
Contents of this article

  • 1. Attributes of the twelve constellations
  • 2. The attributes represented by the twelve constellations
  • 3. What are the attributes and temperament of each constellation?
  • 4. Classification of the attributes of the twelve constellations and five elements

Attributes of the twelve zodiac signs

What are the attributes of the 12 zodiac signs? 1. The concept and attribute list of the complete attributes of the constellation
The 12 constellations are generally divided by astrology into the four attributes of earth, water, fire and wind.
Earth symbolizes reason
Water contains tenderness
Fire represents passion
Wind brings dreams
The characters of the three constellations with the same attribute are not completely similar. The reason is Even constellations with the same basic attributes have different specific distributions of attributes. The following analysis divides the specific attributes of the constellation into ten parts. If 6 parts are basic attributes A and the other 4 parts are basic attributes B, then the complete attributes of the constellation are A6B4. For example, Taurus is Earth 6 Water 4. It is generally believed that a certain constellation or a certain person has at most two basic attributes. For example, Aries has the attributes of fire and air, but will not have the attributes of water or earth at the same time. However, the ten parts of some zodiac signs are completely dominated by a certain attribute. We call it a complete attribute constellation. For example, the attribute of Leo is fire 10. The following is a list of specific attributes of the 12 constellations.
Aries Fire 7 Air 3
Taurus Earth 6 Water 4
Gemini Air 10
Cancer Water 10
Leo Fire 10
Virgo Earth 8 Water 2
Libra Air 7 Earth 3
Scorpio Water 6 Earth 4
Sagittarius Fire 7 Air 3
Capricorn Earth 10
Aquarius Air 8 Fire 2
Pisces Water 8 Fire 2

Attributes of each constellation? 1 Attributes of the twelve constellations
Attributes of the twelve constellations:
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Symbolizes energetic and easily excited.
Air element: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Symbolizes calmness and thoughtfulness.
Earth element: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. It symbolizes being practical and advocating material desires.
Water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Symbolizes sensitivity, wit and insight.
The constraint relationship between the twelve constellations and the planets:
Aries is governed by Mars, which represents bravery, action, and impulsiveness;
Taurus is governed by Venus, which represents endurance, determination, and love;
Gemini is governed by Mercury , indicating intelligence, flexibility, and wit;
Cancer is controlled by the moon, indicating emotion, tolerance, and popularity;
Leo is controlled by the sun, indicating nobility, will, and decisiveness;
Virgo is controlled by Mercury, indicating analysis , absorption, logic;
Libra is controlled by Venus, indicating luxury, sociability, and explanation;
Scorpio is controlled by Pluto, indicating enthusiasm, creativity, and compassion;
Sagittarius is controlled by Jupiter, indicating fairness and openness , generosity;
Capricorn is governed by Saturn, which represents efficacy, practicality, and stability;
Aquarius is governed by Uranus, which represents originality, power, and insight;
Pisces is governed by Neptune, which represents inspiration, understanding, and sympathy.
Three characteristics of zodiac signs:
Dominant types: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This type of constellation belongs to the leader type.
Fixed types: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This type of constellation belongs to the organizer type.
Mutable types: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This type of constellation belongs to the teacher type.
In addition, Western astrology also divides the twelve constellations into two categories: masculine and feminine. The masculine signs include Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. People belonging to these signs are mostly enterprising, activist and idealistic. Feminine constellations include Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. People belonging to these constellations are mostly introverted and passive strategists.

What are the attributes of the 12 constellations? The following is an introduction to the twelve constellations for your comparison,
Constellation name, constellation date, constellation attributes, lucky numbers, lucky colors,
Aries 03 /21 - 04/19 Fire sign 6,7, bright red, blood red,
Taurus 04/20- 0520 Earth sign 1,9, purple,
Gemini 05/21 - 06/20 Air sign Constellation 3,5,7, light pink,
Cancer 06/21- 07/22 Water sign 8,3, earth color,
Leo 07/23 - 08/22 Fire sign 5,9, brown , crimson,
Virgo 08/23 - 09/22 Earth signs 4,8, yellow,
Libra 09/23 - 10/22 Air signs 6,9, orange,
Scorpio 10 /23 - 11/21 Water sign 3,5, dark gray, dark red,
Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21 Fire sign 9, black, white, gray,
Capricorn 12/22 - 01/19 Earth sign 3,7, deep red,
Aquarius 01/ 20- 0 2/18 Air sign 4,8, golden yellow,
Pisces 02/19-03/20 Water sign 5,8, purple,

What are the attributes of the twelve constellations? My ability is limited and I don’t know the guardian beast, but I know everything else
Aries attributes: Fire is suppressed - water and wind, earth lucky color - red fire cannot overcome the other three attributes
Taurus attributes : Earth is defeated --- the lucky color of wind and fire ------- yellow
Gemini attribute - wind is suppressed --- water and earth are defeated by fire, the lucky color is white
Cancer attribute - The lucky color of water and fire is dark gray
Leo and Sagittarius have the same attributes and incompatible with Aries, and the lucky color is black
Virgo and Capricorn have the same attributes and incompatible with Taurus, and the lucky color is gold
Libra and Aquarius For attributes that conflict with each other, refer to Gemini, and the lucky color is orange
For attributes that conflict with Scorpio and Pisces, refer to Cancer, with the lucky color being purple
I hope this helps, please accept if you are satisfied

The attributes of the twelve constellations are classified separately. ? We can sort out the list of constellations according to the attributes, characteristics and natural elements of the constellations as follows:      Constellation name    Active constellation<x3 >  Fixed sign   Mutable sign  Masculine sign  Fire sign  Aries     Leo    Sagittarius        Air sign<x3 > Libra    Aquarius    Gemini  Feminine sign  Earth sign< x3> Capricorn    Taurus    Virgo     <x3 >  Water sign  Cancer    Scorpio    Pisces

Ten The attributes of the two constellations are mutually reinforcing each other. The nemesis of Aries: The most afraid of facing Scorpio’s sharp eyes, which seem to be able to penetrate the heart with one glance, and do not know how to deal with the coquettish characteristics of Pisces. . The way to improve is to arm yourself mentally and not let emotions overflow. It is best to follow the Aquarius' cold-shouldered approach to life as a model. The nemesis of Taurus: Sagittarius is most afraid of the fickle nature of Sagittarius, who wants one thing but thinks twice the other; Aries' straight-forward approach will also leave Taurus speechless. The way to improve is to learn the principles of life of Pisces. When you find that your argument has no position, quickly change the topic. Gemini's nemesis: It is most difficult to understand what Capricorn is thinking when they are depressed and silent. They often pour cold water on the other person when their emotions are high; they are even more insufferable when it comes to Taurus's instigation. The way to improve is to learn to express self-awareness as strongly as Aries and turn a blind eye to the negative reactions of others. Cancer's nemesis: It is most difficult to face the rationality of Aquarius and Gemini, who seek reasonable solutions to everything and face interpersonal relationships with a calm attitude. The way to improve it is not to panic when you feel powerless, learn from Taurus to express yourself bravely, and have a "just kill it" mentality. Nemesis of Leo: The most afraid of facing Pisces and Cancer. Leo likes to be praised by others. It is best to show admiration and love in words, so that they will feel elated. But unfortunately, Pisces and Cancer do not like flattery, which makes Leo very unhappy. If you feel bored, you should learn from Gemini to laugh at themselves easily. Virgo’s nemesis: The one who least knows how to face the strength of Aries and Leo. Although he will accept it silently on the surface, he actually accumulates countless dissatisfaction. The way to overcome it is to learn from Cancer and rely on emotions in everything, instead of just talking about theory, and at the same time let go of the mentality of refusing to admit defeat. Libra's nemesis: It is most difficult to deal with the lifelessness and lifelessness of Taurus, and it is also difficult to tolerate the critical and expert tone of Virgo. You should learn from the royal demeanor of Leo, say what you want, don't just consider other people's feelings, and stick to what you insist on. Scorpio's nemesis: Scorpio can't stand Libra and Gemini the most. When everyone is serious, they will show a carefree and cynical look. You should learn how Virgos live their lives to the fullest, and don't pay too much attention to their own shortcomings, which will cause them to have a strong sense of inferiority. Nemesis of Sagittarius: Cancer can't stand the preoccupied look, and the sense of oppression brought by Scorpio will make Cancer restless and want to escape from the scene as soon as possible. The best way to resolve it is to learn from Libra, use a surprised tone and expression, ease the surrounding atmosphere, and make the reaction expected by others. Capricorn's nemesis: The most difficult to tolerate is Leo's arrogant attitude, as well as Sagittarius's uncontrollable speed and way of doing things. The way to improve is to learn the majesty of Scorpio that people dare not approach rashly. Most Capricorns are very talented, but they lack courage and majesty, which makes them secretly suffer. Aquarius' nemesis: The most frustrating Virgo likes to interrupt others and criticize them when they hear something they don't like. They also don't like Aquarius to talk about things purely rationally without any real evidence. We should learn from the optimism of Sagittarius and don't need to get to the root of everything. The nemesis of Pisces: The most fearful of Libra is the defensiveness hidden in the kindness, and the overly cold attitude of Aquarius towards everything. You should let go of your troublesome and willful heart, learn from the reality of Capricorns, and occasionally bow to reality. It is best to learn another skill to ensure your life.

What attributes are controlled by the 12 constellations, such as ice? Fire signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Personality characteristics: Mostly passionate and fierce, they are a very individual group. Because fire can only burn with the help of wind, it is in a weak position compared with air signs.
Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Personality traits: Cautious, prudent and steady, they are a very practical group. The earth needs water to irrigate and nourish it, otherwise it will dry up and crack, so it is easy to be guided by water signs.
Air signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini
Personality traits: They are extremely calm when dealing with emotional issues and are a very rational group. They hate noisy and floating, and are quickly attracted to the stability of earth signs.
Water signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
Personality characteristics: Delicate and sensitive, very emotional, they are a perceptual group. Once you encounter a rational air sign, you will become a weakling.

What are the astrological attributes of the twelve constellations? 1. Aries (March 21-April 20)
Personality: Passionate like fire
Guardian star: Mars
Occupation: athletes, broadcasters, engineers, special makeup artists, etc.
Compatible zodiac signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. 2. Taurus (April 21-May 20)
Personality: Patient, cautious
Guardian star: Venus
Occupation: company employee, civil servant, cook, sculptor, architectural designer, etc.
Partner zodiac signs: Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn. 3. Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
Personality: Curious, lively and cheerful
Guardian star: Mercury
Occupation: Teacher, sketch actor, writer, etc.
Partner constellation: Taurus, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius. 5. Leo (July 23-August 22)
Personality: Cheerful and straightforward
Guardian star: Sun
Occupation: movie star, actor, athlete, etc.
Partner constellation: Aries, Libra , Sagittarius. 6. Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Personality: Strong sense of responsibility, pursuit of perfection
Guardian star: Mercury Occupation: Secretary, civil servant, accountant, editor, veterinarian, etc.
Partner constellation: Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn. 7. Libra (September 23rd - October 23rd)
Personality: Optimistic and cheerful
Guardian star: Mars
Occupation: diplomat, interior decoration, designer, etc.
Partner constellation: Gemini , Libra, Aquarius. 8. Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Personality: Patient, honest
Guardian star: Pluto
Occupation: researcher, detective, doctor, psychologist, etc.
Partner constellation : Gemini, Cancer, Pisces. 9. Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
Personality: cheerful and active
Guardian star: Jupiter
Occupation: athlete, explorer, professor, etc.
Partner constellation: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo. 10. Capricorn (December 22nd - January 20th)
Personality: Responsible, honest
Guardian star: Saturn
Occupation: researcher, dentist, accountant, etc.
Partner constellation: Taurus , Virgo, Scorpio. 11. Aquarius (January 21st - February 18th)
Personality: Loyal and fair
Guardian star: Uranus
Occupation: Broadcaster, writer, publisher, scientist, etc.
Partner constellation : Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra. 12. Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Personality: Good at accepting new things
Guardian star: Neptune
Occupation: Actor, poet, nurse, social welfare person, religious person, etc.
Partner zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio.

The attributes represented by the twelve zodiac signs (astrology) Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water signs Zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Aries: Fire Taurus: Earth Gemini: Air Cancer: Water Leo: Fire Virgo: Earth Libra: Air Scorpio: Water Sagittarius: Fire Capricorn: Earth Aquarius: Air Pisces: Water

Classification of attributes of the twelve constellations, attribute diagram of the twelve constellations 1

The attributes represented by the twelve zodiac signs

1. The concept and attribute list of the complete attributes of the constellation
   The 12 constellations are generally divided by astrology into the four attributes of
  Earth symbolizes reason
  Water contains tenderness
  Fire represents passion
  Wind belt Here comes the dream
  The personalities of the three constellations with the same attributes are not completely similar. The reason is that even the constellations with the same basic attributes have different specific distribution of attributes. The following analysis divides the specific attributes of the constellation into ten parts. If 6 parts are basic attributes a and the other 4 parts are basic attributes b, then the complete attributes of the constellation are a6b4. For example, Taurus is Earth 6 Water 4. It is generally believed that a certain constellation or a certain person has at most two basic attributes. For example, Aries has the attributes of fire and air, but will not have the attributes of water or earth at the same time. However, the ten parts of some zodiac signs are completely dominated by one attribute. We call it a complete attribute constellation. For example, the attribute of Leo is fire 10. The following is a list of specific attributes of the 12 constellations.

Classification of attributes of the twelve constellations, attributes of the twelve constellations Figure 2

What are the attributes and temperaments of each zodiac sign?

What are the attributes of each zodiac sign?

What are the attributes of each constellation? Each of us has our own constellation, and each constellation has its own personality, because different personalities reflect different things. Different zodiac signs have different attributes. Below is the relevant content that I have compiled about the attributes of each zodiac sign.

What are the attributes of each zodiac sign1

One: Aquarius

Its own attribute is water, and its gas attribute is earth.

This is because Aquarius corresponds to the earthly branch "Zi", and Zi belongs to water. In the Earthly Branches and Liuhe, Zichou merges into earth.

To sum up, the five elements of Aquarius belong to water, but the qi attribute is earth.

Two: Pisces

The element of Pisces itself is water, and the element of gas is wood.

This is because Pisces corresponds to the earthly branch Hai, and the five elements of Hai belong to water; and among the earthly branches, Hai and Yin combine with wood, so the five elements of Pisces transform into wood.

Three: Aries

Aries's own attribute is earth, and its gas attribute is fire.

This is because the corresponding earth branch of Aries is Xu, and the five elements belong to earth; and among the earth branches, Xu and Mao combine to form fire, so the gas attribute of Aries is fire.

Four: Taurus

The five elements of Taurus itself belong to gold, and the five elements of transformation gas also belong to gold.

This is because Taurus corresponds to the earthly branch You, and the five elements of You belong to gold; and You and Chen combine to form gold, so the five elements of Qi also belong to gold.

Five: Gemini

The attributes of the twins themselves are gold, and their gas attributes are water.

This is because Gemini corresponds to the earth branch Shen, and the five elements of Shen belong to metal; and Shen in the earth branch is combined with water, so the five elements of Gemini's Qi belong to water.

Six: Cancer

The five elements of Cancer belong to earth, because Cancer corresponds to the earthly branch Wei, and the five elements of Wei belong to earth.

Seven: Leo

The five elements of Leo belong to fire, because Cancer corresponds to the earthly branch Wu, and the five elements of noon belong to fire.

Eight: Virgo

The five elements of Virgo belong to fire, and the five elements of Qi belong to water.

Because Virgo corresponds to the earthly branch, the five elements belong to fire; and the earthly branch Shen has combined with water, so the attribute of transformed gas is water.

Nine: Libra

The five elements of Libra belong to earth, and the five elements of gas belong to metal.

This is because Libra corresponds to the earthly branch Chen, and the five elements of Chen belong to earth. As for Youchen alloy, its transformation gas and five elements belong to gold.

Ten: Scorpio

The five elements of Scorpio's natal life belong to wood, and the five elements of Qi belong to fire.

Because Scorpio corresponds to the earthly branch Mao, the five elements of Mao belong to wood; and Xu and Mao combine to form fire, so the five elements of Qi belong to fire.

Eleven: Sagittarius

The five elements of Sagittarius' natal life belong to wood, and the five elements of Qi also belong to wood.

This is because Sagittarius corresponds to the earthly branch Yin, and the five elements of Yin belong to wood, and Hai and Yin combine with wood. Therefore, the five elements of Sagittarius and the five elements of Qi are all wood.

Twelve: Capricorn

The five elements of Capricorn's natal life belong to earth, and the five elements of Qi also belong to earth.

This is because Sagittarius corresponds to the earthly branch Chou, the five elements of Chou belong to earth, and the earthly branch Chou combines with earth, so the five elements of Capricorn belong to earth.

What are the attributes of each zodiac sign 2

Water signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

Water governs emotions and natural experiences.

It represents sensibility, gentleness, fluidity, sensitivity, dependence and tolerance. People with this zodiac sign are delicate and sensitive, quite emotional, and are a perceptual group.

Cancer, the water sign, presents the simplest and most basic form. Cancers attach great importance to feelings and are good at protecting themselves and others. Just like crabs, they always look for a private place to live and are very sensitive to the intrusion of outsiders. In addition, they are very aggressive and often attack at lightning speed. Take the initiative. The moon, the ruling planet of Cancer, not only controls tidal changes, but also profoundly affects people's emotions. The characteristics of the Moon and the Crab both point out Cancer's lack of self-awareness of life style.

Scorpio, the water sign, demonstrates the power of water in the most profound way and can effectively control it. Most Scorpio people have clear goals and know how to achieve them. Although they are quite group-oriented and sociable signs, they are very self-assertive. Ruled by Pluto, Scorpios look sexy and have volcanic energy. They are very possessive and will never let go of what they have got. Likewise, the mysterious Scorpio will suddenly and ruthlessly fight back when disturbed.

Water sign Pisces can sometimes be overly flexible and accommodating. Their restrained and profound attitude is their greatest charm. Faith and spirituality are very important to them who are rich in emotions and sensibility. Moreover, just like fish living under water, Pisces people have extremely deep emotions. In addition, because it is ruled by Neptune, Pisces is like a vast and boundless ocean, hoping to dissolve everything.

Also known as the "Three Idiots on Fire"

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire represents this light and warmth.

It represents a warm and upward force with the power of expansion. But enthusiasm comes and goes quickly and lacks stability. People with this zodiac sign are mostly passionate and intense, and they are a very individual group.

Fire sign Aries are highly motivated, and sometimes they are inevitably impulsive and ignore the feelings of others. Aries, ruled by Mars, are interested in the excitement of dynamic stimulation, learning skills or becoming a leader. Their personality is childish, willful, and impulsive. They like to attract others' attention but are impatient, do whatever comes to mind, and are rebellious by nature. I don't like to be restricted, and my consistent behavior is that I can do whatever I like. Generally speaking, Aries are mostly impatient and passionate people.

The fire sign Leo, like its ruling planet the Sun, emits a steady light. The personality is warm and creative, and looks down on mean and humble behavior. Their noble and royal posture is like the lion of the king of the forest. Reliability, bravery and perseverance are obvious traits of Leo. Leos are excellent and charming in many ways, but they are prone to vanity and pride and need to be sober.

Sagittarius, a fire sign, has an adventurous spirit and can rush into unknown areas like an arrow, but they are often too impulsive and get out of hand. He is a changeable zodiac sign. He behaves unreasonably, has strong ideals, puts honor first, and loves small animals very much. Sagittarius attaches great importance to morality and ethics, so they can transform this fierce energy into the motivation to pursue lofty goals. Sagittarius' work is very hard and the pressure is relatively high. Give yourself a little more time to relax and relieve stress.

Also known as "Three Holds of Earth"

Earth signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo

Earth inherits the nature of earth and controls material and benefits.

It represents maturity, stability, seriousness and persistence in doing things. People with this zodiac sign are cautious, prudent and practical in doing things, and are a very practical group.

The earth sign Taurus symbolizes the most unwavering qualities in human nature. They refuse to change their minds, never give in, and are stubborn to the extreme; but because they also long for harmony, they are not completely incommunicable. Taurus prefers sensual beauty, which fully reveals the characteristics of the ruling planet - Venus.

Capricorn, the earth sign, presents the simplest and most basic form, so it focuses on substance and concreteness. Although they are very interested in many things, such as money, sex, power, etc., they actually have multi-faceted traits, and it is difficult to define what is typical of Capricorns. Capricorn is a good connoisseur, but also realistic; self-driven, but full of spirituality; academic and theoretical, but at the same time very strange.

The earth sign Virgo is more flexible and pays attention to the spiritual and psychological aspects. It is the less obvious earth sign among the three constellations. Due to the influence of the ruling planet Mercury, cleverness and analytical abilities may not seem to be the characteristics of earth signs; but in fact, they are still quite independent, stable, and willing to serve others. Regarding sensual desires, their attitude is mostly hidden or selectively disclosed; in addition, they are extremely arbitrary and often only use the results as the basis for judgment.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Wind governs thoughts and ideas, representing thinking, logic and reaction ability.

It represents a more rational color, loves freedom, and is slightly indifferent. People with this zodiac sign are very calm when dealing with emotions and are a very rational group.

Geminis, who are air signs, are good at communication and flexibility. Its recognition of external information is the most sensitive among the twelve constellations, and it is mainly reflected in communication with people. For Gemini, communication with others is as important as life. Their greatest strengths are their quick response, thorough insights, and unique creativity. Therefore, instead of requiring them to plan a work schedule, it is better to allow them to play freely at work in order to have the greatest impact.

Libras who are air signs are calm and efficient. They are never exaggerated and impatient, and naturally maintain their own pace. They have high logical thinking ability, and they always work with concentration and plan before taking action. Therefore, although they seem to be unhurried, the results always seem to meet the original requirements. Relatively speaking, if their plans are disrupted or they work in a chaotic and illogical situation, they will often lose their original rationality and efficiency.

Aquarius, the air sign, is always capricious, and surprise and unpredictability are their consistent style. They often break established norms, focus on small things that others don't care about, or make sudden changes to even the most complex plans at the last second. They don't like fixed things, because their talent lies in innovation, so they need a lot of freedom and space to experiment. At the same time, they like to set a schedule, or they must set loose time limits to accommodate many unexpected things. occur.

What are the attributes of each zodiac sign 3

Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Symbolizes energetic and easily excited.

Air element: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Symbolizes calmness and thoughtfulness.

Earth element: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. It symbolizes being practical and advocating material desires.

Water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Symbolizes sensitivity, wit and insight.

The restrictive relationship between the twelve constellations and the planets:

Aries is ruled by Mars and represents bravery, action, and impulsiveness;

Taurus is ruled by Venus and represents endurance, determination, and love;

Gemini is ruled by Mercury and represents intelligence, flexibility, and wit;

Cancer is ruled by the moon and represents emotion, tolerance, and popularity;

Leo is controlled by the Sun and represents nobility, will, and decisiveness;

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and represents analysis, absorption, and logic;

Libra is ruled by Venus and represents luxury, sociability, and interpretive power;

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and represents passion, creativity, and compassion;

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and represents fairness, openness, and generosity;

Capricorn is controlled by Saturn and represents effectiveness, practicality, and stability;

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and represents originality, power, and insight;

Pisces is ruled by Neptune and represents inspiration, understanding, and sympathy.

Three characteristics of constellations:

Dominant types: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This type of constellation belongs to the leader type.

Fixed types: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This type of constellation belongs to the organizer type.

Mutable types: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This type of constellation belongs to the teacher type.

Classification of attributes of the twelve constellations, attributes of the twelve constellations Figure 3

Classification of attributes of the twelve constellations and five elements

The following is an introduction to the twelve constellations for your comparison,
constellation name, English name of the constellation, constellation date, constellation attributes, lucky numbers, lucky colors,
Aries, aries, 03/21 - 04/19 Fire Signs 6 and 7, bright red, blood red,
Taurus, 04/20- 0520 Earth signs 1,9, purple,
Gemini, gemini, 05/21 - 06/20 Air signs 3,5,7, light pink,
Cancer, 06/21- 07/22 Water sign 8,3, earth color,
Leo, leo, 07/23 - 08/22 Fire sign 5,9, brown, dark red,
Virgo, 08/23 - 09/22 Earth sign 4,8, yellow,
Libra, libra, 09/23 - 10/22 air sign 6,9, orange,
Scorpio, scorpio, 10/23 - 11/21 water sign 3,5, dark gray, dark red,
Sagittarius, sagittayius, 11/22 - 12/21 fire sign Constellation 9, black, white, gray,
Capricorn, capricom, 12/22 - 01/19 Earth signs 3,7, Deep red,
Aquarius, 01/20- 02/18 air sign 4,8, golden yellow,
Pisces, pisces, 02/19-03/20 water sign 5,8, purple ,

Classification of attributes of the twelve constellations, attributes of the twelve constellations Figure 4

The above is all about the attribute classification of the twelve constellations, the attributes of the twelve constellations, and the related content of the attribute classification of the twelve constellations. I hope it can help you.

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