
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the blood type of a child born from type A blood and type O blood?
  • 2. What blood type will a child born with type O blood and type A blood have? Does it have to be type O?
  • 3. The difference between type O blood and type A blood
  • 4. What kind of blood will a child born from type O blood and type A blood have?

What is the blood type of a child born from type A blood and type O blood?

  Many parents are concerned about the blood types of children born with type A blood and type O blood. These things are all scientific. I have collected and compiled the blood types of children born with type A blood and type O blood for everyone. For everyone to appreciate and learn from!
  The blood types of children born with type A blood and type O blood
  From a biological genetic point of view, the gene of type O blood The blood type is OO, and the genotype of type A blood is AO or AA, so the sperm and eggs produced by parents have two types, type O and type A. Then there are three possible blood genotypes for children born with type O blood and type A blood. The possibilities of their sperm-egg union are:

  1, OO=O one-third possibility

  2, OA=A three-thirds One-third possibility

  3, AA=A one-third possibility

  So 25% of the children born will have type O blood. 75% are type A blood.

   Therefore, according to the above blood type genetic rules, if the blood types of the husband and wife are "A" and "O", the baby's blood types will be "A" and "O" "type.

  The father has blood type A and the mother has blood type O. The blood type of their child is type A blood or type O blood, and cannot be type B blood or type AB blood. A child born to a father with type A blood and a mother with type O blood will have type A or type O blood. If the parents have blood type O+A, their children may have blood types A and O. Impossible blood types are B and AB blood. Therefore, blood type A, O, and either blood type are possible.
  Hemolysis of children born with type A blood and type O blood
   If a child is born to a female with type O blood and a male with type A blood, the child will be type O (ii) or type A (Ai). If the fetus is type A, there is a possibility of hemolysis, and the probability is relatively high.

   A child born to a boy with type O blood and a girl with type A blood may be type A or type O. If the child is type A, he or she will be the same as the mother. Hemolysis will occur. If the child is type O, since type O is a universal transfusion recipient, there will be no antigen in it, and the mother will not be transfused for hemolysis.
  The personality of a child born with type A and type O blood
  1. Father type O + mother type A

   What would happen if the temperament of type O blood type, who is reliable and pioneering, collides with the temperament of type A blood type, which is stubborn in its logic? When the two blood types are blended together, the sincere and frank temperament of type O blood type will be more powerful. protrude. Children with type O father and type A mother will go all out for everything and hate hypocrisy. Therefore, as long as a child with type O father and type A mother takes action, many people will think that they can make no secrets and take the initiative to ask for it. comminicate. Of course, children with type O father and type A mother always happily agree to their fate. Based on this alone, it can be seen that the child with type O father and type A mother has excellent leadership skills. However, children with type O father and type A mother can sometimes be stubborn and unwilling to give in even a step, leading to embarrassment in interpersonal relationships or making decisive mistakes in their future or marriage. Children with type O father and type A mother need to increase a little flexibility. Once they feel "Oh, I was wrong!" they should not hesitate to reverse direction.

  Love - I like the opposite sex who feels like a father. Growing up with a strict Type A mother and a tolerant and coquettish Type O father, the relationship between father and daughter is naturally much closer than that between mother and daughter. As an adult, you will also use your father as an ideal model for finding the opposite sex. Children with type O father and type A mother hope that the other person will understand and support their actions and thoughts in the same way that a father treats his daughter. It is natural to favor older people over their peers. When you are in school, you will admire your teachers, and in the workplace, you will fall in love with your shrewd boss. A child whose father is type O and whose mother is type A is likely to be deeply involved with a married man, which requires special attention. If you don't care about age and find a man who is considerate, kind and gentle, your relationship will basically be successful.

  2. Children with type A father and type O mother

   Children with type A father and type O mother have a strong spirit of self-reliance. of action. Type A was originally a rather mature type that exercised restraint in action. However, due to the influence of the energetic Type O mother, the children of Type A father + Type O mother have become the "heretics" of Type A - activists. Under the influence of his mother, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to doing things, and he also inherits the original strong sense of responsibility of type A. The words of a child whose father is type A and whose mother is type O are more credible and their work attitude is reassuring. Because I have the spirit of self-improvement and self-reliance, I wanted to do something by myself very early on. In interpersonal relationships, unlike other Type A's, they are very capable of leadership and can lead people around them to move forward together. For your own life, you will set long-term and lofty life goals, and then move towards the goals step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

  Love - I like honest men. Children with type A father and type O mother are very similar to type O blood types in terms of love. But they will not publicize their ideas in a high-profile way like type O blood type in order to find their ideal lover. Children with type A father and type O mother will use their father as a role model and look for honest and gentle men. Once you find a man who has the same interests as you, the relationship will gradually develop from a friend relationship to a lover relationship. Although the love style is very ordinary and does not necessarily involve extraordinary passion, but because love develops naturally, the success rate is quite high. However, the jealousy is strong and the lack of understanding of the other party. Occupation - Since you have a strong sense of responsibility and leadership qualities, you are suitable for fields where you can command others and give full play to your control abilities. Such as lecturers, teachers, producers and other occupations. If you work in an office, you will show a tendency to always want to be the center of attention. Excessive jealousy and competition will bring trouble.

Blood type A and blood type O, what is the blood type of a child born from type A blood and type O blood? Figure 1

What blood type will a child born with type O blood and type A blood have to be type O?

1. There are two possibilities for children born between type A blood and type O blood. If type A blood is homozygous, the child born will be type A and is an AO chimera. If the parents with type A blood are chimeras, they may give birth to a fetus with type A blood or type O blood. Therefore, children born with type A blood and type O blood have two possibilities: type A and type O, and no other possibility.

2. ABO blood type refers to the red blood cell blood type. There are also other clinical blood types, such as the less common RH blood type. Among Han people, the vast majority are RH positive, and among ethnic minorities, RH negative. Blood can account for about 10%. If the woman has RH negative blood and the man has RH positive blood, hemolysis may occur during pregnancy of the second child. Compared with ABO hemolysis, the consequences of RH hemolysis are much more serious.

Blood type A and blood type O, what is the blood type of a child born from type A blood and type O blood? Figure 2

The difference between type O blood and type A blood

  Do you want to know the difference between type O blood and type A blood? Let me introduce it to you below. I hope you like it.

   O blood type

  Type O blood is a common blood type and refers to blood that contains neither A nor B antigens. Type O can be exported to people of any blood type, so it is called a universal transfusion recipient. However, because the plasma contains anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies, it may cause varying degrees of hemolysis of the recipient's red blood cells.

   blood type A

  A common blood type refers to blood containing A antigen in the blood. A blood type in the ABO blood group system. People with type A blood are steady, quiet, passionate, persistent and focused, and have a unique character and temperament.

Type A blood and type O blood. What is the blood type of a child born from type A blood and type O blood? Figure 3

What kind of blood will a child born from type O blood and type A blood have?

Human blood types can generally be divided into type A, type B, type O and type AB. Type O blood actually means that the surface of red blood cells does not contain a antigen or b antigen, so this blood type belongs to type O blood, commonly known as Universal blood transducer. If one parent has type AB blood, he or she will not give birth to a child with type O blood.
Human blood group systems are generally divided into two types, one is the ABO blood group system and the other is the RH negative blood group system. Type A blood is the blood type in the human body's ABO blood group system. The blood contains type A antigens. Type B blood refers to the presence of type B antigens in red blood cells. Type AB blood refers to the presence of type A and type B antigens in red blood cells. Type O blood is There is no antigen.
Type A blood accounts for about 30% of the population. People with type A blood can only receive type A blood during clinical blood transfusions. Severe hemolytic reactions may occur if other types of blood are received.

Blood type A and blood type O. What is the blood type of a child born from type A blood and type O blood? Figure 4

The above is all about blood type A and blood type O, what blood type will a child born with type A blood and type O blood have, as well as related content about type A blood and type O blood. I hope it can help you.

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