
Contents of this article

  • 1. Complete collection of calculation formulas in the Book of Changes
  • 2.Book of Changes
  • 3. Why is the I Ching so accurate?
  • 4. Can the I Ching tell fortunes?

A complete collection of calculation formulas in the Book of Changes

The process of "throwing a coin" is technically called "making a hexagram". There are many ways to make a hexagram, and the immortals each have their own ways of playing it. The "coin hexagram method" recommended to you in this article is the simplest, convenient and easy to learn.

1. Open the wallet and take out three coins. The side of the coin with the currency value marked in words is the obverse; the side with the national emblem or flowers or other patterns is the back.

2. Find a quiet room and sit down honestly, clean your hands and burn incense first.

3. Hold the three coins in your hands with both hands. You must think clearly about what to count! Then concentrate your thoughts highly, meditate, and meditate hard.

4. Next, start shaking with your hand. After shaking it for a few times, throw the coin on the ground. Guess how many possible outcomes are possible when a coin is thrown? By the way, there are only four kinds: three are all front, three are all back, two are front and one is back. Write down the results, and use the back, that is, the side where the national emblem, flowers and other patterns appear, as the standard.

5. ★If a tail is rolled out ● ○ ○ It is an odd number, it is Yang, and it is recorded as Yang Yao ——.

6. ★If three tails are drawn●●●, it is also an odd number and also a Yang, but this number is a bit bigger and special, called Lao Yang. When recording, you must put a cross behind the Yang Yao: "——X".

7. ★If there are two back sides ● ● ○ even numbers, it will naturally be Yin, and it will be recorded as Yin Yao "-- --".

8. ★If there are zero backs ○ ○ ○ ○ it is considered an even number, it is Yin, and it is also quite special, called Lao Yin. When recording, you must put a cross behind the Yin line: "-- - -X".

9. Pay attention to the old yang and old yin with a cross at the back, which is the famous Yao change. Remember, Yao change!!!

10. Every time you shake it down, It’s not certain how many changes will come out. Why is it called a change? Because the extremes of things must be reversed, the old Yang will become "- -" (Yin); the old Yin will turn into - (Yang). Remember this way of change, which is the essence of the "Book of Changes".

11. Shake six times in a row, and record the results of the six shakes on paper using the notation above. The order is from bottom to top! Write down from bottom to top! ! ! The result of the first shake is called the first line and is recorded at the bottom; the result of the second shake is the second line and is recorded above the first line, and so on until the sixth time is recorded. Congratulations on figuring out a hexagram! Try harder and remember: this hexagram is called the original hexagram, the original hexagram, the meaning of the original hexagram.

I Ching

I believe that guy is an old liar and he doesn't understand the I Ching at all. Otherwise, just ask him to kill a pest. If he is really that mysterious, he can kill pests with his mind. The original intention of the I Ching is a divination and philosophical work. If it reaches the highest level, it may be possible to move closer to immortality. I have never heard of it being able to kill people...

Why is the I Ching so accurate?

Hexagram 54 of the "Book of Changes", Guimei Hexagram, is a relatively difficult hexagram to understand. Most versions of "The Book of Changes" interpret the Guimei hexagram in the direction of marriage, which is called the Xiaxia hexagram.
In fact, the 64 hexagrams of the "Book of Changes" reveal the changing laws of the entire universe. The laws themselves are neutral. Only by returning to objectivity can we grasp the essence of the "Book of Changes".
The following uses the Guimei hexagram as an example to teach you how to read a hexagram in 3 minutes.
1. If the position is appropriate, it is in order; if the position is inappropriate, it is reverse.
In the process of change of all things in the world, there are only two dynamics: one is smooth and the other is reverse.
If the wind and water go smoothly, it will be auspicious if you are able to do things with ease;
If the yin and yang are against the qi, if you encounter obstacles everywhere, it will be unlucky.
So, when we look at a hexagram, we must first judge: Is the position of the hexagram appropriate?
Each hexagram has 6 lines from bottom to top, which are fixed and unchanged. The first line is an odd position, the second line is an even position, the third line is an odd position, the fourth line is an even position, and the fourth line is an even position. The fifth line is an odd position, and the sixth line is an even position.
(Simple sentence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, odd numbers are odd bits, even numbers are even bits)
These knowledge points have been taught to everyone before, and now I will review them.
Among them,
the odd position corresponds to the Yang Yao, which is positive; the odd position corresponds to the Yin Yao, which is incorrect;
the even position corresponds to the Yin Yao, which is positive; the even position corresponds to the Yang Yao, which is incorrect.
I drew it by hand, and it is obvious that:
In the Guimei hexagram, only the first and sixth lines are in the right position; the middle four lines are in the wrong position.
In the right position, it means conforming to the rules and good times;
In the wrong position, it means disobeying the rules and facing adversity.
Among the 6 lines, 2 lines are in the correct position, and 4 lines are in the wrong position. If converted into percentages, that is to say: in the Guimei hexagram, the proportion of good times is about 33%, and the proportion of bad times is about 67%.
In other words, in the Guimei hexagram, only 30% of the situation is favorable, and the remaining 70% is filled with adversity and difficulty.
Therefore, the hexagram of Guimei says: "Guimei conquers evil and has no profit. "
Summary: By analyzing the position of the six lines and words, whether they are correct or incorrect, you can judge whether a hexagram, as a whole, is favorable (auspicious, favorable) or adverse (unfavorable, unfavorable), auspicious and unlucky. Proportion, approximately what percentage. This way you can be aware of everything.
2. Whether there is a corresponding response between the inner and outer hexagrams and determine the interaction trend between the subject and the environment.
Each hexagram is composed of a lower hexagram and an upper hexagram (also called inner hexagram and outer hexagram).
Among them,
the first line corresponds to the fourth line;
the second line corresponds to the fifth line;
the third line corresponds to the sixth line.
Yang Yao corresponds to Yin Yao, and the combination of Yin and Yang means there is a response.
In the Guimei hexagram,
the first line is yang, the fourth is yang, yang meets yang, there is no response;
the second line is yang, the fifth yong is yin, yang meets yin, Yes, inner yang and outer yin.
The third line is yin, the sixth line is yin, when yin meets yin, there is no response.
Analysis from this:
Among the 3 combinations, 2 groups have no correspondence. Yin and Yang do not respond, which is what the ancients said is that heaven and earth do not communicate with each other, and all things are not prosperous;
Only one group responds. As mentioned above, the second and fifth lines of the Guimei hexagram are not in the right position. It is appropriate but not in the right position. How to understand it?
Nei Gua corresponds to the subject. If the subject is a person, in this case, inner yang and outer yin means that the inner strength is strong, but the external execution power is weak. As is often said: there is more than enough heart but not enough power.
Summary: By analyzing the correspondence between inner and outer hexagrams, we can determine the state of affairs: the mutual relationship and influence of inner and outer.
3. To see patterns through phenomena, we must look three steps further.
By analyzing the above two steps, we can see the hexagram of Guimei: adversity is dominant, there are too many obstacles and difficulties, and people do things with more than enough will but not enough energy.
So, some people say that the Guimei hexagram is the Xiaxia hexagram.
If you draw a Xiaxia hexagram, you must be worried and think you are unlucky, right?
However, experienced people will tell you another truth: only when you get the Shang Shang Gua, you should be worried. In Xiaxia hexagram, crises and business opportunities coexist, giving birth to huge opportunities.
In addition to studying the "Book of Changes", I also study the "Tao Te Ching" and "Zhuangzi". The laws of these three are interlinked.
I also have a very interesting personal experience. For many years, no matter which temple I went to draw lots, I always got the right one. When I was young, I foolishly thought I was so lucky. However, the next ten years have been very difficult.
When I reach middle age, I look back and realize that it turns out: On the surface, it looks like you are extremely lucky, but the reality is that your good days have reached their peak and you are about to go downhill.
On the other hand, let’s look at the lottery. On the surface, it looks extremely unlucky. The rule is that when things go to extremes, they will turn against you. You are about to counterattack.
Summary: Combining my own practical experience and the experience of studying the "Book of Changes", I suggest everyone: when studying the "Book of Changes", you must not just look at the superficial phenomena, but see through the phenomena to see the essence; at the same time, our perspective , but also look three steps further.
Ordinary people only see the first year of junior high school, but you have already predicted what will happen on the fifteenth day. Prediction is not magical. Anyone who can study the rules can see further and think deeper than others through regular analysis.
Mr. Cai Zhizhong, a master-level Taiwanese cartoonist who is proficient in Chinese studies and has drawn hundreds of schools of thought into cartoons, said: “Everyone can be a hundred times more powerful, but they just don’t believe it. ”
I very much agree with this point of view.
Some people study the Book of Changes to tell fortunes and make money.
According to me, people who think this way are too small. If you can really analyze patterns, grasp trends, see more accurately than others, think further than others, and make decisions with high accuracy, you should start your own business. This is the role of studying the "Book of Changes" to make yourself more powerful, roaring in the sky, and realize your ambitions.

Can the I Ching tell fortunes?

The Book of Changes is the source and ancestor of all fortune-telling methods. The fortune-telling methods of Four Pillars, Qimen, Plum Blossoms, and Copper Coins that have appeared in history are all based on the Book of Changes. For fortune telling, the Book of Changes is the biggest reference. The Book of Changes is very magical, fortune telling is just a superficial thing, and those who are good at changing it will not appreciate it. The I Ching is all-inclusive and one of the oldest books in China. It has greatly influenced Chinese civilization and can even be said to be the source of Chinese civilization.

The above is all about the magic of I Ching character testing, the complete collection of I Ching calculation formulas, and the related content of the I Ching free character testing. I hope it can help you.

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