
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to conquer the 12 zodiac signs
  • 2. Follow his temper in English
  • 3. Aquarius leadership skills
  • 4. The most direct way to conquer an Aquarius woman

How to conquer the 12 zodiac signs

Whether you are a novice or a veteran in the workplace, are you currently or have you ever been troubled by how to get along with your superiors? For example: I want to show my initiative but I am restrained by my leader; I sincerely praise my leader but I am treated as flattery.
Sometimes, it may not be that the leader’s thoughts are too difficult to guess, but it may be that you are not on the same channel as them. Smooth communication starts with grasping the entry point. The following suggestions may help you~
Aries leaders
Aries leaders are true action men and pay great attention to timeliness, so you must be sure to receive and report work. Be efficient. It is necessary to be proactive, but not to show too much ambition; hierarchical relationships must be kept in mind at all times. It is best to let them feel the "admiration of the masses", but not to flatter them.
Build a solid sense of trust in you. Do not question the leader's decision-making. Never do anything without authorization. Even if it is a gray area, do not challenge the leader's authority. Ask for instructions early and report later. Only when they have a sense of security can they give you space to perform.
Taurus leaders
Taurus leaders are calm and calm, and they also like stable and down-to-earth employees. If you don't work together long enough, you may feel that they will be the same as you see them day after day, year after year: their thinking is basically fixed, and they are committed to implementing the plan.
As their deputy, you must keep these four words in mind: high cost performance. Whether it is selecting people, planning, execution or control, you will be focused on giving practical and cost-effective opinions. Be careful not to just talk but not do it. If you execute it perfectly, you will win.
Gemini Leaders
Gemini leaders are probably the easiest to get along with, pay attention to appearance. They can talk to you about anything and everything, and their attitude is friendly enough. If you are smart enough and clever enough, you can get along well with them at work and even in private.
But don’t forget, they are leaders after all. Although they don’t value level so much, it is based on your ability and not being sloppy in doing things. They will give you flexible space to work. For people who don't like to follow the rules, the high degree of freedom will really increase the enthusiasm for work.
Cancer Leaders
Cancer leaders feel gentle most of the time, but once they become persistent, they are unbeatable. You can't have any objections to the rules and regulations they establish and the details of the work they want to implement, just obey them. Their emotional performance is also more obvious than others, and they are very sensitive. You can only search the minefield by yourself.
No matter what, obedience is the first rule. Sometimes you can feel the atmosphere of life outside the workplace from them, like the interaction between family and friends, which can be regarded as a relief from stress.
Leo leaders
What Leo leaders value most is ability! ability! ability! It’s not that character is unimportant. If you don’t have ability, no matter how good your character is, they won’t favor you and promote you. In addition to ability, results are also required, and crushing them with strength is their most appreciated method.
Sometimes you may feel that they are overconfident and rely on their feelings to judge or even make decisions. If you really want to make suggestions, it is better to promote first and then suppress. Leo leaders are a bit arrogant. You can express concern, but don't praise them too much. As long as you do your job well, they will see it.
Virgo Leaders
There is no doubt that Virgo leaders demand perfection. Their super logical and precise analytical skills often make employees’ scalps go numb. Therefore, when submitting work, check, check, and recheck. They are all about hard work, and you can bring up fresh ideas, but they must be practical, otherwise you will be "picky" and doubt your life. Don’t be afraid, being tempered by such a leader will double the speed of your success.
They are very good at finding flaws. As for where they are, it varies from person to person, so you need to discover and avoid them yourself. Doing things for them also requires a pragmatic spirit, step by step, complete on time, and a careful and conscientious attitude is more likely to be appreciated.
Libra Leaders
Libra leaders appear with their own elegant filters. They will always pay attention to the surrounding atmosphere and are more sensitive to conflicts and troubles, but this does not mean that they will not get angry. Do not test their "good temper" , especially behaviors that disregard leadership authority such as being double-minded, overstepping ranks, and violating rules.
In addition, Libra leaders value other abilities, especially the ability to solve problems, including but not limited to overall planning, coordination and communication, docking arrangements, etc. When you are down-to-earth and reliable and can solve their problems, you are not far from success.
Scorpio leaders
Scorpio leaders have extremely tight control over resources. It's really hard to gain their trust, after all, their insights are some of the best in the universe. Leaders like this cannot be tricked. They will break the routine every minute after deciphering it. Their persistence may appear to be stubborn, but in reality it is the pursuit of having everything under control, no matter who they are or what they do.
As an employee, you must have crisis awareness and competitiveness, constantly add value to yourself, carefully complete the tasks assigned by the leader, and give him satisfactory results. It is best to complete the process independently, and the less worries they have, the better.
Sagittarius leaders
Sagittarius leaders have divergent thinking and occasionally jump out of their minds. Cleverness is a necessary condition to satisfy them, that is, being able to come up with a plan B at any time. They like to look at the overall situation, and it is even more important for you to do the details. Try to keep the same frequency with them, respond quickly, and execute in place.
Don’t be a deflated balloon when facing difficulties. Sometimes, be a pump and give them some strength, which will help increase your impression in their minds. You can use novel and interesting things to spice things up during the intermittent time, which can not only relax you but also express yourself.
Capricorn Leader
If the ambition of a Capricorn leader ranks second, no one will dare to compete for first place. A high and powerful position may be their ideal pinnacle of life. Just be respectful to cross-level leaders with whom you have little contact. If your immediate boss is a Capricorn, you should focus on doing your job well and abiding by the rules and regulations.
The rule of conservative survival is to be loyal and law-abiding, provide them with reliable and valuable information, consolidate their position, and then easily become your right-hand man. After receiving respect and appreciation from your leaders, you must know how to be grateful, and always remember that half of your military medals are from your leaders.
Aquarius Leaders
Aquarius leaders still take a calm approach at work, think rationally, and analyze things in detail. Although they may seem cold to others, they will also show humanistic care when necessary. No matter how high their leadership position is, they must have professional skills, so ability always ranks first among the qualities they appreciate in employees.
They are objective in the overall situation, but sometimes they are stubborn. At this time, don't overemphasize how suitable your plan is, just follow them. Do your best to complete your job to the best, rely on your talents to win their attention, and it will be easier to advance in the workplace.
Pisces Leaders
Pisces leaders have extraordinary ability to think from other people's perspective. You can feel the love from them during interactions, even in the relationship between superiors and subordinates. They have a strong sense of the present, and their thinking is divergent and even unconstrained. Maybe you don’t understand it, or you may understand it but it is difficult to implement it.
You must be careful at this time, and you cannot just be the king of flattery. You have to do your duty, do your job well, and complete the details for them. Develop your own independence and strive to become a generalist problem solver. Combining artistic beauty with work is more likely to gain their appreciation.

How to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs Chart 1

follow his temper in English

We all hope to be able to hold our lover firmly in our hands, so that we can never be separated for the rest of our lives. However, if you want to conquer a man's heart, you cannot rely on brute force. You must learn to outsmart him. Many times, an attitude that is too tough will only They will push their lover further and further away, so they must follow their temper and slowly enter their hearts.

1. Don’t be coquettish

Aquarius friends will also become very childish once they fall in love. They will also turn into ignorant teenagers, deliberately attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Sometimes they may also deliberately bully you to let you understand his feelings for you. At this time, girls must not misunderstand that he is really bullying you. This is actually a very unique expression of their love. At this time, you do not have to act very atmospheric. It is best to maintain a calm attitude, so that you can accept it. Come on, if you can joke around, the Aquarius man will definitely be devoted to you.

How to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs Figure 2

2. Learn to trust

Aquarius men are a very friendly zodiac sign. They will not leave their former good friends behind just because they fall in love, and it is even more difficult for them to completely give up their social circle. This is also what brings them happiness. , Girls must not limit his freedom to make friends. Aquarius boys know this well. They will also maintain a proper distance from the opposite sex and will never go too far. Girls do not need to lose their temper. They must give Aquarius boys sufficient recognition. , at this time the Aquarius man will definitely be very moved and think you are unusual.

How to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs Figure 3

3. Active communication

Aquarius men are outspoken in relationships. They all hope that their lovers can say whatever they want without being secretive. In the end, the misunderstanding will be too big and cannot be resolved. Therefore, if girls want to capture the hearts of Aquarius men, they must learn to communicate with them proactively. There are more and more emotional differences. When the situation becomes uncontrollable, it will be too late to regret everything. The Aquarius man hopes that the two of them can treat each other sincerely. Only in this way can emotions be meaningful. It will give others a sense of security, girls must remember this.

How to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs Figure 4

Aquarius leadership skills

Aquarius is the sign that loves to take control of the overall situation! Within the confines of the situation, you can move freely and express yourself. But never challenge his authority! If you feel that your work time is very tight, you can actually come down and talk to him about it! Aquarius' receptive ability is very strong! But don’t point it out to your face, as this will be counterproductive! It is best to communicate privately and make insinuations. Aquarius is very smart and he will understand if you click on him. But after understanding your thoughts, look at his reaction. If he is willing to continue talking to you about this matter, then the matter is basically half won! Then you state your point of view clearly. As long as it makes sense, he will be very easy to accept it! But if he doesn't bring it up again after you say it, then the thing you brought up to him is basically hopeless. The poster believes me, I am an Aquarius! You can try the method I mentioned, and it will be successful as expected!

How to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs Figure 5

The most direct way to conquer an Aquarius woman

How to subdue Aquarius

  How to subdue Aquarius? Constellations have always been a very hot discussion topic in life. Especially when many people want to see their own fortune or emotional trends, they will check the zodiac signs. Different zodiac signs, their personalities, destiny and other aspects are briefly discussed. There are differences, so what are the ways to subdue Aquarius?

  Ways to subdue Aquarius 1

   The trilogy to subdue Aquarius

  Method 1: When getting along with Aquarius people, be sure not to be too strict and make them feel restricted. Otherwise, they may run away. Many people have said that when you are in love with Aquarius, you must be prepared to endure loneliness, because there is no such thing as loneliness. In the state of passionate love, you directly enter the mode of old married couple. Everything is light and everyone plays their own way.

  Don't think that they will cling to you, and they will seldom say some disgusting love words. Therefore, if you want to completely subdue them, in addition to not being too clingy and keeping a distance, you should be open-minded about their frequent disappearances, hot and cold fits, and if you quarrel with them, you will only get a blank stare in response.

  Method 2: Aquarius attaches great importance to spiritual communication. No matter how ordinary you are, as long as you have an appetite for them, nothing will be a problem. Therefore, if you want to conquer them, you must understand what they are interested in, prescribe the right medicine, and talk about ideals and life together. In the future, let them think that you are an independent, independent, and thoughtful person, and Aquarius will be attracted to you before they know it.

  Method 3: In terms of relationships, Aquarius is a very slow-tempered person with a cold temperament. Therefore, if you want to subdue them, you can't be colder than them as some people say, and who can compete with others, this will be very serious. That's absolutely wrong, because you will definitely not be able to compete with Aquarius, but will be completely abused by them. Taking the initiative to ask for favors and being thick-skinned is the way to go.

  Ways to subdue Aquarius 2

   How to subdue an Aquarius

  1. Aquarius men are rational, out-of-the-box thinkers, aloof, arrogant, egotistical, disobedient, don’t like to be pushed, don’t like to be forced, have clear ideas, but have big mood swings.

  2. When an Aquarius man is truly attracted, he will become very passive, behave awkwardly, and start to act cool and cold.

  3. Don’t cling to an Aquarius man. If he doesn’t cling to you, you shouldn’t cling to him either.

  4. Girls must be mentally strong and learn to play hard to get. The key lies in the word "get".

  5. Aquarius men are very cool. Their philosophy is: no one can survive without him. His sign is: I can’t help you if you think so. In fact... I am very glass-hearted.

  6. When falling in love with an Aquarius man, you must learn to be flexible and don't cause trouble for him when he is in a bad mood.

  7. Don’t argue with the Aquarius man, and don’t quarrel with the Aquarius man. He really dares to say anything, and he dares to criticize the leader.

  8. The Aquarius man is a zodiac sign that will not be fettered by regrets. Even if he is sad and regrets to death, he should feel that he will stick to it and never regret it.

  9. Aquarius men are the zodiac sign that loves to shed tears. Not crying, but melancholy tears.

  10. This is a very arrogant and stinky zodiac sign. If you take a step forward, he will take ten steps back. If you ignore him, he will wander around in front of you.

  11. One of the principles of dating an Aquarius man is that you must not go along with him too much. If you go along with him and he thinks you are boring and suddenly loses feelings for you, that would be bad.

  12. Aquarius men are a sign that is difficult to control. This is an air sign, and they cannot control themselves.

  13. Men born in Aquarius are warm, but they are not always warm. He must be feeling ambiguous or interested in you.

  14. Be a girl who is independent, thoughtful, and has her own views and opinions. When she encounters a problem, she can help him analyze it (plus follow his ideas), so that he can rely on you mentally.

  15. Don't repeatedly emphasize that you love him and you can't live without him. When he asks you if you love him, solemnly tell him that you love him, but give him absolute freedom in behavior.

  16. When you are with Aquarius, you must have extraordinary patience and maintain interaction for a long time, but don't push it. This type of sign is very egotistical.

  17. Why doesn’t he reply to you when you ask questions every day? I think you are annoyed.

  18. You can only ignore others and cannot tolerate others leaving you alone.

  19. You must abuse him, abuse him, abuse him. If you want to be cold to him, be as cold as possible, and if you want to be hot, be as hot as to explode.

  20. Give him a sense of vanity so that he can pretend to be a master in front of you.

  Ways to subdue Aquarius 3

   Changing moods

  Aquarius' emotional jump span is believed to be deeply felt by everyone who has been in contact with her. In fact, she is a very emotional person. A scene, a song, or even a sentence will affect her emotions. At this time, the best thing you can do is to accompany her and feel the emotions she expresses. Even if the two of you sit quietly without saying a word, she will feel your sincerity, and she will naturally leave a feeling for you in her heart. A hint of status.

   yearning for freedom

  Aquarius is a person who is not suitable for captivity. Sometimes she is like a child, even rebellious to the point that you cannot understand. Therefore, when facing her, please use the four words "cadence". She is like quicksand, the tighter you hold on to her, the faster she disappears.

  Because of this, she always thinks about what happened afterwards, and after replaying it over and over again in her mind, she slowly begins to regret it. Therefore, give her some free and quiet time. When she can't stand it any longer and figures it out, she will naturally miss you by her side.

   Please be kind to her infinitely

  The reason why it is called "Aquarius" is because the tear point is really low and it is easy to be moved. No matter whether the other party uses sweet words or sugar-coated bullets, there will eventually be a touching moment.

   In fact, she is afraid of being alone

  Although she always looks fearless on the surface, in fact only she knows that she is afraid of loneliness, but she has to get used to it. No matter what she does, she always likes one person. It's not that she doesn't want to be with others, but that there is no one who understands her to be with her. At this time, you should not let this kind of loneliness appear again. You should be the one accompanying her, not loneliness.

   Never try to change her

  She is a person who coexists with sensibility and rationality. Never try to change her, because she cannot change at all. Things she decides rarely change, let alone herself. So, you can give your suggestions at the appropriate time, but remember, it is just a suggestion, never order her to do what she wants. When you give her advice and see her thoughtfully, in fact, she has slowly accepted your advice in her heart.

  Summary: In fact, after reading this, Aquarius is not that difficult to deal with. As long as you grasp the other person's emotions and "prescribe the right medicine", I believe you will get better and better. Here, I also wish you all the best and happiness.

   Please be kind to the bottles too, thank you.

How to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs Figure 6

The above is all the content about how to conquer the Aquarius leader, how to conquer the 12 zodiac signs, and how to conquer the Aquarius leader. I hope it can help you.

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