultrasound technology, chromosome testing and other technical means to determine the gender of the fetus for non-medical reasons; it is prohibited to artificially terminate pregnancy for non-medical reasons to select gender.

This kind of fetal gender test paper sold by overseas purchasing agents may involve the sale of illegal medical equipment. Once detected, the illegal income will be confiscated and a fine of 3-5 times the illegal income will be imposed.

The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Population Development" clearly states that non-medically necessary fetal gender identification and gender-selective artificial termination of pregnancy will be severely cracked down on. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women do not trust these methods of detecting the gender of the fetus, and do not take the risk of breaking the law to detect the gender of the fetus to avoid being punished.

Is the test paper for testing boys and girls accurate? Figure 1

Is the test paper for testing boy or girl, and the test paper for fetal gender accurate? Figure 2

How to check pregnancy with pregnancy test paper

When it comes to how a pregnancy test paper can tell whether it is a boy or a girl, everyone knows that someone asked whether to judge whether you are pregnant. In addition to a positive test paper, what changes in the body should you look at? In addition, some people want to ask about pregnancy test sticks for boys and girls. I don’t know whether this is a sign of a boy or a girl... Do you know what is going on? In fact, if the pregnancy test paper is darker and lighter, is it a boy or a girl? We think so... Let’s take a look at whether the depth of the early pregnancy test paper can really determine the gender. I hope it can help everyone!

How does a pregnancy test tell if it’s a boy or a girl?

Absolutely not. Pregnancy test strips can only determine whether you are pregnant or not.

How to read the results of male and female test strips?

1. In the early pregnancy period, you can use the colloidal gold pregnancy test paper to judge. If it is a boy, it will show a strong positive in the early pregnancy. If it is a girl, it will be a weak positive, which will not be obvious. . Pregnancy test strips tell you the second thing about men and women.

2. Pregnant women whose abdomen is too protruding are girls, and those whose abdomen is not too protruding or whose lower abdomen is protruding are boys. This is a saying passed down from the older generation, I don’t know if it is accurate. Pregnancy test sticks for men and women.

3. I heard that there is a way to determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl, that is, whether the pregnant woman likes to eat meat. If she does not like to eat meat, she is a girl, and vice versa, she is a boy.

4. Another way is to use the Qing palace table to guess, which is very accurate, but I haven’t noticed what day it is. You can search it.

5. You can also judge whether you are a boy or a girl by looking at the position of the stretch marks. If the stretch marks are on the left side, you are more likely to have boys; if they are on the right side, you are more likely to have girls; if the stretch marks are narrow, you are more likely to have boys; if they are wide, you are more likely to have girls. Pregnancy test stick for signs of having a son.

6. Another method is to hang a needle and thread on the abdomen. If the end of the thread moves in a circular motion, it is a boy; if it swings from side to side, it is a girl.

Fetal gender test strips are test strips that claim to be able to detect the gender of the fetus. The principle of this fetal test strip to detect gender should be based on the differences in the fetus in the mother's body. Human chorionic villi, or HCG for short, can be measured. The detection principle of this test paper is to determine the gender of the fetus by detecting the amount of male in HCG. However, because the differences between male and female fetuses in the mother's body are extremely subtle, and due to the interference of the mother's body itself, it is simply not enough to determine the gender of the fetus. HCG can only detect whether the baby's development is normal. There is no scientific basis for testing the gender of the baby, because testing the gender of the fetus depends on it and is not included in the test. Therefore the possibility of detecting gender this way is almost zero. What needs special emphasis is that non-medical gender identification is expressly prohibited in our country. If a pregnant woman is pregnant with a girl, she will have a certain amount. If she is pregnant with a boy, the amount will not be particularly large. The content in urine is very low and must be detected by some relatively sensitive methods. The test strips sold by the sellers are all suspicious, and the testing methods are also deceptive. The color of the pregnancy test paper differentiates between male and female.

A cup of test paper and a strip of test paper can detect whether the baby you are carrying is a boy or a girl. In July 2017, a test paper claiming to be able to detect the gender of the fetus quietly became popular on the Internet. The distributor of this product actually claimed that to use their product, only pregnant women need to It can detect the gender of the fetus, provided that the pregnancy is more than 6 weeks.

How do pregnancy test strips read boys and girls: To determine whether you are pregnant, besides a positive test strip, what changes in the body should you look at?

After preparing for pregnancy, we usually use a pregnancy test paper to test first. Sometimes we will get a weak positive test. Does this mean that we are pregnant?

Early pregnancy test strips provide convenience to mothers preparing for pregnancy. Two bars of weak or strong Yang will be detected in about 7 days at the earliest, and more accurately in about two weeks, which may indicate pregnancy. I took a pregnancy test when I was about 7 days old. I was prepared to get pregnant, so I was a little anxious. I took the test on 7 days later. I saw a faint positive at that time, but it turned into a strong positive 2 days later, and I was 8 weeks pregnant. A B-ultrasound was done during the pregnancy to confirm that I was indeed pregnant.

A mother who was trying to get pregnant detected a weak yang that was one deep and one shallow. She went to the hospital for a check-up very happily, but the doctor told her that she was not pregnant. She was confused. If there were two bars on the test, was she pregnant? In fact, this is not the case. This is a mistake made by many women.

A weak positive on a pregnancy test does not necessarily mean pregnancy. Pregnancy test paper for men and women.

Whether you are pregnant or not depends on the "change" of a substance in a woman's body. This is HCG. When its value increases, the test paper will show a weak positive. Normally, HCG is very low, but this is not the most important thing. Observe HCG The amount during pregnancy doubles approximately every two days. It will continue to rise throughout pregnancy. After HCG rises, the color of the early pregnancy test paper will deepen.

Some special circumstances other than pregnancy can cause HCG to rise, causing the test paper to show a weak positive. For example, if you have had HCG ovulation induction injections before, hemolysis and hyperlipidemia in the body, or have been treated in the luteal phase, etc., these will all lead to weak positives. . Sometimes there may be a weak positive result even if HCG does not rise, such as in special circumstances such as expired test strips or incorrect method used. Therefore, if women who are preparing for pregnancy want to confirm whether they are pregnant, it is best to use a pregnancy test strip to test before going to the hospital for an examination. You can do a B-ultrasound or draw blood to test the HCG value.

When it comes to early pregnancy test strips, women preparing for pregnancy should understand the principles and methods of use, so as to avoid misleading themselves and making them happy in vain. How do you tell a boy or a girl with a test strip?

1. Principle of early pregnancy test paper

Women who are preparing to conceive can detect a special kind of human chorionic villus (HCG) as early as 7 days after pregnancy. It is because of the presence of HCG that the early pregnancy test paper changes color to detect pregnancy. The accuracy rate is quite high, but you should not be too careless. You should also go to the hospital for a check-up to determine whether you are truly pregnant.

How many days can we detect strong Yang? The early pregnancy test paper shows strong positive results for men and women.

This situation varies from person to person, because the embryo implantation time is different, some can be detected early, and some can be detected late after implantation. Similarly, on the same number of days, others may detect strong Yang, but you may not. Under normal circumstances, it takes about 15 days to detect strong Yang.

Here is a small detail. There is a study saying that the strength of HCG is related to the gender of the embryo. If it is a boy, HCG is weak, and if it is a girl, HCG is strong. However, I don’t think it is fully believed. It is better to keep it in suspense.

2. Correct usage of pregnancy test paper

(1) After getting the test strip, you should first check whether the packaging is complete and whether it is within the shelf life.

(2) Use morning urine in the morning and some fluid after waking up. It must be clean and easy to hold. There is usually a special container in the test strip packaging. The test strip is a picture of a boy.

(3) Soak the test paper in the liquid and leave it for 1-3 minutes. If a color band appears in the control area, it means you are not pregnant. If an obvious or unobvious color band appears in the test area, you may be pregnant. . How do early pregnancy test strips determine whether it is male or female?

3. If weak or strong Yang is detected, you need to go to the hospital for examination.

Even if you detect weak or strong Yang, don't forget to go to the hospital for examination. During the examination, the doctor will ask for a B-ultrasound and, if necessary, draw blood to test the HCG value.

Is the pregnancy test paper a boy or a girl? They think so...

(1) Go to the hospital for a check-up on the one hand to confirm whether you are really pregnant, and on the other hand to confirm whether it is a normal pregnancy, because sometimes there may be no fetal heartbeat, fetal bud, etc., which requires timely treatment.

(2) Preparations should be made the day before going to the hospital for examination:

Get a good rest the day before; prepare loose clothes to facilitate the examination; go for the examination in the morning because fasting blood is required; inform the doctor the time of your last menstrual period; if you are pregnant normally, don’t forget to make an appointment for the next prenatal examination. The accuracy rate of baking soda to test male and female is 98%.

(3) Several pregnancy test methods commonly used in hospitals:

The urine test needs to be done about 14 days after pregnancy. It is similar to the principle of early pregnancy test strips. It is also used to detect the chorionic villi (HCG), also called a test.

The above is related to whether the depth of the early pregnancy test paper can really determine whether you are male or female. It is about judging whether you are pregnant. In addition to the positive test paper, what changes in the body should you look at? of sharing. After reading how a pregnancy test strip can tell if it’s a boy or a girl, I hope this helps everyone!

Is the test paper for testing boy or girl, and the test paper for fetal gender accurate? Figure 3

How to read the results of male and female test strips

1. In the early pregnancy period, you can use the colloidal gold pregnancy test paper to judge. If it is a boy, it will show a strong positive in the early pregnancy. If it is a girl, it will be a weak positive, which will not be obvious. .
2. Pregnant women whose abdomen is too protruding are girls; those whose abdomen is not too protruding or whose lower abdomen is protruding are boys. This is a saying passed down from the older generation, I don’t know if it is accurate.
3. I heard that there is a way to determine whether a pregnant woman is a boy or not, and that is to see whether a pregnant woman likes to eat meat. If she does not like to eat meat, she is a girl, and vice versa, she is a boy.
4. Another way is to use the Qing palace table to guess, which is very accurate, but I haven’t noticed what day it is. You can search it.
5. You can also judge whether you are a boy or a girl by looking at the position of the stretch marks. If the stretch marks are on the left side, you are more likely to have a boy. If they are on the right side, you are more likely to have a girl. If the stretch marks are narrow, you are more likely to have a boy. If the stretch marks are wider, you are more likely to have a boy. There are many girls.
6. Another way is to hang a needle and thread on the abdomen. If the end of the thread moves in a circular motion, it means giving birth to a boy; if it swings from side to side, it means giving birth to a girl.
Fetal gender test strip is a test strip that claims to be able to detect the gender of the fetus. The principle of this fetal test strip to detect gender should be based on the difference in hormones secreted by the fetus in the mother's body. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, can be measured in urine. The detection principle of this test strip is to determine the gender of the fetus by detecting the secretion of male hormones contained in HCG. However, due to the extremely subtle difference in hormones secreted by male and female fetuses in the mother's body, and the interference of the mother's own hormones, hormones in urine alone are not enough to determine the gender of the fetus. HCG can only detect whether the baby's development is normal. There is no scientific basis for testing gender through urine, because detecting fetal gender depends on chromosomes, and urine does not contain chromosomes. Therefore, the possibility of detecting the gender of the baby this way is almost zero. What needs special emphasis is that non-medical gender identification is expressly prohibited in our country. If a pregnant woman is pregnant with a girl, she will secrete a certain level of testosterone. If she is pregnant with a boy, the amount of testosterone secreted will not be particularly large. The content of testosterone in urine is very low and must be detected by some relatively sensitive methods. The test strips sold by the sellers are all suspicious, and the testing methods are also deceptive.
A cup of urine and a test strip can detect whether the baby you are carrying is a boy or a girl. In July 2012, a test strip claiming to be able to detect the gender of the fetus quietly became popular on the Internet. The distributor of this product actually claimed that using their This product can detect the gender of the fetus simply through the urine of pregnant women. The prerequisite is that the pregnancy is more than 6 weeks old.

Is the test paper for testing boy or girl, and the test paper for fetal gender accurate? Figure 4

The above is all about the test strips for testing whether the baby is a boy or a girl, are the test strips for fetal gender accurate, and the related content about testing whether the baby is a boy or a girl. I hope it can help you.

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