
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the next sentence of "one thing drops another thing"?
  • 2. One thing conquers another. Can these zodiac signs naturally conquer Sagittarius people?
  • 3. Fate is destiny
  • 4. One thing will bring down another thing. Which constellation is the natural nemesis of the twelve constellations?

What is the next sentence of "One thing drops another thing"?

Sagittarius is synonymous with freedom. They have a lively and active personality. They like to live carefree and play with friends. They don’t like to be restrained by others. They even occasionally deliberately go against their lovers. , so it always gives lovers a headache, but as the saying goes, one thing conquers another, some people are born to restrain Sagittarius, so among the twelve constellations , which constellations are naturally able to conquer Sagittarius?

1. Libra

Although Libras appear to be soft-spoken and innocent, they actually have their own way of interacting with people. Libra is reasonable and can give Sagittarius a lot of understanding and care, let Sagittarius's ideas go, and give him a certain amount of freedom and space. This will make Sagittarius very grateful and willing to invest in Sagittarius, so the two can live in harmony. Libra also likes to join in the life of Sagittarius. The two have similar hobbies and interests, as well as a common language. Therefore, Libra is born to conquer Sagittarius.

One thing descends to another. Who descends to whom among the twelve zodiac signs? What is the next sentence of one thing to descend? Picture 1

2. Aries

Aries and Sagittarius are both fire signs, and both have very straightforward personalities. There are many topics to discuss when getting along. But Aries has always been straightforward and emotionally unstable. They get angry and angry when they disagree. It is because of them that Sagittarius always seems to be on tenterhooks and even a little worried when getting along with each other. Sagittarius always feels a little uncomfortable when they get along with Aries, and they feel uncomfortable in their hearts. They are not as content as with friends, as if they are involuntarily frightened by Aries. We all know that Aries should be regarded as the natural enemy of Sagittarius.

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve zodiac signs? What is the next sentence of one thing descends? Picture 2

3. Scorpio

Scorpios have always made people feel very aloof, with cold faces and cold hearts. They don't like to be nosy and meddle in other people's business. They will secretly observe and do their own thing from the sidelines. But the Scorpio mind is actually very independent, and it is only when he meets someone he cares about that he can show his concern. Even for a prodigal like Sagittarius, Scorpio still has a way to grasp the other person's heart. Even if he can't grasp the heart, he can at least capture the person. Scorpio has a delicate mind and can grasp the vitality point of Sagittarius during the process of getting along. Although he knows that he does not like to be controlled, he will still stick to it indifferently. It is very easy for Scorpio to conquer Sagittarius.

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve zodiac signs? What is the next sentence of one thing descends? Picture 3

One thing conquers another. Can these zodiac signs naturally conquer Sagittarius people?

    Sagittarius is synonymous with freedom. They have a lively and active temperament and like to live carefree and play with friends. They do not like to be restrained by others. Occasionally, he will deliberately contradict his lover, which always gives him a headache. However, as the saying goes, one thing is better than another. Some people are born to restrain Sagittarius. So among the twelve constellations of , which ones are there? Can the zodiac sign naturally conquer Sagittarius?

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve zodiac signs? One thing descends, one thing descends. What is the next sentence? Picture 4

  Although Libra looks gentle, easy to talk to, and looks simple and kind, in fact, he also has his own way of getting along with others. Libra is considerate and can give Sagittarius a lot of understanding and care, indulge Sagittarius's ideas, and give him a certain amount of freedom and space. This will make Sagittarius very grateful and willing to pay for Sagittarius, so the two get along very harmoniously. . Libra also likes to participate in the life of Sagittarius. The two people have similar hobbies and interests, as well as common topics. Therefore, Libra is born to conquer Sagittarius.

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve zodiac signs? One thing descends, one thing descends. What is the next sentence? Picture 5

  Aries and Sagittarius both belong to fire signs. They have very straightforward personalities and there are many topics to talk about when they get along. However, Aries is always outspoken and has a bad temper. He will lose his temper and become emotional when he disagrees with his words, and he is full of anger. It is precisely because of this that Sagittarius always seems cautious and even a little scared when getting along. Sagittarius always feels a little uncomfortable when getting along with Aries, feeling uncomfortable and not as comfortable as others, as if they are being stumped by Aries unconsciously. Therefore, Aries can be regarded as the nemesis of Sagittarius.

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve zodiac signs? One thing descends, one thing descends. What is the next sentence? Picture 6

   Scorpio always gives people a very cold feeling, with a cold face and a cold heart. They don't like to meddle in other people's business and will only observe secretly and do their own things. However, Scorpios are actually very independent in their hearts, but they will only show concern when they meet someone they care about. Even if they are a prodigal like Sagittarius, Scorpio can still catch the other person's heart. Even if they can't catch the heart, they can at least catch the person. Scorpio is thoughtful and can grasp the vitality of Sagittarius when getting along with him. Although he knows that he doesn't like to be controlled, he will still stick to him regardless. It is very easy for Scorpio to surrender Sagittarius.


Thank you to all the handsome guys and beauties who passed by! !

Aries vs Virgo

Aries and Virgo are like one thing, another thing. Their personalities are completely different, as if they are two extremes, but they come together. Aries is carefree and bold, while Virgo is cautious and loves perfection. They come together because of their differences.

I feel that the other person is very attractive, and also because of the huge differences between them, which are always full of contradictions and conflicts. Gradually, they can't stand each other. The more they fall in love, the more tired they become, and the more they get along, the less they get along with each other. Only after getting through that difficult time , they can integrate well together, and they are each other's nemesis.

Aquarius vs Libra

Aquarius people have always gone their own way and don't like to be bound by any person, thing or emotion.

They are strong, independent, autonomous, and do not lack a sense of security and belonging.

Libra people have a gentle and submissive personality. They will consider the feelings of others first in everything, and often go to great lengths to help others.

They lack a sense of security and self-confidence, and are prone to losing their own opinions and getting hurt when things happen.

The qualities of Aquarius people are what they yearn for the most, so it is expected that they will be conquered by Aquarius people.

Capricorn vs Scorpio

Capricorn and Scorpio are both relatively strong zodiac signs, and they are very compatible partners, both emotionally and at work. Especially these two people are very smart, have the same goal, and work hard to climb up. Once they meet, they will be in love with each other. They will come together naturally,

And Capricorn can completely control Scorpio, because Capricorn is patient enough and stubborn, and things he believes will never change. No matter what Scorpio says, Capricorn will not be fooled at all, and in the end Scorpio will have to compromise.

Taurus vs Pisces

Pisces actually admires the diligence and seriousness of Taurus, but they themselves are confused and dreamy people, and their minds are always occupied by illusions and unreality.

At this time, Taurus didn't buy his fault and just did his own thing and lived his own life, letting the fish go crazy on the side.

Cancer vs Gemini

Cancer people have a dull and simple personality and are relatively mature, while Gemini people are stubborn and accept death.

The two are relaxed and complementary, and although Cancer doesn't know how to express himself and has more traditional thoughts, he is absolutely devoted to feelings.

Gemini is one of the zodiac signs that is sensitive to emotions and particularly insecure. Therefore, in the face of Gemini's turbulent and restless hearts, only Cancer's understanding and gentleness can subdue Gemini.

Leo vs Sagittarius

The lion can conquer the Sagittarius. The Lion is a born king. He is proud and loves face, and will maintain his dignity at all times. Although the Sagittarius loves freedom, when two people are together, they will be tightly controlled by the Lion, and they have to report when they go out to do things. That's it,

Leos are very possessive in relationships, and they are used to controlling each other's every move. However, facing the domineering lion, Sagittarius has nothing to do, and occasionally uses escape to face it. It must be said that the lion is the natural nemesis of Sagittarius, and there is no way to escape. of.

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve constellations? One thing descends, one thing descends. What is the next sentence? Picture 7

One thing brings down another thing. Which constellation is the natural nemesis of the twelve zodiac signs?

It is said that one thing defeats another, and some people are born to restrain others. So which constellation is the natural nemesis of the twelve constellations?
The pictures and pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the pictures and texts are irrelevant

1. Aries: Scorpio. Aries are people with a strong desire to conquer. No matter in life or in relationships, once someone says no, they will definitely do the opposite. However, Scorpio is the best at playing hard to get, and it is full of mystery. To control Aries, It can be said that it is a piece of cake.

2. Taurus: Gemini. Taurus are gentle people who want stability, but deep down they really long for things they don’t have. When they meet Gemini, who has quirky and changeable personalities, they are easily attracted to them, but they can’t handle them. It’s simply love-making. Hate again.
3. Gemini: Libra. Geminis are people with weak inner principles, but Libras are very principled at heart. When Geminis meet Libras, they are easily attracted by their no-nonsense side, and are also impressed by their elegant and generous temperament. They often forget themselves in love.

4. Cancer: Taurus. Cancer is a person who extremely needs a sense of security. Taurus can give a person a sense of security and make Cancer love with confidence. However, Taurus's pragmatic and stubborn personality can easily dampen Cancer's delicate emotions, which often makes Cancer very hurt.
5. Leo: Aquarius. The lion is the king of the grassland. He is arrogant and domineering by nature, but he is also very tender at heart. Aquarius looks modest, but when he is domineering, he is even more domineering than a lion. When a lion meets an Aquarius, he has met his match. He often falls in love so much that he can't stop. .

6. Virgo: Aries. Virgos are people who are principled, strict in doing things, and never jump out of their way, but Aries are impulsive and reckless people who don't play by the rules at all. Virgos are easily attracted by the fierceness and loyalty of Aries, but they are not attracted by their recklessness. Nothing can be done.
7. Libra: Pisces. Pisces are people with rich emotions and rely on intuition when dealing with things. They never have fixed routines, but Libras are very disciplined in doing things and will never break the rules casually. They are easily attracted by the romantic atmosphere of Pisces, but they are not as thoughtful as Pisces and are easily led away. Walk with nose in your nose.

8. Scorpio: Sagittarius. Scorpio is the person who needs the most sense of security and is very possessive, but Sagittarius is born to be unrestrained and loves freedom. What they hate most is being restrained. Scorpio will be attracted by the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius, but is completely confused about their personality.
9. Sagittarius: Virgo. Whatever Sagittarius wants, he hopes to get it immediately. Whether in love or in life, he is a little willful and has a childish temper. But Virgo is the most principled and has a tough attitude. He will not give it to you just because you clamor for it, but will be reasonable. Make the shooter lose his temper.

12. Capricorn: Leo. Capricorn is a low-key and aloof sign. They are very simple in everything and don't like to show off. However, Leo is the most lively and likes to be in the limelight. Leo often dampens Capricorn's enthusiasm and conquers Capricorn with their domineering power, causing them to be suppressed. Take it heartily.
11. Aquarius: Cancer. Aquarius has a very rational side, but also a very emotional side, which is easy to get excited about. They could always remain elegant, but when they meet Cancer, they are often sentimental and worried about gains and losses, which makes them almost suffer from anxiety attacks, and there is nothing they can do about them.

12. Pisces: Capricorn. Pisces love to dream, and they also long for warmth and tenderness in their hearts, and even have a little love for "making things", but these Capricorns can't give it to them. They are pragmatic and rational, and even a little cold and unkind. When Pisces meets Capricorn, it is considered a meeting. To the nemesis.

One thing descends, one thing descends. Who descends to whom among the twelve constellations? One thing descends, one thing descends. What is the next sentence? Picture 8

The above is all the content about one thing falling, one thing falling, who falling to whom among the twelve zodiac signs, what is the next sentence of one thing falling, one thing falling, and the related content of one thing falling, one thing falling, who falling to whom among the twelve zodiac signs. I hope it can help you.

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