
Contents of this article

  • 1. The symbolic meaning of Pisces Aquarius
  • 2. Why is Pisces called the King of Kings? On what day are Pisces born the most powerful?
  • 3. Dear shrimps
  • 4.What is the zodiac sign of March?

Pisces Aquarius Symbolism

Pisces symbolism

The symbolic meaning of Pisces, constellations are mysterious and attract most people's attention. In our daily lives, some people will accidentally see the information of the constellations from various aspects even if they do not deliberately understand the constellations. , the following meaning and symbolism of Pisces.

The meaning and symbolism of Pisces 1

1. The meaning of Pisces is: a sign that is sentimental, sensitive, and loves to dream and fantasize. Being born passionate, they often struggle with the word love, and their mood swings are closely related to love. They are weak by nature, like to give, and will not hurt others at will.

2. Pisces is the end of ancient reincarnation. The soul after this ancient reincarnation is a kind of transparency. Perhaps because of this, they are always trapped between spirit and desire, retreating into a self-created dream state.

They love to dream and fantasize all the time. They often transfer this complex to the real environment, which seems a bit unrealistic. However, they are kind and have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication to help others; they are sensitive, A kind, kind, generous, aloof, gentle, sentimental and pure person, he is also the most "sentimental" among the twelve zodiac signs.

3. Pisces is an ancient and complex constellation, which contains too many emotions, so the emotions fluctuate greatly. Contradictions, keen sensibility, intellectuality, poetry and delicate touch all produce unparalleled art under the impact of all these. genius. For example, among the classical music majors we studied, Pisces is the most numerous among the twelve constellations. Perhaps, this is another manifestation of their intoxication.

4. In short, this is a person who is full of divinity, magic, understanding, strong observation, but also indecisive, lacking self-confidence, neurotic (if she is a woman, she is made of tears, a woman among women), and has self-control. A mysterious constellation that is not strong but fickle. The zodiac symbol of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, one upward and one downward. Nothing can describe the complex character of Pisces more accurately than this picture.

The meaning and symbolism of Pisces 2

What does Pisces symbolize?

Pisces: God of the Ocean On February 19, the sun begins its annual month-long Pisces cycle. In Tarot cards, Pisces corresponds to the "Moon" card, and the traditional guardian star of Pisces is Jupiter (the same as Sagittarius), which corresponds to the "Wheel of Fortune" in the Tarot cards, while the modern guardian star Neptune corresponds to The tarot card is "The Hanged Man".

The English name of Neptune, Neptune, is the name of the god of the ocean in ancient mythology, and the "moon" controls the ebb and flow of the ocean's tides. So it is obvious that Pisces is a water sign, and the meaning of water in Tarot cards is related to love, friendship and changes in human emotions. The symbol of Pisces and the Cross Pisces is symbolized by two fishes tied together, swimming in opposite directions.

One fish swims upward, towards Aries in the east; the other fish swims downstream, towards Aquarius in the west. And the reciprocal directions of this intersection just form a staggered "cross", a symbol of Christianity.

The vertical axis of the cross represents spirit, while the horizontal axis symbolizes matter. In ancient Babylonian mythology, it is said that two fish pushed a huge egg to the shore, and from the egg, Atagratis, the goddess of the valley, and her son Ichthys were born. Every year, Ichthys experiences death and rebirth. The myth of Ichthys and the constellation Pisces have become more and more closely related to Christianity in the subsequent history.

Opposite Pisces sits Virgo, and Virgo has a lot to do with Christianity in Greek mythology. Typhon, the fish and monster in ancient Greek mythology, is the youngest son of Gaia, the goddess of the earth, and her child with Tartarus, the god of hell. Typhon is a demonic monster that breathes fire from its nose and has the heads of hundreds of dragons. The word Typhon has the corresponding meaning in Greek vocabulary, which is "strong hurricane" and is also related to the meaning of "hot vapor".

The word "typhoon" in the current English vocabulary comes from this allusion. The medical term "typhus" also comes from this etymology. People at that time thought that this terrible disease was caused by the poisonous gas spewed by the monster Typhon. There was a time when Typhon controlled the entire heaven because it stole Zeus's scepter while Zeus was having an intimate moment with the goddess.

In order to escape Typhon's clutches, the gods of Olympus transformed into various animals and fled in all directions. Pan, which symbolizes Capricorn, turned into a half-goat fish. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and her son Eros, the god of love, turned themselves into two fish. In order not to be separated, they were tied to each other. The connected silver cords hid together in the Euphrates River. Therefore, the combination of love and lust is the eternal symbol of Pisces. The astrological symbol of Pisces is represented by two symmetrical crescent moons.

Later, with the help of the Phoenician prince Cadmus, Zeus finally conquered Typhon and buried it under Mount Aetna. To this day, people living near Mount Aetna can still hear its roar. Cadmus used the tactics he learned from the sun god Apollo and the temptation of music (ruled by Pisces) to help Zeus conquer this monster.

Since then, order in heaven has been restored, and love and desire have once again filled the world. "Moon" and "The Hanged Man" The "Moon" card in the Tarot deck traditionally depicts "two dogs barking at the moon". These two dogs, one is dark and the other is light, symbolize spirituality and materiality. Behind the scene, a crayfish leaps out of the water, symbolizing the giant egg lifted up from the water in ancient Babylonian mythology.

"Moon" in Tarot cards symbolizes a warning, telling the person being questioned that he may not be able to see the problem clearly or is confused by some things. These are also the negative factors of Pisces. The "Hanged Man" in Tarot cards depicts a man hanging upside down by his legs, forming a cross. And its explanation is to tell the inquirer the spiritual aspects of the existing situation that need to be understood.

The meaning and symbolism of Pisces 3

The meaning of Pisces

People born between February 19th and March 20th are Pisces. Pisces is one of the twelve constellations in astrology. It governs the last house of the zodiac, which represents secrets, dreams, and subconsciousness. As the last constellation on the zodiac, it combines the complexity and self-change of the first eleven constellations. Their endless tendencies have earned Pisces the title of "cunning chameleon."

The legend of Pisces

Legend has it that Venus, the goddess of beauty, took her beloved son, the little Cupid, to a luxurious banquet dressed up. As the whole banquet gradually reached its climax, an unexpected guest suddenly came. This uninvited guest has a very ferocious appearance and an evil heart. The purpose of his appearance at the banquet is to destroy it. It was obvious that he had achieved this goal, and the entire banquet was made a mess by him. His terrifying expression frightened everyone at the banquet, and everyone began to run around and prepare to leave.

At this time, Venus suddenly discovered that Cupid was missing. Venus nervously searched every corner of the party, and finally found Cupid, who was shivering with fear under the piano. Venus was about to take Cupid away, but she was afraid that she would be separated from Cupid again in the panic. In desperation, Venus thought of a way to tie the two people's feet together with a rope, and then turned into two fish. In this way, she successfully escaped from this terrible banquet.

Later, this shape was seen by the gods, who placed them in the sky and became the Western Fish and the Northern Fish, which became the constellation Pisces.

Pisces personality


Pisces people always maintain an innocent and loyal temperament. They are warm and mysterious. I love fantasy and always like to imagine everything as wonderful. Pisces people know how to tolerate, trust others easily, and are not suspicious. Considerate and full of romantic feelings.


The biggest shortcoming of Pisces people is that they are easily affected by the surrounding environment and love to lie. Most of them are not good at financial management, lack the courage to face reality, are not practical enough, and easily fall into depression and cannot extricate themselves.

Lucky stones: cat’s eye, emerald

Lucky flowers: lily, violet

Lucky colors: sea green, blue, purple

Lucky numbers: 7,16,25,35

Pisces love analysis

Pisces man

In the eyes of Pisces men, love should be brilliant. In order to achieve this effect, they will devote themselves wholeheartedly to it. When you are in love, everything in life is about love. They will regard love as the highest guideline for life. As long as there is love, they can stay awake, forget food and sleep, and can no longer hold other people or things in their hearts.

If there is a test in love, Pisces men will definitely get 100 points. It's just that passionate Pisces men may not even be able to pass the test except for love, but in other aspects. Because they only care about being immersed in love and no longer have the intention to study or work. They are alienated from their families and have no friends. The result is definitely nothing.

When a Pisces man devotes his life to loving someone, the people next to him will definitely be moved and lamented by him. What is touching is that the Pisces man's spirit of giving for love is so great; what is sad is that a Pisces man can lose everything for love, but once he loses love, he may become the most tragic person, which will also make the relatives of the Pisces man Worried.

Pisces woman

Pisces women are romantic, sensual and poetic. She will be very obsessed with love and be willing to sacrifice herself for love. The kind of romantic and intimate relationship they create will make their partner unable to help but be deeply obsessed with her. However, she has a very serious problem, that is, she easily has high expectations for her partner and has a strong desire for her love to be as perfect as a myth.

The object of her affection is a miracle-working prince-type figure who is handsome and affectionate. She also imagines herself as a princess living in a mythical castle. Unfortunately, she is at best a little fairy who has fallen into the world, and the magic wand is only a figment of her imagination.

There are more ordinary beings in the mortal world. Most men cannot meet her expectations, and extraordinary love is rare. Pisces women are very afraid of being hurt. When they feel passionate, they will become shy and timid, fearing that this is just their own wishful thinking. In order to prevent others from seeing their inner uneasiness, they often build a wall around them and keep a distance from others to protect themselves. Then, they use their ability to create romantic fantasies to create a beautiful relationship in their own world.

Pisces title, the symbolic meaning of Pisces Aquarius Figure 1

Why is Pisces called the King of Kings? On what day are Pisces born the most powerful?

Introduction: In the public’s mind, Pisces, who is prone to sentimentality, seems to be a tragic character, but in fact, Pisces has always been called the King of Kings, but do you know why Pisces is called the King of Kings? Let’s follow the little Let’s take a look at the answers.
Why is Pisces called the King of Kings?
Pisces is called the King of Kings because of its powerful aura. They have an aura that makes people want to get close to them. Many people are happy to serve them, and are willing to go through fire and water for Pisces. The aura of Pisces is so strong because they have the ability to strategize. As long as they take action, they can always get it done easily, so they are known as the king of kings.
What constellation is Pisces restrained by?
In fact, Pisces people are easily attracted by the charm of Taurus people. They like the dedicated and affectionate nature of Taurus, but at the same time, Pisces are also afraid of Taurus and are easily attracted by Taurus's. Seriousness and seriousness scare. Because they feel that Taurus is just like their parents or elders, they always dare not speak loudly in front of them, and Taurus will mercilessly ridicule and attack Pisces, which often makes Pisces feel ashamed, so Pisces will be restrained by Taurus.
They have similar personalities. Generally speaking, most Pisces people are good-looking, but Libras are more noble and elegant, while Pisces are not good at dressing themselves up. They are a special Lazy people. Libra is a person who particularly loves beauty. Faced with Pisces's plain face, Libra will always ridicule Pisces regardless of the occasion, so Libra will always scare Pisces, and Pisces can't stand Libra's false high-mindedness, so that Pisces will be affected by Libra. restraint.
Although Gemini and Pisces are both mutable signs and have dual personalities, Gemini is one east and west, while Pisces is one south and one north. Gemini, with their humorous and cheerful personality, is a very charming sign, and Pisces is easily attracted. However, Pisces has a relatively weak character, does not like to express himself, and is very dependent. Gemini is afraid of this the most. Gemini longs for freedom and no restraint, so Gemini will always be Pisces' weakness and be restrained by him.
Which day are Pisces born the most powerful?
February 20th
Pisces born on this day are ambitious, perceptive, have a very attractive personality and a motivated, adventurous and strong temper. It will bring many respected and beneficial friends, and the tendency to be overly arrogant should be overcome. Changing thoughts will often occur, and you will travel to many places. You should make slight adjustments to achieve a more pertinent and stable point of view.
February 22nd
Pisces born on this day can be innovative, bold and domineering, avoid too strong will and the tendency to act alone. Various education and business will benefit you greatly, in the shopping mall. very successful. You should learn tolerance and patience to overcome your excessive energy temper. Money troubles may arise due to good nature and unwise investments.
February 27
Pisces born on this day are adaptable, versatile and intuitive, and must learn to concentrate. It is easy to get bored and often wander from one thing to another without any goal. A charming personality, a sense of humor, attracting many friends, and good use of good qualities will surely help you achieve success and happiness.
February 28
Pisces people born on this day have a compassionate nature and are very lovable. Self-reliance and diplomacy should be learned to overcome the adventurous spirit. People who like questioning and have good understanding can succeed in the professional world and are attracted by scientific research. Being able to get along well with a variety of people will help you succeed.
March 5
Pisces born on this day have smart, scientific and experimental minds. They are outstanding talkers and should be popular. Your independent and organized spirit and charming personality make it easy for you to get what you want from your parents, friends, and colleagues.
March 10th
Pisces born on this day are serious and eager, have strong mental abilities, are deep and practical, and have a strong sense of independence. They want to help the less fortunate, but sometimes become too open-minded for their own benefit. Generous. People who respect the elderly very much will create their own destiny, and they will succeed in running new enterprises and institutions that entertain the public.
March 10
Pisces born on this day are shrewd, practical and intuitive. Their artistic temperament and humanitarian principles bring them many lasting and influential friends. They are generous and elegant, kind and kind. Loves sports and has a tendency to avoid responsibilities and be indolent. Making good use of your natural talents is necessary for success.
March 19
Pisces born on this day are bright, cheerful, generous and honest, both public and private. They should pursue a career that can maximize their mental abilities. They are very attached to their family and parents and like to dress well. Good and always on the cutting edge of fashion.

The title of Pisces, the symbolic meaning of Pisces Aquarius Figure 2

Dear shrimps

The most perfect combination: Libra Leo, Taurus Cancer, Gemini Aquarius
The most handsome zodiac sign: Aquarius
The most beautiful zodiac sign: Scorpio
The most beautiful zodiac sign: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
The cutest Zodiac sign: Pisces
The liveliest sign: Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius
The most dedicated sign: Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer
The most playful sign: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius
The most stable Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio
The most romantic zodiac signs: Pisces, Libra, Gemini
The dullest zodiac signs: Capricorn, Taurus
The most domineering zodiac signs: Virgo, Cancer, Sagittarius
The laziest The most philanthropic signs: Libra, Taurus, Cancer
The most philanthropic signs: Aquarius, Libra
The most knowledgeable signs: Taurus, Virgo, Leo
The most frugal signs: Capricorn, Taurus
The cleanest signs Zodiac sign: Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
The gentlest zodiac sign: Cancer, Pisces
The most domineering zodiac sign: Leo
The most beautiful zodiac sign: Libra, Pisces, Taurus
The most humorous zodiac sign: Gemini, Libra , Aries
The most responsible zodiac sign: Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio
The favorite zodiac sign: Taurus, Libra, Cancer
The favorite zodiac sign for fun: Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius
The most honest Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn Capricorn, Cancer
The most generous signs: Leo, Aquarius, Gemini
The most arrogant signs: Leo, Aries, Scorpio
The most lustful signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Leo
The richest Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio
The zodiac sign of the best husband: Taurus
The zodiac sign of the best wife: Taurus
The zodiac sign of the best father: Leo
The zodiac sign of the best mother: Cancer
The zodiac sign of the best lover: Gemini
The zodiac sign of the best nanny: Pisces
The zodiac sign of the best cook: Taurus, Libra
The zodiac sign of the best killer: Scorpion
The zodiac sign of the best judge : Libra
The least opinionated zodiac signs: Cancer, Pisces
The most thoughtful zodiac signs: Aquarius, Aries
The most face-loving zodiac signs: Leo
The most troublesome zodiac signs: Aquarius, Sagittarius
The zodiac sign that is the best at managing money: Taurus
The zodiac sign that loves being cool: Sagittarius, Aries
The zodiac sign that is the best at fishing: Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius
The slovenly zodiac sign: Aries, Sagittarius
The zodiac sign of revenge: Scorpio
The zodiac sign of the best athlete: Sagittarius
The zodiac sign of the best businessman: Capricorn
The zodiac sign of the best salesman: Gemini
The zodiac sign of the best scientist: Water bottle
The zodiac sign that is the best cleaner: Virgo
The zodiac sign that is the least adaptable: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo
The zodiac sign that loves being the boss: Aries, Leo
The zodiac sign that loves buying things randomly: Pisces and Gemini
The zodiac signs that love petty gain: Sagittarius and Cancer
The zodiac signs that love losing their temper most: Sagittarius and Aries
The zodiac signs that love teasing others the most: Virgo and Aries
The best The zodiac signs that change when the wind blows: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
The zodiac signs that are suitable for starting a business alone: ​​Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo
The zodiac signs that are most suitable for office workers: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
The zodiac signs that are most difficult to recover from a broken relationship : Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio
The most likely constellations for teacher-student love: Pisces, Capricorn
The most CARZY constellations: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius
When I first met you, He will show his love with actions, wanting to please you and have a relationship with you, and soon he will show his love with quarrels.
To love you is to give you everything, take you to have a big meal, buy you what you want, material manifestations are easier for them.
He says he loves you every day, to the point where you wonder if this is his mantra, or if he says it to everyone.
If he loves you, he will help you with washing, cooking, and cooking. As long as you like it, he will buy you any gift that does not violate his principle of diligence and thrift.
If he loves you, he will give you the best, and introduce you to his relatives and friends to show off that he has a good partner.
Don’t blame him for thinking about you every day. If you don’t do this, he will feel that he doesn’t love you enough. If he loves you more, he will say every day that he is not worthy of you and make you spend money.
The way he loves you is that he will be with you as conjoined twins from morning to night every day, which makes you breathless sometimes.
The way he loves you is to let you know how afraid he is of you leaving, so he monitors you closely 24 hours a day.
He is used to running around and having a lot of friends. Dining with you and making harmless jokes with you means that he loves you.
He loves you very seriously! But life still has to go on and work has to be done! So being able to accompany you means loving you!
His way of expressing love is very special. Sometimes it is so understated that you cannot feel it, and sometimes it is so weird that it will scare you out of a heart attack.
Showing love with lots of flowers is their best skill. In addition, they can show love anytime, anywhere and all the time!
Virgo Unless you are extremely smart or unique, don't take the idea of ​​a Virgo girl. 99 points will not work unless you are 100 points!
Scorpio This girl has a high IQ and a high sense of mystery. It is difficult for you to understand her thoughts!
. Goat: It’s none of your business, the main thing is that they are not interested in love!
Gemini: They like to take the initiative, like to dominate others, and they are more carefree!
Aquarius: They like independence and advocate a free life!
Leo likes older and mature men.
Taurus is a timid, inactive girl who likes to have a crush on others, so boys have a higher hit rate!
Sagittarius likes to let love develop from friends, girls who are flirtatious, if you want to trick her mind, it will be easy!
Libra Without love, they will die. Haha
Cancer, a maternal girl, will organize a stable relationship.
Aries are passionate and impulsive, and can easily be aroused to the passion in their hearts.
Pisces, they dream about falling in love all the time, so as long as you say a few sweet words, it will satisfy their appetite
Kawaii Index: 80%
Beautiful Aries is always the center of attention! ! Therefore, as long as Sheep never forgets to keep a happy smile and a kind attitude towards others at all times, and face every day happily, he can ensure that he will be popular!
Kawaii Index: 50%
Taurus are a relatively silent group who do not express themselves particularly, but Taurus who are born with good temperament should not be too shy and express their thoughts more Only in this way can we mingle with everyone!
Kawaii index: 90%
Gemini's mouth can be said to be almost invincible, but among people they have just met, Gemini had better say more compliments, and they will definitely win the majority Human favor! ! The popularity will also skyrocket!
Kawaii Index: 45%
Crab is a quiet and shy little animal! Therefore, the best way is to take the initiative to talk to others. I believe that Cancer's gentleness, consideration and natural understanding will soon be loved by everyone.
Kawaii index: 85%
Leo is a cheerful sign, so the chance of attracting attention is also high! At this time, Leo must take more time to say hello to everyone, show your bright side, and ensure that everyone will like you.
Kawaii Index: 50%
Virgos with relatively quiet personalities actually have quite a personality! You might as well get closer to your two zodiac neighbors, Leo and Libra, to establish a good friendship, and it’s not too late to get to know other people slowly!
Kawaii Index: 90%
Libra, who is a natural social expert, is the most popular, because Libra's friendliness and gentle appearance will make people particularly like it. As long as Libra shows more Just use your own talent!
Kawaii index: 40%
It cannot be denied that Scorpio is really a cool sign. It is best to find some topics that you like and take the initiative to get close to others. With good communication, Scorpio will soon You can use your charm to gain more popularity! !
Kawaii Index: 85%
Sagittarius is also a cheerful and generous sign, as happy as the sun, so it will certainly attract a lot of attention! Usually as long as Sagittarius keeps a good smile and a natural sense of humor, friends will flock to him!
Kawaii Index: 35%
Capricorn is a relatively reserved sign. It takes time to get to know each other in interpersonal relationships, but Capricorn can show his steady side, coupled with your ability to do things. , it will also make you get the attention of many people!
Kawaii Index: 75%
Aquarius is a bit of a strange zodiac sign, but because Aquarius is very friendly to everyone and often expresses its own unique views, it has always been very popular. Okay, it’s easy to become a talking point! !
Kawaii index: 80%
The confused personality of Pisces makes it easy for others to get close to them. Coupled with the innocent and romantic character of Pisces, as long as they put on a docile appearance, they will be attracted. There are so many people around you who want to get close and social with you, it’s really enviable!
Kawaii Index: 90%
Libras, who are natural social experts, are the most popular, because Libras' friendliness and gentle appearance will make people particularly like them. As long as Libras show more Just use your own talent!
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Pisces title, the symbolic meaning of Pisces Aquarius Figure 3

What is the zodiac sign of March?

Pisces and Aries born in March.

Pisces (February 20 to March 20) Pisces boys often have two titles - "High Quality Warm Man" or "Central Air Conditioner". Regardless of the quality of the title, these two titles have one thing in common. ——Gentle, considerate, and considerate. Pisces is the most considerate of all the zodiac signs. They are often better at reading other people's thoughts than other zodiac signs and can comfort others when they are sad.

The title of Pisces, the symbolic meaning of Pisces Aquarius Figure 4

Pisces women

This is a romantic and fantasy person, full of enthusiasm for life, but lacks the ability to adapt. Therefore, the Pisces woman needs someone to protect her. Pisces women like others to arrange everything for them. Most women of this zodiac sign are like innocent girls who hope to be the apple of their husband's eye.

In the face of exciting events or frustrating situations, Pisces women's emotional changes are not very drastic. On the contrary, they tend to be stable and calm. The Pisces woman has a fragile and somewhat capricious personality. It is easy for others to melt a Pisces woman with their emotions and make her be at the mercy of others. Pisces women need to learn to say "no". This is the best way for Pisces women to defend themselves. However, this is so difficult for Pisces women!

Reference for the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Pisces

The above is all about the Pisces title, the symbolic meaning of Pisces Aquarius, and the related content of Pisces nicknames. I hope it can help you.

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