
Contents of this article

  • 1.
  • 2. How to express I love you in Morse code
  • 3. Confess I like you in Morse code
  • 4. A complete collection of love codes for secret expressions

Morse code confession, Morse code confession Morse code introduction picture 1

How do you say I love you in Morse code?

I love you is expressed in Morse code as "...-..---...-.-.-----..-", which is Iloveyou in English. Among them, the Morse code of I is short, L is short long short, O is long long, V is short short long, E is short, Y is long short long, and U is short long.
How to express I love you in Morse code
Morse code is usually expressed with dots and a horizontal line. From the appearance, it can be described by long and short. From the sound, it can be described by click and click. to describe. Usually, Morse code is used for transmission, and the speed of transmission is determined by the length of dots. One horizontal line is generally equivalent to the length of three dots. The length of one dot is between dots and horizontal lines, and the length of one dot is between words. The interval is seven points in length.
Morse code generally refers to Morse code, which is a signal code that mainly expresses different English letters, numbers, and punctuation marks in different arrangements. Generally, there will be a corresponding code table or code book. It is easy to find the corresponding long and short representation of each word. However, the Morse code table only applies to English letters. The world's first telegram was transmitted in American Morse code.

Morse code confession, Morse code confession Morse code introduction picture 2

Morse Code Confess I Like You

When expressing your love to someone you like, the more creative the way you express your love, the more profound the impression you will leave on the other person. What are the Morse code confessions? The collection of advanced confession passwords has been prepared for everyone, come and find out about it.

1. Morse Code Confession
1. In Morse Code, this string "··   ·—·· ——— ···— ·  < x2>··—" symbol, what it represents is i love you. Morse code uses the short dot signal "·" and the long signal "——" in different arrangements to express different English letters. , numbers, and punctuation marks.

2. If you are interested in this, save this string of confession Morse code, go to the Internet to find a special Morse code letter comparison table, and interpret it based on the comparison table, you can easily know this string What does the password mean?

2. Collection of advanced confession passwords
1. Mobile phone keyboard Pinyin 96 24 64 
Take out your mobile phone and type this group in the Jiugongge input method. The pinyin corresponds to: I love you.

2. Mobile phone keyboard numbers 132879 179 24862 14863 1317946 1793
Also in the mobile phone Jiugongge input method state, open the digital interface and draw a graphic according to the numbers, which is the English word "I LOVE U".

3. Computer numerical keyboard 798213 713 84268 74269 7971346 7139
In the numerical area of ​​the computer keyboard, draw a pattern according to the above numbers, which is the English confession "I LOVE U".

4. Computer letter keyboard y65rfbji87y 
In the letter area of ​​the computer keyboard, draw a graphic based on the numbers, which is a "❤" shape.

5. Number 9 12 15 22 5 21
Match the numbers with the alphabet, that is, A (1) B (2) C (3) D (4) E (5) F ( 6) G(7) H(8) I(9) J(10) K(11) L(12) M(13) N(14) O(15) P(16) Q(17) R(18) S(19) T(20) U(21) V(22) W(23) X(24) Y(25) Z(26).
Therefore, this set of digital strings represents, 9=I 12=L 15=O 22=V 5=E 21=U, I LOVE U.

6. Baidu characters (GB2312): %69%20%6C%6F%76%65%20%75
On Baidu browser, the URL ***/s?wd=%69 %20%6C%6F%76%65%20%75When you open it, it’s a confession song.

7. Os At Nb
According to the chemical periodic element table, among the elements represented by the above characters, Os is osmium, At is astatine, and Nb is niobium. The combined homophony is, I love you.

8. 128√e980
Write this set of strings on the blackboard, erase the upper half, and you will get the sweet confession of "I LOVE YOU".

9. Wall, eyes and knees
Translated from Chinese and English, the word for wall is Wall, the English word for eyes is eye, and the English word for knee is knee. The translated Chinese homophone is "I love you" .

This article shares some sweet and advanced confession codes. If you crack these codes, you can gain a precious heart. Try it now.

Morse code confession, Morse code confession Morse code introduction picture 3

A complete collection of love codes for secret expressions

A complete collection of secret codes for boys

  For boys, everyone knows that the way of thinking between boys and girls is very different. In daily interactions, girls often do not put many words in the open, but use implicit language to express Come out, the following secret codes express your love to boys.

  A complete collection of secret code confessions for boys 1


  (Translation: I just like you; re-translation: I always like you)


  (WeChat translation I love you)

  3. lch will mit dir S wim

  (Translation: I want to be with you)

  4.Miluji pouze jednu osobu,ta osoba jstevy,

  (Translation: I only love one person, you are that person)

  5. Tu vas rester avec moi?

  (Translation: Will you be with me?)

  6. I miss you at three minutes to ten

  (Blackjack is nine o'clock in the evening, 9+5+7=21 I love you, 2157 I love you forever)

  7.·· ·—·· ——— ···— · ··—

  (Morse code "i love u")

  8. n 55iw!

  (The reverse is i miss you, I miss you.)

  9. あなたと一丝に楽しい星に风げたいです

  (Translation: I want to escape to the happy planet with you)


  (Translation: stay with me)

  11. Te echo de menos

  (Translation: I miss you)


  (Translation + re-translation: I want to say to you, I love you)

  13. http://13.Ca AL Si

  (In the periodic table, these elements are 20, 13, and 14 respectively)

  14. npaau!

  (Looking at it backwards, it means I need you, I need you.)

  15. a^o7!

  (In reverse, it means love, I love you.)

  Code confession collection for boys 2

   How to confess to a boy you have a crush on

   First: create chance encounters

  This is the most euphemistic thing. When a girl likes a boy, the thing that can make the other person react greatly is to create opportunities. Otherwise, if you keep silently liking him, there will be no boundary. For this reason, you want the relationship to be more intense. Going further, the best way is to create opportunities. After all, there is a saying that everything depends on man-made efforts, so that there will be a breakthrough.

   Second: Little love letters

  Although writing love letters is rare in this society, as the old saying goes, things are rare and valuable, and the less people use them, the more special they become. Especially, if a girl writes to a boy, no matter whether the boy will accept it immediately or not, he will accept it immediately. They were deeply impressed. After all, it was not in novels. How could there be so many people who received love letters mercilessly? There were still very few in real life.

   Third: Send things diligently

  It’s not about giving expensive things. You can give him snacks little by little, or give him a little water when he is doing sports. Anyway, the opportunity to moisturize things silently, bit by bit encroaching on him. His heart was like boiling a frog in warm water.

   Fourth: Convey favor to him

  If you don't want to be too proactive and are worried about the other person's inaction, then you should convey your good impression of him to his ears appropriately. You can talk about his advantages with his friends and express that you think his advantages are great and you appreciate him very much. When his friends convey these words to his ears, I believe that not only will he feel deeply benefited, but he will also pay more attention to you.

  A complete collection of secret code confessions for boys 3

   Confessing love words to boys

  1. The most touching love words in the world are: You are mine alone, and the most beautiful vow of love is: I will wait for you at the end of time.

  2. Write with warm eyes to draw your shy and pure smile; write words with a sweet tone to compose a happy movement of life. My dear, I love you forever! Sunshine and wind and rain are not separated!

  3. What will you give to the partner who will accompany you until the end?

  4. ★Many people have been hurt by love, so they no longer believe in love. But in fact, these people know love best. Because I was injured, I understand. Because of loss, we should cherish it. Because of betrayal, you will be loyal. They look indifferent, but in fact they have a heart that lacks the most love.

  5. Believe me, I will always be right by your side. Trust me, I will always be by your side.

  6.) As long as I can see you often, I will feel happy; as long as I cling to your petite body, I will not be lonely.

  7. I don’t know if loving you is a considerate reason?

  8. Once we met, once fell in love, and once shined in each other's lives, remember that beauty and sweetness. Although there is no chance, there is no regret.

  9. Romance is not a deliberate act, but a natural expression of emotion. The simple feeling in the heart is a beautiful state of mind, the purity of poetry and painting, even if time passes and the years reincarnate, it will not fade or age.

  10. I have walked on bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, and drank many kinds of wine, but I have only loved one person at his best age.

  11. Emotions are so fragile. They can survive through thick and thin but cannot withstand the ordinary! Although my mind often fantasizes about the hugs and sweetness of meeting again, I can only silently warn myself that it is just a mirage in the vast desert! I am used to keeping a distance from changing things, such as loving someone, which is full of variables, so I take a step back and watch quietly until I see sincere feelings.

  12. No matter whether life is stable or not, I will always keep you in my heart, let the deep love impact my heart every day, let the pulse drive all my thoughts, and let the message convey the desire to be with you!

  13. Past love memories are all scars

  14. Feelings are like bank deposits, and quarrels are like withdrawals. One quarrel is equivalent to one withdrawal, and one day it will all be withdrawn!

  15. There is no other expression about ________ about us except sweetness.

  16. Hold your left hand and run endlessly in the rain. In the end, we cuddle up happily.

  17. [Time often turns love words into jokes. 】

  18. Winter is gradually going away, spring is coming slowly, busyness is passing by in a hurry, and the weekend is coming soon. My dear, do you feel that beauty and health are coming to you together, and worries and sorrows are leaving you, dear? ,be happy.

  19. If I were your girlfriend, I would clumsily knit you a light gray scarf made of pure wool. Although you will find small holes in the first few rows, you must also encourage me and say it is more exquisite than Hengyuanxiang’s. ;

  20. You thought it was love words, but he just sent them in groups.

   Confessing love words to boys

  1. No matter how beautiful the words of love are, they are no match for the silent companionship.

  2. Many times, I just want to have you, hold me tightly until my mood really gets better.

  3. The sweetest joys in life are the fruits of sorrow, and the purest and most beautiful things in life are obtained from suffering. We must experience hardships ourselves before we know how to comfort others.

  4. A good man will not talk about love, but he will treat you sincerely. I don’t swear often, but I am always grateful in my heart. You may not necessarily make a lot of money, but you can shoulder the responsibilities of the family. It can't bring you romance, but it can make you feel safe. He is by your side, not letting you worry, taking care of you, not cheating, and occasionally being sultry and laughing. This is a good man, who has nothing to do with wealth or appearance, but is just the guardian of a family.

  5. I can’t say any intoxicating words of love, I just want to take you home

  6. The heartbeat that used to beat like a deer for you, now, that feeling has disappeared. After all, you are no longer the same person you once were, and I am no longer the same person I once was. Everything... is a stranger.

  7. The space in life must be set aside through cleaning and removal; the space in the soul must be expanded through thinking and enlightenment. When playing bridge, the deck of cards we hold in our hands must be played to the fullest, no matter whether it is good or bad; the same is true in life.

  8. Let’s play a game. Meeting is the beginning, holding hands is the continuation, kissing is sweetness, romance is the melody, laughter is the theme, and slapstick is the interlude. There is no ending, and it goes on forever.

  9. The crow spoke words of love, and the iron tree blossomed.

  10. I can’t say intoxicating words of love, I just want to go home with you

  11. Taking others too seriously, only to be treated as nothing by others

  12. I love you and I want to be with you all the time. ——"Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom"

  13. I envy you so much. I envy you that you can be so upright and not love me. Unlike me, I have to be secretive even if I say love words to you.

  14. There are endless words of love for many years, but in the end, the only sentence is "Long time no see".

  15. I like it when you take the initiative to find me, so I can make sure you won’t find me annoying.

  16. After reading so many love words, do you still like the same person?

  17. The Chinese Valentine's Day is here, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are crossing the Magpie Bridge, and everything is beautiful in the sky. The text messages you send make you smile, the red luan stars you receive are moving and caring for you, the sweet hugs from your intimate lover, happiness and good luck come every day, and you live a happy life until you grow old!

Morse code confession, Morse code confession Morse code introduction picture 4

The above is all about Morse Code Confession, Morse Code Confession, Morse Code Introduction, and related content about Morse Code Confession. I hope it can help you.

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