
Contents of this article

  • 1. Exclusive ancient divine birds for the twelve constellations
  • 2. Exclusive pictures of spirit animals for the twelve constellations
  • 3. Names of ocean mounts exclusive to the twelve constellations
  • 4. Ranking of mounts and beasts of the twelve constellations

The twelve constellations’ exclusive ancient divine birds

The twelve constellations’ exclusive mount, the divine bird

The twelve constellations have exclusive mounts, divine birds. In ancient mythology, each god has his own exclusive mount, and the twelve constellations are no exception. They also have their own exclusive mounts, but because the twelve constellations have different personalities , so their mounts all have their own merits. Come and see what the sacred birds are, the exclusive mounts of the twelve constellations.

The exclusive mount of the twelve constellations, the divine bird 1

No.1: Aries - Unicorn

Aries are lively and energetic. The unicorn is a kind of docile and peace-loving mythical animal, which is very complementary to the lively Aries.

No.2: Taurus - Green Bull Spirit

Both Taurus and Qing Niu Jing have the character "ox", and Qing Niu Jing is actually the ancient mythical beast "Si". Of the two equally stubborn characters, only Taurus is worthy of riding the green bull spirit.

No.3: Gemini——Bai Ze

Gemini people have strong curiosity, always like to study novel things, and are very knowledgeable. And Bai Ze can speak human language, understand the emotions of all things, and understand the appearance of all things in the world. The two together can be said to be a perfect fit.

No.4: Cancer——Qingluan

Qingluan is a magical bird recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". It often soars in the sky and never falls to the ground. Like Cancer, it has a character that does not like fighting.

No.5: Leo—Apollo’s Sun Chariot

Apollo is the patron saint of Leo, so Leo also has very strong leadership skills and a strong aristocratic temperament. Therefore, Leo can control the sun chariot just like Apollo.

No.6: Virgo-Nine-tailed Fox

In the early days, the nine-tailed fox was a symbol of auspiciousness, but in the later stages, it became demonized. Meeting a Virgo who is often hacked is like meeting a soulmate.

No.7: Libra——Biuan

Although the ibis looks like a tiger, it feeds on tigers, leopards and wolves. In ancient myths and legends, it is not only a ferocious existence, but also a symbol of fairness and justice. Because most of the prisons in ancient times were decorated with the image of the beast, and among the twelve constellations, Libras are known to be fair-minded, and they also have a strong sense of justice, so it is perfect for their subordinates to have the beast as their mount. .

No.8: Scorpio-Black-spotted Tiger

Black Spot Tiger is the mount of Shen Gongbao. The former is a villain and a very scheming character, which coincides with the Scorpio who is born to be scheming and loves revenge. Therefore, Scorpio can control the black-spotted tiger naturally, and the black-spotted tiger is as mysterious and hidden as its owner.

No.9: Sagittarius - five-color sacred cow

The five-color sacred bull has endless power, is not afraid of ferocious beasts, and can walk on clouds. For Sagittarius who likes to roam around, why not ride it around the world?

No.10: Capricorn - listen carefully

Listen carefully to the principles of Buddhism, and you can discern the voices of all things in the world. You are especially good at listening to people's hearts, and you can discern good and evil. Capricorns, on the other hand, are very deep and tolerant, and can observe the good and evil in others while getting along with them. It can be said that listening carefully can provide more help for Capricorns when they observe people's hearts.

No.11: Aquarius-Colorful Elk

Aquarius is a sign that is against the world and does not follow the crowd. They always do what they like without caring what anyone thinks. Colorful Elk's personality is somewhat similar to that of Aquarius.

No.12: Pisces - Jade Unicorn

The jade unicorn is not only gentle in temperament, but also a traditional auspicious beast in folklore. Only Pisces with a pure mind and gentle jade personality can control this mythical beast well.

The exclusive mount of the twelve constellations, the Divine Bird 2

1. Cancer

The exclusive ancient divine bird of Cancer is the Kunpeng of the North Ming Dynasty. Cancers generally look carefree on the outside, but have very delicate emotions on the inside. They have outstanding abilities and are efficient in doing things, and they never like to be sloppy. When making friends with Cancer, be simple and don't make things complicated. In their eyes, you are not a worldly person.

2. Pisces

The exclusive ancient divine bird of Pisces is the Peacock Ming King. The easy-going Pisces always lives with a compassionate heart, but this does not mean that Pisces is easy to bully. If someone accidentally angers Pisces, just wait to be punished. Pisces will use all the resources at hand to retaliate until the fish feels relieved.


The exclusive ancient divine bird of Sagittarius is the black bird. A constellation that values ​​freedom as big as the sky and is full of good roots. It is said that Sagittarius is the only constellation in the constellation circle that is more related to Buddha. They can treat the people around them in a Buddhist-like manner, and even if the end of the world comes, they can still scroll through their phones calmly.

4. Taurus

The exclusive ancient divine bird of Taurus is the evil bird Nine Infants. Taurus is a master of disguise. No matter how much Taurus likes you, it will be difficult for you to get the answer from his expression and tone. The only way to tell whether a Taurus likes you is if a Taurus will take the initiative to make you happy when you are unhappy.

5. Libra

Libra's exclusive ancient divine bird is the demon bird ghost chariot. Libra is a person who will not refuse love. As long as the suitor is unrelenting and pitiful towards Libra, they will immediately compromise. Because of this, there won't be too many constraints when falling in love with Libras, who are very frank themselves.

6. Capricorn

Capricorn’s exclusive ancient divine bird is the evil bird Dafeng. Capricorns are loyal and will love someone for many years. Even if they are deeply hurt, let go, and agree not to have contact with each other until death, they will still keep the other person in their hearts. Capricorns have a vicious mouth but not a vicious heart. They don't know how to express themselves. If they want to completely give up on a relationship, they will have to meet someone capable.

7. Gemini

Gemini's exclusive ancient divine bird is the fire sign Bifang. Geminis are restless and talkative by nature. People with bad tempers can easily get into verbal quarrels with Geminis when they meet them. Therefore, it is generally easier for places with Gemini to "catch fire", and the invisible smoke will happen as soon as it happens. Moreover, it is usually more difficult to argue with Geminis. Who is to say that Geminis are naturally eloquent?

8. Aries

The exclusive ancient divine bird of Aries is the Southern Suzaku. Aries has a bad temper, likes to put on a bad face, and is always inexplicably silent. This is Aries. The grumpy Aries can't stand unfair things. On the contrary, if anyone treats Aries well, Aries will be kind to him as well.

9. Aquarius

The exclusive ancient divine bird of Aquarius is the golden-winged roc. Aquarius is proud and suspicious, so being with Aquarius requires patience. At the same time, because Aquarius is stubborn and will not bow his head easily, Aquarius usually does not say the reason when he loses his temper. But as the other half of Aquarius, you must not show impatience. Once this happens, Aquarius will think that you don't value the relationship between you at all.

10. Leo

Leo's exclusive ancient divine bird is the three-legged golden crow. The Golden Crow is a symbol of power in the eyes of the Goguryeo people. As the king of Leo in the constellation, its exclusive divine bird is of course the Golden Crow. Leos don't seem to be so king when it comes to love. They can be very licking when chasing you, but once the lion is hurt, it is almost impossible to recover.

11. Scorpio

Scorpio's exclusive ancient divine bird is the Chongming Bird. The characteristic of the Chongming Bird is that it is very righteous, and Scorpio happens to be a zodiac sign full of charlatanism. When you are friends with a Scorpio, you will inexplicably feel a sense of trust. Although they are shady, they will never do this to their friends around them. Scorpio is also a very emotional sign. I wonder if you have any Scorpio friends who have been around for more than 10 years?

12. Virgo

Virgo’s exclusive ancient divine bird is the Phoenix. Phoenix has a noble character, "It will not stop unless it is a phoenix tree, it will not eat unless it is a practice, and it will not drink unless it is a sweet spring." Phoenix's picky personality is very much like that of a Virgo. He treats things very rigorously and does not tolerate any sloppiness. Virgos hate evil as much as they hate it, they always give silently, and they will not complain even if they are hurt. They try their best every time they love, and they are always ready for nirvana and rebirth.

2 constellations exclusive fairyland mounts, 12 constellations exclusive ancient divine bird picture 1

Pictures of exclusive spiritual beasts of the twelve constellations

When it comes to the exclusive spiritual beasts of the twelve constellations, everyone knows that some people ask about the strength of the guardian beasts of the twelve constellations. In addition, some people want to ask what the guardian beasts of the twelve constellations are? Do you know what's going on? In fact, who has the exclusive pet for each of the twelve zodiac signs? Let’s take a look at the ranking of the guardian beasts of the twelve zodiac signs. I hope it can help everyone!

Exclusive spiritual beasts of the twelve zodiac signs

1. Exclusive spiritual beasts of the twelve constellations: Ranking of the strength of the guardian beasts of the twelve constellations

2. The exclusive spiritual beasts of the 12 zodiac signs: What are the guardian beasts of the 12 zodiac signs?

The twelve zodiac signs are the basic method of divination. Everyone can be divided into different zodiac signs, each with special personalities and values. But in addition to the zodiac signs, people born on different years, months and days will be protected by different mythical beasts. All these mythical beasts bring good luck to different people. What are the characteristics of these eight guardian beasts? Come together to calculate your own lucky beast, so that the god of luck can accompany you in the new year! Pisces Bai Ze.

Calculation method: The twelve zodiac signs have exclusive mounts called divine birds.

First add up the year, month and day of your birth, and then multiply the total number. From the calculated total, take the hundredth digit. That number will represent which lucky beast you belong to.

Whose exclusive pet is the twelve zodiac signs?

For example: If the year, month and day of birth is March 13th, then +3+13=, and then multiply by =, the hundredth digit is 5, and you belong to the purple tapir mythical beast. The twelve zodiac signs exclusively summon dragons.

The most uncultured female zodiac signs are 0 Huang Lin, 1 Cang Long, 2 Jade Phoenix, 3 Zhu Die, 5 Purple Tapir, 6 Xuanwu, 7 Pi Xiang and 8 White Tiger.

0 Huang Lin(OrGiraffe)

Your thick black knowledge

You are a person who likes to be narcissistic. In the eyes of others, you are a person who loves fantasy. Whenever it is quiet at night, you always like to think about some unrealistic things, even some far-fetched things. On the road of love, you most long for a romantic relationship. Even if there is no result, it doesn't matter, because you are a person who values ​​the process more than the result. It is enough to have an unforgettable and profound love in your life. There will be many sorrows, trials and censures at many times in your life, so you must have a lot of love so that you can overcome these battles. In the eyes of others, you are in a strange state of mind and have some quirks. Sometimes your thoughts and actions are contradictory, but you are content with yourself. Beginning in the second half of the year, your friendship will shine. It can be said that most of the happy and joyful things happen in things or occasions related to friends. Friendship can be said to be your key project of the year. Remember to cherish it. The special fate between people. Pay special attention to people who have the same dreams and goals as you. They will be the ones you spend the rest of the year with. On the contrary, your love luck will decline sharply. People you don't like will like you, but people you like will leave you. Go, it's annoying you.

Love sins are destined to be female than others' zodiac signs.

On the road of love, you always regard love as very simple. Although you don't care about forever, you always hope to meet a partner who has the same interests as you. However, many times your thoughts are too simple and a bit unrealistic, making it difficult for your partner to understand. What you are thinking in your heart is that after two people have been together for a long time, they will increasingly notice that your behavior is weird. If you want to live in peace, you must first change your personality. The 12 zodiac signs have exclusive Pokémon and mythical beasts.


Your thick black knowledge

You are very serious and cautious in doing things. You are best at making long-term plans for goals, and then you will move forward with great momentum to complete the mission. In the eyes of others, you are a person with long-term perseverance. Even if you encounter any setbacks and challenges, you can face problems calmly. You will not worry too much about any problem. What you are most afraid of is that you will live in confusion, and what you most hope is that others will. affirmation, so you will spend time making yourself smarter and wiser, and always work hard on learning or some in-depth thinking. However, in the new year, no matter what wardrobe you do, you will always be unable to get the evaluation you expect, and it is easy to become disappointed and frustrated. Starting from the middle of the year, your talents may appear in a category you did not expect. , although it is not something you often come into contact with, it can help you develop your talents, so don’t ignore it!

love crime

In the world of love, you often over-idealize your ideas and have high expectations for everything. Sometimes you don't play by the rules. Many times you just believe in your own judgment, which makes people around you It is difficult to get along with you. The other person will often feel that he is useless and has no opinion. You can only take the lead at any time. In addition, your thoughts are changeable, making it difficult for others to follow your pace. You may be too nervous about your goals, especially At work, this kind of overly rational character will make your partner feel uninterested and it will be easy for them to break up with you.

2VertPhoenix is ​​the exclusive Pokémon for the twelve zodiac signs.

Your thick black knowledge

Among the eight mythical beasts, you can be regarded as the most sensitive. Even if you encounter various troublesome situations, you can handle it with ease, exert yourself, and have strong independence. However, you have strong self-esteem and do not like to follow the crowd. This is also a major feature of you. , do not like to follow others in doing things. They believe that in everything, they should have their own opinions, have their own values, and like to have the right to speak, so it is easy for you to become a man with a personal style. You have a wide range of interests, are full of creativity, and explore the things and people around you. On occasions where you are present, there will be endless laughter; as a Bifeng, you are expected to have a period of great development in the year, but this and Your ideas are very different and you will feel unexpected. Although you are not willing to do so, remember that this is an opportunity to make great changes in your life. It is recommended that you try to let nature take its course. What an opportunity to grasp strong luck!

Love Sin is the guardian beast of the twelve zodiac signs.

Because you have a wide range of interests and often change your thoughts, it is difficult for you to be honest with you whether as a friend or a lover. Because you are not happy enough, the most difficult thing to accept is the character of a big man. You only know how to make others believe in you, but you are not right. Concession by others is like the relationship between a superior and a subordinate. We do not understand each other well, but all we get in exchange is obedience. How can such a relationship be applied to a love relationship? Exclusive fantasy unicorns for the 12 zodiac signs.

3 Zhu Die (GulesSwarm) The twelve constellations are exclusive to the Dragon King.

Your thick black knowledge

A major characteristic of you who loves family life is that you are also a natural creature who likes to be bored at home. You do not like to get in touch with things that you are not familiar with, and you will not take the initiative to go outside to explore new things, so you are not familiar with them. All people or things need a period of adaptation. On the contrary, in a familiar environment, you can give full play to your talents; you can show consideration and care to friends or family, giving people a warm and friendly feeling, especially being a good listener. But at the same time, Zhu Die also needs to find someone who can listen to his complaints to release the bad emotions accumulated in his heart. In the coming year, if you are a Zhudie, you will encounter different pressures, many of which are unexpected. For you who have always pursued stability, it will form a great invisible pressure. It is recommended that If you face these situations, it is better to remain silent and let yourself think quietly to reduce the chance of stress erupting, which will also help things. The twelve constellations are dedicated to the 100,000-year-old beast.

Love Sin is the natal Pokémon of the 12 zodiac signs.

You are a person who loves saving face and suffering. Even if you are facing someone you like, it is not easy for you to tell the other person what is in your heart. This will make the other person think that you do not love him enough, and may even doubt your sincerity. This paragraph Love affairs are often ruined because of your arrogance. Coupled with your character of always remembering the past, sometimes it can really hurt the people around you now. Do you love him more in the past or him now? No one knows but you. But instead of dwelling on a past relationship, why not cherish him who is by your side now? Don't let yourself regret it for the rest of your life!

5Purpure Tapir

Your thick black learning potential is amazing for women of the five zodiac signs.

You are a person who yearns for freedom, does not like to be restrained, and cannot bear too much responsibility, because such pressure makes you want to leave. What you enjoy most is some work that allows you to develop your talents, but you If you are not restricted, some artistic work is more suitable for you; sometimes, you will do some unexpected things, such as going to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise alone, or going to an outlying island in silence to enjoy the quiet time. These are all What others think is a waste of time, but for you, it is the most free and relaxing private time. In terms of personality, he is stubborn and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. He always thinks that his own opinion is right. Entering the new year, if you are a Purple Tapir, you will meet many people from different levels, which will open your eyes. Many noble people among them will support your performance at work, allowing you to make great breakthroughs. To the scary zodiac sign female.

The ancient weapons of the 12 zodiac signs of love.

In your eyes, love can be said to be a colorful game. You enjoy the process of the game, but it often only lasts for three minutes and is easy to change. In your eyes, love only hopes to be a game that makes both parties happy. No one is sad or unhappy at all. If you are unhappy, you will immediately escape and plunge into another happy love game. This kind of personality makes you just keep having fun in the whirlpool of love, and it is difficult to find a partner. Your dedicated partner, you are just a cynical person!

6Xuanwu (SableSerpent) is an exclusive ocean mount for the twelve constellations.

Your thick black knowledge

You are afraid of being alone. From childhood to adulthood, you like to have a group of people around you, because you think having people around you further proves the value of your existence. When you are alone, your mood tends to sink. Only by being able to be in a happy little world every day can you continue to move forward; for love, you have never tasted the taste of being in love alone, because in the past you I have had a lot of love experiences, and the other person is willing to go through fire and water for you, but you have a willful personality, but because you are too self-centered, you often ignore the feelings of others, and in the end you get nothing. I suggest you know more about others and try to stand on your side. Think about the other person's position, don't be too stubborn, try to listen to other people's opinions, the effect may be surprisingly good! Entering the new year, your social fortune suddenly becomes lively, and your daily program schedule is very tight, leaving you with very little time to spend time with your loved ones. Family relationships become alienated, and your family fortune drops sharply. The twelve constellations are exclusive to ancient mythical beasts.

love crime

You are too possessive and jealous. This may be because you have been loved by others since you were a child, which makes you feel that the other person must treat you well. If you see your partner talking to the opposite sex, you will not only be unhappy, but also question your partner's treatment of you. My partner is very dissatisfied with my loyal attitude. Sometimes I even ask the other person to report their itinerary to me at all times, greatly interfering in the other person's private life. In addition, I insist on my own pace too much and set too many rules, which makes others disgusted. Therefore, I often If your partner cannot bear it and gives up, you will be the one who suffers in the end.

7 Tenne Elephant is an exclusive mount for the 12 constellations.

Your thick black knowledge

You have a decisive and independent personality and are conscientious in dealing with things. Even in the eyes of your friends, you are a talented person. You are unsmiling in ordinary days. Maybe this is because you are in a state of tension for a long time. Work takes up your time 24 hours a day. Most of the time, leisurely days are nothing to you, but you enjoy this fulfilling and interesting life because you believe that people will easily become decadent if they don't do things; You love to procrastinate, which just reflects your attitude towards love. It can be said that the situation of having one foot in two boats will never happen. You just hope that every time you get into a relationship, you can treat your partner wholeheartedly. If you are If you feel that the other person is not the right person, you would rather break up. As long as the relationship is friends, as the saying goes, goodbye is also a friend! For you, there will be major changes in your work this year. You will be assigned by the company to study abroad. In this period of economic downturn, this is a rare opportunity. Remember to seize it. Going abroad for business will have a great impact on your career. help!

love crime

Your characteristic is that you are too self-centered. It is not easy for others to get into your heart. Moreover, on the outside, it is difficult for people to get close to you. In addition, you are impatient and lack patience. You can say that you have a bad temper. As your partner, it will be difficult for you to get close to you. You have to endure your bad temper, coupled with your cold outside and hot inside personality, it can be said that not many people can really understand you, and those who can understand you must be patient enough to truly open your heart; On the other hand, you have no sense of time. You forget everything when you are working. You don't even care about eating. You don't know how to take care of yourself, so you have less time for love. A constellation woman with good taste.


Your thick black knowledge

You are a person who has no independent opinions. You only know how to worry and be at a loss when encountering anything. You always feel that you have not grown up. You often show a lack of self-confidence at work. Sometimes you can't stand sudden things. Go crazy and plunge yourself into chaos, but on the road of love, just because you are such a person, in the eyes of men, you will be a protected animal, which can easily arouse the sympathy and pity of others, and produce love. meaning. If you are a White Tiger woman, you will be happier; as for White Tiger men, it is more suitable for you to get to know women who are older women, and they will protect you carefully; many times your more reactive temperament will be too nervous. And easily excited. The new year is coming, and you are about to encounter difficulties that you have never encountered before. This is a good test. If you can overcome this difficulty, you will become more mature and change your immature personality and personality in the past. style. No matter what, you are still a kind and sincere person.

love crime

You can be said to be a very emotional person, sentimental, and lack the courage to face reality once you encounter difficulties. Especially on the road of love, you often act emotionally and do not know how to control your emotions. You can easily fall into depression and be unable to extricate yourself. Sometimes people around you don't know what to do and their will is unstable. When facing someone who is very kind to you, you may suddenly feel that the other person is unfaithful in your mind, or you may doubt the other person's love for you. In the end, you may be affected by the environment. Or the influence of friends, and to make a good marriage, to minimize this situation, the most important thing is that you have to try to trust others and do not have the zodiac sign of dragon blood.

Be excessive. Others may not necessarily have intentions for being nice to you. Only by letting go of your heart can others truly get to know you.

The above is the content related to the ranking of the strength and weakness of the guardian beasts of the twelve constellations. It is a sharing about the ranking of the strength and weakness of the guardian beasts of the twelve constellations. After reading the exclusive spiritual beasts of the twelve zodiac signs, I hope this will be helpful to everyone!

2 constellations exclusive fairyland mounts, 12 constellations exclusive ancient divine bird pictures 2

Exclusive ocean mount names for the twelve constellations

Exclusive ocean mount for the twelve constellations

The twelve zodiac signs have exclusive ocean mounts. In life, zodiac signs have many personality traits. It is very normal to care about zodiac signs. Different zodiac signs have different attitudes towards things. The zodiac signs have many functions. Next, I will take you to understand the ten Exclusive ocean mount for the two constellations

Exclusive ocean mount for the twelve constellations 1


Exclusive mount for Aries: Aries people are innocent and cute, have childhood dreams, are naive and dreamy, passionate, serious and persistent. The lotus platform has always been a symbol of Buddhism. Aries's mount is a dreamy lotus platform, which looks beautiful, refined, peaceful and peaceful.


The exclusive mount of Taurus. Taurus people are implicitly romantic, have a simple temperament, and like nature. In the eyes of Taurus, any language is very vain. It is difficult to find a Taurus woman who does not like the countryside or fields. In her Deep inside, he is a naughty tomboy. This one is the exclusive mount for Taurus.


Gemini’s exclusive mount: Gemini people are quirky, changeable, and good at communication. Wow~~! Gemini's mount looks so valuable. Don't Gemini feel a bit nervous about such a big pearl?


Cancer’s exclusive mount: Cancer is gentle and traditional. A good wife at heart. Cancer people are gentle and virtuous. If a Cancer wants to marry a wife, Cancer girls are the first choice for men. They are naturally very sensitive creatures, but it is not easy to find a hysterical crab. This one is an exclusive mount for Cancer.


Exclusive mount for Leo: Leo people are born with a kingly temperament. Naturally confident and gentle. Leo girls are talented and hardworking. She always looks at the high scenery and vows to climb to the top. Such a beauty is not only a powerful person, but also very inspiring. This is Leo's exclusive mount and is very luxurious.


Exclusive mount for Virgo: Virgo is born to pursue perfection and be careful. Perseverance and perseverance. Virgo women are quite frugal, good at calculating the prices of various items, and can buy things at great value for money. She may be extremely practical and at the same time pursue fairy-like romance. This mount is very suitable for the fairy temperament of Virgo.


Exclusive mount for Libra: Libras are born to pursue peace, have an elegant and romantic temperament, and a gentle temperament. Libra women have a very good spirit of cooperation outside. When they get home, they will go their own way and do whatever they want. Their personalities are so perfect that no one can find fault with them, but in reality they are already disdainful and driven crazy. They just love to pretend. This mount is very romantic and very appropriate for Libra.


Scorpio's exclusive mount. Scorpios are cold and mysterious on the outside, fanatical on the inside, perceptive and very rational. With deep thoughts, Scorpio women don't have plain love, if not all, then nothing. He always hides his inner world, and even if he wants to be friends, he rarely initiates a conversation.


An exclusive mount for Sagittarius. Sagittarius people have faith. The Sagittarius woman desperately wants to understand the meaning of life. For her, life is a series of adventures. Emotionally, she is sometimes passionate, sometimes indifferent, and blindly optimistic. This is the reason why the Sagittarius woman often gets into trouble. This is Virgo’s exclusive mount girl.


Capricorn’s exclusive mount: Capricorn is introverted and kind-hearted. Capricorn is a sign with strong willpower. Once they make up their mind to do something, they will use the spirit of "The Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains". But Capricorns always see the worst side of things and are too pessimistic. Capricorn's exclusive mount is beautiful and romantic.


Exclusive mount for Aquarius: Capricorns are kind-hearted, traditional, careful and perseverant. Believe in human rights and freedom, strive to live by your true beliefs, and don't like others invading your territory. Aquarius women often combine strong desires and an independent spirit.


Pisces’ exclusive mount: Pisces people are innocent, gentle and passionate. Many Pisces girls like to daydream, which is a "psychological" type of sensitive and fragile zodiac sign. Rich imagination, high talent for art appreciation and appreciation.

Twelve Constellations Exclusive Ocean Mount 2

Gemini: It is a day that is not suitable for movement. It is easy to gain something by reading more in your free time, and it is less likely to join in the fun in crowded places. Gemini people are very responsive and eloquent.

Cancer: In short, today’s fortune is not bad, your mind is active, and you will gain a lot if you pay attention to seizing the moment of inspiration! Just do your own thing in a low-key manner, that’s right!

Aries: It is easy for things to backfire. If you talk less and do more, you can stay away from right and wrong. Lies require a little subtlety.

Taurus: Although things are coming to you like a mountain, but you can keep a clear mind, and no matter how many problems you face, you can easily solve them. Taurus is a very conservative sign, they like stability and don't like change.

Leo: Don’t be too attached to past achievements. If you make a little change, you will see new hope. His unwillingness to admit defeat is also the source of his unhappiness.

Virgo: Virgos who lack self-confidence sometimes have poor organizational skills and are easily distracted from work. It’s not difficult to solve the problem by clarifying the priorities and making reasonable arrangements!

Libra: High energy, good for implementing new plans, and the chance of success will be greater. If you can feel five points, it will actually be seven points.

Scorpio: A day of high emotions, smiles, and constant surprises. He is the best at discerning other people's lies, and his mysterious temperament is very tempting.

Capricorn: Long-held secrets are in danger of being leaked, so keep your mouth shut and beware of troublemakers around you. I hate having the same ideas as others.

Sagittarius: Interested in stimulating and challenging things, and weak willpower is also a major shortcoming of Sagittarius. There will also be some unexpected innovations or ideas!

Pisces: Changes in the environment and various interpersonal problems will cause you some troubles. Don't think that Pisces people are gentle by nature, and you should pay attention to controlling your emotions.

Aquarius: The pace of life is accelerated and you are full of confidence, allowing you to find fun in life without feeling bored. He seems cold and distant to his family. An exclusive mount for the twelve zodiac signs, Aquarius is so ugly that he has no face, Pisces is here to make fun of you!

Twelve constellations exclusive ocean mount 3


Taurus people are born with a noble temperament and like to be quiet. Even if they break up, they will not make a fuss. Their love is true and thorough. Taurus’ exclusive super dreamy mount is the magical Aladdin’s lamp, omnipotent and powerful!


Gemini has a very good personality, but if you bully her, she will never let you go, and she will not be merciful to her enemies. Gemini’s exclusive super dreamy mount is a cute baby dragon, isn’t it adorable? !


Cancer's feelings are bottomless, and once they give something, it is difficult to take it back. They are people who value love and justice, and their feelings are a bit extreme, making it difficult to control their temper. Cancer's exclusive super dreamy mount is a bed-sharing mount that symbolizes love. happy!


Leo people need aperture and need to be admired. Leo people are very capable, even if they are too face-loving and too strong. Leo’s exclusive super dreamy mount is the pink undersea exploration mount, which is extremely mysterious!


Virgos value all the details, require themselves to live beautifully, and have very high requirements for others, sometimes to the point where it is difficult to understand. Virgo’s exclusive super dreamy mount is a crane, which is so cute!


Libra people are very kind, and their personality and appearance are in direct proportion. Libras who are away from home can easily arouse the favor of others. Libra's exclusive super dreamy mount is the Zixia Fairy Fox, and the name sounds very dreamy!


Scorpio is a sexy goddess. Her mysterious qualities are very attractive and possessive. She values ​​feelings and is an emotional person. Scorpio’s super dreamy mount is the shape of Katie’s sofa, which is comfortable, beautiful and dreamy!


Sagittarius people never sit still and wait for death. They always take the initiative to attack. They know how to fight back and know when is the most appropriate time to counterattack. Sagittarius’ exclusive dreamy mount is Rainbow Love, and its name is so sweet!


Capricorn can give and sacrifice unconditionally in love. This approach will help her relationship last for a long time. Capricorn's exclusive super dreamy mount is in the shape of KITTY, super cute!


Aquarius is a considerate zodiac sign, gentle as water, with a relatively laid-back personality, does not hold grudges, and is easy to get along with. Aquarius’ exclusive super dreamy mount is a romantic forest mount, which looks very sentimental!


Pisces is a hopeless romantic, and his sensitive nerves cannot withstand repeated tests. He is a person who can sacrifice himself in order to fulfill others. Pisces’ exclusive dreamy mount is an ancient gramophone, full of personality!


Aries girls are very humorous and have a cheerful personality, which is what boys like. Aries people don't lose their temper and are very considerate of others. Aries' exclusive super dreamy mount is the Reimu Umbrella, the best for girls. Love!

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Ranking of mounts and beasts of the twelve zodiac signs

Mount mythical beasts of the twelve zodiac signs

  The mounts and mythical beasts of the twelve zodiac signs. Mounts refer to horses for people to ride, and generally refer to animals for people to ride. Each constellation has its own mounts and mythical beasts. Do you know what the mounts and mythical beasts corresponding to your constellation are? I have sorted it out for everyone below, let’s take a look!

  Mounts and mythical beasts of the twelve constellations 1

   Scorpio: obese

  Speaking of Feiyi, he is a kind of strange snake that lives at the foot of Hunxi Mountain. This kind of strange snake has one head, two bodies, 6 legs and 4 wings. It looks very strange. Handsome, but wherever this kind of strange snake appears, there will be severe drought, so he is very suitable for the mysterious and cold Scorpio.

   Cancer: Chongming Bird

  Speaking of the Chongming Bird, its shape is very much like a chicken, and its song is like a phoenix. The Chongming Bird has two eyes with two eyeballs, so it is called the Chongming Bird. It is also called the Chongqing Bird. He is very strong and can fight with wild beasts. At the same time, he can also ward off wild beasts, monsters and other natural disasters, so he is very suitable for protecting the gentle and kind-hearted Cancer.

   Virgo: Suzaku

  Suzaku is known as one of the four spirits in the sky in ancient Chinese mythology. At the same time, it also represents the Emperor Yan and the Southern God of the Southern Seven Sovereigns. She can also lead the souls of the dead to rise to the sky and can also give gifts to people. It is immortal, and the whole color of Suzaku is red, so it looks very beautiful, both ostentatious and beautiful, very suitable for the picky Virgo.

   Sagittarius: Lili

  It looks like a pig's feet with chicken spurs on it, and its voice sounds like a dog barking. It is definitely a fearful beast on Cabinet Mountain. Wherever he appears, it means that this place is under construction, and wherever he is seen, the ground must be ups and downs. He is very good at digging, which is great for people who love freedom and like to play. For Sagittarius, it is really good.

   Aquarius: Nine-tailed Fox

  The nine-tailed fox has nine tails. It is said in the Book of Mountains and Seas: In the land of Qingqiu, there is a fox with nine tails. It says: Peace brings auspiciousness. This is a very beautiful mythical beast. At the same time, the nine-tailed fox also has nine tails. It can transform into a very beautiful human being, and for the unique and rebellious Aquarius, having a nine-tailed fox mount is definitely interesting enough.

   Pisces: Qingluan

  Qingluan is a kind of sacred bird that often accompanies the Queen Mother of the West. The male bird has very gorgeous feathers. The pointed tail feathers are very long and the wings have many red-yellow and white eye-like markings that are very conspicuous when unfolded. In ancient times, people regarded red people as phoenixes and those with more green colors as luan, which is very suitable for Pisces who pursue romantic love.

   Gemini: Gu Diao

  The shape is very much like a tiger, but it has a cow's tail, and the sound it makes is like a baby's cry, which is scary. The name is that the pig can eat people. It looks very handsome, but at the same time it is very powerful. Deterrence. Therefore, it is very suitable for Geminis who are noisy and changeable.

   Libra: Dragon

  This is a water beast with dragon blood. When the dragon evolved, one of the species could transform into a true dragon after surviving a disaster. It possessed very powerful power, which was very important for elegance. For a fair Libra, it is absolutely perfect.

   Aries: Lu Shu

  Lu Shu looks very much like a horse with a white head, and the stripes on his body are like tiger stripes. He has a red tail, and his chirping sound is like people singing folk songs, and her beautiful tail is very conspicuous. So it is very suitable for passionate and confident Aries.

   Capricorn: Xuanwu

  Xuanwu is one of the four spirits in the sky in ancient Chinese mythology. It represents Zhuanxu and the seven northern gods of the north. It symbolizes the eagle in the mind and winter among the four seasons. Xuanwu, who is in charge of life, is very suitable for stability and stability. Very serious Capricorn.

   Taurus: Snake

  It is also called the Soaring Snake. In Chinese folklore, it is a flying snake. In ancient Chinese mythology, it is a snake created by Nuwa in her own image. Pet, this is a snake that can soar into the clouds and mist, and it is also a fairy animal, so it is very suitable for the patient and very attentive Taurus.

   Leo: Bi Fang

  In ancient Chinese mythology, Bifang is a sign of fire. It looks very much like a red-crowned crane, but it has only one leg, its body is blue with red spots, and its beak is white. So it is very suitable for the proud and excellent Leo.

  Mounts and mythical beasts of the twelve constellations 2


  The exclusive fairyland mount for Aries is the national treasure panda, which carries its own bamboo on its back. It has an aristocratic temperament and looks silly and cute every day. Aries is a relatively free and easy sign. They like to try things they have never experienced before and are always passionate people.


  Taurus' exclusive fairyland mount is the very spiritual nine-tailed fox, which can share your unhappiness and be your own unique pet. Taurus people prefer a down-to-earth relationship. They are timid in the beginning of love, but later they will start to care about your affairs.


  The exclusive fairyland mount for Gemini is a cute pink rabbit. You must like it with such a cute look. Gemini people have a supreme sense of superiority. They can always quickly understand that something belongs to smart people, so they feel a little arrogant.


  Cancer’s exclusive fairyland mount, the so-called Kong Gongzi’s blanket shape, and the exquisite plum blossoms and hot wheels are also very beautiful. Cancer people want the simplest love. They don't ask for any extravagance or wealth. Sincere love is enough.


  Leo's exclusive fairyland mount looks like an aristocratic pig, with a rich crown on its head. This kind of mount is in line with the settings of Leo people. They pursue noble, fashionable and luxurious quality of life, and the money they earn is used for enjoyment.


  The fairyland mount exclusive to Virgo is the type that is prosperous in the Year of the Dog. Maybe this is a legendary mount that can bring you good fortune. Virgo people always have a personality that is easy to get along with, and they are very happy for others to approach them proactively.


  Libra’s exclusive fairyland mount is the blue elf dolphin. With its gorgeous cushions and beautiful headdress, this dolphin is really beautiful. Libra people are neither impatient nor impatient when doing things, and always treat things with their own normal mind. Be very careful in your behavior, words and deeds.


  The exclusive fairyland mount for Scorpio is the lotus mount with beautiful flowers and full moon. Such a beautiful appearance is very fairy-like. The way Scorpio people show themselves in front of strangers is often not their true self. Only after getting along for some time can you understand the character of Scorpio.


  The divine beast of light, the exclusive fairyland mount for Sagittarius, looks very gorgeous, with its radiating tail and unique unicorn shape. Sagittarius people are vengeful people, and people who have offended Sagittarius will never be friends again.


  Capricorn's exclusive fairyland mount has a pair of blue wings and its huge body is very cute. Capricorns are very scary when they are angry, and the expressions on their faces will show that no one is allowed to enter. They don't like others to disturb their lives.


  Aquarius' exclusive fairy mount is shaped like a sacred thousand-mile horse, and its fast hooves also have the light of the fairy world. Aquarius people have very distinct personalities. They not only long for the beautiful emotions in the world, but at the same time yearn for luxury, nobility, fame and fortune.


  The exclusive fairyland mount for Pisces is the night elf elk, which can always appear in front of the people you are destined to meet and will help you find your own Prince Charming. Pisces people have a rich inner world, and they often associate a lot of details with one thing. Exclusive fairy mounts for the twelve constellations, the cute pink rabbit for Gemini and the elf dolphin for Libra!

2 constellations exclusive fairyland mounts, 12 constellations exclusive ancient bird pictures 4

The above is all the content about the exclusive fairy mounts for the 2 constellations, the ancient divine birds exclusive for the twelve constellations, and the related content about the exclusive fairy mounts for the 12 constellations. I hope it can help you.

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