
Contents of this article

  • 1. Say something about Duan Aojuan
  • 2. What are Liu Nian’s mottos?
  • 3. Qi Yandi talks
  • 4. Produce Camp 2019 third performance group

Say something about Duan Aojuan

Duan Aojuan, domino and Adiao Dajuan are so amazing. They can handle any style. Watching her grow step by step is so inspiring! Come on! You will definitely have a bigger stage!

Talk about Duan Aojuan

1. Dajuan fans, we can no longer be Buddhists! There is a sense of crisis! Whether it’s likes, calls, toothpaste ads, or the C position now, we are going further and further! We are not afraid of how strong the enemy is, but what we are afraid of is that if we remain still, Dajuan will leave this stage sooner or later! We can understand why we spend money to buy cards but others can’t. After all, there are many students who like Dajuan! But doki has 900,000 fans, Douyin has 3 million, full name, and Weibo. . . . Why can't there be so many people who love Dajuan but they can't choose other families? Are we too comfortable? Or is your fandom of Dajuan just a formality? If you are a true fan, I believe you will be willing to spend a minute to vote and like Dajuan! In addition to daily likes, search on qq, Kuwo, and Kugou to create 101 and find Dajuan. Help Dajuan shed tears on the Ferris wheel so that she can stand in the C position and sing this Ferris wheel song to us!

2. From the whole people to the trailer of "Produce 101" From plain-faced school uniforms to well-dressed celebrities, from inconspicuous to voice treasures, I watched you grow from the screen. You infected my youth and gave me the courage to pursue my dreams. You You may not be the best, but in the eyes of Oreo, you are the bright spot of happiness, which is the feeling of being in love (as a girl, I am super like you), which is the mark of living up to the good times. Dajuan must take care of herself. I hope we can turn against the wind and live towards the sun together. I hope what I see when I come back from the high school entrance examination is what Duan Aojuan looked like when she debuted!

3. Please all true fans or casual fans who like Dajuan, don’t be fooled by tonight’s rankings. The situation of our Dajuan’s debut is not clear at all, especially the final onepick can only be voted for by one person, and there are other popular ones. Fund-raising is an unstable factor for our Dajuan to enter the top 11, so please continue to work hard for Dajuan in the final round next week, come on! (I would like to offer our Dajuan’s beautiful singing voice to encourage everyone)

4. Are there any groups voting for Juan? Build one and get people involved so they can vote. Everyone has a group. Do you have one? I also like Juan's.

5. After watching the unedited live version, I thought Sunnee was great. Except for Zi Ting and Wu Yingxiang, who had very few scenes in the first episode, I also thought that Duan Aojuan was really a God-given food. Although I also like Zi Ning, the water is boiling. The voice really made me laugh. I hope there will be zero mistakes in controlling my strength. The troublesome girl was involved in a car accident. I feel that Yang Chaoyue’s fans are happy. But others are singing badly, and she is also as ugly as ever. Isn’t it contradictory? Fans, please don’t reply to me. I will delete your comment. oh

6. Personally, I think Dajuan is more suitable to show her strength in programs such as The Voice. This kind of group competition can easily be buried, and Dajuan only sings a few lines in several episodes. . .

7. Wojuan is really beautiful and sweet. She will always open her mouth and kneel down, and then basically there will be no part of her. But she can show her brilliance in just a few sentences and will never be buried by the excellence of others. Outstanding. She is extremely talented. She is already so amazing without professional vocal training, and the results after training in the future are even more fascinating. Duan Aojuan, my baby Dajuan! Come on and make your debut! !

8. Hong Kong: I picked Duan Aojuan and Wu Xuanyi from zqsg. I am a fan of a certain group of people. Although I know it is completely unworthy and there are too many things in the world that are more important than this, there is nothing wrong with these cute girls themselves. ah

9. Duan Aojuan Domino A Diao Duan Aojuan really likes it. I feel that the overall feeling is very similar to Liang Jingru. I haven’t seen a singer who feels like this for a long time. Her voice is like that of Ayaka Harahara. She is indeed a powerful singer. Duan Aojuan and Lai Meiyun, please work hard. I hope Duan Aojuan can become a successful singer in the Chinese music scene in the future. I was really angry when I saw Duan Aojuan’s domino being cut off

10. Duan Aojuan, come on and wish him to become the cover goddess!

11. I waited until 12 o'clock in the morning to buy a card for my female goose Duan Aojuan (I don't know why I have to buy it now...) Duan Aojuan suddenly fell in love with Zi Ting. Come on, ladies and gentlemen! ! ! !

12. Just look at Duan Aojuan and see her growth from the initial school girl in school uniform to today. Keep working hard and come on.

13. Duan Aojuan was backlit to clean her ears. Dajuan really opened her mouth and knelt down. This group can be said to have the most stable performance among all the groups tonight. Duan Aojuan is really the type who has been working hard silently. Watching her come all the way, I have a feeling that her forehead has finally grown up. I hope our boss, Mr. Duan, will continue to work hard and perform well!

14. Come on Dajuan! ! Until the end, everyone must insist on voting for Dajuan.

16. People with strength are always the best. Come on, Dajuan.

17. Duan Aojuan is simply not great. I like this girl so much. She sings so beautifully. Typhoon is getting better and better.

18. Meng Meiqi and Duan Aojuan have stabilized Xu Mengjie and Liu Renyu, but they have to work harder! Those who like Xu Mengjie are all aunties, right? Don’t you like to heckle and vote? If I haven’t found the voting booth yet

19. I like everyone in Lai Meiyun’s group! Wang Mohan works so hard and is so beautiful! I used to think Qi Yandi was more beautiful, but this time, it looks almost beautiful! Xiao Di is more cute and clear, while Wang Mohan is more sexy and cute! Wei Daxun's little moves look like Zhang Han! Come on! My girl Lai Meiyun! Duan Aojuan!

20. Sister Duan Aojuan is really thin and good-looking. Come on.

21. Today’s style is also very cute. Sister Juan’s stage control has also improved a lot and she has lost a lot of weight. Good luck girls!

22. In fact, I started following 101 because of Dajuan, yes, Duan Aojuan, because of Douyin. She wanted to participate in this competition. I used to like her singing very much and I wanted to cheer for her.

Beautiful quotes about Yu Juan

We have all been misled by the saying that knowledge changes destiny. My college classmate Huang Jiquan was very hard-working and diligent. He was a typical example of knowledge changing destiny, but he lacked wisdom and left us early. He wrote a book called "History of Western Constitutionalism", which was published after he left the world. He wrote the book with his life, because after he finished writing this book, he left the world. Yu Juan is a returnee Ph.D. from Fudan University in Shanghai. It was also knowledge that changed her destiny, but when she left this world in her thirties, she lacked the wisdom of life. In the end, we discovered that what really changes our destiny is wisdom, not knowledge.

On the road of life, from the starting point to the end, you meet countless people while running around. Being able to meet each other by chance, share the same road, and walk side by side is considered fate and blessing. However, the cruelty of life is that few or no one can accompany you all the way. Therefore, people are destined to learn to walk alone. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Everyone in this world has something they really want, and they are very lucky to know what they want. And I think it is happiness to be able to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, even if it means working hard. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Through life and death, you will feel that fame, wealth, power and love are all vain, especially fame that bears the brunt. To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a topic for other people to talk about after dinner. Even if your reputation is known all over the world, it is nothing more than a temporary curiosity. After all kinds of people with various mentality spit on you, you are still you. In fact, you have always been you, but others are here. When talking about you, you forget who you are. The instantaneous change of names and celebrities is a big stone in the heart, making people breathless. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Between life and death, the former path is like silkworm silk in the wind; but death is too simple. Not only is it simple, but it is also enjoyable and comfortable, and you don’t have to endure the pain of bone erosion day and night. But death makes my loved ones in this world suffer the pain of losing their mother in childhood, their wife in middle age, and their children in old age. Although it's not up to me whether I can survive or not, at least I have to fight and struggle for my loved ones. Suicide is absolutely impossible, because I am a mother. Although I am very powerless as a mother, the only thing I can give my children now is a smile, and the only thing I can do for my children is to be strong. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

The older people grow up, the less they know what they want, and the less they know what they want, the more they will think about what they want. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

For a while, I even laughed at myself for being a kid walking a tightrope 500 meters above the ground in the dark. What’s even more frightening is that I don’t know what the right direction is, but if I make a wrong step, I will be shattered into pieces in the abyss. No one will give me the chance to do it again. Chance. I don't want anyone to explore in the dark with their head in hand like I did. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Everyone loves to pursue nutrition, and all chickens, ducks, pigs and geese go into the throat;

If you have money, you should eat strange things, such as peacocks, whales and seagulls; contrary to your wishes, your health will go away, and you will seek medical treatment if you are terminally ill; "Why do I get cancer"? Yu Juan’s blog post is eye-popping! Diseases that enter through the mouth can cause serious disasters. Do you know that eating meat is poisonous? Liver pain, chest tightness, cerebral infarction, hemorrhoids, fistula, and kidney hypertrophy; there are too many hospitalized patients and no room, and the beds are lined up in the corridors. Even though medical treatment is constantly improving, strange diseases are endless and worrying; patients queue up for medical treatment, and experts are rarely on vacation; injections and infusions are often The surgery ended up in the grave due to incurable injuries; people and money were lost, so sad and angry that generations of relatives were worried! Is it possible not to take this path? Being vegetarian can keep away the disease! The word "ying" has the radical "艹", which means all the nutrition is in the vegetable; the word "冖" means all the nutrition, so why bother preparing with meat! The two of them prove their needs, and eating meat will also throw away kindness!

People should base their happiness on sustainable long-term life goals, rather than just looking at short-term fame, wealth, and power. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

When reading, what you need to read is the thoughts of others. Flowers, birds, fish and insects are natural interests, benevolence, filial piety, integrity and etiquette are the soul of loyalty. What you need to understand here is the noble and compassionate human nature, the noble and prudent conduct, the cultivation of insight and open-mindedness, and perseverance. ideals and pursuits. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

When I was in my twenties, I felt that life was long and treating yourself well was the most important, so I loved myself and even loved others. Now that I think about it, being kind to yourself is not as simple as buying yourself a few more boxes of expensive cosmetics. Tolerating others is the best way to be kind to yourself. Since the highest good is like water, the great love and great goodness flowing out from your heart will naturally extend back to you. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Cultivation quality is often reflected in the ultimate point of life. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Some things, be it movies, BBS, or karaoke, if you think about it, it is nothing more than sensory enjoyment. After that moment, it is just a cloud. The only thing stepping on the ground is your healthy body. Think about this passage more before staying up late in the future. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

After life was worse than death, narrow escapes, narrow escapes, and life and death, I suddenly felt that life was easy. I don’t want to control the overall situation or the small situation, and I don’t want to meddle in other people’s affairs. I no longer have opponents or enemies, and I don’t care who is better than whom. No matter the subject or the task, I will leave it alone for the time being. Everything in the world, see the flowers from across the bank, the clouds are clear and the wind is clear. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

For women, in the battlefield of love, the brave one wins when they meet on a narrow road. Don't say that men like to be gentle, generous, considerate and considerate. In fact, every time in a love triangle, the one who takes the initiative, fights hard, and entangles each other step by step wins. Even if you are a little bit soft-hearted and can't bear to see a man in a dilemma and being attacked from both sides, you will be defeated in the end. In other words, in a love triangle, the woman who gives up or is passive first loves the man more, but unfortunately the men don't understand. ----Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Completed"

Miao Juan's famous sayings

1. The purpose of this is to use the country when it is established, like a handle to be developed and used to meet heavenly beings. The king knelt down on one knee and put on Cinderella's glass slippers. ----"Danny Haig"

2. She didn’t answer, she just turned around and opened the door. There was nothing in her head, she just said to herself, this is Danny Hagrid, this is Danny Hagrid, this is Danny, waiting for her at the door of her house. Three hours of Danny. There was a faint smell of mint on his body in the small space in the corridor. It was as thin as a layer of mist and a dream. It was so thin that she didn't dare to breathe. She was afraid that the dream would be shattered or end suddenly. ----"Danny Haig"

3. Injuries heal quickly, but scars cannot be removed. The black mud seeped into the skin and turned into a small, half-moon-shaped mark. No matter how old a person grows, where he lives, or who he likes and cares about, he cannot get rid of it. It can never be removed. ----"A Floating Life Like a Dream 1: The Last Prince"

4. I fell in love with such an extraordinary man. At first, I wanted to be with him forever. Later, I just wanted to have him once, but there were still so many difficulties. ----"Danny Haig"

5. I don’t want her to live happily, I want her to accompany me in my misfortune; I don’t want her to smile, I want her to be as cold as me; I don’t want her wedding to be successful and full of guests, I hope to be happy at this wedding There will be a small, well-timed disaster, and the garden will become an island, leaving only her and me. ----"translator"

6. Therefore, Xiao Duo always said that this woman has an unrealistic bad habit. She cannot see the ordinary and stable scenery around her. She always pays attention to those strange people and things. ----"Danny Haig"

7. I feel that now that I am an adult, there are always things to do, roads to catch up on, and life to continue. However, my heart is getting colder layer by layer. ----"translator"

8. Love is like hanging itself gradually, missing it means life and death will separate you. ----"Dear Translator"

9. It turns out that the same world is different in everyone’s eyes. My Lyon is different from yours. ----"Danny Haig"

10. "When I die, you can cry for a while, or cry for a few years, but you still have to live a good life." ---- "Floating Life Like a Dream 1: The Last Prince"

11. In Shimin, what makes Shimin happy is that he puts everyone he loves at the same table and has a national meal. ----"Wits"

12. People with bad looks are not necessarily bad-hearted, they will only love you more than others. ----"A Floating Life Like a Dream 1: The Last Prince"

13. Why do boys smoke?

Because smoking doesn't make them have diarrhea or even get out of bed, unlike snacks or apricot jam. ----"My Poseidon"

14. I don’t remember many of my mother’s words, but one thing has always stuck in my mind—girls should wash their hair well. When others look at you, they first look at your hair without hearing or doing anything. That's your upbringing, your patience, and your care for yourself. ----"Danny Haig"

15. Your patience, your gentleness, and your love are your love. ----"Wits"

16. "...I didn't treat you well. You have been wronged all the way with me when you have grown up. Unfortunately, life cannot be reversed. I cannot tamper with the past. But, Mingyue, believe it or not, you met me on the first day." See, now that I am standing here, I am sincere every moment." ---- "A Dream 1: The Last Prince".

17. The world is sometimes small, so people who want to meet will eventually meet each other;

The world is sometimes very big, so the people who are separated will live forever. ----"A Floating Life Like a Dream 1: The Last Prince"

18. The dispute between translators is the result of love. ----"Dear Translator"

19. "Everything belongs to others, only your body is yours. Please treat yourself more carefully." ---- "A Dream 1: The Last Prince"

20. He took a sip of tea: "...When I sincerely want to invite a friend to my home, I have to tidy up the house first before sending out the invitation. I can't ask her first if she wants to Come sit down and wait for her to do it before I clean the room. That would be unprepared and insincere. In the same way, if I fall in love with this person and want to change her life, I have to prepare myself first. The last resort. Otherwise, it’s a meaningless and impolite interruption. It’s better not to say anything than not to do it.” ---- "A Dream 1: The Last Prince"

21. "Haiger Water" is the highest quality water source in Europe. It is rich in beneficial minerals. Long-term drinking can extend your life.

For hundreds of years, this spring has brought endless wealth and supreme honor to the Hagrid family. But water is water. It is formless, colorless and odorless. While nourishing all living things, it also contains mysterious and unpredictable power. Like the handsome and gentle man she met, like him who was intoxicated and peacefully enjoying her pure and unsparing love. When they are fighting each other and insisting on winning and losing, they forget that all stories are nothing more than a chess game set by fate. ----"Danny Haig"

22. Ye Dahai said, do you know how many fish I killed when I let him enter my sea area for exploration? ----"My Poseidon"

23. Water is the most magical thing in the world. All water is connected together. Rivers, lakes and seas, clouds, rain and dew, people’s tears and hard work are all connected together. They disappear from here and disappear again from there. Evaporate. So water is the most sacred substance, it has mysterious and huge power. ----"Danny Haig"

24. Her surprise seemed to remind me of something: "You mean...?"

"If you don't train with him, who will you train with? You're not like that, you are so... arrogant of natural things!" "But, if I do this, wouldn't it be a bit immoral..." "How can I not do this? Where's your face?" I didn't say "shameless". Huayin said in a low voice, like casting a magic on my heart: "Remember, people don't waste their youth in romance. Just treat him as a simulation problem." ---- "My Poseidon"

25. In fact, after I received the call from the Human Resources Department to suspend me, I felt a little excited. Really, it's like the parrot is holding the key in its own hand, and it's all up to it when it wants to fly out, which is quite refreshing. On the other hand, I am really anxious to leave here, and I am afraid that they will use other means to force Fei and I to submit. ----"translator"

26. After hearing this, he took out the pipe from his mouth, a little bit to distinguish me from other admirers, and said with a bit of Japanese neurosis: "Water is the most magical thing in the world. All water is connected together. Rivers, lakes, seas, clouds, rain and dew, people’s tears and hard work are all connected together. They disappear from here and evaporate from there, so water is a sacred substance. , it has mysterious and huge power." ----"Danny Haig".

27. Patience and waiting are like an iron plate for boiling hot tea leaves compared to desire. Under the torment, they become used up, cherished and fragrant. The tenth chapter of the process book is already poetic - "Floating Life is Like a Dream"

28. When the peach blossoms bloom in March, the locust tree is still silent, but who doesn’t love its fragrant fragrance in May?

So sooner or later, every girl must have her Prince Charming. But more often than not, happiness comes from our own hearts. ----"Wits"

29. She opened the last layer of silver tinfoil and took out a bottle of transparent liquid. The slender glass bottle was covered with flowers. The cold temperature sealed by the tinfoil suddenly encountered the hot air outside, and the frost condensed. On the delicate bottle, her fingers covered it, leaving traces and transparent edges. Sophie unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip. The actress who was so cold and never smiled suddenly smiled, as if love was flowing into her heart. ----"Danny Haig"

30. Just the word "upright", three stones fell to the ground, and ordinary shoulders could not carry them.

Human nature is to do what one wants. ... It's true that Wang Mingyue is ungrateful. But we who watch the excitement outside the story may not necessarily do better. ----"A Floating Life Like a Dream 1: The Last Prince"

Motto about Odysseus

Sisyphus: The most cunning of mankind; after his death, he was punished in Hades by pushing a boulder up a mountain forever, only to have it fall again when he reached the top of the mountain. Chryseis: Daughter of the Trojan priest Apollo, captured by Agamemnon, who refused to return her to her father, resulting in revenge from the sun god. Clytaemnestra: Agamemnon's wife, who killed her husband and was killed by her own son. Diomedes: A famous Greek hero during the Trojan War. Hippomedon: One of the seven heroes who attacked Thebes. Theseus: King of Athens; one of the famous heroes in Greek mythology. Telemachus: Son of Odysseus; after his father returned from the Trojan War, he helped his father kill all the suitors.

But Odysseus is no weakling. He suffered hardships, but he did not bow his head and accept his fate. His virtue lies in his tenacity and elasticity. When forced, he will bend, but then he will rebound; in my opinion, this ability to bend, stretch, and rebound with strength is a model of masculine beauty. He wandered at sea for ten years. He was cunning and changeable, avoided reefs, lied and deceived, and finally survived. As long as the situation requires it, he can be decisive, manic, and violent, or he can be clever, funny, and loving. And these character traits are not incompatible, either/or, Odysseus combines them without any conflict. ----Adam Nicholson, "Homer 3000"

In one version of the legend, the sirens could not sing.

Only in a sailor's story they do. Well, Odysseus, tied to the mast, tormented by inaudible music - the heaving sea, the steep wind, the hunger of the birds offshore - while the silent women gather seaweed for the canopy garden , watching him struggle to break free from the cable, watching the terrible longing in his eyes, being forever changed by their imagination of his unsung song on the rocky desert island. ----Robert Haas, "Poems about Envy of Others"

It is not just the past or the future that Odysseus saves from the spell of the nectar, Circe's medicine, and the sirens' song. For a person, a society, and a culture, only when memory condenses the traces of the past and future plans, only when memory allows people to do things without forgetting what they want to do, allows people to be what they want to be without forgetting To stop being what they are, to allow people to be what they are without stopping to be what they want to be, is where memories really matter. ----Italo Calvino "Why Read Classics"

The fault lies not with the singer, but with Zeus, who bestows blessings or misfortunes on the working mortals according to his own will.

You must strengthen your spirit and heart and listen to this song. Odysseus is not the only one who lost his time returning from Troy. Many heroes died there. ----Homer's "Odyssey"

How childish, a desperate counterattack. To make it seem as if all those who have been frustrated can do it, to fight back, requires the wisdom of Sisyphus, the passion of Oedipus, the courage of Odysseus, the strength of Heracles, and Achilles Si's silence and hard work require Agamemnon's domineering and a little bit of cynicism, and you even need Hitler's fanaticism. These are not enough. The most important thing is that you have to have yourself. A person who dare not overestimate himself wants to fight back, ha! Hit yourself in the face with your fist!

Who said that only greatness deserves to be praised? Those who can only move forward in life are heroes. But I will move in the direction of my heart like Odysseus, even if the gods will block me on the other side. When I need to stand alone on the distant battlefield. The weapon is the dream I hold tightly, and the injuries I have suffered are all my medals - Zhu Jingxi's "Lu Han - Medal"

But I will be like Odysseus

Go in the direction of your heart, even if the gods will block you on the other side. When I need to stand alone on the distant battlefield, the weapon is the dream I hold tightly, and the injuries I have suffered are all my medals ---- Lu Han's "Medal"

I'll be like Odysseus

Stick to your own direction, even if the gods will block you on the other side - "Medal" by Lu Han

The story begins in the first dream

The stars in the sky are shining only because of me. When I see the ordinary me, there will be an extraordinary moment. When I hear it, I think of your first dream. In front of me is the unknown. In front of me is the sea breeze. King Sai's song can make people forget their original intention. They say that every storm is like a storm. It can drown me, but I will go in the direction of my heart like Odysseus, even if the gods will block me on the other side. When I need to stand alone on the distant battlefield, weapons are the dreams I hold tightly, and the injuries I have received are my medals. Who said that greatness deserves to be praised? Even after riding the wind and waves, there is no guarantee of success. Life can only move forward. Those who have a firm belief are all heroes. But like Odysseus, I will move in the direction of my heart, even if the gods will block it on the other side-- --Lu Han "Lu Han"

"But I'll be like Odysseus

Go in the direction of your heart even if the gods will block it on the other side." How I wish I could be Odysseus in the lyrics, even though he is for peace, and I am for you. You will never know that I love How humble, humble enough to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you.

Wang Mohan Qi Yandi, sentences about Duan Aojuan Picture 1

What are Liu Nian’s mottos?

This lonely glass of wine poured spring on my head, and I suddenly thought of some tenderness. I felt that I had been with you once, and the accumulated sorrows were blurred. I looked at the outside and stayed inside at that time. It all made me feel the pain of the eleventh night. On Lifeng, the forgotten sadness sobs sobs sobs sobs sobs sobs sobs sobs sobs. This remaining poem pierced the paper of the window, imagining that your shadow wraps my own lovesickness. The strands of love in the past cannot lock the whole life. Now, outside the country, Liu Niancheng and Liu Niancheng can be forgotten by each of them, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, sob, Kun Bai: Look at the man in the mirror, Dong Yanshou, look at love and hate, look at the new, look at the old and look at the lanterns like this I am soaked with tears throughout the day to see who will come to make an appointment with Honghun and I will be like this----"The Story of Yanxi Palace"

My surname is Liu, Liu from Liu Yuxi, Liu from Liu Zhu, and Liu from Liu Nian. But in front of literati, I can only act as a gangster...

The strands of love from the past

You can't lock yourself away from a foreign country for the rest of your life. Now you can make things for yourself and forget about Liu Nian.

Luo Hua Zheng Zhan Ren Neng Hui Nian Neng, that little Jin, singing under his breath, in the splendor, flicked the fingers of Liu Nian's heart, I want to use him in the country for reference, the thousand-year-old guzheng is swaying in the wind, pointing to the fragrance The ink blooms: walking in the world of mortals, in loneliness, the love of her young heart is about to be indifferent. At the beginning of the cycle of reincarnation, traveling to the west of the wind is like this life, sleeping for the comfort and gentleness of the fallen flowers, crossing the corner of the world, forgetting the blooming flowers, the souls of the fallen flowers, the wind passes through the self-contained ground, and it seems that the years are hard to bear. , gentle and gentle

Paper fate

-----Congratulating Liu Nian on his birthday is nothing more than a full moon, turning the wind into reality, turning life into nothingness is nothing more than walking on a journey, turning whiteness into nothingness, turning blackness into nothingness is nothing more than the Xiangxi version of Mandarin, The cry of pain in the lower part is nothing more than trying to use a pair of rough hands to pull the person out of the mud: white is still white, he can't rub it out whiter or black, he can smash his head, and he can't dig a hole to get it. Just, the light that stays on in a rental house in Beijing must have illuminated some people who were lost in Sanlitun February 1, 20xx 14:41:58 ----Yu Xiuhua "Weibo"

This lonely glass of wine

The feeling of spring poured over my head, and I suddenly remembered some tenderness. I felt that I stayed with you once, and the accumulated sorrow blurred. I looked at the outside at that time, and looked at the new year. Everything was done, and the eleventh night was painful on the wind. Because of the sorrow that has been forgotten, this remaining poem pierces the paper of the window, imagining myself, your shadow wraps my lovesickness, the strands of love in the past cannot lock a life, a foreign country, now the work can be done, each forgets it You can eat all the old and old things of Liu Nian - "Story of Yanxi Palace"

The desire cannot be seen through, the cold can pass through the years and be silent, flying with the vastness, I will fall in love with the person from time to time, I will fall in love with the fragrance of the time, I will fall in the broken pieces of the time, I will fall in with the charm of the time, wait until my beloved returns, how many times Zhao Wun left home and thought about the fallen flower soul alone. Traveling through the world of mortals, crossing the corner of the world, thousands of years of guzheng blowing in the wind, it seems that the years are hard to bear, fingering the fragrant ink blooming, in the splendor, in the loneliness, fingering Liu Nian's peace of mind, and the comfortable tenderness of falling flowers, That little today, the wind has passed through the self-contained battle, and the fallen flower has been able to meet the new year. The love in her young heart will be indifferent, I am delicate and want to use him in the country, and the wind turns to the front The western boundary is like this life, forgetting the flowers blooming. At the beginning of Wang Chu's reincarnation, he chanted, and the soul of the falling flower was as gentle as a handful.

"The Soft Journey"

Text/Jiu Ur Passing by a neon light, I was flashed into it. How long has the black heart kept me? I can’t pick up a piece of color. I watched a person walking by. How dangerous it is to walk through more dusk, hidden in The light in my trousers was almost taken away. I grabbed a face with all my strength. This face that was deeply entangled with time, you reflected the darkness on my face.

Sincerity is gone, Liu Nian is dead

No one is worthy of Yuri's words, and I won't accept it.

The depth of a man is by no means extremely deep, nor does he want to be more sophisticated than his family. It is actually a manifestation of a man's inner nature and heritage. The man you penetrate with one shot is at best a simple man, an ordinary man. A man's extraordinarily intellectual and naive nature is very colorful. It has both a tender side and a masculine side. "Fengguo people may not be so heroic." A man who does not understand the fireworks of the world must be a monster. There are men who are affectionate, there are men who are passionate, and there are men who are affectionate. What kind of man is this? He has a lot of hair, and her hair is like Liu Nian's, and the fragrance lasts forever. , mellow and intoxicating.

Swearing people does not reveal their shortcomings. Whenever the country can use the old things of Mr. Liu Nian to learn from them, they will have to use them to slander the people who have done it. In my opinion, this is probably the most vicious person, no matter what However, how to learn character in the current era depends on how to learn. When people and scholars have personal conflicts, it can be said that when they make and use the things of the present, they will achieve great success and internal harmony. As a country's past, if a villain has a good moral character, he will become a scholar, and if he wants to become a scholar, he will have a conscience and want to be a scholar. He talks about the shortcomings of many people in his life. This kind of person can make people extremely disgusted.

This remaining poem

The paper that punctured the window is imagining that your shadow is wrapped around my lovesickness. The love threads of the past cannot lock a lifetime in a foreign country. Now I can eat the old and forgotten things for each of them——" Story of Yanxi Palace"

Famous quotes about Liu Ling

Liu Ling was born and named after wine. ----Liu Ling

What time will we return home in the horizon, looking forward to meeting again, thinking of smiling with the beautiful man in the river?

Two lines of tears, plain silk, broken black hair, but leaning against the rock and drinking too much, Liu Ling is drunk

Push the cup to change the cup and drink Liu Ling. ----"Adolescence and Menopause 2"

Come here, I will inspect your body now. I have been thirsty for many years, and my throat is like a burnt cauldron; now I feel like sleeping, and my breath is like thunder. You said that Liu Ling, a master of ancient and modern times, might as well die and be buried after being drunk.

In such a situation, I feel sorry for you as a confidant, how unkind you are! They even rely on singing and dancing as matchmakers. It counts as cooperation and poisonous speculation in the world. There is no resentment, big or small, it is born from what you love; there is no good or evil in things, and if you do something wrong, it will be a disaster. I have a word with you: Don't stay and retreat immediately, I can still drink your cup with my strength. After bowing the cup again, the Taoists will leave immediately, and the invitation must come. ---- ----Xin Qiji's "Qinyuan Chun Will Stop Drinking"


Inviting friends and meeting friends, don't wait for a long time. It's famous before eating. It's polite after tea. It's indispensable when facing the wind. It's necessary to teach the moon. Li Bai drank a stone a day. Liu Ling drank five dou. A young man's lips are like peaches. A beautiful woman's waist is like a willow.

Stop drinking, keep the drinking glass away from you

Before you come here, I will examine your body now. I have been thirsty for many years, and my throat is like a burnt cauldron. Now I feel like sleeping, and my breath is like thunder. You, Liu Ling, a master of ancient and modern times, why not die and bury yourself after being drunk? In such a situation, I feel sorry for you as a confidant, how unkind you are! They even rely on singing and dancing as matchmakers. Counting cooperation is usually a poisonous guess. There is no big or small complaint, it is born from what you love, there is no good or bad thing, and if you do something wrong, it will be a disaster. I have made a promise to you, don’t stay and retreat immediately, I can still drink your cup with my strength. After bowing the cup again, Tao will leave immediately, and the invitation must come. ----Xin Qiji's "Qinyuanchun"

Pour a pot of heaven and earth and forget the mountains and rivers

Pitching up and being contented coincides with the spring of Luoyang when I was young, and I sang a string song in the depths of my life. I wasted my time in the past, and the old people were able to repay each other with a green eye for the rest of my life (Ruan Ji). Caressing a clear wind, thousands of valleys, long pine trees, listening to the vast valley, four silent and sleepless string music, despite the wind and rain in the world, like the dim night owl's mournful cry. Carrying a piano pillow and a stone, howling loudly with my spirit (Ji Kang) I sing in my drunken dream (I chant in my drunken dream) The shape of earth and wood is arbitrary, the sky and the earth are my house, the wine is a mess (the wine is a mess), don’t cherish your life after drinking, and you will perish like a ephemeral with no one to depend on ( Liu Ling) Driving to the west of the mountains, the sun is fading and the road is dying, looking around with a sad and sad song (Ruan Ji) Drunk with wine, lying high in the autumn mountains in Guangling, a song that no one can sing again (Ji Kang) Drunk, watching the desolate mountains and rivers, and hoeing and burying me in this mountain together (Liu Ling) There is no end to my worries Chang Yin of the Passing River----Shang Lian's "The End of the Road"

[Dingfengbo·Ci Gulong Ancestor Rhyme]

Is it better to be passionate and ruthless? It makes people wake up and feel lonely. When I was young, melancholy was written all over it, for whom? The prodigal son burst into tears without sound. The strings of the piano play with a floating smell, laughing at me, and the wine is like Liu Lingji's life. I asked other people about books, but unfortunately, my husband went to the scholar to hate me.

You are the wine that relieves sorrow, you are the wine that forgets sorrow

What is the geometry of life? Sing to the wine, the sun sets again, the flowers bloom and fall. Don’t climb high and embrace the distance. Mo Linfeng looks at the moon and lets the wine turn into tears of lovesickness in his sorrowful heart. Whether it is the joy of drinking or the tastelessness of strong music, he will turn this endless sorrow Zi Shumi and Shixian picked up the glass of wine together and watched the long wind send the swans to accompany Cao Hou. They bought the glass of wine on credit. After being drunk, I wrote out the pieces of my heart with a pen as big as a rafter. Like Liu Ling, drink the glass of wine and express the wildness of your heart with the deer, cart and load. Like Peng Zeling, pour the glass of wine lightly and go back to Nanshan, with chrysanthemums as your companion, to express your ambition that would rather break than bend.

The glass bell is rich in amber, and the wine in the small trough is pearl red. Cooking dragons, cannons, phoenixes and jade fat weeping, Luo embroidered curtains surround the fragrant wind. Play the dragon flute, beat the drum, sing with white teeth, and dance with a slim waist. What's more, the days of youth are approaching, and the peach blossoms are falling like red rain. I advise you to be drunk all day long, and the wine will not be buried in Liu Ling's grave. ----Li He

The first article of "Shishuo Xinyu·Ren Dan No. 23" mentions that Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Shan Tao, Liu Ling, Ruan Xian, Xiang Xiu and Wang Rong "often gather in the bamboo forest and enjoy themselves as much as they want". This is A bunch of drunkards. Among them, Liu Ling, the most famous one, ordered his people to follow him and said: "Bury me if you die!" He was very open-minded about death. In fact, the situation is quite the opposite. They tremble in fear of death and make posturings to deceive themselves and others. Of course, there is also the purpose of escaping brutal political persecution. ----Ji Xianlin "Ji Xianlin Talks about Life"

Drunk Liu Ling

Crazy, the Poet Fairy publicized it, Cao Mengde wrote about Hongmen Banquet, it got wet during the Qingming Festival, Apricot Blossom Rain made Begonias thinner, Li Yi'an helped Wu Song on Jingyang Gang, killed the tiger with three punches, Xunyang Loutou, Song Jiang wrote a poem to rebel against you, how many heroes have you accomplished, and the heroes fell down How many country men and women sing and dance with you, and your beauty and beauty inspire poetry and daring. Some people use you to go crazy, some use you to seize power. Sometimes you are just a prop to heighten the atmosphere on the negotiating table. Sometimes you are more like a hidden weapon to suppress greedy people. Your opponent is crazy about you. You have entered both the wealthy mansion and the shabby courtyard of the village. The golden bottles of the royal family are overflowing and the coarse bowls of the peasants are full. I want you to be happy. I want you to jump over the dragon gate. The student migrates to the exile. The prisoner is a down-and-out literati. Successful court officials are your confidants and partners.

Picking up the silver lamp·Dividing topics with Mr. Ouyang at the banquet

[Author] Fan Zhongyan [Dynasty] Song Dynasty I was reading Shu Zhi last night. Laugh at Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei. After exhausting all the mechanisms and exerting mental and physical efforts in vain, we can only get three parts of the world. He bent his fingers and thought carefully, arguing with each other, and Liu Ling got drunk. No one is a hundred years old. Young people are demented, old people are haggard. Only in the middle, there are some young people who can't bear to be involved in the name. Yipin and Qianjin, ask gray hair, how to avoid it. ----Fan Zhongyan's "Tickling the Silver Lamp·Separating Topics with Mr. Ouyang at the Banquet"

What flowers bloom best in three summers?

It’s just a deserted moon, a ruthless world, but a city’s price tag, a prosperous star river, the moon’s shadow, quicksand, the thirteen-string brocade can’t be exchanged for all the world’s hometown, the deep snow, who will paint it again, Ronghua, what flowers will finally bloom, a glimpse, but tenderness Looking forward to the dust in the next life is nothing but the cold scales and cold claws of the claws. The east and west are the gloomy Jiacheng. The moon is missing. The song ends with five buckets of wine and three sighs. Liu Lingtian makes arrogance and talks wildly. He smiles calmly and finally crushes this firework like light smoke. I don’t know who caused this fireworks in this prosperous age

Jia Dao's drunkenness was not false

Liu Ling drank all the wine without leaving any trace - "Couple with Homophones for Different Characters"


It comes like a dream and goes like the wind. Sadness and joy are exchanged. We fight with swords and soldiers. After drinking the fragrant mash, the music is silent. I don’t believe that Liu Ling is still calm.

Liu Ling, one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, was born with a taste for wine. One drink of dendrobium and five buckets of dendrobium can relieve the pain. Bi Zhuo of the Western Jin Dynasty also loved drinking. It is said that he held a wine glass in his right hand and a crab claw in his left hand, and spent his whole life swimming in the floating wine boat. Nowadays, Xia Houyi of the Northern Zhou Dynasty did not dare to compare himself to Liu Ling and Bi Zhuo, but he also loved drinking wine from a bottle, so he took his beautiful lady with him to enjoy the fun of wine in the sea of ​​flowers, and to appreciate the elegance of the literati in the moonlight. ----Liancheng Girl's "Emperor's Jinghua"

○Four Hao

The harp is against the harp, the sword is against the sword, the earth is against the sky. Eguan is against Bo Dai, purple ribbon is against Fei Pao. Fry different teas, drink fragrant mash, and watch the tigers and monkeys fight against the monkeys. The warriors attack riding and shooting, while the wild women work on silkworm reeling. The autumn rain brings Qi'ao bamboo to the river, and the spring breeze brings Wuling peach to both sides. The buns of snails are densely green, and the mountains outside the building are thousands of feet tall; the duck heads are green and greasy, and the spring water in the stream is half a pole. Punishment is the opposite of reward, demotion is the opposite of praise, and broken ax is the opposite of conquest. Wutong is opposite to orange pomelo, and mandarin thorn is opposite to basil. Lei Huan's sword, Lu Qian's sword, olives versus grapes. A library with one rafter is as small as a restaurant, a restaurant a hundred feet high. Li Bai is good at writing poems, but Liu Ling loves wine and every meal. The etiquette distinguishes the superior and the inferior, and the stars in Gongbei are always shining; the power distinguishes the superior and the inferior, and thousands of rivers roll out towards the east. Melons are against fruits, plums are against peaches, dogs are against lambs. The spring equinox faces the summer solstice, and the valley water faces the mountain waves. Two phoenix wings, nine ox hairs, the master is at ease while the ministers are at work. The water flow is infinite and the mountains are as high as possible. In the rainy days, the village is re-cultivated, and the dust is born, and the generals are wearing their old robes. A handsome man is an official, and he is honored with the honor of being a great king; a loyal minister serves the country, and swears to sacrifice the hard work of dogs and horses. ----Li Yu's "Li Weng Duiyun"

Will drink wine

Author: Li He Dynasty: Tang Dynasty: Tang Dynasty Glazed bell, thick amber, small trough wine dripping true pearl red. Cooking dragons, cannons, phoenixes and jade fat weeping, Luo embroidered curtains surround the fragrant wind. Play the dragon flute, beat the drum, sing with white teeth, and dance with a slim waist. What's more, the days of youth are approaching, and the peach blossoms are falling like red rain. I advise you to be drunk all day long, and the wine will not be buried in Liu Ling's grave! ----Li He

"Drinking Song"

Song Haohao Wild waves surge and wave the mountains, and the river never returns to the sea. Purple lightning thundered up from the sky, and the wind stirred up the clouds as they sat and sighed. I am so excited to talk to you that I love each other and enjoy the same thing. The path of fine wine must be drank to the moon, and the empty cup will be filled again after it is exhausted. There is no hatred in the world when you are drunk, so why complain about the difficulty of traveling. Qu Ping Zhongjiang only had a little wine, so why worry about being drunk after a thousand cups? Liu Ling wandered around the world and slept in Liangyuan. In the old days, when Shandong was enjoying banquets, the ink and wine were light and the poems were thick. There are more than eight immortals in the drink, and the immortal world does not return to the world of lovers. Don’t laugh at the drinker’s body. The jade pot is in my hand and I am free. For thousands of years, there have been many saints and sages, and they have enjoyed delicious food and wine. Drink this wine and enjoy it to the fullest. Life in this world is like a big dream, and the dream must be full of joy. The celebrities in the world are lonely, who can relieve their sorrow with good wine. ----Song Haohao's "Selected Poems of Song Haohao"

Talk about Liu Renyu

I'm afraid I forgot to make a separate call. Pick Liu Renyu. She has good looks and strength. Come on, young lady!

Talk about Liu Renyu

1. So handsome~~ and very cute. Although I still won’t watch this show, I will always cheer for you and vote for you. Trouble Girl is also super good, and she is a talented girl who is great at singing and dancing! Liu Renyu

2. Amway has a versatile little lolita who is as beautiful as a flower, Liu Renyu, who can write, sing and dance. She is so sweet. I hope she can make her debut. Good luck.

3. The first true and sincere pursuit of a star, Liu Renyu, come on, go for it

4. Mermaids from Liu Renyu’s senior year, come on, come on, come on, call you like crazy.

5. Fat Tiger is really good! Backlight’s vocal is really good! Zi Ning really made me laugh to death. The front was pretty good, but the back hahaha, but I still picked you! Trouble Girl really didn't expect it. I hope Liu Renyu didn't really sing like this. I really don't believe it. Always go above and beyond! Meiqi is the best!

6. Zi Ning’s mother, Liu Renyu, children, come on, come on, ah ah ah ah ah

7. The young ladies in 101 are really pretty. I want to pick one up to fall in love with. Xiao Qi, Zi Ning, Da Juan, Liu Renyu, the eldest brother of Shanzhi... I am almost as obsessed with chasing a good boy in junior high school.

8. Liu Renyu may have fewer shots, but it can’t stop your charm. Come on.

9. Come on, little Liu Renyu! Can't be too low-key! Being able to sing, dance and create is really amazing! I really hope you can make your debut! Troublesome girl, please give little likes to little Liu Renyu!

10. Liu Renyu Renyu, come on, I will continue to support you and me. I was so nervous during a music exam that I was very confused. I turned it up very high and almost broke my voice. Everyone thought I was pretty good at singing, but after that time I seemed to lose my temper. I changed my mind and later I bravely tried to watch it again. I wanted to prove that I was really not that bad. Don’t deny me once. Later, everyone said that the two of them sang very well. So, I believe in your ability!

11. I’m fine now. I can’t sleep anymore. I’ve commented on a lot of videos. I’ve watched a lot of videos of mermaids singing a cappella. I really can’t hear the voice of mermaids singing. Please wake up. We humans don’t take the blame for this. Sorry to bother you, it’s new again. Come on Liu Renyu in the first round of voting! !

12. I’ve fallen in love with you since the first performance. Liu Renyu, cheers for everyone to pick Rourou and send her to the top eleven.

13. Liu Renyu, come on! ! ! plmm give me a debut! ! !

14. Liu Renyu is finally on the hot search, come on! ! 456 and Zi Ning, you four, come on! ! This is what a girl group should be like! !

15. Liu Renyu's cover of Wu Mochou's "Not Bad" is an original girl with a chord in her heart. Her voice and music style remind me of Tanya Chua, Dai Peini and Chen Qizhen. Its own original attributes are precious and rare in girl groups. This is also the most fundamental productivity for the development of girl groups. That’s why Liu Renyu, who is a Buddhist, can get A in many ratings. It’s the young lady like this. Let’s just stop wearing those gold-rimmed glasses that make people laugh.

16. Liu Renyu, come on, you must make your debut, mommy loves you hahahaha! ! Take direct shots every day! ! Addicted to female goose hahahaha! !

17. I didn’t expect that I would start watching variety shows again to chase stars at such an old age~ Mainly because the ladies in 101 (actually they are all little sisters...) are so cute, with different styles, but they are all the same Vibrant and energetic, it’s so dazzling and beautiful~ It’s about to end~ Zi Ning, Meiqi Lai, Xiaoqi, Liu Renyu, Xu Mengjie, Chen Yihan, Gao Yingxi, Gao Qiuzi, Qi Yandi, Xu Jingyun, come on~ Xiaomi who didn’t make it to the finals~ I still like it you

18. Let’s go out and raise funds for investing. If you have time to invest, if you don’t have time to raise funds, look at the strength of the neighbors and then look at your own family saying that my sister is so hard working and so good. We can’t hold her back. Let’s send her to make her debut together, okay? ! ! ! Come on Liu Renyu! ! ! ! ! !

19. I just want to know how you can criticize Liu Renyu for a song that everyone sang together except for Yang Chaoyue's part. Everyone knows who sets the rhythm! Yang Chaoyue is indeed doing well today! Keep up the good work! I hope everyone can make their own judgment!

21. Do your data well and don’t speculate on sister Amway’s videos with other people. Come on, sister, we Liu Renyu can help you.

22. It’s not that who should take the blame, but that the blame has been overturned. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you didn’t do well this time. Just try harder and keep working hard. Why bother? You have to pass the blame. Liu Renyu is capable. Isn’t that okay? ? It’s not like I’ve always been such a bad person and was praised without brains. I found that some fans really don’t know if they are not very smart or not. At this juncture, they have to recruit bad fans for typical fan behavior. Idol pays for it. Please use your brains to come out to chase stars. Thank you.

23. Liu Renyu and Chen Yihan work hard! ! ! Cheering for you, I hope you will perform better and stay away from the scene of the car accident. Come on, Yang Chaoyue.

24. I support "Produce 101" contestant Liu Renyu, and I am cheering for her on Weibo! You can like 11 times every day!

25. It’s incredible that Liu Renyu was flipped! ! ! The moment your late channel opens is the day you enter the upper circle! ! ! Come on!

26. I hope Xu Mengjie and Liu Renyu will cheer up. They both smile sweetly and work hard.

27. Zhao Yaoke (stable at 22 miles every time), Wang Mohan, Wei Jin, Chen Fangyu, I love you so much! The remaining Liu Renyu, Qi Yandi, come on!

Twenty-eight, the young lady I like. Shan Zhi Zi Ning Wu Qian Ying Liu Ren Yu Douzi Xiao Qi Da Juan Qi Fairy Come on

29. Sister Liu Renyu, come on! You are the best, we are the only one who is not good

Thirty. Rourou is very cute. Come on, come on, I’ll pick you up, Liu Renyu

31. I am so cute beyond my sister! ! ! ! ! Liu Renyu, Chen Yihan, come on, rush in! ! ! ! !

32. Before Chen Yihan’s line, Liu Renyu sang a solo line, but there was no sound at all. It looked like there was something wrong with Mai. The last show is about to begin. Come on, sister Mermaid.

Liu Fulin's famous quotes_About Liu Fulin's famous quotes

Yunge arranged the flowers and put the bottle under the window, just enough for Liu Fuling to see it when he raised his eyes. She opened the window, and the world suddenly entered through the window: snowflakes rolled lightly all over the sky, and red plum blossoms bloomed in the snow. ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

She gently leaned closer to Liu Fulin, and then leaned closer until she was tightly against him. She stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly, placing her ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Liu Fulin's body was stiff and showed no reaction. Yunge's body trembled slightly. Liu Fulin finally reached out and hugged Yunge, getting tighter and tighter, using all his strength, as if as long as each other exerted their strength, they could last forever until they grow old. ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

There was mist in Yun Ge's eyes. Meng Jue looked at the dishes on the table with a smile and said: I have wanted to say these words for a long time, but I have never dared to say them. Although the songs of clouds, mountains and rivers, and the story of Boya and Ziqi are touching, it is not praiseworthy that Boya broke the strings of his harp for Ziqi. The sound of the piano is the sound of the heart. I think that when Boya played the piano for the first time, he just played it for his own heart. If Ziqi was really Boya's close friend, he would definitely hope that his heart could continue to be in the mountains and rivers, rather than stop playing the piano for the rest of his life. In Liu Fuling's mind, your food is not just for pleasing his appetite! You should continue to cook delicious dishes, and don’t forget your original intention of cooking! ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

Liu Fulin: Yunge, I am a dying person

Yun Ge: Follow you in life and death. Liu Fulin: Don’t you regret it? Yun Ge: No resentment, no regrets. Liu Fulin: Heaven and earth are the support, and the stars are the matchmakers. You are my only wife in this life ---- Tong Hua’s "Song in the Clouds"

Once you see your face, you will stop making mistakes for life. When will spring flowers and autumn moon come?

The fairy Bai Zi painted on the long-term stay, and the great god Xiao Xiao is helpless with a smile. Yun Danfeng whispers to Yun Zheng, the king of jade is Meng Jue. The Hua of Mu Ye, the King of Ye Hua, have followed the Yan of Qin for thousands of years. There is no travel in the world, Xiao Qiran, Chu Zhili loves Chu Li. The beauty of the moon is the beauty of the moon. The snowy plains in Qin are not white. Xia Ying Fei Jue is not Jue, Fei Huo's pupils kill Qian Mo. The dream recalls the Western Desert, Meng Ximo, and the dream of covering the sky is Dai Jianke. He Yichen is deep and reserved, and Ye Tianling is proud and proud. The night sky is clear, the night is clear, the dream is lingering, Liu Zili is away. Zhuge Yue is favored by all the stars, but he only loves Sheng Sheng and Nangong Sheng. Jun Qing is in the north and Gu Jun is in Luobei. Lan Ya and Confucian scholars are breathing in darkness and abundance. Liu Fuling, the king's mausoleum, and Huo Qubing, the hussar general.

Once you see your face, you will stop making mistakes for life. When will spring flowers and autumn moon come?

The fairy Bai Zi painted on Changliu, a smile shows no mercy, the great god Yun Danfeng talks softly, and the king of jade is Meng Jue. The splendor of the night, the splendor of the night, follow the flames of Qin for thousands of years. There is no travel in the world, Xiao Qiran, Chu Zhili loves Chu Li. The beauty of the moon is the beauty of the moon. The snowy plains in Qin are not white. Xia Ying Fei Jue is not Jue, Fei Huo's pupils kill Qian Mo. Qi Yu Xuanangjun Bei Yu, Chu Tian is in mourning in his heart. The dream recalls the Western Desert, Meng Ximo, and the dream of covering the sky is Dai Jianke. He Yichen is deep and reserved, and Ye Tianling is proud and proud. The night sky is clear, the night is clear, the dream is lingering, Liu Zili is away. The stars hold Zhuge Yue in their arms, Sheng Sheng, Nangong Sheng, for love. Jun Qing is in the north and Gu Jun is in Luobei. Lan Ya and Confucian scholars are breathing in darkness and abundance. I tolerate the evildoer and face Rui from the east. My heart is filled with sorrow under the Chu sky. Liu Fuling, the king of the world, and Husband General Huo Qubing. The cold-faced prince is Yinzhen, but he is as gentle as jade.

ah? Master Li, are there really people in this world who are pregnant for eleven months? Isn't this really an April Fool's Day joke?

Scientifically speaking, that is absolutely impossible, but we do not talk about science but superstition, so we have to take care of this matter. In ancient times, it was said that Yao's mother was pregnant for fourteen months, so wasn't Liu Fuling born after his mother, Madam Gou Yi, had been pregnant for that long? People who have great achievements in life are like this. They develop slowly in all aspects and are different from ordinary people. It is also recorded in the calendar that such people live longer because ordinary people live a year of 365 days. , their year is four hundred and ten days. This kind of person is born against the laws of the calendar, has a misaligned fate, and only sees one after how many years. When he grows up, he will definitely be a person. If he has enough education, he might even become a saint. But in terms of modern medicine, it is just a variety of things. I can’t explain it. Now couples are almost getting divorced. Can you tell me about this?

Yun Ge, have you seen the picture of snow plum blossoms on the table? I painted it at its most beautiful moment, and its beauty is solidified in the painting, so you can only see its most beautiful moment. In fact, like other flowers, it will become gray, wither, ugly and wither. The same goes for me, and it may not be that good. If we live together for a lifetime, I will still make you angry and sad, and we will also quarrel and get angry. I will also cry sadly. ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

Extreme wisdom will inevitably lead to injury, but deep love will not last long ---Jin Yong's "The Book of Swords, Enmities and Enmities"

Thousands of years ago, you were king.

After many years, I am a citizen. 21 years old, fell asleep quietly. Liu Fuling.

I once thought that the person who loved her would regard her as a unique treasure. No matter how she looked to others, in his eyes she must be smart, lovely, beautiful, irreplaceable, and irreplaceable. But now I realize that it was just the most beautiful dream of a girl. ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

Yunge took the oar and asked the slave to row it. Which ferry would the young master want to go to?

Liu Fulin held the side of the boat with one hand and pressed the side of his chest with the other, and said with a smile: Wherever the lady is going, I will go there. Yun Ge paddles. Row towards the setting sun. A huge red sunset reflected only a small silhouette of the boat on the blue waves, and the faint banter and laughter swayed far away in the fragrance of lotus. What if the slave family goes to the end of the world? Accompany. What about the Cape of the Sea? Accompany. ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

Liu Fulin asked softly: Yunge, will you forget me?

Yun Ge nodded vigorously, "Well, I will forget you." ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

I thought that as long as he was affectionate and she was interested, he could hold her hand and watch the clouds roll and relax in the sky, and watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court until her hair turned white. But it turns out that although he tried his best to prevent the separation of life and death, he could not push away the separation of death. ----Tong Hua's "Song in the Clouds"

I have wanted to say these words for a long time, but I have never dared to say them. Although the songs of clouds, mountains and rivers, and the story of Boya and Ziqi are touching, it is not praiseworthy that Boya broke the strings of his harp for Ziqi. The sound of the piano is the sound of the heart. I think that when Boya played the piano for the first time, he just played it for his own heart. If Ziqi was really Boya's close friend, he would definitely hope that his heart could continue to be in the mountains and rivers, rather than stop playing the piano for the rest of his life. In Liu Fuling's heart, your dishes are not just for pleasing his appetite! You should continue to cook delicious dishes, and don't forget your original intention of cooking!

Liu Fuling. You said it to her yourself, the end of the world. Cape of the sea. The top of the mountain. Follow each other, follow each other ---- "Song in the Cloud"

Extreme wisdom will be hurt, deep love will not last long. Used to describe you, it is appropriate and heartbreaking. ----Jin Yong's "Book and Sword"

Wang Mohan Qi Yandi, sentences about Duan Aojuan Picture 2

Qi Yandi talks

I wish all the students taking the college entrance examination to adjust their mentality, believe in themselves, and win the gold list [Sun]. Come on, come on, come on, come on, create 101 Qi Yandi.

Talk about Qi Yandi

1. No matter B or C, hard work is always the most determined direction! Make a comeback against the wind, rise towards the sun, create 101 Qi Yandi, come on!

2. Qi Yandi Creation 101 Thank you for meeting the most beautiful Qi Yandi at the best age, and thank you for always working hard and constantly improving yourself to bring us better and better Qi Yandi. Huangtian lives up to the praises of those who are willing, and the king belongs to you! We will always have your youth and thank you for appearing in my youth [Breeze] and bringing all your beauty to us. Come on! We will always support you!

3. Keep up the good work for the person you are picking in my mind and make a debut together. Everyone and the new Qi Yandi should also work hard.

4. Fu Jing, Liu Renyu, Xu Mengjie, Qi Yandi, Chen Yihan, beans, come on, come on

5. Wow, after watching 101, Li Zixuan, Wang Mohan, Zhao Yaoke, many young ladies who had not gotten it before got it. Qi Yandi is also very powerful (but I still love the female goose the most!! Come on, Xiaoqi)

6. Come on! Qi Yandi is so pretty, what kind of fairy girl is she? Xiaoyu is so cute!

7. Liu Renyu, Qi Yandi, Chen Yihan, give it to me, plmm guys, please give it a try! Sister Ju, come on

8. "Produce 101" personal predicted debut list: Meng Meiqi, Wu Xuanyi, Lai Meiyun, Zi Ning, Li Ziting, Fu Jing, Liu Renyu, Li Zixuan, Duan Aojuan, Gao Qiuzi, Qi Yandi.

9. I like Zi Ning the most in the first issue! The young lady must make a high-profile debut! ! ! Brother Shanzhi, keep your C position! ! ! Xu Mengjie, Xiao Qi and Liu Renyu should also debut! ! ! ! Xuanyi should also work hard! ! Chen Yihan and Miss Qi Yandi are also so beautiful

10. Qi Yandi thump thump thump~ The fourth cut of Di Di Di is here. If you work hard, you will definitely shine. My girl, please keep working hard.

11. Wow! Qi Yandi is really good-looking. This Yan is so capable. Work hard for Di Di. I hope more people can support Di Di.

12. I support "Produce 101" contestant Qi Yandi, and I am cheering for her on Weibo! You can like 11 times every day!

14. I hope Li Zixuan will come on, we will always support you, and Qi Yandi and Fu Jing, come on, come on, come on.

15. It’s really heartbreaking to see plmm being hacked. Wu Xuanyi, Qi Yandi, come on, you’re going to make your debut. Woohoo.

16. Qi Yandi, Li Zixuan, and Wang Mohan. The sisters I like are all very good today. Come on, sisters, Didi and Xiaomi must act in the future, okay! Not a single photo of Xiaodouzi was captured! angry!

17. My two favorite performances are this kind of girl and other people’s children. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo really added a lot to these two songs. Meiqi is so strong. I hope she can debut in the C position, and Qi Yandi and Gao Ying. Xi Lai Meiyun, Jiang Shen and Lu Xiaoyu also want to come on

18. There are also a few girls who are beautiful and capable, Luo Yijia, Luo Yitian, Qi Yandi, Su Ruiqi, Jiang Shen, come on! And Gao Qiuzi is cute and funny, I like them all.

19. Gao Yingxi, Liu Renyu, Fu Jing, Qi Yandi, Li Zixuan, come on! ! ! Hurry up and replace 268911! ! !

20. It’s boring. It’s really boring. Fu Jing fell out. Please work harder next time! ! ! Liu Renyu, Qi Yandi, come on! ! ! ! ! [ycy finally fell, let us celebrate warmly and I don’t want to say anything more, it’s awesome and that’s it.

21. The list of guest singers for Qi Yan Di Mao Buyi has been announced. Our little sister will collaborate with Mao Buyi. We are looking forward to your performance. Come on and cheer for our low-key Pipi Di.

22. Qi Yandi’s favorite female goose! Come on! (Daily complaint: Can the shorts issued by Goose Factory not be so short?!)

23. Meng Meiqi and Wu Xuanyi should be able to debut without any suspense. The picks Li Zixuan, Renyu Sister, and Qi Yandi should also work hard.

24. Turn against the wind and face the sun, come on Di Di, come on

25. The Meiqi team is the dream team. Xuanyi and Fu Jing team are so beautiful. Come on Xiaoqi team! And Qi Yandi, she is really a beauty. I hope my sister will debut in a drama.

26. Is Miss Di Di the king of likes in their group? Then I want to watch their group gain happiness! Come on Qi Yandi and other plmm!

27. Qi Yandi is so beautiful! Come on DiDi! Di Di is so beautiful! It took me so long to realize that there is such a beautiful girl! Pick Zi Ting and Di Di! Come on, DiDi, come on!

Twenty-eight, Di Di, come on! 

29. Let’s work hard together in the days after Qi Yandi’s Creation 101

30. Zhao Yaoke (stable at 22 miles every time), Wang Mohan, Wei Jin, Chen Fangyu, I love you so much! The remaining Liu Renyu, Qi Yandi, come on!

31. I am originally a Buddhist who watches talent shows, but I actually liked it here in the middle of the night! All the ladies look good! I voted for a few Meiqi, Zi Ning, Zi Ting, Chen Fangyu, Liu Renyu, Gao Qiuzi, who I really want to keep, and the young ladies who I think are particularly pretty, Chen Yihan and Qi Yandi! Come on^0^~

32. It’s really all my picks that have entered!!! I’m so happy!! My debut list is Meng Meiqi, Wu Xuanyi, Qi Yandi, Chen Yihan, Douzi, Liu Renyu, Zi Ning, Li Ziting, Xu Jingyun, Fu Jing , yamy!! Come on!

Dean, a complete collection of Dean's quotations

When a thought has been circulating in your mind countless times, no matter how much you resist it, you will eventually take action. (Hibiscus is like a face and willows are like eyebrows)


1. Things other than money can never be repaid.

2. Such as the unspeakable apology, such as the shameless stubbornness, such as the gentleness that cannot be resolved but can be tolerated, such as the fragile alliance like morning dew that emerges after experiencing shame and hatred together.

3. I once thought that women were all moths, good at fighting fire without fear of death. Later I learned that there is also a kind of woman who is a migratory bird, flying peacefully along a quiet trajectory no matter what.

4. Women who know how to show weakness in a big way are often the final winners.

5. Sometimes, as long as everyone is willing to pretend that nothing happened, then nothing really happened.

6. Highways are a good place to go, because highways all over the world are almost the same length, so you can easily forget where you are. The endless horizon makes you feel at ease.

7. The journey is hypnotic for most people, but I always enjoy the long time just waiting to get somewhere. I am often a little disappointed when the destination actually arrives.

8. You will find out one day that the name of life is futility.

10. Tears are the most precious thing, and can only be reserved for this deep sadness. This sadness has nothing to do with humiliation, grievance, or pain. You rely on this sadness to establish a deeper connection with the world. You and this sadness warm each other and rely on each other in the vast loneliness.

11. I also wondered why I had been friends with such a hard-hearted person for so long. Later I realized that it was because my heart was hard that it broke when I fell.

12. I don’t live by the inertia of “living”.

13. Don’t feel ashamed if you are afraid of him because you love him, because you love him because you think highly of him.

14. We were too young in BC, and we were too old in AD. No one saw true beauty coming. That time there was no real smile. So, Haizi. I love you the most. That moment when you lie leisurely on the railroad tracks and listen to the distant sound of the whistle. Is it BC or AD? Have you seen that truly beautiful smile? All I know is that from the first time I read your poem, I fell in love with trains. Because it killed you.

15. Destiny is definitely not something that can convince me. But I don’t deny that there are many things I don’t understand.

16. I am thinking of you, thinking of you. Before I knew it, I wanted to shed tears. (Straightforward but the most true)

17. The place where you are born determines your soul and texture. (This is a sentence I remember. It was so accurate and left a deep impression on me. It comes from "Farewell to Paradise")

18. I feel that my life is too short, and you feel that your freedom is too long; I am your dream, and you are the destination that I will inevitably reach.

19. Jiang Dong once said: There will never be real life in books. Looking back today, it is hard to believe that these words came from a 16-year-old child.

20. "Growth" is like a flag, solemnly covering the remains of "youth".

21. As everyone knows, the so-called "purity" is a very questionable thing. It is either very cheap or can easily become cheap because no one cares about it.

22. In the depths of her eyes, there was the darkness of one o'clock in the morning, which was completely silent and lifeless.

23. There are many poor people. But people cannot do bad things just because they are pitiful.

24. "I have discovered a long time ago that you always turn towards her."

"Because I know that sooner or later you will dump her."

25. The cherries are red, the bananas are green, you walk on your single-plank bridge, I sing my sunset tune, whose loneliness is like a knife, kill my grandma bridge, kill my Nian Nujiao

26. It takes courage to welcome the overwhelming sadness with full concentration, and not everyone can do it.

27. I have no ambitions. I just want to stay in Longcheng and teach for the rest of my life, and then take care of my three uncles, three aunts and uncles. Of course, your parents will also help you and Zheng Nanyin when you and Zheng Nanyin go away and your marriage is unhappy. You support this base camp so that you can come back at any time to recharge your batteries and fight again - if the Western Conference Finals are bitter, this sentence can make you fall in love with the Western Conference Finals. (Note: Xijue is not only the name of the novel, but also the name of the male protagonist in this book)

28. The sky authoritatively believes that the sea is overconfident, and the sea proudly believes that the sky is incomprehensible.

29. No one at the age of twenty-five can still forget his lover at the age of fifteen - unless he has not evolved in ten years.

30. Happiness does not conform to Newton's law of inertia at all. It always stops suddenly when it is gliding most smoothly.

31. No one is interested in the rumors of an ugly duckling until it turns into a white swan.

32. He was the one who smiled at me first. I swear, this is true.

33. There is no way, I am too familiar with you, so familiar that even hatred is muddy and cannot show the cold light.

34. Treat love as candy, thinking that if you grab it casually, your hands will be full of colorful flowers.

35. He was the one who smiled at me first. I swear, this is true. (End of "Dong Ni")

36. Those few seconds are called happiness. Even if he really can’t remember, I will remember it. I will remember it forever.

37. It’s not that I miss him, but that I loved him.

38. There is no way, I am too familiar with you, so familiar that even hatred is muddy and cannot show the cold light. (What Dong Ni said to Xi Jue, I have never seen hatred described in this way. Only Di An described it so well~)

39. She is like this. She never knows that what she says will deeply penetrate into the hearts of others.

40. I have lost everything, so no matter what, I can’t be embarrassed anymore. do you think so?

Qi Wei's classic quotations

1. Destiny, whether you think about it or not, it is there, no more, no less... Road, whether you choose it or not, it is there, unbiased...

2. Tuesday, February 22... Such an auspicious day is so suitable for living in a world of two... Let's "2"...!

3. When will the bright moon come out... Look up and see for yourself...

4. In the vast sea of ​​"locks", it doesn't matter where the locks are, what matters is what is locked...

5. The smell of a broken heart is the same as body odor... often the person next to you smells it, and you don't know it... If you smell it, you can avoid it, but he is destined to stink others... After all, it is you who stinks...

6. Praise and criticism are a kind of attention, and they are all worthy of gratitude... As for the few irrational behaviors that are too deeply involved in the role and maliciously hurt the actors themselves due to their roles, I treat them rationally... You can't do anything when someone spits on you. Lower yourself and throw your snot at him... Haha!

7.Tonight? Xia family? Things to know when watching the finale: 1. Perfection is obviously unrealistic. If it is perfect now, how can you ask the screenwriter to continue to "kill" in the next 40 episodes? 2. Viewers with heart, blood pressure, brain and psychological diseases, please be healthy Watch with the company of your family members; 3. When watching, please stay away from sharp objects and fragile objects to avoid causing harm; 4. When you lose your mind and collapse and go crazy, please silently say: Fake, fake, all fake...

8. Wherever I walk, I will leave footprints... Every step, every footprint, I will step on hard...

9. The God of Wealth has arrived... No matter you make money standing up, kneeling down, or lying down... as long as you don't make money out of conscience... Qi Jiabao wishes you great wealth and good fortune in the Year of the Rabbit...

10. Visiting to visit for New Year greetings is too laborious... Telephone New Year greetings are too uncreative... Text messaging for New Year greetings is too energy-consuming... Weibo New Year greetings: Awesome! ! ! Qi Jiabao is here to wish everyone a happy new year... In the Year of the Rabbit, I wish everyone who sees this blessing a happy new year: peach blossoms bloom, and wealth rolls in...

11. "Communication" is indeed a subject that requires further study... The key point is to learn how to master the "distance of the heart"... As for the "distance of communication", as long as it is not a negative number, it can be easily solved...

12. If this trend continues, will the next film have to be cut? Don't force me to follow Sister Ye Tong's path of "Xu Xian". I have been focusing on the "White Snake" for the past 20 years. Don't trick me...

13. Thank you to the country, to the party, to your mother, to Director Shen, thank you? Xia family? All my colleagues in the crew, thank my Zheming family... Honor is given by everyone, reputation is set by the audience, and anxiety is inevitable... Xia Youyou was forced! ! !

14. My voice has been MAN but not sweet since I was a child, and I am still speaking to the world with a not-so-sweet voice and attitude... Why should I be hypocritical and pretend, I would rather be real and not sweet than be sweet and unreal...

15. Who said that only love can cause lovesickness... In fact, best friends can also miss lovesickness... Looking forward to the next day of "seeing each other again after the disaster"...

16. People get up earlier than yesterday... The soul flies further than yesterday... Fortunately, there is someone to accompany... I am happy for the soul to fly, let the soul fly for a while longer...

17. A butterfly blinks its eyes several times before it learns to fly... The "story behind" the butterfly may not be seen by you, but you can see the growth... Sooner or later it will shine like gold...

18. It’s a good time to go bare-faced in the middle of the night... If you’re not a vegetarian, you can pretend to be a vegetarian... If you’re not a rabbit, you can pretend to be a rabbit... I love my rabbit teeth and will never look back...

19. Don’t use adult sophistication to question the authenticity of fairy tales... Please believe that the beauty of fairy tales is around us... As long as you believe as much as I do, you can also encounter it...

20.Shh! ! ! Silence... is a kind of calm publicity... a virtue that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words... it is an undercurrent of power...

21. In order to promote my progress towards becoming a powerful person, God resolutely smashed my "job" with the door yesterday, (classic sentence) in an attempt to destroy my good looks... The pig hit the tree, and I hit it. The door is closed... Zhutou cannot see anyone for the time being, sorry!

22. My childhood dream was to be a flight attendant... Now it seems that it has come true... I just don’t get a salary, I give money...

23. Change your avatar... I can’t help it, I’m forced by life... Who can let someone have a better mass base than me... Come on, You Xiaorou, I’ll change it for you...

24. Insomnia... going crazy, scratching the wall, rolling around, bursting into tears... biting the sofa, throwing pillows, kicking the table, kicking the quilt... I can't understand my hatred... I just learned today that milk tea is not for drinking, and air conditioning is not for Those who blow it...are used to kill...

25. “I can’t tell, why are you hiding it?!”… “It’s not hiding it, it’s just not showing it”…

26. I have started practicing, and I am starting to get anxious. I am anxious that this world will be without you... I have agreed not to cry with tears, but how should I continue the countdown to love...

27. The stars and the moon are not romantic at is only romantic if you have someone to watch with you...

28. Waiting for "The Impeccable Beauty Like Clouds"... I didn't watch it yesterday... To be honest, watching myself play someone else, it still feels wonderful... You Xiaorou is looking at you, Qi Jiabao can only help At this point, it depends on you whether the audience loves you or not...

29. Love you every day of my life... I love you every day of my life... I love you every day of my life....

30. This day has been really extraordinary... I have experienced many truths in life: silence is a kind of nobility, patience is a kind of tolerance, and forcibly implementing "I will make peace with it as soon as it comes" is a kind of kidnapping... I feel that I Being “kidnapped”….

31. I find that although I have “no leisure”, I also “can’t have leisure”... Even if I have time, not everything is suitable for spending time thinking about it... It’s boring, boring, meaningless...

32. Birthday gifts should be thoughtful...but also innovative...should be as affordable as possible but full of surprises...should be on the cutting edge of fashion but should be as out of the ordinary as possible...if this could really be achieved, it would be too foreign. Already...

33. I am not "strong"... but I cannot help but be weak....

34. I lived quietly and only slept for two hours a day... Looking at my densely packed lines... I felt a little dizzy... I was once asked in an interview what role I wanted to play the most... I : "The heroine is a psychopath"...Thank God, the heroine's wish has just been fulfilled, and the pervert's wish is in the process of being fulfilled...If I am asked the same question again next time, I have already thought of the answer: "Mute …”.

35. Qi Jiabao pays a lot of attention to the essay topics of the college entrance examination every year. By the way, he thinks about how he will write. This year’s topic is released: "Geometric Life". In addition to analyzing this topic from a mathematical perspective and a Chinese perspective, I personally think it is okay. Starting from the perspective of social and family ethics, the analysis is: "What is life?"

36. After a few days of Qi Jiabao's "scarf evaporation incident", I was still questioned by the babies... I have come to atone for my sins. As soon as I arrived in Sanya, my mobile phone was blocked for no reason. The network was blocked and I couldn't take my computer with me at all times. You know: missing is It’s a kind of disease... Therefore, I want to redeem myself by looking back and begging for acquittal...

37. After taking a break from the filming of "Beautiful Women Like Clouds" and reading countless scarves... Qi Jiabao exclusively summarized the top ten trendy "scarf" styles at the moment: 1. Commentator style, which comments on various social phenomena and pours out his heart. While venting your anger, you also show off how educated you are. 2. Keep track of your accounts and record your life as emotionlessly as possible, probably because you have a bad memory. 3. For forwarding, do not advocate originality, take "plagiarism of originality" as your duty, and spare no effort. 4. Literary style, the garden of literary and artistic young people. They sigh and sigh. Occasionally, when you post a photo, you must look out the window melancholy. 5. For advertising, use the scarf as a publicity platform, never miss any opportunity for communication, and weave the scarf into a carpet. This is called "carpet-style" publicity. 6. The narcissistic style, the scarf is full of "selfies of yourself looking up", all kinds of non-mainstream, never willing to be alone. 7. The iron-pink scarf is not used for knitting, but just for watching people and idols knitting, and enjoying it. 8. Official models, major organizations and major LOGOs are displayed in a big way. With the competitive mentality, I will knit even my opponents! 9. Have ulterior motives, always monitor the psychological changes of your significant other, complain about nothing when problems arise in the relationship, use words to comfort yourself, and avoid zero communication in the cold war. 10. Mix and match models, all of the above behaviors.

38. Pi Day (3.1415) has already passed to two decimal places... I still haven't eaten the "pie"... I have no time... I have no energy... There is a reason: I am sick... I have a headache... I am annoyed... …I really want to strangle that “disease devil” to death…

39. I think the "lucky mentality" thing... can be most vividly reflected in the five minutes before getting up... In 5 minutes: use 2 minutes to imagine N reasons why you don't need to get up... use 1 minute Confirm that these reasons are impossible to establish... The last 2 minutes are used to convince yourself to accept this cruel fact and encourage yourself to be strong and brave to 'stand up'... Use 5 minutes every day to witness the miracle happening... Can Success, open your eyes... sit up... stand upright is success... I don't want much... 10 seconds of applause is enough...

40. Ice is not like it, which can be beautiful forever and never melt... No matter how much you love it, it is not suitable to be placed in the palm of your hand... Sometimes love is in vain...

41. Start work early in the morning...go for a quick morning jog in short sleeves and high heels...I feel extremely "frozen"...frozen the space...frozen the picture...frozen the winter...why didn't I freeze the time...

42. There was another earthquake in Chengdu last night... I called my mother... Everything was fine... I finally felt relieved... What happened to the earth... Who set it to vibrate!

43. Underneath the serious and upright appearance... there is a trendy heart that is ready to come out... Do you see it? ! Fluorescent yellow heart!

44. Nothing is impossible with me...The impossible is nothing...

"Others say it's impossible, but I still have to do it because it's my dream. My dream is not impossible."

45. Children’s shoes, Qi Jiabao got up early to cheer you up! Nervousness is unnecessary, success is certain, handsomeness is a must, and all the amazing horses are awesome! come on……

46. ​​Thank you to the country, to the party, to the State Council, to CCTV, to all my relatives and family, and to my white rabbits... "Don't say anything, the motherland knows me..."

47. Virtue is a very "idle" thing that follows you everywhere...

48. Xia Youyou cried... It was this ten-page crying scene of bidding farewell to my family that made me so ugly that I was completely unrecognizable. My eyes were swollen for three days, and the blood vessels on my forehead were dilated all night... If it could happen accidentally Touch the softest corner of your heart...then everything will become worth it!

49. No one is “good enough”…the key is whether they can tolerate your “not good enough”…

50. All the masters took a group photo! ! ! Mr. Qi (thank you Mr. Jiang for giving me the name!) held up his invincible rabbit hand to emphasize his powerful prophecy that is not low-key: In the summer vacation in August, the <masters> will fully and powerfully attack your vision, hearing, and feeling... Are you ready? !

Wang Mohan Qi Yandi, sentences about Duan Aojuan Picture 3

Produce Camp 2019 third performance group

Produce 101’s 3rd performance stage lineup and song list

Guest singers include Wang Yibo, Xiao Zhan, Hu Yitian, Xiong Ziqi, Mao Buyi, and Wei Daxun.


❶"That's the Kind of Girl I Am" - Singer: Xiao Zhan

Meng Meiqi/Xu Mengjie/Liu Renyu/Li Ziting/Wang Ting/Gao Qiuzi

❷"shiny"——Singer: Xiong Ziqi

Wu Xuanyi/Fu Jing/Gao Yingxi/Su Ruiqi/Luo Yijia/Fan Wei

❸"Other People's Children" guest singer: Wang Yibo

yamy/Li Zixuan/Chen Fangyu/Wu Yingxiang/Xu Jingyun/Lu Xiaocao

❹"Living Youth"——Singer: Mao Buyi

Yang Chaoyue/Lv Xiaoyu/Liu Danmeng/Qi Yandi/Wu Qianying/Jiao Manting

❺"Amazing"——Singer: Wei Daxun

Lai Meiyun/Duan Aojuan/Wang Ju/Luo Yitian/Wang Mohan/Zhao Yaoke

❻"Tears of the Ferris Wheel" - Singer: Hu Yitian

Wang Mohan Qi Yandi, sentences about Duan Aojuan Picture 4

The above is all about Wang Mohan's Qi Inkstone, Duan Aojuan's sentences, and Wang Mohan's related content. I hope it can help you.

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