
Contents of this article

  • 1. Composition on the meaning of the name
  • 2. Which movie character is Li Jiani?
  • 3. Write an excellent composition about the teacher
  • 4. Li Jiani’s introduction

Meaningful name composition

8 essays on the meaning of names

  In our ordinary daily life, we all often come into contact with compositions. Compositions can be divided into narrative essays, expository essays, practical essays, and argumentative essays according to different genres. So do you know how to write a good essay? The following is a composition on the meaning of names that I have compiled for your reference. I hope it can help friends in need.

Meaning of name essay 1

  My name is Li Xuting. The three characters are easy to remember and recognize. I could write them when I was more than two years old. I like my name very much.

  As I grew up, I became more and more curious about my name, so I asked my dad why he gave me this name? Dad said, this name was given to me less than ten days after I was born. Dad also said that a good name should look good when written, sound good when pronounced, have no bad homophones, and have a beautiful meaning. "Do you think the word 'Li Xuting' looks good when written and sounds good when pronounced?"

  So what does the word "Xuting" mean? Dad said that the word "Xu Ting" comes from the ancient saying "Yi Xu Ting Li", which means discussing matters in the court. Dad said that he chose this name not because he hoped that I would be a high official in the future, but because he hoped that when I grow up, I would be successful and become a person who could contribute to the country and society.

  After listening to my father's explanation, I understood the origin of my name and my father's hard work and hope that my name contained. I must study hard, make progress every day, and strive to become a useful person to the country and society, and live up to the expectations of my father and mother.

Meaning of name essay 2

  Everyone has a nice name, and every name has a unique meaning. Let me tell you the meaning of my name!

  Chen Yuxia, this name was chosen for me by my uncle. It turns out that when I was born, my parents named me Chen Xiaohui. Girls, they expect me to be smart and smart. Before I was 3 years old, I was always taken care of by my grandmother, and I was frail and sickly. Seeing that I was like this, my grandmother, who was a bit superstitious, found a fortune teller to calculate my birth date and told her that I lacked wood and water among the five elements, so it would be difficult to raise a child like this. The husband said to grandma seriously: "We have to change the name, and the characters in the name must include "wood" and "water". It is better if the strokes of the characters are more complicated." In this way, my uncle chose the two words "Yuxia" for me among many words with wood and water. Elm: as tough as elm (it also means that I am healthy and stronger) Xia: as warm as the glow after the rain (the Xia in the prefix of rain means sufficient rain, and the word Xia also means that a girl has a soft personality)

  Although I once thought this name was very tacky, with many strokes and a bit difficult to write, it represents the love and care of my family for my growth. So in the days to come, I must be a tough and warm person.

Meaning of name essay 3

  Everyone has their own name.

  For example, my mother’s name is Zhang Ran, my father’s name is Zhou Youyu, and my name is Zhou Zijian. Why is it called Zhou Zijian? Instead of calling them Zhou Xiaoma or Zhou Xiaojian? I asked my dad with questions, and he said, "There is a little story about your name."

  Dad bought you a name book when you were not born, but he didn't find a suitable name in the book.

  Dad searched online again but couldn't find a suitable name.

  When I was struggling, my mother said next to me: "Let's call it Zhou Zijian." Dad said: "Okay, this name is simple, but let's change the word "子" to muxin "zi"." Zi means tall. Trees are very healthy. Together they become tall pillars and grow healthily.

  My mother’s name is “Zhang Ran”. Ran means rising slowly. Such as the slowly rising sun and the rising moon.

  Oh, it turns out that my mother is an elegant and beautiful mother.

Meaning of name essay 4

  My name is Hu Yaoyu, and my nickname "Doudou" Doudou means cute. My mother told me about the origin of the name "Hu Yaoyu"...

  Mom said that I was a Chinese teacher when I was still in my mother's womb, so my grandfather naturally made the matter of naming a top priority. He would stay in the study room for more than two hours every day to search for various information, which took him half a year. It took time to decide, the boy’s name was Hu Yaoyu and the girl’s name was Hu Yuxin.

  My mother also said that my father immediately fell in love with the name "Hu Yaoyu" because "Yao" means sunshine and "Yu" means the universe, describing the vastness and boundlessness.

  I grew up happily. After I became literate, I began to understand the meaning of my name - it embodies the good expectations of my whole family for me. They hope that I will grow up healthily and sunnyly, and that my mind and ideals will be as broad as the universe. grand.

  I like my name very much. I will study hard now so that I can build our beautiful and prosperous motherland in the future and be worthy of being called Hu Yaoyu.

Meaning of name essay 5

  My name is Xu Zihe. Do you know why I have this name? You will know after listening to the story I tell. "Xu" is my father's last name, "Zi" is because I am a boy, and "He" means that my parents hope that I will be famous and achieve something when I grow up.

  My parents decided on the name when I was still in my mother's belly. I heard that if he is a boy, he will be called Xu Zihe; if he is a girl, he will be called Xu Zixuan. According to my mother, this name was not easy to come by! At first, my grandparents, parents, and parents all chose many names for me. Later, my mother looked up the dictionary, computer, and asked my three aunts, and finally chose my name after careful deliberation. Everyone thinks this name is very meaningful and sounds very lively. This is the origin of Xu Zihe.

  I also have a nickname called Chenchen, because I was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province at around one o'clock in the morning. Morning symbolizes the beginning of a good mood for the day, so my nickname is Chenchen.

  Every name contains the love and expectations of my parents. I like my name very much and I love my parents very much.

Meaning of name essay 6

  Everyone has their own name, and each name has a different meaning. It is not just a code name, but also contains the beautiful expectations of parents.

  My name is Li Jiani, and there is a little story behind my name. Do you want to know? Let me tell you!

  I heard from my father that before I was born, my family was very worried about my name. Why? Because my family still doesn’t know whether I am a boy or a girl? Therefore, my father gave me two names. If it is a boy, it will be called "Li Jiale", and if it is a girl, it will be called "Li Jiani". The day I was born, I was born with round, big eyes and a small cherry mouth. I was a beautiful little girl, so of course I was called "Li Jiani"!

  "Jia" is the Jia of "festival", which means good things, and it is also the Jia of "Jiaren", which means beauty. "Ni" means girl. In the north of my country, people call little girls "Xiao Nizi", so my parents hope that I will become a beautiful, kind, smart and good girl.

  How about it? Do you like my name? I think I will become an obedient, sensible and good girl like my name.

Meaning of name essay 7

  My name is Fu Yi Xun, a girl named after Lu Xun's "Xun" character. Maybe many children still don’t know who Lu Xun is, but I have often heard my father mention this name since I was a child, and there are many books about Lu Xun at home.

  Before I was born, my father gave me two alternate names. If I had a boy, I would be called "Fu Yu (yù)". "彧" means literary talent; if I was a girl, I would be called "Fu Xun". My father later told me that because he liked Lu Xun very much, he hoped that I would be able to write articles like Lu Xun when I grow up, so I chose the word "Xun".

  Why is there the word "伊" in front of the word "Xun"? That also has something to do with the fortune teller. When I was "arranging the eight characters" according to the custom in my hometown, the fortune teller said that I lacked all the five elements, but it was best for my name to be a double name with the word "medicine". My father said that the word "Yi" in the name was not good-looking, so he gave me a homophonic word "伊", which comes from a sentence in "The Book of Songs": The so-called Yi people are on the side of the water. I chose the name "Yixun" because my father hoped that I would become a "female Lu Xun" when I grow up.

Meaning of name essay 8

  Everyone has a name of their own. I am curious about why I have such a name and why my mother named me Peng Yuxuan.

  So I ran to ask my mother, and she told me that at first, a name was just a title, which served to identify people. Later, as people's knowledge continued to grow, when elders gave children names, they gave them various meanings. . "If you want to know the meaning of your name, go check the computer and it will tell you the answer." Mom said with a smile.

  I checked the computer carefully out of curiosity and found out that Peng was my father's surname. Yu represents the universe and metaphorically refers to the vastness. Xuan represents the car, which means it is noble and noble. It is a good choice for naming, and it means majestic and majestic. What a great name! I finally knew the meaning of my own name, and I felt happy. Then I helped my sister and brother look up the meaning of their names. Their names also have different meanings.

  "The name is really an interesting thing, and I learned new knowledge." I said happily. Mom gave me a thumbs up.

  The name entrusts our parents with their infinite love and expectations for us. They want us to have a bright future, and we must also study hard to live up to our parents' hopes for us.

Li Jiani, the meaning of the name composition picture 1

Which movie character is Li Jiani?

Li Jiani is a character in the movie "Treasure Island Love Journey".

Li Jiani, a native of Meijiang District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, is an actress and singer from Mainland China. She graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in 2019 and later studied at the Verona Conservatoire in Italy. She is currently a member of the Hong Kong (Asia) Vocal Association. She once served as the heroine in the movie "Treasure Island Love" and the third female lead in the movie "Football Love".

Li Jiani, the meaning of the name composition picture 2Li Jiani’s acting experience:

In 2016, he starred in the movie "Treasure Island Love Journey" directed by Guo Ke with Chen Yisha, Lian Huan and Ma Guojian. In 2019, she performed on the stage with Kelly Chen, Wang Chenrui and others, and served as a judge in the Meizhou competition area of ​​"The Voice" and the Meizhou competition area of ​​"The Voice Cantonese".

In 2020, he starred in the 2020 Guangdong outstanding film production directed by Han Rongsheng - the Hakka dialect comedy film "Happy Events Around the House", in which he played Ma Wenwen.

At the 2010 National Young Singer Grand Prix, Li Jiani, who was only a junior, stood out from the Hunan competition area, the hometown of folk songs with abundant talents, and won the silver medal, fully demonstrating her musical talent.

2009 "Come on!" "Oriental Angel" contestant, is currently a sophomore student at the China Conservatory of Music, majoring in ethnic singing and learning piano performance at the same time. Known as the little queen of folk songs.

Excellent composition for teachers

  In daily study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and convey knowledge and information. So how is a general composition written? The following are excellent essays about teachers that I have collected for your reference. I hope it can help friends in need.

Excellent composition for teachers 1

  The Chinese teacher in our class is neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short. A pair of eyes as dazzling as diamonds, a pair of smart ears and a medium-sized nose, and a pair of smiling mouths that make every student happy and make people feel amiable.

  Not only is she beautiful, but her teaching methods are also easy to accept. The Chinese teacher's voice is very gentle, but when she is angry, her voice is thunderous {just kidding}. If someone didn't finish their homework, she would ask you gently: "Why didn't you finish it? You must finish it next time." If you talk about the person who didn't finish his homework, you will definitely feel ashamed after hearing this, and you will think: I really Sorry, Chinese teacher! If someone doesn't know how to solve a question, she will try her best to teach you. Chinese teachers often touch our foreheads, which I understand to mean: Keep up the good work next time and keep working hard.

  I remember one time, the teacher asked students who raised their hands to write new words on the blackboard and tell everyone how they knew and understood them. It was my turn, and I walked up confidently. But as soon as I finished writing, some students said that they wrote it wrong. Oh, it turned out that the word "王" under the word "Cheng" was written as the word "Tu". Teacher He said, "Your idea is very good, but you wrote the main words wrong. Keep up the good work next time!" While saying this, he also stroked my head. My heart was like fifteen buckets fetching water - up and down.

  It was my Chinese teacher who made me develop a friendship with composition and allowed me to fly on the wings of imagination on the composition track.

  The teacher is a hard-working gardener, a bright red candle, a selfless spring silkworm, and an escalator on the long journey of learning. She is a street light in the future, illuminating you when it is dark and lifting you up when you hit rock bottom. She taught us the principles of life and vast knowledge. She leads us forward on the ocean of learning...

  Once a teacher, always a father, I will never forget the kindness of my teacher!

Excellent composition for teachers 2

  Today, we have a parent-teacher meeting. Since it is the third year of junior high school, my parents attach great importance to this parent-teacher meeting. They both went there, leaving my sister and I to do our homework at home.

  It seemed like a century had passed. Suddenly, my parents came back. They looked at the time and said, "Wow, it's only been an hour. Didn't parent-teacher conferences used to last for two or three hours?" No matter what, let's ask about the situation first. Well, after all, this is my focus.

  "Mom and Dad, what did the teacher say?" As soon as they entered the room, I couldn't wait to ask the question that had always been on my mind. Then my parents' answer was not what I expected. They just talked about grades and so on. However, Something startled me, but luckily I was calm enough.

  My mother said that the teacher said something about me in public at the parent-teacher meeting, which made her feel particularly embarrassed. The teacher said that she suspected that I was in love. At that time, I was confused. How could this happen? When did I have that? I just got closer to the boy, but I also learned from others, including politics. If a boy and a girl have a normal friendship, then this can be regarded as a A good way to learn.

  However, the teacher still misunderstood me and said it in front of so many parents. Actually, I also know that the teacher is doing it for my own good and wants me to study hard and get into a good high school. But this Once the teacher's "for me" turned into "harming me". Now many teachers look at me with strange eyes. I really want to explain, but "real gold is not afraid of fire" and "explanation is to cover up. To cover up" It's basically "What can I say? If I say it, it will definitely become darker and darker. Damn it, I did very poorly in the monthly exam after the parent-teacher meeting. I dropped in almost every subject. Alas, Now it's even harder to explain.

  Teacher, now I am speaking my mind here. I hope you can hear and understand me. I am really just discussing studies with them. Can you change your attitude towards me?

  Teacher, you misunderstood me!

Excellent composition for teachers 3

  This semester, we have a new math teacher, he is Teacher Wu.

  When I first met Teacher Wu, I was very surprised. Teacher Wu was so tall, taller than Uncle Mole. Uncle Mole could only be as tall as him when he stood on the podium. Teacher Wu has a square face, short and black hair, and looks very upright.

  I found it very interesting in the first math class of school. A small part of it was because his voice in lectures was high and low, and he couldn't speak Mandarin accurately. It was so fun. Mostly because Teacher Wu’s lectures are very interesting and his movements are very exaggerated.

  Teacher Wu seems to be the leader of the school, so it is inevitable that there will be a moment in class when she has to do some last-minute things. No, just a few minutes after Teacher Wu left, the classroom started to become noisy. Just when the naughty children were getting carried away with their play, Teacher Wu flew back like an "elf", scaring those children out of their wits. Haha, this is the best of misfortunes for those naughty children, because someone finally treats them; but it is the best of misfortunes for the good children, because those naughty children will no longer bother them.

  Teacher Wu is so cruel! Once, more than a dozen of us got the same question wrong, and Teacher Wu got furious, making it look like the whole class got 0 points. When he finished speaking and asked us "did you understand?", he patted the podium hard. Not to mention us, even the chalk on the table jumped in fright.

  Teacher Wu is really cruel. Our class didn't do very well during afternoon exercises, so Teacher Wu took up a physical education class. If you think it is about math problems, you are totally wrong. He asked us to practice standing at attention, which caused us to be exposed to the sun for 40 minutes on the playground.

  Teacher Wu is really a strange person. His son is in our class, but every time he calls his own son his voice seems to be very angry, but when he calls other children he is very gentle.

  This is our Teacher Wu!

Excellent composition for teachers 4

  Today, the teacher I want to write about is the "mother" who cares the most, cares the most, and is the strictest to us in school. Who is it? Let’s take a guess!

  She pays special attention to our outings at noon and lunch breaks. "Xiao Pan, don't you want to practice trombone at noon? Okay, go early and come back early." "Hey! Look, Shanshan has already laid down to sleep." She said, then walked over to me and Yu Tong Next to him, he patted our shoulders: "What are you doing here?" "Dictation book." "Listen to me, this is not the most important thing, your body is the most important! Hurry up, lie down and sleep. Say Maybe we can go to the United States with the class next year!" Then she stared at me: "I guess you won't go either, it's been two years, it's time to stop."

  She also "takes action when it's time to take action." When we were queuing up for gymnastics, she stood at the door of the classroom, patting the backs of her classmates who were leaving: "Hurry up, they are checking!" She was getting ready for art class, and she walked off the podium and glared at us. : "If you want to speak during Director Hou's class, please be careful." If someone was distracted, she would calmly walk up to them, and then suddenly increase the volume, scaring the distracted classmates. "Half dead".

  She is also very professional when it comes to traveling. He woke us up one by one in the morning; asked us to fasten our seat belts on the way; took beautiful pictures of each of us in the scenic spots; in the hotel, he didn't forget to let us talk to our parents; at night, he asked us to use stools to block the door and let us in. We are safe, comfortable, secure and happy.

  Because of her, we become more energetic in the afternoon at school; because of her, our class discipline becomes more orderly; because of her, our journey becomes less sad about homesickness. Because of her, we have become even more inseparable from this teacher in the past four years (this is the fifth year). No reason, just because of her...

Excellent essays about teachers 5

  Teacher Luo is my second-grade class teacher and Chinese teacher. What is unforgettable to me is that she often played games with us in class and told us the story of "Harry Potter".

  Teacher Luo has shiny black hair and wears glasses. She always patiently educates students who make mistakes. The most unforgettable thing is that she often played the "quick response" game with us in class. When the teacher says a word that expresses an action, we must immediately perform the opposite action. Once, the teacher played a game with us again. The first thing she gave us was one word - stand, but many students still stood up and everyone laughed. The teacher said "turn left" again, and this time, there were Isn’t it funny that many students don’t distinguish between left and right? When the teacher says “hoo”, we are all “sucking”; when the teacher says “laugh”, we are all “crying”… The whole classroom is full of joy, I didn’t understand until now , in fact, Teacher Luo uses a special teaching method to let us learn happily and grow happily.

  Teacher Luo not only plays games with us, but also often tells us the story of "Harry Potter". Every few minutes before get out of class ends, the teacher tells us a story. Whenever this happens, the classroom cheers and everyone sits down consciously, waiting quietly for the teacher to speak, for fear of missing a word. For this reason, I have been looking forward to Teacher Luo's Chinese class since then. I always listen carefully to every Chinese class, just like listening to every story told by the teacher. In this way, my Chinese The results have always been very good.

  Now, I am about to enter fifth grade, but I miss Teacher Luo so much. I really want to play games with Teacher Luo again and listen to her tell the story of "Harry Potter".

Excellent composition for teachers 6

  Not long ago, after class one day, Li Jiani came over and invited me to her home at nine o'clock this Sunday morning to celebrate her 12th birthday. I didn't think much about it at the time and agreed casually. Although Li Jiani kept reminding me not to forget it later, I still didn't take it to heart. On Saturday night, I suddenly remembered this. Only then did I realize that I happened to be participating in a very important competition the next day, and there was a time conflict. I thought: Forget it, I won’t go to Li Jiani’s house, because I have to participate in the competition, and besides, many students have to participate in the competition, so they will definitely not go. The next day, Li Jiani called and asked me why I didn't go to her house. I hesitated and said that I wanted to participate in the competition, and she hung up the phone in disappointment.

  On Monday, you seemed to know about this and called me to the office. You asked me if I went to Li Jiani's house yesterday, and I shook my head; you asked me if I asked for leave from her, and I shook my head again. Your expression immediately became serious and you said, "How can you be so untrustworthy? Do you know how much Li Jiani wants you to spend her birthday with her? How disappointed she was the moment she hung up the phone!" You sighed and continued. Said: "What would you think if you had a birthday and invited good friends, but none of them came and didn't say hello to you in advance?" After that, you asked me to go back to the classroom. On the way back to the classroom, I thought angrily: Of course the competition is more important. If there was no conflict, I would have gone to her house. Besides, I forgot to say hello to her, and it wasn’t intentional, so why should I be so serious.

  This incident passed. Then one day, when I was cleaning up the room, I found that Li Jiani invited me to her home and specially copied me her home address. Her eager and longing eyes appeared in my mind like a movie. I thought: I was wrong. I had known for a long time that I was going to participate in the competition, but I still irresponsibly agreed to her. Even if I remembered that I couldn't go to her house on Saturday, I should have called her to tell her.

  Teacher Fang, I want to say to you: "Thank you!" Through these little things, you let me know that you have to do what you say in life. I will always remember your teachings and be a good student who is honest and trustworthy. .

Excellent composition for teachers 7

  In the blink of an eye, a happy summer vacation has passed, and the new semester has arrived. I am in fifth grade. In the new semester, our class also has a new math teacher-Teacher Chen.

  Jingle bell, class has started, and the students rushed back to their seats, sitting upright to welcome the arrival of the new teacher. After a while, a tall male teacher was walking towards our classroom. He was probably in his mid-forties! At this moment, the classroom was so quiet that there was no sound of breathing. The new teacher, Secretary Chen, walked into the classroom with a big belly. My deskmate asked: "Is this teacher a bit strict?" I replied: "After all, he is a secretary, so don't talk about him like that!" There are two of us. They couldn't help but smile at each other.

  In fact, this teacher is not as scary as we imagined, but he is too strict with his students and very responsible for his work. This actually makes some students feel disgusted with him, whispering below: "This teacher is too that, he has nothing to do but sit down when he has something to do." I'm there to grade my homework." But as the saying goes, a strict teacher makes a good disciple. The teacher treats us obediently. The students who were usually noisy in math class now don't even dare to show off in his class. , it was like placing a time "bomb" around us. We were all on tenterhooks, and no one dared to be distracted. Finally, get out of class was over, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. But there were also people who were dejected, and some students even cried and chatted together. Maybe only a small number of people understand the good intentions and every carefully designed lesson is for us! But I am very proud to be educated by such an excellent teacher Chen.

  Once a teacher, always a father. Thank you to the gardeners who worked hard for us, we will remember them in our hearts!

Excellent composition for teachers 8

  My head teacher is Teacher Ye. She is neither tall nor short. She has smooth and neat hair. Under her thick and slender eyebrows, she always has a pair of shining and gentle eyes watching us all the time.

  The head teacher of our class is a good teacher who is extremely serious and responsible for her work. The students both like her and are afraid of her because she is very strict with us in class. If anyone does small things in class and is not serious or doing other things, she will First, he looked at the classmate sternly. If the classmate still did not abide by the classroom discipline, Teacher Ye would go down and knock on his desk to make him listen carefully. Teacher Ye’s Chinese classes are lively and interesting. She can always tell us many extracurricular stories related to learning, which makes the students listen with gusto. Before we know it, we are reluctant to leave get out of class when the bell rings.

  Teacher Ye also cares about us in life. Once, I needed to take medicine when I was sick. Because I was afraid that I would not remember the time to take it, I gave the medicine to Teacher Ye and asked her to give it to me when the time came. At noon, Teacher Ye brought the medicine in and gave it to me. I ate it quickly, and asked me if I was feeling better. For several days, Teacher Ye gave me medicine on time, and my cold was quickly cured. My eyesight is not good, but I am tall. Originally, Teacher Ye arranged seats for us fairly according to height. I wanted to sit in the back, but Teacher Ye moved me to the front in order to take care of my eyes. , so that I can see the words on the blackboard clearly.

  Teacher Ye cares and takes care of every one of our classmates, both in study and life. For students with poor academic performance, she always takes the trouble to teach them again and again until they are taught.

  Our class teacher, Teacher Ye, is so good. I am proud and proud to have such a teacher.

Excellent composition for teachers 9

  The teacher’s smile is the flowers of spring, whose fragrance fills my heart; it is the rain of summer, which nourishes my heart; it is the fruit of autumn harvest, whose flavor floats to my heart; it is the sunshine of winter, which illuminates my heart.

  In the last moral class today, Teacher Shao sent me the homework book. I looked at it and found that I did the last question wrong. The question asked us to write a fragment in the format of total-point-total. Teacher Shao said that the material I wrote for this excerpt was not good, so I had to rewrite it. I thought about it and thought hard but couldn't figure it out. Suddenly, tears began to well up in my eyes. I didn't want them to flow down, but they just wanted to flow out like a disobedient child. Wen Hongcheng noticed that I was crying, so he came to comfort me and said, "Chu Hongjie, don't cry." He wiped my tears while saying this. At this time, school was over, and Teacher Shao said that those who had handed in their homework should go outside, and those who had not handed in their homework should go outside to correct it.

  I didn't go out, but my dad saw me crying and walked in. Teacher Shao told my dad that I got the question wrong. Dad took one look at it, then walked straight to me, scolded me a few words, slapped me in the face and told me to correct it. Then he asked me to go outside to correct it. I took my schoolbag, pencil case, and exercise book and went outside to do it. The second time I wrote about the countless peaks and rocks in Huangshan. When I was halfway through writing, Zheng Yingying took the initiative to see how I was writing and to modify it for me, but I rejected it.

  After I finished writing it for the second time, I wanted to show it to the teacher. The teacher asked me if I had read it, so I read it once and gave it to him. The teacher also said that the writing was not good, and the reason was: I wrote in the beginning of the sentence that there are countless strange peaks and rocks in Huangshan Mountain, but in the middle part I only wrote about the immortal guiding the way to a strange stone. After listening to it, I felt very uncomfortable. As soon as I finished writing it for the third time, the teacher called me and Yuan Haoqi to go to the office to correct it. As soon as I entered the office, I showed the teacher what I had written for the third time. The teacher still felt that it was not good until the seventh time. alright.

  After finishing writing, Teacher Shao said to me: "Didn't you say you can't think of it? Now you can't think of it!" After saying that, he smiled. I know that the teacher smiled because he saw that I had completed my homework and asked me to do it. Don't stay late for school next time, just encourage me and smile.

Excellent essays for teachers 10

  Time flies like water, and in a blink of an eye, I am already a fifth grade student. Looking back on the past, most of them have been forgotten, but my current Chinese teacher, Teacher Yan, is always so clear in my memory, making it difficult for me to forget.

  Teacher Yan is in his 40s and has watery eyes under thick eyebrows. In daily life, we all call her Teacher Yan on the left and Teacher Yan on the right. Although the teacher’s surname is Yan, she is not strict in my memory, but rather amiable!

  Once, the teacher asked a question, and some of the students raised their hands hesitantly; some raised their hands and then put them down; some sat silently with their heads lowered... At this time, Teacher Yan asked me to get up and answer. I lowered my head and stood up slowly, stammering and answering incoherently, my voice as small as a mosquito. The classmates laughed, and I buried my head lower. At this time, the teacher said kindly: "Don't be afraid. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. As long as you speak positively, you will be good."

  This is our gentle Teacher Yan.

  However, when we are really naughty and shameless, Teacher Yan's sternness will be revealed without any concealment, and his serious eyes are like ice when it snows.

  Seeing that Teacher's Day is coming, I want to send a poem to the teacher:


  People say you are nurturing the pillars of the motherland,

  It would be better to say that you are the pillar of the motherland,

  It's you,

  Support the backbone of our generation.


  He is a cultivator of beauty.

  It is you who shine with your beautiful sunshine,

  Moistened with beautiful rain and dew,

  Our hearts are filled with green grass,

  Blooming flowers.

  your love,

  As warm as the sun,

  The spring breeze is generally warm,

  A clear spring is as sweet as a spring.

  More severe than father's love,

  More delicate than maternal love,

  Purer than friendship.

  teacher's love,

  He is the greatest in the world,

  The most pure.

Excellent composition for teachers 11

  The second period is over. Teacher Guo suddenly remembered something and said to everyone: "The art teacher is on leave for the next class, so I will teach the science class!"

  "Oh yeah!..." Before I could react, there was a burst of cheers in the classroom. Teacher Guo was also confused by the sudden move of the teacher - you know, students are usually the most disgusted with the sub-class being taken over by the language and mathematics teacher!

  It turned out that in the last math class, Teacher Wang arranged for all of us to copy math concepts in the art class because our math test was very unsatisfactory. Maybe he also knew that the art teacher was on leave. At this time, if Teacher Guo takes up the art class, it will be a real help in times of need!

  Just as the whole class was cheering, Teacher Guo said calmly: "Since Teacher Wang has made arrangements, let him take math!"

  Ah, the classroom that was still full of joy immediately fell silent, and many students were already cursing. At this time, I only heard Luo Jiamin say: "Teacher Guo, aren't you the 'Takahashi Hero'? Just be a hero and come to science class!"

  "Yes, yes, okay!" "Teacher Guo, we know you are a person with a sense of justice!"... the students said all at once.

  "I'm sorry, I have never said that I am a person with a sense of justice. For some people who are never obedient, I really want to knock them to the ground and then step on them!" Teacher Guo said with a look on his face. Answer seriously.

  Hearing what Teacher Guo said, the whole class was stunned.

  The bell just rang for the third period, and just as the students were preparing to punish students for copying, Teacher Guo suddenly strode in with a science book under his arm. Everyone immediately threw away their pen and paper and cheered.

  "Teacher Guo, you finally found out your conscience!" Lu Shuping, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly stood up and said to Teacher Guo humorously. The whole class couldn't help laughing.

  Teacher Guo waved his hand and said seriously: "I have no conscience, nor am I a hero. I am just out of humanitarian considerations..."

  Hearing what the teacher said, the whole class burst into laughter again...

Excellent composition for teachers 12

  The Lollipop teacher in our little Judeng composition class is about 30 years old. He has shiny black hair, a pair of bright eyes under the curved eyebrows, a small and exquisite nose and an eloquent mouth. We always A lot of knowledge can be learned from it.

  She is a humorous teacher. There are always new games created for us every time. For example, the game the teacher taught us to play today is: slap the table with your hands to make the sound of rain, light rain pattering, moderate rain crashing, and heavy rain pattering! After a while, there was thunder and raindrops in the class. The teacher also took us to play a super imitation show. Many students came up to perform the teacher's classic moves and mantras. The performances were very funny. Some performed the teacher throwing chalk heads, some performed using books to shoot people, including our funny king. Zhao Qizheng, he performed the classic mantra of Teacher Li in his class. He imitated the teacher's usual tone and said: "There are two big cabbage trees in the north and five big radish trees in the south. Why are they all falling down? Stand up straight!" "As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was made to laugh by him. You see how interesting our Lollipop teacher is in class. In her composition class, the class is always laughing!

  Not only was he humorous, he was also stern. After the composition class last week, the teacher checked our recitation task and asked the students who had not completed it to stay after school to pass the test one by one. Some students tried to sneak away. When the teacher saw it, he said sternly: "If you can't recite it, you can't do it." It’s not okay to go home for dinner even if your parents come.”

  This is my teacher, both humorous and strict. I like my teacher!

Excellent composition for teachers 13

  If we are the flowers of the motherland, you are the hard-working gardener, watering and fertilizing us; if we are the majestic building, you are the designer who built us... There is a saying that teachers are the engineers of the human soul. Only teachers can let us know how to behave and make our souls beautiful. The spring silkworms will die only when they die, and the wax torches will turn to ashes before tears dry up. The spirit of silent dedication of teachers is touching, and the friendship between teachers and students is even more unforgettable.

  I remember that in fourth grade, a new English teacher came to our class. She is short, dark, and has thick black long hair, which makes her feel very friendly. She is MissYu.

  He stayed with us for a year and came to the fifth grade. As soon as the semester started, we noticed that she had changed and her belly had grown bigger. It turns out MissYu is going to have a baby! As soon as the students heard the news, they asked MissYu if she was a boy or a girl. MissYu's head was pounding when she heard so many questions coming at her. Not long after, MissYu left. He was going to have a baby. We also became listless. In the days when MissYu was away, the classmates were all thinking about her. After all, they had been together for a year and had a strong teacher-student relationship.

  Around August or September, Teacher Wu told us that Miss Yu was born! A little boy was born. Suddenly, our class became lively and started discussing about MissYu. We didn’t know if MissYu, the sixth grader, would come to teach us. If we are destined, we will definitely cherish this teacher-student relationship. If not, then I will miss MissYu too.

  I was very happy on the day I registered for sixth grade. Unfortunately, MissYu was nowhere to be seen. But it doesn't matter, I will always remember this teacher. On the occasion of Teacher's Day, I would like to sincerely say to MissYu: "Teacher, you have worked hard and we love you!"

Excellent composition for teachers 14

  As the saying goes: "The kindness of a drop of water must be repaid by a spring." But what the teacher gives us is only a drop of water, but a kindness that cannot be fully repaid by the spring!

  Teachers are our guides on the road of life. Without them, our road to success would be like dark nights, how terrible it would be without light.

  Let’s talk about my primary school teacher! She teaches Chinese. She was nearly sixty years old, and white hair began to grow unbridled on her head, and wrinkles crept onto her face mischievously. But she still looked in good spirits.

  Our teachers are very kind. She often helps her classmates. Although she is a bit nagging sometimes, her nagging words are also for our benefit.

  I remember when I was in third grade, one of my classmates’ shoes had the glue peeling off. He could no longer wear the damaged shoes, but he continued to wear them. The soles of his shoes scraped the ground every day when he walked, which was extremely difficult. His family is not rich, and he is a dormitory student, so he has to wear shoes even if they are broken. Later I discovered that his pants were also torn and his knees were exposed, but he had no other pants to wear. Our class teacher also discovered that his pants and shoes were broken, so he brought a pair of shoes and a new pair of pants from home the next day. The teacher took his torn pants home and patched them up with patches. The classmate was extremely grateful, but the teacher was silent and just gave him a warm smile.

  Teachers also helped me this year. I did not do well on the final exam because I was tired of my math class and my math teacher and did not write my math homework. The head teacher saw everything, but instead of scolding me, she spoke to me with sincerity. "Teacher, I believe in you. Come on, try your best to take the exam next time!" This simple sentence made me feel much calmer when I hit the lowest point.

  In the next semester, I will study hard and study very hard. Of course, the ending will become more perfect based on my efforts. At this time, I remembered the simple words of the head teacher a long time ago, which made my heart well up with waves of warmth...

Excellent essays about teachers 15

  Teacher Sun is our Chinese teacher. He is a very kind and dedicated teacher. We all like him very much.

  Teacher Sun is tall, a little fat, and looks very strong. He has jet black hair, a pair of big and bright eyes, a high nose, and a particularly eloquent mouth. Although he has dark skin and often likes to wear a black hat on his head, he is so kind in the eyes of many of our classmates. mild. We all fell deeply in love with this lovely teacher who was like a big brother.

  Teacher Sun's paintings are very good. Especially in character sketching. Once, he helped all the students in our class draw portraits, which looked like real people. One classmate even joked: "Teacher Sun can become a painter." I feel very proud to have such a talented teacher.

  Teacher Sun is very serious and responsible for our study. During class, he asked each of our classmates to listen carefully and not to look around or make small movements. We are also required to write every new word neatly. Each text must be read thoroughly, and the thoughts and feelings to be expressed in each text must be summarized. Whenever I see Teacher Sun teaching so hard on the podium, I tell myself: "We must study hard and repay Teacher Sun for his dedication to us."

  What moved me most about Teacher Sun was that exam. I remember that the topic of the composition was to design a business card for a big tree. Not only was the structure of the composition incomplete, but it was also a little off-topic. I felt extremely sad at that time. Instead of criticizing me, Teacher Sun sent a message to my mother to comfort me. Teacher Sun is so kind and warm. Even my sister said: "It would be great if Teacher Sun was her teacher when she reaches third grade!"

  A three-foot podium, a hard work, a harvest. Thank you, Teacher Sun, for all your hard work. Here I want to say to you loudly: "Teacher Sun, you have worked hard, I will definitely study hard." Students, you must also work hard!

Li Jiani, the meaning of the name composition picture 3

Li Jiani’s introduction

Li Jiani, female, graduated from the China Conservatory of Music. She majored in ethnic singing and also studied piano performance. Known as the little queen of folk songs. Li Jiani is tall, youthful and beautiful, with an angelic face. She has shown extraordinary talent since she was a child. She began to learn vocal music and loves Chinese folk songs. In order to let the public hear truly good music, she will adhere to the new folk song line, and as a new folk song pioneer, she will wave the flag for Chinese folk songs. In 2009, she was ranked among the top 7 in "Come on Eastern Angels" nationwide. In 2010, she won the Hunan Silver Award in the "CCTV National Young Singer Grand Prix" and endorsed Tencent QQ Wonderland and Samsung Electronics.

Li Jiani, the meaning of the name composition picture 4

The above is the entire content of the composition about Li Jiani, the meaning of her name, and related content about Li Jiani. I hope it can help you.

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