Taro - a perennial tuber plant, often cultivated as an annual crop. The leaves are shield-shaped, with long and fat petioles, green or purple; a shortened stem forms at the base of the plant, which gradually accumulates nutrients and enlarges into a fleshy bulb, called "taro" or "mother taro", which is spherical, oval, oval or massive. wait. Each node of the mother taro has a brain bud, but the axillary buds in the middle and lower nodes are the most active, and the first tillering occurs, forming a small bulb called "child taro", and then "grand taro" occurs from the child taro. Under suitable conditions, great-grandson or great-great-grandson taro can be formed. Effects of losing weight: taro is sweet, pungent, slightly toxic, neutral in nature, and returns to the intestines and stomach meridian; it has the functions of benefiting the stomach, reducing swelling and relieving pain, widening the intestines, detoxifying, tonifying the liver and kidneys, dissipating stagnation, regulating qi, resolving phlegm, and clearing the intestines. It has the functions of defecation, benefiting the stomach, strengthening the spleen, and replenishing the marrow. Taro is rich in calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, sodium, carotene, iron, niacin, saponin and other ingredients. Its rich nutritional value can enhance the body's immune function. It can be used as a common dietary staple food for preventing and treating cancer. Its rich vitamins can activate cells in the body and accelerate metabolism, thereby achieving the purpose of weight loss. Taro is a must-have nourishing food in autumn and winter. It tastes sweet and glutinous, and has the functions of appetizing, promoting body fluids, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, tonifying qi and nourishing the kidneys. In addition, taro has a high fluoride content, which can protect teeth. Nutritious, delicious, nourishing and rejuvenating taro recipe: Braised taro Ingredients: ten taro, a little green onion, a little ginger, four cloves of garlic, half a large red pepper, appropriate amount of oil, A little salt, an appropriate amount of sugar, a little thirteen spices, a little star anise cooking steps: 1. Clean the taro. 2. Put water in the pot and turn on high heat. After the water boils, add the taro, cover the pot and cook for about 20 minutes. 3. Peel off the skin of the cooked taro, cut the taro in half from the middle and set aside. 4. Mince the ginger, garlic and pepper, and cut the green onion into small pieces. 5. Put oil in the wok, heat the oil 70%, add sugar, fry the sugar until brown, then add taro, so that the taro is evenly coated with sugar color. Add onion, ginger, garlic, chili, thirteen spices, star anise powder and salt and stir-fry until fragrant. 6. Add water to the pot. The water should cover the taro. After the water boils, turn to medium heat and simmer. 7. Remove from the pot after the juice is reduced. 8. After putting it on the plate, sprinkle some chopped green onion for decoration, and it’s ready to serve! Recipe Tips: It is best to wear gloves when cleaning taro to prevent taro from being allergic to human skin. Be sure to fry the sugar color well when frying it. If the sugar color is not fried well, you can also add dark soy sauce to remedy it. Taro steamed pork ribs Ingredients: One rib, 300 grams of taro, some sesame oil, appropriate amount of cooking wine, one tablespoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of steamed pork powder. Cooking steps: 1. Cut the ribs into small sections, soak in cooking wine for five minutes, and then clean them. 2. Use one tablespoon of oyster sauce, one tablespoon of cooking wine and two tablespoons of cooking powder to mix the ribs, seal with plastic wrap, and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours. 3. Peel the taro, wash it, and cut it into pieces for later use! 4. Dip the marinated ribs into the seasoning powder again, and then place them on a plate with taro. 5. Boil water in a steamer, put a few drops of sesame oil on the surface of the ribs, then put it on the steamer to steam until the oil in the ribs is steamed. Come out, sprinkle with chopped green onion and serve! Recipe Tips: It will be very itchy when peeling the taro skin, so try to wear gloves; the steamed pork powder contains salt, so be careful with the amount of salt! Happy dining friends! Garlic minced pork and taro shreds Ingredients: 250g taro, 100g meat, three garlic cloves, two spicy millet, one chive, appropriate amount of oil, a little salt, a little fresh soy sauce, light soy sauce A little, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a little chicken essence, a spoonful of chopped pepper juice. Cooking steps: 1. Peel and wash the taro, and cut into thin strips (the taro is the one with a trace of red when it is cut. This is the difference between taro and other ordinary taro. The obvious difference between taro), put the shredded taro on the cutting board and add a little salt to marinate for 20 minutes. (It should be less) 2. Place the shredded taro on the plate. 3. Cut the meat into small cubes, mince the garlic and millet, and chop the green onions. 4. Heat oil in a pan, add minced garlic and chopped chili and stir-fry until fragrant. 5. Add the minced meat and stir-fry until it changes color, pour in fresh soy sauce, light soy sauce, a small spoon of oyster sauce and chicken essence, stir-fry evenly, add two tablespoons of water and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat. (There is not much minced meat, soy sauce contains salt, so don’t add salt, it’s better to have some soup) 6. Scoop out the minced meat and soup, and cover it in the middle of the shredded taro. Because there were a lot of shredded taro and the soup was a bit short, I added a spoonful of garlic and pepper juice (chopped pepper myself). 6. Boil water in a pot. After the water boils, add shredded taro and steam over high heat for six minutes. 8. Take out of the pan and sprinkle with chopped green onion while hot. Recipe Tips: Shred the fragrant taro very finely and steam it over high heat for six to seven minutes. If steamed for a long time, it will become difficult to hold it up. Cream sweet taro Ingredients: 5 taro, two spoons of butter, two spoons of condensed milk. Cooking steps: 1. Wash the taro. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the taro on the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and steam for 30 minutes. Cook until the taro becomes soft. Turn off the heat 2. When the taro becomes warm, peel off the skin 3. Use a spoon to press the taro into taro puree, the finer the better, then add condensed milk and cream, mix well 4. Put the taro puree into a piping bag, inside the piping bag To decorate the mouth. Use scissors to cut a small opening at the bottom. 5. Squeeze it into a container, decorate it slightly and it’s ready. Red bean and taro sugar water Ingredients: 1 taro, 100 grams of red beans, appropriate amount of brown sugar. Cooking steps: 1. Prepare the ingredients. 2. Wash the red beans and soak them for 2 to 3 hours. 3. Wash the taro, peel and cut into pieces. 4. Bring a pot of water, add red beans and taro to a boil, cook on high heat for 10 minutes, then turn down the heat and cook for 40 minutes. 5. Add brown sugar before turning off the heat and wait until it melts. 6. Whoever sees it gets a share, first come, first served! Recipe Tips: 1. Red bean, taro and sugar water can replenish qi and blood and increase liver function. It can also eliminate the symptoms of pale face caused by irregular qi and blood, and help eliminate toxins and fat from the body. 2. Choose red beans that are easy to boil. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]

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