
Contents of this article

  • 1. Who is the most cunning and cunning among the twelve zodiac signs?
  • 2. Which zodiac sign is the most vicious?
  • 3. Who is the most sinister among the twelve zodiac signs?
  • 4. Which girls are the most sinister zodiac signs?

Who is the most cunning among the twelve zodiac signs?

Who is the most sinister among the twelve zodiac signs?

Which of the twelve constellations is the most sinister? The explanation of sinister in Baidu Encyclopedia is that it is kind on the surface but malicious secretly. In fact, to put it bluntly, it means "coming from Yin". On the surface, he is kind and gentle, but his smile hides a knife. Next, I will share with you which of the twelve zodiac signs is the most sinister.

Who is the most sinister among the twelve zodiac signs 1

First place: Scorpio, who is born with a strong desire for revenge

Putting Scorpio first, everyone has no objection. Scorpio revengeful weight class. If you accidentally offend Scorpio's strong self-esteem, you will be out of luck. She is very vindictive, and she will gnaw at your flesh bit by bit and torture you bit by bit. Even if they can't retaliate against you on the spot, even if they don't say it on the surface, they will still want to retaliate at some opportunity. Scorpio Yin has a strong desire for revenge.

Second place: Perfectionist Virgo

Although Virgos are very perfectionistic, Youzhen is very picky and likes to compete. There is no other way. Who makes them Virgos? Their obsessive-compulsive disorder is very serious. So if a little thing doesn't go their way, they may not do anything to you in person, but they will remember you and go back to draw circles and curse you.

Third place: Capricorn, a combination of contradictions

Capricorns are a typical combination of contradictions. They even hate their own personality. They like to be the focus of the public, but they are afraid that this focus will affect them. They are usually very nice to people, but if you offend them, you have to be careful. They will not lose to Scorpio in their revenge. Capricorn is the kind of person who either doesn't retaliate, or waits for his own small universe to accumulate enough energy to give you a fatal blow, which is extremely terrifying.

Fourth place: Pisces who likes fantasy

If we say they are romantic, they always like romance, but they are born to like fantasy, but they are very scheming. The commonly referred to as scheming bitches may refer to Pisces people. It is said that the people with the highest crime rate in the world are Pisces. Pisces is a two-faced person. They have a naive mask on the surface, but they are evil inside and are definitely full of bad intentions. You must be cautious, especially little girls. Pisces are very good at acting, and their acting skills are super high. They can talk to people and talk to ghosts. , giving different people different means of coping.

Who is the most sinister among the twelve zodiac signs 2


Sinister index: 5 stars

No one would dispute that Scorpio is the most sinister zodiac sign. Scorpio is known as a natural avenger and ranks first among the 12 zodiac signs in the most sinister ranking. However, Scorpion's insidiousness is very principled, that is, if others don't offend me, I won't offend others. If you haven't provoked a scorpion, rest assured that they won't attack you without reason.


Sinister index: 5 stars

Nani?! The gentle, kind, family-oriented, and sensitive Cancer actually ranks first with Scorpions in the sinister index??? Yes, Cancer, who is compassionate on the surface, looks gentle and kind on the outside, but is a domineering master in his heart. , if you look at the crab's rampant walking, you will know that this is not a good thing. If Cancer can't stand other people's bad words, they will seek revenge at all costs.


Sinister index: 4 and a half stars

You may think that Taurus are honest and soft persimmons, but in fact their strength and patience will greatly increase their combat value. If you anger a Taurus, they will quietly KO you. The method is not important, what they see is the result. Therefore, I would like to advise all friends who have Taurus around them to treat them to a meal as soon as possible and let go of any grudges!

Who is the most sinister among the twelve zodiac signs 3

Cancer ★★★★★

They know right from wrong very clearly. Maybe they are compassionate and don't like to say too many careless words behind their backs. But once he finds it unbearable to do your evil deeds, he will take revenge at all costs and in any way. In fact, under the docile surface, he is very domineering at heart. You can tell by looking at the way a crab walks.

Taurus ★★★★☆

Don't look at the Mavericks as they are honest and easy to bully. Once you anger them, their brute strength and extraordinary endurance will continue the war to the end, no matter how. They like to use silent ways to retaliate against you. So friends who have Niu Niu around them, don’t bully them into being honest.

Gemini ★★★★☆

Never offend Gemini, they will try their best to make your crime public, making you lose face and unable to hold your head high in front of family and friends. Don't think that they are just talkative and have no brains. They are smart and want to retaliate against you in another way. The real insidiousness is so insidious that it is not obvious at all. I even thought they were heartless and a bit silly.

The real most insidious zodiac sign, who is the most insidious and cunning among the twelve zodiac signs? Picture 1

Which zodiac sign is the most vicious?

Which zodiac sign is the most poisonous and sinister?

  Which is the most poisonous and sinister constellation? The fact that the constellation can be passed down to this day shows the great charm and innovation of the constellation. People also believe that the constellation can reflect the performance of a person's behavior, so the constellation has not lost its own charm. Which zodiac sign is the most poisonous and insidious?

  Which zodiac sign is the most poisonous and sinister? 1

   Aries ★☆☆☆☆ Aries can’t hold back their words, and they will speak up and solve problems immediately. They despise insidious people who play tricks in secret, and believe that a true gentleman is an honest man. It can be said that they don't bother to be insidious at all. If they have a grudge, they can't avenge it at the time, and they won't keep it quietly in their hearts. They will publicize it loudly.

   Taurus ★★★★☆ Don’t look at Mavericks as they are honest and easy to bully. Once you anger them, their brute strength and extraordinary endurance will continue the war to the end, no matter how. They like to use silent ways to retaliate against you. So friends who have Niu Niu around them, don’t bully them into being honest.

   Gemini ★★★★☆ Never offend Gemini, they will find ways to make your crimes public, making you lose face and unable to hold your head high in front of family and friends. Don't think that they are just talkative and have no brains. They are smart and want to retaliate against you in another way. The real insidiousness is so insidious that it is not obvious at all. I even thought they were heartless and a bit silly.

   Cancer ★★★★★ They know right from wrong very clearly. Maybe they are compassionate and don't like to say too many careless words behind their backs. But once he finds it unbearable to do your evil deeds, he will take revenge at all costs and in any way. In fact, under the docile surface, he is very domineering at heart. You can tell by looking at the way a crab walks.

   Leo ★☆☆☆☆ Leo is a very proud zodiac sign. They believe that insidiousness is the behavior of villains, and they will never do such shameful things. If he can't bear it anymore, he will make a statement to you first, usually in the form of a challenge, and will not do anything behind your back. Therefore, those who have Leo friends should cherish such a gentleman.

   Virgo ★★★☆☆ They are not insidious, but they love to complain. Maybe the people they hate are being punished by their bosses because of this, and at the same time, they know clearly that it is because of themselves, not only are they not guilty but also complacent. , thinking this is deserved. If you do well, you won't be afraid of the day when you will be disliked. I really don’t know if this is considered insidious.

   Libra ★☆☆☆☆ Since he is a Libra, he should be relatively upright and open-minded in his heart. If he has any dissatisfaction, he will choose to speak out and communicate together. If he really can't communicate, he will directly ask the other party for solutions. Therefore, Libra has a relatively low sinister index. For such friends, you can rest assured and don’t have to worry about being plotted against.

   Scorpio ★★★★★ The vicious Scorpion is definitely an insidious revenger and a born avenger. The most sinister of the twelve zodiac signs. But Scorpio has a more positive and sunny aspect, that is, I will not offend others, and others will not offend me. If you haven't offended them, don't worry. They won't attack you without reason.

   Sagittarius ★★★☆☆ Just because they are always forward-looking does not mean that they are not insidious. Holding a grudge and being insidious are two different things. If you offend them, they will also deny you good things to eat. It's just that they won't be too mean and won't use all means to retaliate. Just like saying bad things, I will say a little bit, but most of them will not do it.

   Capricorn ★★★★☆ They are unknown, they work quietly and hard. Don't think that he is a bun because of this. They are very enterprising and are often the type to make a splash. Their diligence now is to lay the foundation for the future. Don't look at them putting themselves in the lowest position. Everything is in line with you and allows you. In fact, they are already thinking about how they can become your superiors.

   Aquarius ☆☆☆☆☆ It’s not because they are kind that they are not sinister~ They love to play, make friends, and be romantic. How can you spend so much time on insidious things and fussing over everything? Moreover, they feel that all bad emotions are vulgar and philistine, and they do not allow such emotions to appear in themselves. So, just be careful about the bottle.

   Pisces ★★☆☆☆ Pisces is very insidious, pretending to be innocent on the surface, but in fact he is a profit-oriented person. Of course they are not too vicious, just insidious. Therefore, the damage caused will not be too great. Another situation is that they are not insidious, but they are just unwilling to speak out. Sometimes they are misunderstood as insidious.

  Which zodiac sign is the most poisonous and sinister? 2

   The five most poisonous women of the zodiac signs in history, their insidious methods are frightening, especially the number one

   5. Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

  Gemini acts as if they owe the whole world and therefore no one likes them. She is a girl who refuses to meet strangers, who have their own arrogance. If you do something for her.

  When she acts this way, you need to try and fight her off, but this doesn't always work. If Gemini thinks you are resisting her in any way, Gemini will take things to the worst possible level. Gemini is an insidious girl who resists everyone with her actions. Gemini's behavior is very poisonous. When something makes them irritated, they will make it worst.

   4. Leo (July 23 to August 22)

  The Leo girl acts like a princess and will show you her anger if you don't treat her with the due attention and honor she believes she deserves. The Leo girl can be insidious to those she perceives, and if someone offends a Leo, they will use their own actions to retaliate against you. Leo is a very poisonous zodiac sign. If you hate someone, you will take revenge on them.

   3. Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

  Virgo can be very calm, but she doesn't like this natural side of her. When a Virgo is in a bad mood, she can be difficult to approach because she can get angry and irritable. Virgo hopes that everything she does is useful, but if people don't understand her, she can be very insidious. Virgo will often secretly badmouth people she hates until people learn to respect her. Virgos are very poisonous and secretly hurt others.

   2. Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

  For those with their own personalities, Scorpios tend to be insidious. In fact, it is easy for her to go to a meeting, but if you do not judge her on her merits, her attitude towards you will fundamentally change. She won't even get mad at you. If Scorpio hates a person, they will find ways to drive that person away. They hope to get the respect and envy they deserve from others! Scorpios are very poisonous and will take revenge on others if they don't get the respect they deserve.

   1. Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

  As a rule, Capricorns will hate everyone, which means if for any obvious reason a rude or evil thing is said to you, a Capricorn will tell you clearly if he hates a person, and then use his or her own means to bring that person down. She wouldn't do it intentionally, but the result would often be in line with their goals.

  If you catch her having a really hard time, she can try to brush aside your comments about her attitude, even if she knows she'll be offended if she hears them. Capricorn is insidious, she will use other people's kindness and weakness to attack others! Capricorn is the most poisonous zodiac sign in history, and its insidious methods make people frightened.

  Which zodiac sign is the most poisonous and sinister? 3

   NO, 1 Scorpio

  When it comes to which zodiac sign is the most sinister, Scorpio deserves it. They themselves give people a cold feeling, are very suspicious and sick, and do not trust others easily. Moreover, Scorpio is very scheming and has a lot of money in his heart. If you want to get benefits and advantages from him, it is not that easy. Scorpio will immediately discover the opponent's conspiracy and crush everything. Sometimes Scorpio will use any means to achieve their goals, which makes people feel a bit insidious.

   NO. 2 Capricorn

  Capricorns seem to be quite responsible, but in fact they are also people who are not easy to bully and are also very insidious. Capricorns are very ambitious and ambitious. As long as they want to do something, they will work hard to achieve it. Sometimes they will also use scheming and tricks behind their backs to remove all the stumbling blocks that stand in their way. Capricorns are not easy to bully. They just don't show it, so don't take it lightly.

   NO. 3 Gemini

  Geminis are quick-thinking and changeable. They are very popular and can get along with anyone. They are very popular. However, Gemini also has an insidious side. Once bullied, they will explode. They will not confront others head-on, but they will stumble behind their backs and vent their grievances. Gemini likes to play pranks and have multiple personalities. They are a combination of good and evil, and they can switch freely between them.

The real most insidious constellation, who is the most insidious among the twelve constellations? Picture 2

Who is the most sinister among the twelve zodiac signs?

Who is the most sinister among the 12 zodiac signs?

Who is the most sinister among the 12 zodiac signs? The collision between different zodiac signs will create different sparks. For many people, this zodiac sign is very cold. The zodiac sign can touch people's doubts. Let's share the explanation of who is the most sinister among the 12 zodiac signs. . Let’s take a look together.

Who is the most sinister among the 12 zodiac signs1

Aries ★☆☆☆☆

Sheep can't hold back their words and will immediately speak up to solve problems. They despise insidious people who play tricks in secret, and believe that a true gentleman is an honest man. It can be said that they don't bother to be insidious at all. If they have a grudge, they can't avenge it at the time, and they won't keep it quietly in their hearts. They will publicize it loudly.

Taurus ★★★★☆

Don't look at the Mavericks as they are honest and easy to bully. Once you anger them, their brute strength and extraordinary endurance will continue the war to the end, no matter how. They like to use silent ways to retaliate against you. So friends who have Niu Niu around them, don’t bully them into being honest.

Gemini ★★★★☆

Never offend Gemini, they will try their best to make your crime public, making you lose face and unable to hold your head high in front of family and friends. Don't think that they are just talkative and have no brains. They are smart and want to retaliate against you in another way. The real insidiousness is so insidious that it is not obvious at all. I even thought they were heartless and a bit silly.

Cancer ★★★★★

They know right from wrong very clearly. Maybe they are compassionate and don't like to say too many careless words behind their backs. But once he finds it unbearable to do your evil deeds, he will take revenge at all costs and in any way. In fact, under the docile surface, he is very domineering at heart. You can tell by looking at the way a crab walks.

Leo ★☆☆☆☆

Leo is a very proud zodiac sign. They believe that insidiousness is the behavior of villains, and they will never do such shameful things. If he can't bear it anymore, he will make a statement to you first, usually in the form of a challenge, and will not do anything behind your back. Therefore, those who have Leo friends should cherish such a gentleman.

Virgo ★★★☆☆

They are not insidious, but they like to complain. Maybe the people they hate are being punished by their superiors for this. At the same time, they know clearly that it is because of themselves. Not only do they not feel guilty, but they are also complacent, thinking that they deserve it. If you do well, you won't be afraid of the day when you will be disliked. I really don’t know if this is considered insidious.

Libra ★☆☆☆☆

Since he is a Libra, he should be relatively upright and open-minded in his heart. If he has any dissatisfaction, he will choose to speak out and communicate together. If he really can't communicate, he will directly ask the other party for solutions. Therefore, Libra has a relatively low sinister index. For such friends, you can rest assured and don’t have to worry about being plotted against.

Scorpio ★★★★★

The vicious Scorpion is definitely an insidious revenger, a born avenger. The most sinister of the twelve zodiac signs. But Scorpio has a more positive and sunny aspect, that is, I will not offend others, and others will not offend me. If you haven't offended them, don't worry. They won't attack you without reason.

Sagittarius ★★★☆☆

Just because they always look forward doesn't mean they aren't insidious. Holding a grudge and being insidious are two different things. If you offend them, they will also deny you good things to eat. It's just that they won't be too mean and won't use all means to retaliate. Just like saying bad things, you will say a little bit, but most of them will not do it.

Capricorn ★★★★☆

They are unknown, they work quietly and hard. Don't think that he is a bun because of this. They are very enterprising and are often the type to make a splash. Their diligence now is to lay the foundation for the future. Don't look at them putting themselves in the lowest position. Everything is in line with you and allows you. In fact, they are already thinking about how they can become your superiors.

Aquarius ☆☆☆☆☆

It’s not because they are kind that they are not insidious~ They love to play, love to make friends, and love romance. How can you spend so much time on insidious things and fussing over everything? Moreover, they feel that all bad emotions are vulgar and philistine, and they do not allow such emotions to appear in themselves. So, just be careful about the bottle.

Pisces ★★☆☆☆

Pisces is very insidious, pretending to be innocent on the surface, but in fact they are profit-oriented. Of course they are not too vicious, just insidious. Therefore, the damage caused will not be too great. Another situation is that they are not insidious, but they are just unwilling to speak out. Sometimes they are misunderstood as insidious.

Who is the most sinister among the 12 zodiac signs 2

Who is the most sinister woman among the 12 zodiac signs?

Aries women are revengeful

Don't think that the Aries women in life are easily bullied. That would be a big mistake. In their hearts, they will never allow themselves to suffer. How others treat them, they will treat others in the same way. It is their principle to treat others the same way they treat others. They will always have the opportunity to take revenge that cannot be avenged today, and they will do so in an intensified manner, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

Aries women are straightforward

Aries girls also have a straightforward character, which can hide their insidiousness very well. They say whatever they want and do whatever they want. They despise people who work hard and disobey others. They believe that only those who are straightforward and frank are true gentlemen. In fact, such people are the most vulnerable to attack, but Aries women do not care.

Aries women should not be offended

Aries women cannot be offended, Aries women cannot be offended, Aries women cannot be offended, important things must be said three times. Because once you offend them, you are asking for trouble. If there is any misunderstanding, it is best to talk to the Aries woman in person to avoid giving them any clues. In addition, Aries women are very domineering, and they will not succumb to your power, so the best way to solve the problem is to talk to the Aries women calmly.

Who among the 12 zodiac signs is the most sinister and vicious?

1. People born under the zodiac sign of Aries will not explode with evil intentions. However, once they take action, they will go all out and never hold back. They will go off like fireworks at the 2D Port at the beginning of the year, but they will soon end. , cannot last long. Don't think that fireworks are fleeting and have limited power; Aries people are good at finding the enemy's cover and hitting the key points. It's really troublesome to mess with them. If you are unlucky enough to be attacked, it will be a disaster.

2. Taurus has a long-lasting relationship. When Taurus people want to reveal their evil deeds, they usually do "golden fingers" and hide and report. Even if they hurt innocent people, they will never show mercy. Although the poisonous attacks of Taurus people are not very lethal, they have good patience and perseverance; don't think that things will change as time passes. If you mess with them, they may explode again and again.

3. Gemini is haunted by evil spirits. Gemini people are ruthless when they reveal their evil intentions and will never reconcile. Even if their enemies kneel down and beg for mercy, they will not be soft-hearted. Their level of commitment is so great that it can turn into a full-time job at any time. When being dealt with wholeheartedly by a Gemini, it's not much different from being haunted by evil spirits. Getting rid of them is definitely...

The real most insidious constellation, who is the most insidious among the twelve constellations? Picture 3

Which girls are the most sinister zodiac signs?

What are the most sinister zodiac signs?

  What are the most sinister constellations? The constellations are actually somewhat similar to the ancient Chinese celestial stems and earthly branches. The division of constellations has a lot to do with the movement of celestial bodies. Each constellation has a different personality. Here is what I have compiled for you about the real constellations. What are the most sinister zodiac signs for your reference?

  What are the truly most sinister zodiac signs1


  Capricorns are typical smiling tigers. They are gentle and friendly to everyone. They seem generous and don't care about others, but in fact they are a scheming zodiac sign. After getting along with you, you will find that Capricorn treats you very well on the surface, and is like a best friend with you. He likes to praise you, but after turning around, he likes to say bad things about you to others, and will even betray you because of his own interests. He likes to hurt people and plot behind their backs. They are the most scheming, insidious and cunning people who are hard to guard against! Capricorns seem to be very simple, but in fact they are quite talented at heart, and they are the deepest in the world. They are born to hide their thoughts, and their expressionless faces make it difficult for people to understand the sincerity of Capricorns. You will definitely not be able to defeat Capricorns, because, They have a lot of tricks in their bones, and they are very ruthless and will do anything to achieve their goals.


  Never offend Gemini, they will try their best to make your crime public, making you lose face and unable to hold your head high in front of family and friends. Don't think that they are just talkative and have no brains. They are smart and want to retaliate against you in another way. The real insidiousness is so insidious that it is not obvious at all. Geminis often give people the impression of being flexible and elven, they are monkeys and monkeys. But Gemini is by no means a constellation with zero harmless attack value for humans and animals. Their cute faces will melt your heart, but when they play tricks, they can be more ferocious than you expect. Gemini is not a simple zodiac sign. They all have one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. If someone dares to offend a Gemini, they will become extremely irritable, full of revenge, and become unrecognizable!


  Scorpio people look cold and hard to get close to, but in fact they are also very cold on the inside. Although they are calm on the surface and seem to see everything clearly, in fact, they see many things very clearly in their hearts, and they also hold grudges. They must repay kindness and revenge. Scorpio people know very well that the murky waters of society are very deep. The reason why they don't speak easily and always keep a low profile and have the lowest sense of presence is because they don't want others to read their thoughts. As long as it is something that Scorpio believes in, they will definitely do it. They are ambitious and courageous. Scorpio's palace is extremely deep, and ordinary people can't handle it. In fact, they often do things that dislike the old or dislike others.

  What are the most sinister zodiac signs? 2

   The kindest zodiac sign


  Pisces people are kind-hearted in nature, simple and without scheming. They are always as innocent as children and will easily trust anyone. They always think of everything too simply, but lose the defensiveness they should have, so they are always misunderstood by others. Hurt, but Pisces people have a good temper and a very soft heart. Even if they are hurt, they will still choose to be patient and would rather hurt themselves than hurt others. Moreover, Pisces people know how to consider others very well. They will think from others' perspective in everything, never harm the interests of others, and will not provoke others for no reason.


  Taurus people are introverted, kind-hearted, and have a good temper. They never bully others or deceive others. They always exchange sincerity for sincerity. They are down-to-earth, do things in a low-key manner, and get along very harmoniously with others. Taurus people will never have the heart to hurt anyone. They know how to think about others and will first consider whether they will harm the interests of others. Only when it does not hurt, they will act boldly. If it will hurt, they will act boldly. , they would rather give up.

The real most insidious constellation, who is the most insidious among the twelve constellations? Picture 4

The above is all the content about the real most insidious constellation, who is the most insidious and cunning among the twelve constellations, and the related content about the real most insidious constellation. I hope it can help you.

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