
Contents of this article

  • 1. Sad and personalized signature
  • 2. Personalized sad signature in English
  • 3. Sad and personalized signature
  • 4. Sad and personalized signature

sad personalized signature

Examples of nice and sad personalized signatures are as follows:
1. It turns out that you love more than just me. Now I am really lonely.
2. Watching you leave silently, I can only walk away silently without saying anything.
3. I am so afraid that I will get used to your kindness and then be ruthlessly thrown away.
4. Strangers can become adults, but once an acquaintance becomes a stranger, they can never go back.
5. Some memories are destined to be irreplaceable, just like some people are destined to be irreplaceable.
6. Your smile and that of others are my poison.
7. In this relationship, you are the one who says you love me, and you are the one who says we want to break up.
8. It took me a long time to understand that the beginning of something impossible is the end.
9. When I close my eyes, I see your indifference.
10 I also want to be loved by someone, and love will last a lifetime.
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Sad personality signature, sad personality signature picture 1

Personalized sad signature in English

  We are always too picky about familiar people, but infinitely tolerant to strangers. The following are 95 personalized sad signatures that I compiled. You are welcome to learn from and refer to them. I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. The ending of the story is like this, a kind of loneliness is causing trouble, everything is like fireworks, after blooming, there is endless loneliness.

2. You haven’t changed, and she hasn’t changed either. It’s just that time has changed, and I have changed, that’s all.

3. Happy birthday to myself in a strange city.

4. You said you were heartbroken, I thought I would feel your heartbreak carefully.

5. I always insist that I am a child, so I have always been naive.

6. It’s not stingy or jealous, it’s just that I can’t understand the ambiguity between you and her.

7. Not getting is always the most beautiful. This is just an illusion. Having is the best.

8. Love should not be too violent, otherwise it will be reversed.

9. You know I’m making trouble, why don’t you hug me and tell me not to leave!

10. No longer care about right or wrong, as long as you live well.

11. When I talk about the past, you always say you have forgotten it. I thought it was because you have a bad memory, but in the end I discovered that all you have forgotten are our memories.

12. Close your eyes and you are by my side. Open your eyes, where are you?

13. If you don’t hear it when you meet it, your heart will be calm and empty, everything will become a flowing light!

14. Don’t blame anyone, don’t laugh at anyone, and don’t envy anyone. The sun shines brightly, you run in the wind and rain, dream your own dreams, and walk your own path.

15. Since I can’t find you, I will stand in a conspicuous place and let you find me.

16. If he insists on being free, trying to stay will only make you feel wronged until the end.

17. Maybe I will be just an insignificant person to you in the end.

18. People like you are really blind and don’t like me.

19. Not all lovers in the world want to meet again. You have not forgotten me and are still by your side.

20. It is better to use the time chasing horses to plant grass. When spring comes, there will be a group of horses for you to choose from.

21. Give me your heart and I will study it for a lifetime.

22. The story of Cinderella is beautiful, but if the shoe fits, it will not fall off.

23. Listening to the sad songs, my heart is filled with longing for you.

24. The happiness of the past was just to make us more miserable today.

25. As the sky changes and the earth changes, so do people. Love changes to love and hate without a trace. What is love?

26. Why are the tears in the dream so bitter? They also say that my heart is simply bitter.

27. I always believe that any form of facing the past and changing the present is for a beautiful original intention, which is to evolve into a better person.

28. It takes so much pain to cry so heartbreakingly.

29. Real tears come from the heart, the eyes are just an outlet...

30. May time wash away all memories.

31. The most popular people in the world are not those who keep looking back at yesterday's hardships, sorrows, and failures, but those who seek knowledge with confidence, hope, courage, and joy. People who want to go and look to the future. Only by having a normal heart, not forcing yourself, and not complaining, can you fully enjoy the beauty of life. Since you can't change what has happened, it's better to adjust your mentality, face it calmly, and take things as they come.

32. You block my heart and make me unable to accept others, and you don’t come back to see me. You are awesome.

33. North and South are called Qian and East and West are called Mo. I choose North and South, and you go East and West.

34. What I want is very simple. The future is still there and you are still there...

35. Do you believe what others say about me?

36. You know that I was always cold before I met you.

37. What last forever is just a casual comment.

38. Later, you finally complained that I was as calm as dead sea water and lifeless, but you didn’t understand that this was all thanks to you.

39. Even if I almost hit the wall at the end of the alley, I won’t look back.

40. Missing a bus may be just to meet someone.

41. If you could do it all over again, would you still choose to love the person who hurt you?

42. I met a cat diving, but I didn’t meet you. I met dogs climbing rocks, but I didn’t meet you. I met the falling snow in summer, but I didn’t meet you. I encountered a typhoon in winter, but I didn't meet you. I have encountered everything that is not great, but I have never met the great you.

43. Not everyone is worthy of your efforts.

44. He will cherish you only if you are good-looking.

45. If you don’t love, you don’t love anymore. Why do you get so many?

46. I miss you and miss the days with you.

47. You are my lover, but I am not the one you love.

48. However, please allow me to say such selfish words. If you are not married and I am not married many years later, then can we be together?

49. Falling in love with someone is like dust floating in the air without roots.

50. Maybe I can’t make the river flow backwards or change the weather, but the only thing we can control is our own mood.

51. If I don’t love you anymore, who do you think you are?

52. Whose loneliness covers my gorgeous clothes, whose gorgeous clothes cover my shoulders.

53. The past will pass, and the unaccustomed ones will get used to it.

54. Don’t buy useless things no matter how cheap they are; don’t rely on people you don’t love no matter how lonely they are.

55. As you said, promise to laugh at me one by one.

56. The most beautiful thing in the world is the smile that breaks free from tears.

57. `I just don’t understand what you are doing.

58. The dead leaves are engraved in the strong wind, recording indignation, and the scattered sunset cannot fill up the sorrow of regret.

59. There are two words in youth that keep flashing. If you look carefully, it turns out to be: no regrets.

60. If you can't control your destiny, fate will control you; if you can't correct your mentality, your life will inevitably be skewed.

61. The sun is clearly shining brightly outside, but it cannot shine into the cold and hazy corner of my heart.

62. Have you ever experienced what you want to say but can’t say it?

63. What you lose will never come back, and what you come back will no longer be perfect.

64. Loving you is a lonely thought. I don’t understand the meaning of your smile. I can only persist silently like a sunflower at night.

65. The place with you is my hell! Your separation took away my hell and my dreams for the future. From now on, I will start to face up to my life and everything I have now. I will take it seriously and do everything possible to enjoy the rising and setting of the sun every day.

66. I can find you even in the vast crowd, because you have never left me.

67. I don’t want to be manipulated by anyone, but I am a person without my own opinion.

68. I can only take off my long skirt, put the armor back on piece by piece, and also reinforce and upgrade it.

69. What compares to me, the lethality of language?

70. Update your signature every day, just to let you know me better.

71. You know I don’t like you, but why do you still stay by my side. And for so long.

72. Let the sadness become deserved, and let time bury the pain.

73. Empty, I want my heart. Just like a cell phone, it can be cleared with just one button press. simple.

74. Sorry, can I always forget you. I'm sorry, I would rather I no longer love you.

75. One look in your eyes and one smile are enough to make me love you wholeheartedly.

76. What would you think if I were like you?

77. No matter what, I hope I can pretend to be happy when I am with you.

78. I finally learned your polite greetings.

79. I love you, it is so easy to say it in your mouth.

80. The melancholy clouds are light and the rain is whistling, day after day.

81. Well, that’s fine, then I will completely give up on you.

82. You worked hard to get me, but left me cruelly. Your frozen heart was opened by you, and the painful torture was also started at the same time.

83. Only after separation can you know what true love is. There is no need to shed tears for someone who is not worthy of it.

84. Will you suddenly appear and become a beauty that will be treasured for a lifetime in the scenery of broken time?

85. Thank you for letting me suffer these injuries and making me know how to be strong.

86. From beginning to end, none of you understand how I feel.

87. I look back at my watch every class, because you are the one who turns my head.

88. A girl’s domineering and sad personality signature_Forgive me for being thorny in my words when I’m in a bad mood.

89. One foot in the sky and one foot in the earth.

90. In the new year, I want to be a bright woman.

91. I always thought that I didn’t care, but finally I discovered that I really care about the so-called not caring.

92. You can miss me, but you can't deprive me of the right to meet you.

93. You must tell me when it’s your birthday, and I will definitely buy a clock for you.

94. You always tell me that I am tired every day, but I still can’t help crying. I know I am useless, but I am still tired from living.

95. No matter how loud the emotional advertising slogans are, no one will be willing to try obviously fake and inferior products.

Sad personality signature, sad personality signature picture 2

sad personalized signature

  I know you are tired with me so I let it go, forgive me and be nice. Below are 95 sad and personalized signatures that I compiled for everyone. Welcome to refer to them.

1. No matter how gorgeous the song is, it cannot express my sadness.

2. It is the freedom that comes from having no choice but tossing and turning, being out of breath, repeating the same mistakes, being heartbroken and wanting to talk but unable to hold back, and then smiling happily and no longer loving.

3. Happiness is not something everyone can have.

4. At that moment yesterday, I was completely desperate for you.

5. The whole world can ignore me, but you can't.

6. You are my whole heart, but you took it away without any thought.

7. Although leaving is the end, it also gives you a chance to start.

8. I found that I love you more than I thought, but I missed you accidentally.

9. Only after dark can you see the light and faint existence.

10. I shed tears, my emotions were fragmented, and I chased the umbrella in the wild sky.

11. Don’t reject those who come and don’t keep those who leave. Cheers to you.

12. Love, how many people shed tears for it. Even giving his life.

13. My dear, if there is no love, why are you still in love with me?

14. I have given you so many opportunities, but you have never taken advantage of them.

15. I like to smoke a cigarette quietly alone and let nicotine numb my emotions.

16. Deep love brings deep responsibility. If your heart changes, no matter what you say or do, it will be wrong.

17. Because you are very important, she is willing to be strong for you.

18. Wave your hand and this feeling can no longer be saved.

19. The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I found that things have changed and I can only recall you again in my dreams.

20. I am very calm, so I never cry behind your back.

21. Once you have given up, no amount of comfort will be of any use.

22. Even if the whole world denies me, and I still believe in me, don’t think about whether anyone cares about me. My life is very quiet, and I make my own decisions and do whatever I want. When you are sad, your appearance of crying in embarrassment is also very wonderful. After your tears dry up, you look up and laugh wildly so brightly. When you are frustrated, you silently look for the long-lost destination of your soul. When you are happy, all the passion in your body is unleashed. Forever, let yourself live a beautiful life, very beautiful!

23. Not all persistence can get what you want, and all enthusiasm can resist imitation.

24. We are born lonely, so let’s spend our whole life loving.

25. I always want to be alone and don’t want to be an emotional loser.

26. She silently tells you with her back that you don’t need to chase her.

27. If you love her well, we will be at home all over the world.

28. Another storm crashed underground. When the rain stopped, resentment was everywhere.

29. Paint the charming urban center, and leave the approaching storm on the ground in confusion.

30. It’s time to let go. He already has someone by his side who can accompany him.

31. I am like a clown. Alone on the street corner, licking my wounds.

32. Men, don’t betray the woman who is following you wholeheartedly.

33. Time is missed by us little by little and passes by.

34. If you persisted at that time, would the memories be different?

35. Look, the face of time is still so radiant.

36. Only by living a high-profile life can a woman be qualified to play with a man in her hands.

37. If you want something, if you get it, if you are not satisfied, if you are picky and have conflicts, break up. Then, if I regret it, come back, I have her.

38. We are too close to ambiguity, but we seem so far away from love.

39. I will listen to him because I know how painful it is.

40. Not having it and having it and then losing it are two different things.

41. How kind, gentle, and serious you are to me does not qualify you to love me.

42. I am afraid that I will fall in love too early and not be able to live with you forever.

43. It is too difficult to say love, so what qualifications do you have to say love?

44. I have also thought about whether you will regret coming to me one day.

45. Look at this person, he says he likes me, but he makes me so sad.

46. The years of youth are like a long song, let me move forward loudly.

47. Time flies and years fly by. What we lose is more than the courage to believe in love.

48. If you say you love me, please don’t use your words. Do you understand the actual actions?

49. If he always holds an umbrella for others, why should you wait in the rain for him.

50. Love, this game is so hurtful! I can't afford it!

51. Is it really that difficult to live the life you want? ?

52. As long as you believe in your heart, miracles will always happen. Although hope is slim, it will last forever.

53. Our sorrow about the past that cannot be returned is actually not that painful.

54. The more lonely you are, the more you miss you.

55. Put your drunken tomorrow on Pandora's strings, and spend the rest of your life falsely singing about heaven and earth.

56. Only the sunshine in early spring is most suitable for us.

57. You took me through the most beautiful memories, but you left me the saddest gift.

58. The other children have gone home. When will you pick me up?

59. You don’t know how restless I am waiting for your reply.

60. Except for you, everything is wilderness.

61. When I come back from afar, the sound of the tide whispers the secret words of longing.

62. Those who said they would not leave will all leave, and those who quit smoking will become more violent.

63. The brain before waking up was under water, showing a cold metallic texture.

64. You even push me away in my dreams.

65. Growing old with a person is a kind of fate.

66. Is there anyone who can betray the whole world for me?

67. We see others clearly, but we are confused when we see ourselves.
<ph 135> 68. Memories become overwhelming at the saddest time. How should I control my emotions.

69. No one has the obligation to take care of anyone for a lifetime. We should learn to be strong and face everything.

70. The human heart is like the sea. How can you reassure me?

71. Memories can never stay at happy moments.

72. Until you greet another person.

73. What I regret most is that your regret is related to me.

74. No matter how busy the street is, walking alone is lonely.

75. I like you, I show it clearly, but I don’t know. Do you like me or not?

76. It took me three years to make us happy and loving, but it took you three days to make us turn against each other.

77. Don’t treat my enthusiasm as drinking water. I’m just afraid that you will burn your mouth.

78. Thank you for the love you gave me. That is my best memory.

79. How strong must I be to not cry in front of you.

80. If possible, Songganm makes a wish for eternal happiness.

81. When you forget me, will you shed a tear.

82. Life is not a novel. No author can swear that this is the best outcome.

83. People always love to be nostalgic for the past, but I still don’t understand why.

84. Even on a road full of thorns, I will walk on with a smile all over my body.

85. There is a kind of choice called "everything looks right", and there is a kind of "fill in the blank" called "nothing at all".

86. Sadness turns into a river, and then runs towards the sea of ​​suffering.

87. Maybe, I am just a nobody in hell; I can never give you a noble lace dress.

88. When it’s cold, use your left hand to warm your right hand.

89. When a man no longer loves you or loves you, no matter how much you love that person, you have to reluctantly give up.

90. I don’t want to disturb you, I just want to tell you that I miss you.

91. A whole life of tenderness is like a firework.

92. Don’t think that only men like you can do it. We can also declare to the world that we are also pure men.

93. If the whole world gives up on you, I am willing to give up the whole world for you.

94. How can there be no accidents in the existence of three people.

95. The heart is something that may slip away year after year.

Sad personality signature, sad personality signature picture 3

sad personalized signature

  I gave you my best youth, but you gave me countless lies and deceptions. Below are 68 sad and personalized signatures that I collected and compiled. I hope it can help everyone.

1. If wandering is your talent, then you must be my most beautiful pursuit.

2. I even dreamed about him leaving me. It's so true. Children who have a partner but are silent, I feel sorry for you, because I do too.

3. Is there anyone you still miss after drinking Meng Po Soup?

4. Nowadays, it is raining at dusk, bees are worried and butterflies are angry, and the small window is open to the plantains.

5. I have long been accustomed to standing alone in a crowd and humming sad tunes.

6. Love, don’t be afraid, as long as you hold hands, I will accompany you wherever you go.

7. Thank you for letting me understand. If you love me, please love me deeply.

8. My world begins to get cold, but you freeze the picture on the other side of warmth.

9. Happiness is very simple, just like buying two lollipops for one yuan today, it is a bit bitter. But very sweet.

10. It’s the difference between your reality and your heart. Don’t ask me to cooperate with your progress.

11. Maybe I have forgotten you after all, and I am no longer worthy of your remembering me again.

12. I think I can get used to living alone and pretend that I have never been in love.

13. I approach you for my purpose, and my purpose is to be with you.

14. It is so sweet that there is pink in the dream, and the small flowers wither one by one in slow motion.

15. It is said that Sun Moon Lake is the tears of the sun and the moon that fell in love but were always missed.

16. He looked back and smiled on the bridge, embracing each other and feeling sad after a thousand years. No matter who you are in reincarnation, it will be a calamity.

17. Give you a wandering horse and a pot of wine to forget your past.

18. Loneliness is like you not being able to like me.

19. A friend is someone who even if you scold him a hundred times a day, you won’t allow others to scold you.

20. Don’t wrong yourself anymore, you are a good girl.

21. People's hearts cannot be exchanged for people's hearts, and seriousness cannot be exchanged for deep affection.

22. We have all lost love before, and I know you forever.

23. If I really give up, will you often think of the days we were together in the future?

24. At our ignorant age, we have love but no future.

25. After walking this journey with you, will I also become the road you pass by?

26. I am afraid that I will fall in love too early and not be able to stay with you forever.

27. Waiting, not because that person will come back, but because there is still love.

28. You said, believe me, I love you and I will give you happiness, but in the end I didn’t get what you call happiness.

29. Every kind of loneliness will be cured by meeting another person.

30. What is yours cannot be escaped, and what is not yours will have to be returned sooner or later.

31. She held hands with her and left me at the end of the road. How should I keep her?

32. I hold too much in my heart and cannot find an outlet, so I can only keep it in my heart.

33. You are young only once. How can you tell your son about the past if you are not crazy?

34. If you know how to give up, you can gain; if you know how to retreat, you can advance; if you know how to give, you can gain; if you think others are stupid, they are actually smarter than you understand.

35. "The most wonderful feeling in the world is when you hug someone you love and they hug you tighter. "

36. If you want to wander, the road does not need to be too long, it is just long enough to forget you.

37. Those periods of indulgence are called youth.

38. Everyone has a devilish side. If they don’t love you, they will let you see it.

39. My heart is only for those who love me. My hands are only for the one who will not give up in the end.

40. Our social phobia patients are like this. If you take a step away, I will take the initiative to take a step away.

41. Wash away loneliness and meet and fall in love in the boundless loneliness.

42. When you face things with regret, you will feel that everything is karma, and the world will become beautiful and hateful.

43. We always live in the past, but forget the wonderful present.

44. No matter how beautiful the dusk is, it will eventually get dark. When love comes to an end, why bother to linger.

45. Don’t understand anything, just want to continue dreaming.

46. In fact, I really want to keep you, but after all, it is just a thought.

47. Thank you to the person who stole my lover, because it was you who allowed me to see his true face.

48. One sentence pierces the heart, one sentence is enough to break the heart.

49. A ray of dawn, let the years pass by and be in exile, even if I have to suffer a lifetime of injuries, I will still find you.

50. You don’t realize that time is like water, but I remember that time is like water. After so many years of glory, time is like water.

51. I will never understand what it means to admit a mistake, to turn around and let go while still in love.

52. That woman, you put on makeup and eyebrows to make someone smile.

53. I thought that leaving elementary school was leaving hell, but later I realized that it was leaving heaven.

54. If I were the wind, I would take away everything about you and forget everything about you.

55. I refused to let go, but you laughed at me and said I was so ugly.

56. There is a kind of love worth working together. My heart is waiting for you every day.

57. The lonely figure is matched with thoughts.

58. Sleeping every day, only in this way can I forget those unhappy things.

59. I am right for you. I'm tired and don't want to pay attention to you anymore.

60. The smile is just used to cover up that haggard face.

61. My dear, I will watch you leave silently.

62. I want to go out for a walk. The lonely life will be happier.

63. There may not be anyone in the world who feels the same way.

64. Life is not easy, it is all about acting. Act the role as yourself and act yourself until you lose your memory.

65. Know you, like you, fall in love with you, thank you for giving me these.

66. How can we look back? Only when we leave you can we understand and truly love.

67. The seven-day holiday was spent in such a meaningless way.

68. I can’t figure it out, figure it out, or guess why you abandoned me so cruelly.

Sad personality signature, sad personality signature picture 4

The above is all about sad personalized signatures, sad personalized signatures, and related content about sad personalized signatures. I hope it can help you.

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