
Contents of this article

  • 1. An essay on the fourth grade school sports meeting of about 300 words
  • 2. Nagging is also love essay 600 words

An essay on the fourth grade school sports meeting of about 300 words

Our school held a sports meeting.  
In the morning, we competed in radio gymnastics and other events, and exciting competitions began again.  
  At about 2:30 in the afternoon, the big rope jumping competition for grades 1 to 6 began. The first grade was grade **, and all the children in grade ** were very tired. blow. We came to Teacher Gu’s class and kept cheering for them. Immediately afterwards, our ** grade competition began.  
  A few of our athletes had already prepared before the competition. The game started. With the teacher's gunshot, He Xingxing, who was at the front, rushed in. Then, the hungry people rushed to catch up one by one. After a fierce competition, our class finally won the second place. name.  
  Although we did not win first place, I believe we will work harder next year. 

How to write Huang Meixin in English, about 300 words for the fourth grade school sports meeting picture 1

Nagging is also love essay 600 words

Nagging is also love 1

  That night, under the soft light of the moonlight and the halo of lamps, I had a heart-to-heart talk with my mother.

  The place where the vision passed was full of dust and smoke, and the sofa and pillows were shiny. It was windy outside and the night was dark. A huge figure in front of me blocked the sight of the light. The vision below the corners of the eyebrows was a little gray, and the mother's nagging began.

  My mother said to me affectionately: "Zai Zai, are you used to the new teacher?" "It's okay, but the teacher is too strict." I said disgustedly. Then, after thinking about it, he said: "However, being strict also has its benefits."

  Under the light, there are many white hairs like roads among the piles of curly hair on my mother's head. "Roads" are like warning signs that remind me all the time. Whenever I see my mother's hair, I can't help but feel guilty.

  After my mother heard what I said, her eyes began to look arduous, with a little worry, "Zai Zai, the teacher's strictness is the motivation for the students. You must do better than others. To be a good teacher's assistant, you must have a heart." A grateful heart, only in this way can you..."

  "Ah, Mom, can you stop chanting sutras?" I wonder if I was the Sun Wukong in my previous life. I could never escape my mother's "curse"!

  Just when I was bored, the light reflected in the corners of my eyes. When I rubbed the corners of my eyes, I saw in my hazy vision that my mother's hair was pure white. At this time, I was stunned.

  "Well, Mom, our class teacher is strict, which will be more challenging and exciting for us; from another perspective, this is a kind of tough love, and our class teacher is pretty good!"

  At this moment, a line of words appeared in my mother's pure white eyes...

  "I'm sorry, Mom, I will definitely be serious in school." I lowered my head and said.

  My mother's nagging can wake me up, and her eyes can also wake me up. My mother’s nagging awakened the sunken maternal love in my heart! I also understand that severity is another kind of love.

Nagging is also love 2

  As soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, I heard the annoying mother's nagging voice: Get up quickly, it's already 6:30, it will be too late if you don't wake up!

  As a result, when I got up and looked at my watch, it was only 6:10. When I was getting angry, the nagging voice sounded again: Go brush your teeth, wash your face, and you are still nagging! I looked helplessly at my beloved little hot quilt and went to the bathroom. However, when I was doing the job of brushing my teeth, my mother appeared at the bathroom door again: What time is it, you have to wash for an hour!

  I am still helplessly, helplessly extending my patience.

  My mother had already finished cooking while I was washing my face and brushing my teeth. I walked straight to the dining table. My mother kept watching me eat, and kept nagging: Drink more water, do you still want to be hydrated?

  I couldn't help it anymore: Are you annoyed? ! My mother looked at me blankly and said nothing. I was happy to think that my trick was very effective.

  When I got home from school, my annoying, nagging mother had already prepared the washed fruits on the coffee table and poured water into the cup. I ate the washed fruits and drank the poured water. My mother had prepared Dinner is ready. While eating, her nagging habit recurred: Yueyue, please eat more vegetables; Yueyue, drink more porridge; Yueyue, why do you eat so little; Yueyue, my patience has expired. Limit: If you say anything else, I won’t eat it! As a result, my nagging mother really stopped talking, but she kept piling food on my side. We ate quietly, but I felt a little empty at home, as if something was missing: my mother's nagging voice.

  When I was doing my homework, I didn't hear my mother say: Do your homework well and study hard. Although my mother’s nagging is missing, I suddenly feel that my mother’s nagging is not a bad thing! She just turned her love and concern for me into nagging.

Nagging is also love 3

  My mother is a nagging person. Once she starts nagging, she won’t stop nagging, which makes my ears ring.

  When I was a child, my mother often nagged in my ears: Eat more fruits and vegetables and not junk food; be polite to people and not swear; listen to your elders and don’t yell; don’t look around when walking and don’t go there. Dangerous place to play. As I got older, every time the weather changed, my mother would nag her tirelessly: It’s cold outside, put on more clothes so you don’t catch a cold; take an umbrella with you when you go out, it looks like it’s going to rain today. Before going to school every day, my mother always repeats these words: pay attention to passing cars, respect teachers and be kind to classmates, listen attentively, complete homework carefully, and don't litter.

  I was always very impatient when faced with my mother's nagging, and often shouted at her: "I know, I've said it a hundred times, it's so annoying!" After hearing this, my mother would always sigh with sincerity and say: "Oh, you This kid, isn’t my mother doing good for you? If it wasn’t for your good, I wouldn’t bother to talk to you!”

  Once, my mother was about to go on a long trip, and she started nagging again when she was leaving. I said impatiently: "You should leave quickly, or you will miss the bus." I thought that I would not hear the nagging after my mother left, and I was so happy. Jump three feet high. But within a few days, my father and I felt empty and without anything, as if something was missing in our hearts. We thought: Mom knows how to play and just left me and my father alone. As I was thinking about it, the phone suddenly kept ringing. Needless to say, it must be my mother. To put it bluntly, my mother just told me to pay more attention to my body, study hard, listen to my father, complete my homework seriously, etc. Alas, my mother is so nagging. She nags me every now and then, which makes me almost annoyed to death. Alas, mother, when will you stop nagging me?

  My mother's nagging is actually a kind of love, which represents her care for me, so I will cherish my mother's nagging to me.

Nagging is also love 4

  I have a nagging mother. This nagging is like a finger, often directing my life and study.

  Every morning, my mother would say to me: Are you cold? Wear several layers of clothing, first this one, then that one. After I finished putting on my clothes one by one, my mother touched my back with her hand, raised her eyebrows, then slowly lowered them, hesitated for a while, and said, "Are you hot?" If it's hot, wear one less layer. She touched my hand again and said: Forget it, it’s better not to take it off. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Mom, you are so nagging! I told my father about this, and he taught me earnestly: I know your mother is nagging, but have you ever thought about what she does? He wants you to grow up healthily; she wants you to study happily, and she wants you to be worry-free every day. Nagging is actually love. Yes, my mother nags because she loves me.

  Once, my mother asked me to buy groceries by myself. I was full of worries. What should I do? Can I do it? For the first time, my mother didn’t even go with me. You first walk slowly to the left until you reach the second traffic light, then go to the right and keep walking until you are there. As soon as you enter, go right and you will see the cabbage, remember it is the biggest kind. Then turn left and go right again, and you will see tomatoes. Buy five of them. Don't give the wrong money. Mom will keep nagging you. I glanced at my shoes, seemed to have thought of something, and said: By the way, be careful with the car, wear more clothes, don't catch a cold, remember to tie your shoelaces, otherwise you will easily fall when walking. Alas, my mother’s nagging disease has recurred again. I was just about to lose my temper when I remembered what my father said. Dad is right, mom is always nagging, but her starting point is for my own good, but his love is obscured by nagging. In fact, nagging is also love.

  My mother's nagging is everywhere, like endless food, feeding me all the time. My mother's nagging is like a fire, warming me all the time; my mother's nagging is a lamp, illuminating my way forward. I know deeply: nagging is also a kind of love!

Nagging is also love 5

  Our parents' love for us is reflected in all aspects. I think parents often nagging you is also a kind of love for you.

  Because our home is far from school, I ride my bicycle home every day. On the way home, the sewage on the roadside was covered with a thick layer of ice. When I passed there, I accidentally fell and my pants were torn, and the skin on the back of my hands was also scratched. Along the way, I kept thinking about whether my mother would blame me or say anything bad about me when I got home. When I got home, it was just as I thought. My mother was nagging me so much that my ears almost became calluses. But I calmed down and thought about it carefully, and suddenly I felt that my mother's nagging was also her love for me, and she was afraid that I would make the same mistake again.

  Another time, I was almost late for school, so I sped up my bike and drove quickly on the road as if I had a pair of wings. At the intersection, the green light turned into red. Seeing that there was no car, I rode over quickly. When I got home from school in the evening, my mother kept nagging me about running a red light. It turned out that our neighbor saw me riding a bicycle and crossed the road at a red light, so I told my mother. I was very angry because they didn't understand the anxiety I felt at that time. I went to school again, and when I arrived at an intersection, the red light flashed, I stopped and witnessed a traffic accident: a tricycle collided with a small car because, like me, it ran the red light in a hurry. At this time, I thought to myself: If it weren’t for my mother’s nagging, might it be me who had this traffic accident? At this time, I realized that my mother’s nagging was actually her love for me.

  No wonder my mother nags me all day long, nagging me about eating, sleeping, dressing... all day long. She nags me non-stop every day. However, I now fully understand my mother’s nagging to me. If my mother stops nagging me, she will always feel like something important is missing from my side, which I am not used to.

  So regarding my mother’s nagging, I want to tell you here: This is definitely a kind of love.

Nagging is also love 6

  Everyone has a different understanding of maternal love. Some people say that maternal love is delicious food; some say that maternal love is a warm hug; and I say that maternal love is a nagging sentence.

  My mother is a very nagging person. When getting up every morning, my mother often says: "Get up soon, you will be late..."; when eating, she always says: "Eat slowly, eat slowly, and no one is urging you, so be careful of choking if you eat so fast." Wait..."; when he sent me to the school gate, he would say: "Don't make trouble in class, listen to the class carefully, and drink plenty of water after class...". I always say impatiently: "I know, I know...". But every time, I always say what I mean.

  I never understood my mother's nagging before, but through that incident, I truly understood that my mother's nagging was all about her care and love for me.

  It was a final exam in the third grade. When the blank test paper was handed out, I felt happy and thought: "This set of questions is so simple. I will definitely get 100 points." So, I started to study quickly. Answering the questions, I finished the questions in a short time. I looked at the time and saw that there were still 50 minutes left. Then I looked at the other students. Some were scratching their heads, some were thinking hard, and some were still writing furiously. I secretly rejoiced in my heart: It took so long to do such a simple question?

  So, I started to look around carelessly. Just when I was proud, suddenly, my mother's nagging voice sounded in my ears: "Be sure to check after you finish the questions. Check several times more." I couldn't help but calm down and start from the beginning. Check carefully. Sure enough, I found that several questions were written incorrectly due to carelessness. I checked and revised them, and I was secretly glad that I had a mother. After the revision was completed, there were still five minutes left. I checked a few questions that I was not sure about and handed in the test paper after making sure they were correct. The scores came out, and I got 100 points. I was very excited, and I was also very grateful to my mother for her nagging. If I hadn't thought of my mother's nagging, my grades wouldn't have been so good at this time.

  From then on, I no longer dislike my mother's nagging, because I deeply understand that every word of my mother's nagging is helping me grow, and nagging is also love.

Nagging is also love 7

  My mother loves to nag a lot, and her nagging annoys me to no end.

  In the morning, when I got up, my mother started to nag, "It's a bit cold today, please wear thicker clothes!" "Kaixiang..." I felt that my mother was a little annoyed, so I shouted to her: "You don't want to I'm nagging, so annoying!" I put on my schoolbag, changed my clothes and went to school. Mom started nagging again. "Child, you haven't brushed your teeth or eaten yet!" I hurriedly ran out of the house.

  At noon, I came home and just picked up the chopsticks after finishing my homework. My mother started nagging me again, "Go and wash your hands!" I had no choice but to go over and wash my hands before eating. Among the vegetables my mother cooked for me, there were things I didn't like to eat the most. Mushrooms, I ate all the vegetarian foods I like. My mother said: "Why don't you eat mushrooms? Mushrooms contain a lot of nutrients and are very good for your body." I reluctantly picked up the mushrooms and swallowed them in my stomach.

  A few days later, my mother went back to her hometown to visit my grandma. I jumped up happily and finally no longer had to listen to my mother's nagging. But without my mother’s nagging voice, my life has become a mess. No one nags me in the morning, which makes me almost late. No one checked the homework, and there were many wrong questions. No one cares about my body, and I miss my mother’s nagging more and more.

  "Mom is back, mom is back!" As soon as school was over that day, I was very happy to see my mother busy in the kitchen. I quickly ran over and hugged my mother. At that time, my tears were about to flow down.

  From then on, I never got tired of my mother’s nagging, because I knew that my mother’s nagging contained a lot of love for me and warmed my heart. Mom, I thank you for your nagging. Let me grow up happily!

Nagging is also love 8

  My mother is of medium build, with long hair hanging on her shoulders. She has a round face and a pair of kind eyes under her curved eyebrows. To me, she has a nagging mouth. Sometimes I am annoyed, but sometimes I am grateful for the nagging.

  In my impression, when I get up every morning, my mother starts nagging. "Little lazy boy, get up quickly. You're going to be late for school. Get dressed quickly."

  "I know!" I replied impatiently. As if she didn't hear it, my mother chanted again: "Brush your teeth and wash your face faster!" I said impatiently: "I know! I know!" Every time I go out, my mother has to help me tidy up my clothes. , my mother always nags a few words: "Pay attention to the class and don't slack off." In this way, I gradually became a good child who loves to learn.

  I remember one time before an exam, my mother started nagging me again: "Don't panic during the exam, review the questions carefully, write neatly, and check carefully after completing the questions." I listened and said impatiently: "I got it. !” I thought to myself: Mom is so nagging! During the exam, I wrote very quickly, and I finished the paper in a short while. I was just about to hand it in when my mother's nagging sound suddenly echoed in my ears, so I checked it carefully. Sure enough, I found something. The question was wrong, I hurriedly corrected it. When the teacher announced the results, I got full marks, and I was so happy!

  I am grateful to my mother for her nagging. It is my mother’s thousands of nags and reminders that have allowed me to achieve what I have today. I love my good mother! Gradually, I understood that sometimes love appears in the form of nagging, and gradually accompanied me as I grew up. Looking back, I realized that my mother was not born to be nagging, but she became like this because of her care for me. Love, it turns out that it will appear in this way, I finally understand.

Nagging is also love 9

  Nagging is my mother’s scolding of my picky eating during meals, and my mother’s constant reminder to me when I go out. Her nagging is everywhere and accompanies me as I grow.

  In life, there is her caring nagging.

  I remember that one evening, my forehead was burning like carbon, and my mother rushed me to the hospital. She settled me in and hurried to register. As she stood in line, she looked back at me anxiously. After a long time, I finally arrived, and she hurriedly took my hand to see a doctor. When I got the medicine prescribed by the doctor, my mother muttered, "The weather has been hot and cold these days. I asked you to wear more clothes, but you didn't listen." But she didn't stop handing me the medicine at all. . She brought the cup to her mouth and tested the water temperature. It felt a little hot. She put the water cup under her mouth and blew on it. When the water was not very hot, she handed me the medicine and babbled: "Let's see if you will listen to me in the future." In the afterglow of the evening, I found that my mother's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and my heart was filled with emotion. In terms of study, there is her nagging full of concern.

  I remember that time I failed the English test. As soon as I got home at night, she started nagging in my ear: "Why didn't you do well in the test again? Haven't you reflected on the reason?" I lowered my head silently, tears already welling up in my eyes. . My mother came to my side, stroked my head gently, and said gently: "Mom, let's see what went wrong with you." After that, she and I started studying the test paper together. Just like this, she and I analyzed the questions carefully and figured out the reasons for my mistakes. "To solve these problems, we must have a plan and a goal." She stared at me and said seriously. With the bright light, I discovered that there was a ray of silver on her head. A trace of warmth flashed through my heart.

  On the journey of life, my mother always cares about me and advances and retreats with me together. Her seemingly trivial nagging gave me real warmth. Mother's love is selfless, and it is the most difficult feeling to let go of in my life.

Nagging is also love10

  Lu Yanling, fifth grader at Zili Primary School in Dazhangjia Town, Shen County, Shandong Province

  When I go out from home, my mother always says: "Be careful on the road, wear more clothes, don't catch a cold. This..." For this reason, my mother's nagging has become a big worry for me.

  No, I overslept, packed up my clothes roughly, and was about to go to school. As soon as I took half a step out of the door, I said, "Wait a minute," I was choked, "Here, put on your coat, and take the milk with you on the way. Drink, don't be hungry. Oh, on the way...". After my mother finished speaking, it had already taken ten minutes. "No, I'm going to be late!" I rushed to school like a fly, but I was still late. The teacher criticized me, and I felt very uncomfortable. Because of my mother's nagging, I sometimes have the same idea as Zhou Xiaohang in the TV series "Happy Planet", restricting my mother from speaking. Xiaohang gave his mother a glass of special water, so her mother missed the singing session. After seeing the ending, I realized my mistake. In the next few days, I always paid great attention to what my mother said. Sure enough, in my mother's kind words, I felt the selfless love and great love hidden in the nagging. Not everyone can easily feel the love and care in nagging. You have to feel it with your heart and accept this love with your heart. This kind of love is like a pearl hidden under the cliff, it is not easy to get it. From now on, let us feel the love contained in nagging! My mother was sick today. When I went out, I felt something missing - my mother's concern and words were missing. It can be seen how important "nagging" is!

  Nagging is actually a kind of love! Why don't you go looking for the pearl? Why shut out this love?

Nagging is also love 11

  I have a nagging mother who is very cute. A smooth forehead, cute chubby cheeks, a pair of big black shiny eyes under the curved eyebrows, a flat nose, small ears, and a big mouth make her look so cute.

  Mom is very verbose. In the morning, while I was still asleep, I heard my mother start. "Baby, get up." "Baby, get up quickly, it's too late." "GOODMORNING, BABY." "Come on, the sun is shining on your butt!"... There is no end to it until you get up. , but also listened to her nagging, "Hurry up and wash up.", "Hurry up and have breakfast."...she said a lot of words, which made me very upset. When I didn't do well in the exam, my mother said again: "You should be careful when doing the paper, don't be careless. You should check the paper last night carefully. Finishing it quickly may not be completely correct..." Anyway, she kept talking, and I I can only endure the irritability and anger in my heart. When I got home from school in the afternoon, I was still doing my homework. As soon as my mother came in after work, she started again, "Have you finished your homework?" "Did you get criticized by the teacher again at school today?" "Is there a test?" "What are the words for homework?" Write well, don’t always write randomly. “...and so on, it keeps nagging, like a fly buzzing in my ear all day long. I couldn't help it and shouted loudly: "Why don't you let me do my homework quietly?"

  My mother's nagging is always everywhere. She can talk about anything for a long time. My mother's nagging always makes me dizzy. But I know that those nagging are all kinds of maternal love from my mother to me, and I should be considerate of my mother. What pity the hearts of parents in the world!

Nagging is also love 12

  My mother is a nagging person, and her eloquent mouth is always nagging in my ears: "It's cold today, wear more clothes; eat more vegetables, vegetables are good for the body and rich in nutrients; Be careful during the exam and don’t be careless or careless..."

  One day, I got up early. I had to go to school today, so I quickly dressed, rinsed my mouth and washed my face. When I was about to go out, my mother stopped me and warned me: "The weather may change today, so wear more clothes."

  I had no choice but to walk into the room reluctantly, but when I waited for my mother to enter the room to sleep, I quickly went out, thinking to myself: It's such a hot weather, and the sun is still shining, how can the weather change just when it changes, so I only wear a thin shirt.

  But at noon, it started to rain heavily. He didn't know what trouble he encountered, and he kept venting his anger. The grumpy black clouds filled the sky, and the temperature suddenly became very low. I couldn't help but cry. I was shivering, my teeth started to rattle a little, and my nose started to sneeze a little uncomfortable... I didn't know what happened unless I knew it. I really regret not listening to my mother's advice at that time. Alas, it's too late to think about it now. , I can only get through this uncomfortable time in pain.

  "Huang Meixin, your mother is here!" I couldn't help but be shocked: Why is your mother here in such bad weather? After being stunned for a moment, it turned out that she had already seen through my mind and knew that I didn't add any extra clothes, so she came to bring me clothes in the rain. I happily ran over and picked up the coat from my mother, and my eyes soon became moist. . "Why did you turn a deaf ear to your mother's words? I have already told you that it is cold today and I need to put on more clothes. Why didn't you listen?"

  I just cried silently and couldn't say a word. However, I learned a lesson from this incident, so I will never turn a deaf ear to my mother's words in the future. After all, many of her words that are not redundant contain her. Full of love for children.

  After this incident, I realized that my mother’s nagging contained deep love for me. It is precisely because I am under the loving care of my mother that I grow up so happily and healthily.

Nagging is also love 13

  Since I entered junior high school, I don’t know whether I am happy or sad when I go home every day. But when you get home and hear the "nice" nagging sound in your ears, you will definitely ask, why do you like the nagging sound?

  When I went to junior high school, the school was more than five miles away from home. I had to ride a bicycle to go to school every day. My mother got up very early in the morning, prepared food for me, packed my schoolbag, and told me: be careful on the road, and listen carefully in class. Don't let your mind wander, and..., she didn't go home to work until I was far away from the nagging sound. She wouldn't relax until I came home at night, and she would still nag a few words until she went to rest. I don't know what my mother is thinking, so I feel a little bored with the endless nagging, and I wish I could get rid of it one day.

  One morning I got up late, tidied up for a while, then hurriedly pushed my bicycle and ran out. My mother scolded me in a concerned tone. When I went out, my mother said from behind: "Your clothes are too thin. Wear more when you come back. Be careful of catching a cold." I pretended not to hear, and my mother said again: "Go to class." I have to take notes and sort them out when I get them messed up. "I shouted, "Okay, it's so annoying. I'm getting calluses on my ears every day." My mother didn't say a word. I ran straight to school without looking back. The biting cold wind penetrated my clothes and made me shiver. I really regret not wearing more clothes.

  In my memory, my mother gave me blessings when I succeeded, encouraged me when I failed, and comforted me when I was sad. However, this time I made my mother sad, who would comfort her?

  From then on, I never got tired of that kind nagging sound, and I happily have the love that I am used to nagging!

Nagging is also love 14

  In life, there is love from others everywhere. It always appears by your side inadvertently, and sometimes it will appear by your side in other ways.

  Parental love is even different. Their love is without regrets, selfless, eternal, meticulous, and does not ask for anything in return. A father's love is like a mountain, often deep and solemn, while a mother's love is like a stream, often warm and delicate.

  Mothers are often selfless in family life. No matter what they do, they must first leave their best things to their children, then to their father, and finally to themselves. And sometimes we can't feel the love our mothers give us - that's nagging.

  Every day, my mother wakes me up and forces me to get up quickly and get dressed. She always says: "In order to let you sleep more, I woke you up a little later." When I finished washing and had breakfast, she She also said that in order to make my breakfast nutritious, she made more breakfast. When I couldn't eat, she would say: "I only eat this much for breakfast. How can it be enough for you to consume this morning? Come on, come on, eat more. If you really can't eat, then bring some snacks to school." , eat some snacks when you are hungry." When I was ready, she said: "Be careful on the road, look at the traffic lights when crossing the road, come back early from school in the afternoon, don't play outside, there is nothing you haven't brought with you. "Check it out quickly"... It wasn't until I left for school that my ears started to quiet down. However, when I got home from school in the afternoon, my mother started chanting sutras to me again like an old monk in the temple, and the noise started in my ears again.

  This is my mother's nagging to me, but it is my mother's nagging that makes me understand her painstaking efforts and intentions, and feel the warmth of family affection, the warmth of love, and the happiness of family.

Nagging is also love 15

  Nagging may be a common characteristic of today's parents. This phenomenon troubles us children to no end. My mother is like this. She stops nagging and won't even let me have some quiet time when I get up in the morning.

  This morning, the alarm clock rang at 5:45 on time. I reached out and turned off the alarm clock. But my mother was woken up by the alarm clock, while I was still lying in bed. Hey, it seems that the alarm clock didn't call the right person! After my mother got up, she woke me up at 5:50: "Get up, don't go to sleep, it's 6:50!" "Oh!" I answered extremely impatiently, turned over, and continued to sleep. "Don't sleep, get up quickly. Didn't you say you want to memorize it?" This sentence hits the point. I once said that I got up early every morning to memorize classical Chinese. "A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with," he said.

  "You have to recite it out loud. It's useless to recite it silently. It only works when you recite it out loud!" I recited it in a low voice. "Louder, it's like a mosquito humming, who can hear it!" Mom's voice came from the kitchen.

  After memorizing the book, I went to wash my face and brush my teeth. My mother happened to come over and said to me: "Wash your face carefully, don't huff and it's over. Now I wonder if you didn't learn it in kindergarten when you were a child!" "Oh—— "I walked to the restaurant with a long voice, and my mother said: "Eat quickly, you are chewing." "Mom, experts have said that you should chew slowly when eating. Besides, eating too fast is not good for digestion. It’s only 6:30 now.” After finishing my meal, I picked up my schoolbag, took the keys, and went straight to the door. Before I left, my mother said, “Slow down the bike, don’t be too fast!”

  This series of words from getting up to going out in the morning may seem annoying to us, but it contains a kind of love, the deep love of parents' concern for their children. I think we can try to understand the good intentions of our parents and understand this kind of deep love.

How to write Huang Meixin in English, about 300 words for the fourth grade school sports meeting picture 2

The above is about how to write Huang Meixin in English, the entire content of the fourth grade school sports meeting essay of about 300 words, and the related content about Huang Meixin. I hope it can help you.

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