
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to form a word by shortening this word?
  • 2. What is the pronunciation and explanation of abbreviated words?
  • 3. What are the abbreviated words with similar forms?
  • 4.

How to form a word by abbreviating this word?

1. To shorten [suō duǎn] to shorten the original length, distance, and time: to shorten the battle line. Shorten deadlines.

2. Save food, clothing and food [jié yī suō shí] Save food, clothing and food, which generally refers to frugality.

3. To stretch one’s head and shrink one’s neck [shēn tóu suō jǐng] describes the attitude of observing in the dark.

4. Retraction [suō huí] is used for involuntary withdrawal or separation caused by sensitivity, terror, fear or pain.

5. Shrink [sè suō] tremble; tremble.

6. Microcosm [suō yǐng] refers to specific and subtle things that can represent the same type and reflect the broad social life: the Rong and Ning mansions depicted in "A Dream of Red Mansions" are microcosms of the collapsing feudal society.

How to shorten this word to form a word? Picture 1

What is the pronunciation and explanation of abbreviated words?

1. "Shrink" group of words:

shrink into, shrink down, abbreviate, shrink to, shrink down, shrink silver, shrink down, reduce, shrink down, shrink version, shrink back, shrink print, reduce, shorten Tighten, shrink head, shrink hands, shrink, shrink, abbreviate, abbreviate, shrink, shrink, shrink, indent, zoom, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, abbreviate, shrink, shrink , collapse, compress, curl up, curl up, shrink, condense, curl up, shrink, shrink, condense, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, wretched, shrink, stretch, shrink, shrink, shrink, Shrink, shrink, contracture, shrink, twitch, shrink.

2. [suō]

(1) From large to small or from long to short; contraction.

(2) Not stretched out or stretched out and then retracted; not stretched out.

3. [sù]: A perennial herbaceous plant, a variant of Amomum villosum, with lanceolate leaves, white flowers, and green capsules. The fruits and seeds can be used medicinally.

How to shorten this word to form a word? Picture 2

What are the abbreviated words with similar forms?

shrink, shrink, atrophy, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, stretch, compress, curl up, shrink

How to shorten this word to form a word? Picture 3

How to shorten the word to form a word? Picture 4

The above is all the content about shortening words, how to form words by shortening this word, and the related content about forming words with egg. I hope it can help you.

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