
Contents of this article

  • 1. What to do if your relationship is destined to be unhappy?
  • 2. Libra will suffer disaster in 2022
  • 3. Emotional calamity of the twelve zodiac signs
  • 4. Libra will suffer disaster in 2020

What should I do if my relationship is destined to be unhappy?

Love is destined to be a disaster

Love is destined to be a calamity in the sky. There is a close connection between the direction of the universe and the constellations. The twelve constellations on the zodiac are evenly distributed. Emotional problems are a problem for many constellations, especially love calamity. Learn about fate below Love is destined to be a disaster

Love is destined to be a disaster 1

Libra is born with an elegant and noble temperament, and treats others with gentleness and courtesy; it treats lovers with gentleness and tenderness. The warmest constellation is definitely Libra. They care about family and attach importance to relationships; they are usually taciturn and like to hide their emotions in their hearts. They appear depressed and indecisive when talking and doing things, and have a dull personality.

Libra love tribulation in 2022

In 2022, Libra's love will be relatively stable without much fluctuation. In the first half of 2022, there will be more emotional fluctuations for Libras after the new year, and in the second half of the year, the love fortune will become stable. The love fortune of single Libras in 2022 is not good. They were busy believing in it at the beginning and end of the year, but in the end there was no result. The relationship of single Libras in 2022 is still blank.

domestic violence

Libras who have a partner in 2022 will be very sad. Whether they are in love or married, Libras will appear very humble in love; they are often beaten and scolded by their partners because of their bad temper, and they suffer a lot of torture.

But in 2022, Libra people love too much and are unwilling to let go, so they have been enduring the hurt. But there are two, and Libra will suffer more and more domestic violence in 2022; therefore, Libra's love and marriage will not go smoothly in 2022.

being abandoned

2022 will also be the year with the most breakups for Libras. The biggest disaster for Libra in love in 2022 is to give all at once. It is difficult to distinguish true love from false love. In 2022, the naive Libra will still fight for love without hesitation, but he is repeatedly abandoned ruthlessly by the other party, and he is always the one who gets dumped. In 2022, Libra's various efforts have not been rewarded accordingly. Instead, they are wasting their youth and a lot of good time.

In which month will Libra’s love tribulation fall in 2022?

Love disasters for Libras in 2022 generally occur in September. After entering September, Libras will enter a period of emotional fatigue; each relationship will not last more than three months, making Libras feel that they attach too much importance to relationships. Putting too much energy into it;

Instead, it becomes a weapon to torture yourself. Therefore, after September, Libras will feel tired, choose to avoid their emotional problems, and begin to doubt your own views on love. Therefore, September 2022 is the most difficult month for Libras when it comes to love. Face your feelings squarely, face your own weakness, and learn to accept all kinds of negative emotions.

Destined Love: The Heavenly Tribulation 2

Who is Libra’s destined love disaster?

First of all, Aquarius is the destined love disaster for Libra. Aquarius and Libra have similar personalities, but also have differences. They will be attracted to each other when they first meet, and they are bound to have some emotional entanglements. It's just that if Libra and Aquarius are just ordinary friends and contact each other from time to time, it will be very beautiful. Once they fall into marriage and love, this beauty will be broken. Instead, they will restrain each other, falling in love but not knowing how to love.

Aquarius is very emotional and has some perfectionism in their emotions. They have very high demands on Libra. Libra's efforts to cater to them are met with Aquarius' constant raising of standards, which makes them feel a lot of pressure. In fact, Aquarius loves Libra deeply in his heart, and Libra has always missed the time when he and Aquarius fell in love at first sight, but they couldn't make it to the end. Not only is it very regretful, but it is also a huge emotional blow to Libra.

Second, Leo is the destined love disaster for Libra. The personalities of Leo and Libra are very different, but because of this difference, Leo and Libra are attracted to each other. Leo's free and easy and self-confidence make Libra, who has low self-esteem, yearn for it. At the same time, Leo's extroversion and sunshine are also the life state that Libra has always pursued; Libra's The elegant and mysterious temperament also attracts the carefree Leo, who has the urge to find out.

But Leo is destined to be the destined love disaster for Libra. The happiness between Leo and Libra who have entered into marriage will not last long, and the huge difference in personality will make both people feel collapsed.

Leo's need for control makes Libra unbearable, and Libra's low self-esteem, introversion, and lack of fighting skills can also make Leo very upset. Both parties want the other to change for them, but in vain, and the relationship is drained away. In the end, they can only let each other down. Libra has a glassy heart. After being denied by Leo, he will be depressed and unable to get over his emotional pain for a long time.

Third, Scorpio is the destined love disaster for Libra. Scorpio and Libra seem to outsiders to be two very compatible people. Scorpio is gentle and sincere in treating others, while Libra is also very kind and always has a smile on his face. These two quiet and kind zodiac signs will get together when they meet. However, In marriage and love, they are destined to be each other's love disaster.

In love, Scorpio and Libra are inseparable. After this stage, each other's character flaws begin to show. Scorpio loves himself more in marriage, while Libra only knows how to give. Scorpio always takes blindly, and will not give to Libra. Seeing it in my eyes, and the longer it goes on, the more I feel that Libra only caters to it and has no interest.

When Libra falls in love with Scorpio, he is destined to lose himself. Not only does love suffer, but he also gets no return. In the end, he can only wait for Scorpio's complaints and disdain. It can be said that once a Libra falls in love with a Scorpio, it is destined to be abandoned, despised, and hurt in the end. This is a love disaster destined by God.

Destined Love: The Heavenly Tribulation 3

Libra’s love catastrophe in 2022

Sweet words are poison

Sometimes it is too sweet and too happy to be real; love should be ordinary; it should have its original appearance. When Libra encounters a love crisis, they are often confused by the other person's words. Libra is very easy to coax this year, and it can be solved by just coaxing with words. The more beautiful and beautiful things are, the more elusive they are; don't try hastily.

Pay attention to your behavior

When facing feelings, there are certain behaviors that you need to pay attention to. It is not only a restraint on yourself, but also a responsibility to the other person. Don't question your love because of other people's rumors. Gossip has a huge impact on emotional life.

trust each other

The key for Libra in 2022 is mutual trust. The more true love is, the more you know how to prove yourself with practical actions; do not doubt or be righteous; use actions of love to test yourself. Love tribulations must be controlled, don't think too much and maintain a firm attitude; improve your self-cultivation; ask less of the other person and demand less emotionally.

Libra Love Tribulation: September

Libra's love life will not go smoothly in September 2022. Libra is born with a noble temperament, so the opposite sex around them is overwhelming, but Libra is a playboy and it is difficult to settle down; The speed of lovers is like changing clothes; the state of singleness lasts for a period of time.

The emotional calamity Libra must go through, what to do if you are destined to have a bad relationship Picture 1

Libra will suffer disaster in 2022

Libra will suffer disaster in 2022

Libra will be in trouble in 2022. Libra people are more interesting. Libra is a type of person who is born with elegant temperament, treats others with gentleness and courtesy, and is serious and meticulous in doing things. Libra is also a person who values ​​feelings. Take a look at the following 2022 Libra will suffer disaster and related information in the year.

Libra will suffer disaster in 2022 1

1. Being bombarded by the Internet

Libra is not a lively person in real life, and they don't like to talk to people. But on the Internet, they are particularly active and often express their opinions on some things. Sometimes Libras can be very verbal and can easily offend others.

Therefore, the disaster they will encounter in 2022 is to be exposed on the Internet, which will greatly affect their daily life and make Libras very troubled.

2. Actively protect rights

Libras have a softer personality. Even if they are so active online, they are actually very afraid of things in life. So under normal circumstances, they would choose to settle the matter and not want to continue to entangle. But the result is that others will become more unscrupulous.

Therefore, in 2022, if Libra wants to resolve the disaster, they must actively defend their rights without worrying about trouble.

2. Confession was rejected

When Libras meet someone they like, they will be instantly attracted to them. This is because it is rare for Libras to meet someone they like, and usually their vision is a bit high.

And it is precisely because the other person is particularly outstanding and satisfies Libra's fantasies in all aspects that he can be liked by them. It's just that in 2022, Libra's confession will be ruthlessly rejected, and people don't like them.

3. Improve yourself

Libras like excellent people, but they themselves are extremely ordinary people. There is nothing special about them, their personalities and looks are not outstanding enough, so naturally they cannot be liked at first sight.

In 2022, if Libra wants to resolve such a disaster, they'd better improve themselves. Read books and learn more new skills, so that you will be different.

The emotional disasters Libra will have to go through in 2022

1. Difficulty in choosing a mate

Libra's love luck is still good in 2022, and single friends have a high chance of getting rid of loneliness this year. However, being opposite-sex is not only a kind of happiness, but also brings many troubles. Especially friends like Libra who are always wavering, often miss true love because of this.

There is a chance to meet two good partners at the same time this year. Libras who have difficulty choosing at this time will feel confused because they don't know how to decide;

In the end, you will fall into passivity and be misunderstood by the people around you. This will not only affect your personal reputation, but you may also miss the opportunity to stay with your lover. Therefore, it is recommended that Libras learn to be honest in the new year, reject people they don't like, and accept people they really like. Being decisive can save you a lot of trouble.

2. Going through a breakup

In 2022, Libra will experience hardships in his career, many unhappy things will happen in his life, and his health will be even worse. Under such circumstances, many people lack the patience to manage their relationships well, and sometimes they even feel that they are not worthy of the other person.

When surrounded by negative energy, various conflicts and quarrels often occur with loved ones. Libra's overthinking and entangled personality will be fully reflected at this time, so the possibility of the two breaking up out of anger is very high.

What makes Libra feel most sad is that it is not until after the breakup that he finds out that he still loves the other person deeply, so he will fall into sadness for a long time.

3. Lover changes heart

Libra pursues perfection in everything, especially when it comes to relationships. When they are in love, many people will have too high demands on their partner. They always use their own standards to treat their partners and find faults from time to time.

Although many of the suggestions made by Libra are correct, it is a pity that the lover does not understand them. In such a situation, the other half is likely to easily fall into the tenderness of others and then break up.

In 2022, Libras may be busy with work, so they neglect their relationships. After being broken up, they often blame themselves, wondering why they are so good and do so well, but in the end they still fall out of love.

In fact, relationships cannot be forced. It is recommended that if Libra is broken up, he must learn to let go. Maybe the person who is most suitable for him is waiting not far away.

Love can bring sweetness and heartbeat to people, but it can also bring sadness and sadness. Anyone who has experienced it knows that lovers are often the sweetest when they first get together.

But as time goes by, it is inevitable that shortcomings will be found in both parties. If the living habits and concepts are different, conflicts and disputes will be more likely to occur, so they will eventually part ways and end up with regrets.

Libra people are very independent both financially and spiritually, so they have many considerations in love, and sometimes they are inevitably a bit strong. Therefore, the road to love is more difficult to manage. You need to meet someone who is better and more tolerant than you to be happy. .

But don’t be disappointed, because there is no shortage of suitors for excellent people, so you must be more cautious in your next relationship!

Libra will suffer disaster in 2022 2

Judging from the overall fortune of Libra in 2022, the performance is not bad. In terms of career, whether they are young Libras or Libras who have experienced some ups and downs in the workplace, they will become down-to-earth, hard-working, hardworking, and serious and responsible for their work. But they don’t have too high expectations for work rewards.

They regard work as fun, to please themselves physically and mentally, and do not consider the results. This calm state of mind actually makes Libras feel much calmer, and their hearts are full and powerful. Their work fortunes show signs of improvement, and many Libras will make certain progress at work.

In terms of wealth, Libra will spend more in 2022, especially in love investment. Libra will pay more attention to its external image and fully display its charm in front of the opposite sex. However, since Libra usually has a wealth balance, even if they spend more freely in 2022, their overall wealth performance will not fluctuate.

Libras can wear a Yi Mingju rotating double Pixiu Baoyi bracelet with them in 2022 as a mascot to improve their wealth. The rotating ancient silver double Pixiu protects the owner with great power, and has the beautiful meaning of promoting wealth and silk palaces, and good luck; carry it with you. It helps to improve the financial luck index of Libras, so that they can be prosperous in the new year and stay away from the trouble of losing money.

In terms of health, although Libra will encounter some diseases in 2022, it will not cause major damage to Libra's health and fortune. As long as Libra can focus on physical exercise in 2022, maintain a regular schedule most of the time, and not participate in extreme sports, then Libra's health fortune in 2022 will be relatively calm.

The only shortcoming is Libra's emotional fortune in 2022, which is also a disaster that Libra cannot avoid in 2022. Although Libras are introverted and don't like to socialize, their melancholic temperament is very able to attract the opposite sex. In 2022, Libra will have strong love fortune and good rapport with the opposite sex. For Libras who want to get out of singles, the peach blossom fortune will improve.

It can help Libra realize his wishes as soon as possible. However, Libras are kind-hearted, do not know how to say no, and are hesitant on emotional issues, which makes them prone to polyamory in 2022. Although the formation of polyamory is not Libra's original intention, it will also cause a series of emotional crises for Libra, with a bad reputation and emotional life becoming no longer smooth.

At the same time, for some members of the opposite sex who are already single, they will also face a situation of strong love fortune. There are excellent members of the opposite sex around you all the time, which makes Libra constantly encounter temptations and intrusions, which in turn affects Libra's own happiness in marriage and love. Various conflicts and suspicions arise between Libra and the love and marriage partner, which hinders the improvement of emotional fortune.

Libras can wear a Yimingju Yinghong Zengqing bracelet with them in 2022 as this year's relationship mascot. Singles can enhance their personal charm, promote relationships with the opposite sex, attract positive peach blossoms, and help find true love as soon as possible; Those who get married can resolve emotional problems and get rid of the intrusion of rotten peach blossoms, making their marriage and love smooth and happy, and they can remain in love with their lover as before.

If Libra wants to resolve the emotional disaster in 2022, on the one hand, it needs to regulate its words and deeds, control its heart, and have a decisive attitude. Don’t hesitate when you meet the right person, and don’t pay attention to temptations. Only by being single-minded and dedicated can Libra’s reputation not be damaged in 2022; on the other hand, Libra can use some Feng Shui items to control the luck of the peach blossom to control those who are too prosperous around them. Romance makes Libra more rational when facing emotional problems, avoid some emotional risks, and cherish the current life status more.

Libra will suffer disaster in 2022 3

Libra’s overall horoscope for 2022

2022 is a very critical year for Libra. In order to make a smooth transition and seek the greatest balance, Libra is willing to take the first imbalance crisis, directly challenge the most difficult part, give up hiding, and not run away further, so that they can have a chance to usher in the future.

2022 is the time to take action. All this may seem sudden to outsiders, but in fact Libra has been planning for a long time.

Libra 2022 catastrophe

Libras may face work disasters in 2022. Libra's workplace life will not be smooth in 2022. Libra will lose their job this year. The willfulness and carelessness in the workplace will leave Libra without a stable job. It was a tough job at the beginning, but later it became difficult to find a step for myself.

During this year, Libras will have their lives turbulent due to job loss, which requires Libras to pay more attention.

How to resolve disaster

And in 2022, if Libra wants to resolve such a disaster, they'd better improve themselves more. Read books and learn more new skills, and you will find that you have a more unique side than others.

Will Libra really be miserable in 2022?

1. Unsatisfactory work

The reason why Libra will be miserable in 2022 is mainly because their work progress is very bumpy at this stage, and they will always encounter many unexpected things at work, which are difficult to guard against.

Moreover, Libras also have poor interpersonal relationships and are prone to conflicts and disagreements with colleagues. Although they may seem like minor problems to many people, they will continue to intensify, eventually leading to rifts in the relationship between colleagues and also affecting work. .

In order to find new breakthroughs, some Libras will blindly resign but fall into the dilemma of being unemployed. Losing a job means losing your source of income, which leads to great financial pressure. You will be worried about these trivial matters every day.

2. Break up with your lover

Libra will also have more problems in relationships in 2022, especially for young couples in love. The two may have reached the stage of discussing marriage, but when discussing the details of the marriage and the betrothal gifts and dowry, they cannot reach an agreement. consensus.

Both Libra and their lovers are very strong and firm in their stance, and they are unwilling to make concessions to each other.

Although I really want this relationship to have a happy ending, in the face of this series of practical problems, if it cannot be solved, this relationship is likely to break up.

The relationship between a married Libra and his lover is also very tense. The two always quarrel over trivial matters and have many disagreements.

In short, it is difficult for Libras to feel happy at this stage, and they are often upset because of some things at home.

3. High economic pressure

It is said that when people are unlucky, their teeth will be jammed when they drink cold water. This sentence is not an exaggeration to describe the miserable situation of Libras in 2022, because they are also facing great economic pressure at this stage, and they may be unable to make ends meet. Condition.

Although the salary income is not bad, it will be spent for various reasons not long after it is received.

There are many situations where money is lost in life, causing Libras to face heavy financial pressure. In addition, the probability of Libra having financial disputes with others at this stage is also very high, and these disputes are often caused by trivial matters.

It's just that at the beginning, they didn't have a reasonable solution, so they might end up going to court or even face jail time.

4. Poor health

Libra's health is also very poor in 2022. Due to the many trivial matters they face in daily life, and the personality of Libra itself, which is hot on the outside and cold on the inside, they are not good at communicating to relieve their inner sorrows.

When these bad emotions accumulate together, it is very likely that they will become depressed and even suffer from serious mental illness.

Libras must pay attention to mental health in 2022, and they must also look at these troubles in life with an optimistic and positive attitude.

If you have a bad mentality, it will cause great harm to your health. In addition, Libras should also be aware of safety, avoid visiting dangerous places, and take protective measures in crowded places.

The emotional calamity Libra must go through, what to do if you are destined to have a bad relationship Picture 2

Twelve zodiac signs emotional calamity

2022 horoscope love tribulation

  In the zodiac emotional tribulation of 2022, the collision between different zodiac signs will create different sparks. The ability of some zodiac signs is very admirable. If the energy fields of the zodiac signs are not compatible, it is best not to be together. Let’s take a look at the zodiac emotional tribulation in 2022.

  2022 zodiac love tribulation 1


  Aries, who will rush to the front for the person you like and act as a protector in relationships, will encounter love disasters in 2022. Both good and bad love blossoms will come. Although Aries appears not to care about love so much on the surface, but in his heart he is deeply concerned about love. Love has a lot of expectations. No matter what age Aries is, there is a child living in his heart. Immature Aries are very conflicted in relationships. They want love but don’t want to pay for love. If Aries meets the right person, Peach blossoms are okay, but if you encounter rotten peach blossoms, Aries' original life will be messed up.


  Taurus who cares about the material foundation to lay the foundation for emotional development will encounter the Eastern Tribulation. For Taurus, they will not simply start a relationship. Taurus believes that only valuable love is worth pursuing. When facing relationships, they often have purpose and purpose. Or pursue some kind of value in it. Such a Taurus will have a crisis of trust when encountering the East Wind Tribulation, making others no longer willing to believe in the Taurus, which will not only hurt others but also hurt themselves.


  It is difficult for Gemini to have unified standards for maintaining a relationship, because Gemini will show different selves when they are with different people. Gemini, who is strong on the outside but fragile on the inside, will encounter a disaster in 2022. They are unwilling to compromise in the face of feelings, which hinders themselves. They always look indifferent, but when the real conflict breaks out, it is irreversible. The experience of life and death will make Gemini's life decadent, and the Gemini will be tortured by showing off their strength.


  Cancers who are weak towards relationships will suffer from looking back in 2022. Not forgetting the past is the biggest problem for Cancers in relationships. Their strong sense of responsibility prompts them to stay in the self-blame for their previous relationship, which makes it very easy for them to get entangled with the past. Being unclear makes it easy to be taken advantage of. The inability to let go of the past will make Cancer stop moving forward and limit the development of new relationships. The ambiguity in the heart will make Cancer very entangled.


  Domineering Leos will encounter misfortune in 2022 because they care too much about relationships and will fall into the darkness of their love lives. Faced with Leos who are emotionally strong, they will easily compete with their partners for dominance in a relationship and are unwilling to do so. Compromise, the proud lion likes the feeling of control, and easily turns feelings into war. Love for the sake of control, such a lion can make people suffocate.


  The aloof Virgo will have emotional life-and-death disasters in 2022. Life-and-death disasters will make Virgos lose their minds and go through fire and water for love. Virgos are very tolerant of feelings and will not break up easily. If they love deeply, they will be hurt deeply. Virgos in love tend to lose their self-esteem and force themselves to become what the other person likes.


  Libras tend to be very passive in their relationships. Dedicated Libras will encounter unkindness, and they have to pay serious attention to dedicated colleagues. This year, there will be some emotional impulses, and it is easy to be spoiled and coquettish, and they always feel that You can control the situation, but in the end you can't control anything. Being ruthless takes away many opportunities from Libra. If this continues, fewer and fewer people will get close to Libra.


  A strong Scorpio will be emotionally entangled with many people, and will encounter emotional disasters. For a Scorpio who is very dedicated to relationships, emotional entanglement is not his original intention. Many troubles come from others. In this year Here, Scorpio will be influenced by others and not sure of his own feelings. This will cause Scorpio to have extreme thoughts and make his relationship unhappy.


  They are easily impulsive. Sagittarius will encounter trouble. Impulsiveness makes Sagittarius very blind in their emotional investment. They often fall into love because they don’t understand enough. For Sagittarius, love is very simple. You don’t need to think, as long as you feel it, it is there. At the same time, you don’t know who you are falling in love with, so cheating on someone will make Sagittarius feel like a dream in his relationship, and he may also pay a certain price.


  It is often difficult for Capricorns to refuse others. It is precisely because of this personality that Capricorns in 2022 will encounter beauty disaster. Regardless of Capricorn men and women, they must be more wary of women who pretend to be weak around them. Face-loving Capricorns sometimes do not listen to advice and only suffer losses. Then you will be alert.


  In this year, Aquarius will face the choice between love and career, so they will encounter a dilemma in 2022. They naively thought that they could take care of both, but they overestimated themselves, unwilling to give up love, and having high pursuit of career. Faced with the dilemma, Aquarius begins to escape reality, and it also hinders Aquarius' development.


  Pisces, who relies on emotions, will face a crisis in 2022. Emotional betrayal will bring a big blow to Pisces. Pisces has no restrictions on their partners, and the freedom they give them becomes a weapon to hurt themselves. Such harm will make them Pisces sees through emotions and sinks in them, unable to cheer up.

  2022 zodiac love tribulation 2

   Taurus: slow and boring

  In 2022, it is completely expected that Taurus will experience emotional tribulation, because their performance in love is very slow and quite dull. Romance does not exist for them. Being with Taurus is very boring. Although they are honest and steady, But no matter whether they love you or not, they behave very coldly. Sometimes it gives people the feeling that they don't like you anymore, so they will take the initiative to break up with you.

   Virgo: too picky

  Picky Virgos will inevitably experience emotional disaster in 2022, because they love to find fault with each other and are merciless. This makes many people intolerable and even devastated, especially Virgos who are emotionally dominant. They like to boss around and have no romantic and warm feelings at all, which ultimately leads to the situation of being dumped.

   Scorpio: Too suspicious

  Scorpios will be sincere when giving their feelings, but at the same time they are also very insecure and need the other person to give them repeated assurances of love. When Scorpios fall into the quagmire of insecurity, they will start to become suspicious. Asking about the other person's whereabouts, thinking about the worst in everything, and waiting for the other person's denial to feel at ease. This process is very scary and makes people feel pressured, and then they break up with a Scorpio.

   Aquarius: Lots of rotten peach blossoms

  For Aquarius, 2022 is a good time to radiate personal charm. It is easy to attract love. Under unexpected circumstances, you will meet the person you liked before, but you must not let down your guard, because the other person It's very possible that he is a person who doesn't use his feelings professionally, just for fun, or maybe he just uses Aquarius as a spare tire, which makes people feel painful.

  2022 zodiac love tribulation 3


  Leo people have always been very strong and domineering, and you have such an attitude towards relationships, which makes this love lack realism, makes the other person feel depressed, and makes it impossible for you to get a good love. But in fact, Leo is very naive when it comes to love, but in this regard, Leo must either change himself or change others to get a chance. September will bring about the biggest relationship change of the year. Bad people will interfere with it and lead to the deterioration of a relationship. Therefore, in September, Leo should keep their eyes open and understand who they can be friends with and who they should stay away from. Prevent villains from causing mischief.


  The biggest calamity that Capricorns will encounter this year is themselves. In the first half of the year, Capricorns will encounter a lot of bad luck, which will cause them to become very casual in the second half of the year. They don't pay attention to emotional matters, which leads to all kinds of bad luck. Became very unlucky. Therefore, in this year, Capricorns should be more alert, not to give their sincerity to anyone, and to determine whether the other party is sincerely getting along with them, or whether they are just playing with them. In July, Capricorns will encounter their biggest emotional disaster, so during this period, Capricorns should be more cautious, see clearly, and not act too hastily.


  Sagittarius is a sign that likes freedom. They don't like to be restrained. They are free birds. However, you are destined to encounter love disasters in 2022. Although you yearn for freedom in love, there will also be ambiguous crises in temptation. In the face of love, Sagittarius will be very dependent on the other person, but will not want to change themselves, so there is little room for improvement in love. Before October, Sagittarius' love will go smoothly. Sagittarius who is preparing to get married still wants to play, has a unclear understanding of himself, and dare not face the facts.

The emotional calamity that Libra must go through, what to do if you are destined to have a bad relationship Picture 3

Libra will be in trouble in 2020

What disaster will Libra encounter in 2022?

What disasters will Libra encounter in 2022? Different people's fortunes vary every year. Some people will encounter some disasters in a certain year, causing everything to go wrong. The following is an explanation of the disaster that Libra will encounter!

What disaster will Libra encounter 1

1. Being bombarded by the Internet

Libra is not a lively person in real life, and they don't like to talk to people. But on the Internet, they are particularly active and often express their opinions on some things. Sometimes Libras can be very verbal and can easily offend others.

Therefore, the disaster they will encounter in 2022 is to be exposed on the Internet, which will greatly affect their daily life and make Libras very troubled.

2. Actively protect rights

Libras have a softer personality. Even if they are so active online, they are actually very afraid of things in life. So under normal circumstances, they would choose to settle the matter and not want to continue to entangle. But the result is that others will become more unscrupulous.

Therefore, in 2022, if Libra wants to resolve the disaster, they must actively defend their rights without worrying about trouble.

2. Confession was rejected

When Libras meet someone they like, they will be instantly attracted to them. This is because it is rare for Libras to meet someone they like, and usually their vision is a bit high.

And it is precisely because the other person is particularly outstanding and satisfies Libra's fantasies in all aspects that he can be liked by them. It's just that in 2022, Libra's confession will be ruthlessly rejected, and people don't like them.

3. Improve yourself

Libras like excellent people, but they themselves are extremely ordinary people. There is nothing special about them, their personalities and looks are not outstanding enough, so naturally they cannot be liked at first sight.

In 2022, if Libra wants to resolve such a disaster, they'd better improve themselves. Read books and learn more new skills, so that you will be different.

The emotional disasters Libra will have to go through in 2022

1. Difficulty in choosing a mate

Libra's love luck is still good in 2022, and single friends have a high chance of getting rid of loneliness this year. However, being opposite-sex is not only a kind of happiness, but also brings many troubles. Especially friends like Libra who are always wavering, often miss true love because of this.

There is a chance to meet two good partners at the same time this year. Libras who have difficulty choosing at this time will feel confused because they don’t know how to decide;

In the end, you will fall into passivity and be misunderstood by the people around you. This will not only affect your personal reputation, but you may also miss the opportunity to stay with your lover. Therefore, it is recommended that Libras learn to be honest in the new year, reject people they don't like, and accept people they really like. Being decisive can save you a lot of trouble.

2. Going through a breakup

In 2022, Libra will experience hardships in his career, many unhappy things will happen in his life, and his health will be even worse. Under such circumstances, many people lack the patience to manage their relationships well, and sometimes they even feel that they are not worthy of the other person.

When surrounded by negative energy, various conflicts and quarrels often occur with loved ones. Libra's overthinking and entangled personality will be fully reflected at this time, so the possibility of the two breaking up out of anger is very high.

What makes Libra feel most sad is that it is not until after the breakup that he finds out that he still loves the other person deeply, so he will fall into sadness for a long time.

3. Lover changes heart

Libra pursues perfection in everything, especially when it comes to relationships. When they are in love, many people will have too high demands on their partner. They always use their own standards to treat their partners and find faults from time to time.

Although many of the suggestions made by Libra are correct, it is a pity that the lover does not understand them. In such a situation, the other half is likely to easily fall into the tenderness of others and then break up.

In 2022, Libras may be busy with work, so they neglect their relationships. After being broken up, they often blame themselves, wondering why they are so good and do so well, but in the end they still fall out of love.

In fact, relationships cannot be forced. It is recommended that if Libra is broken up, he must learn to let go. Maybe the person who is most suitable for him is waiting not far away.

Love can bring sweetness and heartbeat to people, but it can also bring sadness and sadness. Anyone who has experienced it knows that lovers are often the sweetest when they first get together.

But as time goes by, it is inevitable that shortcomings will be found in both parties. If the living habits and concepts are different, conflicts and disputes will be more likely to occur, so they will eventually part ways and end up with regrets.

Libra people are very independent both financially and spiritually, so they have many considerations in love, and sometimes they are inevitably a bit strong. Therefore, the road to love is more difficult to manage. You need to meet someone who is better and more tolerant than you to be happy. .

But don’t be disappointed, because there is no shortage of suitors for excellent people, so you must be more cautious in your next relationship!

What disaster will Libra encounter 2

Libra’s overall horoscope for 2022

2022 is a very critical year for Libra. In order to make a smooth transition and seek the greatest balance, Libra is willing to take the first imbalance crisis, directly challenge the most difficult part, give up hiding, and not run away further, so that they can have a chance to usher in the future.

2022 is the time to take action. All this may seem sudden to outsiders, but in fact Libra has been planning for a long time.

Libra 2022 catastrophe

Libras may face work disasters in 2022. Libra's workplace life will not be smooth in 2022. Libra will lose their job this year. The willfulness and carelessness in the workplace will leave Libra without a stable job. It was a tough job at the beginning, but later it became difficult to find a step for myself.

During this year, Libras will have their lives turbulent due to job loss, which requires Libras to pay more attention.

How to resolve disaster

And in 2022, if Libra wants to resolve such a disaster, they'd better improve themselves more. Read books and learn more new skills, and you will find that you have a more unique side than others.

Will Libra really be miserable in 2022?

1. Unsatisfactory work

The reason why Libra will be miserable in 2022 is mainly because their work progress is very bumpy at this stage, and they will always encounter many unexpected things at work, which are difficult to guard against.

Moreover, Libras also have poor interpersonal relationships and are prone to conflicts and disagreements with colleagues. Although they may seem like minor problems to many people, they will continue to intensify, eventually leading to rifts in the relationship between colleagues and also affecting work. .

In order to find new breakthroughs, some Libras will blindly resign but fall into the dilemma of being unemployed. Losing a job means losing your source of income, which leads to great financial pressure. You will be worried about these trivial matters every day.

2. Break up with your lover

Libra will also have more problems in relationships in 2022, especially for young couples in love. The two may have reached the stage of discussing marriage, but when discussing the details of the marriage and the betrothal gifts and dowry, they cannot reach an agreement. consensus.

Both Libra and their lovers are very strong and firm in their stance, and they are unwilling to make concessions to each other.

Although I really want this relationship to have a happy ending, in the face of this series of practical problems, if it cannot be solved, this relationship is likely to break up.

The relationship between a married Libra and his lover is also very tense. The two always quarrel over trivial matters and have many disagreements.

In short, it is difficult for Libras to feel happy at this stage, and they are often upset because of some things at home.

3. High economic pressure

It is said that when people are unlucky, their teeth will be jammed when they drink cold water. This sentence is not an exaggeration to describe the miserable situation of Libras in 2022, because they are also facing great economic pressure at this stage, and they may be unable to make ends meet. Condition.

Although the salary income is not bad, it will be spent for various reasons not long after it is received.

There are many situations where money is lost in life, causing Libras to face heavy financial pressure. In addition, the probability of Libra having financial disputes with others at this stage is also very high, and these disputes are often caused by trivial matters.

It's just that at the beginning, they didn't have a reasonable solution, so they might end up going to court or even face jail time.

4. Poor health

Libra's health is also very poor in 2022. Due to the many trivial matters they face in daily life, and the personality of Libra itself, which is hot on the outside and cold on the inside, they are not good at communicating to relieve their inner sorrows.

When these bad emotions accumulate together, it is very likely that they will become depressed and even suffer from serious mental illness.

Libras must pay attention to mental health in 2022, and they must also look at these troubles in life with an optimistic and positive attitude.

If you have a bad mentality, it will cause great harm to your health. In addition, Libras should also be aware of safety, avoid visiting dangerous places, and take protective measures in crowded places.

The emotional calamity that Libra must go through, what to do if you are destined to have a bad relationship Picture 4

The above is all about the emotional tribulations that Libras must go through, what to do if they are destined to have bad relationships, and the related content about the emotional tribulations that Libras must go through in 2022. I hope it can help you.

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