
Contents of this article

  • 1. Why is it said that marriage law protects men?
  • 2. The reason why the Marriage Law does not protect love
  • 3. How many words of love and love are there in the Marriage Law?
  • 4. The Marriage Law does not protect love but only property.

Why is the Marriage Law Protecting Men?

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 1

Treating marriage as a safe for love is the most common misunderstanding that women fall into emotionally.

Two people get married out of love - the vast majority of people in this world are willing to hold hands and swear an oath with another person, and the original intention is to "be together", not for betrothal gifts, houses or other benefits.

It is with this original intention that we regard marriage as the coronation of love. We should use a grand ceremony, rich food and wine, and the presence of relatives and friends to witness this special moment and show the perfection of this love.

As a result, the bride at the wedding cried with joy - under the protective shell of marriage, love entered the harvest season.

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 2


But this is really a huge misunderstanding.

Many people, even until they get divorced, have never asked themselves a question: Why should I get married?

If you take this question to the street, you will get a variety of answers:

Some people say that they want to be with the person they like every day;

Some people say that marriage is the sublimation of feelings;

Some people say that men should marry when they are older and women should marry when they are older. Everyone does this and they have never thought about this issue;

Some people say that marriage is your own protection...

The most real reason is actually very heartbreaking: marriage is just a long-standing social concept. This concept tells you that marriage is a necessary experience in life. Only with marriage can life be complete. This has nothing to do with love at all.

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 3


Linking love and marriage is actually a fairly recent invention.

Whether in the East or the West, the sanctity of marriage has always been related to responsibility and not to love.

In tradition, as long as a person fulfills his family responsibilities as a husband or wife during marriage, he is a qualified good spouse. As for whether you like the other person, no one pays attention to it at all, and no one will ask their spouse for it.

Regarding love as a necessary condition for marriage began almost in the 20th century. The story of Ruth in "Titanic" reflects the changes in social thoughts during this period: in the mainstream values ​​of society, parents helping to arrange a well-matched marriage is still the public choice, but in personal thoughts, it has begun to "Love" is regarded as the supreme happiness in life.

The pursuit of "marriage with love" became a common social trend during this period. Monogamy and mutual liking have become the highest political correctness in marriage, and in the following decades, it quickly swept the world.

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 4


Concepts have changed, but the system has not kept up.

In the final analysis, marriage is just an economic institution. Its essence is to protect the interests of the contracting parties and their children, but not their feelings. Ironically, the core demand of people for marriage is not the interests it protects, but their feelings. .

This is the key to understanding the increasing divorce rate. In the past, due to the pressure of survival, people could not bear the price of divorce even if the marriage had long since lost their feelings. They could only bind each other tightly, even if the two people hated each other; now, people's requirements for marriage are purer, and feelings have become the decision The most important factor for the survival of a marriage is no longer the pressure of survival, financial interests or sexual resources.

In other words, if you peel away the essence of marriage, you will find that it is at most a witness on the road of love. As for whether this relationship can last, it provides no guarantee at all.

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 5


What marriage really provides is an increase in your "exit costs."

The relationship is gone, but the marriage certificate is still there. At this time, it will restrict your choices. Divorce not only means the separation of obligations and rights between two people, but also means that the two of you no longer bear corresponding responsibilities as a social whole, such as joint debts.

As for relationships, you will actually find that no matter whether there is a marriage certificate or not, they have already been given up.

Therefore, after seeing through, marriage is nothing more than a piece of paper. This piece of paper neither determines whether you fall in love, nor does it care whether you last forever.

Seeing through this does not mean that you will become a non-marriage person - whether you choose to get married or be single, it is better to live a more transparent life than to be ignorant.

Only by recognizing this clearly can we face marriage calmly, that is:

Love is not maintained by a piece of paper, and a marriage certificate does not necessarily guarantee long-term happiness.

The reason why the Marriage Law does not protect love

Marriage is the most important choice in a person's life, and it is important to educate people about the law before marriage. Especially for women, who often bear more family obligations in married life, they should learn to protect their legitimate rights and interests!
——"Divorce Lawyer"


With the rapid development of economy and the drastic transformation of social structure, the concept of marriage has gradually changed, and the phenomenon of divorce has become increasingly common and common.

In a marriage relationship, both parties sacrifice their youth, their feelings, and of course their property.

When it comes to divorce, while it is regrettable that the relationship between husband and wife has ended, the division of joint property has become a very real issue.
Property is not the most important thing in life, but have you ever thought about it? In fact, money will actually affect your health, your freedom, your education, your quality of life and other aspects. In addition to what we mentioned It includes family, marriage, relationships, health care, freedom of choice, etc. If you go further, you also have the responsibility to take care of your parents, etc.

Therefore, if a woman does not sort out the financial risks she may face in marriage, and does not calculate, avoid or transfer these risks in advance, then when your marriage is in crisis, you may be caught off guard. Of course, you are more likely to be caught off guard. It is possible that you will regret it.


Since these are directly related to the vital interests of both parties to the divorce, when the couple intends to end the marriage, they should immediately consider the issue of divorce property disposal. If they wait until the divorce lawsuit is decided, then It will be much more difficult to apply for division of legally acquired property.
In previous divorce cases, property division was easy to get together and easy to separate. Most of the three useless stipulations appeared in the agreement between husband and wife. Most couples fell into the following misunderstandings when dealing with joint property, which affected the result of property division:

First, the property belongs to the children

In fact, these properties are still controlled by the parents. From a legal point of view, the gifts have not been fulfilled, so most of them are considered invalid.

Second, the real estate belongs to one party but the property rights have not been changed.

It is also a kind of agreement that the real estate such as the pre-marital property in the name of one party will be owned after the marriage, but there is no actual change of property rights. The unfinished act of gifting. In the event of a dispute, confirmation cannot be obtained either.

Thirdly, whoever files for divorce will have no property

"Whoever files for divorce will leave the house" often becomes the endearing promise in the marital property agreement. In fact, such agreements are often equivalent to restricting the right to divorce and are deemed invalid.

This is why women must have awareness of marital property risk management.
Without awareness of marital property risk management, there is no security. With the awareness of marital property risk management, we will be prepared for different things in life. With preparation, no matter what problems we encounter in life, we can clearly know how to solve marriage problems.


The reason why women must have awareness of marital property risk management is about the issue of free choice.

Only freedom of choice can make women confident and bloom, and money can give a woman more choices. It can also make a woman more confident. If a woman can take control of her financial life, her self-confidence will skyrocket and she will be a hundred times more confident in herself, which will affect her children, partners, parents, friends and even her entire interpersonal circle. will be more harmonious.

Money can give women the power to control their destiny, allow women to live according to their own wishes, and eliminate women's fear of future life. The safe and wealthy life that money brings is also the best appearance for women. Trophozoite.


The famous actor Hepburn has a famous saying: Woman, if you can choose between money and sexiness, then choose money. When you are old, money will make you You are sexy.

Money is very powerful in showing women’s role in society. Money can make women seen and heard, making women full of influence. When you know how to use money to express yourself and serve yourself, your Life will be complete and prosperous.

Female friends must realize the importance of marital property risk management awareness, must awaken, and then improve their marital property risk management awareness!

In order to tell everyone how to protect themselves effectively and effectively, our founder, Ms. Lu Yuxuan, spent three months developing a course "Marriage "Money" Rules" to protect women and deal with marital property crises. Let women in marital crisis have the awareness and ability to deal with risks.

I hope that female friends can establish a set of ideas about risk management of marital property, and still know how to protect their legitimate rights and interests when encountering unkind people!

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There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 6

How many words of love and love are there in the Marriage Law?

I just checked for you. According to relevant information, there are 116 in total.

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 7

The Marriage Law does not protect love, only property.

It is important to find the right person before marriage, and it is also important to cherish and get along well with the right person after finding the right person. If the relationship between the two parties is blindly measured by the marriage law, the final result will be that love is not protected but only property.

There is no word love in the entire Marriage Law. Why is it said that the Marriage Law protects men? Picture 8

The above is all about the absence of the word love in the entire marriage law, why it is said that the marriage law protects men, and the related content about the word love. I hope it can help you.

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