
Contents of this article

  • 1. What are the words next to the word "ai"?
  • 2.What are the words with and next to you?
  • 3. What words are next to the words?
  • 4. The word next to the word "also"

What are the words next to the word again?

There are quite a lot of words next to the word. For example, the words we commonly use are: Fa, Shuang, Shu, Chu, Xu, Sou, 叝, 叜, 﨎, Rui, You, Bian, Rebel, Shou, Sheng,叓,叚,叕,fan,you,he,dui,cha,叞,collect,叏,叐,cluster,叒and so on.

You (pinyin: yòu) is a general standard first-level character (commonly used character) in Chinese. This character first appeared in oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty. The ancient character is shaped like a person's right hand. Its original meaning is the right hand, and it also refers to the right side of the direction. Because "you" is borrowed as an adverb, the right side of the position is expressed by "right".

"And" is mainly used as an adverb, indicating the repetition and continuation of actions and behaviors, and also indicating the existence of several situations or properties at the same time. "And" also means a further step in meaning, equivalent to "and". "You" also means a turning point, which is equivalent to "but". "And" also means two contradictory things, and is generally used overlappingly. In addition, "you" also has a supplementary meaning beyond describing a certain scope.

What are the words next to the word again? What are the words next to the word again? Picture 1

Analysis of synonyms:

1. return, again

The adverbs "Huan" and "And" can both indicate that the action occurs again, but "Huan" indicates an unfulfilled action, such as: He went yesterday and will go tomorrow. "And" means a realized action, such as: He went there yesterday and went again today.

2. again, again

When expressing the repetition or continuation of an action, "Zai" is used for what has not yet been realized, and "Again" is used for what has been realized, such as: say it again (not yet realized) | say it again (already realized) | play for a while longer (not yet realized) )︱Played for a while (already implemented).

What are the words with and next to?

What are the words next to the word again? What are the words next to the word again? Picture 2

The words next to the word include anti, old, double, 叚, hair,   overlap, take, friend.

  • Definition

    Pinyin: yòu 

    Strokes: 2

    Radical: again

    Wubi input method: cccc    

    ◎ means repetition or continuation, referring to the same thing: it rained today.

    ◎ means to emphasize the tone and go a step further: You are not a child!

    ◎ Indicates the simultaneous existence of several situations or properties: ~high~big.

    ◎ In addition, there are: ~ and. Ten to five years.

    ◎ Indicates a turning point: This person looks familiar, but I can’t remember his name at the moment.

  • Make sentences

    1. The Red Army once again repelled the enemy's crazy attack.

    2. The heroic image in the novel has infected generations of readers.

    3. "When there is no road, there is no way out, but there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers." This sentence is very reasonable.

    4. In the process of reform and opening up, our country has eliminated the old and introduced the new, and has achieved one victory after another.

    5. Our army’s tenacious resistance caused the enemy’s attack to fail again.

What words are next to the words?

1. The words next to the word "you" include: Dui, Bian, Fa, Shuang, You, Friend, Uncle, Difficulty, Huan, Guan, Rebellion, Deng, Die, Shou, Xi, Xu, Sheng, Persuasion, Fork, Difficulty, Sou , 叐,叞,?,?,叏,叓,叝,叜,﨎,叒,Cong,Rui,Shou,叚,叕.

2. "You" is one of the radicals of Chinese characters, serial number 24. Words using "you" as meaning symbols are generally related to hands, such as: take, Bing, Ji, and receive. The word "you" in some simplified characters is used to replace radicals with many strokes, indicating neither pronunciation nor meaning, such as: Quan, Ji, Guan, Deng, and Hong.

What are the words next to the word again? What are the words next to the word again? Picture 3

the word next to the word again

The words next to the word again are as follows:

Fa, double, uncle, take, Xu, old, 叝, 叜, 﨎, Rui, and change, rebel, accept, holy, 叓, 叚, 叕, rebel, friend, and, fold, fork, 叞, collect,叏, 叐, Cong, 叒, etc.

What are the words next to the word again? What are the words next to the word again? Picture 4

Basic meaning of:

1. To express repetition or continuation: He took the letter and read it. The production activities of human society develop from low-level to high-level step by step. 2. Indicates the simultaneous existence of several situations or properties. a) Used alone: ​​The May Fourth Movement was an anti-imperialist movement and an anti-feudal movement. b) Used together: ~quickly~good. ~Fragrant~Crispy.

3. The meaning goes a step further: in winter, the days are short, the sky is cloudy, and the night has already enveloped the entire town. 4. To supplement beyond a certain range: In addition to living expenses, ~50 yuan will be given as pocket money. 5. Indicates adding zeros in addition to integers: one to one-half. 6. Two things that express conflict (multiple use): She ~ wants to go, ~ can't think about it, can't make up her mind. 

7. Indicates a turning point, meaning "but": I just wanted to ask you something, but I can't remember it at the moment. 8. Used in negative sentences or rhetorical questions to strengthen the tone: I am not a guest, so you don’t have to be polite. This little thing ~ how much effort did it take?

Group of words:

Also known as, and and, complex and, one and, and, three and, and complex, and hand edict, and Tao Shi, and four soils, but come again, wave after wave, stop talking, mysterious and mysterious, and Red and professional.

The above is all the content about what are the words next to the word "you", what are the words next to the word "you", and what are the words next to the word "you". I hope it can help you.

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