
Contents of this article

  • 1. Xiao Ming brought 00 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt in English
  • 2. A collection of fun puzzle questions and answers
  • 3. What is the brain teaser for arithmetic problems?
  • 4. A complete collection of brain teasers for children

Xiao Ming takes 00 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt English

Although Xiao Ming brought 100 yuan (not a ticket) to buy things, he only gave the boss 80 yuan when he bought 75 yuan of things, so the boss only needed 5 yuan from him.

A complete collection of educational and interesting brain teaser questions and answers

Brainteasers are a form of entertainment and a popular word game. It is a language game that exercises people's thinking. What are some interesting brain teasers? Below I will bring you the 2021 puzzle and fun brain teaser questions and answers, I hope they can help you!

2021 Kids Brain Teasers and Answers

1. Why does Xiao Li always spend three days fishing and two days drying nets? Answer: Xiao Li is a fisherman

2. Can people living in Macau be buried in Shanghai? Answer: How can living people be buried?

3. What characters are commonly used around the world? Answer: Arabic numerals

4. What moves around the house but cannot touch anything? Answer: Sound

5. Xiao Ming found out that his room had been burglarized, but he was not nervous at all. Why did he answer: That was someone else’s room.

6. What are you punished for even though you clearly didn’t do it? Answer: Doing your homework

7. Shasha claims to be an expert in identifying the age of hens. Her trick is to use her teeth. Why? Answer: Eat the chickens to identify the age of the hens.

8. How much time does it take to finish studying at Peking University? Answer: One hour is enough

9. Xiaohong and her mother are both in the same class. Why is this? Answer: One is a student and the other is a teacher.

10. A marshal is one level higher than a general. When are marshals and generals equal? ​​Answer: Play chess

11. There is a colorful penguin in the world! Is it true? Answer: True (Tencent QQ)

12. Why does everyone say that Xiao Mao can eat human flesh without spitting out the bones? Answer: He ate a noodle man.

13. What is full of loopholes but still stands? Answer: Sponge

14. Whether they are wearing hats or not wearing hats, under what circumstances will they put their hats aside? Answer: When the barber is cutting his hair

15. What should you pay attention to during the exam? Answer: Invigilator

16. Xiao Wang is an excellent soldier. When he was on guard duty, he clearly saw an enemy approaching him quietly. Why did he turn a blind eye? Answer: Taking aim.

17. Jack is the fastest runner. Why does the commander punish him to use the toilet? Answer: Jack is a soldier and he runs away the fastest.

18. There are 100 birds on the tree. How can you catch them all at once without harming them? Answer: Take pictures with a camera.

19. A ewe and a lamb were grazing. An old wolf came and took the ewe away. The lamb followed obediently. What happened? Answer: The lamb was in the belly of the ewe. inside

20. Who has the longer legs among metal, wood, water, fire and earth? Answer: Fire (ham sausage)

Common brain teasers

1. Who is the boxing champion who can easily be knocked down?--Answer: Sleepyhead.

2. What is something that God doesn’t know and earth doesn’t know, but you don’t know and I know?--Answer: The sole of the shoe is torn.

3. A man is walking on the beach, but no footprints are found behind him. Why?--Answer: He is walking backwards.

4. A truck driver knocked down a motorcyclist. The truck driver was seriously injured, but the motorcyclist was fine. Why? --Answer: The truck driver was not driving at the time.

5. What is the first thing everyone should do when they wake up in the morning?--Answer: Open your eyes.

6. Can you write a red letter with a blue pen?--Answer: How difficult is it to write a "red" letter?

7. When the car turns right, which tire does not rotate? --Answer: The spare tire.

8. What is the difference between Confucius and Mencius?--Answer: Confucius’ disciples are on the left and Mencius’ disciples are on top.

9. Why did Xiao Wang learn one text from the first to the third grade of junior high school? --Answer: From the first to the third grade of junior high school, he learned one lesson in three days, which is not bad!

10. How many eggs can a person eat on an empty stomach at most?--Answer: One. Because after eating one, your stomach is no longer empty.

Children's math brainteasers

1.8 numbers "8", how to make it equal to 1000? Answer: 8+8+8+88+888

2. Xiaoqiang was only 6 points short of passing math, and Xiao Ming was only 6 points short of passing math. But Xiao Ming and Xiao Qiang’s scores are different. Why? Answer: One is 54 points, and the other is 0 points.

3. A well is 7 meters deep. A snail climbs up from the bottom of the well. It climbs 3 meters during the day and falls 2 meters at night. How many days does it take for a snail to crawl out of the well? Answer: 5 days

4. Someone bought a toy for 19 quick bucks and sold it for 20 quick bucks. He felt it was not a good deal, so he spent 21 quick bucks to buy it and 22 quick bucks to sell it. How much money did it make? Answer: 2 yuan

5. 100 buns, 100 people eat them, 1 adult eats 3 buns, and 3 children eat 1 bun. How many adults and how many children can just eat them all? Answer: 25 adults, 75 children

6. Xiao Wang went to the Internet cafe to open a membership card. It cost 20 yuan to open the card. Xiao Wang couldn't find the change, so he gave the network administrator a 50 yuan. The network administrator found back 30 yuan and gave it to the little queen. Xiao Wang found a 20 yuan change and gave it to the network administrator. After 20 yuan, the network administrator returned the previous 50 yuan to him. Who lost? Answer: The network administrator lost 30 yuan.

7. If one shot is fired every 1 minute, how many shots are fired in total in 10 minutes? Answer: 11 shots

8. A number after removing the first digit is 13, and removing the last digit is 40. What is this number? Answer: forty-three

9. A 2-meter-long rope tied a puppy to a tree trunk. Although the puppy looked greedily at a bone 2.1 meters away from it on the ground, it could not reach it. What method should the puppy use to grab the bone? What? Answer: Turn around and grab with your hind legs

10. Smoker A smokes 50 cigarettes a day, and smoker B smokes 10 cigarettes a day. Five years later, Smoker B smokes more cigarettes than Smoker A. Why? Answer: Smoker A smoked too much and died early.

11. If a number is 11 after removing the first digit and 50 after removing the last digit, what is the original number? Answer: fifty-one

12. There is a kind of bacteria that divides into 2 after 1 minute, and divides again into 4 after another 1 minute. In this way, it took an hour to put a bacterium in the bottle until it was full. If 2 of these bacteria are put into the bottle at the beginning, how long will it take to fill the bottle? Answer: 59 minutes

13. Put eggs into a basket. Assume that the number of eggs in the basket doubles every minute. In this way, after 12 minutes, the basket is full. So, when is the basket of eggs half full? Answer: 11 minutes

14. There are 100 teams competing to choose the champion. How many games are required at least? Answer: 99 games are required.

15. Use three 3’s to form a number? Answer: 3 to the 33rd power.

16. Xiao Ming brought 100 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt, but the boss only gave him 5 yuan. Why? Answer: Xiao Ming only gave the boss 80 yuan.

17. On her first day of kindergarten, Rose has never learned mathematics, but her teacher praised her for being one of the best in mathematics. Why? Answer: He only knows how to count.

18. How many cubic meters of mud are there in a pond that is 4 meters long, 3 meters wide and 2 meters deep? Answer: The pond is empty and has no mud.

19. Xiao Ming took 100 yuan to buy something worth 75 yuan, but the boss only gave him 5 yuan. Why? Answer: He only gave 80 yuan.

20. Can you use 3 and chopsticks to construct a number that is greater than 3 and smaller than 4? Answer: Pi "∏"

Classic brain teaser questions

1. You can do it, I can do it, everyone can do it. One person can do it, but two people cannot do it together. What is this doing? (Answer: dreaming)

2. How should you describe a woman who has been divorced fifty times? (Answer: Her ex-husband abandoned her)

3. It takes three minutes for three children to eat three loaves. How long does it take for ninety children to eat ninety loaves? (Answer: It also takes three minutes, ninety children eat at the same time)

4. What kind of wheel can only spin but not move? (Answer: the wheel of a windmill)

5. What has to travel the farthest distance on earth every day? (Answer: Earth)

6. What is the earliest Chinese surname? (Answer: Shan)

7. Iron will rust if left outside, but what about gold? (Answer: It will be stolen)

8. At what point does + not equal? ​​(Answer: When the calculation is wrong)

9. Two people live in an alley, only a few steps apart. They work in the same factory, but when they go to work every day, one always goes to the left and the other to the right. Why? (Answer: They live across the street)

10. When is it better to put your hands up in the air? (Answer: When someone puts a gun to your head)

11. Xiao Ming’s family lives on the fifth floor, but the elevator is broken and he didn’t take the stairs himself. He went up to the fifth floor and returned home. Is this possible? (Answer: His mother carried him upstairs)

12. A black, thick and hard stick is inserted into the hole and it feels warm. When it is pulled out, the customer has to pay (an industry) (answer: roasted sugar cane)

13. It’s hard even if you lick it, and it’s hard even if you don’t lick it. If you want to sleep comfortably, rub it (something on the human body) first (answer: teeth)

14. A thing that is short for Easterners and long for Westerners. After marriage, women can use the male thing. Monks have it but don’t use it (answer: human, surname)

15. What is the hardest thing? Girls like it the most, especially married women, they love it to death. (Answer: Diamond)

16. Amin was bitten by mosquitoes, one large and one small. Is the larger one bitten by a male mosquito or a female mosquito? (Answer: Male mosquitoes do not bite humans.)

17. In a house, there are oil lamps, heaters and fireplaces. Now, you want to light three appliances, but you only have one match. Which one should you light first? (Answer: Match)

18. There are two prisoners in a cell. One of them has to be imprisoned for a year for stealing, and the other is a robber and murderer, but he is only imprisoned for two weeks. Why? (Answer: Because the murderer has to be imprisoned to die)

19. Two people share five apples. What is the fairest way to divide them? (Answer: squeeze into juice)

20. Xiao Zhang’s car accidentally hit a telephone pole and caused a car accident. When the police arrived, there was a dead person in the car. Xiao Zhang said it had nothing to do with him, and the police believed it. Why? (Answer: Xiao Zhang’s hearse)

21. Why did a ferocious hungry cat run away when it saw a mouse? (Answer: Run after the mouse)

22. In the zoo, the elephant has the longest trunk, and which one has the second longest trunk? (Answer: baby elephant)

23. When a person walks on the beach, why can’t he see his own footprints when he looks back? (Answer: Walking backwards)

24. What animal did you kill but shed your blood? (Answer: Mosquito)

25. Two pairs of father and son went to buy hats. Why did they only buy three hats? (Answer: three generations)

26. Xiaohong and Xiaoli are classmates and live in the same street. They always go to school together, but when they leave the house every day, one walks to the left and the other walks to the right. What is going on? (Answer: They The doors of the houses are facing each other)

27. In a closely monitored examination, two students submitted identical papers. After the examiner found out, he didn't think they were cheating. What's the reason? (Answer: Both papers were blank)

28. Aunt Zhang talks non-stop all day long, but there is a month when she talks the least. Which month is it? (Answer: February)

29. There is a kind of place that specializes in teaching bad people, but no police dare to take action against it. What is this place (answer: detention center)

30. The news published in newspapers may not be true, but what news cannot be false? (Answer: The year, month and day in the newspaper)

Articles related to educational and interesting brain teaser questions and answers:

★ Collection of educational brain teaser questions and answers for children

★ Collection of interesting intellectual questions and answers

★ A collection of fun brain teasers selected questions and answers

★ Puzzle and funny children’s brain teaser questions and answers

★ Collection of classic and interesting puzzles and answers

★ Fun puzzles and answer analysis

★Classic funny brain teasers

★ A complete collection of intellectually interesting brain teasers and their answers

★ A collection of interesting puzzles and brain teasers for primary school students and their answers

★ Simple, classic and interesting brain teasers with answers

What is the brain teaser for arithmetic problems?

  The answer to the brain teaser is the result of the collision of the maximum correlation and the best correlation, and its entertainment comes from the contrasting effect between the maximum correlation and the best correlation. Below is the arithmetic brain teaser I prepared for you, I hope you like it!

  Arithmetic brain teasers (1)

  1. If the first digit in front of a number is removed, it is 11, and the last digit is removed, which is 50. What is the original number? Answer: fifty-one

  2. There is a kind of bacteria that divides into 2 after 1 minute, and divides again into 4 after another 1 minute. In this way, it took an hour to put a bacterium in the bottle until it was full. If 2 of these bacteria are put into the bottle at the beginning, how long will it take to fill the bottle? Answer: 59 minutes

  3. Put eggs into a basket. Assume that the number of eggs in the basket doubles every minute, so that after 12 minutes, the basket is full. So, when is the basket of eggs half full? Answer: 11 minutes

  4. There are 100 supporting teams competing. How many games are needed to choose the champion? Answer: 99 games are required.

  5. Use three 3’s to form the largest number? Answer: 3 to the 33rd power.

  6. Xiao Ming brought 100 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt, but the boss only gave him 5 yuan. Why? Answer: Xiao Ming only gave the boss 80 yuan.

  7. On her first day of kindergarten, Rose had never learned mathematics, but her teacher praised her for being one of the best in mathematics. Why? Answer: He only knows how to count.

  8. How many cubic meters of mud are there in a pond that is 4 meters long, 3 meters wide, and 2 meters deep? Answer: The pond is empty and has no mud.

  9. Xiao Ming took 100 yuan to buy something worth 75 yuan, but the boss only gave him 5 yuan. Why? Answer: He only gave 80 yuan.

  10. Can you use 3 and chopsticks to construct a number that is greater than 3 and smaller than 4? Answer: Pi "∏"

  11. Arrange 24 people in 5 rows and arrange them in 6 rows. How should they be arranged? Answer: Arrange in a hexagon.

  12. A word has forty-eight heads, and there is water inside that will not flow out. Guess a word. Answer: well. The key to this puzzle is to understand the four tens and eight heads, not forty-eight

  13. There are three empty rooms. One room has three lights, and the other room has three switches. Each switch can only turn on one light. If you can only enter each room once, how do you know which switch controls which A lamp? Answer: Enter a room with switches, turn on one of the switches, and turn it off after 5 minutes.

  14. Two chess friends played a total of 9 games in one day. They won the same number of times without a tie. What happened? Answer: Not all 9 games were played by the two of them.

  15. A pile of watermelons. Half of half is less than half of half of half. How many watermelons are there in this pile? Answer: 2

  Arithmetic brain teasers (2)

  1. I would like to ask: If you divide 18 into two equal parts, but you don’t get 9, how many more will you get?  Answer: 10 (divide from the middle)

  2. Xiaoli and her mother bought 8 apples. Her mother asked Xiaoli to put these apples into 5 pockets. Each pocket has an even number. Can you do it? Answer: 2 apples in each pocket. Apple, finally put all 4 pockets into the 5th opening

  3. Mom and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has a younger brother. How many people are there in this family? Answer: 7 (four daughters, one brother, father and mother)

  4. If one corner of a square table is removed, how many corners are left? Answer: 5 corners

  5. Yiliu (note: pay attention to the homophony) of three trees. To tie 10 horses, you can only tie singles but not pairs. How to tie them? Answer: One tree is just right for tying one horse ("Yiliu" is exactly one or six, So 1+6+3=10)

  6. What number makes women love and hate? Answer: Thirty-eight

  7. Please put the nine horses into ten horse pens on average, and make the number of horses in each horse pen the same. How to divide it? Answer: Put the nine horses into one horse pen, and then in this Harness nine more horses outside the horse pen

  8. The motorcycle is traveling north at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. There is an east wind with a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. In which direction does the smoke from the motorcycle blow? Answer: There is no smoke from the motorcycle.

  9. The train takes 6 hours from Beijing to Shanghai. After 3 hours of travel, where should the train be? Answer: On the tracks

  10. What is the largest number that can be composed of 1, 2, and 3? Answer: 3 to the 21st power

  11. The teacher brought five apples in a basket and planned to distribute them to the five children. Each child received one, but there was still one left in the basket. How to distribute them? Answer: One for five people, four times.

  12. What does it mean to have 6 legs but only use 4 to walk? Answer: Knight

  13. 24 people are arranged in 5 rows and arranged in 6 rows. How should they be arranged? Answer: Just arrange them in a regular hexagon.

  14. 5 chickens lay 5 eggs in 5 days. How many chickens are needed to produce 100 eggs in 100 days? Answer: Still five chickens

  15. 3 people use 3 buckets of water in 3 days. How many buckets of water do 9 people use in 9 days? Answer: 9 pokes

  Arithmetic brain teasers (3)

  1. It takes three minutes for three children to eat three loaves. How long does it take for ninety children to eat ninety loaves? Answer: three minutes

  2. How to use the simplest method to make the equation X+I=IX true? Answer: 1+X

  3. A pair of high-end women’s leather shoes costs 214 yuan, 50 cents and 6 cents. How much does it cost to buy one? Answer: One is not for sale.

  4. There are three children playing guessing games. One shows scissors, one shows rock, and one shows paper. How many fingers do the three of them have in total? Answer: sixty

  5. What is one thing that wastes one third of a person’s life? Answer: Bed

  6. Can an 11 cm long ruler be engraved with only 3 integer scales, so that it can be used to measure the length of any integer centimeter long object between 1 and 11 cm? If so, which scales should be engraved? Answer : The scale can be located at 2, 7, and 8.

  7. There was a true-false question in the exam, and Xiaohua rolled the dice to determine the answer. But there were 20 questions, so why did he throw them 40 times? Answer: He wanted to verify it again.

  8. It takes 30 seconds for a wall clock to strike six times. How many seconds does it take to strike 12 times? Answer: 66 seconds

  9. When does 4-3=5? Answer: When the calculation is wrong

  10. Aunt Wang has three sons. Each of these three sons has an older sister and a younger sister. How many children does Aunt Wang have? Answer: five

  Arithmetic brain teaser related articles:

1. Classic math brainteasers

2. Ten math brainteasers

3. Ten brain teasers about mathematics

4. The most difficult math brainteasers and their answers

5. Complete collection of mathematical brain teasers and answers

6. Classic math problem brain teasers

7. Math brainteasers to test IQ

A complete collection of brain teasers for children

Brain teaser question: Xiao Ming's father found someone to sit down at, and Xiao Ming also found a place to sit down in the same room, but Xiao Ming's father couldn't sit in Xiao Ming's seat. Where was Xiao Ming sitting, and why? [Brain teaser answer: Xiao Ming is sitting on his father’s lap]
Brain teaser question: What are the benefits of dark skin? [Brain teaser answer: Not afraid of tanning]
Brain teaser Sharp turn question: Three people wanted to cross the highway. No vehicles passed at that time, but there were only two people on the sidewalk on one side. Where did the other person go? [Answer to the brain teaser: On the other side of the highway]
Brain teaser question: Three people were walking on the street holding an umbrella, but they didn’t get wet. Why? [Answer to the brain teaser: Because it didn’t rain]
Brain teaser question: What would you do if you gave birth to a child with only one right hand? [Brain teaser answer: Nonsense, no one has two right hands. 】
Brain teaser question: Two planes full of passengers collided in the air. Why was no one on the plane injured? [Brain teaser answer: Everyone on the plane died]
Brain teaser question: What is the first animal you see when you enter the zoo? [Brain teaser answer: conductor]
Brain teaser question: There is a boat with a limit of 50 people, but it has already carried 49 people. Later, a pregnant woman got on the boat, but the boat still sank into the water. Why? [Brain teaser answer: It’s a submarine]
Brain teaser question: There are two prisoners in a cell. One of them will be imprisoned for a year for stealing, and the other is a robbery and murderer, but Only two months, why? [Brain teaser answer: The murderer will be shot in two months. ]
Brain teaser question: A policeman has a younger brother, but the younger brother denies having an older brother. Why? [Brain teaser answer: Because the policeman is a woman. ]
Brain teaser question: The little mother is washing clothes, but after washing for a long time, her clothes are still dirty. Why? [Brain teaser answer: Because she washes other people's clothes]
Brain teaser question: A man whose marriage is broken has a knife on the table. What is he going to do? [Brain teaser answer: Learn to cook by yourself]
Brain teaser question: It rained heavily, and the farmers who were busy farming fled one after another, but there was still one person who refused to leave. Why? [Brain teaser answer: That’s a scarecrow]
Brain teaser question: The pigeon raised by dongdong laid an egg at Mingming’s house. Who should this egg belong to? [Brain teaser answer: Pigeon's]
Brain teaser question: What words are universal? [Brain teaser answer: Telephone]
Brain teaser question: Is the story of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves an Eastern or Western tale? [Brain teaser answer: None, it’s just Arabian Nights talk]
Brain teaser question: A piece of wood weighs 5 tons. How much load does a ship need to carry from upstream to downstream? [Brain teaser answer: You can transport wood from upstream to downstream without a boat by placing it in the water. 】
Brain teaser question: A truck driver knocked down a motorcycle rider. The truck driver was seriously injured, but the motorcycle rider was fine. Why? [Brain teaser answer: The truck driver is walking]
Brain teaser question: There was a fire in a building. Many people watched, but no one called the police. Why? [Brain teaser answer: It was the police who caught fire. Bureau Building]
Brain teaser question: Three gold "Xin", three water are called "Miao", three people are called "Zhong", so what should the three ghosts be called? [Brain teaser answer: Call for help] Brain teaser question: Why do white sheep eat more than black sheep? [Brain teaser answer: Because there are more white sheep than black sheep in the world]
Brain teaser question: Xiao Wang went to a meeting at noon, why didn’t he see half a person? [Brain teaser answer: There are no halves of a shadow. ]
Brain teaser question: Is there any way to make eyebrows grow under the eyes? [Brain teaser answer: To stand]
Brain teaser question: Xiao Ming drew a big circle. Do you know where to start when drawing a circle? [Brain teaser answer: From the tip of the pen Start]
Brainteaser question: There is half a bottle of wine, and the bottle is plugged with a cork. The bottle is not broken, the cork is not allowed to be removed, and the cork is not allowed to be drilled. , how to drink wine from the bottle? [Brain teaser answer: Punch the cork into the bottle]
Brain teaser question: A deaf-mute man went to the hardware store to buy nails. He stretched out the index and middle fingers of his left hand to make a clamp. Then he stretched out his right hand to make a hammer shape. The waiter took out the hammer for him. He shook his head and brought him the nails. He bought it with satisfaction. Then a blind man came and asked, how can he buy scissors? [Brain teaser answer: Blind people can talk]
Brain teaser question: In the dark night, Lao Wang was reading a book at home. His wife said: "It's too late, close the door." Go to sleep with the light on. "Just turn off the light. But Lao Wangli ignored him and continued to read, and he continued to read the book. What was going on? [Brain teaser answer: Lao Wang is blind and he is reading Braille]
Brain teaser question: What is the first action a driver makes after getting into the car he is driving? [Brain teaser answer: The first action is to sit down]
Brain teaser question: What kind of strong person should you never be? [Brain teaser answer: Robber]
Brain teaser question: Why is there no water under the bridge? [Brain teaser answer: Overpass]
Brain teaser question: Fangfang dropped her student ID card at the school gate. What should she do? [Brain teaser answer: pick it up]
Brain teaser question: What word is more appropriate to describe the agility of a clumsy person? [Brain teaser answer: haste]
Brain teaser question: There is a newborn baby. There are two children born in the same year, month and day, and to the same parents, but Is it possible that they are not twins? [Brain teaser answer: maybe triplets]
Brain teaser question: There was a fire in a building. After Lao Chen fled to the roof of the building, he had no way to go, so he fled to the roof of the building next door. , the two floors are only 10 centimeters apart, but Lao Chen fell to his death, why? [Brain teaser answer: There are two buildings, one with 30 floors and the other with 3 floors]
Brain teaser question: Which competition is Who can run backward faster? [Brain teaser answer: tug of war]
Brain teaser question: When eating an apple, take a bite... I saw a worm and felt very scary. Look When you see two worms, you feel scarier. How many worms do you think are the scariest? [Brain teaser answer: half a worm]
Brain teaser question: Xiao Ming brought 100 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt, but the boss only gave him 5 yuan. Why? [ Brain teaser answer: Xiao Ming only gave the boss 80 yuan]
Brain teaser question: What door can never be closed? [Brain teaser answer: Goal]
Brain teaser question: The pigeon raised by dongdong laid an egg at Mingming’s house. Who should this egg belong to? [Brain teaser answer: pigeons]
Brain teaser question: When beating a dog, it depends on the owner, but what should you look for when beating a tiger? [Answer to the brain teaser: It depends on whether you have the guts]

The above is the complete English content about Huang Ziming bringing 00 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt, Xiao Ming bringing 00 yuan to buy a 75 yuan shirt, and Huang Ziming's related content. I hope it can help you.

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