
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the scariest side of Cancer?
  • 2. How scary is the blackened Cancer?
  • 3. Is Cancer the scariest zodiac sign?
  • 4. Are mature Cancers scary? Why do you say that?

What is the scariest side of Cancer?

Introduction: Cancers always have a very gentle and kind feeling in life, and there is nothing that can make them feel angry, because once Cancers are really angry, they are particularly scary. , mainly because Cancers are not very angry at ordinary times, so let’s follow me to see how scary mature Cancers are and what is the scariest side of Cancers?

Mature Cancer is so scary

Cancer people don't have too many requirements. What they want is very simple, just a family and a love. Always insecure, they are always sensitive and suspicious. They will not hurt others, but they are afraid of being hurt. If you feel that Cancer is natural and stable and no longer jealous, it means that Cancer is no longer so afraid of losing, and they have matured.

As Cancers mature, they may become more attentive towards love. Maybe it’s because our Cancer people have a relatively indifferent attitude, and in normal times, they treat relationships a bit like trying on clothes. This tepid attitude really makes people more anxious and often want to persuade them. It’s like there’s no way to start. Then we can only wait for our Cancer people to think about some things clearly, and then wait until Cancer people understand how to treat feelings and how to make their lovers feel tenderness. Perhaps this will make greater progress in the relationship.

Therefore, mature Cancers may be more attentive in their approach to love. Perhaps those who are not mature enough are also not mature enough when dealing with things. Whether a person's mind is mature or not often determines whether a person's attitude is mature when dealing with things. And when a person matures, his approach to feelings will also change, just like our Cancer people, perhaps as mentioned above. I didn't expect that the blackened Cancer would be so scary.

What is the scariest side of Cancer?

violent temper

Cancers seem to be aloof from the world. They seem to be easy to get along with and easy to talk to. In fact, this is not the case. When Cancer people lose their temper, it will make people feel suspicious of life. When Cancer people lose their temper, they are always quarrelsome. , speaking still stings like a needle, they don’t care what can and cannot be said, their temper can be furious, they don’t care, don’t look at Cancer people’s indifferent appearance, in fact, they are just good at pretending Forget it, provoking Cancer's temper will reveal the most terrifying side and make people afraid of coming into this world.

spiritual revenge

Cancer people are good at attacking people's hearts. Maybe the other party will be stronger than Cancer people, but this does not affect his revenge. Maybe in the workplace, the other party may have made a mistake, but Cancer people will not criticize, but will add to the other party. He will humbly ask for advice from the other party, he will pretend not to know anything, so that you are completely unaware, and when you are feeling very proud, he will give you a blow in the head and kill you, leaving you completely defenseless, and he will not even give you any warning. Leave some room, Cancer people like spiritual revenge, sometimes it is really more terrifying than psychological revenge.

extreme behavior

Cancer people are emotionally sensitive and insecure. They are easily obsessed with one thing and care about things very much. Sensitive emotions often break out over little things, and they act in extreme ways, which can put family relationships at risk. They take it very seriously. If someone offends someone in the Cancer family, then it doesn't matter if they come to your house. Everything is done to extremes, because Cancer people rarely have sense and hate to face it with a calm attitude, so The scariest aspect of Cancer is the habit of doing things in extreme ways.

How scary is it when Cancer goes dark?

No longer consider other people’s feelings

Cancers are very kind. They care about other people's feelings, are very loving, and especially like small animals. However, after darkening, Cancers are completely the opposite. They no longer care about other people's feelings and do whatever they do regardless of the consequences. They don't care even if it hurts others, as long as they can achieve their own goals in the end.

Treat family members indifferently

As we all know, Cancer is a very family-oriented sign. Most of their wishes are for the family to be happy and happy. As long as the family is happy, they want nothing more. This is not the case for darkened Cancers. They become selfish and indifferent to their families. , did not miss the old relationship, which made the family very sad and disappointed, but they didn't care.

betray friends and brothers

Normal Cancers are very loyal and popular, and have many friends, but as the saying goes, things must be reversed when they go to extremes. After going dark, Cancers completely subvert their previous image of being affectionate and righteous, and become a complete villain. You can betray your friends and brothers because of profit. You are no longer the affectionate Cancer and ignore your past feelings.

Treat your lover selfishly

Even if some people become black, they still know what they love, and at least they will not hurt their lover. But Cancer is different. After darkening, Cancer no longer has a lover in their eyes, only use. If you If you have value, they will keep you around. Once you are no longer valuable, they will kick you away immediately, completely ignoring your past feelings.

Become a very “awesome” person in the eyes of others

In fact, Cancer is a very peaceful zodiac sign. They don't have much ambition. Their only wish is to sit with their families, with the lights on, and have a few close friends to play with for the rest of their lives, and be happy. After darkening, they become very utilitarian and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They may appear to others to be powerful people, but in fact they are just a loner.

Mature Cancers are so scary. What is the scariest side of Cancer? Picture 1

How scary is the blackened Cancer?

How scary is Cancer?

  How scary is Cancer? There is a certain connection between zodiac signs. For many people, this zodiac sign is very cold. People who make friends with this zodiac sign have nothing bad to say. This zodiac sign may solve problems in this way. See See how scary Cancer is explained.

  How scary is Cancer 1

  One of the scary things: Cancers have a strong desire for revenge, which is really scary! Cancers are friendly to others and seem harmless to humans and animals, but they have a strong desire for revenge. Those who treat them well and care about them will repay them several times in return, eager to give the best to them. But on the contrary, for people who don't get along with Cancer, Cancer's attitude will be very bad, ranging from indifference and indifference to intensifying conflicts and causing conflicts. Anyway, I am afraid of Cancer friends.

  The most critical point is that Cancer's desire for revenge is very easy to be stimulated. Any little thing, an expression or an action may not seem like anything to you, but it just pokes the point in Cancer's heart, and then it's over. . . So, I can only say that even if you can’t get along with Cancer, don’t stimulate their emotions or touch their weaknesses, because an emotional Cancer is very scary and may find ways to retaliate against you, but as long as you don’t Go and provoke them, then everything will be fine and the world will be at peace.

  The second scary thing: Cancer has an extreme way of doing things. This is also a headache for many people, because Cancer people are sensitive by nature and like to think too much, so they are very insecure and can easily become obsessed with one thing, especially the people and things around them. Sensitive emotions often explode over the smallest things, and they act in extreme ways. According to my observation, Cancers regard family relationships as extremely important. If someone offends a Cancer member, the consequences will be immeasurable. They usually go to extremes in doing things, so Cancer people rarely have sense and hate to face things with a calm attitude. No wonder Cancer is considered the most terrifying zodiac sign by everyone. It must be different from their extreme way of doing things. It doesn’t matter!

  The third scary thing: Cancers have explosive tempers. Although everyone knows that Cancers are generally very talkative and friendly to others, so people often forget their scary side, which is their explosive temper. Although he seems so indifferent to the world, it is very scary to lose his temper. I wonder if anyone has experienced it? Anyway, it once made me doubt my life. And what’s even more heartbreaking is that when Cancer people lose their temper, they are always quarrelsome, and their words are stinging like needles. They don’t care about what can and cannot be said. Their temper can be furious, and they don’t care. Eleven, it’s scary enough to think about it. So don’t think that Cancer people are so gentle that they have no temper. In fact, it’s just that they are good at pretending. If they really provoke Cancer’s temper, they will show their most terrifying side, which will make people regret irritating them. Hahaha, after seeing their violent tempers, you will feel that gentle Cancers are really great.

  How scary is Cancer 2

  When it comes to Cancer, the first word that comes to everyone's mind is family-oriented. Cancer is the most family-oriented constellation among the twelve zodiac signs. It attaches great importance to family. Of course, its considerations about the other half are also very rational and very realistic. If you think about your partner's future and future, you will give up decisively if you feel there is no future.

  Cancer's like does not mean love. It is difficult for them to fall in love at first sight. They prefer the feeling of long-term love that lasts for a long time. Nowadays, most people are subtracting from love. The longer it goes, the less they fall in love, or the feeling of freshness. Break up as soon as it's over, but Cancer won't. They make additions in love. The longer the time, the deeper they love. They will like many people, but they will not fall in love with one person easily. Once they fall in love, it will be Love with all their heart, and they will love more and more as time goes by. If you have ever been deeply loved by a Cancer, you must have been happy at that time.

  Such an affectionate and family-oriented Cancer is also in the top three in the ranking of scumbag zodiac signs. Why exactly?

  Let’s talk about them below. Cancer is not sentimental, but that doesn’t mean he is not sentimental. In addition to being family-oriented and affectionate, you must have heard the word “central air-conditioning”. You will think that there are many people of the opposite sex around Cancer, and not taking the initiative or refusing is their label. If you have been in contact with a Cancer man, you will think why are there so many girls around him? And be nice to everyone? There is a Bing type, typical "central air conditioning".

  If you are in a relationship with a Cancer, you will see that he is still in contact with his ex and misses his ex-girlfriend forever. Of course, if you question his behavior, he is likely to turn around and blame you. It makes you unable to refute, and you wonder if you really think too much, including breaking up. Cancer can completely ignore themselves and will tell you that it was you who caused today's situation and led to the breakup. So I think Cancer's scum is different from other zodiac signs, and it's also a very magical operation.

  Cancer's self-esteem is very strong, stronger than money, career, and love! They are also very sensitive, like to think too much, and are easily emotional, which leads to some trivial or non-existent things that make them think very complicated. They can't control their temper when it gets angry, but it will be fine after it passes. , will not hold grudges. They are very good at observing words and emotions, and because their sixth sense is very accurate, they can easily detect other people's emotions, and can also say different things to different people, so many successful businessmen are Cancers!

  How scary is Cancer 3

   Cancer is so cruel when it comes to being ruthless

  Cancer people are calm and peaceful most of the time. On the one hand, it is always a pleasure to get along with them. On the other hand, it makes it impossible to judge where the bottom line and anger points of this group of people are. When you finally realize the anger of Cancer, it is often the moment when they have been resentful of you for a long time and have already exceeded the limit of their tolerance. Often, Cancer people will unknowingly make people relax their vigilance towards them because of their patience and thoughtfulness. It is easy for others to accept Cancer into their lives, which allows Cancer people to often learn all the information about that person's life without any effort. They know what you care about most and what you care about most. Once they become your enemy, they can often bring you the most precise blow.

   How scary is Cancer?


  Cancer, to put it bluntly, they are not actually cold-blooded. A more suitable term is "they are just relatively indifferent to the whole world." That kind of casual cynicism is a natural character trait of Cancer without any disguise. They are not actually cold-blooded. It is a sense of powerlessness against the unchangeable reality. They need to comfort themselves by escaping the truth. They are indifferent to all things that cannot be done. They say "I am a natural person and I am indifferent to fame and fortune". In fact, It’s because “my abilities are limited, so I won’t compete with strong people~”

   How to coax a Cancer when he is angry?

   Be patient and enlighten, giving them enough sense of security

  When Cancers are angry, even if they are furious, you can't see it on their faces, so you have to spend some effort, such as being cautious, and then using a three-pronged approach of patience, love and perseverance, slowly To enlighten. Cancers need a sense of security, so when they are angry, you can't let them think wildly. You can choose to do some things for them silently, such as washing clothes, cooking meals, etc. Cancers will be very touched.

   Apologize sincerely and give the other person a gentle kiss

  When Cancer is angry, you must not deceive them and apologize to them sincerely, because Cancer may feel more uncomfortable than you when you are angry. Someone who sincerely apologizes can easily make Cancer feel better. get up; when Cancer is angry, you can still call them, even if they don't answer, call them until Cancer calms down; of course, there is an ultimate trick, which is to hug Cancer and give them a gentle kiss, and everything can be solved.

Mature Cancers are so scary. What is the scariest side of Cancer? Picture 2

Is Cancer the scariest zodiac sign?

Cancer is not scary

  Cancer is not scary. Among the twelve constellations, each constellation has a different personality. Cancer is the darkest one among the twelve constellations. They are naturally sentimental and imaginative. Cancer actually has an unknown side, so aren't Cancer scary?

  Cancer is not scary 1

   The reason why Cancer is scary

   The sixth sense is super strong

  Cancer's feelings are the most sensitive among our circle of friends, and their guesses are particularly accurate. This makes everyone feel a bit scary. If you fall in love with a Cancer again, then you'd better honestly explain to him everything you do every day, otherwise if you let him feel it, you will be unable to argue.

   Hiding deeply

  Cancers don't like to be public in our circle of friends. They always feel that they have little ability and few friends. But you are wrong to think this way. They are just keeping a low profile. If something happens and makes Cancer take action, you will definitely be shocked at this time. They are secretive and super strong people. Don't underestimate them. .


  If you want to fall in love with a Cancer, you have to spend a lot of effort. They are the kind of slow-burning characters, and they don't need a one-time grand romance. But it requires your long-term companionship to influence. And when a Cancer falls deeply in love with you, you won't be able to get rid of him even if you want to let him go. They will be very stubborn and will hold you tightly.

   Woman's heart is a needle in the sea

  The character of Cancer is the most difficult to figure out. In fact, the character of Cancer women can be said to be as deep as the sea, and boys who try to figure out their character will naturally be looking for a needle in a haystack. And they often bring their complex personalities to life and work, causing everyone a lot of troubles, and because of their complex personalities we cannot deal with them casually.

  Cancer is not scary 2

   What is the scariest side of Cancer?

  The most sensitive among friends, with violent tempers and slight self-destructive tendencies. Never touch their weaknesses. They no longer care about the feelings of others. Their methods of revenge are also extremely sharp. Cancers seem to be indifferent to the world. Sometimes it feels very hypocritical.

  He has a super strong sixth sense and likes to go his own way, which makes everyone feel a bit scary. Cancers are very emotional and will rob the other person of things they care about. They will no longer consider other people's feelings. Losing their temper will make people feel suspicious of life. They are secretive and super strong people. Their murderous intention can only be used by others. To describe it as terrifying.

  The scary thing about Cancers is that they attack hostility, choose to hurt the things or people they care about most, and do whatever they do regardless of the consequences. When they lose their temper, they are always confrontational. Cancers who are offended are the most terrifying zodiac signs. Don’t Look down, the stubbornness in their bones means that Cancers are not afraid of anyone's threats.

  Don't look at the indifferent appearance of Cancer people. The darkened Cancer is indifferent and ruthless to their family members. Don't get angry and cold war with Cancer, but they don't care. The character of Cancer is the most difficult to understand. Crazy Cancer It will be very scary! You can betray your friends and brothers for profit, and Cancer people are good at attacking people's hearts.

  Cancer is not scary 3

   violent temper

  Cancers are very emotional, a bit ruthless and unreasonable. They do things regardless of the consequences and snatch things that the other person cares about. When they lose their temper, they are all confrontational and will no longer consider other people's feelings.

  They seem to be indifferent to the world, but when they lose their temper, they will make people feel suspicious of life. Cancers who are offended are the most terrifying zodiac sign. They are secretive and super strong people, and they can talk like needles. His stinging character is the most elusive, and his murderous aura can only be described as terrifying.

   spiritual revenge

  Cancer people are very kind, and sometimes they will be wronged by others. Their instinct is to be patient when getting along. If the number of times a Cancer is hurt increases again and again, and when the person is really in pain, he will no longer talk about kindness and will collapse more easily than the average person.

  No matter how docile a Cancer is, it will become very aggressive. Maybe the other person will be stronger than the Cancer person, but this will not affect his revenge. He will not be merciful when he hurts others, and a collapsed Cancer will naturally be unable to control himself.

   extreme behavior

  Cancers generally don't have direct conflicts with others. They are emotionally sensitive and insecure. They are very tolerant on the surface and may stab you behind your back. They can use their calculating skills to the extreme and often break out over the smallest things. .

  In their eyes, relationships are not worth cherishing at all. They constantly speak ill of others behind their backs, devise layers of traps and scripts, and go to extremes in doing things. So don't underestimate their strength when getting along with them. Cancer people are good at attacking the mind and habitually use extreme behaviors to do things.

  Cancer is not scary 4

   How scary is Cancer?

   The scary one:

  Cancers have a strong desire for revenge, which is really scary! Cancers are friendly to others and seem harmless to humans and animals, but they have a strong desire for revenge. Those who treat them well and care about them will repay them several times in return, eager to give the best to them.

  But on the contrary, for people who don't get along with Cancer, Cancer's attitude will be very bad, ranging from indifference and indifference to intensifying conflicts and causing conflicts. Anyway, I am afraid of Cancer friends.

  The most critical point is that Cancer's desire for revenge is very easy to be stimulated. Any little thing, an expression, or an action may not seem like much to you, but it just pokes the point in Cancer's heart.

  So, I can only say that even if you can’t get along with Cancer, don’t stimulate their emotions or touch their weaknesses, because an emotional Cancer is very scary and may find ways to retaliate against you, but as long as you don’t Go and provoke them, then everything will be fine and the world will be at peace.

   The second scary thing:

  Cancer has an extreme way of doing things. This is also a headache for many people, because Cancer people are sensitive by nature and like to think too much, so they are very insecure and can easily become obsessed with one thing, especially the people and things around them. Sensitive emotions often explode over the smallest things, and they act in extreme ways.

  According to my observation, Cancers regard family relationships as extremely important. If someone offends a Cancer member, the consequences will be immeasurable.

  They usually go to extremes in doing things, so Cancer people rarely have sense and hate to face things with a calm attitude. No wonder Cancer is considered the most terrifying zodiac sign by everyone. It must be different from their extreme way of doing things. It doesn’t matter!

   The third scary thing:

  Cancers have explosive tempers. Although everyone knows that Cancers are generally very talkative and friendly to others, so people often forget their scary side, which is their explosive temper.

  Although he seems so indifferent to the world, it is very scary to lose his temper. I wonder if anyone has experienced it? Anyway, it once made me feel doubtful about life.

  And what’s even more heartbreaking is that when Cancer people lose their temper, they are always quarrelsome, and their words are stinging like needles. They don’t care about what can and cannot be said. Their temper can be furious, and they don’t care. Eleven, it’s scary enough to think about it.

  So don’t think that Cancer people are so gentle that they have no temper. In fact, it’s just that they are good at pretending. If they really provoke Cancer’s temper, they will show their most terrifying side, which will make people regret irritating them. Hahaha, after seeing their violent tempers, you will feel that gentle Cancers are really great.

Mature Cancers are so scary. What is the scariest side of Cancer? Picture 3

Are mature Cancers scary? Why do you say that?

Scary, because Cancer is cold-blooded and ruthless when mature.
They are also very low-key and reluctant to put themselves under the laser light and become the center of attention. However, if they really fall in love with someone, in order to get the other person's recognition and appreciation, they will definitely be willing to fight for the other person. Be the highlight, because they know that if you keep a low profile, you will bury yourself, let alone let your lover discover it. So when he gets approval from others everywhere, he feels one step closer to his lover and is willing to sacrifice everything for the other person.
If a crab falls in love with you, it will be difficult for you to escape from his grasp. He will be patient and gentle enough to love you. He will appear in front of you immediately when you need his care. I will bring you tea and water, and you can even put your hands on your clothes and open your mouth.
The crabs will spoil you to the point of being confused. He will satisfy all your vanity, be sought after, served, obsessed with, and favored by others. And when you don’t need the crab, the crab will always be silently guarding you where you can see or not see it. Maybe he will pester you sadly, maybe he will use his endurance to prove that he will always be with you. Love you.
Don’t wait until the crab gives up on you. You will be in the worst situation at that time. The crab will never look back. Maybe he will contact you occasionally and give you tenderness again, but he will never talk to you again. Your whole life, unless you make inhuman efforts.
Because Cancer no longer trusts you at this time. Cancer has very high requirements for trust. When he does not trust you, there is no talk of love and eternity. When he lets go, he will be completely free from his love for you.
He will even forget you completely and will not think of you for a long time. He will even forget that he ever loved you so crazily.
As for you, you will be trapped in the cage of his love for you, and you will not be able to get out for the time being, because no one you meet may love you as much as the crab once did. You are used to being spoiled by the crab. When someone treats you a little bit badly, you will think of Crab, and you will gradually begin to miss him and miss him. At this time, you may have fallen in love with him.

Mature Cancers are so scary. What is the scariest side of Cancer? Picture 4

The above is all the content about Mature Cancer is so scary, what is the scariest side of Cancer?, and related content about Mature Cancer is so scary, I hope it can help you.

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