
Contents of this article

  • 1.Finally advanced English expressions
  • 2.What does finally mean and how to pronounce it in English?
  • 3.Final English
  • 4.How to pronounce finally in English

Finally, advanced English expressions

finallypronounced French-English [ˈfaɪnəli]  American [ˈfaɪnəli] 

adv. Finally; in short, finally; decisively, irrevocably


I finally hear I finally hear

I Finally Found Someone I finally found someone

Miss You Finally Finally lost you

Finally Waken Like waking up from a dream

English finally, finally advanced English expressions Figure 1

Word meaning analysis:

At last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly these words or phrases all contain the meaning of "finally". the difference:

At last usually refers to finally achieving the goal after subjective efforts and overcoming various difficulties.

at length emphasizes that it is finally completed after a long period of time, focusing on the time part.

eventually focuses on the results of an action or behavior.

Finally is often used interchangeably with at last, both of which can be used to describe past events, but finally is non-emotional and refers to the final outcome of a series of things.

What does finally mean? How to pronounce it in English?

  finally Chinese meaning

  British [ˈfaɪnəli] American [ˈfaɪnəli]

  finally basic explanation

  adverb finally; finally, finally; end; result

  Example sentences

  1. It's not finally settled yet.

  This has not yet been fully resolved.

  2. They finally realized that the whole thing was a joke.

  They finally realize the whole thing is a joke.

  Monolingual examples of finally

  1. Wang studied hard in school and was finally admitted to the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

  2. When she finally secured a business license for her organization on April 18, her first thought was to offer psychological counseling to health workers.

  3. The Chinese government has finally realized that simply owning a wealth of business assets does not necessarily mean they are productive.

  4. After an investigation lasting more than six months, police finally busted the gang on May 21 last year.

  5. While the'Skinny Genes'singer is very busy with her work, she is relishing the chance to finally take a holiday over the festive season.

  6. The US Congress has finally passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which contains a protectionist "Buy American" clause.

  7. The pawnshop finally let Wang buy back the ring for 200 yuan.

  8. He missed all three attempts, and the buzzer finally sounded to give Lithuania the victory.

  9. The African people and African nations have finally learned by comparison and contrast that what China can offer them is a much better deal.

  dictionary definition of finally

  1. Finally; finally

  You use finally to suggest that something happens after a long period of time, usually later than you wanted or expected it to happen.

  e.g. The word was finally given for us to get on board...

  We were finally informed that we were boarding.

  e.g. The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began...

  The food finally arrived last weekend and distribution began.

  2. The last place; the last place

  You use finally to indicate that something is last in a series of actions or events.

  e.g. The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.

  The plot gradually develops from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.

  3. (used to draw out opinions, etc.) Finally, the last thing to say is

  You use finally in speech or writing to introduce a final point, question, or topic.

  e.g. Finally, who needs the theatre?...

  Finally, who needs theater anyway?

  e.g. And finally, a word about the winner and runner-up.

  Finally, let’s talk about the championship and runner-up.

last english

First in English: first of all. Second in English: secondly. Second in English: thirdly. Last in English: finally.

finally pronunciation  English [ˈfaɪnəli]  United States [ˈfaɪnəli] 

adv. Finally; finally; decisively


1. Finally get finally bought; finally got; finally got

2. finally passed  finally passed; finally passed


The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.

The plot slowly develops from comedy to farce and finally to tragedy.

English finally, finally advanced English expressions Figure 2

Extended information

Synonyms: lastly

lastly pronunciation  English [ˈlɑːstli]  American [ˈlæstli] 

adv. Finally, finally

Word meaning analysis:

in the end, at last, finally, lastly. The difference is:

1. In the end is synonymous with at last, but in the end can not only refer to the "past" but also the expectation of the "future".

2. At last mostly refers to finally achieving the goal after subjective efforts and overcoming various difficulties.

3. Finally is often used interchangeably with at last, both of which can be used to describe past events, but finally is non-emotional and refers to the final outcome of a series of things.

4. Lastly refers to the end of a continuous sequence and is usually used when listing things.

How to pronounce finally in English

Pronunciation: English  ['faɪnəli], American  ['faɪnəli]    

Meaning: adv. Finally; decisively; finally

Synonyms: at length

Root word: Final

Pronunciation: English  ['faɪnl], American  ['faɪnl]    

adj. Final; final; decisive; unchangeable

n.Final; university graduation exam; final exam

1. When used as an adjective, the basic meaning of final is "final, ultimate" and is often used as an attributive in a sentence; it can also mean "decisive, certain" and is often used as a predicate in a sentence.

2. Final is an adjective expressing the ultimate meaning, without comparative and superlative forms.

English finally, finally advanced English expressions Figure 3

Extended information:

Word meaning analysis

Finally, at last, and in the end can all mean "finally". The difference is:

1. n the end means that something happens after many changes, difficulties and uncertainties. For example:

We made eight different plans for our holiday, but in the end we went to Harbin again.

We booked eight different vacation plans, but in the end we went to Harbin again.

2. At last means that an action continues from its occurrence to its end, meaning "finally". For example:

In spite of every obstacle, we arrived at last.

After breaking through all the obstacles, we finally arrived.

Her wish to be a doctor has come true at last.

Her wish to become a doctor finally came true.

She felt joyful at the prospect of seeing him at last.

She was delighted to finally see him.

The above is all the content about English finally, the final advanced English expression, and the related content about nally. I hope it can help you.

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