
Contents of this article

  • 1.
  • 2. What should newbies pay attention to when opening a children’s clothing store?
  • 3. What issues should novices pay attention to when opening a children’s clothing store?
  • 4. What preparations are needed to open a children’s clothing store?

Necessary common sense for opening a children's clothing store, how a novice can open a good children's clothing store Figure 1

What should newbies pay attention to when opening a children’s clothing store?

If we want to open a children's clothing store well, first of all, our store layout must be in place. Specifically, we can start from the following aspects:
1. The store is generally equipped with computers, speakers and other equipment. We can play some children's songs, Children's stories, cartoons, etc. can be used to attract children's attention. You can also play some songs that parents like to listen to. The style can be a little more exciting, which can easily arouse customers' emotions and promote purchasing behavior. However, be careful not to make the music too loud or too loud. Big ones can easily have the opposite effect and keep customers away from the store.
2. Some relatively low-priced products, such as children's toys, socks, etc., can be placed near the cashier. The unit price is about 10 yuan, so that customers can buy them at the checkout, saving the trouble of finding change. Promote sales.
3. Banners can be hung for a few days before the store opens. Although it looks a bit low, it is a very direct and effective way. Especially the banners with red background and yellow characters are very eye-catching and can help us attract people from a distance. customer.
4. Special price products can be equipped with hang tags and hung from the ceiling, so that customers can see the price at a glance. The impactful price can attract customers to the store to purchase. On the one hand, it accumulates popularity for the store and makes the store more popular. It seems to be very popular, thus attracting more customers to enter the store, and customers entering the store represents the possibility of closing transactions.
5. If the store area is relatively large, you can add a publicity board to take photos of the hot opening scene, a warm and touching scene, or a celebrity entering the store to make purchases, which can help the store attract more customers from the side. The popularity plays a very good role in publicity, but these photos require the consent of the person before they can be used.
In addition to setting up the store well, if we want to run a children's clothing store well, we also need to carry out targeted advertising. We can start from these aspects.
1. Online store. As the Internet becomes more and more developed, the convenience of online shopping makes more and more consumers choose to shop directly online. Physical stores may also set up online stores, which are low-cost and can be sold nationwide. And if you have a physical store, clothing The quality will be more guaranteed, and your store will be more easily trusted by consumers than a simple online store.
2. Soft advertising. More and more brands are beginning to pay attention to the promotion of soft articles. If you have good writing skills, you might as well make good use of this. You can write about how to choose children's clothing, children's clothing size comparison, children's safety protection, etc., and be appropriate. Embed your own brand and promote it in the form of soft articles to achieve the purpose of publicity.
3. Word-of-mouth advertising. In fact, the best advertisement is the reputation of consumers. If your product quality is good enough and your service is good, consumers will voluntarily help you promote it. You don’t need to spend a penny more to achieve a good result. The effect is more effective than any other advertising investment. Therefore, if you want to run a children's clothing store well, you need to constantly meet consumers' needs for children's clothing, accept their opinions, and use consumers' reputation to build your own brand. publicity. In addition, you can also make some hydrogen balloons to give to children, which is not only considerate but also attracts customers to the store.
If we want to run a children's clothing store well, we need to do more in all aspects. Although there are huge business opportunities in the children's clothing market, business opportunities do not mean success. If you want to succeed, you still need to constantly think and research, make timely changes and Only by coping can your store business get better and better

Necessary common sense for opening a children's clothing store, how a novice can open a good children's clothing store Picture 2

What issues should a novice pay attention to when opening a children's clothing store?

First of all, you have to determine what age group of children's clothing your store sells. Children's clothing is divided into infant clothing (0-3 years old), small children (2-7 years old) and middle-aged children (6-12 years old). Children with a height of 155cm will generally not buy children's clothing. If most of the customers your children's clothing store faces are buying infant clothing, then you can set 80-85% of the children's clothing in the store to be in the age group of 0-7 years old (height 80-130cm). But assuming there are one or two primary schools nearby, and all the customers come and go are looking for clothes for children over 6 years old, then we can designate 30-40% of the store as a clothing area for middle-aged and older children. The demand for older children is very limited. Must grasp it well.
Secondly, Korean and Japanese styles are the most mainstream children’s clothing nowadays, so you might as well consider this when purchasing. We have introduced the two brands "Two Children" and "Xiao Qiao Bian" before. Many netizens went to see them and said they were very cute. "Tranquility" can also be used as a reference. In addition, black and white cool-style children's clothing was once popular in the past few years, but we do not recommend that novices buy more of these high-brow children's clothing. Being too individual will only lead to the loss of a large number of individual customers. Mix and match the black and white series of children's clothing with other colorful brands. complementary. Catering to the needs of the public is always more effective than focusing on individuality.
Also, a store of 40 to 50 square meters needs to be reasonably planned. How to divide the various areas depends on the vision of the shop owner. We haven't really studied how to display sets of small children's clothing without looking empty with limited funds. We recommend that you refer to specialty stores. It is recommended to also sell children's shoes and try to achieve one-stop consumption, but the payment for the goods with only 40,000 funds is too high!
Finally, I have to remind you again: spend all your money to open a children's clothing store like this, so be careful! ! ! The 45-square-meter store
can barely open with a 40,000-square-meter investment, and it is estimated that more follow-up funds will be needed! If these 20W are your only funds and you are unable to provide more support, please wait a moment, okay? Or should we weigh it again and find a store with a smaller area and lower transfer fee?
So for friends who have 20W in hand, what kind of store should they choose? Our answer is: The store is 20-30 square meters, the transfer fee is not more than 50,000, the monthly rent is 3,000-5,000 (just two mortgages and one rent, no annual payment is required), decoration (including models, hangers and other sundries) 2W, the first batch The payment is 4-5W, and the working capital is 5W. Try to control the transfer fee to about 1/4 of the funds on hand.
Tag: Guangzhou Children's Clothing Wholesale Market
Children's Clothing Wholesale Market

Necessary common sense for opening a children's clothing store, how a novice can open a good children's clothing store Figure 3

What preparations are needed to open a children's clothing store?

1. Select the project. The most important thing is that you must do the following: First, have a good understanding of the project and understand what styles and price points the customer likes. In this way, the products you sell will be sold quickly. The second is to grasp the market situation, know the general level of sales price, and also know the purchase price. If you have decided to start a children's clothing project, then you must first understand the general consumption level of local children's clothing. In other words, when parents buy clothes for their children, how much does it usually cost? Secondly, what are the children's clothing brands that are comparable to the local children's clothing consumption level? Which of these brands are more recognized or have a good reputation among locals? Where can I buy these children's clothes? Once you have done this preparation work, it means that you will basically be more confident in the future.
2. Once the first preparation is done, the other preparations are not too complicated. Just some trivial things need to be prepared, such as finding a rental store, decoration, applying for a business license, and purchasing necessary tools such as tables, stools, and clothes racks. , irons, etc. If you need a salesperson, you also need a recruiter. Although these things are trivial, they are also very important and need to be done carefully one by one. 3. After all these tasks are completed, you can purchase goods and start the business. Store location selection: Generally speaking, the following points should be considered when selecting the location of a children's clothing store: first, choose a high-end comprehensive shopping mall with a strong business atmosphere, large customer flow, and popularity; second, choose a store with high visibility and customer flow. commercial streets (customer flow needs must meet the characteristics of the target customer group); third, choose to be near well-known stores (such as: near McDonald's, KFC); fourth, choose to be near large-scale communities and residential areas. Fifth, whether its market supporting facilities are complete and how its performance in the same industry is.
Store layout: children's clothing store signs and windows, preferably items that can display product prices or services. It should be noted that incorrect display that is different from the actual product will usually lead to customer dissatisfaction and reduce the number of customers. You can also try to change the way the products are displayed to give people a completely new look. Seasonal changes, the start of school, festivals, and holidays are all great themes. The display of discounted products should also be carefully arranged. Important long-selling products should be placed in an inconspicuous place in the store, while products that stimulate customers' desire to buy should be placed in the front. This kind of display can attract customers into the store, while also increasing the exposure of the products in front and increasing sales.
In addition, consider the arrangement of other spaces. If the warehouse is located at the back of the store, there should be enough space to store goods that are not easy to store behind the counter. If necessary, a repair room should be reserved; the clothing store should also have a fitting room. Restrooms are also indispensable because they provide customer convenience, especially for those remote stores.

Necessary common sense for opening a children's clothing store, how a novice can open a good children's clothing store Figure 4

The above is all about the necessary common sense for opening a children's clothing store, how a novice can open a good children's clothing store, and the related content about the necessary common sense for opening a children's clothing store. I hope it can help you.

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