
Contents of this article

  • 1. Graduation thesis speech of college students
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Liu Lijue Teacher Liu is a teacher from Zixing College

Graduation thesis acknowledgments from college students

Graduation thesis acknowledgments from college students (selected 12 articles)

  The unforgettable college life is coming to an end. As we all know, you must pass the final graduation thesis before graduation. The graduation thesis is a prepared form of testing the results of university learning. Come and refer to how to write a graduation thesis! Below are the acknowledgments for college students' graduation thesis that I have carefully compiled. They are for reference only. Let's take a look.

Mr. Liu, an expert on nameology, acknowledgment speech for college students’ graduation thesis picture 1

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 1

  After four years of hard study, I finally completed the writing of this doctoral thesis, which included the diligent guidance and teachings of the teachers at the School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing University, and of course my own continuous efforts.

  I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Yang Jincai. Whether as a scholar, a teacher, or a person, he is a model for us to learn from. He guided us step by step into the academic palace, broadened our horizons, standardized our habits, and constantly gave us teachings and high expectations for us. I would like to thank Teacher Liu Haiping, who has strict requirements for us but constantly cares about our growth. I would like to thank Teacher Zhu Gang, who guides us to study various schools of literary theory in depth and examine literary theories and texts with dialectical thinking, allowing us to I read new ideas from it; I would like to thank Teacher Wang Shouren for allowing us to review the classics of British literature and interpret them from different perspectives. I would also like to thank all the teachers at the School of Foreign Languages ​​for their rigorous study style and good Their academic literacy has set an example for us, their academic reports have broadened our academic horizons, and their silent care and help have gradually equipped us with the basic conditions required for a scholar.

  I would also like to thank my dear classmates who study and communicate with me, share the joy of learning, and share confusion and worries with me. They made me feel like a valuable classmate and provided me with strong spiritual support to complete my doctoral studies. Whenever I encountered confusion or depression, they were always able to work together, provide suggestions, and help me find ways to solve problems. They are Ma Xiaorong, Chen Lin, Dan Hansong, Hu Biyuan, Sun Xijia, Wang Li, Hu Jing, Luo Yuan, Jiang Lifu, Fan Shuying, Zhang Yu, Zhao Lingxia, etc. I would also like to thank my lover Zhou Jun, my parents and parents-in-law, who supported me on this academic path and gave me constant encouragement to complete the writing of my doctoral thesis. Unlike other students, I am engaged in foreign affairs administrative work. I have to spend a lot of time dealing with trivial and complicated matters at work. It is not easy to find limited time in my spare time to read, study, and write. Due to the high pressure from work and study, I once hesitated and even hesitated whether to persist. It was my teachers, classmates and family who supported me in completing the writing of my doctoral thesis. Although I experienced twists and turns and hardships, I benefited a lot from it. It not only experienced mental tempering, but also exercised my thinking, which enabled me to think and read from a more objective, rational and dialectical perspective.

  I have to say goodbye to my dear teachers and classmates in the blink of an eye. I hope that I can continue to learn from my dear teachers and classmates in the future, make progress together, and share the joy and happiness of life.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 2

  As we are about to graduate, I would like to first express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Associate Professor Liu Qiang. Teacher Liu gave me great freedom in the choice of research direction. From the choice of research direction to the writing of thesis, I received Teacher Liu's careful guidance. In life, Teacher Liu also gave me meticulous care. . Special thanks go to Mr. Li Xian, who guided me during my graduate studies. Mr. Li’s rigorous academic attitude has always been a role model for me. It was also Mr. Li’s careful guidance that brought me into the field of vehicle dynamics control. The article contains Teacher Li’s academic thoughts everywhere. Either dark or light, light or dark.

  I would like to thank Professor Yu Jiaojiao for helping me during my graduate studies. Teacher Yu provided a good scientific research environment for the research group, guided me academically, and guided me morally. I would like to thank Teacher Zhu Zhiwen of the research group, who gave me a lot of pertinent suggestions on both large and small papers. At the same time, I would also like to thank Teacher Huang Lei and Teacher Chen Junxuan of the research team for their help and guidance during the past three years.

  Thanks to Dr. Wang Lei, Dr. Xu Xiang, Dr. Fan Zhijing, Dr. Sun Song, Dr. Jiang Dongqing, Dr. Dou Wenzhi, and Masters Ye Mei and Yang Hai of 102 Laboratory. You have given me endless help in scientific research and endless blessings in life. tolerate. I would like to thank the graduated master Wu Zhixiang for his guidance and help all the way from the postgraduate entrance examination to the graduation of graduate school. I would like to thank Master Pan Jun, Master Sun Zhaohui, Master Qiu Binbin, Master Yang Zhengwei, and Master Peng Ying from the same level in the research group. I would also like to thank all the senior brothers and sisters in the research group and all the students in the XX master class for accompanying you all the way. The life of a graduate student is more colorful.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 3

  Days fly by and years fly by. Studying at the master's level is both short and fulfilling. As I am about to leave my alma mater, I am proud to graduate from Zhejiang University Intelligent Agricultural Equipment Research Institute. During the process of studying for my master's degree, my teachers, classmates, and family members all gave me great care and help. At this point, I would like to express my highest respect and heartfelt thanks to everyone.

  First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to my admired supervisor, Associate Professor Zhang Jingping. I would like to thank Mr. Zhang for his careful guidance over the past three years in my scientific research and graduation thesis topic selection, research, and writing. Teacher Zhang is approachable, teaches by words and deeds, and always thinks of students. Every time I discuss my confusion about study and life with Teacher Zhang, I always benefit a lot. Teacher Zhang’s pragmatic scientific research spirit, practical life principles, and work style that is indifferent to fame and fortune have set a good example for me to learn from. These excellent qualities of Teacher Zhang are always motivating me. In the future of my life, I will never forget Teacher Zhang’s teachings to me, not to be happy with things and not to be sad with myself.

  Secondly, I am very grateful to Professor Wang Jun. Teacher Wang is sincere and responsible for every student, and does his best to help students.

  Teacher Wang has given me great help in my studies and taught me how to arrange my studies in a planned way. Thank you very much for your efforts for students.

  At the same time, I would also like to thank the team of Associate Professor Wang Yongwei, Teacher Cheng Shaoming, and Teacher Wei Zhenbo. I have learned a lot from these teachers, and I am also grateful to all the teachers for their care and help during my master's degree.

  Thank you to all the students in the laboratory for your daily help in my life and study.

  Special thanks to my parents and girlfriend Zhong Shan for their kindness in raising me. Thank you for your support and understanding of my studies.

  Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all my relatives, friends, teachers and classmates who have helped me without mentioning their names!

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 4

  At this point, the graduation project task will also come to an end. During the graduation project, which lasted for more than three months, my learning ability has been greatly improved.

  1. Draw more lessons from domestic and foreign achievements in research. Therefore, I read a lot of Chinese and English literature, and reviewed many related papers and documentation vertically. Through the training of this graduation project, I have made a qualitative leap from my ability to consult information and read English literature to my ability to understand scientific theories, independently make assumptions and solve verification problems.

  2. Through the programming and simulation process, I have a deeper understanding of the QuartusII software, and my programming ability has been greatly improved. It will become my right helper in future research work and also lay a solid foundation for me to learn programming languages ​​such as VHDL in the future.

  3. In terms of perception, the graduation project brought me a process from not understanding to understanding, and from understanding to innovation. This is an extremely precious experience.

  The gain from this graduation project is not only an introductory research on this topic, but also laid a solid foundation for my future work. Because of this graduation project, I am also full of confidence in my future research.

  The entire process of this graduation project is managed and guided by teacher Xiao Pingping. Teacher Xiao Pingping’s serious and responsible attitude and rigorous and pragmatic style inspired me a lot, and gave me a lot of beneficial influences in many aspects such as academic attitude and dealing with people, allowing me to always maintain a correct attitude towards this graduation. Designed and got results. I would like to express my sincere gratitude.

  I would like to sincerely thank graduate student Chen Jianglong, who always gave me key advice when I was confused, which made me enlightened and allowed me to continue to develop my research in depth.

  I would like to thank all the teachers and classmates for their guidance and help over the past four years. They taught me professional knowledge, taught me how to study, and taught me how to be a human being.

  Thanks to my family and my friends for their understanding, support, encouragement and help. It is precisely because of them that everything I do is more meaningful; it is precisely because of them that I have the pursuit Courage and confidence to progress.

  Thanks to the school and college for arranging the graduation project. Because of this opportunity, I was able to integrate knowledge, apply it innovatively, and greatly improve my professional abilities and overall quality.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 5

  On the occasion of the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and most loyal blessings to my teachers, classmates, relatives and friends who have cared for, helped, supported and encouraged me!

  First of all, I would like to thank my tutor Liu Longhui and assistant teacher Zhan Chao. The thesis was completed under the careful guidance of the teacher. The teacher attaches great importance to this topic. It took a lot of effort to go through the outline, complete the first draft, revise and improve it, and finally finalize it. His patient teaching gave me a lot of inspiration and benefited me a lot. Here, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to the following teachers!

  I would like to sincerely thank all the teachers who have guided my studies. Their guidance and help laid a good professional foundation for the completion of this article.

  I sincerely thank the classmates and friends around me. We have gone through unforgettable years together and established eternal and sincere friendships. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for your selfless help during the completion of the thesis! Finally, I would like to thank my family for their full support. They have sacrificed so much for me. Their support in life and spirit is the fundamental guarantee for me to successfully complete my studies!

  There are also many teachers and friends who have given me academic encouragement and help, too many to list here, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them all.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 6

  The end of my graduation thesis means that my study life on the campus of the Academy of Postal Sciences is about to come to an end! Looking back on the past, I feel overwhelmed and full of emotions, but no matter what, these real experiences are precious memories in my life. Here, I would like to express my special thanks to my teachers, friends and relatives who gave me unlimited support and help during my studies. I would like to thank my instructor. From daily study, determination of thesis topic to the writing of thesis, Teacher Cheng gave me careful care and patient guidance, and gave me encouragement and motivation. It was under her guidance and supervision that I completed the thesis. It was completed as scheduled.

  Thanks to our classmates who worked hard together in school. We cared about, supported and helped each other and left many unforgettable memories.

  Thanks to my parents and family for their support and care in my study and life. During the writing process of the paper, I also received help from many people and valuable information from previous researchers. The research results of the paper are inseparable from your collaboration and help. I would like to express my deep gratitude to you. I hope I can report to you with this article to thank you for your care and help, and for your continued support and encouragement. You will always be my spiritual support and motivation to keep moving forward.

  To all the people who have helped and cared about me, although all words pale in comparison to everything you have given me, I still want to sincerely say: Thank you!

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 7

  University life passed by in a flash, and when I looked back at the years I had passed, I felt fulfilled. When I finished writing this graduation thesis, I felt a sense of relief and a lot of emotion.

  First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my thesis advisor, Mr. x. She found time from her busy teaching work to review and revise my thesis. As well as all the teachers who have taught me, your rigorous, meticulous and meticulous style has always been my role model in work and study; their persuasive teachings and eclectic ideas have given me endless inspiration.

  I would like to thank my classmates and friends who have been with me during the four years, and for their helpful suggestions and opinions. With their support, encouragement and help, I have been able to fully spend my four years of study.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 8

  Time flies, and my university study life will soon pass. In these three years of study and life, I have gained a lot, and these achievements are inseparable from the people who have always cared and helped me.

  This thesis was completed under the guidance of my supervisor. From the beginning of thesis preparation to the present, after several months of repeated revisions, my thesis is nearing completion. I would like to especially thank my instructor, Ms. Xiao Pingping, for her careful guidance. In the process of writing my thesis, I have been receiving careful guidance from my supervisor Xiao Pingping. Teacher Xiao has devoted a lot of hard work and sweat, whether it is in the topic selection, overall design concept and data collection of the paper, or in the research methods and In terms of finalizing the paper, the instructors gave constructive inspiration and suggestions. Especially during the finalization of the paper, the instructor provided guidance many times to make the paper smoother and the content more complete. It was with Teacher Xiao Pingping’s careful teaching and selfless help that the research work of this article was successfully completed. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my respected mentor and wish you good health and success in your work!

  During the writing process of the thesis, I encountered many difficulties, many of which I could not solve by myself. It is precisely because of the valuable suggestions from many seniors and the help and support from my classmates and roommates that I was able to overcome the difficulties and doubts one by one and successfully complete this thesis. From you, I learned how to study, how to work, and how to be a human being.

  I want to thank my parents and family. No one loves me more than you. Your love for me makes me deeply feel the beauty of life. Thank you for your understanding, encouragement and support. You are the reason why I continue to achieve success. The eternal driving force of progress.

  Finally, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the people who cared and helped this paper, as well as all the experts who took time out of their busy schedules to review this paper and provide valuable comments!

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 9

  Two and a half years have passed by in a blink of an eye. I still remember the rainy day when I first arrived in Ancai. Because of the weather, everything became unsatisfactory, a strange environment, strange people, and strange streets. Although that day was not so beautiful, But it still exists in my memory, just like yesterday. In a blink of an eye, it was time to leave. There was a lot to say, a lot of emotions to vent, and a lot of people to thank one by one.

  This thesis was completed under the careful guidance of my supervisor, Mr. Zhang. He is quite approachable and allowed me to communicate with him freely about various problems encountered in the thesis. His innovative academic ideas always inspire me, and I really admire his rigorous academic attitude. From the selection of the topic to the completion of the thesis, Mr. Zhang devoted a lot of effort and often provided guidance on the problems and difficulties in the thesis. Especially in the final stage of thesis revision, he took the trouble to help me check for small loopholes in the thesis. Sharp eyes can penetrate an inconspicuous punctuation mark. Teacher Zhang not only made me feel the academic attitude that a scholar should have, but also taught me some principles of dealing with others. Here, I sincerely express my gratitude to Teacher Zhang! At the same time, I would also like to thank Teacher Wu Yunliang, Teacher Zhang Tinghai and other teachers who gave me pertinent suggestions during the thesis proposal stage.

  In addition, I would also like to thank my family who have always supported my studies. They gave me the opportunity to study. It is their silent dedication that allows me to study with peace of mind until now. I will slowly repay you after I graduate. As the thesis is about to be completed, I feel hard to calm down. There are so many classmates and friends who have given me great help during my graduate studies. Please accept my sincere gratitude.

  Due to the rush of time and my own low academic level, I kindly ask all the teachers and classmates who read this paper to criticize and correct the problems in the paper. Thank you very much!

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 10

  Time flies, and the two-and-a-half-year master's degree career is about to come to an end. As the paper is about to be published, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who have taught me, helped me, and inspired me.

  First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to my supervisor, Professor Huang Chuanxin. Mr. Huang’s profound knowledge, rigorous academic attitude and approachable life style deeply influenced me and benefited me throughout my life. This article has received careful guidance from Teacher Huang in the topic selection, writing, revision and finalization. Teacher Huang’s sincere teachings on my attitude towards life, ideological quality and other aspects will definitely inspire me to persevere and be courageous in my future life. forward.

  At the same time, I would like to sincerely thank all the leaders and teachers of the School of Economics, especially Professor Zhou Jialai, Professor Zhu Daocai, Professor Li Gang, Associate Professor Zhang Shijie and Teacher Wang Zengyang. You have given me a lot in both study and life. Their guidance and help made me feel their meticulous care and warmth.

  I would also like to thank my classmates. Thank you for accompanying me through this period of youth, and thank you for allowing me to gain precious friendship and happiness. I would like to especially thank my roommates Shao Lei, Li Zhao and Han Yongqiang for their help in my study and life. It is your concern that makes me extremely warm. I will always cherish this sincere friendship.

  Finally, I would like to thank my parents and family for your hard work and your understanding, encouragement and support. This is the driving force for me to keep moving forward. It is my greatest wish that you will always be healthy and happy.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 11

  Time flies, and my two-and-a-half-year postgraduate career is about to come to an end. I have gained a lot from this learning experience. If my undergraduate study life was confusing, then the postgraduate stage made my future life direction clearer. During this period of study, I not only learned professional knowledge, but also met many excellent teachers, classmates, and friends, from whom I learned the principles of life and knowledge. Now, I am about to end my days at school and enter the university hall of society. I will experience more and encounter more difficulties in the future, but the accumulation during this period is an inspiration to my life. a valuable asset. Here, I would like to thank the teachers, classmates and friends who taught me knowledge and helped me when I was in difficulty.

  What I am most grateful to is my supervisor, Associate Professor Zhang Shijie. When I was just recommended as a graduate student, I first met my current supervisor, Teacher Zhang. At that time, he took me and my senior brothers and sisters to do things together. I was very happy to have such an opportunity to learn from the teacher and senior brothers and sisters. Although it was a bit hard during that time, it was very fulfilling. Later, perhaps due to fate, I was lucky enough to become Teacher Zhang’s student. I would like to thank the teacher for carefully revising my paper every time. When I send the paper to the teacher's email, the teacher always responds to me very quickly, even the punctuation marks are marked in red for me. I remember all these bits and pieces in my heart. Over the past two years, my teacher’s rigorous academic attitude and the way he dealt with people have deeply affected me, and I am truly grateful to him.

  At the same time, I would also like to thank all the teachers in the School of Economics such as Professor Zhou Jialai, Professor Zhu Daocai, Professor Fan Dijun, Professor Li Gang, Associate Professor Wang Zengyang, etc. for helping me solve problems in life and study during my graduate career. I sincerely appreciate all the teachers, thank you for your careful teaching, which enables me to thrive.

  I would also like to thank my senior brothers and sisters. Whenever I encounter difficulties, my brothers and sisters are the most direct and easiest people to get help from. They always take the trouble to answer my questions. When the teacher assigned a task, the junior brothers and sisters tried their best to help me complete the task. Here, thank you for your company, which makes my graduate student life more meaningful.

  Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the people who gave birth to me and raised me, my parents. From elementary school, junior high school, high school, to university, for nearly 20 years, they provided me with education and enabled me to enter higher education.

  Over the years, their selfless dedication and silent support let me know that you have such a strong backing behind me. Thank you, my father and mother.

  Here, I wish all the teachers and students a prosperous career and all their wishes come true.

  Graduation thesis acknowledgments for college students Part 12

  The insight, profound knowledge, rigorous academic attitude, work style of excellence and dedication to science left an unforgettable impression on me. These have benefited me a lot and will become the motivation for me to devote myself to science and career throughout my life. .

  During the three years of studying for my master's degree, my supervisor not only created a superior scientific research and learning environment for me, allowing me to fly freely in the field of computer science, but also gave me sincere teachings in terms of thinking, life attitude and will quality. The lessons learned will definitely inspire me to move forward bravely in my future life.

  I would like to sincerely thank Dr. XX and my senior fellow, Master XX, from the teaching and research section. They not only gave me academic guidance, but also helped me in life. I learned a lot from them. Thanks to the project team members for their mutual assistance and cooperation in project development. It is the collective efforts that make the project progress smoothly.

  I would like to sincerely thank my roommates and classmates. Their groundbreaking research has expanded my academic horizons, and countless debates and discussions have made my research work make great progress.

  I sincerely thank my parents and other relatives and friends for their care, support and understanding. Without their care, encouragement and support, I would not be able to complete my current master's degree.

  Finally, I would like to thank all the teachers who have educated and helped me. Sincere thanks to the experts and professors who devoted their precious time and hard work in reviewing this paper!


Mr. Liu, an expert on nameology, acknowledgment speech for college students’ graduation thesis picture 2

Mr. Liu, an expert on nameology, acknowledgment speech for college students’ graduation thesis, picture 3

Liu Lijue Teacher Liu is a teacher from Zixing College

Yes, Teacher Liu Lijue is a doctoral candidate at Central South University. She is an expert in artificial intelligence algorithms and robot planning algorithms. She has 20 years of project experience.

Mr. Liu, an expert on nameology, acknowledgment speech for college students’ graduation thesis picture 4

The above is all about the onomastics expert Mr. Liu, the graduation thesis acknowledgments of college students, and the related content on the onomology experts. I hope it can help you.

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