
Contents of this article

  • 1. The non-mainstream personalized signature in traditional Martian characters is sad.
  • 2. Non-mainstream Martian script personalized signature with symbols
  • 3. Non-mainstream Internet name and personalized signature in Martian script

Non-mainstream personalized signature Martian traditional Chinese characters are sad

1. 涐眞の莈无誃郥濄,岢媞莈不伱涐眞の卍獷楽

2. ①嗰亽菰 single fall 陙陥恠恰氰亽菰 singly fall 陙陥恠沰窞玈Look at 卟迿①Si嶶鰯茪线

3. Pinya's face is wandering around, but it is lost in an instant.

4. Remember what you should remember.

5. It is easy to affect your mood, but how can you squeeze it in?

6. If you look at the situation, it will not matter in the end.伱 Brings 涐の嗳︶

7. The silent and silent sleep is mixed with wisps of sadness.

8. ⌒御侞忄埖, who can subscribe to the sadness.

9. I am crying.

10. Those who talk about chanting "债卟荡衯开の亽" have long since disappeared! <ph18>噙呿婄卟卟哙呿右

13. I want to say something, but I am afraid to say it.忿, look at the memory of Yi Sheng. 谩詩の, 人媞伱赱濄の Traces.

15. The 姠ㄖKui莈冇ㄋ冭阳, the 姞冭阳のleave, and the 姞姠ㄖKuiのabandonment.

16. Mo Yan is a kind of familiarity that ゐㄋ avoids.

17. 眞㊣の蕜剧卍卞Ya忿,啕偠偠偨僦崾濿达埘のYa呿.

18. The reason why it hurts virtue is because of extravagant hope and disgraceful virtue.

19. There are some emotions that cannot be enjoyed.

20. I am thinking about Lai Cai.

21. It hurts to get used to it.

22. 卌俓の埘茪, 呮褦恠涙фstill 把

23. 苡偂说濄永怺卟哙Leaveの亽appear恠濞赱ㄋ

24. The love song of 涐忓ぬ玖ぬ獟厛崇ゐ冇冭胃冭胃の卟獷楽

25. The most cruel thing in this world is, 卍媞博卟迿, 侕媞Already angry.

26. The brilliant smoke blooms with loneliness.

27. The fallen leaves are floating in the air.

28. Lu is still wearing her head, and her head is wandering.

29. When you see through ① 苆の埘堠, ォ倁橩___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PIPE____, you will feel at ease.

30. Revenge ① That's all, but it hurts.

31. When I wake up, I will wake up and wake up.

32. When the pain hurts, there is no one to comfort you.

33. It has been healed for a long time, but it is still injured inside.

34. It’s so hard to lose sight of the missing arrow.

35. But always thank you, Lai濄涐の圊舂

36. 涐夜呿の卟 is just a thank you, but I still don’t have a 卌俓の涐.

37. The patient was given a real penis, but it was replaced with a painful knife.

39. Chung wine. Drink, burn, and leave.

40. Standing high and touching the ground.

41. The person who wants to be with you is a porridge, but the person who is left behind has no idea.

42. The beginning of the beginning, the beginning of the child, the end of the year, the end of the year.

43. The journey of 晟淳の偝逅卍卟ゐ亽倁の

44. Those who care about you, those who care about you.

45. It doesn’t hurt.

46. 甡芞, 妦ぬ如洎 has been drinking ㄋ毐medicine, and 祕hope to be treated with pain. <ph90>繻崾亽Guan 吢の埘堠, 伱ㄡPIN ㄋ.

49. In the end, regrets will be filled.

50. Over-the-top memories, who still remembers who?

Non-mainstream signature Martian script, non-mainstream personalized signature Martian script in traditional Chinese characters sad point picture 1

Non-mainstream Martian script personalized signature with symbols

Personalized signature Martian text:
1.┇Affiliation┇ oοゞIgnoring people is my specialtyゞοo
/ Please don’t say to Russia /, ﹙Love Russia﹚.
First-term note: ⒉oo⒎‰ Oh, I must learn to be obedient...
————I’m used to it①rén≈quietly and stupidly
Every tear is a kind of longing ﹎oО ┄ also ⒋ ending; abide by our d'' agreement﹏﹖ × ×

2. Weird personality╛___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____﹎. Cute temper╰``╯ ◇.﹎.Put on a ㄗòsら. { .o╰.ヤ.{Look in the mirror^Θ^
|ヾОo地赇无䱱﹏⒈turn like this〃
詩ˉ It's not a "cactus", so why bother pretending to be strong?
┕◆I want to wait for you to accept it. ']

3. ◆__ωǒ I can’t even cook rice... Where is the [cooking] page?
-[◆. ” 茺菂丗堺,.﹏;*.All that’s left is﹌.Lollipop*.?
Do you think I will give up right now____? {I will definitely succeed}, just wait and see∨!~
╚> 555555°555吖! See you soon!
⒈⒉⒊. Good voice and good posture.

4.灬- ゛>「兲灵灵」 地灵灵」 ﹎ ɑ .`One more ice cream?
┃奥糖 or 无糖蔸觌 come*°
⿲夲人◆℡ If you are dead% and encounter the 丄 line; it is purely a "ghost".

Personalized signatures are not mainstream:
1. ■□ヽ There is nothing more touching than hugging you without a personalized signature
If I smoke one day, it is because I miss the smell of you.
You have been here for ① my whole life, and I miss you for my whole life.

2. ◆◇ ゝ″ Although we hate you, at least we once loved you, forget it, do whatever you want, I don’t care.
Listening to music to regulate your emotions, what you shed instead is tears...
╰︶ ̄No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they turn into dust
Your promise to me has turned into an irreversible journey.
Is anyone willing to marry me?

3. ◆◇"y1 Old and unforgettable. ∥ The days we spent together
Now like this, any thoughts and trivial matters are a kind of anxiety and helplessness.
◇丶-Sometimes, the person we fall in love with is not TA, but An Yi╮
When there is no McDonald's next to KFC, I think I can say I love you.
☆ I like...やpeeking at...ゞě.伱's faceぐ☆.

4.℡╮-Socera has no bottom |℡╮-My heart also sinks
◆◇ is in the hands of ╄伅┢┦I can only rely on myself┾to master it
╰ The oath, after packaging, becomes It becomes a lie.
Net name: 丶Na萮°素ぜ情﹏
Personal signature: ▓, worry【☆┃(…What kind of love↘ ┃(…祢ca1Understand↘┃(…What kind of love↘┃( ...can make n1 moved.]

Non-mainstream signature Martian script, non-mainstream personalized signature Martian script in traditional Chinese characters sad point picture 2

Non-mainstream internet name and personalized signature in Martian script

  You can’t do things based solely on your own feelings, and you can’t do things based solely on your own feelings. Acting on impulse will lead to trouble. Below are all non-mainstream personalized signatures compiled by me. Come and take a look. If you like it, come and pick one.
  Non-mainstream personality signature [Personality]
  1. It is all because of the impact of mathematics that I am as strong as I am now.

  2. ╮ Today in the 2nd century, the streets are full of light bulbs ╲╲Ⅱ,

  3. Thank you to everyone who has accompanied me till now. People, especially those who plan to go on with me.

  4. -Lee Min Ho, how can you be so handsome.

  5. When I am bored, I look in the mirror and say, "Mirror, Mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful in our class."

  6. It’s time to buy a ticket to heaven and talk to Yue Lao

  7. Put your cold hands in winter My friend’s warm body is the cutest thing~

  8. I’ll cover you when you eat, and you’ll look after me when I’m playing with my phone.

  9. A girl’s voice: I will always have one less piece of clothing and one pair of shoes...but I will always have one more pound of flesh!

 < x3>10. Let Mingshou be my teacher in the new semester, and I promise that the bad students will counterattack the top students.

  11. After falling down, I changed my position and fell down - -

  12. Many people rely on their faces to make a living, but I am not. By mouth.

  13. Taking the essence and discarding the dross results in pregnancy.

  14. When the head teacher talks nonsense, it’s like chewing Xuanmai and can’t stop at all!

  15. Drowning Three Thousands, take them all.

  16. Learn like a dog and play like a gentleman.

  17. The most famous woman in history is not Pan Jinlian or Wu Zetian, but Grandma Rong

  18. Still here at this moment If you are a student at Qingguo Academy, you should have already made up your mind to be number one in your grade in mid-term.

  19. If feelings can be forced, then the world will be too boring.

  20. Life is like an angry bird↘When you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing

  21. Not going out If I don’t want to wash my hair, I won’t go out until I die
  Non-mainstream personality signature [Popular]
  1. When I want to find someone to admire, I will Go look in the mirror.

  2. I want to be a good boy, but my personality gradually tends to be a bad boy.

  3. If you want to marry in the future, you should marry someone named Wu. If you give birth to a son, your name will be Wu Jiecao, and if you give birth to a girl, you will be named Wu Changxin.

  4. Snowfall that does not prevent the start of school is just cute

  5. If "the person you like" and "food" You can only choose one, how do you choose a foodie? - Foodie: "Eat the person you like. "

  6. Let's break up. I'm not worthy of you because you are a QQ member.

  7. Since the school does not allow us to fall in love, why does it have to make us wear couple clothes?

  8. I am among the netizens The pioneer, because I have the glorious bloodline of spiders

  9. A zoo employee left, and the monument was engraved with: Bear came out, no attention.

  10. My friend said: He is handsome, but he cannot be eaten. I replied: If you are not handsome, you won’t even be able to eat!

  11. You think you are redundant, but in fact, you are really redundant!

  12. You and Me, Friendship Best Friends is an inspirational and youthful comedy drama.

  13. Want to marry but not fall in love.

  14. I just slapped my wallet, it was nothing, I just wanted it to swell.

  15. Mosquito Ζī gave me six bags in one night, but I have not agreed to its pursuit. . .

  16. There are two kinds of people I hate the most: one is racial discrimination; the other is black; the third is illiterate!

 <x3 >17. Are you collecting the days when you don’t talk to me and want to summon the dragon!

  18. Having breasts does not necessarily mean that the mother has money, and it must be the father.

  19. I want to be fat and turn into a bright moon to illuminate you skinny people!

  20. If there is magic, I want to become A little sun gives you light in the darkness and strengthens you when you are sad.

  21. It is said that eating food is the best way to eat food.

  22. That said, ぬ崾① raise your delicate hands and see what kind of things are still there.

  23. If you swallow a thorn, it will hurt and you will die if you pull it out.

  24. If I lied to you, I would be particularly unhappy if I said something like that.

  25. Who am I proud of? I bow my head, and when I come, I am a dog with clever words.
  Non-mainstream personalized signature [Popular]
  1. Try to do ①嗰墢好の亽,洇ゐ卟侞噫の亊情真のVery good.

  2. 逅拉の我,我卟侢ゐ你の囍动四;?gaudi, you ゐㄋHer,徕我,ゐㄋ我掎巳.

  3. The desire is so hot that the whole body is wet, and it becomes a strange thing that makes people feel comfortable.

  4. Every time I feel that I am in love with you, I want to do it.

  5. In our generation, carbonated drinks are not the only ones that you drink.

  6. I don’t have the desire to have sex all the time.

  7. If it’s cool for a girl to take the initiative to find me, then I’ll really love you.

  8. I asked what kind of porphyry I have the most sympathy for.

  9. That's it, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that it will become a habit.

  10. I said, when I want to leave the country, I should put it down, you see, I am confused.

  11. ∥: The injury, the real pain, (the pain) made me shed tears,


   13. Philip. If Xiaoyi and Ruoyun knew about it, their longing for you would slowly come to an end.

  14. ▓╰'The love between us is false, and there is no love.

  a) I know, there are some doηɡ sacrifices in the daily life.

  15. The chance encounter has been revealed, and the outline of the story is framed.

  16. If you live in your house, your house will belong to me.

  17. I think I want to say it, but I'm afraid I can't forgive it.

  18. 濄忿のㄡ何苾恠思, 濄呿のㄡ何苾恠恠, 濄呿のLet 咜濄忿, 濄忿不恞恠, 恠The future is uncertain!

   19. In fact, I don’t know how to listen to you, but I don’t know how to listen to you.

  20. 珴罒丆罒{lacrimal gland depletion} ㄋ.?

  21. You laugh, you laugh, you cryろ, we will meet each other for a few days, and you will be touched by your emotions.

In addition to "non-mainstream personality signature", others have also seen:

1. 2015 non-mainstream domineering personality signature

2. Super classic non-mainstream personalized signature

3. 2017 signature non-mainstream mood new version

4. Super non-mainstream QQ personalized signature

5. Non-mainstream is the most domineering The most amazing personalized signature

6. Inspirational personalized signature with non-mainstream Martian text

Non-mainstream signature Martian script, non-mainstream personalized signature Martian script in traditional Chinese characters sad point picture 3

The above is all about the sad points of non-mainstream signatures in Martian script, non-mainstream personalized signatures in traditional Chinese characters, and non-mainstream signatures. I hope it can help you.

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