
Contents of this article

  • 1. Wing Chun uses defense as offense
  • 2. What is offensive and defensive balance in basketball?
  • 3.
  • 4. How to understand the rhythm of movements in the application of offensive and defensive techniques

Wing Chun uses defense as offense

"The King of Kung Fu" - Bruce Lee devoted himself to practicing Wing Chun for 10 years (1954-1964). The later "Zhen Fan Kung Fu" and "Jeet Kune Do" are still based on Wing Chun. So why is Bruce Lee so Do you pay attention to the practice of Wing Chun? This is actually still determined by the scientific value of Wing Chun. Bruce Lee was a person who emphasized practical efficiency and results. He would never waste energy on useless tricks. On the contrary, he would practice hard on things that were truly useful. As he himself said: "One of the reasons why my striking movements are so fast is because I reasonably use the 'offensive and defensive' style of play, which greatly increases the striking speed."   Other punches Pai's movements are all about "one attack" and then "one defense", or "one defense" and then "one attack". That is to say, a complete movement is divided into two steps or two beats, so the movements are Naturally it will be half as slow. Winning in fighting often depends on the critical "fraction of a second" or "tens of a second", so even if you are a little faster, you will have the upper hand. It can also be said that Wing Chun or Jeet Kune Do has both offensive and defensive meanings as soon as it is released. That is to say, they do not have a simple defense or a single offense, but "attack with defense, defense with attack."

One movement distinguishes offense and defense, Wing Chun uses defense as offense Figure 1

What is offensive and defensive balance in basketball?

Offensive and defensive balance refers to the balance of abilities of the players on the field, which means that the offensive ability awareness and the defensive ability awareness are basically equal.
1. Defenders must remember a shooting action when shooting. The opponent will make a prelude action, which is to lift the basketball or aim at the basket. If the opponent's movement is not very fast, just take out the ball or shoot the ball. Even if you can't succeed, you can still interfere with the opponent's shooting feeling, forcing the opponent to pass the ball or continue to hold the ball and wait for opportunities.
2. The offensive side often makes fake moves. When guarding, pay attention to whether the opponent's feet are off the ground. If they are off the ground, they should quickly take off with all their strength to block the shot. Regardless of whether the shot can be blocked, at least they must block the shot. This posture makes the opponent's players consider it when shooting. If the dribbler's feet do not leave the ground, he should continue to maintain his center of gravity and prepare for the opponent's dribbling breakthrough.
3. When defending an opponent without the ball, you must also stay close to the opponent and use your peripheral vision to pay attention to the opponent with the ball. Once you find that your opponent is speeding up without the ball, you must also speed up and run, and you must stand between him and the basket. In this way, it can reduce the opportunity for opponents without the ball to cut to the basket empty-handed, and inhibit the opponent's rush for rebounds to a large extent.

One movement distinguishes offense and defense, Wing Chun uses defense as offense Figure 2

One movement distinguishes offense and defense, Wing Chun uses defense as attack Figure 3

How to understand the rhythm of movements in the application of offensive and defensive techniques

What should we pay attention to when switching offense and defense in basketball?
Contemporary basketball games have developed towards high speed, high skills, high-altitude competition and fierce confrontation. The speed of the game is the essence of basketball and a sharp weapon for winning. A game is completed by two teams conducting several offensive and defensive rounds within a specified time. Once you attack, you must defend once. This kind of conversion was not only ignored by people in early basketball games, but was only regarded as a natural transitional phenomenon of alternating offense and defense. Therefore, the research on the theory of offensive and defensive conversion and the training and improvement in practice are ignored.
With the development of the times, offensive and defensive transitions, as a special organizational form, have received more and more attention, which has strengthened the degree of confrontation and intensity of basketball. In the past, the kind of standing and swinging games was The old style of play and the passive defense of simply arranging a formation under the basket and being beaten passively have been replaced by the full-court attack and rapid offensive transition of modern basketball. This is important for promoting and improving basketball awareness, physical fitness, technical level and offensive and defensive skills of athletes. The quality of tactics and the continuous development of the entire basketball game play a role that cannot be underestimated.
1. The concept of offensive and defensive transition.
The transition between offense and defense in a basketball game refers to the instantaneous ideology, tactical combination and coordination method when switching from offense to defense or from defense to offense. It includes the defender getting the ball and passing it quickly, including grabbing the ball, dispersing, and receiving. After the offensive team loses control of the ball, it starts to defend on the spot, such as quickly blocking a pass, blocking the response, and quickly retreating from the side.
2. Switch from offense to defense.
Defense must not only prevent the opponent from scoring, but also create opportunities for counterattack. A high-level team, in addition to having a strong attack, must also have a strong defense and maintain a balance between offense and defense, in order to reach a higher level. .
The offensive speed of modern basketball is constantly accelerating. A slight delay in defense will give the opponent an opportunity to counterattack. In order to strengthen defense, we must first strengthen the players' understanding of the importance of defense and overcome the belief that offense is intense and tense. The defense can relax a bit. To cultivate athletes' defensive awareness, the more important thing is to improve the awareness of transition between offense and defense. The moment the ball is conceded, the defense begins. If you lose the ball, you must immediately control the opponent's offense or try to regain the ball. You must devote all your energy to defense, so that the opponent will be in a state of tension from the beginning of controlling the ball, slow down the opponent's offensive actions, increase the opponent's psychological pressure, and even force the opponent to make mistakes.
Offensive to defensive situations include: losing control of rebounds, making baskets, turnovers, violations, fouls, etc. Once the above situation occurs, the players must quickly switch from offense to defense, and there should be no intermittent moments in between.
(1) Conversion of out-of-control rebounds
When you miss a shot during the offense, you should try your best to grab the offensive rebound. Once you lose control of the rebound, you should immediately try your best to intercept and block the ball in possession on the ground. The opponent's first pass (blocking the first pass), and trying to win the opponent's ball, controlling the main scorer's passing route for fast break counterattacks (blocking the second pass), or slowing down the opponent's point guard's transition from defense The speed of the attack. It is necessary to choose a favorable position to block the opponent's pass, restrict the opponent's quick pass, prevent the opponent from launching a quick counterattack, and get close to the passer. You must try your best to force his back to the frontcourt, affect his sight of the frontcourt, and interfere with his passing. . Other players who switch from offense to defense must cut off the opponent's response route and retreat quickly while controlling the opponent. The purpose of switching to defense after losing control of a rebound is to slow down the opponent's conversion speed from defense to offense.
(2) There is a short pause between the basket and the throw-in at the end line. Especially teams with a strong sense of counterattack will shorten this period and quickly counterattack. To this end, players are required to strengthen their shooting Then quickly switch to defensive awareness. When defending, the opponent defending the close ball must quickly step forward, control the opponent, slow down his first pass and action, and then retreat quickly. He must defend while retreating. While trying to control the opponent's counterattack, he must also look for opportunities. Opportunities to steal the ball make it more difficult for the opponent to move forward. Players who are on the backline when switching from offense to defense must quickly retreat and control the rear. In addition to everyone's active defense, all team members must also have good tacit cooperation and coordinated actions among each other, so as to achieve the expected defensive effect.
(3) Conversion after a mistake
In different positions and under different circumstances, the difficulty of defending when a mistake occurs is different. It is more difficult to defend against a player's mistake on the back line than on the front line. many. When backline players make mistakes, there is often a void in the defense that is difficult to recover from. Therefore, players who control the ball at the back line must pay attention to protecting the ball and preventing the ball from being missed in an unfavorable position. After a passing or dribbling error, there will often be a situation where less is used to defend more. At this time, the players must defend tenaciously, and the players who are lagging behind must quickly catch up and return to defense, trying to be in place before the opponent attacks. Sometimes, although the defensive players are at a numerical disadvantage, other defensive players are actively catching up, which will increase pressure on the opponent, affect the opponent's offensive effect, and reduce the opponent's shooting percentage. If the opponent misses a shot, they have to fight hard to rebound the ball and create conditions for counterattack.
(4) Foul, conversion when the opponent throws in
The rules stipulate that when the sideline throws in, the referee must touch the ball, so the time between the opponent's transition from defense to offense is longer. After the foul, the referee must touch the ball. The interval between throw-ins is longer. In this case, there is plenty of time to switch from offense to defense, but the defensive players cannot take it lightly. They must pay attention to defense from thoughts to actions, and make defensive arrangements before the opponent throws in. Formation, be prepared to ensure that nothing goes wrong.
What needs to be particularly pointed out here is the word "retreat". The meaning of retreat should be understood as retreating from the front court to the back court to defend, not just lowering the head, not watching the ball, passively defending, or not looking at the opponent. Passive defense in the blind running back half. For example, when some players switch from offense to defense, they blindly run with their heads down. When the opponent's pass passes them and they are caught and shot by their opponents, they only think of defense. Some of the balls even hit the back of the head and I didn’t know who passed them. This phenomenon shows that when the player switches from defense to defense, he only runs from the front court to the back court. In fact, he does not defend. This is what we often call retreating without defending. In order to avoid this phenomenon, when switching from offense to defense, first Find your opponent as quickly as possible and block him from catching and passing the ball. At the same time, pay attention to your teammates, opponents and the position of the ball. After running through half the court, you should turn around and face the front court, run backwards, or slide and jump to the side. When retreating to the border defense, there cannot be any laxity. Any laxity on the part of the defensive players will bring opportunities to the attacking team.
3. Switch from defense to offense
Start by controlling the ball and strive to organize a counterattack immediately before the opponent team deploys its defense to achieve the fastest offensive effect.
The transition from defense to offense includes: grabbing a backcourt rebound, the opponent making a basket, stealing the ball, the opponent's violation, the opponent's foul, etc. Among them, grabbing backcourt rebounds, end-line throw-ins, and stealing the ball are most beneficial.
(1) Transition of backcourt rebounds
When the defensive team fights for rebounds, all members of the defensive team must be ready for the transition of counterattack. Once control is gained, the counterattack begins. When switching from defense to offense, you must show fast and fierce momentum, and handle all aspects well under the guidance of fast thinking.
A’s actions of the player holding the ball
When the defensive player controls the ball, which is the beginning of the first pass, the faster the pass, the better the counterattack effect. Therefore, the controlling team must quickly and promptly get rid of the opponent's tight block and pass the ball quickly. The fastest passing is to use a touch pass in the air, or to use the flying time to pass the ball after getting the ball in the air. The above passing actions require athletes to have good observation skills and tacit cooperation with their teammates. In more cases, It is to control the passing of the team players after they land. It requires trying to avoid turning your back to the front court. The side or front of the body should face the front court to facilitate observation of the front court situation. Achieve the cooperation of making the first pass quickly, accurately and reasonably.
B When it is determined that a partner of the team can control the ball, the action of the player without the team begins. The four players without the team must determine their actions based on their own position and the position and actions of the opponent's players. Generally speaking, players without the ball who are close to holding the ball should quickly choose a position that is conducive to the reception and attack after the reception. After switching from offense to defense, the frontline players should run forward quickly to catch the ball and complete the attack task.
(2) Conversion during throw-in
When the opponent makes a basket, the player near the ball must strive to get the ball as quickly as possible, and quickly run out of the end line to throw the ball in, or throw the ball in Pass the throw-in to a partner closer to the end line. The other players must disperse in time, choose a reasonable movement route and attack position, and strive to achieve the purpose of attacking the throw-in
(3) Transition when stealing the ball
Stealing the ball is the most prominent process in the transition between offense and defense. It is the best opportunity to switch from defense to offense. A good conversion opportunity still requires good organization to achieve good results, and intercepting the ball in different areas is tactical. Organizations and fighters are also different.
A's frontline defensive players steal and steal the ball to counterattack
After the frontline defensive players steal and get the ball, they have the best chance to counterattack. However, stealing and getting the ball is very sudden, and the process of switching from defense to offense is very short. It requires players to have keen reflexes, adaptability and personal attack capabilities. Therefore, the two or three players on the front line must move forward and follow up at full speed, and strive to create a situation where more people attack less to complete the counterattack mission.
B The backline defender steals the ball and counterattacks
When the backline defender steals the ball, the person receiving the ball must quickly pass the ball or dribble forward, and the frontline defender must move forward in time to counterattack Cooperate.
In the high-confrontation, high-speed modern basketball game, fierce fighting and fierce confrontation have become the simplest and most appropriate summary of the characteristics of basketball. Tactical styles and systems that highlight the word "fast" are increasingly valued by athletes and coaches. The transition between offense and defense has a more important significance, and its impact on the game is also more profound.

One movement distinguishes offense and defense, Wing Chun uses defense as attack Figure 4

The above is all about how one movement distinguishes offense and defense, Wing Chun uses defense as offense, and related content about how one movement distinguishes offense and defense. I hope it can help you.

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